Blood Risings Begin A Mere Speck Stop Them From Grow ing Large and Dangerous. Nearly everyone who uses S. S. S. for the blood recalls a friend who went through untold suffering: as the result of a mere pimple or small blood rising. .A host of people did not realize, unit! too late, what may result from a slight skin abrasion. But they recovered if they used S. S. S., and in almost every village and hamlet, every crossroad and away back oft the road is someone who will tell you how S. S. S., the famous blood purifier, restored his health. It Is a most Interesting: fact that this remarkable vegetable medicine over hauls the blood in a manner that ex cites curious minds. But it acts in accordance with ac cepted physiological laws and yet its effect Is almost beyond comprehension to those who are>wedded to such drugs as mercury, calomel, arsenic, iodide of potash, copper and other baneful in fluences which all the world bears silent testimony to their destructive tendencies. S. S. S. is indeed a nature's tribute to what we need and it Is worthy of note that iti almost any drug store throughout the country you will And it regularly in stock. Get a bottle to day. And if you believe yours Is a peculiar case, write to the Medical Adviser of The Swift Specific Co.. 106 Swift Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga. Our word for It, he Is one of Georgia's appre ciated specialists, retired from active practice, but proud of his name and of his recognized ability. RECIPE for GRAY or FADED HAIR Can Xorr he Obtained In America 1 Just a few applications of this famous French prescription and you will have what no other preparation will give; a lovely even shade of dark lustrous hair that will make sou look years vounger and no one can ever tell that it has heen applied. A large "-ounce bottle of this old and thoroughly reliable French recipe can bp secured all ready for use for a small sur- at anv well stocked drug store. Ask for LeM&y's Cream of Sage and Quinine. Ilakrn roil look yearn yoimiirr IMPORTANT: while LeMay's Cream of Sage and Quinine will stop falling . hair. scalp itch and remove dandruff in [ one week it should NOT he used b>" j people who do not desire their hair re- ; ••stored to its natural color. You can { *fret an extra large bottle for about 50 cents at any druggist.—-Advertisement. Switzerland in America Glacier National Park, i ——————————— Now that Switzerland is closed to the Tourist World. Glacier National j Park, in Northwestern Montana, be comes the Mecca of those who love the rugged mounta-in scenery and out door life. It Is easy to reach Glacier Park, for the luxurious "Oriental Limited" train • over the Burlington Route (C. B. & Q. R. R.) from Chicago takes one through to the very gates without change. , Within the Park comfortable quar- I ters are to be had at Glacier Park Hotel and elsewhere; and the Glaciers, the lofty mountains, the crystal lakes j filled with gamey trout: the atmosphere of higness ruling everywhere, are never ! to be forgotten. Those in charge of Glacier Park have seen to it that the cost of visitirg and ' living there is not excessive .and t ' would like to send you some of our il- i lustrated booklets which tell you all j about It, and about the cost or going there and seeing all there is to see. If you will give me your address, I t will gladly send you copies free of ! charge, and answer any questions about j the Park that you may wish to ask. Wm. Austin. General Agent Passen- ! ger Dept.. C., R. & Q. R. R Co.. S3« ; Chestnut St., Philadelphia.—Advertise ment. RHEUMATISM IN ANKLES One Bottle of Klieunia Relieved \Y«i- i man Wlio Could Not Walk Marvelous as this story may seem, it ' is absolutely true; but this is only one! of the many almost magical cures that I Rheuma is performing these days. Use of one bottle will convince any suf ferer. Mrs. Gertrude Kozel. Smlthfield. Pa., ! writes; "I had rheumatism for over a year: it settled in my ankles and 11 could not walk. I have taken one bot tle of Rheuma and do not have any, more pain, and X can again walk at 1 will." H. C. Kennedy and all druggists sell! Rheuma for 50 cents. It is guaranteed : to cure any case of any kind of rheu- I matism or money back. Gratifying relief comes in a day. be- ' cause Rheuma acts at one time on the i kidneys, stomach, liver and blood, and | starts to rid the entire system of pol- ! Fonous uric acid at once.—Advertise- ; ment. FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil: Remove Them With the Othine Prescription j This prescription for the removal of | freckles was written by a prominent I physiciati and is usually so successful i in removing freckles and giving a clear,' beautiful complexion that it is! ►, sold by druggists under guarantee to 1 refund the money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a I veil; get an ounce of othine and re- i move them. Even the first few ap- : plications should show a wonderful i improvement, some of the lighter I freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine; it is this that Is sold on the money-back guarantee. Advertisement. EPILEPSY The K 08l n e 1 M _ Treatment re- I ■■ ■ » ■ ■ of the dreadful ■ ■ ■ attacks which! ■ are so frequent! ■Hi A t ?. e "Offerers | of bplle ps y. i Koslne has been i used with re- > markable success for fifteen yoars Buy i a bottle of Kosine for *1.50. If. after i using, you are not entirely satisfied ; your money will be refunded. Ask us for booklet Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North : Third street. FRIDAY EVENING, PWMI r AeiINST A STATE Livestock Sanitary Board Orders Embargo Against the State of Kentucky's Cattle The State of Pennsylvania has de clared a quarantine for foot and j mouth disease against the State of K .r.tucky and no cattle will be receiv ed from that State under any circum stances. This action, which is taken ; in an order issued to-day. Is the re | suit of the discovery that hoys which had been shipped from Louisville 1 through Pittsburgh and received at i uilaueiphia had the dreaded cattle disease. It liad been planned to admit cattle L'or breeding and feeding purposes, but" for the present they will be ad mitted for immediate slaughter only except from Kentucky which is under quarantine as far as this State is con cerned. The area in the State which will remain under quarantine includes parts of live counties. All Philadel phia South of Wasnington avenue and |oetween the rivers is quarantined to ,ether with certain premises in Schuylkill, Warren and Erie, about hicb a three-mue limit has been 'drawn. In Allegheny the quarantined 1 area is townships ot Kennedy, Ko'»in j.-iun, all territory west of the Panhan i<ll" in Chartiers, all north of the same railroad in Collier, ail within three miles of Moon Run post office in Moon; all west of the Pittsburgh and l.ake Erie in McKee's Hocks. The rest ol the State is free, permits being required for shipments from other States or restricted territory. 1 Board will permit county fairs and agricultural exhibitions to show livestock this year if it does not come from quarantined territory. This ac tion has been taken after correspon dence with officials of fairs and mem bers f'the State Board of Agriculture. ! Artists of Ability Will Appear in Academy Play MISS GRACE FISHER Among the artists who will appear with the Clifford Yard Devereux Com pany in the Shakespearean Comedy "As You l.ike It." on the Academy campus, Wednesday evening at 8.15 o'clock, will be Miss Grace Kisher in the role of Rosalind. Clifford De vereux will play "Orlando." These two noted artists will be ably supported by the other members of their company. This company ranks among the foremost troups of open air players in the United States and it will appear before the most fash ionable country clubs, colleges and universities, civic and other organiza tions. General admission and reserved seat tickets are on sale at the Gorgas drug store, where a seating plot may also be consulted. HI'RT IN AT'TO ACCIDENT Special to The Telegraph Elizabethville. Pa.. May 2 B.—While coming from Berrysburg to this place Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Romberger and J. R. N'eyer, the chauffeur, met with an accident a half miles from Berrys burg at a steep hill. The chauffeur hail started to climb a hill on high gear and, getting too close to tlie edge of the road, the rear of the car skidded into the gutter, breaking the hind wheel and upsetting the car. Mrs. Bomberger is the only one hurt to any great extent, beins badly bruised and lacerated. GOOD WORK IN UPPER END Special to . The Telegraph I.ykens. Pa.. May 28.—Fine road work was done by the Lykens borough volunteers on the Washington town ship road north of Loyatton. Under the skillful direction of Harvey Lu poid, acting supervisor, the following Good Roads Day workers labored faithfully and returned home tired but happy: J. A. Bogar, H. E. Buffing ton. I)r. William Uhler, Charles A. Huff, Joseph Hoffman, Forrest Husel, James Melt, W. V. Barret, L. Barret, A. Barret, A. Rudisil, C. Rudlsil. Tom Paul, P. Briggman, George Snyder, R. Coble and others. DOGS KIl/I- YOUNG BULL Special to The Telegraph Lewistown, Pa., May 28.—Two dogs running loose in the mountain land near Maitland. this county, attacked a young bull belonging to Harry El linger, a farmer, and when discovered the dogs were tearing Its flesh. The animal was so badly Injured that it had to be shot. Thomas Fultz, a farmer, tried to drive the dogs away and was himself attacked. The ani mals. one a bulldog and the other a hound, were driven off by the farmer, who used a stout club. A party went in search of the dogs and both were shot. DEATH OF H. J. BROOKS Special to The Telegraph Wrightsville, Pa.. May 28. H. J. Brooks. 77 years old. a retired car riage builder and carpenter, who built carriages during the Civil War and later enlisted in an Illinois regiment, died yesterday. He was prominently identified with York county politics and was a member of several secret organizations. He was a director of the Frevstone Mutual Insurance Com pany. A widow and several children survive. CHILDREN'S DAY AT BLAIN Special to The Telegraph ■ Rlaln, Pa., May 28.—Children's day will be observed on Sunday evening at 7.50 In the Zion's Lutheran Church, when the special program, entitled "Songs of Our King," will be rendered by tile Sunday school. |Your Decoration Day in a Pre Decoration Day Sale; — J l Old Sit C C Mf 1 " 'V " "» I n i n i »<*yy n iftyti i> iiywß w 1'• 'Pre-Decoration Day Sale of ) T I re -Decoration Day Sale of Over I ; | , 1171 •. Q ri 1 | \ S1 1500Women's&Misses'Washable 1 | White & Colored 1j A Dress Skirts |{ : I Wash Dresses <vJß « The largest showing of the Newest Summer > \ > / | \ \ Newest Wash Materials, Palm i Dresses ever on display anywhere. The materials , f / / \ Beach, Ratine, Bedford Cord, Ramie : | I f are White and Colored Voiles, White and Colored V \ jf <'W ' ' and T**" W * T* !" f 1 I % , r\ j- tin , , . , ■, \ 5 I !l 111 sizes for women, misses and extra I Organdies. White Rice Cloth, Linens in assorted '• \\ U m- . > : -/\ , f (j k^ 1 large women : i I f C A OIOrS ; 311 thenn eSt ™°f els ; elegant l y trimmed - /\ ; I L-\ x i I $2.00. $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 SKIRTS <»' 1 1 A wide range of beautiful colors to choose from. / ' V V-V\ 1 ? U 1 i £ ! . n , , / • \\\\" S'-V\-v\ fl W TO-MORROW SPECIAL FOR . I i i Neat hgures, narrow and wide stripes; some made / j :i %\ \v '-V v *\ .\k, i f - . ( S With the new white Quaker collars. There are all / j ( ~' , 1 4 $1) $1.95, $2.45 and $3.50 f 1 j sizes for women, misses, juniors and extra large I X <>* IAI,K IK THE BUEJIENV. 1 , 1 I—' „ ... „. , . yPx A\\ ' 4 Very Special Lots on Sale To-morrow , - „ ' i 1 !i newest wash dresses tt-o qc newest wash dresses, qr I Your Decoration Day Millinery I j Values to $4.50, Special For J Values to $7.50. Special For 7 _ t „ ; NEWEST WASH DRESSES* O QC NEWEST WASH DRESSES, CC fIC Id 1 HIS Olie DaV Sale ! I • Values to $6.00, Special For J«> Values to $9.00. Special For f The very latest crtations in SUM^ER HATS for , , I I . | T* C n j/ n mi i r~ t r*i • i = dress and every other occasion—hats that have just been i Just in lime ror JJecoration Uay, a Wew Lot ot Chinchilla Coats unpacked and shown for the first to-day. ( In Plain White, Neat Stripes and Plaids Tta New Outing Hats, White Dress Hats, Tailored 1 ' f The c , BMt ChinchiHa Coat Ever Fine White aad Plaid Chinchilla | best ■ I Jon Sale in this Lity, Real <J»C 00 Coats, Valaes to $16.50, (in 1 shown anywhere, and every hat |C i Values SB.OO, Special for Special (or «pIU.» Marked at Extra Low Underselling Prices That || 1 1 Made of a strictly all-wool, white chinchilla, Made of finest grade all-wool chinchilla; f Surely Tempt All to Buy ' I S f close nap, two good models to choose from, plaid white and assorted plaids. Made with I An entire new showing of all the wanted trimmings # S All sizes for women and misses. and without belts. All sizes. are also here—White Coques, White Pompons, White I ( Breasts ' ° strich Fancies, and all other newest trimmings. ' ( TO-MORROW THE LAST OF OUR FINEST cT "? f ) : S2O, $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 : T rre-Uecoration Day bale of i I i WOMEN'S AND MISSES' NEW SPRING SUlTS|f Women's &. Misses' Spring Coats] Ci; n ON SALE FOR | | Spring Coats, Values to $7.50, For $3 75 r li| ii | Spring Coats, Values to $9.50, For $5.00 f €j; f r '"g Coats, Values to $12.00, For $6.50 i 1 11|4 / _jW II Pre-Decoration Day Sale of Mnslin Underwear # fii WOMEN'S MUSLIN PET-1 WOMEN'S MUSLIN Z Cji TICOATS l2-inch embroid- TICOATS lB-inch embroid- r Jj! cry ruffle; cut full; A*i _ ery ruffle; cut full; 9 # II bbbmmmbb !' v worth to 75c ' for ••• worth SI.OO, for /DC % f i| BHi ii WOMEN'S WHITE SATEEN PETTICOATS; Q I]| new ruffle; cut full; fitted tops; worth $1.50; for jDC J \;! WOMEN S MUSLIN Women's Muslin Gowns,best C!> GOWNS, lace or embroidery workmanship, lace or embroid-' | M|| trimmed; yokes cut er y trimmed yokes; (j* )j! full; worth 75c, for. . 4DC cut full, worth sl, for /OC 4 ij WOMEN'S MUSLIN DRAWERS—embroidery no f j| ruffle; all sizes; worth 35c, for 1 j! ;» .3 |ii All Sizes for Women, Misses and Extra Large Women ii f're DeCOralion Day Sale of New Waists I 5 None Sent C. 0. D. or on Approval. Alterations Charged For WA qc wIS W^ Sts qq > m . Sale Price vvv Sale Price X#O i 7 g % —M——^^^Over patterns to rhooar from) nrnutUul unmnirr niodrlMi made K f "" »pn mutlrlNi inn <le of or orKHiidirn, vollrn nml crrpr Hr 1 I 1 ▼ MM ■fV f « « orKandlra, Tollm, Hero and China chine allk; In all the nrvv mimmrr f % n Im/I 111 'A I I m - ,-- Xllk) tvhltc and colora. Miea 36 to ahadpa; PI.AIBT and STRIPE) % and V ( iaPfir Men! Uon t Judge (T O HIT '? I 'by the Price . . \J Pre-Decoration Day Sale of 111 I I These Men's and Young Men's Suits || GIRLS' WASH DRESSES |i| \ I Should Fetch $12.50 to $16.50 \\ GIRLS' WHITE DRESSES GIRLS- WHITE DRESSES ij 1 C ] They show as plainly as if the price tag read $16.50 instead of j! Worth to $1.50; Q (J* Worth to $3.00. (J» -l Q[-|| C # SI $8.75. We leave it to your own judgment—you have all the latest !; f or Z/OC Price O 1 #l7O <>C % models and materials, including the Famous Sun-proof Blue Serges. A ,, j C i•* i White lawns and orandies; ■ m i 4 >W ... . c j 6 5 1 Made of white lawns, some , , , . , . , !k £ v j ( *?* S V All sizes for men and young men. ][ . nicely made, trimmed in lace !> % \ Jj- "" ox SAI.k IN THE BASBMKNT. |! ' ace ant ' embroidery trimmed. or embroidery; very newest ii I C ————————————————__. —i —__________ |> Sizes 6to 14. models. Sizes 6to 14 years. J / rAA n * CHM J n ■ 'i GIRLS' WHITE DRESSES-^worth to $4.00. d» Q A iif i SIIII rairc nt IVlpn c PanrQ i:s a i e price a>z,yo c J If * I**l wl Illvll A CllllO j! Very beautiful models; made of voiles and organdies; lace or F C 1 |J| T f>\ p 1 p i I; embroidery trimmed. Sizes 6to 14 years. j! J l v 3^; , : -f In a (ireat Saturdav Saif ! i °* SA,EtJ,THK basbmep,t ii| C WmSfM Fine Stripe Cassimere and Worsted PANTS. They d» "i AA aMMMHMMBHaBHMHMMMMHi / C i ust look like the S 2OO kind ' for 1 *UU II _ _i PI/\4IiAC! C a „ Da.,» J # Fine Worsted and Cassimere PANTS that should d» "1 A Q fIOIIUay V#IOIII6S ■ Ol DOyS C 1 fetch s3.o° to $3.50, for Cheap But Quality Good I 1 Men 8 I,o ° KHAKI PANTS ' to " morrow CQ« Boys' Navy Blue Serge Nor- Boys' Fancy Cassimere and r I ON S Ai.E in THE BASEMBNT. foilc Suits; values to s6 .o°, at 5 8 l^y^rs ; \ % \ LXX ——————————————— ———— —— rt> QQA values to $7.50, atlhO O A m 9 \ PjA Just 75 MEN'S SUITS, values to $20.00; will be (til 7C <PJtO«/ S \C" \ y Ut ° n ° Ur ta^^eS ' *°" morrow at IJL• # O ox SAI.E IN THE BASEMENT. f HARRISBURG TEI.EGRAPH MAY 28, 1915. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers