Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 10, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Established itti
President and Editor-in-Chief
Managing Editor
Published every evening: (except Sun
day) at the Telegraph Building, 216
Federal Square. Both phones.
Uember American Newspaper Publlih
ers' Association. Audit Bureau of
Circulation and Pennsylvania Associ
ated Dailies.
Eastern Office. Fifth Avenue Building,
New York City, Hasbrook, Story &
Western Office, Advertising Building,
Chicago, 111.. Allen & Ward.
Delivered by carriers at
<Ulilok®miaki> six cents a week.
Mailed to subscribers
at $3.00 a year In advance.
Entered at the Post Office In Harris
burg, Pa., as second class matter.
Sworn dully average circulation for the
three raontha ending; June 30, IBIS
★ 21,231 ★
Average for the year 1014—21.888
Average for the year 1013—10,003
Average for the year 1013—10,049
Average for the year 1011—17,88S
Average for the year 1810—10,361
The above flgurea are net. All re
turned, unaold and damaged coplea de
If you wish another to keep your secret,
first keep it yourself. — Seneca.
THERE are signs even now that'
people residing along the west
shore of the Susquehanna oppo
site Harrisburg are realizing the oppor
tunities afforded them by the damming
of the river at the lower end of this
city. Here and there owners of homes
and summer bungalows are beautifying
the river bank down to the watar's
edge. Never, before the construction
of this dam. did the "West Shore have
a depth of water sufficient to make
boating there a pleasant recreation.
With the dam still open at places, due
to the construction of the Cumberland
Valley bridge, the water is already uni
formly higher than ever before, and it
will be Increased In depth at least a
foot when that work is completed.
Harrisburg has done its part in the
beautlflcation of the river basin. It
has expended many thousands of dol
lars in the task and is pleased that it
has done so. It is not to be expected
that the more sparsely settled West
Shore will be able to do anything so
comprehensive, hut It is entirely within
the powers of the township, the bor
ough and individuals to decide upon
some harmonious form of treatment
that would add not only to the beauty
of an already picturesque locality but
would increase property values as well,
and make the West Shore an even
more delightful place in which to live
tban it now is.
Wormleysburg people are noted for
their public spirit. If they want new
fire apparatus or a town hall or some
Other municipal Improvement, they
join hands and get it. Doubtless they
arc already thinking of the future of
their river front, which is every bit as
attractive as that of Harrisburg. A
community meeting to discuss the mat
ter would be entirely in order and
might bring about means for an early
consideration of the subject by a joint
committee or other body delegated to
take up the matter.
Why is it that when we ask our
friends, "How are you?" we are bored
when they begin to tell us.
ONE of the most valuable services
the State Water Supply Commis
sion renders to the communities
lying along the banks of rivers and
streams that in rainy seasons are apt
to overflow their banks is the warning
it issues at such times. Flood warn
ings that come out but a few hours
before the rise of the waters are not
of much value. The commission
realizes this and strives to estimate the
height of the streams at various points
at least twelve hours in advance. This
gives everybody interested ample time
lh which to take necessary precautions
and results in the saving of much
property that otherwise would' be
damaged or destroyed.
The accuracy with which the Horn
mission makes its forecasts is well
illustrated in the bulletins Issued dur
ing the present flood stage of the Sus
quehanna and Its tributaries.
"Courage conquers all things," said
an ancient philosopher who never
charged a machine gun battery.
CONSIDERATION has been written
and much more said since the
accident at Hummelstown Mon
day night, concerning the responsi
bility of the State Public Service
Commission with respect to grade
crossings. There are more than 11,-
000 such crossings in Pennsylvania
and it is a task of no mean pro
portions to attempt their regulation.
The commission has never declined i
,to extend proper relief to communi
ties asking for it in this respect. It
has suggested, when complaints of
dangerous grade crossings were laid
before it, that the residents or the
authorities of the territory tmme- i
diately adjacent were In better posi
tion to pass upon the subject than a
body of men sitting miles away a* :
the Capitol, and to that end decisions i
have been based largely upon testl- i
mony taken on the spot.
It is certainly the duty of the
community, us well as of the rail- ]
road and officials, to see to it that the :
public is adequately protected wher
ever the crossing. Conditions such
as those at Hummelstown ought not
to have been allowed to exist, and the
people of the town share In the re
sponsibility Inasmuch as they not
only made no complaint previous to
the accident, but actually petitioned
the Public Service Commission less
that a year ago for another grade
crossing within the limits of the bor
Probably the coroner's Jury did not
have these facts when It rendered its
verdict, against which there can be
made no complaint save that It should
have been framed to Include the bor
ough of Hummelstown as censurable
along with the others Involved. Other
communities should look to their
crossings before attention is called
to them by a tragedy such as that
which cost six lives this week.
Wo fall to note in any of our ex
changes that one time standard sum
mer Item to the effect that "Mr. and
JJrs. So-and-So left yesterday to spend
the summer In an extended tour of
THE utility of the State Police is
well demonstrated in the as
sistance they are rendering just
now In breaking up rowdyism and
robberies In the eastern end of the
The local authorities found them
selves unable to cope with the situa
tion. Lawless men and boys paid no
attention whatever to the. constables
and the populace for weeks has been
at the mercy of these rural "gang
sters." Now comes the State Police
and Immediately the trouble is at an
end. To be sure It Is a pity that some
of the offenders were not brought to
book, but it is pleasing to note that
the bullies who terrorize helpless
country constables have a wholesome
respect for the men who constitute
the State constabulary.
It is in just such service as this
that the State Police are Indispensa
ble. Rural communities canriot be
expected to go to the expense of
maintaining large police forces, and
in most cases such are not needed.
But here and there over the Com
monwealth disorder breaks out at
intervals and is not quelled until some
such powerful and fearless force as
the constabulary is called in. The
man who advocates the abolition of
the force labels himself at once as an
enemy of law and a friend of the law
less. It is not recorded that a State
policeman ever arrested or inter
fered with anybody who was con
ducting himself with due regard for
the law and Its requirements.
Mrs. Thaw is a better press agent for
herself than she would be a witness
for her husband.
THE Harrisburg Chamber of Com
merce is doing an excellent work
in bringing men of national repu
tation to the city. The coming of
United States Senator Theodore E.
Burton on July 15 is only one of many
euch instances. More really big men
have spoken before the Harrisburg
Chamber In the past year than have
addressed similar gatherings in either
Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. Every one
of these speakers has brought a mes
sage well worth hearing, many of them
embracing lessons that are keynotes to
success with respect to community life
or applied individually.
This is one of the important duties
of the Chamber —to keep Harrisburg
in touch with the country at large, to
keep its members abreast of the times!
and in no way can this be accom
plished so well as by bringing to Har
risburg the big, deep thinkers of the
nation to tell us of their own experi
ences and ideals and what others are
doing. The study of history is inval
uable to the man engaged in public
work. Biography contains important
lessons for the man bent upon per
sonal success. The addresses of such
men as Burton are both history and
biography brought down to terms of
everyday life and having their appli
cation to every one who hears the
messages they bring.
"Nothing dries sooner than a tear,"
nor leaves such a stain on a well pow
dered cheek.
TN his last annual report, Postmaster
. General Burleson presented sta-
X tlstics showing the steady growth
in postal savings deposits and then
said: "These facts afford conclusive
proof that the practical operations
of postal savings In this country have
amply fulfilled the predictions of its
That is certainly some admission,
coming as it does from a man who,
as a member of the House of Rep
resentatives, voted against the postal
savings bank bill. It is one more 1
acknowledgment of the superiority of
Republican ideas. But Burleson had
plenty of bad company, for every
Democrat in the House who voted at
all recorded his vote against the
If we had our way. the river would j
clear up and bass Ashing would lm- |
THE last session of Congress was
an extremely extravagant one j
and yet it appropriated $113,-
000,000 less than the Executive .De- ]
partments urged it to appropriate.
Let this fact sink into the minds of
those who advocate a national budget
system for the United States. That a
budget system Is desirable, few will
question, but those who believe in
economical administration will also
agree that the control of the budget
board or commission should be in j
Congress and not in the departments. I
The reason for this is plain. The |
head of each department, upon the
Insistent recommendations of his
subordinates, and because of his de
sire to extend the activities of his'
office, asks Congress for larger ap
propriations for work already in
hand and for new appropriations for
new governmental activities. He Is
naturally impressed with the lm
portance of his department and is
more or less actuated by vanity and
Congress, the only branch of gov
ernment chosen directly by the peo
ple and Including men from every
walk of life, Is not Influenced by per
sonal ambition, so far as departmental
expenditures are concerned, and upon
that body we must rely for the check
upV>n extravagance.
A budget system we certainly need,
but not one In the control of men
who ask for $113,000,000 more than
a liberal Congress will grant.
—Henry Ford says we eat three
times too much. Thereby spending
for food what we might otherwise put
into gasoline.
—Was Thaw crazy or his jury?
—The "bear that walks like a man"
knows how to run almost as well as
walk. Also he is "some" stopper.
—The crankless automobile Is some
times one that has transferred its
crank from the radiator to the driver's
—Holt was a bad man, no doubt,
but what of the merchant who sold
him dynamite?
—One of the advantages of going
on vacation is that we enjoy home so
much more when we get back.
Mr. Bryan's successive statements
make it Increasingly evident that he
resigned in a fit of passionate admir
ation for Mr. Wilson. —New York
Evening Post.
An exchange informs us that all the
Balkan countries are mountainous.
We knew already that some of them
were not on the level.—Charleston
News and Courier.
Must have een easy for the Presi
dent to tell what the flag stands for
after having written three notes to tell
what it won't stand for.—Philadelphia
North American.
The bottom has fallen out of the
motor car price lists. At the rate the
cost is being reduced the idle rich will
soon have to abandon motoring en
tirely.—Kansas City Star.
[From the Telegraph, July 10, 1865.]
Sunday School Picnic
The annual union Sunday school
picnic will be held next Thursday
on the west shore of the river.
Convention in This City ?
Prominent colored men in the State
are discussing having a national con
vention in this city beginning Au
gust 1. V
Three More Engines
Council has passed an ordinance
authorizing the purchase of three
new steam Are engines.
[Prom the Kansas City Star.]
Two fatal motor accidents in Kansas
City last night call attention once more
to the need of the greatest caution in
driving. Ift speed makes the automo
bile both a great convenience and a
great menace.
It is not merely that passengers in a
motor vehicle are endangered by care
lessness on the part of their own
driver. They are endangered by care
lessness on the part of other drivers
and of people on foot. That means that
the driver must never take anything
for granted on the part of anybody he
meets. He must assume that other
people are liable to bewilderment, and
must be prepared for anything.
[New York Sun.]
No action undertaken by any of the
numerous associations devoted to the
improvement of the national defence
has been more practicable or better
calculated to achieve results than that
which proposes to enroll all employ
ers of labor for the encouragement of
enlistment in the National Guard.
In a numerous, well drilled and
properly accoutered body of citizen
soldiers, instructed in the profession
of arms, lies the only immediately
available means of increasing our mili
tary establishement to a degree remote
ly approaching the pressing necessities
of the country.
Unfortunately the National Guard
has not received in the past the en
couragement from the public that an
intelligent understanding of its func
tions and purpose requires. It has had
to meet the open or secret hostility
of labor unions and employers, and to
struggle against the indifference of the.
Were it brought to the place in the
community it should occupy, the men
ace of our present condition would
be notably modified: and the taxpay
ers. while they would be called on to
contribute something to its develop
ment, would still remain in happy
ignorance of the burden imposed by a
large standing army.
Pittsburgh has Just finished the cel
ebration of "baby week." Its object
was "a campaign for happy and healthy
babies." There was an exhibition
throughout the week at Wabash Sta
tion. On the first floor was an exhibit
on the care of the baby with an infor
mation booth. On the second floor was
the State exhibit on baby welfare, with
examples of the "do care" and "don't
care" families. Besides, aspects of the
care of babies were illustrated with
moving pictures.
In various places in the city there
were appropriate programs. Moving
pictures were shown in parks and
schoolhouses. In one of the settlement
houses there were talks In different
languages. "Baby Sunday" was ob
served in the churches. Each day had
some distinctive event. Flags were dis
tributed on Monday at the homes of
babies. On Tuesday there was a "little
mothers' parade." One day was devoted
to talks to fathers in the streets and
in the shops. On anothsr dav mothers
and babies were given an outing.
The idea was to get everybody to
talking about the care of babies, so that
a general interest in the subject would
be aroused.
The Goers and Comers
Some are just starting on va
cations: others are coming home
sun tanned and invigorated.
It is one of the great Invig
orating months of the year.
And the transitions bring their
disclosures of new wants to be
The weather is warm, time is
important. One does not want to
shop around.
A glance through the advertis
ing in the Telegraph will help
you to locate a satisfactory place
to supply your needs.
Perhaps you can do the rest by
By the Ex-Oommltteemaa
State wide interest in Philadelphia's
campaign to land the next Republican
national convention is being shown
and men active in party affairs In half
a dozen of the eastern counties are
ready to do what they can to aid in
the movement. It will be recalled that
the recent legislature adopted resolu
tions inviting the convention to como
to this State and this has been fol
lowed up by quiet work among influen-'
tial men.
Practically all of the eastern coun
ties would be Interested in the con
vention more than that held in 1910 in
Philadelphia, because this year a
Pennsylvanian is being boomed.
Senator Penrose is in Atlantic City
for the week end meeting prominent
Republicans preparatory to going tQ
New York next week to discuss the
national situation with Chairman
Hllles and the big men of the party.
Congressman Edgar R. Kiess last
night announced at Williamsport that
he had declined the proffer of the
public service commission a month
ago. This has been persistently re
ported, but both the Governor and
the Congressman declined to discuss
the matter. Yesterday Mr. Kiess spoke
out, but the Governor left for Somer
set county to-day without having said
anything. A Williamsport dispatch
To-day Mr. Kiess received a letter
from the Governor accepting his de
clination. At the Governor's request
no announcement was made until to
day. Mr. Kiess, in his letter, says the
position is one which carries with it
great possibilities of service to the
people of the Commonwealth and he
would accept It were he free to do so.
Continuing his letter says, In part:
"I am convinced that my duty lies
in the direction of serving my term as
Representative in Congress, to which I
was recently re-elected by the people.
The Sixty-fourth Congress will have
many important matters to consider,
and the present foreign complications
may necessitate the calling of Congress
In special session, therefore, my suc
cessor could not be elected. My peo
ple having by their vote expressed
their continued confidence in me, I
feel that my first duty is to them."
In his letter accepting Mr. Kiess'
declination, Governor Brumbaugh
states that he does so with sincere re
gret. He assures the Congressman
that his sacrifice in this matter in the
interest of the people of the district
touches him greatly and accentuates
the feeling of loss which he feels over
Mr. Kiess' declination.
It is an open secret that the Con
gressman yielded to the pleas of his
friends to stay in Congress because of
the turmoil his retirement would
make among the Republicans of the
four counties of the district. It Is
acknowledged that Kiess is the strong
est man in the district and
who backed him wanted him to stay.
The Governor has given no intimation
of whom he will select.
The Vare brothers are going to have
a big oxroast in Philadelphia next
month at which it is expected some
announcement relative to the mayor
alty is expected to be made.
• Senator Oliver's announcement of
his retirement from politics has stirred
up the worst political ruction known
in Pittsburgh in years. Magee, Arm
strong, Plinn and others who have
been fighting each other are now try
ing to get together on a slate for both
city and county.
A Washington dispatch to the Eve
ning Ledger says: "Whether' the re
organizer element, now in actual con
trol of the party machinery, will make
any attempt to bring about- harmony
and placate the Old Guard of Pennsyl
vania Democracy probably will be
known in a very short time. It is be
lieved here that the selection of a na
tional committeeman to succeed A.
Mitchell Palmer, who sought and got
a place on the bench of the Federal
Court of Claims, will determine the
harmony question. Up to date the re
organizer element has shown no de
sire to seek harmony; on the contrary,
there are many instances in which Mr.
Palmer, State Chairman Morris and
Vance McCormick, who has contri
buted most of the lubricant to keep
the reorganizer wheels well oiled,
have gone out of their way to oppose
the Old Guard leaders. This has been
especially true in the matter of Federal
[From the Louisville Courier-Journal.]
The New York Herald publishes the
following letter from a New Yorker:
"When the most delightful season of
the year in New York is coming on
many New York City people are get
ting ready to leave here.
"Except by the people who live here,
this is known as the most delightful
summer climate in the United States.
"It is only the New York man and
woman who go away from here for
the summer."
The question of whether the climate
where you are to "summer" is better
than your own is by no means the
question uppermost In your mind when
summer comes. The verb "to summer"
owes its origin to a love of change,
partly, and obedience to the laws 01
pride and fashion greatly.
Change is a good thing. It sometimes
rejuvenates the person who has grown
old in the rut. Fashion isn't a bad
thing, altogether, although it is greatty
assailed. It causes human beings to
hold up their heads, pick up their feet
and prance spunklly and airily through
the world, like show horses, even when
almost gripped by the curved claws of
the Creditor. Fashionable summer re
sorts, though the rooms be cramped
and the food not altogether to the
average liking, the rates high, the tips
higher, and the company mutually ex
clusive and susplcloxis of stealthy at
tempts at social climbing aren't al
together deplorable. They stimulate in
dustrious farming in the hot plains of
Kansas and industrious gambling in
the fevered hives of Wall Street since
everybody who is or would be anybody,
must go somewhere for the summer.
Be It ever comfortable, there is no place
so unfashionable as home.
A home which is not closed and made
flamboyantly untenanted during the
season when society is engaged In the
annual performance by which it conju
gates the present tense of the verb "to
summer." Is as unfashionable as a cot
tage where the good wife takes the air
upon the doorstep in the evening with
her sleeves rolled up and recounts the
ups and downs at the tub and range to
her pipe smoking lord and master. But
a great deal of constructive human en
deavor owes its Inspiration to the ne
cessity for living as well as one's fash
ionable neighbors, so why quarrel with
fashion's fads?
It does seem a pity that It Is not
fashionable to exchange houses for the
summer, Instead of closing- them up and
going our ways to less comfortable
quarters. Such a waste of comforts Is
Involved by putting up admirably
equipped domestic plants all over the
country and going to places at which
shelter space sells by the cubic inch,
and where the vegetables seem so
much more remotely connected with
agriculture than they do when they are
brought fresh from the homo garden
or bought fresh from the market man
who must please his customers the year
round or try another calling.
Men with good bank references and
in other respects eligible could easily
form a. co-operative company of sum
merers upon a basis of a swap of
homes for the summer. But. of course,
their womenfolk would not countenance
such a plan, and as the men are In the
main allowed to stay at home most of
the summering season they are In no
position effectlvel" to complain against
the existing custom.
'66—What a lovely ring! Is It sil
'l6—No, platinum.
"86—-You don't tell me! I thought It
was real. AVhat good imitations they
do make nowadays!— Harvard Lam
CUNE wedwng ! 11 | **"*
—From the Plttfihurffli Sun.
President American Society for Thrift
pie were far
mem in comfortable circumstances.
His father owned several farms, grist
mills, etc. It might be supposed from
this that young Cyrus lived a life of
careless ease and was not required to
take thought for the morrow. Such
was not the case, however. While he
was not overworked as poorer boys often
are, he was tAught to be industrious
and careful. His parents did not con
sider it to be his right to "throw away"
the money accumulated by the hard
work of his ancestors, or to rest on their
laurels. His training was such that his
genius was not frittered away. He
never was known as a "poor Inventor".
He was early taught the lesson of
thrift. He made money, he saved
money, and he made more money.
John Wanamaker's start was very
different, for he began on nothing.
His parents were poor, and after
school be had to help his father, a
Our Daily Laugh
I wish Ingomar l. ■ y-rarra
to think only of II
I would
Remember, you HH //evivA
will need a pre at IB <
many expensive
Wlf «y: What do
7 y ° U conssder the
ehief cause of dl-
Hubby: Wlvat
n> Wins ninictr
Sound your praises, if you will.
Of some flower new
That someone has just brought forth.
Rut I say to you
Or to anyone who thus
All his favor showers
Soon or late you'll come back to
Old-fashioned flowers.
Go into a garden filled
With species rare,
And you'll pause to note the new
Blooms here and there;
But the one that wins most praise
From your lips will be
That old-fashioned bloom which you
Very seldom see.
Improperly cared for, what a happy
hunting ground for germs and mi
crobes the dishccloth be, ex
claims Eva J. De Marsh in Farm and
Home. Just put one in a pan with a
lot of dirty* greasy dishes, rinse it in
lukewarm water, or not at all, hang it
in a warm, dark, shut-in corner, and
leave it overnight. You will know it is
there! Drink some milk, eat some
butter, pudding or Jelly that has stood
where it absorbed all the dishcloth
had to give, and if you suffer no ill
effects, you are germ proof. •
The materials of your cloth may be
anything, so long as it is absolutely
clean and free from dyestuffs. Let
your dishes be scraped clean before
they go into the pan, use your cloth
to wash them only, and always rinse
it well when you are through. If you
can, frequently hang it In the sun,
wash and boll often, and never leave
a cloth so it will remain wet a long
time, and get sour.
How's your dish rag?
[From the Detroit Free Press.]
"What a beautiful girl that is, stand
ing over there."
"I'm glad to hear you say so. She is
m.v daughter."
"Hallelujah!" he said to his wife,
when the mother had departed, "for
I once In my life I struck It rltrhtl''
JULY 10, 1915.
brickmaker. Thus the habit of indus
try acquired BO early became of the
greatest benefit to bim in after life.
Starting to work on a salary of $1.40
a week, which was eventually raised,
he managed not only to help his parents,
but to save one hundred dollars. It
took great thrift to save this amount,
but no one has a corner on thrift. In
stead of spending his hundred dollars
on a vacation, young Wanamaker in
vested it. The investment proved to
be so fortunate that he made s£,ooo
out of it and with this sum he com
menced for himself in the clothing
business, a business that he not only
understood, but liked.
The times were then hard It *U
just at the outbreak of the Civil war—
and predictions of failures were numer
ous. But he knew the clothing busi
ness thoroughly, was schooled in a
home of thrift and was not discouraged.
Moreover he started modestly, refrain
ing from a displuy-of expensive furnish
ings and plate glass.
"If you would have a faithful serv
ant, and one that you like," said
Franklin, "serve yourself."
Again: "Keep thy shop and tby
shop will keep thee."
These two things John Wanamaker
did. He employed no superfluous help,
took down his own shutters, made his
fires, swept the store and often delivered
Esrcels for customers himself. He also
ept his own accounts. Fifteen years
later Wanamaker was giving employ
ment to three thousand persons.
Washington Hears Davis
Is to Succeed Lansing
■SHB| * '<<?%
M 1• . .. '''fjjttf
AVashington, July 10. According
to rumor, John W. Davis, solicitor gen
eral to the United States is to succeed
Robert Lansing, recently appointed
Secretary of State as counsellor to the
State Department. The rumor adds
that A. Mitchell Palmer will succeed
Mr. Davis in his position of solicitor
One of the most used, and at the
same time most abused things in the
household is the dishcloth, declares
Eva J. De Marsh, writing in Farm
and Home. Some people have plenty
of them and keep them clean; more
do neither. Oh, you needn't hold up
your hands in protest; It's true. Who
hasn't seen those raggedy, much-used
cloths hanging over the dishpan for
weeks and weeks? Of course, they
are rinsed, but how many thorough
scrubs and boils do they get in the
course of human events? A lot of
nlco clean people use their dishcloths
until they are worn out.
And then the way the dishcloth is
Imposed upon! Not only does it ful
fill its legitimate purpose of washing
the dishes, but it scrubs the pots and
gives the stove a lick as well. Be
sides, often the corner is converted
into a scouring rag.
Tour dishcloth cannot be too sweet
and clean. Always rinse it well when
you are through with it, and hang it
in a place where it will be well aired
and dried. Change your cloths often,
frequently wash and boll them, and
never, no never, use them to wash the
rftove. Have one cloth for silver, china
and glassware, and another for the
kettles and frying pans. Milk dishes
are better washed and dried by them
selves, with their own towels.
j iEfottmg (Sli\nt
Pennsylvania people who visit ths
San Francisco exposition will have a
fine chance to see one of Harrtsburg's
industries at work In the dally display
of moving pictures In the Pennsylva
nia building. The pictures are of thfl
river coal fleet, dredging the Susque
hanna for the fine coal which is so ex
cellent for steaming and which is oni
of the important sources of fuel sup
ply for this city. They were taken
last summer when the fleet was In
midst of its busy season and when
there were more steam dredges and
flats around than at present. Some of
the pictures give excellent ideas of
the scenery about Harrlsburg and the
location of the city and the numerous
islands and banks of the stream are
depicted in an excellent manner. This
industry, strange as it may seem, was
picked out as one distinctively belong
ingtothiscommunity. Mostoft'heplante
are duplicated or shown in a larger
scale at other places. Later on it is
the plan to show some pictures of the
i an< S Its grounds. Har
rlsburg and Steelton are represented
by a number of products In the var
ious buildings. Steelton contributing
to the displays.
♦ • •
Uncle Sam has a miniature mint
bed in Harrlsburg although he prob
ably does not know it. In the midst
of the twenty-four varieties of weeds
that now adorn the formerly Immacu
late lawn on the Court street side of
the federal building there grew until
a couple of days ago several mint
plants. They were spotted near a
couple of the meanest weeds to be
found and the man who saw them save
they disappeared over night. "1
thought when I saw the mint thai
something would happen," said he.
It did. They were gone next day.
And under a pile of timbers, strange
to say, I saw an empty pint bottle."
• • »
While City Councilmen generally
approve of the proposed plan to dis
pense with weekly meetings during
July and August, some of them ques
tion the advisability of adopting the
resolution which provides for but one
meeting each month during the vaca
tion season. If the resolution which
was offered last Tuesday is adopted
at next week's meeting, then there
will be no further meeting until Au
gust 3. That will be the final ses
sion until the first Tuesday in Sep
tember. Pending legislation, however,
might interfere with this plan for as
one commissioner put it, "we don't
know just what matters may turn up
which will require prompt settlement
and I question whether or not it will
be advisable to hold but one meeting
a month."
• • *
..^ rrit i nß: in the Philadelphia Ledger
Girard" has this to say about some
thing which this newspaper has sev
eral times discussed and expressed a
similar wish:
"I trust nothing will deter ex-Attor
ney General Hampton L. Carson from
a work which he told me he means to
perform. He intends to write a book
about the Philadelphia delta and its
part in the Revolution. 'Draw a line,'
said this scholarly lawyer 'from
Princeton to Valley Forge, making the
third side of an angle formed by the
Delaware and Schuylkill rivers, and in
that delta were pitched the critical
events of our fight for Independence.'
Then Mr. Carson explained his state
ment in detail. The possession o£
Boston by the British meant merely
their retention of a part of Massa
chusetts. Holding New York, as tHe.v
did for years, failed to sever the colo
nies on the line of the
Therefore, Howe and Cornwallis deter
mined to push farther South and
cleave the thirteen States bv seizing
Philadelphia and holding the line ol
the Delaware. Such events as occur
red at Trenton, Princeton, Brandv
wine, Paoli, Germantown, Camp Hill,
Valley Forge, the Crooked Billet and
the capture of Philadelphia, the Na
tional Capital itself, were part of the
struggle for Mastery of this little
delta formed by these two rivers.
Washington won, and the delta, as
you know, is still in the possession of
• » ♦
Samuel I. Spyker, the Huntingdon
county Republican chairman, who was
a visitor here yesterday, is a lawyer
and was listening to Harry S. McDev
itt, who is also a lawyer, tell his expe
riences of the first year in criminal
court. Mr. McDevitt had a client and
got him off. Then the man took him
self off without paying any fee.
"Humm!" said Spyker. "You're in
J'our first year all right."
* » » *
"Women will never learn to get oft
a car right," said a Harrlsburg Rail
ways Company official to-day. "Nine
out of every ten women try to get off a
car before it stops," he continued.
'We are having trouble now becauso
of the summer cars. With the pay-as
you-enter ears the women cannot get
off until the door is opened.
"I rode to Paxtang the other even
ing. getting on a summer car at Mar
ket Square. Before we reached Pax
tang seventeen women left the car.
Only two of these women got off prop
erly. The others stepped off backward
Two were given a hard jolt when thev
landed on the asphalt pavement. In
e\ery instance the women were warned
by the conductor, but they would not
heed the warning. It Is the way of
—Col. H. M. Morrow, of the United
States army, well known here, will go
to the Philippines.
—A. Roy Goetz, new head of ths
postal clerks' organization, lives at
Altoona, where he is connected with
the postal service.
—Dr. Joseph Leidy, of Philadelphia,
has gone, to Narragansett.
—John R. Edwards, a Philadel
phian, has been retired as a rear ad
miral in the navy.
—A. G. Rosengarten, of Philadel
phia. has gone to the exposition.
—Ex-Congressman A. Mitchell Pal
mer is motoring along the New Jer
sey coast.
That Hnrrlsburg steel is
used for trolley poles?
General Nelson A. Miles Is an
gant, self-centered, strutting old pea
cock.—The Hon. Jown L. Sullivan.
Tut. tut, John: General Miles Is not
old, and It Is not a cause of reproach
that he Is handsome and bears him
self well. Most of ns are self-centered.
Let the cold water campaign go for
ward without these violent misrepre
sentations of its supporters. New
York Sun.
Fly Contest
June 1 to July 31
5 Cents a Pint
Prises of $&. 92.60 and several
91.00 ones
duplicated by Mr. Ben Rtrouae