A UNIVERSAL BOTTLE Is Just the thing for your motoring or camptng outfit. ■ Keeps liquids ice cold for 36 J hours or hot 2 4 hours. Fillers protected against break -1 age by their patent Rustless Shock Absorbers. the most sanitary bottle w made. We carry a complete assort- EJ, ment. SI.OO to $5.00 • FORNEY'S DRUG STORE 426 Market Street ————^————i^ EDUCATIONAL Harrisburg Business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first. Day and night. 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE IS 0. Utrkft Kq„ Harrliburx, Pa. Resorts ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. $ 1.50 op Daily. $8 up Wkly. Axu. Plan OSBORNE Pacific and Arkansas Ave*., near Bench. Flfr vat. r. Running: water in rooms. Windows screened. Bathing from house Excellent table. Cap. 300. Booklet. MRS. E. KUNZ. TUP WII TQHIBF Virginia Avefiue I HE. WILIOniIVE. and beach : ocean view: capacity 350; private baths, run ning water in rooms, elevator, fine porches. &c.; music. Special—sl2.so up weekly; $2.50 up daily; open all year: booklet; auto at trains. SAMUEL. ELLIS. HOTEL MAJESTIC Beach. Renovat ed throughout; center of attractions; ocean view; capacity 300; elevator, private baths, white service, etc.; su perior table. Special, SIO.OO up weekly; $2.00 up daily. Booklet. M. A. SMITH. THE NELLUNDY VIRGINIA AVENUE AND BEACH Private baths, running- water; newly appointed dinlngroom; capacity 300. Special, $lO up weekly; $2 up daily. E. H. LUKDY. SOMMERSET Arkansas Ave., 2nd house from Board walk and Million Dollar Pier. Good hods, good table. SB, $9, $lO. $12.50 weekly; $1.50, $2 daily. H. J. KERSHAW UftTEI rS.rH IS9.MIMOurI.Te. nU 1 EiL unuEi Fireproof Room*. only. Hot and cold water every room. SI.OO per day up. Special weekly rates. Bathing from hotel with shower. THOS. L. GAGE. Prop. M|LLERffiI™E»ANN|x I * 9 ..IS N GEORGIA AVE. ATLCITY. N. \ clean, electric lighted throughout. White service. Hot and cold water baths. $1.25 and $1.50 daily. $7 and $8 weekly. Estab. 36 years. Booklet. Emerson Crouthamel. Mgr. BRUNSWICIf St. James Place Third house from Boardwalk at Ocean Pier. Table supplied from our farm. Management. MODERATE RAItS HOTEL TENNESSEE Tennessee Ave. and Beach. Ideal loca tion. convenient to railroad station, churches, piers and amusements. Ex cellent table, home comforts. $1.50 up dally; $8 up weekly; bathing from Hotel. A. HEALY. HOTEL NORMANDIE Kentucky Ave., near tne Beach. Noted for its excellent table and home com forts. Fresh vegetables from own farm. New metal beds. Rooms with bath. Elevator to street level. Near Board walk, churches, piers and depots. Free bathing from hotel. Garage in connec tion. Rates $2.00 daily. Special week ly. J. HAMILTON. MONTICELLO Kentucky Ave. nenr Beaoli. Atlantic City »iH!J ÜB SSi ui w rate " ' or hiijh-ffrade accommoda tions. 200 choice rooms; private baths; running water. Attractive public rooms and verandas. Exceptionally fine table. Good music. Dancing Bathing from house. $2 up daily; $lO up weekly Booklet. Anto coach. A. a EKHOLM. Ownea BEST LOCATED POPULAR PRICE FAMILY HOTEL NETHERLANDS York Ave. 50 Yards From Hoard" alk, Atlantic City, N. J. Overlooking lawn and ocean Ca pacity 400. Elevator. private baths, running water. Special free features, lawn tennis court and dance floor Bathing from hotel; shower baths' EARLY SEASON RATES—S9.OO TO $15.00 WEEKLY. $2.00 UP DAILY American Plan. Write for free booklet and points of Interest In Atlantic City AUG. RUHWADEL. LL M\ & L ANTICCITYO I^fcOOTEL-SANATORIUfI §?saP7]aealinit;s appointments. I^3l corgfor ljt able and se r vice~ Baths forpleasurea health OPLN . CAPACITY3SO ,1 THE " Worthington Cottage 41 S. Virginia Avenue ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. t Mrs. M. W. Spicer, of Harrisburg ELBERON AND FIREPROOF ANNEX. Tennessee Ave nue, near Beach. Central. Open surroundings. Oppoeite Protestant and Catholic Churches. Capicity 500. New throuo-hout. Running 7?SK m r °° m * Private baths. Metal beds 4.0J0 feet of porches. Excellent table Fresh vegetables. Windows screened. White service. B ok let. Special: SS.OO to <21.00 wenklyi • t.SO to 53.50 dally. R. B. LUDY. MD. MOUNT tiRETMA, PA. Hotel Lake Conewago; mod. convs. Apply to Samuel H. Lewis, Prop.. Newport Apts.. 16th and Spruce tits.. .-Phila.. til! June 10 THURSDAY EVENING, Seal Your Jelly Glasses / . the Modern Way Ujm Pour Parowax over them and you ; won't need to tie them or cover them / ■ f, j ] with tins. Parowax is sure-pure paraf- Fy . ■ I fine, clean enough to chew. Box of V. i 4 big cakes, 10 cents, everywhere. XjrjC ... Distribute Heat in I Two City Schools by New Fanning System Heat will be distributed through the rooms of the Cameron and the Penn school buildings this Fall by electrical power, this method having been adopted by the School Board to supersede the old system. In the Cameron building a flve-horse power motor will be installed by the Harrisburg Light and Power Company before school opens and the current will turn the great fans by which the heat will be circulated through the building. By this scheme the supply - Pa 1 atatle^i^j.',' Bread li Direct /com our oven ] / i// PKorve I Co your laM? B$V ,w 4 for WaronJ RuKls Penlrook Baker u _.ri4j^j 5 "Land of the Totem Pole" with its peak*, glacier*, fjord* and aboriginal life. VifiCd f- - : Include it in Your Exposition Trip Apd] srr vflj And See the Midnight Sun n" H ' fiti 1000 miles northward in luxury and comfort through r9 "'gf.f fljH the island-sheltered "inside route" on M£ ' Cj^jKaai^aßEr-'? Canadian Steamers per Department. Ist our new address will he 1231 Broad- JS^S!Py WW way. corner 30th Street. New York ( King Oscar 5 c Cigars The favorite smoke of the fans—watch 'em go up in smoke at Island Park any day there's a game. King Oscar quality breaks up any "slump" with its "winning streak" aroma. Get in the "game," Mr. Smoker, and watch your "batting" average go up with this standard nickel smoke. Regularly Good For 24 Years —nwimmwum ! | Buy Ceal Now—Cheapest jj This 1* the month to order next winter's supply of coal. There's ' i |, a material saving to be effected, and the wise folk are taking advantage '! ], of present low prices. Buy before the advance comes, and buy Mont- ' \ \ gomery coal thus Insuring the most quality for your money. ' ' J. B. MONTGOMERY |: Both Phones Third and Chestnut Streets ;; of heat can be readily regulated by the mere turning of a switch. In the Penn building a similar sys tem will be Installed, except that a much larger motor will be set up. Police Looking For Boys Who Tie Ropes Over Paths Falling over a wire stretched across a path in Reservoir Park, last evening, J. Roy Seldel, aged 15, fell and broke his arm. The police are searching for a band of boys who they believe make a prac tice of tieing ropes across paths and dark places and then hide themselves to watch pedestrians fall. hakrisburg telegraph Story No. 7—lnitallmant No. 3 WCjmYS? Blue Bloooandlfellow EDWI® BLISS Copyright. 1915. br Pathe Exchange, Inc. i 8 moving picture rights ud all foreign copyrights strictly reMncd. (CONTINUED FROM YESTERDAY.) This fact, combined -with the fact that his outstanding debts were un usually large, and his creditors un usually active, had made him cast about for an avenue of escape that would clear his every path of duanlng tradespeople and at the same time allow him to continue his life of luxurious extravagance In the accus tomed way. Marriage seemed the only way out, and the eligible list, that is, the people of any (bank book) ac count, was markedly limited. In fact, there was only one In town whose for tune was reassuring enough to com pensate for the disadvantages of re stricted hours and a life half taken up In leaving and receiving cards. Ho had decided to "risk it," as he pre sumptuously phrased it to himself, and accordingly, a few months before, had started to make frequent calle at the Logan mansion, in an effort to become "better acquainted." Scott had decided that the time was ripe for "protesting his love" and called the day after Paul and his father had been at the Logan mansion. The butler showed him into the gar den, telling him that Miss Anita was walking there. He discovered her on \nita Learns That She Will For feit Her Fortune if She Marriet. an old rustic bench beneath a great shady willow tree, sitting, pensively thinking, the while she unconsciously pulled to threads a long green leaf that had dropped into her lap. She looked up quickly as he ap proached, her face brightening at the sight of his well-groomed appearance, and utter lack of self-consciousness so evident in people of less breeding. He dropped gracefully onto the seat beside her, and gently led the talk to personal matters. "Miss Logan," ho said, "I have a question to ask. and on Its answer will depend my whole future." He spoke without passion, without emotion, as befltt.id the scion of an old family, his voice lacking that "vulger" earnestness so noticeable In those of mixed descent. He went on: "The Scotts have never been men of many words, and though our passions are less volatile than are those of the great majority" with a deprecating wave of his hand—"they have the quality of steadiness and endurance. I'm one of the old Scotts—the last of the old Scotts, I should say (how fine that sounded!) and I assure you that In asking for your hand I do It with all the sincerity and respect a Scott can be capable of. Will you marry me?" "Yes—Alfred," she said, blushing up at him, and In a moment she felt the dispassionate embrace and Judicial kiss of the last highly evolved member of the ancient family of Scott. "I have my car at the door, Alfred. It's been waiting for me for over a» hour. Will you ride with me, out Into the country? We can be alone. I feel we should be alone today." "As you wish, dear. I shall be de lighted." "Then go out and wait for me at the gate. I shan't be a minute. I want to get some wraps." She went with swift, glad steps to ward the house and he sauntered languidly to the gate. When he reached the sidewalk, his gentle, delicate nature was shocked at the sight of John Huff, his tobacconist, and one of his many creditors, In an attitude denoting deliberate waiting. Huff had seen him leave his club and had followed him to the Logan place. Intent on presenting in person a bill for a couple of hundred dollars, which, mailed many times, had never elicited a response. "Mr. Scott, sli>. I've taken the liberty—" "I should say you had taken a liberty," Scott cut in. "How dare you, sir!" "But," pleadingly, "this bill ha* been running for eight months now. an I have bills I myself must meet. Couldn't you make a small payment, say fifty dollars or so on account? I assure you, I shouldn't have presumed, had I not needed it very badly." "I can't talk of this matter now." Then, suddenly, as he saw a nastv glint harden the other's eye, "Listen, Huff." In a conciliatory tone, "and don't let this go any further"—confidentally— "l expect to marry the mistress of this house very shortly." with a look of subtle assurance, "and then I shall set tle In full. In the meantime, don't make yourself evident. Go away now." He realized she would r>e there any moment, and his voice became urgently importunate. "Go away now, please. She will be out any moment. Any moment! Don't, for heaven's sake and yours let her see you here. Go. Go away!" "Yes, sir," —with a servile bow—• "but you'll—" "Everything! Only go!" The man smiled reassuringly, turned, and was gone. A moment later, Anita, dressed for motoring, and looking Infinitely happy, appeared at the gate. IV. They rode a great distance, through small towns and sleepy villages, way on up into the mountains, and arriv ing at the village of Haslon about 2 o'clock In the afternoon. The car was crawling slowly along the main street when their attention was at tracted to a low red brick building, the only brick building they had thus far seen in the town. "I wonder what that is. It seems out of place here," she laughed. "Courthouse, probably," he said; and. then, struck with a sudden thought, "I say, Ann, wouldn't it be a lark to go In there and get mar ried—right now! No one knows us up here, and we might go back, mar ried, without all the vulgar publicity attendant upon a church wedding— or haven't you the courage?" She thrilled at the thought, and was penitently ashamed of her slight re sentment of a few hours before, when she had allowed herself to be vexed at his seeming lack of emotion. She was glad that under his placid ex terior he concealed a real feeling for romance. RED CROSS MASS MEETING In the Interest of the Italian Red Cross, a mass meeting will be held In the Regent Theater, Sunday, August 1, under the auspices of the Sons of Italy. Among the speakers will be, Professor C. Plttochi, ex-grand venerable of the Sons of Italy, and Oreste Gigllo. grand master. The committee in charge Is: P. Magaro, M. Cerzullo, I. Magnelll. A. Branca, V. Salerno, G. Bruscla, A. Acrl and G. Maisano. fSst half holidayS Store Opens at BA. M. Closes at 12 O'clock Noon C Friday Half Holiday Bargains (FOR FRIDAY MORNING FOR FRIDAY MORNING \ M ON 1,1. ONLY, ■ \ Women's and Misses' I BROOM COUPON FORI Women's and Misses' t up to S2M FRIDAY MORNING u <> ° s6o ° > /J* HWH With You) Spring Cloth I DRESSES For BB llljVo Other Purchase Necessary COATS For 50c 4 c Large Four-String Brooms For II d* V /T A f Street nn«l Porch Dreniten RjSu jj 1 1 XT <«/*V* ' In all the new wnnhnble HRSH If ll IT. HI .11 ~ , I niuterlals, gcoo.l style*, nil BP.. " gfl w Made Of all-WOOI ma- 1 I «l*e*. IS» ... 75 Brooms Go on Srlp tcrialsj black, navy / FOR FRIDAY MORMNG K'/J Jh l'\ ' ■ ' UTUUniS VlO On Jaie . J 1 . °* ,Y - Ujlllimm Promptly at 8.30 O'clock and tan - All slzes - i Women's and Misses' ggjlgyym , I $12.00 to $15.00 Only Ito a Customer. None Sold to Children Boys' 75c Odd 1 l' Cloth Coat Remember Only 75 Brooms on Sale Knicker PANTS I SUITS For _ J , ' FOR FRIDAY MORNING ONLY jE \ <£ C Women's and Misses' £% P* 7 V j 'l J7 $12.00 to SIB.OO IL |)k T 4. en tf Silk and Cloth DRESSES For K ha" and CaTsLerJ I ?i u r "" d * ra > only. Sixes Silk DreHHen In a*n»rte<l color*. Cloth Urruen In as- D „„.„ r . 17 J 1(1 to 3H, Come early. uorted colors. Also a few Evening; Dresses. x antS. JtO 1/ yC&rS. Boys' Tapeless Blouses MEN'S" WORSTED AND Men's Cool Panama Suits I 19c CASSIMERE PANTS $ 3 . 95 I | You will nnd the name material ftQ T Sold Elsewhere For $7.50. . they put In 50c tvnlHta. They hove U«/ , M , one 11 ruffs and link mii .r. WH«» Uur choice or llKht shades and n quantity In limited. ' ' P«l'" *«le^ Friday morning dark pin atrlpea. For Friday only. K 1 A Special Friday Morning BOYS' WASH SUITS MEN'S STRAW HATS I I Sale of Young Men's F $lO AND sl2 SUITS i9c i c I Pj f\f\ SI * M 1n the "«" r,or Wa»h Suit* are ~ 5 hnt " '"*• \ <SD«UU titv i |.ll'mlfi.d C,,r " ° Uly ' The quan " FOR FRIDAY ONI.Y g 1 . Handsomely made aoft roll 1 GIRLS' WASH DRESSES J J modela. patch pocketa, cuff" FOR FRIDAY ONI.Y UIIXL.O Tfrtjn UftLJOLJ £ & on trouserx. In chevlota and home- SMDI C> D 1 AAMCDC Worth 25c. /= GIRLS BLOOMERS Clean Sweep Sale. ( I FOR FRIDAY ONI.Y Worth 2SC. 1 2 , WOMEN'S KIMONOS Clean Sweep Sale, I £ C ~, „„ 1 A Only 100 Dreaaes to aelli made of £ ' ! Worth tO SI.OO. I flint color Percales; alzea 2 to II 1 I Clean Sweep Sale, only 100 pa|r to KFlI| nin(le of f „ t ■ f x -, v OA colorw; nateen; In colom only; an- FOR FRIDAY O!\LY J i ZyC Juniors' Wash Dresses f I ' la«n ,y kl^:r , iL.Xi <^ h r , .. f - nCy T Worth to $3.50. { — Women s Dressing oacques Clean Sweep Sale, / C PURITAN BLOUSES Worth 25c, For I *1 q J K For Boys 6 to 15 years. 1A _ C ■ Snerial X v/ C Only 00 Drennea to aellj aaaort- m M opeciai T Q V ed colora l nenrat modelai made of ft 1 to-morrow t1.7 II Only 18 to aclli made of fast color percales nnd elnjchams. Sizes 11 to J percales; dark colors; assorted sizes. 17 years. ( Wedding Ceremonies in Central Pennsylvania Columbia.—Miss Helen M. Courtney, | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Courtney, of this place, was married to George Wolpert, of Lancaster. The ceremony was performed at the rec tory of Sacred Heart Church in that city. Marietta.—Miss Mary A. Mehaffey was married to Charles Elvin Show alter. of Lancaster, at the parsonage of the Grace Lutheran Church by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Haupt. Mountville. —Miss Viola M. Stewart, of Lancaster, was married to John C. Bartholomew at the parsonage of th«> Christ Lutheran Church by the pastor, the Rev. A. J. Reichert. "WASHIES" ELECT The following officers were elected at a meeting of the Washington Hose Company: President, George W. Ken nedy; vice president, William L. Jauss; treasurer, Charles F. Spicer: secretary. Charles E. Ripper; trustees. William L. Jauss, D. r, Jauss and Charles F. Spicer; foreman, Raymond Ayers; assistant foreman, Albrecht Davis; directors, George Chenoweth, Howard Chenoweth; Winfield Hersh ley; John Huber, M. J. Kohner and Harry Ross; delegates to firemen's union, William L. Jauss, Raymond Ayers and Charles Sc hmidt; delegates | to firemen's relief, William L. Jauss,] George W. Kennedy and Charles K. Ripper; horse directors, George W. I Kennedy and Rudolph H. Spicer; sub] drivers. George W. Kennedy, Charles | F. Spicer and Raymond Ayers; dele gate to firemen's convention, Charles Schmidt; alternate, M. J. Kohner. SITTCKLEY HELP FOR BURGLARY Fred Shickley, of Nineteenth and Greenwood streets, was held for court I under S3OO bail at a hearing before) Alderman Hoverter yesterday, on a charge of burglary. FT RE COMPANY FESTIVAL Enola. Pa.. July 8. The Enola Fire Company will hold an ice cream cake and candy festival on the lawn of the hosehouse on Monday and' Tuesday evenings, July 26 and 27. - ! COLONIAL At extraordinary prices you can see today WILLIAMSONS! i Submarine Motion Pictures of the Deep Sea Mat., 5-10; Eve., 10-15 I JULY 8, 1915. STUDENT TO FILL PULPIT Dauphin, Pa., July B.—R. B. Forten baugh, a senior at Gettysburg Theo j logical Seminary, will supply the pul : pit of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church during the months of July, August and September. Regular serv ices will be held during that time. KICK BREAKS RIBS Hagerstown, Md.. July B.—Charles Matthews, employed on a farm near] Boonsboro, was kicked in the side .by a horse sustaining several fractured ribs and, probably Internal injuries. How's This? . We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'i Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations i made by bis firm. NAT. BANK OP COMMERCE. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 73 j cents per bottle. Sold by all Drug prists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. AMUSEMENTS j II li 111 I IHIIIIi » TO-DAY FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN 1 IN "The Slim Princess" | TO-MORBOW AND SATURDAY VIOLA ALLEN IN "The White Sister" VICTORIA AMUSEMENTS To-day, laat day, DANIEL FROII MAN present* .MARGIIBKITU CLAHK In "GRETNA GREEN." Friday, one day only, "LITTLE MISS BROWS," featuring VIVIAN MARTIN. For Information regarding our coming attractions, call Bell phone 3719, United 734-Y. v I Paxtang Park. Theater TO-NIOHT « Bis Vaudeville Acta—4 with Fred Ruaaell'a Old-Tlme Mlnatrela Dally Matlneea. FREE TO CHILDREN I * ———■ wmmmmmd 1 r 1 Sacred Band Concert, AT Boiling Springs Park SUNDAY, JULY 11 • Municipal Band of Harrfaburff. H hour car aerrice for Rand i t| Photoplay To-day I 1 WILLIAM WAD9WORTH and | VIOLA DANA In the 4-aet feature drama ! 'Cohen's Luck' By Lee Arthur. Author of Warfleld'a aucoeaa, I "Th« Auctioneer." |V ■ Try Telegraph Want Ads 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers