Let The Globe Make Your 4th Comfortable Get Into a Lightweight, Perfect' Fitting Globe Suit AND you'll have style as well as comfort. Let us show Ip* J you "the very unusual" in Summer Suits—real hot-weather clothes cool, tub fabrics, for the older boys Panama Of elegant quality Blue Serge—guaranteed fast color —in a Cloths, Jasper and Natural Linens, Khaki and \\ hite Duck. The smart Norfolk model—patch pockets—Knickerbockers lined and Panama Cloth Suits have 2 pairs of Knickers. seams reinforced. Boys Beach Cloth Knickers at 69c Boys' Outing Hats 50c Boys' Tapeless Sport Waists 50c Just th© thing- to wear with a Blue Serge F*or the camp——the Dicnic—the canoe——for . ... Coat—tan and fancy stripe effects—finely tai- every outdoor new® •'BelmW— Every boy WiU want one of theße for the lored and wear well—all sizes to 17 years of soft crushy Jinens and ducks in various Fourth —w e have them in plain white and tan aße " shades. Pongee—also fancy woven stripe effects. ** I f—J f" T D LJ A OERVICE is a pronounced feature of this I ** I "'X-J L 7* t T *D 1 OIL VjrLU DSL o labor ,or ite constant •»- | 1 fIL VJLUJLJ L BROTHERHOOD OF RAILROAD TRAINMEN'S BAND PLANS BIG OUTING MONDAY Quick Relief for Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—Fine Um and Singer*. 25c. Q9R&&&' DRUG STORKS EDUCATIONAL Harrisburg Business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first. Day and night. 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Iff 8. Market Harriaburac, Pa, Service Talks The greater your need of good print ing ; the greater your need of our services. The Telegraph Printing Co. £te/barf/7?enf JD/~ Sales ancl erv ice m Bell 2040. Cumberland 20S. J WEDNESDAY EVENING, BARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 30, 1915. Seventeen Graduated From Pennsy's Bible Courses | • Seventeen students were graduated I! from the Bible correspondence courses at the Pennsylvania Railroad Young Men's Christian Association last even • ing during the second annual com mencement exercises. Four of the • | graduates were railroad men from out , side the city. The program included: Scripture reading by A. L. Myers; address of welcome by H. C. Hoffman; illustrat ed song, "Tell Me the Story of Jesus," by Miss Mildred Rowe accompanied by Miss Minnie Moeslein; illustrated talk "Gospel of John" by Ira Dean, the instructor, and presentation of di plomas by H. C. Murray, president of the association. Refreshments were , served. I The Real Suffrage Thought of Women i Motherhooois the thought uppermost in ; Roman's mind, And with it, of course, | comes the question of comfort, of helpful BbH|h WnHH aids and influences. V/f *«f Among the best of 1 \\/x cupful* flour 2 white* o# egg* 4 table*poonfu!t Crinto tea*poonful salt teaspu onftil a.'.ziond extract Milk 2 tea*poonfuU baking powdat (Le<;el measurements) Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into bowl. Put white* of egfjf l into measuring cup, add Crisco, and fill cup with milk. Add to dry mixture with extract* and beat vigorously six minutes. Pour into small Criscoed and floured cake tin and bake in moderate oven forty-five minute*. Cake may be frosted if liked. Sufficient for ono tmall cake. smartest society Is the dashing sporting Captain von Muller, whoi* exploits as commander of the Emden gained him the frank admiration of many English naval officers. Captain von Muller some little while ago met King George at a dinner given at his majesty's special request to en able him to meet the German captain. There were difficulties about asking the captain to Buckingham palace, but a member of the royal household in vited Captain von Muller to a dinner at his rooms in St. James' palace at which his majesty was present. Later the German captain became the week- M end guest at the country house of one ■ of the wealthiest members of the royal entourage, and among the house party ■ were Mrs. Asqulth and the Princess ■ Alexander of Teck. CRUISERS COAL OX THE RUTT The British cruisers which are H guarding the steamship lanes against H German raiders do not dare to relax H their vigilance for an Instant. It Is H dangerous for them to stop to take on the necessary coal, and so an Ingenious V method has been devised to enable ■ them to take coal on the run. The col- ■ ller that is to supply a cruiser with * coal gets into touch with her by wire less and meets her at the appointed spot. The collier pulls up behind the cruiser and when about four hundred feet astern two hawsers are passed from the warship and one fastened on either side to be used as tow llnee. Another cable is stretched from the masthead of the collier to the deck of the warship. The warship steams ahead at the rate of ten or twelve knots an hour, followed by the collier. Great bags holding a ton of coal are hoisted to the masthead of the collier and attached to a carrier that allows them to run rapidly down to the deck of the cruiser, where the load is auto matically released. The carrier Is then drawn back to the collier. By this means coal is loaded onto a moving warship at the rate of sixty tons an hour. —The American Boy. 7