Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 13, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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svs it coEsn
f P. R. R. Planning to Build Annex
to Repair Shops as Result of
Interstate Commerce
Special to The Telegraph
Cresson. Pa.. July 12. Because of
the fact that the Interstate Commerce
Commission has issued an order pro
hibiting the hauling of defective cars
through tunnels, the Pennsylvania
Uailroad, it is reported, has decided to
enlarge and extensively improve its re
pair shops in Cresson. No official state
ment could be obtained and the report
is unconfirmed. However, railroad men
give much credence to the story.
There are few places along this sec
tion of the Pittsburgh Division where
cars can be repaired. Often times break
downs occur in this part of the moun
tain. but there was no great inconveni
ence as long as the cars could be taken
on east, through the Gallitzin tunnel,
to Altoona or other points where there
are shops.
Since the new ruling of the commis
sion. however, it is necessary for the
Pennsy to provide more and bigger re
pair shops. Cresson has been selected
as the point for this kind of work on i
this part of the division, it is said:
The new shops will be built as an ad
dition to the original shop building, it I
is reported. The company owns consid
erable ground in the vicinity of the
present shops and has plenty of space 1
on which to erect the new plant. The ,
old shops are only equipped to repair ;
wooden cars. The new plant will re- i
pair both steel and frame rolling stock. '
New Passenger Agent For
Lehigh Valley Railroad
By Associated Press
Xcw Tork. July 13.—George H. Lee
was yesterday appointed general pas
senger agent of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad vice George W. Hay, who
has resigned, according to announce
ment issued here. The change takes
effect on August 1. Mr. Lee has been
general passenger agent of the third I
district of the Chicago, Rock Island |
and Pacific Railroad with headquar
ters in St. Louis.
New Cleaning Plan For
Reading Locomotives
Sfecial to The Telegraph
Reading, Pa.. July 13.—The Read-•
ing Railway Company has introduced !
a new system for cleaning its locomo- i
tives at the roundhouses in this city. I
With the methods used it is possible i
to do the work thoroughly in three:
minutes. Under the old method it re-1
quired 10 men to do the work and then !
not more than 25 locomotives could be j
cleaned in 24 hours. The new system i
uses hot water and a specially pre-!
rared oil. and 100 engines can be I
thoroughly cleansed if necessary, in j
24 hours.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division —l2S crew first
♦to gb after 4 p. m 129. 118, 122, 117,
132. 127. 124, 121. 107. 104.
Engineers for 121. 129.
Firemen for 127, 12S, 129. 132.
Conductor for 127.
Brakemen for 117 (two). 124.
Engineers up: Burg, Brown. Gib
bons. Seitz, Kennedy, Manley, Long,
Streepcr, Crisswell. Geesev.
Firemen up: Moffatt, Martin. Huston,
Behraan, Horstick. Packer. Yentzer,
Cover, Rhoads. Gelsincer. Shive, Yohe,
Bitner, Sees. Bushey. Weaver, Brenner,
Duvall, Collier. Dunlevy.
Conductor up: Fraelich.
Flagman up: Bruehl.
Brakemen up: Bogner, Campbell.
Busser, Albright. Ferguson, Baltozer,
Felker, Brown. AViland. Collins. Allen,
Jackson. Stehman. McGinnis. Stimeling.
Middle Division— l 7 crew first to go
after 2:40 p. m.: 25, 15. 24. 19.
Brakemen for 17, 15 (two). 19 (two).
Engineers up: Mumma. Garman,
Simonton Wissler. Kugler, Moore,
Firemen up: Kuntz, Wright, Rich
ards, Gross. Pottelser. Thomas, Ross.
Zeiders, Sheeslev, Stouffer
Conductors up: Huber. Paul.
Brakemen up: Fritz. Kauffman. Kane,
Bolan, Strouser, McHenry, Thornton,
Stahl. Wenrick. Reese. Henderson,
Roller. Spahr, Troy, Baker.
Yard Crtn«—
Engineers for first 8, fourth 8, third
24, 32.
Firemen for fourth 8. IS, second 24,
SO, 56.
Philadelphia Division— 226 crew first i
to go after 3:45 p m.: 206. 231, 20S, 201.
230. 216. 225. 237. 22. 222, 238.
Engineer for 231.
Fireman for 226.
Conductor for 30.
Brakemen for S, 18.
Conductors up: Pennell, Shirk, Stein
Flagmen up: Gehrett, Snyder, Cor
Brakemen up: Vandling. Baker, I
Twig-r, Goudy. Shaffner, Shuler, Fair, (
Lutz. Wert?. Riley.
Middle Division —lo3 crew first to go
after 2 p. m.: 11, 14. 116, 120, 113, 109,
111. 110.
Fireman for 103.
Conductors for 119. 109.
Flagmen for 103, 110.
Brakemen for 116. 111.
Yard Crew*—To go after 4 p. m.:
Engineers for second 126.
Firemen for second 126, first 1«6
Engineers up: Famous. McCormick,
Shellehamer. Sweger.
Firemen up: G. L. Fortenbaugh, R. H.
Fortenbaugh. Harren, Gingrich.
Harrishurc Division —West-bound
18 crew first to go after 3 a m : 9 10.
4. 16. 23, 24. 19, 17. 11. 2. 3, 7. 8.
East-bound—6] crew first to go after '
12:45 p. m.: 68. 70.
Engineers for 68. 2. 3.
Firemen for 70. 8, 11. 19.
Conductor for S.
Brakemen for 70. 2. 3. 4, 6. 16.
Engineers up: TVireman. Glass Craw- 1
ford. Fortney. Morne. Fetrow, kettner
Tipton. Wood. Martin. Masslmore j
Firemen up: Sullivan, Rover Nye '
Carl. Longenecker, Miller, Fulton. ' !
Conductors up: Hilton. Orris, Phila
Brakemen up: Taylor. Heckman. •
Paxton, Painter. Machamer, Miles.
Shader, Gardner.
By Associated Press
Washington. D. C., July 13.—Amer.
Consul Silliman at Vera Cruz tele
graphed the State ; Department to-day;
that the first ca"ble message went'
through to Mexico City yesterday and
that the first through train from' Vera;
Cruz to the capital was expected to j
reach Mexico City to-day.
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C„ July 13.
Weather predictions for the week be
ginning to-morrow issued by the
Weather Bureau to-day Include: Mid
dle Atlantic States: Warm and gen
erally fair during next two or three
days, fcllowc-d by showers and con
siderably cooler weather beginning •
about Saturday.
London, July 13.—Dispatches from
Asia Minor received by the Exchange
Telegraph Company's Athens corre
spondent state that all German officers
•with the Turkish army in Syria have
returned to Constantinople because of
. dissensions among the Turkish officers.
Borough Council Reinstates Patrol
man Who Has Been "Making
Fool of Wigfield"
It was necessary last evening for the
presiding officer of Steelton's council
' to cast the deciding vote when coun
| cil deadlocked on a resolution to re
-1 instate Patrolman Clinton Jones, who
i automatically resigned from the force
! by remaining off duty thirteen days
! without permission from Burgess
] Fred Wigfield.
The burgess sent council a letter
1 calling their attention 10 the officer's
i absence. He reported that in pursu-
I ance to the police regulations he had
1 informed the officer that it would be
| necessary for council to reappoint him
j before he could report for duty.
: After reading the letter, Mr. Ca
] pella moved that the communication
! be received and that the officer be re
• instated. Mr. Waggenbaugh opposed
; the motion and called attention to the
! recent controversy between the pa
, trolman, Burgess Wigfield and coun
| cil, Mr. Reisch also opposed the mo
tion, saying, "We should give that of
! ticer no further consideration. He is
j trying to make a fool of the burgess
j and evidently will not obey any regu
-1 lations." Mr. Waggenbaugh and Mr.
[ Zimmerman also took the stand that
| the officer should be dismissed. Mr.
; Henderson and Mr. Capella said no
i charges had been preferred and that
; inasmuch as the officer merely failed
I to report for duty, they thought Jones'
should be put back on the force.
Sellers Does the Trick
When a vote was called, Messrs.
Nelly, Capella and Henderson voted
reinstate Jones and Messrs. Reisch.
Waggenbaugh and Zimmerman voted
against reinstatement. Mr. Sellers.
I who was in the chair in the absence
of President Revnders then cast his
vote in favor of reinstatement. Mr.
Harlan, the only other member pres
ent, declined to vote.
Following the council meeting, a
Question was raised whether or not
council's action really put Patrolman
Jones back on the police force. Sec
tion 21 of the borough police regula
tions, the section which Burgess Wig
field called council's attention to,
reads as follows:
"Leave of absence from the bor
ough can only be obtained by anv !
policeman from the Chief Burgess
and must never be asked for without i
adequate cause: Provided. That leave 1
of absence shall not be granted by 1
the Chief Burgess for a longer period
than 24 hours at any one time with- ,
out the consent of the police commit- i
tee of the town council first had and
obtained, and any disobedience of this
rule shall be regarded as a resignation
fro_m the force."
Some of the councilmen hold that
inasmuch as the officer's action was
equivalent to a resignation he should
have been re-elected instead of rein- ,
ote Down Salary Booster
An attempt to boost the salary of,
r.dward Lewis, recently appointed 1
plumbing inspector and secretary of
the board of health, was voted down i
by council. Mr. Capella, who made I
the motion to reinstate Jones, ottered i
the resolution increasing Mr. Lewis' j
salary to $75 a month. Upon motion ;
of Mr. Nelly the resolution was 1
Lpon motion of Mr. Henderson the i
ordinance committee was instructed to t
have drawn an ordinance to adopt
Hyacinth alley, between Mohn and
Highland streets. A new sanitarv,
sewer will be laid in this street.
Other matters under the highway
department included council's author
ization to repair many sections of the
borough streets, to notify interested
parties to repair Front street paving
and to take steps to stop overflow of
surface water in vicinity of St. Ann's !
New Bleacher for Filter
Council appropriated S3OO to the
water board to purchase a new
"bleaching" apparatus for the filter
plant. A resolution permitting the bor- ;
ough secretary to purchase a new let- j
ter file and to have window screens
and screen doors placed on the police
station was passed.
Daniel Seaslioltz. Harry Keim and
Benjamin Shrauder were confirmed as
subdrivers for the West Side Hose 1
The finance committee's recommen- I
dation that tax exonerations to the '•
amount of $2,386.63 be made was i
The motor fire apparatus discussion j
cropped up again in Mr. Seller s report
on the town property committee. No
action was taken, however.
Mrs. Mary Bancir, 4 4 years old. of
129 Frederick street, died in the Har- |
risburg hospital yesterday. She was:
suffering from a complication of dis
eases. Funeral services will be held 1
Thursday morning from St. Mary's l
Catholic church. The Rev. Father'
Anthony Zuvich will officiate and 1
burial will be made in Mt. Calvary!
Mrs. E. B. Flanigan. Mrs. M. Hand
ley and James Handley went to Phila
delphia to-day to attend the funeral !
of a relative.
-riiGHSPIRE —*—l
At the invitation of the Rev. and i
Mrs. F. E. Moyer, the council of St. 1
Peter s Lutheran Church. Highspire, j
held their regular monthly meeting
on Monday evening on the porch at
the parsonage. Wives of the council
men were also invited. After the coun- j
cil had transacted business, they were '
entertained by the pastor and his
wife. Others present were Mrs. Wen- j
sell, of Boston, Mass., daughter of Jo
seph Wilson, and Mrs. Holienbach.
Rivermen reported to the police de- '
purtment to-day that they were unable !
to find the body of Charles Shaw, the |
9-year-old colored boy who was 1
drowned in the river on Sunday after- ]
noon. Captain of Police Joseph P. j
Thompson to-day sent a second notice |
to towns along the river requesting
the police to keep a close watch for
the body.
J. A. Plasterer, of Middletown, and
Frank Trautwen. 1332 North Fourth
street, both employed at the Harris
burs: Pipe and Pipe Bending Works,
sustained crushed fingers in two ac
cidents last night and this morning.
Larue Himes. of 318 Granite street,
received deep lacerations of the foot
last evening when he stepped on gome
glass near his home. He was treated
at the Harrlsburg hospital.
Lost Carnival Located,
to Show For Clover Club
After flirting with the Clover Club
, for two days by going astray on the
' railroad, the A. V. Maus Carnival
' Company trailed Into Steelton forty
| eight hours behind schedule and early
this morning: began to erect the re
maining parts of the show.
Beginning to-day the company will
; have its attractions going each evening
to raise money for the Clover Club's
! charity fund.
One of the men who is working
hard to make the affair a success is
I L. Ira Cargill, secretary of the com
! mittee, and one of the borough's
I prominent lodge men.
Men's Bible Class to
Hold Outing Saturday
Elaborate preparations are being
! made for the annual outing of the Men's
; Bible Class, No. 23, of Centenary Unitea
J Brethren Church, to be held at Boiling
Springs. Saturday. Special cars will be
' run, leaving at 7:30 o'clock. Stops will
; be made at Mohn, Swatara, Locust and
Lincoln streets. Tickets mav he pur
: chased from L. Ira Cargill, J. M.
Heagv, Joseph Wolfe, Jr. The comi®it
tee in charge of the preparations in
cludes: L. Ira Cargill, chairman: Ben
i jamin Connor. Charles Gallagher,
i Harry Jones. Joseph Wolfe. Jr.. George
j Geistwhlte and Blain W. Aungstadt.
Steelton Snapshots
Take Lonjr Walk. —John B. Murphy,
Herman Craver and Daniel Crumbling
j "hiked'' to Elizabethtown Saturday.
To Give Demonstrations.—Under the
; auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of
: St. Mark's Lutheran Church, a kitchen
i ware demonstration will be given at
I the parsonage to-morrow afternnon.
Injured by Quoit.—Earl Keim, Jr.,
11 South Third street, was struck by a
I quoit yesterday. He received a deep
i gash on the head.
Complete Organization.—Class 22 of
the First Methodist Sunday School will
complete organization at a meeting
I this evening.
To Play Ball. —Arrangements have
been completed for the ball game this
evening between the Baldwin Hose
Company nine and the Hope Com
pany's team from Harrisburg. The
game will be played on Cottage Hill.
Enhaut Women Meet.—The Francis
Williard W. C. T. U. of Enhaut will
meet in the Church of God at Enhaut
this evening. The speakers include the
Rev. F. I. Thomas, pastor, of the
Maclay Street Church of God, and Mrs.
M. M. Stees. of Steelton, president of
the County W. C. T. U.
Sellers Candidate.—A. J. Sellers to
day announced himself a candidate
for the Republican nomination for
Justice of the Peace.
In Again.—Milan Angeloff, Bulgar
ian nobleman of the West Side, is
again in Jail. He is awaiting trial on
charges of assaulting Strezo Dimetroff,
a West Side baker.
Middletown's school auditors pre
sented their annual report for ap
proval to the Dauphin County Court
to-day. The audit shows the board's
assets and resources as follows: Value
of school property, $120,000: books
and supplies, 13,000: outstanding
taxes, $930.52: sinking funds, $4,000:
balance in treasury, $884,72: a total of
$128,815.54. The bonded indebted
ness of the school district is $60,400
and a note in bs>nk of $1,500 totals the
liabilities at $61,900, leaving a total
net increase of assets over liabilities
of $66,915.54.
At last evening's meeting of the
Middletewn school board N. C. Fuhr
man resigned as vice-president and
was succeeded by c. F. Beard. Jani
tors were appointed as follows: Wood
building, Mrs. Alice Hoffman: Wil
liam Shindcl. grammar school building;
William Stipe. Susquehanna building.
The bond of Treasurer M. H. Ging
rich was accented. A report from the
auditors was approved. Repairs were
ordered to be made at a number of
buildings and supplies were ordered.
Mrs. Lavinia Plott, of South Spring
street, died this morning at 4 o'clock.
She had a compilation of diseases.
She was 61 years old and was a mem
ber of the United brethren Church.
She is survived by Samuel and John,
of Royalton: Georgiana and Annie
Plott, of Harrisburg: and Mrs. An
drew Swigar, of town. The follow
ing brothers: George and Joseph
Plott of Loraine, Ohio, and Mrs. Mag
gie Brandt, also survive. Funeral ser
vices will be held at the home, Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev.
I. H. Albright officiating. Burial will
be made in the Middletown Cemetery.
The Pastors' Aid Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church held a
baked bean supper in the borough
park last evening. Supper was served
to the following: Clara Beck. Esther
Hickernell, Jennie Hickernell, Edna
Kurtz. Mary Beaehler, Mrs. Miley
Schaeffer, Mrs Milton White. Mrs.
Robert Gross, Romano Kennard,
Margaret Xeidig, Mary Ettle, Kathryn
Ettle, Mary Wise, Mary Chakley,
Luella Cleland, Pauline Rietzel, Ida
Beaverson, Anna Wagner, Lillian Wel
ler, Tan Gross, Pearl Slack and Oliver
I I '
Miss Marie Klugh returned to her
, | home in Mt. Joy after visiting in town.
-1 Charles Hamly returned from New
York to-day after visiting several
I weeks.
, ! Esther Mark, 1108 North Seventh
t street, while swinging on McCormicks
s Island yesterday fell, severely sprain -
i i ing her left shoulder. She was treated
'At the Harrlsburg hospital. ,
Public Service Commission Plans
For Final Disposition of the
Schedule Question
Fisheries Board Will Inspect Belle
fonte Hatchery—Pomeroy
Asks For Bids Today
mpni i ami nippfe The proposed
\, \\ \y/J schedule of tele
s\\\ phone rates for the
v\\\A (C«< State, the biggest of
f the legacies left with
Public Service
ESrSrafiWuSra Commission by Its
I rJflßHyfit predecessor. Is to be
1 JMlnraWmf tal<en u P next month
r DSUUTII. disposition made
; HitJwwiaiilfc a f problems this
fail. The proposed
■KSKWHi schedule, which was
worked out for the entire State and
which will affect every line from the
big systems to the small "farmer
lines," was prepared by the old State
Railroad Commission after eighteen
months' study of the situation and led
to the first physical valuation propo
sition undertaken by the commission,
this resulting from the objections filed
by the Bell Telephone system.
The commission has set July 27 and
2S as the date for the final argument
and the matter will then be given
serious consideration.
Commission to Meet. The State
Fisheries Commission will meet on
Monday at Bellefonte to open bids for
the new fireproof hatchery at the State
plant at that point and to outline the
work for the fall and winter. The last
meeting of the commission was held in
Philadelphia and this time attention
will be given to the development of
the Center county hatchery, which is
expected to furnish a large amount of
tiout. The superintendents of the
Slate hatcheries have been summoned
for a conference on July 2 4 at Pleas
ant Mount hatchery, when reports on
the prospects of the fall will be sub
Xo More Fancy Cuts.—The day of
the fancy illustrations in the State re
port is over for a while and those to
be issued this year and next will have
very few cuts and those only of an
essential character. The colored plates
which used to be an attractive—and
very expensive—feature of the State
reports have been done away with.
Owing to reductions made in the ap
propriations there will be little money
for cuts for State publications.
Charter Issued. —The Powell Hard
ware Company, of Jessup. was char
tered yesterday afternoon with $7,500.
Prominent residents of Lackawanna
county are incorporators.
Contract Awarded. The contract
for the new fish hatchery at Pleasant
Mount was awarded to the Forest City
Lumber Company at $10,987 yesterday
by Commissioner Bulier.
Meeting in Pittsburgh.—The Public
Service Commission is meeting in
Pittsburgh to-day to begin the West
moreland Water Company hearings.
It will meet here next week.
Decrease in Stock.—The Home Pat
ter Company, of Philadelphia, has filed
notice of decrease of its capital stock
from $900,000 to $400,000.
Will Have a 'Hearing.—The diffi
culties over the Coatesville water sup
ply, which has occupied public atten
tion for weelts, will be aired before the
Public Service Commission.
To Let Contract.—A new state con
tract for distribution of the public
documents will be awarded the latter
part of next month by Superintendent
of Public Printing A. N. Pomeroy un
der the act approved this Spring by
Governor Brumbaugh. The distri
bution of document* now covers all of
the departmental bulletins, which
were formerly handled by each branch
of the government as it pleased.
Raise Turkeys.—Dr. H A. Surface,
the State Zoologist, says that if people
raised more turkeys and other do
mestic fowls they would have
bother with grasshoppers and other
pests which have been so annoying
and destructive the last half-dozen
years. Dr. Surface says some of his
experiments show conclusively that
turkeys keep down grasshoppers and
are death to other pests.
Admit 175 Teachers One hundred
and seventy-five teachers have been
admitted to the State's summer schools
for training of teachers for service in
th« continuation schools to be opened
next year. There have been close to
500 applications all told. The time for
receiving applications will expire on
Thursday and it Is expected to open
the schools on Monday. The interest
taken is declared by State school offi
cials to be very gratifying.
Await Meeting.—Everyone connect
ed with the State Department of Agri
culture is eagerly awaiting the meet
ing of the new commission on Fridav.
when it is expected that the name of
the new executive officer will be com
municated to the commission and the
policy of the Governor outlined. The
reorganization of the department will
come gradually and there will be no
tearing up of things.
After Water Company.—Petitioners,
representing seventy-five meters in the
Seventeenth ward of Johnstown, have
requested the Public Service Commis
sion to see to it that the Johnstown
Water Company be directed to furnish
an adequate and proper supply of pure
water. The petitioners secure .their
domestic supply of water from wells
and springs located on their properties,
and as this supply has been condemned
by the health authorities the consum
ers want the water company to extend
its mains.
Bomberger Heard From.—H. S. Bom
berger, of Palmyra, has filed a com
plaint against the Philadelphia and
Reading, objecting to a charge of $5
by the company for disinfecting two
box cars In which cattle were shipped
from Wapwallopen. Mr. Bomberger is
not unknown on Capitol Hill.
Offered a Place—Henry Myers, of
McKeesport, has been offered a state
factory inspectorship.
Board to Meet.—The State Board of
Public Grounds and Buildings will
meet Thursday, when the arsenal bids
will be opened.
By Associated Press
Reading, Pa., July 13.—Smothered
under a falling embankment of clay
while they were at work changing the
grade of a siding running into the State
Insane Asylum at South Mountain,
near Wernersvllle, early last evening,
two inmates of the institution met
Petrograd, July 13, 12 noon, via Lon
don. 2:43 p. m.—The Novoe Vremya
in editorial 'comment on Germany's
reply indicates a victory for the de
mands of the military and the naval
elements In the German cabinet.
Reading has been selected for the
annual meeting of the League of Third
Class Cities of Pennsylvania. The
dates are August 31 and September 1
land 2,
First Semi-Annual Clearance
Begins Tomorrow Morning at 8 O'clock
"Special Sales" get a cool reception here. "How Good" is the £
motive that guides us in our merchandising not "How Cheap."
Hence, the superiority of Worthy Clothes.
But twice a year every business must clear decks—and just to W&S&gg^
often will men have an opportunity such as this.
One of these times—the first in our career—has arrived. And
think what it means to you.
The unrestricted choice of our sls, S2O and $25 suits—including Jjl^H
blues and blacks—the very top notch in clothing values—at the fol
lowing liberal price reductions which will remain unchanged
Any $15.00 <t-l -I CA
Suit, Now. "-Mf
Any $20.00 <]H A Cfi «Pt\
Suit, Now.
Any $25.00 (iQ C/\
Suit, Now. SJ-O»0U gpj
Fitf orm—Atterbury—Alco M M j =
are among the well-known makes of clothes represented In this event.
And remember—our same guarantee of absolute satisfaction goes back
of every garment purchased during this sale. - J,. },/' ,
14 X. Sd Street—next door to Gorgas" Drug Store Is our location
205 OF 229 PASS
[Continued from First Page.]
town; Franklin D. Benedict, Philadel
phia; Mitchell Bernstein. Philadel
phia; Henry Bley. Philadelphia; G. H.
M. Bogar, Port Trevorton; Lucy E.
Boland, Philadelphia; Zere E. Bolln,
Philadelphia; David A. Boggs, Pitts
burgh; Kent A. Bowman. Pittsburgh;
Hugh C. Boyle. Philadelphia; John W.
Brausfleld, Philadelphia; Gilbert F.
Bretz, Pottsville; Harold D. Bromall,
Philadelphia; Paul C. Bruce, Pitts
burgh; Clarence J. Buck. Pittsburgh;
Hubard T. Buckner, Philadelphia;
David Budin, Philadelphia; Benjamin
F. Buzbe, Philadelphia; Andrew R.
Caucelilere, Braddock; Charles S. Can
tough, Reading; Philip J. Cardamoue,
Alfonso Carfagua. Pittsburgh; Galen
D. Castlebury, Williamsport; Frank
M. Chesner. Philadelphia; Dorothy
Childs, Philadelphia; Morris A. Cohen,
Pittsburgh; Alexander H. Colwell,
Pittsburgh; John R. Conover, Phila
delphia; Austin L. Cort, Pittsburgh;
Bernard E. Costello, Hazleton; Carl J.
Cubbison; James A. Cuozzo. Hazleton;
Gilbert A. L. Daily, Steelton; Win
fred H. Daniels, Lancaster; William
S. Daugherty, Lilly; Leon A. Davis,
Philadelphia; Adam D'Alessandro,,
Philadelphia; Isaac Davis. Pittsburgh;
Charles R. Dengler, South Bethlehem;
Edward P. Dennis, Erie; Rolland B.
Doig, Greenwich. N. Y.; John D.
Donnelly. Philadelphia; Alfred S.
Doyle. Philadelphia.
Louis Edekin. Philadelphia; Marion
W. Emerick, Lancaster; Gouveneur E.
Emerson, Johnstown; Robert M. Ent
wisle, Johnstown: Howard M. Farwell,
Lock Haven; Bernard Fishman, Phila
delphia: Lester W. Frasier, Harris
burg; John A. Frayne, Dumonble;
Martin W. Freas, Philadelphia; John
W. Fredette, Pittsburgh; George D.
Fussell, Philadelphia; William J. Gat
tl. Philadelphia; Joseph P. Garvey,
Millville; Walter D. Gemmill, Phila
delphia Philip Getson, Philadelphia;
Edward W. Gilhool, Philadelphia; Ir
vin T. Gilmore, Williamsport; N. T.
Gillette, Corry; James Clair Glosser,
Marlon Center: Charles M. Glossmire,
Tamaqua; William E. Golhring, Pitts
burgh; Joseph B. Gold, Philadelphia;
Isador B. Goodman, Philadelphia; Ju
lius Gorfinkell, Pittsburgh; Francis V.
Gowen, Philadelphia; Martin E. Gru
ver, Malnville; Charles L. Haines,
Pittsburgh; Homer E. Halferty, Pitts
burgh; Elmer H. Haukley, Pittsburgh;
Torrance J. Hanlon; Monongahela;
Robert J. P. Harmon, Sinclairsville,
N. J.
George R. Harris, Pittsburgh; Ralph
H. Harrison, Pittsburgh; Thomas H.
Harrison, Pittsburgh; Carl M. Hazen,
Brooklyn; David E. Hemphul, Pitts
burgh; J. Frederick Herbert, Phila
delphia; Robert C. Hibbs, Pittsburgh;
Robert T. Hood,' Pittsburgh; William
S. Houck, Steelton; Samuel L. Immer
man, Philadelphia; Errol T. Jones, St.
Clair; Harry J. Kalet, Pittsburgh; Leo
A. Kane, Philadelphia; Joseph C.
Keller. Philadelphia; Ross A. Kelly,
Slippery Rock; Paul Franklin Ker
stetter, Scranton; Francis J. King.
Landsdowne; Martin S. Kleckner,
Philadelphia; Leo M. Knauber. Wern
ersville; Carl F. Koneig, Philadelphia;
Harry M. KrSemer, Philadelphia;
Homer F. Kramer, Philadelphia; Wil
liam E. Kramer, Pittsburgh; Francis
L. Krusen, Norrlstown; Barbara F.
Kuntz, Williamsport; Edmund P. Lar
kin, Scranton; Van Sanford Laughlin,
Newfare, N. Y.; Helen J. LeMaistre,
Haddonfield, N. J.; Thomas N.
Llewellyn, Philadelphia.
James Gibson Logue, Williams
port: Herbert M. Long, Pittsburgh;
Jacob J. Lousdorf, Jr., Scranton; John
V. McAuinch, Lamartine: Arthur H.
McAnulty. Cherrytree; William J. Mc-
Connell, Pittsburgh; Bernard J. Mc-
Cormick, Carnegie; Clarence J. Mc-
Cullough. Pittsburgh; John J. Mad
den, Worcester; Joseph E. Magee, Car
negie; Hunter R. Mann, Charlotts
ville; Charles H. Marcy, Cambridge,
Mass.; William O. Markell, Pittsburgh;
Jacob K. Marks, Philadelphia; Miles
Martin, Philadelphia; Willard C.
Weatherly; Samuel
Mazor, Bridgeton, N. J.; Hughes G.
Meaker, Tioga; Charles S. Miller,
Philadelphia; Irving C. Miller, Glen
Harry W. Miller, Waynesburg; Jas.
W. Morgan, Philadelphia; James R.
Morrow, Arch Spring; P. T. Mullahey.
Fountain Springs; Samuel Z. Myers,
Seranton; Herbert W. Nafey, Phila
delphia; Frank H. Mervis, Braddock;
Dean A. Nesbit, Butler ; Holbert J.
Nixon, Fairchance; Harry G. Noah,
Burgettstown; Felix A. Osowski, Chi
caso; Alfonso M. Padilla, Philadelphia;
John F. Park, New Brighton, N. J.;
Russell .C. Parson, Ambridge; Frank
B. Patterson, Swissvale; Reuben H.
Pearlman, Pittsburgh; Nicola Pernice,
Atlantic City; Charles H. Philips,
Wilkes-Barre; John S. Plumer, Eins
worth; Waldo E. Preston, Canton; C.
iL. Reld, Bellaire, O.; James F. Roohaa
JULY 13, 1915.
New York City; Clarence A. Rose,
Philadelphia; Benjamin D. Reuben.
Philadelphia; Robert W. Rubin, Phila
delphia; Eugene Rush, Philadelphia;
Franklin A. Rutherford, Royalton;
Hugh T. Ryan, Philadelphia; Ray D.
Saul, Hamburg.
Griffin A. Saunders, Philadelphia;
William A. Sawyer. Wayne; Chas. S.
Schafer, Philadelphia; Frank G.
Schamann, Johnstown: Thomas
Schubb, Pittsburgh; James A. Schur
got, Wilmerding; Andy J. Sedwick,
Kittaning; Harry L. Schaffer, Latrobe;
Nathaniel G. Shofritz, Philadelphia;
Albert C. Shannon, Austin; Charles E.
Sharp. Leesburg, N. J.; George P.
Shields, Oil City; George G. Shoe
maker, Indiana; Paul G. Sieber, Pitts
burgh; De La Roy Signor, Philadel
phia; Isaac S. Simmons, Marietta;
Samuel R. Skillern, Philadelphia;
Maurice T. Sloane. Philadelphia; Mor
ris A. Slocum, Philadelphia; Frank E.
Smith, Diamond, O.; Perry C. Smith,
New Brighton.
i> John L. Spangle, York; Israel Spiers,
Philadelphia; Carl A. Staub, Trucks
ville; Floyd W. Stevens, Scranton;
Byron Stookey, Los Angeles, Cal.; Ed
win G. Stork, Wissahickon; Mary C.
E. Swalen, Philadelphia; John J.
Sweeney, Philadelphia; Thasseus L.
Szlopka, Phoenixville; James S. Tay
lor, AJtoona; Herbert E. Tebbets,
Philadelphia: Max Teplitz. Pittsburgh;
I Frank A. Thompson, Philadelphia;
Harry J. Treshler, Homestead; Wilbur
E. Turner, Muncy; Eugene Vnderhill,
Swarthmore; Bert G. Voorhees, Phila
delphia; Charles S. Wachs, Phila
delphia. ,
i John H. Wagner, Monoca; Augustus
L. Walter, Easton; Horace D. Wash
burn, Jackson; William L. Weber,
Philadelphia; Lawrence Wechsler,
Pittsburgh; Nathaniel Winkleman,
Philadelphia; Gilbert I. Winston,
Philadelphia; Ellis C. Winters, Wat
sontown; Raymond A. Wolf, Pitts
burgh; Lloyd E. Wurster, Linden; Jos.
C. Yaskin, Philadelphia; Charles L.
Zimmerman, Harrisburg and Jonas
Zettlemoyer, Philadelphia.
American Ship Used as
Shield by Submarine
By Associated Press
Liverpool, July 13.—How an Amer
ican ship is alleged to have been used
as a shield by a German submarine
before sinking another vessel is re
lated by the members of the crew of
the American bark Normandy which
has arrived here from Gulfport, Miss.
The story is that the Normandy was
stopped by a German submarine sixty
i miles southwest of Tuskard Rock, oft
. the southeast coast of Ireland Friday
, night. The captain was called aboard
. the submarine, where his papers were
. examined and found to show that the
; ship was chartered by an American
! firm January 5.
The captain of the bark, it was as
. serted, was allowed to return to the
> Normandy, but under threat that his
. ship would be destroyed unless he
, obeyed orders. These orders, it was
. stated, were that he was to act as a
, shield for the submarine, which lay
around the side of the bark, hiding
I itself from an approaching vessel.
; This vessel proved to be the Russian
; steamer Leo. Presently the sub
. marine submerged and proceeded
3 around the bow of the Normandy so
the story went, and ten minutes later
the crew of the Normandy saw the Leo
blown up.
Twenty-five persons were on board,
of whom 11 were drowned.
Speed Up Orders in
Pittsburgh Steel Mills
Special to The Telegraph
Pittsburgh, Pa., July 13.—The boom
in the iron and steel industry of the
country is shown by the orders Just
issued from the executive offices of
the United States Steel Corporation
and the separate statements made by
various prominent officials of sub
sidiary organizations.
The orders "to speed up all oper
ating iron and steel plants to max
imum capacity, to rush repair work
to earliest completion and to stand
ready to turn out more steel products
than ever before."
By Associated Press
Toledo, 0., July 13.—Because Brand
Whitlock is a Toledoan and because
he has made himself the idol of the
Belgian people, one of the finest art
treasures of the war devastated king
dom will soon hang in the Toledo
Museum of Art. Carl Leon Cardon,
j artist and collector of Brussels has
i presented to him for the people of
! this country the most celebrated paint
ing in his collection. Van Dyck's sketch
! for his picture, "Saint Martin Parta-
Bon Manteau."
[Continued from First Page.]
transport, production and supply of
munitions of war.
By Associated Press
London, July IS.—Miss Violet As
quith, daughter of Premier Asqulth,
whose engagement to Maurice Bon
ham Carter, Mr. Asquith's principal
private secretary recently was an
nounced, is suffering from a mild form
of typhoid fever.
By Associated Press
Paris, July 12.—The Italian Ambas
sador, M. Tittoni, delivered to-day to
President Poincare, a collar of the
Order of Annunziata, bestowed upon
the President by King Victor Emman
uel as a compliment to the French
people on the occasion of the national
J fete day of France, on July 14.
By Associated Press
London, July 13.—Describing last
week's battle on the Gallipoll penin
sula, the Lamnos correspondent of the
Chronicle characterizes it as one of
the grimmest engagements of the war.
He declares soldiers who had been
through some of the fiercest fighting
in France and Flanders were appalled
at the terrible spectacle the battle
field presented the morning after a
desperate bayonet encounter in a night
battle which was "a veritable night
mare of horror."
By Associated Press
Berlin, via London, July 13, 10:55 a.
m.—A dispatch to the Tageblatt from
its correspondent at Czernowltz,
Bukowina, says:
"The Russians are fortifying the
Rumanian border. Many thousands of
men are at work digging trenches
parallel with the border and building
barbed wire entanglements. The oper
ations are being rushed with all
By Associated Press
London, July 13.—A dispatch to the
Daily Mail from Sofia says that Tur
key's negotiations with Bulgaria have
been suspended following Bulgaria's
announcement that she would not con
sider any concessions which involved
her intervention in the war on the
side of the Teutonic allies.
By Associated Press
London, July 13 Contradictory
reports regarding the extent of tha
Austro-Hungarlan reverses at Krasnlk,
in southern Russian Poland, continue,
some claiming that the Austrian-Hun
garians are contemplating a general
retreat but the mystery of the situa
tion is the persistent silence maintain
ed by Field Marshal Von Mackensen,
who, apparently is making no effort to
resume the German advance on War
Bryan Gives Explanation
of "Unnecessary Risk"
Hermosa Beach, Cal., July 13.
William J. Bryan, former Secretary of
State, who is spending a brief vacation
here with his son. Issued a statement
to-day in explanation of what he
meant by "unnecessary risk" contained
in his comment in connection with the
last German note. He said:
"Any traveler takes ato unnecessary
risk when he goes into the war zone
on a belligerent ship, knowing that it
is subject to attack by submarine. A
traveler also takes unnecessary risks
when he rides on a neutral ship carry
ing ammunition.
"I believe that our Government
would be justified in separating pas
sengers from ammunition, but until
this is done, American travelers would
be justified in refusing to take pas
sage on a belligerent ship or a neutral
ship carrying ammunition.
"If patriotism requires a man to
risk his life for his country when his
country is engaged in war it would
seem to he patriotic for a citizen to
avoid risks that might Involve his
country in war."
Lizzie Krebs, believed to be in Har
rleburg, wanted by friends in Modesto.
Col., has not been located. Her brother
died recently, leaving a small uUU.