Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 04, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
Busy Store; Busy News; Busy Day—To-morrow CALL 1901—ANY PHONE FOUNDED 1871 SATURDAY HOURS: 9 A. M. TO 9P. M. I ' S- Sanford & Sons' Auctioned Off. All. Perfect Rugs A good reason why such auction sales have proven suc cessful. They were very careful to dispose of the kinds that were desirable, even though it did mean a lowering in price of about one-third. That same price lowering is in evidence in our selling prices, and it will be to every home keeper's advantage to select one or two rugs NOW, as indications point to a considerable rise in prices next Fall. Just a few of the reductions: $29.50 Axminster. 9x12 ft .$21.98 $22.50 Velvet. 8.3x10.6 ft 3*13.98 $25.00 Velvet, 9x12 ft \. $15.98 $17.50 Tapestry Brussels. oxl2 ft $12.48 $13.50 Tapestry Brussels, 8.3x10.6 $10.48 $12.00 Tapestry, 9x12 ft $ 9.75 BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. ' > A New Talking Machine And An Unusual Offer The question of music in the home can easily be answered in this offering of a new talking machine—one that possesses features of high grade machines, and yet selling at the very low price of $9.98 This instrument is larger than any ever made at near this price: is inches at base, stands BT/28 T/ 2 inches high: fitted with automatic stop: speed controller: dnor; and will play any standard disc record. (See illustration). Investigate Our Club Plan 10-iri. "Climax" Double Disc Records; 65c Value for 44c rtij-. These records are made by one of the largest talking machine concerns, and sells universally for 65c. Our special f 3 price is 44f. Music on both sides, and ' Jj, a large list of airs to choose from. Can he played on standard machines. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. v : J A Three-Hour Shoe Sale (9 A. M. Until 12 Noon) 3 Wonderful Shoe Bargains LOT NO. 1— 216 pairs women's black and russet button _ and lace shoes: welted soles. QQ r 1,-1 Vfi Formerly $2.50 to 53.50. Pair .... • j LOT NO. 2 *|J 121 pairs boys' low shoes—Endicott-John- e [ son's. Sizes 3to 5 l /i. $2.00 to QQ r e. $3.00 values. Fair OI7C I LOT NO. 3 Ak V* % 92 pairs men's double sole, bellows tongue, ■ W. dirt-proof working shoes; sizes ft to 11. $2.19 and $2.50 values J 20 Special All-Day Offering 629 pairs women's tan. black and white high | n \ and low shoes; $2.50 to $3.50 values. <1? 1 AO p a j r JL ,UU BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. r "\ New Sport Hats That Will Win Favor Immediately # Jaunty hats to withstand the rough outdoor knockabouts; yet attractive and becoming in ap- Such is this new showing. There are a number of effective models, including a smart combi nation of narrow colored straw braid and white felt, giving a striped effect: medium large and Prices are 98<*. $1.49, #1.98 and upward to 915.00. BOWMAN'S—-Second Floor Travel Gowns For the Trip . A smart creation for traveling, which can be worn as coat or dress. Come in mohair; in gray, navy and black. Belted models with flat collar* and large patch pockets. Buttons entire length. Priced at #1.98. FRIDAY EVENING, Soap Specials 10 cakes Ivory soap 380 10 cakes P. & G. Naphtha soap. 38c 10 cakes Kels Naptha soap . . . .38e 2 cans Old Dutch Cleanser . .. 15c (No phone orders sent C. O. D.) BOWMAN'S—Basement Special Saturday 10 rolls Crepe Toilet Pa per. 250 BARRISBURG TELEGRAPH By Special Arrangement With E. J. Wile, We Can Offer a Number of Smart, Warm Weather Coats at $9.98 \ That were made to sell at prices ranging up " ward to S2O. The name "Wile" stands for all that's stylish M pw and dependable in women's coats; most wom [ 1 W) s en know this; so a description of I /vCZjS^ ne wor^mans hip and supreme style is unnecessary. This, however, we can state emphatically that $9.98 could purchase no better value: and be \ ing of light weight, the coats will give steady service throughout Poplins and coverts; navy, olive, tan, leather; also shepherd check. |H^' Exclusive models with velvet gabardine or silk collars, in contrasting colors. Zf BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. » New Waists, 95c A pleasing assemblage of dainty embroidered voile waists; little to say about them —so plain, and yet so becoming. Smart collars which lie flat, are equally pretty. Lingerie Waists, $1.98 in the as sortnient, the styles /BHaoN vary from a plain M model to the fancy Full'' et^ccts t ' iat arc Vmi// 4\ fj indeed charming. Shown in lawn, voile and batiste. 'fjJW /\ - BOWMAN'S— ' Second Floor Saturday Clean-up Of Lace Curtains White and ecru Nottingham; novelty net with Battenberg and clunv trimmings; also plain, hem stitched or insertion and lace trim med scrim; good qualities and patterns; including samples; former prices, 59c, 51.25, $1.95 and up to $5.00 pr. Sale prices, !M)f to $3.50 pair. Sunfast Materials, in green, brown, blue: with plain and fig ured patterns: 50 inches wide; former prices, 80c to $1.25 yd. Sale prices 55( to SI.OO Armure and Tapestry for cushions, and furniture and couch coverings; former prices 39c to $2.25 yd. Yard ... 25? to $1.35 BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor Silk Gloves of the Sturdy Kayser Quality The women's glove section is visited hourly by women who possess the wisdom of buying de pendable silk gloves only. Fownes' and Kayser's 2-clasp silk gloves, in all shades; plain and contrasting embroidery, at 50c to #I.OO Fownes' and Kayser's 12 and 16-button length silk gloves, at 7.")p to S'i.OO • Stylish kid gloves, in all colors and sizes; self and contrasting embroidery, at #1.25 to $2.25 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor An Annual Event: The Hair Goods Clearance Sale Begins To-morrow This is an event most women look forward to —the mem ory of last year's values still fingers. We've cut the prices to so low a point that all the Wavy Switches (many mounted on three separate stems), Transfor mations and other articles of hair goods in our stock will move out quickly. The assortments are large—your shade is here. Note the Unusually Strong Reductions s'-35 ' ia ' r values, sold by us at SI, now ... <>.>o $2.75 hair values, sold by us at $2, now sl. $3.95 liair values, sold by us at $3, now A T® •? $6.75 hair values, sold by us at $5, now \ \<r j $10.50 hair values, sold by us at SB, now Jf10.75 / Every article in this large stock of ) / Sanitary Hair Goods will be sold at pro- / / * portionate reductions. // ( • -j BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. v Smart Peter Thompson Dresses Ideal for the young girls' knock-about wear outings and the like. Smart blouse effect in white and dark blue, with red ties, braided collars and sleeves. Pleated skirts; may be worn separately. Made of a splendid quality linen. Priced at $5.98. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Prettiest of White Dresses For Children's Day Made of lawn and trimmed with embroidery insertion; low neck, short sleeves, normal waist line with belt of wide insertion. Sizes 6to 14 years 1. $1.25 Dresses of net. organdie, and fine lawn; empire, normal and long waist effect, trimmed with fine laces, embroidery insertion, and pretty ribbop. Sizes 2 to 14 years $1.25 to SIO.OO Infants' Short Dresses, fine sheer nainsook and lawn; trim mings of lace and embroidery. Sizes 6 months to 2 years, 59 o to $5.98 BOWMAN'S —Second Floor A Trio of Favored Black Silks, $1 yd. Black Chiffon Taffeta 36 in ches wide; soft text; yarn dve. Yard SI.OO Black Satin Messaline 36 in ches wide; star edge; very lus trous. Yard SI.OO Black Dress Peau De Soie—36 inches wide: mellow finish; col ored edge. Yard SI.OO BOWMAN'S—Main Floor JUNE 4, 1915. Miss Searight Can Give You Many Little Helps in the Art of Cooking Miss Searight is here dem onstrating the practical uses and superior features of' WEAR-EVER ALUMI NUM. Wives-to-be and just wives will benefit by her brilliant talks. Demonstration Specials SI.OO Wear-Ever Alumi num Fry Pan; heavy qual ity 49^ $1.20 Wear-Fver Alumi num Preserving Kettle, 8I?e BOWMAN'S—Basement V J Boys Norfolk Suits Reduced Wool Cassimere Norfolk Suits at $2.95 —in brown, green mixtures, grays and dark mix tures; were $3.95; sizes b to 17 years. Wool Cheviot and Cassimere Norfolk Suits, at $3.95 —in grays .tans, browns, Tartan checks and mixtures; four differ ent models; were $4.95; sizes 0 to IS years. Oliver Twist Wash Suits, at 85e about 10 different combi nations, reps, cambric, linens and chambravs; were SI.OO and $1.25. Wash Suits, at 50<« to $:5.50 comprising middies, French blouses, modified Russians, Oliver Twists, Yestces, Sailors, etc. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor r ' — Making the But) the Most That is the secret of successful business men, and that instinct serves as a guide every clay in the business.year, to receive genuine economy. Young men, too, in school or other walks of life, arc gradually realizing this advantage. Therefore, this message of clothes economy goes out to every man, that the spring's stylish suits—and that means patterns and smart lines—selling regularly at sls to S2O or more may be purchased for 65 Supposing You Have A Ten Spot that you wish to invest in a suit. Instead of purchasing a suit that is priced at $lO, it will be to your advantage to spend— . $9.50 —and secure a suit that a couple weeks ago would have cost you $12.50 and $13.50. There is surely something here to suit your taste. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. One Minute Helps For the Busy Man Balbriggan Underwear, 50£ silk finish ; pearl buttons; lone and short sleeves; knee, ankle and stout drawers. . Open Mesh Underwear, 250 white or ecru; short sleeves; knee and ankle drawers. Union Suits, regularly SI.OO ecru; lung sleeves; ankle length. Dress Shirts SI.OO mer cerized madras: coat style, with soft French cuffs. Silk Half Hose, 250 double soles; high spliced heels; plain shades, also fancies; seconds. Monito Half Hose double soles; high spliced heels; black and colors. Silk, 500 pr. Silk lisle. 250 pr. Always Smart Neckwear, 250 and 500 4-in-hands and club tics. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor ✓ Embroideries: Dainty & Economical 75c and SI.OO 27-inch Swiss Flouncings, yard 190 SI.OO 27-inch Crepe and Voile Flouncings, yard ; 59^ $2.00 45-inch Batiste Flouaic ings. yard #1»00 89c 27-inch Organdie Fltamc ings, vard 590 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor / v Demonstration of Elmo Sisters' Beauty Preparations Will Start Tomorrow Practical advice wrill be given to women in obtaining or retaining a beautifial com plexion. - 3