8 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Established 1811 PUBLISHED BY THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. E. J. STACK POLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER Secretary GUS M. STEINMETZ ifttnaeing Editor Published every evening (except Sun day) at the Telegraph Building, 216 Federal Square. Both phones. Member American Newspaper Publish ers' Association. Audit Bureau of Circulation and Pennsylvania Associ ated Dailies. Eastern Office, Fifth Avenue Building, New York City, Hasbrook, Story & Brooks, Western Office, Advertising Building, Chicago, 111., Allen & Ward. Delivered by carriers at six cents a week. Mailed to subscribers at $3.00 a year In advance. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa„ as second class matter. Sworn daily average circulation for the three months ending May 31, 1015. 21,577 Average for the year 1014—21.55S Average for the year 1013—19,062 Average for the year 1012—10,640 Average for the year 1911—1T,563 Average for the year 1910—10,261 The above flgrures are net. All re turned, uuMold and damaged copies de ducted. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 19. The cultivation of the mind is a 4i«i of food tuf plied for the soul of man.—Cicero. PLANNING COMMISSION'S WORK THE important work the City Plan ning Commission is doing for the future of Harrisburg came to the attention of the public again this week with the consultation of noted engi neers In this city on matters now under the consideration of the com mission. Just at present the public spirited men who make up the board are giving much attention to the im provement of the river basin produced as a result of the building of the dam at the lower end of the city, now in the final stages of completion. But the Planning Commission is doing very much concerning which the people at large never hear, for the reason that It is not spectacular in its nature and therefore very often escapes the public prints. Nevertheless the problems that are being solved, the precautions that are being taken to prevent the en croachment of private interests on the public domain and the marring of pub lic thoroughfares and public property by private selfishness or carelessness and which are all work-a-day tasks be fore the Planning Commission, entitle that body to the hearty thanks of every resident of the city. We live in a delightful city of parks, paved streets and all that go to make up a modern city, because the people at the head of affairs some fifteen years ago planned the things which we are enjoying to-day. They were men with a broad vision of the future and they were willing to undergo the task of construction that we of this" day might reap the fruits of their labors. Not all of us will see the Harrisburg that these planners of to day have in their minds, and it is not a matter of great regret that this should be so. Possibly a third of the Improvements contemplated will be completed in the near future. An other third will be a matter of some ten or fifteen years, but a future gen eration will be called upon to carry to culmination the comprehensive plans now being outlined. The Harrisburg of the next fifty years will be the better for the work now being done and the men who constitute the present City Planning Commission will leave the mark of their thoughtfulness and pub lic spirit on the city for all time to come. Theirs Is a duty that necessi tates patience as well as ability, for the most difficult task In the world for men of enterprise and energy is that ■which requires that they await the slow developments of time for the ac complishment of those things which tfcey know to be desirable and which lie nearest their hearts. SALE OF FAMOUS RELIC. TAT any other time the announce ment that Stonehenge, the famous English ruins, dating back to the Bronze Age, Is to be sold at public sale would have caused much discussion throughout Great Britain and undoubtedly some effort would have been made to have the government purchase It. It Is an in teresting commentary on conditions in England that the property Is to go under the auctioneer's hammer In September without a murmur. Pos sibly more public Interest would have been displayed even now had it not been for a law passed several years ago giving the state power to inter vene at any time for th© protection from sale, removal or injury of any monument In private hands which there is reason to believe is In danger, and this has been construed to cover Stonehenge. The property to be sold Includes 400 acres of farm land, the estate of the Antrobus family. The principal building is Amesbury Abbey, past which flows the River Avon. The property to be sold is located in a corner of Salisbury Plain, where Can adian troops and many regiments of British Territorials are encamped, and Includes a considerable portion of the ancient town of Amesbury. Stonehenge—literally "hanging stones" —is the remains of a great prehistoric structure. It consists mainly of a circle of vast stones, near ly half of them now prostrate, aver aging about fourteen feet in height, which originally supported a number of huge horizontal stones. Thar* la a* inner circle of amallT ston**. SATURDAY EVENING, within this circle several pairs of huge stone columns arranged elliptl cally. The exact purpose which the great structure originally served has never been definitely established. It is probable that Stonehenge eventually will become a publio prop erty, through purchase either by the state or by some historical society. A few years ago there was reason to be lieve that the stones might be sold and taken to the United States. At that time the British Footpaths Preservation Society tried to purchase the acreage which includes all the important ruins, but the owner's price of |250,000 was considered excessive and nothing came of the movement. Immediately afterward, the owner, the late Sir Edmund Antrobus, had the monuments and the grounds sur rounding them fenced in -with barbed wire, and collected twenty-five cents each from all visitors. The Footpaths Preservation Society contested the legality of the erection of the fence, but after a long fight the courts de cided in Sir Edmund's favor. HIGHWAY EFFICIENCY HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER CUN NINGHAM, speaking at Hunt ingdon Friday night, told the Chamber of Commerce of that place' something apparent to observers evet since he assumed office—that "effi ciency will be the first requisite of those now In ine State Highway De partment." Mr. Cunningham very properly has shown neither fear nor favor in re organizing the affairs of tbe Highway Department to meet the needs of the situation as he sees them. Heads have fallen right and left, but always to the end that the service might be Im proved. Colil-blooded business sense has been displayed in every move he has .made. The dismissal of road foremen, many of them not up to the mark, has been made possible by the purchase of cheap automobiles for county superintendents, who are thus enabled to do the work of superintend ing large stretches of highway. It is not always that efficiency can be in creased and expenses reduced at the same time, but in this instance Mr. Cunningham seems to have accom plished that difficult task. "Those holding positions and for whom there is work will be retained and given an opportunity to demon strate their fitness and ability to hold the places they now occupy; political pressure or the pressure of a political boss will not hold anyone in his po sition if he lacks efficiency," says the commissioner. Nobody can object to that. It is simply following a course in public office such as every sane business man adepts for his guidance in private affairs. MEXICO'S CUBAN PARALLEL. MEXICO finds a parallel in Cuba less than twenty years ago. Conditions are similar and events seem to be moving In a parallel course. President McKinley, in the winter of 1897-98, issued an appeal to the American people for starving Cuba. He headed it with a very liberal con tribution of his own. No attempt was made to determine whether the responsibility rested on the Weyler policy, or on the Maximo Gomez policy. The Weyler recon centration policy was to herd the peaceful population in concentration camps, and to treat them as military prisoners ■without fulfilling the obli gation to feed military prisoners. The Maximo Gomez policy was to drive Spain out of Cuba by making the country uninhabitable through burn ing the sugar plantations and destroy ing other means of production. Both policies worked to the same end, and Cuba was rapidly becoming uninhabitable. Hundreds of thou sands were starving, and the daily toll of deaths was appalling. The political situation also offered some parallel to the present Mexican situation in that anarchy reigned. Spain could not make her authority respected, and the insurgents could not establish their authority except in a few localities. General Weyler had been recalled, and General Blanco put in his place as captain general to carry out a more humane policy, and to secure the co-operation of the best elements among the Cubans In administering the government Captain General Blanco sought to co-operate with the United States In the distribution of the relief sup plies, but his efforts showed how com pletely all authority was gone. The policy of home rule through the coalition of the best men of the country also had bten adopted by Spain. The Autonomists, who had been the original advocates of self government and who had not taken the field with the Insurgents, were put in power. A supreme effort was made to have the radical Spanish elements and the moderate Insurgent elements coalesce and form a real Cuban government. It failed. The attitude of foreign governments was similar to that which for three years they have maintained in regard to Mexico. They sought to protect the property of their nationals, but did not propose to Interfere in the struggle between Spain and the re volted colony lest this should bring them under the ban of the United States. There were very few Instances in which the lives as well as the property of their nationals were sacrificed. Americans In Cuba were there in circumstances somewhat similar to those who were In Mexico when the lladero revolution against Diaz broke out They were Interested in sugar plantations and in various kinds of business. There was, however, one marked difference. No special effort had been made by the Spanish Govern ment to induce them to come to Cuba. Instead, their welcome had been a cool one, and their stay was not liked. Americana suffered through the jlMtructton ot their plantation* and the loss of their business, but the loss of life was very rare. American property interests In Cuba were small compared with Am erican property Interests in Mexico under Diaz. The number of in dividuals was also small compared with the number who were In Mexico. The Monroe Doctrine was not en dangered In Cuba any more than It has been endangered In Mexico. The real situation was properly described by former President Benjamin Har rison as the necessity of abating a nuisance at our doors. The Mexican situation is precisely the same. President McKinley's relief pro clamation was generally accepted as a veiled warning to Spain that if the condition of the Cuban population were not improved and if order was not brought out of chaos, the United States would intervene to end an in tolerable situation. Relief failed, autonomy failed, the coalition of the best elements failed to give Cuba a government that could make its decrees respected and main tain order. The blowing up of the Maine hastened, but did not cause, the armed intervention of the United States. The course of events had shown that it was Inevitable. More Americans have been murder ed by the Mexican factions than lost i their lives by the destruction of the Maine. A national policy which Is based on a course that may require intervention In order to make it effective is pretty apt to end with Intervention. The Mexican parallel to Cuba Is sugges tive. 1 TELEORAPH PERISCOPE —A papermlU at Roaring Springs has been prosecuted for killing thousands of fish. Even at that the expense will be no greater than that of some fishing trips where the catch can be counted by the dozen. —Yeggmen got only S4O from the Pennsylvania Railroad at Fern Glen. But then, what looks small to the thief who gets it looks mighty large to the freight agent from whom it is stolen. —Usually the fellow who gets on a skate this season of the year would do well to see that there is a roller under it. —Mr. Bryan is a diplomat without a diploma. —Ty Cobb visited one of the depart ments at Washington and work was stopped to give him a reception. As usual, Ty made a hit. 1 EDITORIAL COMMENT | Omit Blnnit- the lunoceut [From the Philadelphia Press ] Don't begin your summer vacation by swearing at the baggagemaster for the extra baggage charge. He didn't make the law. Pass your eulogium to Sena tor Cummins, who is entitled to it. Rare Trent In S'fore [From the Baltimore Sufi.] Some day we'll produce an ode to the cook, and then literature and gastro nomy will both be enriched. Covers the Whole Ground [From the New York World.] We venture to guess that the most complete commentary that the Presi dent has received on the Bryan resigna tion came from Representative Thetus W. Sims, of Tennessee: "The people are with you, and they never resign." Noth ing can be added to that. ATTACKS OX MR. SUNDAY [From the Pittsburgh Sun.] Whenever an employe quits a service with which he has been happily and profitably connected for a number of years, and celebrates his "emancipa tion" by an attack on his employer, it is best for the public to turn a deal ear. This is said anent the rupture that has taken place between "Billy" Sunday, the evangelist, and Bentlev Ackle.v, his secretary and pianist. Of course it is taken for granted that this quarrel is a trivial matter and not worthy of notice, but then Sunday and his entourage have a certain interest locally because of the time thev speni here. Ackley, who has been writing some of the music of Sunday's songs and act ing as the evangelist's right-hand man in much of the details of the work, has resigned from the service, and is say ing, or rather hinting, that he was not treated right, and that he has some "revelations" to make concerning the financial aspect of the Sundav cru sades. He promises, like a great citi zen of the country, to issue a state ment In truth Mr. Ackley may keep his statement locked up in his own breast for aught the country cares. What such folk say is a combination of fancy and fact, frequently so cleverly woven that the latter takes on the color of the former. Besides, it is the statement of one who for a long time has profited by a system he now seeks to condemn. We all know what Sunday receives for his work. It Is given voluntarily, and he doubtless earns every cent of it, be cause the work is mighty hard, looking at it only from the physical side. Any how, Mr. Ackley may as well keep quiet. CANNOT KEEP HEALTHY WITHOUT EXERCISE, SAYS UNCLE SAM One way to keep healthy and live long is to play golf, says a bulletin is sued by the United States Public Health Service. I? you cannot be on the golf links two hours a day, then you must wheel a baby carriage or make garden to keep your physique from degenerat ing. The bulletin says: "The death rate after the age of 40 is increasing in spite of the more sani tary modes of living and greater pro tection against communicable disease. The expectation of life after 40 Is less that it was thirty years ago This is due largely to Increased prevalence ol the diseases of degeneration. The muscles, arteries and other organs of those who as a result of sedentary oc cupation or indolence take too little exercise degenerate. Heart disease, kidney disease and other Ills follow. "Take exercise. Take daily exercise. Have a hobby that gets you out of doors. Walk to your business, to your dressmaker's, walk for the sake of walking Join a walking club and keep your weekly score of miles.. Keep chickens, make a garden, wheel the baby or play golf or any other game, but take two hours outdoor exercise eevry day. Gymnasium work is good for those who like it and can afford it, but avoid heavy athletics. Don't try to be a 'strong man." The champion athlete often dies young. Be a moder ate, persistent, daily exponent of ex ercise. You may not burn the family carriage, as Benjamin Franklin sug gested. but at least as he advised, walk, walk, walk." LAP OF LUXURY Ruth Chatterton. the pretty little star in "Daddy Long-Legs," shows us that a wee child can sometimes guess right the very first time. "What is meant by the lap of lux urv?" asked a teacher of a class of little girls. "Please, ma'am, I know." exclaimed the smallest of the lot, holding up her hand. "Well, what is it, dear?" Inquired the teacher, kindly. "It's when the cat steals Into the larder and licks the cream off the milk." responded the little one. And the teacher, on reflection, was't ouite sure that her pupil was wrong.— Young's Magazine. IX A FEW WORDS Hawker —Buv a flower, sir? Rilllon—No, thanks, i Hawker—Buy one for your wife, sir. Rtllion—Haven't one. Hawker—For your sweetheart, then. , Billion—Haven't on», either. r —Well, buy on* to celebrtta HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH fdXLct *"Pc>)Ulo4{C<7CDua By the Ei-Commlttrcnuui Although Governor Brumbaugh will not announce his action on the five bills changing the election laws of the State it is generally believed that he will to-morrow announce his veto of all but the Magee bill providing that in nonpartisan election of cert»tn kinds the occupation of a candidate maty be placed after his name for purposes of identification. It has been known at the Capitol for some time that the Governor was not favorably disposed to some of the proposed changes, but he has declined to make any state ments and his official action will come out to-morrow. Under these conditions the political affairs will be conducted by the com mittees just as they have been for the last two years and the parties will go into the next presidential campaign under same rules as they did last year. —The State Board of Public Ac counts, which is the body charged with review of tax and other accounts after having been passed by the Audi tor General and State Treasurer, will have to get along for two years with out any appropriation for clerk hire, stenographers or postage and inciden tal expenses as the result of Governor Brumbaugh's veto of the $7,000 allot ted to it in the general appropriation bill. The Governor some time ago sug gested that bills for advertising con stitutional amendments which were in dispute be referred to this board for action and approved an item of $20,- 000 to take care of all such advertis ing past and for the next two years. State officials said to-day that in ad dition there were tax settlements which have gone to the board before being appealed to court. Unless some arrangement can be made for taking care of expenses the board will exist only nominally for the next two years. The supposition is that the Governor took a chance that some of the officials comprising the board could detail clerks to look after the work and ap portion the expenses. —As a result of the cuts made in the general appropriation hill by Gov ernor Brumbaugh in his effort to find the funds to carry on the State gov ernment some of the new places creat ed in various departments by acts re cently approved will not be tilled and chances of appointments being handed around soon have shown a marked de crease over night. It is not believed to be possible that much more than a dozen of the new places provided In the State factory inspection force will be filled. There were about fifty places created and over 4,000 persons asked for the job. The fire marshal's de partment has been so cut in its funds that instead of it having more men as contemplated by a bill it \yill probably have to reduce its force. According to reports the Governor will not have the new men named to places in the vari ous bureaus created this year until they are absolutely necessary for busi ness. —Congressman Vare, say some of his friends in Philadelphia, will an nounce his own candidacy for mayor of that city unless some one who is acceptable to all of the party leaders in Philadelphia comes out and gets en dorsements. —The Central Democratic Club last night endorsed the election of Fred L. Morgenthaler as chairman of the Dem ocratic county committee, but did not refer to the slam at Bryan which has attracted the attention of the whole State. —Rumors that certain Democrats who have been prominent In recent re treats are thinking about next year and may have something to do with the sudden interest taken In the re ported retirement of Senator Oliver from public life. —Lackawanna county Democrats who have been fussing about for some time in order to get committeemen elected by popular vote will have a meeting soon to act on the proposi tion. A special committee has been charged with the duty of changing the rules so that the voters will have a say. —The Governor's veto of the ap propriation for the Wilson "lexow" committee Is taken to mean that thero will not be much done along that line unless the men interested want to bear the expense. The committee is very much inchoate. The presiding officers of the two houses can name commit teemen. but there is nothing to pay them. The refusal of the legislature to pay the bill for the Catlin Com mission has not been forgotten now that Vare has the means of having a club handy. —The death of Ex-Senator Samuel Z. Weiss, of Lebanon county, recalls his stirring election in 1900 tit fill the vacancy caused by th« resignation of General J. P. S. Gobin to become lieu tenant-governor. Dr. Weiss made a great campaign which attracted State wide attention, the county being the stamping ground of many prominent speakers for weeks. Dr. Weiss was seventy and is survived by his widow. Our Daily Laugh PROMISING. M That ne »£* Petersburg. In fact. The members ofth« Blair County Game. Fish and Forestry Association at once became active and took the matter up with Fish Commis sioner Buller, who came here yester day to make a personal investigation. It is said that he found conditions quite as had. if not worse, than report ed and that he contemplates action against those who are responsible for the slaughter. CIVIC CLUB Fly Contest June 1 to July 31 5 Cents a Pint Prizes of SB, $2.30 and several SI.OO ones duplicated by Mr. Ben Strouse