4 IT.ADIES' -RAZAARI Dorr FORGET 1A 19 C >li.L Cf DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER ill-1* 3. *»IH Ot. THE NUMBER "We Adrertisethe Tnrth-—The Troth Advertise* U>" To-morrow, Only 4 Hours Of Selling in Our Big July Sale Friday—Store Opens 8 A.M., Closes 12 Noon WOMEN'S WAISTS Women's Wash Women's in DRESS SKIRTS SUMMER DRESSES 49 <i 59c $1.98 Former Prices „ ___. up to $1.25 Former Prices Former Prices PreUy white and N«west° ftlL. In Beautiful »fi v ° lles ' heavy white Ratine: materials. In hand all regular waist some styles and col- Women's Wash band "- ors; all sizes. DRESS SKIRTS Women's Women's $1.85 I SILK PETTICOATS I CLOTH COATS Former Prices 95c $2.19 A variety of pretty Former Price* styles, in every new "P . up to 96.98 and wanted material. Newest wanted styles Regular and extra . f llK . "P essa ' 1 in ®- and colors, in all wool »»"*■ Women's Women's Women's SILK DRESSES I/ONG KIMONOS WHITE DRESSES $8.69 59c $4.69 Former Prices Former Prices Former Prices up to 517.98 up to 98c up to $9.98 Handsome styles, tn Made of splendid Beautiful white em chiffon, taffeta and quality crepe in very broidered voiles, trim crepe de chine; very pretty designs; all med with gorgeous pretty shades. sizes. laces; all sices. MARRY IN HARRISBURG PLEASANT MOTOR TRIP Waynesboro, Pa., July 8. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hoerner and Mary Zuckerman, eldest daughter of Miss Ruth Hoerner, 230 Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. W. Zuckerman, this street, with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Soli place, and Harry Melman, of Steelton, enberger, of 610 Seneca street, enjoyed Pa., will be married at Armory Hall, a pleasant motor trip over the Fourth Harrisburg, Tuesday evening, August to Chambersburg, Pen Mar, Hagers -17, at seven o'clock. The bride-elect town and Frederick, Md., returning has a large circle of friends here. by way of Emmitsburg and Gettys- burg. Miss Marian Pickett of Philadelphia, Is spending several days with her Mrs. A. L. Chayne, Miss Sara B. aunt, Mrs. Charles Rynard at 1833 Chayne, Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Whitehall street. Chayne and Charles Chayne of North Miss Delia Sparrow, of Brooklyn, is Second street, spent the National Holt spending the summer with her sisters, day with the Misses Sleber at their the Misses Sparrow, Derry street. Grantham cottage. The Closed Season for the Bake-Oven We have built a two-million dollar bakery with which to supply you with a perfect whole wheat bread which contains all the body-build ing material in the whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible Form. Make our bake-oven your bake-oven during the Summer . months by serving Shredded Wheat the life-giving, muscle-building "meat" of the wheat. It is ready-cooked, ready-to* eat. Close the bake-oven for a while and serve Shredded Wheat in many dainty, delicious combinations with ripe, luscious berries and all sorts of fruits and green vegetables. Two biscuits, with milk or cream, or fresh fruits, make a complete mead that will fit you for the day's work. I ffe recoup 1 W ° RLD FAMOUS —ID- To indicate you are a regular reader you must present ONE Coupon like this one, with 68 cents. THE WORLD FAMOUS EMBROIDERY OUTFIT » gua*. ■nteed to bo the best collection and biggest bargain in pattern* ever offered. It consists of more than 450 of the very latest designs, for any one of which you would gladly pay 10 cent*, best hardwood em broidery hoops, set of highest grade needles (assorted sizes), gold-tipped bodkin, highly polished bone *tiletto and fascinating booklet of subno tions giving all the fancy stitches so deaily illustrated and Tphmrd that any school girl can readily become expert SEVERAL TRANSFERS FROM EACH DESIGN ONLY SAFE METHOD - AH old-fashioned methods using water, benzine or injurious arc crude and out-of-date. This is the only safe method. Other* often injure expensive materials. N. B. Out of Town Readers will add 7 cents extra for I postage and expense of mailing, THURSDAY EVENING, &u*soru3c!*Dsocn3 BIRTHDAY COMES ON' NATIONAL HOLIDAY Big Cake Gaily Decorated With Red, White and Blue Candles Ml 3 t mm .t fa ■ sgt bi ■' S« MHwi' -:'Ji -' :JL£ : ; % MP - GERALDINE MURIEL WATTS Little Miss Geraldlne Muriel Watts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Watts of North Sixth street, cele brated her eighth birthday on the Na tional Holiday by entertaining twenty four of her young friends. Flags and bunting decorated the house and in the center of the supper table was a large birthday cake with eight red, white and blue candles. The children enjoyed games and contests, the prize winners being Mary Harris and Gwendolyn Brubaker. The small hostess received many gifts from her guests and presented each one with a flag tied with ribbons. Refreshments were served to the Misses Dorothea McCaslln. Virginia Trulllnger, Ada Hummel, Meriam Weirman, Leah Willard, Evelyn Man ning, Lavlna Brubaker, Mary Harris, Marie Barriek, Charlotte Zentmyer, Helen McClenaghan. Mary Gruber, Gwendolyn Brubaker, Florence Burt nett. Ruby Wall and Gertrude Bow man, Messrs. Jay Detweiler, Luther Zentmyer, Reuben Barrlck, James Trulllnger, John Wall, Harold Miller and Meade Detweiler; assisting Mrs. Watts were Mrs. Clarence McCaslln, Mrs. Charles R. Pee and Mrs. Helen Brubaker. Allen Floyd has returned to South Bethlehem after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Floyd at 235 Briggs street. Mrs. John Blair of Carlisle and Miss Mary Blair of Atlantic City, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Blair, 403 North Second street, eiarly in the week. Mrs. Edward Flnnegan of North Second street, is In the city after a visit of several weeks with friends at Johnstown. Mrs. Mary A. Baer, of New Holland, is the guest of her son, H. H. Baer, of 1905 Penn street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Gough of Verbeke street with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam J. Ettinger, of Calder street, are home after a little trip to Pittsburgh, where they visited Mrs. F. W. Pratt. Miss Nell Chapman and Miss Helen Chapman of tXnadilla, N. Y., were re cent guests of their aunt, Mrs. James F. Royce of State street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Meek and family, 1525 Green street, have taken "Anchor" cottage above Dauphin for a few weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Phillips*, of North Third street, are home after an extended automobile trip through New England. Miss Mary Burr, of Moorestown, N. J., is visiting her niece, Mrs. James A. Hartman, at Summerdale. NERVOUS WOMEN Are troubled with the "bluea," anxiety, sleeplessness, and warnings of pain and distress are sent by the nerves like flying messengers throughout body and limbs. Such feelings may or may not be accompanied by backache or head ache or bearing-down. The local dis orders and inflammation, if there be any, should be treated with Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets. Then the nervous sys tem and th'e entire womanly make-up feels the tonic effect of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Take this in tablet or liquid form and be a well woman. Carlisle, Pa.—"When I needed to be built up and get strong I used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I was in a nervous and run-down condi tion. I took it for a period of six months and at the end of the treatment was much stronger and better." —Miss ANNA P. CBOMUCH, 69 E. Nortb St Many mothers of families in Penn sylvania have reason to be grateful to the person who recommended Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is put up for the single purpose of curing diseases peculiar to women. Another point in its favor: It is a temperance remedy and does not oontaln a single drop of alcohol or of any narnotic. Its ingredients are printed on the wrapper. It banishes pain, headache, back ache, low spirits, hot flashes, dragging down sensation, worry and sleeplessness surely and without loss of time. Why should any woman continue to worry, to lead a miserable existence, when certain help js at hand ? What Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription has done for thousands it will do for you. Get it to-day 1 The sluggish liver can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Biliousness, coated tongue, bad breath, are all cleared up and banished by the use of these tiny sugar-coated granules —purely vegetable and harmless, do not canto a habit. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Robinson's July Clea FOfi^ r —-—-• This sale gets its "second wind" after the rush of the two opening days in time to rearrange stocks and get 50 rare specials for the first Friday half-work-day of the year. (Store closes noon Friday) Here is a partial list—the prices seem almost too low but a reputation for 25 years of "uptown low prices" is behind every item. N A FRIDAY BARGAIN A FRIDAY BARGAIN f V f * SI.OO Screen Doors $1.50 Aluminum Kettle \ /" V A Friday A Friday Dark frame; including fix- Extra heavy 20-gauge Aluml- » Frlriav A F^rtay l«**Knln Bargain tures; a limited number, so It num Preserving Kettle; full ' Bargain _ will pay you to CQ. 10-qt. capacity; self-locking K . . $1 Dress Skirts SI.OO Waists be here early OJ7C ears; heavy steel '7Q/. 12.00 Traveling Made of white Made of lawns, —J wire ball #S7C Bags pique and ] ace cloths and i «y jaBBBSsanHOBHar . ... Best quality, r .^' ne 77 a ,' vollw; low A FRIDAY BARGAIN A FRIDVY BARGAIN » FABT C «! OR th"; lot neck ' ?, r '< andle '!-® 8 to « 3 00 P>"»l>s , 25c: to 3»" Griy IWI Ware leather Travel this lot collars Every pump In this sale this Several new Items In this 19c wTa« nS. 9n Unith. 39C seasons stock Patent and sale to replace those sold out lmh Inrt 18- n.r L . 50C Colonials, some Wednesday. 14-qt. Sink Dish per^yard 2 Vi " 1 b ,', or color l d cl ? th Pans, 6-qt. Berlin Kettles, '° Ch BlZea) 5c S V tops; all sizes, d»i 4Q Palls, Preserving IQ. fl! 1 9Q A FVldaj f \ in this sale Kettles, etc., etc il/C 3> 1 > * Bargain A TWat V ' V V / «"«»'» 1 ■ -Tig bptowiiwwppiiic tnrmi- o , .. "bTJT I jr™: =? Kabmsons «• w 39c 25c . I 29c 7c I J S___J o THIRD AND BROAD M MISS COBLE WIIER OF AMATEUR MEDAL Harrisburg Girl Gets First Honors in State Elocutionary Contest Monday Miss Sora Coble of this city was awarded the H. O. S. gold medal in a State elocutionary contest held in Philadelphia on Monday, July 5, in the Market Street Auditorium. This medal is for the first honors and pro claims Miss Coble as the best amateur reciter in Pennsylvania. This young lady who is just eighteen years of age will soon be at her home on the Hill for the sum mer holidays. She will continue her studies and gives promise of standing at the head of her profession some day. Surprise Lawn Party For Miss Nellie Johnson Miss Nellie Joljnson was delightfully surprised at a lawn party at her home, 237 Columbia Road, Enola Tuesday evening, July 6. Dancing to the Vlc trola was enjoyed by many of the guests and as a jitney was at hand, many rides were taken around and out of Enola throughout the evening. Refreshments were served on the lawn to Misses Bertha Brlghtblll, of Harrisburg; Prances Hutchinson, of Trenton, N. J.; Edna Shinton, Anna Kcssler, Kerka Gaul, Elva Kline, Alverda Hildebrandt, Anna Reitzel, Nellie Johnson, Messrs. Charles Gable. Paul Harklnson, John Peters. Howard Mclntyre, Jack Wltmer, Bill Allen, Ray Bottorff, Buck Steward, James Hildebrandt and Mr. and Mrs. E. Gal lagher, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hildebrandt, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Reitzel Rnd Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson. THESE PERDIX PICNICKERS LAUNCH LITTLE SHIP A picnio wus held at Perdix Monday in Willis' Grove, when the following young people enjoyed an outing: The Misses Constance Reidleman, Aogelyn Young, Gertrude Wilson, Hel en Wilson, Jean Allen and Mary Roth, Robert Fortenbaugh, Ben Gastrock, Harry Spong, Bill Bilton, Carson Mc- Calllster, Frank Roth. They were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Willis and among the interest ing features of the day w'ere the launching of a miniature battleship and the passing of the train carrying the Liberty Bell on its way from Phil adelphia to the exposition at San Francisco. 1,1 1 , Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hlnkley, of 1820 Zarker street, announce the birth of a son, Charles Reno Hlnkley, Jr., on Saturday, July 3, 1915. Mrs. Hlnkley was formerly Miss Caroline M. Shook of Pittsburgh. Mr. Hinkley is con nected with the State Water Supply Commission. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Menke, Jr., of Summerdale, announce the birth of a son. Frederick Fllmor Menke, Sun day, July 4, 1915. Mrs. Menke was Miss Elizabeth B. Wlssler of this city, prior to her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gohl, of 226 South street, announce the hlrth of a son, Fred Gohl. Jr., Wednesday, July 7, 1915. Mrs. Gohl was Miss Vina Forshey prior to her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Cooper of 2345 Logan street, announce the birth of a daughter, Kathryn Jane Cooper, Saturday June 26, 1916. Mrs. Cooper was formerly Miss Alice Rohabaugh of this city. I [Other Personals on Page 3] CONCERT IT PIXTIG BY URGE CHORUS Harrisburg Evangelistic Chorus Holds First in Series of Summer Outings The first of a series of summer out ings of the Harrisburg Evangelistic Chorus will be held to-morrow eve ning at Paxtang park, it was an nounced this morning by C. P. Clip pinger, director of the big chorus. From 7 to 8 o'clock the chorus, with the assistance of the park orchestra, will give a concert in the big audi torium. • The program announced by Mr. Clippinger is as follows: "Praise Ye Jehovah," Gounod, chorus; "Fropi Afar," Verdi, chorus; "Pear Ye Not O, Israel," Dudley Buck, Mrs. C. P. Clippinger; "Gloria," Moz art, chorus; "Beyond the Smiling," Zundel, bass solo and chorus; "Great Is Jehovah,' Wagner, chorus; "Hark, Hark, My Soul," Shelley, by double quartet, Mrs. Rebe Turner, Miss Mary Turner, Mrs. S. R. Harris, Miss Beulah Hoverter, Miss Anna McKel vey, C. P. Clippinger, W. E. Dietrich, R. C. Smith, C. R. Engle; "Immanuel," Gabrue, chorus, "America," The Evangelistic chorus is planning a big outing at Hershey later on in the summer when the choruses of the Lebanon, Reading and local Stough campaigns will Join in a grand concert in the big new Hershey auditorium. Fourth of July Dinner With the Christmans Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christman gave a Fourth of July dinner at Ihelr home in Rockvllle Monday. The guests en joyed games and vlctrola selections throughout the day. Those present were Mrs. Catherine Blosser, Miss Margaret Blosser, Miss Miriam Blosser. Miss Cora Christman, Miss Laura Christman, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Blosser. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christ man and Edward Blosser, all of Rock ville, and Mrs. Bertha Kaufman and daughters, Rose and Jessie, of Wil liemsport. Miss Erma Parsons of Elmlra, N. Y., Is visiting her cousin, Miss Elizabeth Nauss at 84 North Second street. Daniel Z. Karns of 1253 Derry street, is home after a trip to New York City. Miss Eleanore Earnhart of Waynes ville, Ohio, is visiting at the home of Charles Raine, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stoufter at 671 Race street. Mrs. Conrad Raker, of Sunbury, Is visiting friends In this city. Miss Julia Fuhrman of Williams port, has returned home after spend ing several days with Miss Goldie E. Douglas at 610 Ross street. Miss Harriet Sisson of 216 Herr street, has returned after a visit to her home at Falrvlew, Erie county. Mr. and Mra. James Taggart. of Sunbury. were the guests of friends here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Culp have re turned from a visit in Sunbury. Miss Anne Ker, of Sharon, Is the guest of Miss Margaret Stackpole, 1825 North Front street. I Mrs. Ell H. Coover and Miss Jessie Coovex. of 207 Harris street, are enjoy ing a summer's stay at Ardmore. HOW TO REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT A SIMPLE, SAFE AND RELIABLE WAY People who are over-burdened with superfluous fat. know only £oo well the discomfort and ridicule that over-stout people have to bear. If you are carrying around five or ten pounds of unhealthy fat you are unnecessarily weakening your vital or gans and are carrying a burden which destroys the beauty of your figure. There is no need of anyone suffering from superfluous fat. If you want to reduce your weight in a simple, safe and reliable way, without starvation diet or tiresome exercise, spend as much time as you can In the open air, breathe deeply and get from any good druggist a box of oil of korein capsules; take one after each meal and one be fore retiring at night. Weigh yourself once B week so as to know Just how fast you are losing weight and don't leave off the treatment or even skip a single dose until you are down to normal. Oil of korein Is absolutely harmless. Is pleasant to take, helps digestion and is designed to consume the excessive fatty tissue by Increasing the oxygen carrying power of the blood. Even a few days' treatment should show a no ticeable reduction in weight, footsteps become lighter, your work seem easier and a lighter and more buoyant feeling take possession of your whole being. Every person who suffers from super fluous fat should give this treatment a trial, there is nothing better.—Adver tisement. , JULY 8, 1915. Sunshine Society Wants Home For Crippled Boy The Sunshine Society would like to And a temporary boarding home for a crippled boy. The boy has Just re turned from an operation at the hos pital and Is badly in need of country air and good food to build up his bcdy. This is only one instance of the society's activities this summer. The work goes on. Several children are gaining health and strength at Manada Gap and are so happy there that they don't want to go home. These are all cripples. Another child, a little girl who was taken in a helpless condition to Philadelphia some motnhs ago, has improved enough to be taken to the North American home for cripples at Atlantic City. Still another little fel low who had been suffering intense pain for some time from double hip disease is now so happy with his feet hlKher than his head that the doctors and nurses call him "Sunny Jim." He is going to get well, but It will take him a long time. These are only a few of the Imme diate cases. Sunshine is being scattered here and there and the society stands ready to help wherever a ray is needed. People can help to scatter It, though. Clothing for a 6-year-old crippled girl is needed, and also this home in the countrj'. If you want to help, communicate with Mrs. Homer Black, Camp Hill; phone 3432. Miss Clara Marshbank, matron at the Y. W. C. A., is home after a de lightful trip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition and points of interest in tho West. Miss Elizabeth Boher, of Second and South streets, has gone to Chambers burg to attend the wedding of Misa Margaret Greenawalt. Miss Emily Cummings, of Crescent street, left to-day for a visit with friends at Clearfield. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Sen Home Care That Aaron* Can Use Without IMacomfort or L«m of Time We have a New Method that cures Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your case is of long standing or recent de velopment, whether It Is present as Hay Fever or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter tn what climate you live, no natter what your age or occupation. If you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show evcryoTi'- at our own expense, that this new method is designed to end all dif ficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at one* and for all time. This free offer Is too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mall coupou ueiow. Do It To-day. _____ FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room IR2M, Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buf falo. N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: [Charcoal I ' IS The Ideal Fuel FOR The Range when the weather is hot. No Trouble—No Danger No Ashes—No Smoke Makes a quick hot fire. Cooks a meal thoroughly without heating the kitchen un comfortably. The Satisfactory Fuel The Most Economical Fuel 10<> For a Bag At Your Grocer's If he does not have It phone us and we will see you are sup plied. McCreath Bros. 567 Race St. COAIj Bell 1951 CEMENT MISSION SOCIETY OUTING The Young Women's Missionary So ciety of Christ Lutheran church will hold their July meeting this evening at Reservoir Park. The business meet ing will be preceded by a supper at six o'clock. Should the weather be unfavorable the meeting will be held fn the church parlors. HOW TO REDUCE VARICOSE VEINS Many people have become despondent because they have been led to believe that there Is no remedy that will re duce swollen veins and bunches. If you will get a two-ounce original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil (full strength) at any first-class drug store and apply It night and morning as di rected you will quickly notice an im provement which will continue until the veins and bunches are reduced to normal. Emerald Oil Is extensively used In hospitals and In factories as first aid to the injured. It Is a harmless, yet nmpt powerful germicide and two ounlbs lasts a very long time. Indeed, so powerful Is Emerald Oil that soft bunches, goiter, swollen glands, varicocele and wens are reduc ed. It Is one of the wonderful discov eries of recent years and anyone who Is disappointed with Its use can have their money refunded. Any druggist will supply you. Generous sample on receipt of 10 cents from Moone Chemi cal Co., Rochester, N. T. Reading Railway SEASHORE Excursions July lO and 24 Sixteen-Day Tickets. Good on any train. Stop off allowed at Philadelphia, going and returning within time limit of ticket. Sunday, July 25 ONE-DAY EXCURSION WESTPOINT $3.50 Excursion SATURDAY, JULY 17 OCEATGROVE 10 Day Excursion FRIDAY. AUGUST 20 i i —ij r.. • H Your Furniture I Refinished Saltzgiver service offers you what has never been known until this time In Harrleburg —the experience of a thor oughly reliable and expert furniture reflnlsher. While you are away for the summer all of your furniture will be done over, . —or If you have one or two odd pieces the services of the same reflnlsher are at your disposal. Your furniture protected by fireproof storage. Saltz giver's Art Store 22S N. SECOND ST.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers