Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 11, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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"LJERE'S "gas" with go and
** gallop galore Atlantic
"Gas.** It has gumption, but
no grit. It has a uniform "boil
ing point." which means that
every gallon of "gas" you buy
t is sure to be just like the last,
banishing frequent carburetor
adjustment. It has more miles
to the cubic inch, and a liveli
ness that enables you to get
away quickly in all kinds of
Atlantic Gasoline is made from the finest
crude oil that flows, by the oldest and
largest refiners in the State. All good
garages have it, and Atlantic tankers
deliver anywhere, any time. Be sure
it's Atlantic.
Atlantic POLARINB is tht 100-ptr
ttnt lubricant that flows freely at all
temperatures. It keeps upkeep DO U',V.
Once in a Lifetime a Trip
Like This
There are two wonderful Expositions
in («alifornia this year and railroad
rates will be much reduced. You can get
the most out of your trip to California
by including the marvelous ride
through Colorado and Ctah on the way
out. There are several ways of taking
it all in, but only one bent way, with
out extra expense and inconvenience.
Everybody knows that the Burling
ton Route <C., B. Q. R. R.) is the
standard, highly equipped "On Time"
railroad to Denver; but I want to tell
; *-ou in particular about our through
•efvlce to California, passing In dav
liaht, Denver. Colorado Springs. Pike's
Peak. Pueblo, the marvelous Royal
Gorge and Salt Lake City.
And then I can tell you about coming
home by way of either Glacier National
Park or Yelldwstone Park.
In fact I will gladly help you plan
vour trip and suggest the most com
fortable. interesting and economical
wav of going and returning. Tnat is
my business and my pleasure. Will you
allow me to be of use. and furnish vou
without charge, such pictures, maps
and train schedules, as will enable you
to determine just what to do. Will call
on you at any time, or shall be glad to
sre you at my office. Write, telephone
or call.
Win. Austin, General Agent, Passen
ger Dept.. C„ B. & Q. R. R. Co., S3«
Chestnut St.. Philadelphia.—Advertise
Buy Coal Before
July 1
That is, if saving 50c on
furnace sizes and 25c on hard
pea coal interests you. The
summer schedule of low
prices is in effect —but July
1 coal prices advance.
Order Kelley's Coal for
next Winter this month and
get the same good burning
quality that Kelley always
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets
The very best that years of
training and careful study can
Developing Rolls
Any size, 10c
Packs, 20c
Printing 2c, 3c and 4c each
426 Market Street
Spiritual Peace Concerned Him
More Than War Victories;
"The Blessed Forgiveness"
The International Sunday School Les
son For June 13 Is "The Blessed
of Forgiveness."—Psalm 32.
(By William T. Ellis)
In some matters we bow to our
tyrajinus modernity; but In all funda
mentals of life we know that there
Is no change. Essentials of life re
main as they were milleniums ago.
What was most important In the
days of King David is still most Im
portant to-day. Three thousand years
have passed since King David sat on
his throne of splendor, and in that
day his supreme concern was his re
lation with Jehovah. Spiritual values
were placed higher than alt male
rial interests. The profoundest ut
: terances of David had to do with the
| state of the human soul. Spiritual
peace concerned him more than mili
tary glory.
1' "Ah, but that was lojig ago," says
some up-to-date youngster. "These
modern days are more practical." Not
, a bit of it, my boy. Look deeply
Ii enough into life and you will find
the things which matter to-day are
the same things which mattered In
the days of Noah. Let me tell you
I two stories to illustrate my points.
I The first was told me by a good
friend with whom 1 lunched at the
; Union League Club in Fifth Avenue
|in New York. My friend had named
| u "big business" man, known as hard
; and cold and relentless in all his
transactions, a veritable money-mak
ing machine. One day last February
he was going along Fifth Avenue
when he hailed my friend, saying,
"Look here. You are the very man
I want to see. I want to talk with
somebody. I was over in Philadel
phia the other day and I went to
hear that man "Billy" Sunday. I
i thought I was past all emotionalism,
but Sunday stirred depths in me that
I didn't know existed. The spiritual
emotions that I had experienced as a
young man came flooding over me
again. I confess to you that I wept
as I listened to him." Can it be that
this man of millions whose time was
so precious, was spending daylight
hours and sitting on a board bench
listening to an untutored preacher
talk about sin and forgiveness and
the love of Christ? Ah, my friend,
there are many men of might and
money who would give their last dol
lar to know the secret of peace which
the Gospel proclaims.
AVlion the Millionaire Wept
Here is another story, and it, too,
is related to "Billy" Sunday. It was
told me by one millionaire concern
ing another. I had seen them both
at the "Billy" Sunday tabernacle in
Philadelphia while the preacher was
swaying a multitude. The crowd
was moved mightily by him; but
then, say the critics, they were only
the gullible masses. Yet these two
millionaires have such a standing
that there is no businessman In
America who would not admit their
practical shrewdness and modern ef
ficiency. Both are a power In the
national life.
The older, himself an active Chris
tian, said to me a few days later, "I
never saw X so affected as he was
that night. Tears ran down his face.
He was touched to his deepest heart
by that simple message. After the
meeting he went with me to my
home and we talked for a long while
about the sermon, and about faith In
Christ and about what it means."
Spiritual peace is still the supreme
concern of mankind. There are un
numbered lives to-day, which out
wardly seem brilliant and prosperous
and favored. which nevertheless
carry breaking hearts because of the
spiritual unrest and consciousness of
unforgiven sin. Verily nothing else
counts but being right with God.
That alone is real success. Man's re
lation with his Maker Is the one
theme worth agonizing over, as King
Shetect IfeuMefl!
The Food-drink for All Ages.
Delicious, invigorating and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard a* homy,
Don't travel without it
A quick buck prepared ii a minute.
Unlmmm you mmy •HORUOITS"
you mmy got a Substitute.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect May 24. 1»14.
! TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Martinaburc at
5:03. *7:50 a. m.. *3.40 p. m.
For Hagerstown. Cbambersburg, Car.
lisle. Mechanicaburg and intermediate
stations at 5:03. *7:60, ni:s» a.
• 3:40. 5:32, *7:40, *11:00 p. m. '
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mecbanicsburg at 9:48 a. m„ 2:18; 1:37
6:30, 9:30 a. m.
For Dlllsburg at 5:03. *7:50 and
•11:53 a. m.. 2:18. *3:40, 6:32 and <:3O
p. m.
•Dally. All other trains dally except
Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE,
J. H. TONGE. O. P. A.
Harrisburg Business College
329 Market St.
Fall term, September first. Day
and night. 29th year.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Begin Preparation Now
Day and Night Sessions
13 S. Market Sq.. HarrUburu, Pa.
Th* growth of children is a subject
of daily comment as friends and rela
tives note the rapidly changing fea
tures of the little ones. Preserve the
impressions of infancy and childhood
before it is too late by having a splen
did likeness taken at our photographic
studio. Mounted on plain panels or
the more elaborate folders. Kelberg
Studio. 302 Market street.
Qnlck Relief for Coughs, Colds and
1 Hoarsen ess. Clear the Voice—Fine tor
luwliwi and Singers. Jtc.
ssmmviwG jioßpg
ft ===^
[Ne e ws 0 oi e pagL 0 16j
s2s.ooSuits From Regular Stock Reduced to $ 18.75
ETHER you travel during your vacation or spend it in week-end trips to the country
V y° ur c l°thes must be up to the mark. Most well-dressed men know that $25.00
will buy them the best ready-for-service clothes produced in America.
Our stocks included a representative line of $25.00 suits, but the cool May left us with a
larger number than usual in the cabinets so we have reduced them to $18.75. With vacation
time just opening, and so many men needing good stylish Summer suits, these values stand out
prominently in the medley of clothing "sales."
These Fashionable Patte
Fine Blue Serges and Unfinished Worsteds. Tweeds. Tartan Checks. Carlton Overplaids.
Scotch Mixtures. Plain Grey Cassimeres. Homespun and Blue Flannels.
Pm Striped Cassuneres and Worsteds. Pin Head Check Worsteds
Another Interesting Lot Is Made Up of (t 1 Q 7C I
SIB.OO and $20.00 Suits at . . . . *PIO./ O
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear.
David agoniced and wept over it In
this Thirty-second Psalm.
The Master of Music
There is a piano in a certain home,
which is a good piano according to
market standards, but for the family
it had never produced any great mu
sic. The baby thrummed on it, and
the boys played mechanically la
bored tunes. Occasional guests
would perform conventionally upon
it. Then one day there came to visit
that home a real master of music, a
great performer. Then followed a
revelation of the possibilities of the
piano. It seemed as if the floodgates
of harmony were opened. The whole
room was transformed. The instru
ment itself seemed a new creation
after once the master-touch had been
upon its keys.
All the while the music was there
within the piano. It only needed a
master hand to bring it forth. So It
Is with these sin-scarred, sin-re
strained lives of ours. They need
upon them the emancipating touch
of the master hand of Christ. With
His co-operation the least of us can
be and do more than we have ever
dared hope or dream. Nobody ever
attains his full possibilities of peace
and power until his life has been
given over to Christ.
The Silent Warp
For a year King David's harp had
been silent. It had lost its music of
God's peace. Sin had broken Its
strings. The great minstrel was
mute. True, he had triumphed in
passion's plot of lust and murder.
Uriah was dead and Bathsheba was
his. Tet David's inward unhappiness
was greater than words could express.
He knew himself separated from God.
Nothing went right with him. There
was strife and unpleasantness in the
palace. The misery of life, the sui
cides that seem so mysterious, can
usually be explained by the one little
word "sin."
Suddenly, as we studied last week.
Curing Catarrh is
A Simple Method
Go to its Source and the
Cure Is Then Ac
Only those who have used S. S. 8.
for the blood know that catarrh is sim
ply a blood trouble.
Most people, unlnstructed In this mem
braneous disease, treat their nose and
throat as if catarrh was a local trouble.
It is not so. To treat catarrh It is nec
essary to go Into the stomach, the liver,
the lungs, the kidneys and all the vital
organs of the body. And it is S. S. S.
that at once enters the entire blood cir
culation, all the organs of the body, all
the mucous surfaces and becomes a
dominant factor for renewed health. It
is a simple method when you figure it
out. Catarrh Is plainly an Inflamma
tion of the mucous membranes.
And there Is In S. S. S. certain Ingre
dients which cause these mucous sur
faces to change or convert their secre
tions into a substance for easy elim
ination. A special book on this subject
will be mailed to all who write to The
Swirt Specific Co., 110 Swift Bldg., At
lanta, Ga.
Catarrh Is very often the result of
some other blood trouble, some germ
that gets Into the blood and multiplies
beyond the control of nature.
S. S. S. Is the remdy. Do not accept
a substitute for this matchless remedy.
Read the circular wrapped around the
I botU*. It is important.
Nathan revealed the sinning king to
himself. In agony of spirit David
cried out for forgiveness. He knew
where to go in his hour "of need.
Pity those whose feet are not accus
tomed to the path to the Mercy Seat.
David, penitent, confessed and wa*
Then In new and profound Joy and
with a fresh understanding of the
character of God, David broke forth
in his new song: the song of forgive
ness, which is to-day's lesson:
"Blessed is he whose transgression is
Whose sin is covered.
"Blessed is the man unto whom Je
hovah imputeth not iniquity,
And in whose spirit there is no guilt.
"When I kept silence, my bones
wasted away.
Through my groaning all the day long.
"For day and night Thy hand was
heavy upon me:
My moisture was/changed as with the
drought of summer.
"I acknowledged my sin unto Thee,
And mine iniquity did I not hide;
I said. I will confess my transgres
sions unto Jehovah;
And Thou forgavest the iniquity ot
my sin.
"For this let everyone that Is godly
pray unto Thee in a time when
Thou mayest be found:
Surely when the great waters over
flow they shall not reach unto
j"Thou art my hiding-place; Thou wilt
| preserve me from trouble;
;Thou wilt compass me about with
I songs of deliverance.
"I will instruct thee and teach thee
in the way which thou shalt go:
I will counsel thee with mine eye
upon thee.
"Be ye not as the horse, or as the
mule, which have no understand
Whose trappings must be bit and
bridle to hold them in,
• I'.lse they will not come near unto
"Many sorrows shall be to the wicked;
I But he that trusteth in Jehovah, lov
j ing kindness shall cumpass him
| about.
"Be glad in Jehovah, and rejoice, ye
And shout for joy, all ye that are up
right in heart."
The New Sons;
Only sin confessed, is sin forgiven.
That is the heart of this Psalm. Un
confessed sin is unforgiven. It is like
a canker in the center of life that ar
fects all the being. We may accept
it as a fundamental spiritual truth,
that wherever the Spirit of God is ac
corded full sway there will be confes
sion of sin.
A few months ago in Wooster Col
lege, Ohio, there was a memorable
revival, of which the apex was a ses
sion in which, without premedita
tion or expectation, the students con
fessed their sins to one another and
to God. So it was with the great
Korean revival. Confessions marked
all the great meetings. The same ;»
the history of the Welsh revival.
These but illustrate the Scriptural
teachings, that if any one Is travel
ing along comfortably with his old
sins, he is not walking with God.
Pardoned spirits are given a new
i start. Some persons will never for
get the scene when thousands of men
among the "Billy" Sunday converts
marched down the street singing,
| "Since Jesus came into my heart.
What a joy in my soul
Like the sea billows roll,
I Since Jeaus came Into my heart."
The sc«*ne reminded one of the
Scripture "He hath put a new song in
my mouth." David was rejoicing be
cause forgiven. He had that inward
i peace which the world cannot give j
[or take away.
1 The most comprehensive cure for
the day's evils Is revealed by pure
When public leaders and the peo
ple following find that new lite or
forgiveness and righteousness which
Is in Christ, all our political and so
cial and economic wrongs will T>e
remedied. The last word taught by
David in. this lesson Is "Get right with
Purebred Percheron Horses
Will Be Shown at Hogestown
sp trial to The Tel*graph
Hogestown, Pa., June 11. —One of
the most important and Interesting
features of the Hogestown Horse and
Cattle Show at Big Head Woods next
week will be an exhibition of purebred
Percheron horses owned by Edward
Nicodemus, of Waynesboro. The horses
to be shown have been bred on his
form and will consist of a stallion
named Marcassin, three years old,
weighing 2,000 pounds. Also, these
fillies: Lisette, aged three, weight, 1,-
800; Alice, aged two, weight 1,700:
Lucia, aged two. weight, 1,700, and
Jean, ased one, weight 1,150. He also
expects to bring with the others his
aged mares. Columbia and Lucille, 11
years old, with suckling colts.
Oct. 28. 1914.—"1 have eczema on
my face for ten years. Little red pim
ples formed in a small spot on my
chin and then spread all over my face.
They Itched and burned me awfully.
It was certainly embarrassing to me.
and I would not go amongst people. I
tried almost every remedy and treat
ment that could be used for this
trouble, but nothing did me ahy good.
I used Resinol Ointment and Resinol
Soap, and was relieved in a day or
two. In one month I was cured. This
was six months ago and the trouble
has never returned."—(Signed) Mrs.
C. C. Roberta, Weatherford. Okla.
Every druggist sells Resinol Ointment
and Resinol Soap and doctors have
prescribed the Resinol treatment for
twenty years.—Advertisement.
If Too Fat Get
More Fresh Air
Lack of fresh air weakens the oxy
gen-carrying power of the blood, the
liver becomes sluggish, fat accumulates
and the action of many of the vital
organs are hindered thereby. The heart
action becomes weak, work is an effort
and tho beauty of the figure is destroy
Fat put on by Indoor life is unhealthy
and if nature is not assisted In throw
ing it off by increasing the oxygen
carrying power of the blood a serious
case of obesity may result.
When you feel that you are getting
too stout, take the matter in hand at
once, don't wait until your figure has
become a .ioke and your health ruined
through carrying around a burden of
unsightly and unhealthy fat.
Spend as much time as you possibly
csn In the open air, breathe deeply, and
get from any druggist a box of oil of
koreln capsules; taxe one after each
meal and one before retiring at night.
Weigh yourself every few days and
keep up the treatment until you are
down to normal. Oil of koreln Is abso
lutely harmless. Is pleasant to take,
heln* the digestion and Is designed to
Increase the oxygen-carrying power of
the blood.
Kven a few day*' treatment should
show a noticeable reduction In weight.
There Is nothing better.—Advertise
JUNE 11, 1915.
Absolutely Wo Pain
JKSwMHBg Ky w«rt «vpn> -<3>
mkjbb, including an oxygen- Xa. >
alr epp«armtifl z makes
HmffiffPtl? axtnfa-On* and all <la»-
« d , £-^f 7 XIVaV /
h*lrnhM *
FREE /.».<& * S x "sacrii™
1 " anoy caw 600.
_ X a\\/ X fl°M Cpowm and
Bectat«M« \V M. M. 15.
_ x A aV" X Gold Crown ~..|i,00
«*■£»»•• Offloo open daily «JSO a.
PV. *o _g_P- ■*•! Moa, Wed.
**"""' ▼ _MU» fltt. TtO t p. B.; Snadaya,
X V X >• «. »to> R a
X ▼" X M H*— WMB
/\\ fATMEIWI i mWg'l«ili
Market Street
ROrer €bm Hnk)
X Harriaburg, Pa. nMMtnutaui
P AIITIfIN V lw,#n Coming to My Off/00 Be
UftU I lull • Suro You Aro In tho Right Plaoe.
Of what use is a band on a nickel
cigar? You tear it off before the
flame reaches it, anyhow, and the
cigar is going to smoke the same
as before the band was removed.
King Oscar 5c Cigars
have no fancy bands to lure the
eye but they have a rich aroma to
satisfy the taste every time you
smoke them.
Regularly Good For 24 Years
1 "River Coal & Sand Men Attention"!
We have just received three carloads of 4-inch C
and 5-inch flat sides and 2x12 plank for bottoms. The J
sides are 20 inches wide by 50 feet long. This is beau- g
tiful lumber and will pay you to see it, even if you do x
not buy, but we want to sell and can name low prices j
for immediate deliveries from cars. f
Wittenmyer Lumber Company '