10 The Store Closes at Noon To-morrow :i^a^el()fj,LacgfrdaiPßa^aingi r ~~ ~ Wash Goods Granite Cloth Women's and Misses' Children's Drawers Lace and Embroidery Huck Towels No Friday Spe- 25c Linen Crash, 36 in- 50c quality in all shades; Dresses Muslin drawers, with plain ( Cotton lace edges and in- Regular 8c huck towels-] riflk Spnt f O m I PA f Regular $5.95 and $6.50 hem and bunch tuck trim- sertions, Ito 2 inches; white red border and of good qual .cials bent C. V. 19c o da c U y y « r d . .... 35c vo«e dresses, in P oik» dot 9c XS« s ft" H y FtM .y 8 D., or Mail or 50c ,lik and cotton Crepe, ch f s sC Jd7 ot,oman '4 9 c in ' stV'''i« C thTl"m weave, m... P.„„„ » o'clock .yard 2C each?.'.".' 4c , DU i embroidered designs. Spe- ' 75C produced for the Summer rum. J Cambnc and Swiss em- PtlOIlG Orders cial Friday only from Bto PK ' al season; the sizes are for Women's Underwear briery tosertiooj. 1 tt> 3 L J , 12 o'clock, OQc v , misses and women. Special , , mchcs, values to oc. Spe- Filled tf Jlf J yard ' Friday only, Bto OM Crt Regular 25c drawers, with 'r'f , ay on - v ' 1,1 Bto Bath Towel, 7 - t;.,, p.. , A . v Mohair and Serge 12 o'clock «P"»Ov cambric ruffle and hem- ~" 1 • 3c (7- 7 i ] • D , , „ . 7,c Silk Poplin, 36 inches f B . stitched hem Snecial Fri y ard 2oc fanc y check and stn P e KUbber Heels wide, half silk, lengths from 75c navv mohair. 50 inches Dlves - L^™™y,*_? tewart > 1„ o^n l - - Swiss embroidery \ Turkish bath towels: oink. Men's and women's 25c * J/, to 4 yards Special Fri- wide. Special Friday 40- o'lck 15c .0.6 inches values ,0 12;k. blue and yellow colors. Spe , live rubber heels. Special from . 8,0 39c only, yard Serge and Voile Heavy cambric brassieres. Special l-r,day only from 8 cial Fr,day only, J5 !Friday only, Bto 12 A. 12 oclock, yard .... $1.50 silk and wool Scin- , 8 , Special Friday only, OC, to 12 o'clock, g( . each 1 Snecial Friday onlv from Special ..... wide. Special I'riday only, Dives, Pomerov A Stewart, ' treet Floor. j Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart special 1 rina\ Olll) irom r 8 n Dives. Pomerov 4 Stewart, Street Floor > »» Street fcnoor. J Bto 12 o'clock, Qi/9r» Dives, Pnmeroy ft Stewart, t0 f* Second Floor. J /"• i T I Vird J/ /2C Street Floor. J yard «. ~ , , _ VlUest 1 OWeU Nurses' Shoes M C SI.OO black voile. AGk*% Middy Blouses Children s Sweaters f ~ ; ~ N „ - Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart Navy oerge *tZ/ C N >\ Regular 17c and 19c guest $175 black kidskin lace street Floor. J . -P . . Smocked Middy blouses;] SI.OO and $1.50 white woo! towels with colored border. .shoes, with handturn soles Belts and Girdles Regular $125 navy blue D,v - tewart - . regularly $1.50. Special Fri-I c ° a * sweaters with red and Special Friday only, 8 O and rubber heels. Special Belts and birdies sergOO mches wide Spe- ' day only, Bto 12 QO « e edg,„r Sp,.ciai tndav to 12 o'clock, each ... OC ' Friday onlj r , Bto AEy 50c kid suede patent lcath- 12 o'clock vard 95c Colored Serge o clock o'clock 50C Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart 112 o'clock er and pigskin belts. Spe- O clock, yard ... . " JC gC Dlves, Pomorov ft Stewart street Floor. J Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart ial 10 C OTV "' P^ 0y Fl?or RteWftrt J . 50c quality serge in de- Second Floor. J Dives. Pomeroy *. Stewart. J v» street Floor. J Btol2 o clock sirable shades; 36 inches Soan Snecial Stripe VOlle White Oxford- 25c to ~ Qc Velvet Belts. Colored Crepe "''j 1 "' Spe . cl;tl |,n ' lay 35 c I 7 " \ Belts and Suspenders 35c sheer voile, 40 inches * White uxtords Frjd . only, yard 8 bar. Armour s Light- , . lvide , for dresses and waists. Women's $1.50 white can- Bto 12 o'clock w^e;inches wfdt . ISWWU"-"- . of Friday ml y ISc yas four-button oxfords; 19c a " d loc in navy and brown. Special 0'c10ck...." . 2 5C only from Bto 12 1 Btol2 o clock, yard, 4 hand turn soles and covered Friday only, QQ. Ramie Linen Lumn laiindrv ctar.-h o'clock IDC Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Cuban heels; not all sizes. 25c and 50c silk girdles. vard oi/C c • i starch. M , , q foKr.v street Floor. J Special Friday only, 7C C Special Friday only, IQ C ' 59c quality white ramie; r ' 24c belts. Special Friday onlv . 4 8 to 12 o'clock from Bto 12 o'clock, lve ?- st^*t°? , i?or Stewart ' J 45 inches wide. Special Fri- ' ' from Bto 12 q Ribbons and Parasols Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart T*l >l* * day Only, Bto 12 a Dhes, Stewart o'clock 10c satin taffeta rihhon I^l Street Floor. J Street Floor. J . TailorS LininfifS o'clock, yard ..... W Basement. J , lUC satin tatteta ribbon, 1 f J n o*l I Dlves - Pomeroy A Stewart tO l/j inches Wide; white, Girls' Pumps Shields and Braid Pins 6J4C cambric in colors and Dlv « s - r ßtewart - J brocery Specials Mens store. J pink, light blue, red, green $2.00 patent col, ' ,n c and 25c J,m„ wais, 1 o„,y P yS 2'/ZCI Whole Tomatoes in glass'' Men', Shirt, " with buckles or with silk shields. Special Pnday only, 35c black satine, 36 in- rajama IfteckS f 50 dus Shirts in o'clock, yard ribbon bow; made on broad from Bto 12 o'clock, J Q ches wide Special 29 c 12Jic pajama checks in 1 tuna fish, 11 „ flannel and striped madras, I'arasols in figured and .toe last w.th low heels. Spe- pa,r W Fr,day only, yard .. white; 36 inches wide, for large cans ,' H« broken hues. Special Fri- fane, border stXs valu"> ,J a tn to 120 clock.. shields. Special Friday only, street W. only, Bto 12 o'clock, J grape jelly 'C 12 o clock W only from Bto 12 D,ve9 ' P sr e rt°^or StßWart ' J from Bto 12 45c Couch Covers - vard Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart shirTs Spea'al Friday'"onhl °' clock r ,.,j ,«> o'clock / : I Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart Basement. J f rom g to d» y Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart Children S Pumps , $1.65 linen covers, m plain Street Floor. nrlnck Jpl.OD Street Floor. J f and .0c braid pins. center designs; red and blue u • c • i Alarm Clocks $1.25 black kidskin two- Special Friday only, from 8 border. Special Friday Hosiery bpenals ' TTTIT ~ ~ T~! P 1 Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Women's Handkerchiefs strap pumps; sizes BJ4 to to 12 o'clock, onlv, Bto 12 CIOQ SI.OO guaranteed Men-. Women , nanakercniet, Vmisses' sizes 2. Special Fri- 15c and loc o'clock $1.39 Men s 25c black s,lk hose. alarm clocks. Spe- 79 Fancy colored border' dav only, Bto 12 QO_ 10C IUC ■ Specal Fnday only. 15 cial Fnday only ... Colored Lawn handkerchiefs in pink, light .o'clock yOC L J L J tr ° m 8,0 120 c'«k, " [_ J W/x i*™. "«« b ' ue and lavender, values 6 to Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart . Women's 18c black silk on white and colored , 10c - tnday only ' street Floor. J Sheets and Pillow Cases urapery cuitains lisl e hose. Special Fridav Pins and Rnrkles grounds. Special Friday f roni to 3c Girls' Sandals 16c lileached pillow cases, 1 I Regular SI.OO to $4.00 cur- o"^ rom . 8 .! 0 !. 2 .. 9c I 50c and SI.OO brilliant hat | B '° 12 7'/2C °' C L°, Ck ; /■ v az in * u c *i r* • tains of scrim lace or net I CiOCK 0 CIOCK, yarci Dlvea, Pomeroy Sk Stewart* j,,,. 4^x 36 inches. Special Fri- tains, ui stnm, ww or n« pins. Special Friday 1 f|« street frioor. boc tan grain leather bare- day only! {rom Bto OC- one pair of a kind Special Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart on]v ' IUC 5c Lawn?, neat styles on 's°p°ecLT Fridav only. En" I 12 o'clock 2 for .... hriday on'y, 8 1., $125 fancy slipper white ground. Special Fri- Basement Special, ,8 to 12 o'clock..:. 50c 65c bleached sheets, .MO ,0 $2.00 Athletic Underwear Friday onfy ftjSX'Z* .. $1.98 gas irons with hose/ Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart I inches. Special Friday only, Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart Men's 50c nainsook ath-| T . Special Friday only from street Floor. J from Bto 12 CQ V. Third #ioor. J | e tic shirts and knee draw- Elveß, s?r"i" o &i*r Stewart ' J 8c Lawns. Special Friday Bto 12 <tl 1Q Women's Neckwear oclock Cretonnes f r;! - ? peci fl F , _on\ y , „ aCiiL l ° 5^2C °' clock * Sleeveless guimpes of scallooed edee 76x90 inches 25c and 29c fancy ere- each D Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, j" , ... shadnw lare in white and scauopea eage, /oxw incnes. inu ... Regular 50c and 2sc leath- v. street Floor. J porch swing, complete with ecru 25c values Snecial Special Friday only, CQ« tonnes in different colorings; Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, er watch fobs. Special Fri- chain and hooks. Special Friday only tam 8 isl from 8-to 12 o'clock, « h d Specal Fn- s„«, F,»o r . j day only , 810 I2 P , n Wa.h Good, Remnant, Friday only, Bto 12 Q Sr to 12 O'clock ...... 15c -WffMU—« J o'c^yard 0 .... 17c Art Needlework lUC Remnants of Ginghams.- Lot OI mussed neckwear, ( TTTTT • Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart Perralpc Vnilp« lin en« anH $? 50 Victor lawn trim values to 25c Snerial Fri- Dl LJ M l* Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart $2.00 to SIO.OO pattern street Floor. > fercaies, voiles, linens and victor ' a^ n tr,m k day only from Bto 12 Bleached Muslin L street hoo, J pieces in finished cushion, . R , , n p , Crepes, lengths from 2to 6 mer, Special Friday only, .12 o'clock 5C 10c bleached muslin, 36 Bed Spreads ' children's dresses, scarfs and Black Dress Goods yards. Special Friday only, from Bto 12 J J Dives, Pomeroy ft 6tew S rt. inches. Special Friday only, ■ j aprons, slightly soiled. Spe- ( ?2 .50 silk and wool crepe, off" 1 ° ~- OCOL ' lr V. street Floor. J from Bto 12 o'clock, O _ "*' c hemmed crochet cial Friday only from Bto j n fo est quality black. Spe- $1.50 ball bearing roller n » n .!• t 1 y ar d spreads; limit, one to a cus- 12 o'clock, cial Fridav onlv Bto QO Dives. Pomeroy* Stewart, skates. Special Friday only Boy, Bathing Trunk, y t™,r. Special Fri- M *1 An to 4.C on 98c ee Floor. fromSt „' l2 t (. v K1 : 7/ jC bleached muslin, 36 dav onlv, each OVC I .UU q>O.UU oclock 3>i.ly -Navy blue bathing trunks. inches. Special Friday only, _ stamncH nilln,., Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart Grocery Specials Special Friday only £* from Bto 12 o'clock /? Il ' Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart C Stamped pi low cases. Street Floor. J Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart from Bto 12 o'clock .. "C » to " oclock > 6'/4C street hoor. J Special Fnday only, 1Q Lancaster dried 11 r Basement. 25c bathing trunks. Spe- Table Damask from Bto 12 o'clock, Black Serge corn, lb 11C ,ci al Friday only from ID lre^or Stewart ' J( — 2sc blue and tan chambray Regular SI.OO black serge,' Lebanon bologna, £\ c bilk Specials Bto 1- oclock 2^ c v5 a . , cotton da- dresses for children, 2to 4- 54 inches wide. Special Fri- '. , , SI.OO striped Taffeta Suit- Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. Long Cloth mask; d 8 inches wide; five y ear s j zes> Special Friday dav only, Bto 12 7Q/» l rn ] our s sll ß ar cured j 27 inches wide. Special V Mens store. J patterns. Special Friday only, from Bto 12 1C- o'clock /2,C shoulders, J4 C . Friday only, from 8 OQ^ w i il j| a• r Regular 10c English long- onlv Bto 12 1 Q/» o'clock lb i n n nVlnrW vard Men, Handkerchief, cloth; 10 yards to the piece. o'clock yard 19c , . D ""- Hemstitched linen hand-'' Special Friday only, 65 c D ,»„. P om„or a L T'ffrTf,.".,"""*"' . , , $125 striped Foulard with kerchiefs. Special Fridav Btol2 o clock street Floor. J Lawn and KIISSC floral printing, 40 inches s A ec ace Ban Ing >, d m e -8 fo Pe i2 al FnA ' y A*: , • 9c f 49c qrran hnnk«; Snprial w,de - Special Friday only, 50c pearl bead necklaces. . . < varA *t%JC '"i Tussah Crepe Regular $1.50 ahemstitch- Fridav onlv from 8 vIQ ® to o'clock, C_ Special Friday only, OQ. ' L 10c white hemstitched ed cotton mercerized nap- 12 o'clcock 49c yard g to \ 2 o'clock OUC 2 ,00 Silk Serge Suiting, j! satin border handkerchiefs. Regular $2.00 black tussah kins, 20x20 inches; good pat- 12 r /£c plisse underwear 25c cloisonne bar pins and black only, .30 inches Special Friday only from 8 crepe; 44 inches wide. Spe- terns. Special Friday only, $1.25 scrap books. Special crepe. 30 inches wide. Spe- brooches. Special Friday Special Friday only, from 8 ° ? ' 6C cial Friday only, Bto OC r Bto 12 o'clock, QO Friday only, from 8 Qcial Friday only, O- only, Bto 12 1A- to 12 o'clock," QQ. x each 12 o'clock voc dozen voc to 12 o'clock yoc yard j; ttc O . cl o' ck lUc yard hoc | I J " P Men's o St?rf tßW * rt * J L XnV "- J I DlVe, '• St£"t%l* J l D ' VeS ' 1^"1 ' „ l D,|veS - r t o^ K iJ f)i : Stewftrt ' Dlveß ' r t °^i^ r Stewart - I D,ves - r ßtewart , | |}AMUSE]g>ffif7gg AT THE COLONIAL What you would see, the fantastic surroundings in which you would live, the weird animals that would cross your path every minute if you were a merman or a mermaid and lived in a ?oral cave in the depths of the sea, is Drought to your eyes with startling reality and clearness by the William son Submarine Motion Pictures, whicn are being shown on the return engage ment at the Colonial Theater to-day and for the remainder of the wek. Then there are old wrecks of sunken ships that have gone down to a THURSDAY EVENING, watery graven Their decks and bul warks have rotted away and only the ribs and backbone are left to bear wit ness to their former proud estate. You next proceed from the shallow coral formations near the Bahama is lands out into the deeper water of the Atlantic ocean. A blue shark floats lazily through the water. It is soon followed by others. They are about twenty feet long and their six rows of razor-like teeth look very terrible. Suddenly, with a swish of his powerful tall, one of the sharks completely re verses his direction. A moment after a fight develops between two sharks. They rush furiously at each other, biting- out huge pieces of flesh from each other's side. The fln of one Is ■napped entirely oft by the powerful Jaws of his antagonist, the water grows red with blood, and the defeateo shark turns tail and swims autckly oft. These and many other Interesting scenes are embodied in this wonderful film. .together with three good acts of vaudeville, makes a show that Is re plete In every respect.—Advertisement. MARGUERITE CLARK IN "GRETNA GREEN" AT THE REGENT Marguerite Clark, the Harrisburg favorite in moving pictures, will be at the Regent this evening. The play possesses all the essential elements valuable to the successful screen drama—love, sacrifice, humor, mystery and thrill—and is of the picturesque period of the early Nineteenth Century, when romantic elopements to Gretna Green, a lovers' haven in the North of Scotland, added a dash of excitement to many true love matches, when hearts reigned over the marts of com HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH merce, ust before the prose of business usurped the poetry of romance In Old England. Friday, on© day only. Vivian Martin In "Little Miss Brown,' by Philip Bar tholomae. Betty Brown has two lovers —she flirts with still another, and Is mistaken for another man's wife. A delightfully funny mix-ups results In which Miss Martin has ss fine an op portunity to display her unusual abil ity as a comedienne, as she did In "The Wishing Ring." For information regarding our com ing attractions, call Bell phone 3719, United 784Y.—Advertisement. "THE SLIM PRINCESS" AT THE VIC TORIA TODAY For the first time In this city we present that famous picture plav en titled "The Slim Princess," by that great American, George Ade. Francis X. Bushman Is featured In this great play and Is capablly supported by Miss Ruth Stonehouse and a cast of all star players. To-morrow and Saturday wo offer the patrons of this popular thea ter a rare treat. We present Miss Viola Allen In F. Marlon Crawford's wonderful play, "The White Sister." As a book and as a play "The White Sis ter" created a sensation. The pictures are superb; the costumes are correct In every detail and the scenes are laid correctly as to atmosphere. Don't fall to see this exceptional picture.—Adver tisement. PAITANO PARK VAUDEVILLE Any of the old-time theatergoers who wish to see the revival of a regu lar old-fashioned minstrel first part will do well to take a trip out to Pax JULY 8, 1915. tang Park and see Fred Russell's old time minstrels. Mr. Russell, with a company of capable artists, give a min strel first part in miniature that easily explains why the blackface minstrel was so popular with our fathers. Good comedy, clever sayings and well-sung solos are the elements that go to make Mr. Russell's act the big success it is. Another offering on the park bill worthy of special mention is Nina Esphey, the girl with the banjo. As n banjo artist Miss Esphey gives one of the best musical entertainments the park theater has had this season. , Manager Davis snnounces the fitst fireworks display of the park season for next Thursday evening. Material foi several displays has been selected with a view to giving the park patrons a pleasing variety of the newest things In pyrotechnics.—Advertisement. P. O. a OF A. EJECTS Enola, Pa., July B.—At a meeting of Washington Camp No. 680, p. O. S. of A., the following officers were elect ed: Junior Past President, Grant Heck ert; president, W. K. Burkholder; vice president, W. A. Gruver; master of forms, W". F. Bowman; financial secre tary, H. H. Minnlch; treasurer, J. B. Troup; conductor, J. W. Riegel; guard, C. L. Dice; trustee, C. F. Bowman. REV. MR. MARSHALL IMPROVED The condition of the Rev. William H. Marshall, who had been seriously ill at his home, 629 Boas street, for several weeks, was reported improved to-day.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers