Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 08, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
fr * * * T T w *wvvwvvvvv*vvvvvwvv + vvv + t _T_T_y_jrj.fL» < ► i . : This Announcement About the Second Day of Our \ Anniversary Sale : K . >1 >1 tb 1 Carries a message of genuine economy to every citizen of this city and surrounding ; ► O JtJL r country. • TTV V)io-il mv>ci r )V*-\S' T Primarily, its purpose is to invite you to this celebration which marks our ! /midvoiodjx aa.*k • ¥-i : p> Sale \ 44th Year in Business ► TiITIO Otb. But to merely "invite" does not fulfil our desire to have you come here every day—every hour if possible ► llfiSr ( a ' arm c^oc^s are ringing at all hours). t * > ► Inclusive i '~? 1 W s s *l e * s virtually an expression of appreciation to the Harrisburg public for the stamp of approval it has ► sJy given this store in the past 44 years, and during the next four days profit will be entirely abandoned if necessary, * ► to make this occasion one of utmost economy to our. patrons. \ Read the Clock surprises! To-morrow's List of 44c Items, 44th Anniversary Price, 44c \ 10c Shoe Trees, 6 prs. 44f Men's 25c Half Hose, 3 prs., 44<? Boys' 50c Union Suits, 2 for 44<? $1 to $2.50 Hand Embroidered Articles, 44$ y Very useful—keeps the slipper from losing its shape. Plain black and colors; double soles; high spliced Ecru, open mesh ; short sleeves; length; sec- Lot consists of cushion tops, work bags, collar and Main Floor. heels; plain and silk lisle. Seconds. onds. tie racks; etc. , » $1 to $2.50 Combs, Spanish shell combs. 20c Ribbons, 4 yds~ Main Floor. Moire ribbons, in light shades; 4y t inches wide. Flare and Quaker collars; organdie. Lot consists of 8 rolls sidewall, (regularly 8c), and y Men'ssl Straw Hats, en'"'?" 1 ""') i n Main Floor. 16 yards border, to match, (regularly 3c). Not over * Many of the wanted straws and shapes. an( * Toys, 2 for Children's 60c to $1.25 Shoes, two lots to each customer. n "rr'l l. Mechanical toys of various kinds. Button shots, barefoot sandals, baby shoes and slip- Tr F.aH.ro* . 79c Umbrellas, Anrnn frine-ham 10 vHs 44#'« pers; sizes 2to 8. Infants' 75c to $1.50 Caps, 44<* ► Men's and women's umbrellas—American taffeta. " f ' T Third Floor. ' Made of fine all-over embroiderv, lawn and Swiss, ► tape edge; Paragon frame; mission handles, 7 and 8 Blue and fancy checks. alne. A>c. Boys'9Bc and $1.25 Wash Suits, 44<» with turn-backs, br lace and ribbon trimmed. ' nl,S ' Main Floor. ■ 25c Pillow Cases, 3 for 44<- Russian sailor suits, in white and white with blue 1 , : Secon 'l£ ,oO l; " $1.25 Silk Pongee 44C* vd Salem pillow cases; 54x36 inches. Value 75c. trimmings; sizes 3to 8. Children s 59c to 75c Rompers, 44^ ► „ , , , ! . i • , •, Maln F,oor - Third Floor. M a tle of gingham, chambrav and seersucker; low ► Brocaded pongee, m^atura^shades; 30 inches wide. . necks.^ short sleeves, open knee of rubber at knee. " • 10c Batiste, 8 yds., 8 Cakes Venetian Bath Aft M, f* ■ SI.OO (doz.) Women's Si/cs >m i. >ears. Rosebuds and floral designs. Value 80c. _ . . Jsm' 1 Afll ~tr .• r i \*> j Women s SI.OO Gloves, 44^* ► Main Floor. Soap, Vvlll K.erchieiS "f' doz. 16-button length silk gloves, in white and black; ► 83c Pudding Bowl Sets, 44<[* Vinlrt and vrrhrna rl rs \ W r% 1 Fine quality embroidered I plain and contrasting embroidery. : Imported white porcelain; six assorted size bowls pSgßf NO I** corner. %-inch hemstitching, A Main Floor. to set. 1 Value 80c. 02116 broken thread may be found. SI.OO Black Sateen PettiCOatS, 44* Basement. Main Floor. Main floor. Ah exceptional offer—desired Styles. k 69c to 89c Wash Boilers, 44<* V, / v / v / second Floor. ► handles e -sLls7 S^ndTa^orted" 0 " 1 ' Men's 69c Shirts, 44<» SI.OO Lace Flouncing, 44<f yd. SI.OO Voile Waists, y Basement. Coat style, with French cuffs. Pine quality of per- Oriental Lace Flouncing; 45 inches wide. Embroidered styles, with flat collars and short 75c O'Cedar Mops, 44(* cale > c i lo ' ce patterns. Main Floor. sleeves. 10 dozen in the lot. ► Polish mop, triangular shape, with, polished wood r , A ±±* 75c to 89c Batiste Flouncing, 44<* yd. 98c Corset Covers handle. 75c Crocheted Bed Spread, 44f „ a tt P rns 27 inches wide Corset Covers, Basement. Double bed size; hemmed readv for use. y P " ~ Maln Floor ' * Made of crepe de chine, in pink and white, with * 25c Granite Carpet, 3 yds., 44<* Main Floor. __ T , strips of wide lace insertion; insertion straps over ► Small and large designs:.% inches wide. . 12 U C Crepe. 7 yds., Women s 75c Strap Purses 44<> shoulder; rubber at waist ► Fourth Floor. .. / F/. . , oa Real leather, morocco and cowhide; leather lined; Second Floor. y ► 20c Voile 5 vds. 44tf* Corded stripe crepe :36 inches wide. \ alue 88c. various colors. ' 79c Envelope Chemise, 44fk ' % Main Floor. Main Floor. i r ■ * • . ... . . • . . • ! ► Printed cotton voile; 40 inches wide. r* rM *.u a j i r « S .Made of nainsook, with yokes of embroidery and j y Main Floor. 29c Corona L/iOtn, 4 yds., +4( 59c Scarfs, insertion, lace trimmed at top and bottom; all sizes. ; > White Satin Hats, White only; used chiefly for counterpanes and cur- Trimmed with wide cotton Cluny lace and medal- Second Floor, j ► Trimmed with dainty flowers. tains. lions; size 18x45 inches. Brassieres, 44^ second Floor. Fourth Floor. second Floor. Made of cambric, reinforced under arm; trimmed SI.OO Bracelets, Women's 17c Vests, 4 for 44<? 3 Cans Buckeye Cleanser, with wide embroidery insertion or cotton cluny lace at Gold filled tango bracelets. j Bleached; tape neck and sleeves; lace yokes. Excellent for automobile use. top and bottom; hooked front. Main Floor. ( | Main Floor. Third Floor. Second Floor. | Anniversary Offerings-Unusual [44 Hid : ( n T 7 Boys' $3.50 ands3.9B Suits, $2.44 Sj/mr/fiOC 44n Demonstration Norfolk suits in blue, brown and gray fancy mix- LI #[J f tOCO CI L I Xt i-^UL/l j v Preparing a pot roast in Wear-Ever Aluminum tures; straight fronts; military pockets; sizes 6 to 17 Every year these "Clock" surprises afford greater fun for patrons, and this year the number each day 6-qt. Preserving Kettle, that is ~ special during years. has_ been increased to 44 at 44c each. (Just our years in numbers). These surprises range in value from | demonstration at Third Floor. $1.50 to sls. : 1 — .. 16 Rules Governing Clock Surprises | $2.39 and $2.98 Tea Kettles, jf*l.44 years. The person whose sales check is on "file"' last before the alarm clock strikes in the department when I v Aluminum. Extra quality. ' Third Floor. ' purchase is made, may buy the surprise valued at $1.50 to $15.00 for Basement. • n j Suit Cases t^ie owner t ' lc next to t^ie ast c ' nia )' have the same opportunity. ' $2 98 Voilp Waistc J.J. l&.OO Plume . 14c Women's $3 Silk Umbrella 44c ► voue waists, .T»l .-44 00 Suit Cases #1.44 $5.00 Hat 44r i.i.00 w. B. corset ;: 44c l. Embroidery or lace trimmed: flat collars Dnlv 8.5 Vu-\ r> ton * * Wall Paper Combination, value $2.45 44c J 3.00 I.a Vida Corset 44 c A '1! , collars. uniy . $3.00 Rags #2.44 ; s< .oo Axmlnster Rujt 4ic *3.98 Nainsook Petticoat l. . .U4c dozen. S6 00 Trunks #5.44 15 y ds - Black Satin Messallne, value $4.74 • ~ -„„ , _ Second Floor. JpO.UU 1 runKS „ , 2 . 0 0 hand embroidered Ve.tee. . .44c Women« $15.00 Wool Drew 44c $2.50 Crepe de Chine Waists, $1.44 /-.u-u » <t>. o aso $3.00 saun fl lahed Spread (Blue), 44c Women a SIO.OO Suit 440 \ vari».tv n( ctvl».c • I i u a j Children's $4.69 Sulkies, »%3.44 $3.00 Silk Alpaca Coat (Men*s), 440 If 11 Two pair Blue Sergre Knlckerbock , A variety of styles, white and pastel shades; and , , , L , $8.50 leather Traveiin K Ba Sl 44-mil . »<SN. ers value $2 50 440 the popular awning stripes. Styles are ud to the Reed, in brown and natural colors, with comfortable *2 98 Dressed Doll 44c \ /mil M I minute. " P footrest and adjustable handle. cutFern Diah /// J ' ZTn c ► Second Floor. Third Floor. WAy »3 44c Price, $.5.44 Decorated German china salad bowls, celery trays, Linen Handkerchiefs, mfj \\\ ► , , . , a i " . a » nt/1 ,. m f~J \/ I VAm $3.50 Hand Embroiderad Popular for motoring or general wear. Black velvet sugar and cream sets, cake plates, chop plates, etc. value $2 #/7 7 I ' yA* waist 44c collar and cuffs; trimmed with large white and black Basement. Two pair Women's silk MLJ I HI s buttons. Snappy models. "S2 98 SDOrt Hats JRI 44 Gloves, value $2.. .44c llf . I a I |41 Infanu ' ,260 Tollat - ► Second Floor. o{ tatS, 95 I|kCe trlixim«d Fan IQ A Pjjjl lj 1 Basket 44c ► $2 and $2.50 Linen Scarfs, $1.44 Two-tone sport hats, white and pink, with double 44< JSSQ fj 154.00 German Silver ► Madeira hand-embroidered scarfs; 18x45 and 18x54 bnms - . second Floor. »3. B0 silk Kimono.. .44c 1H HI Mesh Bag 440 ► inches. ' $6.00 Silk Sweater.. .44c *Yn . Nl $2.98 Clothes Wringer y Second Floor. B. Corsets, $1.4-4 $3.50 pr. Men's or Worn- lyJi Ll m 44c ► For the Auto Made of coutil; medium high bust; long hips; em- ens Shoes 44c /// ,4 ' 50 nlck * l c °p* ► $1.98 Tool Box #1.44 broidery trimmed at top; 3 pair hose supporters; stays (Morning and Afternoon) per Chaflng Dish . .440 ► $1.98 Vulcanizer *l*44 flossed at bottom; guaranteed not to rust. 12 pairs Men's Half Hose, A7M *3.90 10-plece Toilet Set Third Floor Second F.oor. value $3.00 44c V<\ ffy. . /j/ 44c ► ° rloor ' $3.50 pr. White Cable Net VA WWM VV /// T „ . . ► (" Combinations, $1.44 Curtains 44c P I ► Porch Rockers, $1.44 Made of sheer nainsook; cover trimmed with lace, 5 yd8 ' C)r K and,e Flouncing, value 5 yds. Voile Flouncing, value $5.00 ► Higli back porch rockers, double reed seat, embroidery and medallions; drawers, open or closed, * 3 - 75 • 44c 44c ► finished natural. with lace or embroidery trimming, A number of new Huck Towels, value $2.40 doz 44c 44 yds. Falcon Percale, value $3.30, 44c y Fifth Moor, Styles. $4.50 woven wire Bed Spring 44c $2.50 Ribbon Girdle 44c y ' Second Floor. .T TUESDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 8, 1915. 3