Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 25, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Second Big Event Takes Place
Monday, July 5; Eighteen
Special to The Telegraph
New York. June 25. —The sched
ule of races for the cup yachts
Resolute and Vanltle has been ar
ranged. Eighteen races will be sailed.
The two yachts now are having tuning
up spins and will be In good condition
by the time of their first meeting,
which will be off Glen Cove with the
New York Yacht Club on Saturday,
July 3.
The second race will be in the
regatta of the Larehmont Yacht Club
on July 5. The Indian Harbor Yacht
Club will have a race on July 7 and
the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht
Club on July 9. The next week, July
13, 14 and 15, the two will race oh
Sandy Hook, starting from the Am
brose Channel light vessel. The first
and third races will be to windward or
leeward and return and the second
over a triangular course. The two
wjll race again oft Larehmont on July
17 and then the crews will have a
week s rest and the yachts will be
On July 26, 27, 28 and 29 they wlli
race oft Newport and will be at New
London on August 2 for the rendezvous
of the annual cruise of the New York
Yacht Club. The first run will be to
Newport on August 3. There will be
two races off Newport and then the
yachts will make a run to Buzzards
Bay, finishing near the entrance to the
canal. Passing through the canal they
will go to Provincetown, Marblehead
and Gloucester.
Baseball Summary;
Games Past and Future
American League
New York. 7; Philadelphia, 6.
Chicago, 5; Cleveland, 4; (19 in
Detroit, 9: St. Louis, 3.
Boston, 12: Washington, 4.
National I/cagrue
New York, 13: Philadelphia. 8.
Boston, 6: Brooklyn. 0.
Chicago. 14: St. Louis, 13.
Cincinnati. 5: Pittsburgh, 3.
Federal I -cogue
Baltimore. 4: St. Louis. 2.
Kansas City, 3: Newark, 2.
Chicago, 6: Brooklyn, 2.
Buffalo. 9; Pittsburgh, 5.
International League
Newark, 5; Providence, 0.
Montreal, 7; Buffalo, 3.
Toronto, 6; Rochester, 0.
Jersey City, 11: Richmond, fi.
American league
Philadelphia at Washington.
New York at Boston.
National league
Brooklyn at Philadelphia,
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh.
Boston at New York.
St. Louis at Chicago.
Federal League
St. Louis at Baltimore.
Chicago at Brooklyn.
Kansas City at Newark.
Pittsburgh at Buffalo.
International League
Rochester at Toronto.
Jersey City at Richmond.
Buffalo at Montreal.
Newark at Providence.
C 0 nhejjewark Shoe Maker Says
, cL \On uour
Vacation Trip
Wear Ike 1
m IWiPppj i
every penny counts, and a dollar looks as big
as two at any other time —It means that vacation
time is coming. Your snappy, cool, vacation ahoes will
be admired if they are NEWARK'S—they're downright
swell and think of the comfort you'll get out of them
too! And with all, there is that "big" dollar you save.
.No jobber s or dealer's profit in them, but just simon pure
out-and-out $3.50 shoe value at the MAKER'S DIRECT
PRICE OF $2.50.
The Newark Shoes for Boys, $1.50, $2.00 & $2.50
NewarK Shoe Stores Company
315 MARKET STREET, Near Dewberry
"Open Saturday night* until 10.30 o'clock to accommodate
our customers." Mall Orders Filled by I'urcels Post, other
Newark Stores nearbyi York, Heading, AI loons. Baltimore.
137 Stores in 97 Cities.
Special to The Telegraph
NEW LONDON, Conn., June 25.—The largest throng in many years is assembled here for the annual inter
varsity regatta of Harvard and Yale to-day. The big event takes place at sunset.
It was generally conceded by rowing followers that both varsity and minor crews of the rival colleges were
very evenly matched for the contests over the four and two mile courses. Betting was light and confined mostly
to friendly wagers. The picture at the top shows the Yale crew and Coach Guy Nickale. At the bottom is the
Harvard crew and Coach Jim Wray.
Harvard scored a double victory over Yale in the scrub races rowed at dusk last night. The freshman
four race, rowed over a mile course upstream, resulted in a win for Harvard in 6 minutes 21 seconds. In the
gentlemen's or graduate, eight race at half a mile the Crimson alumni finished one and one-half lengths ahead
in 3 minutes o Vj seconds.
American League
Philadelphia at Washington.
New York at Boston.
Chicago at Cleveland.
St. Louis at Detroit.
National League
Brooklyn at Philadelphia,
Boston at New York.
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh.
St. Louis at Chicago.
Federal League
St. Louis at Baltimore.
Chicago at Brooklyn.
Kansas City at Newark.
Pittsburgh at Buffalo.
Central Penna. League
New Cumberland at Middletown.
Steelton at Hershey.
Lebanon at Highspire.
Dauphin-Ferry League
Dauphin at Newport.
Halifax at Marysville.
Millersburg at Duncannon.
Dauphin-Schuylkill League
Elizabethvllle at Lykens.
Tower City at Williamßtown.
American Ijeague
W. L. PC.
Chicago 41 20 .672
Detroit 36 25 .590
Boston 30 21 .588
New York 30 26 .536
Washington 27 26 .509
Cleveland 21 36 .368
St. Louis 21 36 .368
Philadelphia 21 37 .362
National League
W. L. PC.
Chicago 32 21 .604
Philadelphia 29 25 .537
St. Louis 32 28 .533
Pittsburgh 28 26 .519
Boston 27 28 .491
New York 22 27 .449
Cincinnati 22 29 .431
Brooklyn 24 32 .429
W. L. PC.
Federal League
Kansas City 3 7 23 .617
St. Louis 34 22 .607
Chicago 33 28 .541
Pittsburgh 30 28 .517
Newark 30 30 .500
Brooklyn 28 32 .467
Baltimore 23 34 .404
Buffalo 22 40 .355
International league
w. L. PC.
Providence 29 20 .592
Buffalo 25 18 .581
Montreal 27 24 .529
Richmond 25 25 !soo
Toronto 25 25 .500
Rochester 23 24 .489
Newark 2 2 23 1489
Jersey City 17 32 .34 7
Central Ponna. I/eague
W. 1,. PH.
Middletown 6 rj .15(57
New Cumberland fi 3 ,"fifi7
Lebanon 5 4 .55(5
Steelton 4 5 444
Highspire 4 fi
Hershey ... 2 6 .250
Dauphin-Perry l<»ainic
W. L. PC.
Millersburgr fi 0 1.000
Marysvilie 4 2 ,6fi6
Dauphin 4 3 .57!
Duncannon 3 4 ,429
Newport 3 4 '429
Halifax 0 7 !000
Dauphin Schuylkill League
W. L. PC.
Williamstown 5 1 833
Lykens 4 2 .667
Elizabethville 4 3 571
Tower City 0 7 !000
Harrisburg Firemen's League
W. L. PC.
Allison 3 0 1.000
Good Will 2 0 1.000
Washington 2 1 667
Friendship 2 1
Camp Curtin 1 2 33 3
Citizens 1 2 .333 1
Hope 0 2 .000
Relly 0 3 .000
Motive Power league
W. L. PC.
Harrisburg 5 0 1.000
New York 5 0 1.000
Trenton 4 1 .800
Meadows 2 3 .400
Philadelphia 2 3
Wilmington 2 3
Baltimore 0 5 .000
Pottsville 0 5 .000
At Providence— r, h. E
Newark 01 200200 o—s 8 1
Providence ... 00000000 0 0 4 0
Batteries: Enzman and Heckinger;
Cooper and Casey.
At Montreal— R H E
Buffalo 00201000 o—3 14 4
Montreal ....04011100 x—7 13 1
Batteries: Beebe and La Longe;
Dowd and Howley.
At Toronto — R H E
Rochester ....00000000 o—o 8 2
Toronto 21020100 o—6 5 0
Batteries: Hnff and Williams; Her
bert and Kelly.
At Richmond— R H E
Jersey City ..01050202 I—ll 10 1
Richmond ... 0 1 00 0 1 0 1 S— 6 9 6
Batteries: Ring and Reynolds; Rus
sell and Schaufele.
[From the New York Evening Sun.]
A New Jersey citizen has retired from
business at' the advanced age of 102.
Well, half n loaf is better than none.
lhc faintest idea of buying a suit or anything in Furnish
fuHv Yn P n y y °?. to ? OVer " 1e prices in this advertisement care
made of ?h,. T VTk 7 T that WC are Hub clothing
iortroorfs eU hr? ma,erials ' for "'<= P ri « asked for cheap, infer
ior goods elsewhere. If you want a real bargain now is the time to get it.
Deeply Cut Prices to
CUse Out Our Surplus Stock
$15.00 Suits, $11.75
SIB.OO Suits, $13.75
$20.00 Suits. $14.75
$25.00 Suits, $18*75
$30.00 Suits, $20.75
$35.00 Suits, $24.75
{Boys' $5.00 and~S6.SO~SUITS, $3.75]
Furnishing Goods and Hats Also Greatly Reduced
IF YOU ARE i h rmmll r
Smith and We inert to Meet at
Ebbets Field; Welsh Signs
With White
New York, June 25. —Open air box
ing shows promise interesting sport
this summer.
Arrangements have been completed
for two important boxing bouta which
are to take place in open air arenas.
Gunboat Smith and Young Weinert,
heavyweights, are matched to go ten
rounds at Ebbets Field on July 1, and
Freddie Welsh, lightweight champion
of the world, is scheduled to travel the
same distance with Charley White at
the Brighton Beach Sporting Club on
July 3. Both bouts will take place
in the evening.
Smith will have to be at his best
when he meets Weinert. The Newark
boy already lias a popular decision
over Jim Coffey in a six-round bout
In Philadelphia, and as Smith ob
tained the referee's decision In a
twenty-round bout with Jess Wlllard
on the Coast, the match may have an
ultimate bearing on the heavyweight
Once before Smith and Weinert
met, and that engagement resulted In
a wonderfully fast and hard hitting
fight for men of their class. Weinert
on that occasion outpointed Smith In
ten rounds.
Several days ago White Issued an
ultimatum to Welsh saying Welsh
feared the Issue. The match closed
last night as the result. White Is con
sidered to be one of the few men who
have a chance to take away Welsh's
title by the knockout route, for this
wonderful Chicago boxer has been
knocking out all of his opponents.
His last six fights have ended In a
few rounds, and White said after he
had stopped Young Brown in a round
that he was confident he could knock
out Welsh.
flteelton Bank Clerks last evening
defeated the Harrlsburg Clerks; score.
8 to 6. It was the first of a series of
three games. Orth fanned twelve
Harrisburgers. KiWnger pitched a
good game, but received poor support.
The score by innings:
Steelton 00410802 B—B 6 1
Harrisburg .. 10211102 6—6 9 4
Batteries: Orth and Klngan; Kll
linger and Gingrich.
Special to Tht Ttltgraph
Marietta, June 25.—Arrangements
are being made for the annual re
union of the Light family of this and
adjacent States at Penryn Park, on
July 27.
TUNE 25, 1915.
Another Record Game;
Cleveland Is Hard Loser
Special to The Telegraph
Cleveland, Ohio, June 25.- —Weaver's
single and Eddie Collins' double, with
two out, in the nineteenth inning, gave
Chicago a victory over Cleveland yes
terday, 5 to 4, its sixth straight win
from Cleveland.
Cleveland looked like the winner
I until the eighth, when a batting rally,
j consisting of Blackburne's single,
Felsch's double. Weaver's single and
E. Collins' triple, gave Chicago a one
run lead. Cleveland came right back
and with two out bunched Chapman's
double and singles by Jackson and
Graney for two runs. These were
made oft Cicotte.
Roth began the ninth for Chicago
with a single, and Schalk walked.
Biackburne bunted and was safe on
Mitchell's fumble. With the bases
tilled, Morton replaced Mitchell and
forced a run by passing Felsch.
That was all the scoring until the
nieteenth, as Faber, who replaced
Cicotte, allowed only three hits and
struck out nine, while Morton was
aided by some fast double plays.
Bad baserunning caused Cleveland to
throw two runs away In the first in
Sport News at a Glance
Important games on minor league
schedules to-morrow.
The Hick-a-Thrifts lost to the Iner-
Seals in the Allison Hill League last
evening; score, 12 to 6.
Lemoyne Cubs want a game for
July 1. Address Luther Zimmerman,
Lemoyne, Pa.
The P. R. R Elects meet the Wash
ington Fire Company team at Island
Park this evening.
The Albion A. C. defeated the Lille
A. C. at Island Park yesterday; score,
14 to 7. Games are wanted by the
A bions. Address H. Williams, 1400
Fifth street.
TT.?, he T Readin * team of the Allison
Hill League last evening tied with
Steelton A. C.; score. 4 to 4.
It is said that Sherwood of
Boston will go to Cincinnati for
Schneider and Killifer. Wager is in
bad repute because of a night frolic.
The Stanley A. C. would like to
arrange a game for Saturday with a
team having a diamond. Address J.
S. Macklin. 1276 State street.
In the Enola Enginehouse League
series yesterday Team No. 1 defeated
Team No. 2; score, 9 to 3.
» <^" n ton A. C. yesterday won
rrom the Hope Juniors; score, 9 to 0.
The Shamrock Seniors were victors
over the Cameron Street Juniors yes
terday; score, 5 to 4.
„♦ St 4 End 4 J" l " s *ner-Seal will clash
fit Nineteenth and Greenwood streets
to "J!™ orrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock
, The Stanley Reserves yesterday de
feated the Stanley A. C.: score, 12 to 2
twll, B*t game last
evening the Albions defeated the Gala
hads; score, 5 to 4.
United Brethren Teams Furnish
Interesting Sport at Hershey;
Sixth Street Final Winner
In a thrilling baseball argument at
Hershey Park yesterday morning the
State Street United Brethren nine de
feated the Derry Street U. B. team,
score 2 to 1. The game was one of
the many interesting features at the
annual picnic of the Derry Street
United Brethren church Sunday
In the afternoon the team from the
Sixth street United Brethren church
Sunday school, defeated State street,
score, 3 to 2. This was another hair
raising contest and was not decided
until the last man was out. Sixth
street outbatted State street.
The morning; victory was the sec
ond for State street in two years.
There were real stars on both teams.
The game, which was witnessed by a
record crowd was a bitter contest
Kline pitched a good game, keeping
his hits well scattered. Heffelflnger's
work was strong after the first Inning
until tho ninth when hits brought a
second run and victory. Tom Lyter
was a star behind the hat and in hit
ting. The score by Innings follows:
State Street .. 10000 00 0 1 2 4 1
Derry Street .. 00100000 0 1 4 2
Batteries: Kline and Rorabaugh;
HefTelflnger and Lyter.
In an eight inning one-sided game
yesterday at Millersburg, the Harris
burg Motive Power team lost to Mill
ersburg, score 5 to 0.
Two new pitchers were tried out by
Harrisburg, Davis and Challenger.
Errors lost the game. The score bv in
Millersburg 8 0 1 0 1 0 0 x—s 4 1
Harrisburg 0000000 o—o 5 4
Batteries: Frank and G. Fry; Davis,
Challenger and Rothoar.
rwowT i* IN.
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