Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 24, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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: s2 i a P p^o a 77bw Bis Shoe Bar- ]
, Sturdy quality. Special ™{j£ X ~ 36 ' " VCI lllC
► Zero Ice Saver, 10# pieces. Women's pumps and Colonial low shoc«, in plain black <
regularly 25c a cloth Brocade Ratine, 50# yd. ~m——mmmmmmmmmmi—mm—*. leathers, or with gray and sand backs. $3.00 and $3.50 '<
chemically treated. Wrap _ regularly SI.OO —4O in- \kT » Rnvc' rt values. 4
the ice saver around the ice c hes wide; used especially WOIHCII S * wlOClllllg At $2.98
* on all sides except bottom. f or separate skirts. Cups and Saucers, 75# A Norfolk Suits $2 75 TI + */t rm i au- u u t > \
► Practically indestructible - Shifting Madras, 10# yd. d0,.-formerly $1.20; im- GIOVCS, 49C formerh $3 95? infancy JJffsWStones iiiX <
► will last for replarly 15c - short do. Two-clasp silk gloves, mixtures of blue, brown and 7°" H
► Punch Polish Mop, «9# lengths; 32 inches wide. Table Tumblers, doz. in various shades. (Clean- tan; sizes 6to 17 years. f<
► formerly $1.25 with the BOWMAN'S— Main Floor —formerly SI.SU; blown Norfolk Suits, '51.39 H
► new any angle handle; in- ——glass: grape cutting. BOWMANS— Main Floor formerly $1.98 and $2.49; DiKK#*n-»*i i
eluding quart can punch C'has. Chaplin Statuetts, / dark cassimeres and chev- IxIDDOIIS fy
' lustre oil. DraDerieS 19# - regularly 49c; for n f - iots; sizes 6to 12 years. Wash Ribbons, 15* piece / 0/ '
Climax Fry Pan, 75# every home where there is Russian Sailor Suits, 69# formerly 25c and 3.") c j<
► formerly $1.25 smokeless Green Burlap, 9? yd.— room for a laugh. Limited Dress Ginghams, 5# yd. —formerly 98c; white and P>n k and blue check; 10 li/M <
y and odorless; makes it formerly 16c; 36 inches quantity. . —rcgularlv 8c; striped, plain white with blue trimmings; yards to the piece. *
► possible to cook and fry all wide. J??™? i'«, lo\ and plaid ;* 27 inches wide. sizes 4to 8 years. Velvet Ribbons, 37# yd. AflC,t
► kinds of food without any Curtain Materials, 19# to ciqh- h™ - . a u Calico, 4V4# yd. regu- Oliver Twist Suits, 19# formerly 59c black and Suits, $7.25 formerly \
► smoke or odor in the 25# yd.—formerly 33c to «' ' . j howls celerv larly 6j4c; blues, grays and —formerly 29c; striped ;.nd royal blue; taffeta back; 4 $lO. $12.50 and $13.50; wool !<
. kitchen; cover. Limited 50c; voile and marquisette, p a es, sa a , : light shirting patterns; cut tan waists, with plain blue inches wide. materials, in mixtures and '
• quantity. in cream and ecru; open from full pieces. pants; sizes 2 to 6 years. BOWMAN'S Main Floor stripes, of gray, blue and t
Black Sheet Iron Oven, work and colored borders; Cambric Muslin, 8# yd.— BOWMAN'S Third Floor. brown. Sizes for men and >
h 69# formerly 98c—single 36 and 39 inches wide. Pitchers, s#—regu- regularly 12>4c; bleached; LaCCS young men. ?
K size, with two shelves. Curtain Lace, 4# to 25# larlv 10c and 15c; imported 36 inches wide; cut from Q , Shadow Lace Flouncing, Trousers, St*l.2is f°r- ,
► Three-Sewed Broom 17# yd.—formerly 12j4c to 50c; white porcelain, with blue full pieces V-Ol lllC 39* yd. formerly 75c to ™ T t st "pes f
► formerly 29c made of ecru; 30 and 36 inches wide. band decoration. Cheesecloth, yd.— P Qrnk ~f $1.25 remnant lengths, c tra ™<>-«. , i
I ► pure Illinois broom corn. Panel Curtains, $1.20 to BOWMAN'S —Basement Ic | l ' ai ■ '' ' in °h es wide. r lOOr from \]/ 2 to 6-yard lengths. , <sl <- S 'i 'o!n ~
I ,UM-
► Ever aluminum ; heavy qual- 2,'-4 yard. long. FumitUrC round thread.' B °° ' over designs;'new'paHerns. Handkerchiefs
, ity; 9 inches in diameter. Rep and Sateen, 14# and p „ rrll «i.4R_ Sheets. 53# - reeularlv Axminster and Velvet Linen Handkerchiefs, 5# <
" ««• ° nC » to I CUSt ToI' 3 y 6 ~che r s m wid y e " wifh double reed' seat", and 65c; 63x99 inches; made of Rugs, $16.98 - formerly each-regularly 12#c ; em- ,
► Office Baskets, 19# • c . ® de ' __ Q _ banister back. Portland sheeting; 3-inch $25; Smiths extra heavy I mtVirr fnnHc broidered corner; slightly
formerly 3.->c and — im- Shirt Waist Boxes, $.5.9;> Bar Harbor Willow hem at top. quality; velvet are seamless. l-/CdLilCl VjrLIOUa defective. „
ported willow; willow —formerly $4.75; matting R oc ker s2.B9—natural fin- Pillow Cases, BOWMAN-S—Fourth Floor. Children's Handbags. Crepe de Chine Handker- <
*■ slightly discolored. covered, bamboo trimmings, ish ' ' regularly 25c; 54x36 inches; 25# formerly 50c red chiefs, 190—fine quality. A
y Breton Lunch Baskets, castors, tray and handles. Porch Rocker, $1.98 made of Salem muslin. rp only. Not all colors.
► 19# formerly 25c and 39c Folding Fans, I#—fancy regularly $2.49; high back; Double Fold Percale, 5# I OyS Drinking Cups, 19#— BOWMAN'S— Main Floor
► —made of imported willow; paper; for picnics or dec- ree d se at and back; finished yd* regi.larly 8c; 27 inches Dolls 40** fnrmorlv so- formerly 2?c put in neat j\/f_ n ' c
, with cover. orating. natural. wide; light patterns; cut tn«l49 / leather case. iVICJI S
► BOWMAN S - Bas e men t BUWMAN'S Fourth Floor. BOWMAN S-Fifth rioo, from full pieces. character and unbreakabfe no\\ man > -Mam Furnishings '
——— —_ —regularly 25c and 28c; d °Doii s 950 - r i ( T urkish 1I Dress Shirts, 50#—regu- J
► Founded 18njQfMY/tTI/YjffjL rTI3^^ Hjlaf andThfte* I '' w hltc ' and blue si. 50; 24-inclf full joTnTed ToWCIS 39c style, with' attacTed'cuffs 0 '' 1 '
5 ' °^ C Union Suits, 69#—regu-
J . ' . —; * -am oor an £ stockings. Pink and blue borders; larly $1.00; ecru, long <
=. \A \ Boys' Velocipedes, $1.29 fine quality; but slightly sleeves and ankle length; or i
e>oo<\"GTOcex-xe«,\ n\ TraVClint* —formerly $1,98; with steel imperfect. 75c value. short sleeves and knee
r» t Or t,r » 3nd adjUStablC Saddle - L I«.WMA.VS-M al n Floor length.
Bags, 35c Bafa y coaches, $r,.00 _ BOWMAN'S—Main ,J
wmww \ v»v. Matting; complete with formerly $22.50 —wood body i^——•<
\ T Tie's iT c 'S Better-Grade Women's ;<
i * ream. Coats Are Reduced <
I I i IPEh 7T7 Notions x n T T, f
\r BRpR* |ii; OIIKS Crochet Buttons, 25# doz. * ™ Oall ...
/^^JOTDBEN'S//, I IRKFA iji Satin Foulards, 25# yd. —formerly 40c, 50c and 65c; This includes the entire stock, including— U
%rina ' Mpß-S F : . mm formerly 39c; 20 inches hand made; washable; white $35 silk poplins. •'J
\\ffS : « r de: '\ tan - f ree "' r a ° and ine " col $35 woolpoplins. >1
Hj: "JrWfifeJKir=jjir—l J brown; hgured and floral Hair Pins, 19?— formerly $25 wool poplins. 1
K dc ssin Messaline vd 50ct o $2.00; fancy shell hair $25 wool gabardines. j
v -- - All are this seasons stnkinc models, and will be dis- i
„T ~=~— —— ,r~ —formerly 89c; 3a inches Children's Fans, 10#— of to-morrow at exactlv A
wide; black, very lustrous. formerly 25c and 50c; cel-
Xx -rr.£. -£'t— — Imported Silk Samples, luloid. ' Half Print*
X ® Moumatti J, 9 y ts pie " _Ereat viriety of
f > Crepe de Chines, 25# yd. __ _ • £ K TT *1 "i
► -formerly 39c; silk and cot- Bcd Wear CllOlCe Ol Ally Higher i
500 More Toy Grocery Stores Priced Suit in Our I
► c . Z. J . • rcadv for use; perfect qual- 4
: Tomorrow at 15c Each a*®"- Stock, for si« {
y » m # m m V/(A/ V«C> JL i/V t ' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor foimeilv $-.00 silko- Without exception, you may choose one that was $lB, 4
l . _____________ covered, with )-inch or j ust as likely $35. This extreme cut is to clear out the j
y . 500 is not a large number when they are in great demand, and there's no w kJ , p, S3t bowman-L^mJi^Floor majority in just one day. ' '1
telling how soon the entire five hundred will be sold. \N aSxl L/rCSS Value-wise women will foresee a great amount of wear
' Cut out coupon below and present with 150, either on Fourth floor or base- Goods T T , , OHC wiH give during the three VM months-and styles
; ment —the earlier the better. FigureVPawns. yd.- Underwear and (™«h except,on of extremes) w.llbe Wly aS
► Illustration shows what store is like, also what it contains; considerable regularly 8c; 27 inches FloSlCrV
► more than 15c worth in good sample products. wide; set figures and floral imoiwy Broken Lot of
Only one to a customer: no deliveries will be made; no phone orders accepted; SLTS& yd.- , ilean up o[ .ere made to ,e„
: so'*! to children only when accompanied by parents. formerly 75c; in tan. and yokes. _ _ a, ,Sn«!
Sample Products in N wistaria ; 46 inches wide. Women s Fibre Silk Hose, row t 1
the Toy Grocery Store We Read Your Toy Grocery Ad. larly r fine quality' white soles C ;
i ► Karo Corn Syrup; Tetley's Tea; in Thursday's Telegraph inches wide garter tops. Friday Special, A
| ► Hecker's Cream Farina; Ready- r> *• x T Crepes, 10# yd. regu- omen s ose, . # pr. House Dresses 75C* 1
maid Souo• Worcester Salt- Two- Parents Name larly lac; 32 inches wide; —regularly 39c; plain black nouse presses, 4 Otp ,1
. r . c , 'rji-L, . v car „ .. neat figures. and white; lisle thread; dou- A special purchase of smart combination Scotch plaid , 1
cl" tf-'rV Ul^S c> rC i K'?* r,n Child s Name Poplar Cloth, yd. ble soles; wide garter tops. and plain shade house and porch dresses; identical with 1
" E ean S ß f Address -formerly 25c; 36 inches Boys' Union Suits, 21#- those we sold earlier for $1.50. J
776 Soap Powder; Argo Starch; Address .. wide; in navy and black. ecru; short sleeves; knee Wanted shades; 36 to 46. 'J
| , Ll^n S S°, U jS 5 r ° P u : .f, nd f Ca n d CP ' g Jt W ' th yOU ' Fine for bathing suits. length. I BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. I J
j entitling holder to a bottle of milk. J BOWMAN'S —Main Floor BOWMAN'S— Main Floor *■ U
Artillery Duels Above the
Clouds Every Day in Alps
Special to The Telegraph
Geneva. June 22.—Newspapers of
the Canton of Grisons, Eastern Swit
zerland, give details obtained from
Swiss soldiers and guides respecting
the fighting at Stelvlo Pass and the
boring heights overlooking the
Valley. This region Is
known as the rear door to Italy,
through which it would be possible
to threaten Milan.
Try it for Goodness'
SHiißSfew Call us for Convenience
I The Austrians have fortified Stelvio
Pass strongly with mountain artillery
and blockhouses. The Italians hold
1 other passes nearby, and duels are In
progress dally about the clouds, which
cut ofT the valleys from view. In con
sequence, both the Austrians and Ital
ians have to depend upon field tele
phones for obtaining the range for
their guns.
Special to The Telegraph
Chamberaburg, June 24. One of
two horses, driven by Edward High-
, land during a thunder storm near
Mercersburg, was killed by lightning
and Highland, was rendered uncon
Washington, June 24.—Postmasters
appointed by President Wilson to-day
Pennsylvania—A. Ray Sherwood,
Meshoppen; Harry A. Englehart,
Ebensburg, and Joseph E. Neimond,
New Jersey—Francis A. Banville,
More than a thousand people to-day
attended a union picnic of the Derry
Street, State Street and Sixth Street
United Brethren Churches at Hershey.
The feature of the day was baseball
between the three church nines.
More Than 150 Applications
Already Received; to Name
Honor Men Soon
Professor Wendell P. Ralne, Instruc
tor in the Wharton School, University
of Pennsylvania, this morning an
nounced that he has already received
more than a hundred and forty appli
cations for Information from prospec
tive students tn the Harrlsburg Exten
sion Branch of the Wharton School.
From present indications the class
entering the Extension School next
Fall will be far larger than that of
last year when a hundred and fifty
were enrolled. Of this class at least
i a hundred are expected to continue
with the work next Fall.
Professor Ralne, who has headquar ■
ters at the Chamber of Commerce of
fices tn the Kunkel Building, Third
and Market streets, said this morning
that any young man or woman of the
city or neighboring towns who wishes
to get information concerning the
work of the University Extension can
do so by calling on or writing to him
at the Chamber of Commerce offices.
The names of the honor men in the
> JOarow
f / f therefore
Ulpjra. P
I Whet! you're ready to eat those fruits nest
I :§j jji j'-l Winter, you went them to be exactly the same
1 /a/ [ll ( I, as the day you put them up. Insure against
I KshtfiAMA/ |l V
l [J | |; j / // with Parowax (pure, refined paraf-
Mil / fine). Bo* of 4 big cakes, 10
sWTf K *' 'l' 'h 1 - v "/y 9 cents, everywhere.
V Vl\ lif II Thm Atlantis Refining Company
JUNE 24, 1915.
first year Wharton Extension class
will be made public early next week.
According to Professor Ralne the
scholarship of the local school has
been of the very highest and In some
Instances distinguished.
The object of "Safety
First" Is prevention.
You can prevent your
advertising from meet
ing the fate of the waste
basket If you will make
It attractive with proper
Bring your next copy
to us for Illustrative
treatment. One treat
ment will convince you
that our methods are a
The Telegraph
Art & Engraving
216 Locust Street