Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 16, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
»TT T T TTT<r^TTT T T ¥T ¥~ ▼T¥TT TTT ▼▼ T'.T_T_T I _^'_T_T_V^ ; Every Dept. Unites in a 23c Sale To-morrow ► < "I ~~ *» The Anniversary Sale has left a large I ] • JjjOU/711GW14 number of odd and CALL 1991—ANY PHONE FOUNDED 1871 will be cleared out and many \ W I j ► i " *J L , a jewel-bargain will fg| (5 I ► Belter Fo c ® n y t . eeping page. Wise shoppers will be here early. Wm. I * \ it in a Notaseme Stone-hned refrigerator M/mm [ K ' Ribbons and _ W°men' s and The Shoe J ! ► Art Linens Muslinwear Neckwear weir "anc? Hosier Department Bedwear Draperies : w„m.n,u„io„ suit.- Offers T.mely Bar- r dT f oo 33 : ► button bags, etc., formerly and seersucker, with tucked ; ® ' bleached; low neck ; sleeve- . plai „ borders to yd 23 C l 25c to 65c. Special, QQ _ or embroidery ruffle; reg- 2 varH<i /JC less; lace knees; seconds; gaillS match. <t» 1 no VI y . y ' , A 2 f or £*J C ularly 35c to 50c; OO " D '., , . , regularly 50c; QQ At 236 Special «n 1 T Z,I , Marquisette colored I " Nainsook Corset Covers— at. 23c f • 4 inches" 1 wide ■ su £ ' "fii''""* • Women's low shoes, sizes 2 Crochet Spreads full formerly 39c mChQS dC 1 stamped; made-up; OO Corset Covers trimmed, regularly 25c to OO ' yS Umon Smts —°P en to 5. double bed ze; extra fine >C ' 'li regularly 35c, at.. back and front, with lace . va " r d mesh; short sleeves; knee Women's bath slippers, sizes quality; regularly <?ilu-oiin» i A • f Pillow Shams hem- and embroidery; regularly Neckw ear retrularlv length; seconds; OO 2to 7. $1.50. d»-■ QQ Silkoline plain shades, , Y stitched hem and eyelet em- 29c to 39c; OO 25c and 50c, OO ' regularly 50c; suit, ZO C Men's bath slippers, sizes 6 Special ipl.Zo 36 inches wide, formerly ► broiderv; formerly 00. at 23C Women s Stockings to 11. Colonial Quilts fancy -- ' , 2^f* ► 35c to 50c, at Boudoir Caps - made of BOWMAN'S—-Main Floor thread silk boots; wide gar- Baby shoes .sizes 3to 5. colors; double bed size ; reg- " Cloth ''' V. 1 ► Drawnwork Squa re s silk, lace and crepe de chine, ' ter tops; double soles; plain Values un to $2.50. ularly $1.50. d* 1 OO -F , white, 36 , ► 24x24 inches;regu- QQ trimmed with lace and rib- colors, but no blacks; reg- Special tj) 1 a Zj mcheswide; form- OO larlv 19c: 2 for .. iIOC bon; formerly 50c OQ r l s-> i ularly 50c At BOWMAN's —Main Floor er 29c; 2/S yds., mJv Pillow Shams trimmed to 98c; at <U«)C I Pother VjOOUS P air ' Women's patent colt shoes. ————— Green Armure for cov- with cotton Cluny lace and Gingham Aprons small ... , __ ~ Women's Out Size Stock- Women's gun metal shoes. enng couches or furniture; y insertion; form- OQ/* neat checks of blue a "d Women s Handbags ings p | ain hlack ljs j e Women's tan calf shoes. INOIIOIIS regularly 39c; y erly 59c. at fc#«3C white; plain gored, or with at £ l ° p ~ black nioire » thread; double soles; high Women's white canvas 1 dozen spools QQ _ >' ard •••, ... ► BOWMAN's —Second Floor ruffle at bottom; OO with blue lining; OO _ spliced heels; reg- OO shoes. Machine Cotton .. mOC Marquisette with imi ► ——— special <y«jC regularly 39c; at.. ■*«/ V ularly 39c; pair .. ZjC Women's white nubuck 3 pairs 10c Washable tation hemstitching; reg ► I ar»rl Women's Drawers—made Leather Bell s black Women's Stockings— shoes. Dress OQ« ularly 30c; ► L(d.CCo dllU of cambric, with fine tucks patent leather, with white plain black cotton; double Boys'button and lace shoes. Shields uOC J' 3 ™ y 1 * 1 * and wide embroidery ruffle; edge; all sizes, lieels and toes; reg-OO Men's heavy working shoes. 3 pairs 10c Children's Burlap 36 inches wide; . open and Closed. OO at ularly 10c; 3 pairs, ZuC Values up to $3.50. Sock ► Point de Paris Laces— Special fcOC BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Infants' Fancy Sox—cot- "aT«2 2T Supporters »jC 3 yards fnrmerlv 12V4C and OO Dressing Sacques—white ——— ton . re gularly and at • ♦ *u i i leather Velour olive color ; for yards 23C lawn, with neat figures, in wr , 17c 2 ' 0 Q Men s tan calf lace shoes Pump Bows .... ZoC chair and couch coverings; ' Climv Laces—pu^ Hnen: black and colors; low neck, WOmeil S P a irs ZOC Men s gun metal button 3 pieces 10c Em- HQ 27 inches wide; OO * ( mprhr 15r and OO short sleeves; regularly BOWMAN's —Main Floor s ° eS- broidered Edging, mOC formerly 6?c; yard, mwC h 2 yards 39c to 50c, CjIoVGS ————— Men S tan rubber sole ox- BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. ► QO Brassieres yokes of lace Lisle Gloves 2-clasp, j Handkerchiefs Women; S fine: dress shoes. ~~ ~ ~ "j j ► BoU . 23 c -nd embroidery; hooked various shades and sizes; Crepe de Chine Handker- Women s high grade pumps, HatteV-T-V-T UD" ► Swiss Flouncing - en.- front ; reinforced under clearing OO chiefs, special OO _ . on AJ. A W . • ► broidered; 27 inchel wide; jrms. at T " 2iOC Values up to $5.00. ====^^ ► regularly 39c and OQ 0 'rotovtav-b! c"' , Cloves 16 button Embroidered Corner Two-in-One Shoe Dress- What wouldn't we proud old Harrisburg ► 50c. Yard —' ■--• f,<onri length; tan Handkerchiefs, OO ing—black, tan and OQ f ans prjve to hear that six-cylinder shout go up ► bowman'p Main Floor. - special. 6 for LjC white, 3 boxes ... C nnceLrain? r A urniture BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. R-> 11 . a. J. *1 1 : Wall Paper w W ,, . R IG HT NO'W- means we mu a q y ~ cufou7bt£;"y |.rre; P :%Tfa H y 23c Offerings 111 WomellS board'et US a " P Ut Harrisburg on the score- j ' Fourth Floor. Costumer mahogany Outer Apparel Departments j t I|j f ' ' Snished; square design; ox- Oolfine Coats helted Porch Dresses _ Floral Waists white voile and /VlPtl\ SllltS— [ I- 1 models ; P atch eHects; also combinations organdie; also crepe de _ . inranis weal y Infants' Slips made of e • buttons of self material. all good models. $2.50 to values. (!» f OO tures, and brown. About thirty suits in the lot ► sheer nainsook, with yoke of JJiningroom Suite—fumed Value $5.00. QQ $3.98 values. £-| QO Special 1 Special CJCT OQ ► embroidery; embroidery u] • g^es; buffet Special Special 3)1 .ZO Waists - lace and chiffon BOWMAN's —Third Floor. trimmed at neck and seeves; (regularly 'sls), serving White Voile Dresses— White Skirts cotton and Georgette crepe waists. V / or is op s\ e. table (regularly $10). featuring the smart Bolero golfine and linen; two-flare $3.98 value. OQ ¥"• IV /I Ty r " 1 ► pcc.a . Special OO jackets; 3 flounce or tier ef- skirt; belted; trimmed with Special <PwifaiO lOF IVlen KwltCneilM^SreS [ embroidery trim- ,r $23.23 fects; small ruffles. Castle buttons and two pockets. Fibre Silk Sweaters— Straw Hats formerly ► . ' . BOWMAN's —Fifth Floor and other smart collar ef- Value $3.98. d*O OO l> e l te 4 models; in Copen- anc j «i_oo, OO ' Androck Ovens for gas , ming; formerly 39c OO- fects . Values up to Special SZ<ZO hagen, cardinal and green. at ...... .T1!.... Z3C stove or gas hot plate; reg- K f Bovs' straw and $8.50. Ol Voile Waists etnbroid- Regularly $5. d*o OO Boys' Overalls made of ularly 49c; ► canvas- suitable for bovs 2 - n Special «P«3eZ«5 ered styles with flat collars Sp ® cia | b j ue denim, with bibs; at Zo.C ► to 6 years; formerly' 50c /°° S ' 23 C Raincoats-good quality; and short sleeves; OO formerly 39c. o^ r hite Enamel Kitchen ► tn«l2s* OO convertible collar - value. Special mOC percale petticoats, all sizes, Special «OC Sets consisting of pud yat 23C -^ c to 69c Stuff- OO value. 000 Porch Dresses striped regularly 39c. O O Men's Office Coats ding pan, bowl and lipped 1 ► Children's Lingerie Hats en** t Special vo ' ,e w ' th white vestee ef- Special ••••• formerly 50c and OQ « saucepan; regular- OO^, y made of all-over embroid- T ' 1 lechanical OO- fects; also combination Princess Slips trimmed 59 c m«SC ly 44c; set ZOC 1 t erv and fine lawn • si?es 2to nnwvi av-« ' Vhi'f, - hepheid checks, dresses in white and colors. lace a " d embroidery C aps men's and boys'; Saucepans Viko Alumi- I 6 vears; soiled^' ortginally w.th belt effect and pockeU. $3 . 50 and $375 <(. ?? O "ounces; $ 2.98 to ref , u , P ar ly 50c; nun,; I£. 2 and 3-quart c- - OO \Y7I "i r* 1 i c- i values. Special \alues. -| OO at ALOC pacity; formerly OO C W hlte VjOOCIS values. Special BOWMANS— Second Floor Special.. 1 »faiO BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. 40c to 70c; special. ZjC BOWMAN'S— Second Floor J T * IV /I - * Preserve Kettles grey , ——— and Linens Ol • /~\ l pi . IVlen S enamel; 2-quart capacity; , J Splash Voile —26 inches Un tile UOmeStlCS ¥7 .• 1* formerly 39c; OO Uiess LjOOdS wide; regularly OQ« Decorated German China O , T7] l" at 8c Percales navv with : 4 yards mu C —cake plates, salad bowls, V>cirpet A lOOf olster Cases • made of Balbriggan Underwear Buckets aluminum cov ' white stripes; 36 "inches Galatea Cloth -29 in- craker jars sugar and cream Window Shades-oil fnThes^Te^lariv^'o^ 72 P lain and colored; mostly ered; regularly 35c OO r , wide; 5 . OO ches wide; regular- 20 p sets olive dishes, pickle and mounted on Harts- 30c • a ' t g 7 23 C shiftS: shirtS haVC g & '='"*. .7 ' ' yards ZOC ly 12j4c; 3 yards, AOC bonbon dishes; regularly horn rollers; size 36 inches ' u short sleeves; reg- OO Ironing Boards - 4-ft. h ' French Linen Suiting—in Brocaded Pique —27 in- 49c. OQ r bv 6ft ; values up OO . ? SS , . Gln g ham ~ ularly 39c; at ... size; regularly OQ tan and wistaria; 46 inches ches wide; regular- ty O Choice t* Jt to 7 - c ZoC " tr, P es a "d plaids; OO Half Hose plain black 49c; special CtO C ► wide; regularly OQ ly 15c; 3 yards... O C Bamboo Ware smoked Cordemon Stair Carpet— y *-0 C and colors; double soles; Shopping Baskets wil-• ► 75c; vard faiuC Striped Pique —27 inches bamboo vases, sandwich and preen red and brown" reg- 6/4 c Apron Gingham regularly 10c and OO . low; round shape; OO ► 20c" Lace Voiles neat wide; slightly soiled along flower baskets; OO ularly 29c. OO remnant lengths; QQ 12>4c;3pairs ... faJt regularly 49c; at.. LjC ► figures; 40 inches QQ edges; regula'rly QQ regularly 50c; at. Yar d Z«SC 6 yards LOC Neckwear 4-in-hands 12 rolls Crepe QQ y wide; 5 yards ZiuC 25c; \]/ 2 yards ... mmC Decorated Porcelain Table Oilcloth plain Sheets center seam; 3- an( l c ' string ties; Toilet Paper muC ► 15c Kimono Crepes—neat Plisse Crepe —29 inches Dishes luster finish; 10- an( j j anC y fig Ures; \y A y ar ds ' '"ch hem; 72x90 inches; regularly 50c; Swifts' Pride Washing ► and large patterns; QQ wide; regularly QQ inch size; regu-OO p wide. Mill seconds, OO regularly 40c; QQ at •••••Powder, regularly QQ 3 yards ZjC 12/ 2 c;3yards ... ZjC larly 50c; at £iOC 3 yards Z,OC a * Z«SC BOWMAN s-Main Floor sc . ? packages ZOC 25c Linen Finish Suiting Striped Crepe—3B inches Pudding Bowls white 00l and Fibftr gtair Challies cut from full D * i.L' Galvanized Chamber Pails fine quality, OQ wide; regularly QQ porcelain, with blue band Carpet also used as hall pieces. OO DOVS —regularly 39c; QQ y 4 yards - QO - runners; regularly QO « 6 yards Z«J C Norfolk Suits patch at j ► 15c Crepe Plisse-32 in- White Lawn -27 inches lar^ v . Bowl' 39c; yard L 6 C 7c Unbleached Muslin - pockets and sewed-on belts; Holts' Cream Whip-can ► ches wide; rosebud QQ wide; regularly 8c; QQ Kitchen Bowl Sets—6 as- Rubber Stair Pads—fancy 36 inches wide- OO sizes sto 10 years; former- also be uscd as e Sg beater; ► patterns; 2J4 yds., LOC 4 yards ZOC sorted size bowls; yellow mou lded patterns; regular- 5 vTrds 23C ly $1.98 and (Tj iOO pint-size; regularly OQ ► 25c Bates' Crepe plaid Crepe Lace Cloth and w,th decorated band around . js c . OO i- r> n n 'S2 49- at 49c; at mOC ► and plain colors; QO Nainsook ends left from bowl; regularly OOp 2 for ZOC bleached' 4°=W36 o^ Un " Knickerbockers crash Uneedit Gas Iron - com ► 2 yards fcLOC sale; 28 and 36 inches wide; 57c; set V* BOWMAN-S— Fourth I inches' 3 foT 23 C I a "d khaki; sizes sto 16 P lete wil ; h f eel hose that can 4 . Cloth Suiting—s4 inches regularly 10c; Pitchers—decorated . vears- reeularly OO attached to gas burner I' wide; in navy and gray; 5 yards LjC porcelain; with and without 8c Outing Flannel light S(V-at on ceiling or wall light; , regularly 39c; OO _ Satin Damask-72 inches covers; formerly o*l r FortKp Allln 27 . inches ' Oliver "Twiat 'Wash Suits <C 1 OO yard M<jC wide; formerly $1.69 and 35c to 42c; at .... muC 10l luC / wide, 5 yards .... mOC .. w hjt e an d tan striped $1.98. Special, t|) A " ' Striped Worsted Suiting $1.75. -| QQ Crockery Umbrella Jars— 29c and 39c QQ Baby Flannel white; wa i st s' with plain pants; Perfection Ovens —single * —36 inches wide; in navy, Yard * ••SiO blended colors; regularly Spark Plugs muC cut from full pieces; regu- reeularly 50c; sizes OO s ' ze or stove or S as *■ green and garnet; QQ Huck Towels —hemstitch- $1.98, License QQ larly 35c. 2to 8 ....' C stove; regular- d» IQQ ► reeularly 50c; yd., ed; 21x40 inches; regular- at * *fciO Brackets muC ard "VV BOWMAN's —Third Floor. ly $1.98; at... t|) 1 ► Satin Foulard —2O inches ly 29c each; d» f QQ Decorated Porcelain Cus- 39c and 50c QQ 6 '4c Calico —in blue, ~ Bathroom Mirror white ► wide; in Copenhagen, tan, special, 6 for. $ 1 pidors; formerly QQ Screw Drivers ... mv C gray and light pat- OQ * m ° 8 ° U , e ' enamel frame with glass ► reseda, myrtle, brown, and Barber Towels plain 50c, at muC 48c Monkey QQ _ terns; 6 yards ... uuv rrj a shelf and nickel plated towel ► black; scroll designs and set white; regularly 50c. Limit, Chas. Chaplin Statuary— Wrenches uuC Sheeting bleached; 81 nc 0 " • , ' _ bar attached: size 12x19 in figures; regularly OO- 2 doz. to a cus- OO regularly 49c; QQ n Blowout OO- inches wide; regu- QQ £> on « aenxerea. . . ches; regularly «| QQ 39c; vard ....... ZsCtomer. Special .. CSC at ZOC Patches COG larly 30c, Yard .. CO C Sj,, SI.9R; at .... <b 1 .ZO BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor / BOWMAN'S—Basement -fc V 4 WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TEIJEGRAPH JUNE 16, 1915. 3