Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 17, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Woman's Mission Society
Holds Social Meeting
Following a most interesting session
of the Woman's Missionary society of
the Second Reformed Church, held
In the social hall Thursday afternoon,
refreshments were served.
In attendance were: Mrs. Harry
Nelson Bassler, Mrs. H. C. Eeone, Mrs.
Rufus Hart man, Mrs. John Plowman,
Mr* Carl E. Polen, Mrs. W. H. Cleck
ner, Mrs. George Gray, Mrs. Ora Bliz
zard, Mrs. D. H. Rhlnesmith. Mrs. G.
A. Fessler, Mrs. E. C. Snyder, Mrs.
Bessie Hollenbaugh. Mrs. Frank
Wedtz, Mrs. J. W. Martin. Mrs. Sam
uel Porter, Mrs. John pennls, Mrs.
iEUen Van Sant, Mrs. Annie Bmith,
Mrs. Wertz, Mrs. Fleck, Mrs. R. W.
Watts. Mrs. Flora Cusack, Mrs. Elmer
Mehrins Mrs. Edgar Smith, Mrs.
George Shook, Mrs. John Selsam, Mrs.
F. Kramme. Mrs. S. R. Wlngert, Mrs.
E. C. Weltmer, Mrs. Mary O'Leary,
Mrs. Harry Yingst, Miss Alice Strick
le, Miss Lucy Norlnger, Miss Lulu
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hunter gave
a small bridge party last evening at
their residence, 621 North Fifteenth
street, with the following guests in at
Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Lawson, Dr. and
Mrs. H. M. Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John S.
McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard
Hurd, Dr. and Mr 9. T. Edward
Members of the Paxtdkn Valley Club
will hold their annual lawn festival
n»>xt Tuesday evening, July 20, at Pax
tang avenue and Perry street. A com
mittee of twenty-live with Mrs. Arthur
Hamilton Bailey as chairman. Is mak
ing arrangements for a midway vaude
ville and many other attractions. The
proceeds will go toward the clubhouse
expected to become a reality in the very
near future.
Mrs. Washington Bierbower, of 227
South street, celebrated her seventy
third birthday on Thursday with an in
formal gathering at her home. Chil
dren, grandchildren and great grand
children were there, with some of her
old friends and neighbors to offer con
gratulations and extend good wishes.
Mr. and Mr«. Bterbower have cele
brated their fifty-fifth wedding anni
versary and both are In excellent
Mrs. S. F. Morne and W. J. Lees, both
of this city, were quletlv married y»s
terday at Germantown, by the Rev. Dr:
Luther DeYoe. a former pastor of Mes
siah Lutheran Church, this oitv TheV
will make their home at 17i6 Herr
street. |
Mt. Gretna Has Been Lively
During National Guard Camp
Special to The Telegraph
Mt. Gretna, Pa.. July 17.—A mili
tary hall was given Thursday evening
tin honor of Major General C. Bow
Dougherty. Among the Harrisburg
guests present were: Colonel and
Mrs. Livingston V. R&usch, Miss Mar
guerite Rauscta, John Rausch. Adju
tant General Thomas J. Stewart, Miss
Emma Stewart, Mrs. A. S. Yadakin,
Mrs. Fred Rocky, Mr. and Mrs. John
K. Hummel, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin!
W. Demmlng, Mrs. Mary McCarroll.
Miss Eleanor DeSUvery of Harris
burg will spend the month In the
Robert A. 8011, of Harrisburg:. is
the guest of Charles Segelbaum In the
Campmeeting Grounds.
Donald W. Carruthers has return
ed to his home in Harrisburg after a
week's stay In the Grove.
Miss Martha A. Fletcher has re-1
turned home after a week's visit with
Miss Marian Hean in the Chautau
qua Grounds.
Mrs. A. S. Vadakin and Miss Em
ma Stewart have returned to their
homes in Harrisburg, after spending
.the week as guests of Mrs. John K. |
Hummel in the Chautauqua Grounds.
Mrs. A. W. Rodgers and Miss Freeda
Matthes were guests of Mrs. Fred
Rocky at the Outlook cottage for the
Earl Wolf and Anson Smith cycled
from Harrisburg yesterday and spent
the night camping In the Grove
John Rausch, Willis Patterson.
Merrill Boerland and Wolford Qulg
ley are spending the day in Harris
Miss Anna Hays of Shippensburg is
spending several days with her sis
ter. Mrs. A. I. Miller at the Park
View. ,
Charles Mehring, of Harrisburg. af
ter hiking to Mt. Gretna returned
home by train yesterday.
Mrs. J. D. Hawken and Mrs. I
Charles Forney motored here and I
spent several days with Mrs. Jennie
Mrs. John Schreffer spent yesterday
with her mother, Mrs. W. O. Smith. '
Simeon Greer, of Lebanon, spent the '
day in the Grove.
Mrs. J. H. Strock of Carlisle and!
Mrs. J. B. Strock and daughter Miss'
Dorothy Strock of Reading are guests
of Mrs. Frank Strock at the "Moun
tain Home."
Mrs. Harriet Hammelbaugh and
Miss Katherlne Hammolbaugh have
opened their cottage In the Chautau
qua Grounds.
Miss Katherlne Thorn, of Harris
jburg, is the guest of Miss Dorothy
Duncan at the Idylwyld cottage.
Walter W. Hubley and sons, Wal
ter, Jr., and Alpheus of Columbia were
the guests of Mrs. Annie Hubley on
Miss Ruth Huntsberger of Harrls
berger is spending a short time In the
Miss Erma Henry of Harrisburg is
visiting friends in the Grove.
Mrs. William G. Hean, Miss Augus
ta Hean and Miss Marian Hean of
Harrisburg are summering in the'
Chautauqua Grounds.
Deaths and Funerals
G®orge Atticks Wallace, infant son !
of Mr. and Mrs. Ewlng Wallace 917 <
South Twenty-Second and One-Half:
street, died last night at his home
Funeral services will be held to-mor
row evening at 6 o'clock, the Rev. J.
D. W. Deavor officiating. Burial will
be made at New Bloomfleld.
Stanley Lutz, two-year-old son of
Mr. tund Mrs. Felix Lutz. 2005 Swatarn.
street, died yesterday afternoon at his
home, following a short illness. Fu
neral service^ were held this afternoon
at 4 o'clock,
Funeral services for Tony Deltri
rosso. aged 34 who died Thursday at
the county almshouse, were held this
morninr at 11 o'clock from the funeral I
chapel of Undertaker S. S. Speese.
Burial was made in the Mt. Calvarv I
cemetery. 1
I I ■ - T4. jk.
Miss Isabelle Leiby of Sunbury is spending part of her summer vaca
tion with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. David Attick at 1315 Mar
ket street. Miss Leiby is prominent in athletics in her home town and a
S o? r °. e Sunbury high school basketball team, where she plavs forward
She played here during last season.
Miss Ruth Shettel of Camp Hill, a
! clerk in the house furnishing depart
ment of the D. P. & S. store, started
this morning for a vacation trip with
her brother, Harry Bastin, by auto
mobile, to Dayton, Ohio.
They expect tb make the journey in
one day and Miss Shetter will spend
two weeks in Dayton with her sister,
Mrs. Shreiner, wife of Dr. Shreiner.
Mrs. M. A. Johnson of 273 Oalder
street, is home after spending five
weeks in visiting friends at York,
Hanover, Spring Grove and Atlantic
City. Some of these friends Mrs.
Johnson had not seen for forty years.
Miss Lillian Morgaridge left to-day
for her home at Gerry, Pa., after visit
ing Miss Dorothy Black and other
friends in this city for six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Howard Greena
walt of Brooklyn, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Gohl, 1003 North Sec
ond street, on the way for a fortnight's
stay at FayctteviUe. Mrs. Greenawalt
will return here later for a visit.
' Miss Elizabeth Kntsely, of Front and
Ma lay streets, is visiting Miss Ruth
Payne, at Old Sweet Springs, Va.
Mrs. Charles Foulk and daugh
ter, Helen, of Lancaster, are spend
ing the week-end with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Hall, 1424 North Sixth street.
Mrs. John Page who is spending the
summer at her cottage "CheUea" at
Marysville entertained the following
guests for a days' outing:
Mrs. John W. Finton, Mrs. James
Pennell, Mrs. William Chandler, Mrs.
Harry Kreps, Mrs. Harry Feltenberger,
Mrs. Charles Rhine. Mrs. Charles
Zimmerman, Mrs. William Yocum,
Mrs. .William Anderson, Mrs. E. For
ney, Mrs. Benjamin Moses, Mrs. Frank
Gemperling. Mrs. William McComas,
Mrs. Bert Lightner, Mrs. Harry Hall,
of Huntingdon, Mrs. P. D. William
son, Mrs. Annie Tomlinson, Mrs.
James Macklln. Mrs. John Holbert.
Miss Catherine Brown, Miss Katharine
Smith, Miss Catharine Faulkner, Miss
Helen Chandler and Miss Margaret
[Continued From First Page.]
ator John E .Fox, J. Horace McFar
land, president of the American Civic
Association, Mayor John K. Royal and
Secretary E. L. McColgin.
The first part of the trip took In the
Riverside Drive and in addition to ex
pressing his admiration of Harrisburg's
action in building the river wall and
the river parks the senator took the
liveliest interest In the Simon Cameron
and .1. Donald Cameron residences,
recalling his personal acquaintance
with those men.
Inspects Playgrounds
A detour enabled the senator to in
spect the playgrounds on the Island.
Because of his years of service on
river and harbor committees in Con
gress the senator was very much in
terested in the coal dredging fleet. He
remarked that it was much more
pleasant to see dredges engaged in the
useful work of taking coal out of the
river channel .than to have dredges
spending millions of the government's
money dredging "pork barrel" creeks
and bayous for commerce that would
always be purely imaginary.
The Hill section of Harrisburg was
also visited by the senator and his
party. He was delighted with the view
of the Lebanon, Susquehanna and
Cumberland Valleys from the top of
Reservoir Park. The senator was
very much Interested in the Mulberry
street viaduct, considering it one of
the best examples of concrete con
struction he had ever seen.
Views the Capitol
A call at the Capitol to leave his
card at the Governor's office and to
inspect the building itself under the
direction of Samuel Hambo was the
concluding part of the senator's visit
to Harrisburg.
As the Senator has served a number
of years on the Senate public buildings
committee, he looked the Harrisburg
building over from the viewpoint of an
Senator Burton considered the Sen
ate caucus room a much finer and bet
ter room for the purpose than the
Senate caucus chamber at Washington
and thought that the House of Repre
sentatives chamber was the equal of
any legislative hall in the world.
| This is the Birthday
Anniversary of
rV <" ,-V.f *
Dr. J. Becht, executive secre
tary of the State Board of Education,
who has made a name for himself and
for Pennsylvania by his work for <he
educational development of the com
monwealth. He will not celebrate until
July 26, when he will slip away for a
little vacation.
Miss Marie C. Higgins i s visiting at
the home of Professor Carl Louis Alt
maier at Lansdowne.
O. J. Lutz and Miss Madeline McKee
the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
R. F. McKee, 209 Boas street, are
home after a two weeks' visit with
the mother and sister of Mr. Lutz at
Elmira, N. Y.
Miss Kathreen Westbrook of Mel
rose. is home after a visit of several
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ruhl
at Reading and Wernersville.
Cucumbers are wholesome enough
when prepared In the Swedish style.
Slice them very thin and place them
in an enameled ware colander with
plenty of salt between the layers of
the cucumbers. Place on top, pressed
down by a flat Iron or some other
heavy weight, an enameled ware plate.
Leave this stand for several hours.
It Is Important to use enameled ware
In this case, as any metal may act
upon And darken the cucumbers.
Serve the cucumbers f«vith French
dressing after removing from the
colander. It Is surprising to note the
amount of white Juice pressed from
the cucumbers, and even delicate per
sons may eat them when they have
been treated in this manner.
Mr. and Mrs. John Grimm, Jr., of
Germantown, Pa., formerly of Harrls
burg, announce the birth of a son,
John Qrlmm, 3d, Wednesday, July
14, 1915. Mrs. Grimm was before
her marriage Miss Helen Rodearmsl
of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hellerman,
2138 Green street, announce the birth
of a daughter. Rebecca C. Hellerman,
[Monday, July 12, 1915.
(2!b ASTRICH'S 33
July Clearing Sale |5
VXK This Monday Special Ff '
V\J Great PANAMA HAT Sale;
Fifty Dozen Panama Hats at About One-Half Their Regular Prices
Every Panama Hat in our store should be sold at these prices. This sale breaks all records for prices, quality and variety of styles i
; 720 Dozen Panama Hats
' WORTH $2.00 AND $2.50, MONDAY
Excellent quality, I
J splendid shapes. We 0 B yl J I
/ / / closed out this little lot
| / yr at about one-half the M K *7 \ / \
1 // usual price. This price • \ \ / / C
V\ /A Monday only \ \/ /
&JriZfESZ. Mannish Panama Hats t2 £Z £sr ]
WHITE HEMP HATS shapes: full >' "° r,h $s 00 M °* da i' >
All large Sailors. Monday, All good shapes; worth $1.50. |
9 9_ Large Panama Hats 40! )
Sailor shapes and soft brims; value $5.00. d»Q Q o jj-— ——— C
HEMP SAILORS Monday $2!«00 Finest White Milan Hats J
Worth up to $4.00. Monday, Worth SB.OO. Monday, C
98c rj SI.BB >
f' rme rormosa Jranamas i -j
Telescope crowns, straight and roll brims; worth O O Q ' | 1 #
$4.00. Monday I w
White Milan |
Hemp Hats Leghorn Hats X 'f\ I
With black flanges; worth ... , V \ / w
$2.50. Monday, Worth U P t0 $ 4 - 00 - Monday, \\ // I
88c SI.BB [I \\
Monday Bargains in O
Black Silk Skirts Smart Suits For the Vacation Trip White Skirts j
| A beautiful Dolly Reduced Below Cost For Final Clearance . . C
i Varden model of fine Any cloth suit in our stock, formerly Latest model inC
i quality black taffeta, priced up to $30.00, offered Monday at w^lte pique, beauti-j
i new and very smart for ma^e * Regular!
[summer wear. Regu- $2.50 value. Monday)
| lar $8.98 value. Mon- Any genuine Palm Beach suit in our stock, special at I
| day special at formerly priced up tos2s, offered Monday at i
: $4.66 1 $<5.98 | sl-25 '
| A New Line of Fresh White Waists, With Dainty Touches of Embroidery, 1
All Sizes. Regular $1.25 Value. Monday Special at
There wat great interest in the golf I
tournament this afternoon at the!
Country Club of Harrisburg when the
York Country Club golfers met the
home team at the Lucknow course.
The visitors were met at the station by |
automobiles which conveyed them to I
the club where luncheon was served.
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Hetrlck have !
returned home after a stay in the I
mountains at Pen-Mar.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams and !
Mr. and Mrs. George Armor Snyder
have gone to Eaglesmere to spend two
The Misses Loretta B. Hemler and
Edith M. Hemler are visiting friends
in Chambersburg.
The Misses Irene Wlngert and Mil
dred Smith, of Cambersburg have re
turned home after a visit in this city.
Mrs. Rawn V. H. Davis and daugh
ter, Elizabeth, 142-5 North Second
stri-et, are visiting friends in Trenton
and New York city.
George Washington Heckert of York
was here yesterday and to-day and
took in the baseball games.
Miss Mary Hanlen, 108 Locust
street, has returned to her home, after
a visit at Briar Cliff Manor, N. Y.
Riverside Summer School
Expert preparation for COLLEGE AND
DENTS to shorten their time of prepa
Particulars of S. A. Allen at Harris
burg Academy between 10 and 12 a. m.,
or call Bell No. 361fi J2.
$3.00 Bifocal Order Good
Until July 24
Exclusive Optical Store
205 Locust St.
Eyes Examined. Lenses Ground.
Open Wednesday and Saturday.
Evening* until 9.
Opposite Orphcum i
'Young People Enjoy
Party at Colonial Acres
I A happy party of young people from
I this city was entertained last evening
lby Mr. and Mrs. Hanff at Colonial
j Acres. Fire works added to the pleas
ure of an informal program of music,
games and dancing.
Refrcsihments were served to Earl J.
I Hoffman, the Misses Dorothy Shannon,
Grace Leib, Barbara O'Neal, Lola
i Heisler, Mildred Walker and Mary|
Goodheart, William Haak, John
Frankenberger, Edward Shady, Meritt
Householder, John Parthemore and
James Updegraff.
Mrs. Mary Stambaugh "has returned
from Lewistown where she was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Jennie Smith.
D. C. Ummon Carter who was the
guest of Dr. George W. Bowles at
York has returned home.
Stieff Spells
Piano Satisfaction
The Stieff Piano is the
product of the best that
can be procured in ma
terials and workman
ship,—and only the best.
That's why the piano
buyer who puts a Stieff
in his home is always
212 North 2nd Street
JULY 17, 1915
I Mrs. Barnhart's Outing
For Sunday School Class
Mrs. Mary Barnhart of 322 Kelker
street gave her Sunday school class of
the Fifth Street Methodist Church
an outing at Paxtang Park yesterday.
The afternoon was spent in playing;
games and boating. Pictures were '
taken of the class.
Among those present were: Mrs. j
! Margaret Sutliffe, Mrs. Mary Barn-'
|hart, Miss Margaret Barnhart, Arthur'
L. Sutliffe, Harold Woods, William Ty
son, Harold keiby, Mrs. John Warner,
William Warner, Charles Young,
Donald Good, Mrs. Frank McCormick,
Richard McCormick, Mrs. Mary E. i
McCormick and Mrs. Sara McCormick. i
William Elder Bailey is a guest at |
the Wolcott Hotel during a stay in i
New York City.
Mrs. Mary Mummaw, of Enola, is j
visiting In Columbia.
*■ \|
Paxtang Park
IN i
s—Other Standard Acts—s
Fireworks Thursday Evening, |
Daily matinees free to children.
Israel Zanjfnlll'i world-wide success featuring WALKER WHITE
SIDE. First and only showing In Prnnsylvanls. and will •»«* withdrawn
Immediately after shtmlny:. here for two rinys. Shown at 10 a. ni. f 11.80
a. ni., 1 p. in., 3*Bo p. nt., 4 p. in., 3.30 p. m., 7 p. m., 8.30 p. m. 10 p. m.
| Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Saricks and
| children of 1923 Park street, have re
j turned home after a trip to the north
| ern "part of the~ State. 'Miss Eleanor
• I Wightman of Wilkes-Barre accom
■j panied them home for a visit.
/ "——
To-day Only
in 6 parts.
Billie Reeves In "A SAFE IW
Monday and Tuesday. FHIT2H
Bell phone 3719. United 734-Y.
t '
; Sacred Band Concert
Boiling Springs
Park ,
Tyrell Military Band
of Lebanon. ,
% hour car nervlce for Band
V »