4 (SHI DONT FORGET t A 19 C J.LCi DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER lU-1£ O. 4ID 01. THE NUMBER "We Advertise the Troth—The Trntk Adwtiwi U»" '"women-s 0 "' Sharp Reductions For Saturday w«mV» wm ▼OILS WAISTS c. J ct A_ QAM /M OD*/ DRKSS 8K1 « T » 0T Saturday, Store Opens 8 A. M., Closes 9 P. M. rn 49c FOR BATOUJAY ONLY \ S. ***"i*i r o* Pr 4""' Women's Palm Beach Suits $4.90 "'"Voo. "• «». .. o «n Newest styles In Pretty styles. worth up to 912.50 ratine, and other * White only. All Made of splendid washable material, plain tailored and embrol- pretty washable ■lies. Only Ito a dered styles. Only 14 suits to a«ll. Sizes 16 to 40. materials. Only 2 customer. to a customer. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' Pretty Summer Dresses Wash Dress Skirts Waists and Blsuses Sacrificed in Price. At Special Price Reductions. At Big Savings. DRESSES OA SKIRTS OA WAISTS worth up to $6.98 worth up to $1.50 OJL worth up OA Beautiful styles. In the new Charming new styles In flne C n oHf* striped voiles, plain colored linens washable materials. All regular tO JJjI.SU and dotted voiles. Neatly trimmed. hands. j choose from magnificent styles DRESSES OA SKIRTS d»1 AAl ln vone "' <"*«ndles and tub allks. worth up to $8.98 worth up to $2.00 *P !•"" WAISTS Immense variety of handsome Clearance of styles and materials, ,r Styles, materials and colors. Every which we cannot get any more of. ■WOrin Up t, 1 Q dress this season's wanted and ac- Even* skirt a desirable pretty style. | tn (Co (in uJl.O*? cepted style. . All regular waist bands. w t , DRESSES d»C QQ SKIRTS 1 OA the newest styles, including the! worth up to $9.98 fO.OV worth up to $3.50 $1.03 o T ct '^ 0 Stunningly embroidered white Every Une material Included In taste can he suited in this big va volles, nets, trimmed with sashes this big collection of handsome riety of last minute styles. Never of pretty ribbons, also trimmed belted and pocket styles. All regu- have we shown such an assortment with fine laces. lar and extra sine waist hands. of styles and colors, in all sizes. GOLFING AT LANCASTER BY COUNTRY CLUB LEAGUE Robert McCreath will captain the Country Club golfers who will play their first match in the York-Lan caster-Harrisburg Country Club league The Embroidery Girls Embroidered Articles for Dress and Decoration are ultra fashionable this year# THE HARRISBURG Be? safer Answers Demands of Readers THE widespread interest ,l„ w „ m our own woman', new. department., tie frequent requests from readers for advice and direction in working designs and Stitches, caused us to seek this method of placing before every reader of this paper a complete outfit of embroidery. TYRR YOT ITF rr V 1. 9ii ""?■ Add .eve-eenl. {or poetaje DfcKY OUIFIT of more than 450 with mail orders. of tke most beautiful design* ever conceived by artist#, set of hardwood embroidery Tie design sheets include several alpha hoops; package highest grade needles (as- bets of beautiful letters for marking hand sorted sixes) ; gold-tipped bodkin, highly kerchiefs, linen, towels, etc., etc. You polished bone stiletto and a complete, all know how bard it is to embroider a thorough and simple lason booklet The pretty letter on napkins, handkerchiefs, designs are transferable by the simplest etc., for your own use, to say nothing of home method from the drawing to the making birthday, holiday or weddintf material. presents. And then, how to do it that's the question that stumps many a woman to whom embroidery seems an unsohable mystery. It shall be a mystery no longer to readers of this paper the strangest, hardest stitches, the daintiest, prettiest figures for •very conceivable garment or purpose are explained simply and directly so your own fingers can work them. ONLY SAFE method* of trueferrintf embroidery pattern# bruMdf water benxine METHOD £ •