Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 25, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Field Services and Parade Makes
Brilliant Display at Sixth
Annual Event
Sptcial to Ths T*Ugraph
I»«wistown, Pa.. June 26. Field
day of the Knights Templar w»i held
here yesterday. The town was gaily
decorated and the commanderies pre
sent were: Oriental Commandery, No.
61, of Johnstowvvn; Mountain Com
mandery, No. 10, of Altoona; Hunt
ingdon Commandery, No. 65. The
Lewistown Lodge of the order turned
out In great style.
One of the most brilliant pageants
ever seen paraded the main streets at
2:30 in the afternoon, when Knights
Templar Division 11. marched to cele
brate the sixth annual field day. Dash
ing uniforms, plumbed hepilets and
glittering swords attracted the atten
tion of a large crowd that filled the
streets to witness the event. Three
bands were in line.
The parade marched across the
river to Belle avenue, where the grand
review was held. At the conclusion
of this part of the ceremony the visit
ing Sir Knights and their ladies were
treated to a sight-seeing trip through
the famotti picturesque Lewistown
In the evening a reception and ball
was held In the large markethouse
William F. Eckbert, Jr., is Past
Commander and Recorder of Lewis
town Commandery, No. 26, Sir Charles
M. McCoy Is Commander of the local
order and Ira Clarke Mayes is the
youngest member, being 23 years old.
Dillsburg, Pa., June 25.—Many car
loads of peach baskets are now being
received by the peach growers in War
rington and Monaghan townships, who
will have a bumper crop again this
vear. It is estimated that the crop
Will be even larger than last year.
The growers are now pulling oft much
of the green fruit, in order to save
their trees from being broken by the
weight of the fruit as it develops, and
also that the peaches will be of a bet
ter size.
Qualify I
—— ■■■■■■■■■
Reasonable prices; work guaranteed.
W. D. MANAHAN & CO., 24 S. Dewberry St.
Startling Sensational
When an establishment with the reputation of ours makes an offer
like the following; it is not necessary to tell you what to do.
Sale Ends Saturday July 3
$2.00 Includes
°"" $2.00 |j:
Our thorough scientific eye examination. Highest grade flat or deep
ourre TOUIC sphere lenses properly fitted to your eyes and mounted in
our guaranteed 10-year Gold filled, latest style frames or mountings.
Complete en *2.00
Exclusive Optical Store
- Opp. Orpkeam. Bell 8352
IS 77 Wednesday and Saturday Evening*
205 LOCUST ST. Vutil 9 P M '
■■l IIIIW ' I ■ 1 ) ' .
Here was the
Here is the cigar worthy of the name:—
Regulariy Good For 24 Years
Showing new Suits in the latest sum
mer fabrics. The tailoring in our gar
ments gives that desirable clean cut ap
pearance to the wearer.
May we show
these points to you
$7.50 —$10.00
Entire new
Stock open Saturday
- -
William DeHaven Appointed
Burgess of Duncannon
Special to The Telegraph
DUNCANNON, Pa., June 25.—0n
petition the Pern' County court has
appointed William De Haven of North
High street, burgess, vice Joseph C.
Crogan, resigned.
Special to The Telegraph
Duncannon, Pa., June 25. Truman
Rotz, of Loysville, has purchased the
good will and fixtures of the Hotel
Laird, from Milton D. Derrick, pro
prietor, and will take possession July
1. Mr. Derrick will move to near Lan
caster. and take possession of the ho
tel recently conducted by his fatner,
Richard Derrick, deceased.
Special to The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa.. June 25.--F u neral
services of Mrs. Elizabeth King, wife
of Harvey King, of Franklin town
ship. who died on Tuesday night, were
held this morning, conducted in the
Arnold's United Brethren Church bj
the Rev. C. E. Heffieg«\ pastor of
the Dillsburg Reformed Charge. Bur
ial was made In the Dillsburg Ceme
Special to The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa., June 25. —A slight
frost occurred about Dillsburg on
Wednesday night, while the frost was
very perceptible, especially on straw
berry plants, no damage was done.
Carnival For Benefit of
Marysville Baseball Team
Special to The Telegraph
Marysville, Pa., June 26. —At the
regular meeting of the Men's Associa
tion these officers were elected: Presi
dent, B. F. Pee: vice-president, W. F.
Palmer; secretary, D. Geib; finan
cial secretary, A. B. Donahue; treasur
er, E. S. Smith, house director, H. E.
Walters; athletic director, C. L. Clen
dennin; membership. S. P. Meyer;
past president, Dr. G. W. Gault; trus
tees, C. B. Smith, F. D. Moffltt and C.
R. Haney. A committee was appoint
ed to make arrangements for a carni
val early next month fo rthe benefit
of the baseball team. They have re
cently completed a grandstand at a
cost of over a hundred dollars, and
will be In use for Saturday's game with
Halifax. The grandstand and bleach
ers have a seating capacity of over
Marysville, Pa., June 25.—Chil
dren's Day service will be held in the
Zion Lutheran Church here on Sun
day evening. The service that will
be used is "The Songs for Our
King." Following will be the pro
gram: Selection, orchestra: song by
school; welcome address, Edgar Sei
del; motion exercise, Margaret and
Mary Umberger; recitation, Jeanette
Anspach; song by school; exercise.
Seretta Myers. Pauline Patterson and
Jennie Smith; recitation, Martha
Crone; solo, Ethel Fleisher; exercise
and song by nine children; recitation,
Verdilla Crone, recitation, Walton Da
vid and Ethel Fleisher; song by school;
recitation, Gordon Davis; recitation,
Russel Shank; duet, Mary Umberger
and Martha Crone, exercise by nine
girls; recitation, Wesley Beers; song
by school; recitation, Gilson Davis;
exercise, Charles Davis and Sherwood
Myers; song by school; recitation,
Charles Bitting; selection, orchestra:
recitation, Ralph Deckard; closing
chorus by school.
Marysville, Pa., June 25. —To-mor-
row evening the Young People's Mis
sionary Society of the United Evan
gelical Church will hold a chicken and
wafflle supper in the Diamond Hall.
New Cumberland, Pa., June 25.
A number of the congregation of St.
Paul's Lutheran Church attended the
Lutheran reunion at Reservoir Park,
Harrisburg, yesterday.
New Cumberland, Pa., June 25.
Marriage of Miss Lottie Willis and
Samuel Snell has been anounced. It
took place in Baltimore several days
ago. The bride is a daughter of Mrs.
Eve Wllles, of New Cumberland, and
Face Eruptions Have
Deep Significance
Often They Indicate Im
purities Deep in the
Tissues. -
The results onowu by 9. 8. 8. In clearing
the akin reveal how searchlngly and how
deeply this famous blood purifier attack*
blood troubles. Facial eruptions are mora
often significant of Impaired nutrition result
ing from faulty elimination of body wastea.
Most people realize this to be true. And
yet It Is a difficult matter to convince such
people they should avoid those harmful druga
auch as mercury. lodide of potash, arsenic
and so on. 8. S. S. gives Just as good effect
without the destructive results, because It la
more aearchlng. It goes deeply Into the cir
culation wherever the blood flows, but It does
not remain to clog the system. And Its effect
Is complete and thorough as Indicated by
blood tests. One of the strange things today
Is that so many people are wedded to the
notion that mercury Is the one antidote. It
Is not so. There Is In S. 8. 8. a product of
nature that la rated one of the most potent
principles known for the complete elimination
of blood troubles.
Wherever you go- there are people who
know thla to be true from their own experi
ence, for It has been clearly shown there Is
one ingredient In S. S. 8. as essential to
health If the blood be Impure as the nourish
ing elements of the grains, sugars and salt?
of our dally food. Oet a bottle of 8. 8. S
today of any drugslst. but Insist upon 8. i 5
8., accept no substitute. And If your rase l»
peculiar or of long standing, write to tli'
Medical Adviser, The Swift Specific Co., 101
Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Gt
\P 11ff f . XT Extra Salc^Taons
&h/fAAj. I < /OC4tVt^WfAA/UrYtAr have been engaged to
On Third Street give prompt service
A Most Important
Tomorrow, Saturday, and following Monday
Lingerie Blouses—Silk Blouses—Tub Silk Shirts —
Fully 1,000 Blouses and Ladies' Shirts, from six manufacturers, who accepted our offer
to cut up remaining odds and ends of best quality materials, in newest desirable styles,
in every size even up to 48.
This transaction enables us to sell the "Schleisner kind of garments" in lingerie,
worth $5.00 to $6.00, as low as $1.38 and $2.95. $3.95 tub silk shirts for sports, outdoor
or business at $1.09.
It Is Unlikely That Such an Opportunity Will Occur Again
Dozens of voile blouses, flesh and white, trim- Dozens of elegant quality Tub silk shirts—
med with filet lace and organdie, armholes and mannish styles, gold, white, blue, tan grounds
shoulders hemstitched; Pico cuffs; djl CO with contrasting color dots; value <t| OQ
$3.50 value. Special «P X $3 95> Specia , 4 L
_ _ , .„ , . . , , ... Dozens of white voile blouses, trimmed with
Dozens Tub silk shirts in narrow blue black, shadow , ace Rnd bHnd ndies stri e , t
lavender, rose and other shade stripes; JJ Q9 , buttons , uc $5 95 * d»«? 1 r
value $3.50. Special v Special 7 «P*>.lO
Shadow lace and organdie and voile combi- Elegant filet and shadow lace combination
nation blouses; all sizes up to 46; 7Q voile blouses, trimmed sleeves; value <fcO A A
value $3.95. Special X. # ssm Special
White Georgette crepe blouses, trimmed with White organdie blouses, trimmed with filet
two rows shadow lace front and back, pearl but- and shadow laces, crochet buttons, 1 QQ
tons, splendid collar and cuffs; value <|JO QC sleeves trimmed; value $4.95. Special,^
$5.95. Special V&.ZTO
Dozens of luk silk waists, broad blazer
Georgette crepe blouses, white maize, putty stripes; all sizes; Belgian, navy, gold, {£l EQ
and sand, Battleship grey; value $6.95. black stripes; value $3.95. Special ... *• •****
Special Crepe de chine blouses; white, flesh OQ
500 white voile and striped voile and maize; value $3.95. Special «P^*«27
blouses; value $1.50. Special
Mrs. vernon Castle lace boleros; black
White voile blouses, with filet and OQ navy and light shades; value $5.00. 1Q
blind embroidery; value $3.95. Special, Special 1 • 12/
i 7 Skirt
Very Special .
White and cream flannel and cream wool gabar- Three tier, full plaited, broken check d»C A A
dine skirts; values $12.00 to $15.00. QQ silk taffeta skirts; value $12.50. Special,
Special «Pv«Wv
... ... , . White gabardine skirts, sport mod- QC
100 white gabardine and lmene skirts. og c c , whh f WQ kets g ial 1 .SO
Black and white blazer stripe silk (in A A Black and navy gabardine skirts, <j»o 95
skirts, new model. Special «J»X V.W novel pockets. Special «§»•#• w
One lot shepherd check skirts. QCCr' Navy blue Ramie linen and mixture dJO QC
Special skirts; $7.50 value. Special
$2.00 White Skirts >. 950
the groom a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. ]
Snell of New Market.
New Cumberland, Pa., June 25. —
Chester Leach, Jr., of Seventh street,
was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital
yesterday where he had an operation
for an abscess.
New Cumberland, Pa., June 25.
The subject of the Rev. J. V. Adam's
sermon In Baughman Memorial Meth
odist Church Sunday morning will be
"The Lord of Glory." The cantata,
"Behany," will be rendered at 7..30.
New Bloomfleld, Pa. June 25. —
Johnathan O. Deininger of Centre
Hall, Centre county. Pa., who has
made his home with his daughter,
Mrs. James E. Stewart, of this place,
died yesterday morning of Bright'e
disease. He had a slight stroke of par
aluysls about February X and another
on Fridav last. Mr. Deininger lived
in Centre county nearly all his life,
and was a member of the Evangelical
Church at Centre Hall. He was aged
85 years. Funeral to-morrow morn
Inglenook Camp Opens
With Hundred Boys
With the arrival of the first detach
ment of one hundred boys, the annual
camp of the State Young Men's Chris
tian Association at Inglenook officially
opened at noon to-day. The remain
ing fifty boys will arrive either late
to-day or to-morrow.
Albert M. Chesley, assisted by a
large corps of assistants, is In charge
'of the camp. The Rev. S.
Winfleld Herman, pastor of Zlon
Lutheran Church will be in charge
of the devotional and Bible study
classes. Local men will lecture before
the students during the two weeks' en-1
campment. Prof. Henschen, of the
High School faculty will speak on
"Geology." Prof. J. H. Fager. Jr.,
will talk on "Birds." Indian history
will be related by Harvey B. Bashore
md Prof. William H. Fahnestock will I
talk on "Trees."
Among the Harrisburg hoys In
camp are: Donald Helker, Laird Lan
dls, Kenneth Fisher, Albert Hahn.
Jack Froelich, Harold Ross. Joseph
Clement, Samuel Roth, Harold Clas-1
tor, Ross Hoffman, Ed. Roth, John C. j
Beck, Clarence Chenoworth, S. Her-
Kauffman and George H. Nach-i
man. '
Recent Deaths in
Central Pennsylvania
Special to The Telegraph
Rohrerstown. —John A. Strawbridge
aged 25, died yesterday after a short
illness. He was a graduate of the
Pennsylvania Business College, and Is
survived by his mother, and a sister.
Mavtown. —Miss Ida White, aged <6
died yesterday in a Philadelphia hos
pital, and the body brought here to
day for burial.
Blaln.—The funeral services of Miss
Daisy Alice Holtz, who died after a
lingering Illness were held yesterday.
Special to The Telegraph
Blaln, Pa.. June 25.—Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, communion services
will be held In the St. Paul's Lutheran
Church and preparatory services will
be held this evening at 7.30.
Special to The Telegraph
Newport, Pa., June 25.—Mrs. Rosle
Teats died last evening after a long
Illness, aged 50 years. She is survived
by her husband, Theodore Teats, one
sister, Emma C. Dunn and three
brothers, Daniel, James and Frank
Toohey. The body will be taken to
Harrsburg to-morrow morning for
burial. Ser%lces at St. Patrick's Cath
edral, State street at 9 o'clock, with
burial at Mt. Calvary Cemetery.
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, Pa., June 25.—Last
evening Melita Lodge, Knights of
Pythias, held an election of officers
with the following result: Chancellor
commander, H. R. Gelwicks; vice
I chancellor. M. L. Beck: prelate, E. S.
I Cocklln; master of work, Frank Rowe;
I keeper of record and seal, H. K. Whit
man: master finance, E. C. Gardner;
master of exchequer, D. J. Bertzel:
master of arms, S. S. Brenner; Inner
guard, J. Roy Mountz: outer guard,
John S. Whitman; trustee,, C. J. D.
I Eckerd; host, John S. Whitman;
| musician, Bruce R. Mowery; repre
sentative, George W. Hershman.
New Cumberland. Pa., June 25. —
Boy Scouts are looking out for a
Scoutmaster. Luther Hamilton who
lia» been In charge the past year, has
gone to Ohio.
TUNE 25, 1915.
Lieut. Commander Bricker
United States Naval Officer,
Buried at Chambersburg
Special to The Telegraph
Chambersburg, June 25. —Yesterday
the body of Lieutenant Commander
William F. Bricker, United States
Navy, who was drowned at Constan
tinople on the night of March 21, was
received here by his parents, having
been sent from Hampton Roads, Va.
This afternoon the family pastor, the
Rev. Dr. J. Ellis Bell, conducted serv
ices over the remains of the naval
officer and many friends of the de
ceased, who followed his career as a
seaman, will attend.
June Wedding Ceremonies
in Central Pennsylvania
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta. June 25.—Miss Laura M.
Hess of Columbia, was married to Wil
liam H. H. Sharry by the Rev. G. B.
Oensemer, pastor of the Grace United
Evangelical church.
Marietta, Pa., June 25. Miss J.
Blanche Wiseman of Lancaster, was
married yesterday to Karl P. Oardoni,
of Philadelphia, at the Bethany United
■ Evangelical church, the Rev. E. H.
Romlg of Reading, officiating. The
Rev. H. F. Schlegel assisted.
Mtllersvtlle, Pa., June 25. Miss
Clara Ames, of Mlllersvlile, was mar
ried yesterday to J. Lewis Campbell,
of Lancaster, at the parsonage of the
Grace Lutheran church by the Rev.
; Dr. C. E. Haupt.
i Ah! Fine For Corns
Takes Sting Right Away
A painless remedy, sure It la,—Just
paint It on a sore corn to-night and
' to-morrow your feet will feel like
• new.
Nothing ever made absorbs pain out
of a corn like Putnam's Extractor. It
dissolves the hard crust, acta quickly,
never falls, and above all, it brings
the troubler out by the roota.
You'll be satisfied with Putnam's
- Extractor because it's an old time
i remedy that Is just as represented,
i Dealers everywhere sell this specific
j for warts, callouses and foot lumps.
Costa only a quarter.—Advertisement i
Special to The Telegraph
Dauphin, Pa., June 25.—The ladles'
and men's organized Bible class of the
Methodist Episcopal church, held a
banquet in the reading room of the
church last evening. It was very
largely attended, eighty-six being
present and it was voted a great suc
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
Malted Milk
Upbuild* every part of the body
Endorsed by thousands of Physicians,
Mothers and Nurses the world over ib|
tnore than a quarter of a century.
Convenient, no cooking nor additional
milk required. Simply dissolvein water.
Agrees when other foods often fail.
Sample free, HORLICK'S, Racine, Wit,
BMF"No Substitute is"lustasQood"
as HORLICK'S, the Original
pallium inn i ii^
Protect Your Trees
Tree Tanglefoot
A Safeguard against
Gypsy, Brown-tail and Tus
sock Moth, Caterpillars,
Canker Worms, Cut YVorms,
Ants, etc.
Army Worm we have
the stuff for them.
Now is'the time to pre
pare. Ask.
106-108 South Second St.
v Harrisburg, Pa.