Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 28, 1915, Page 18, Image 18
18 (( ' Special $2.00 Nemo A (jv. \ FLAGS A Great Corset Value V] A jh I Don't let your windows bo eanspicnono^hv Fancy and up-to-the-minute model, j $ - =~— - ■ — *W '— jfck. K. i,c "„?.!•' !"" ,, .!." K . .I°..!!"' for all average figures, those comfort- J- ->T^ | who fought and died Tor their country, able wide bti9t-gores, long skirt made i <-otton in bright colors, back; and made of a fine, strong white *». ' "** 24 inches 10c oo inches 45c batiste like you generally get in $3.00 -■» ' Tt •**'rr 'r ~r~£- -&C~- miMliP*' s.2°twt bunttnK s o* Kß ' tt.°nuz£~& $t BO KTT7IV/K-» cnrni A T <: - ~. "" ■ 1 " „ • —ca,jfj»6 -S ..vitoffiflPnTiiSWfc, Standard wool bunting, not mounted— NEMO SPECIAL -•"- 7=777 —-77 A 4xß feet $2.28 «x! 0 feet 54.H5 we're selling this week at only $2.00. . —. - -- IbSX 1'.,—*■ -~ 11 "- sX Fias pole's," 'B,*ib?°i2, 1* and*?? 'feet, with* Get yours! —-~ - • - galvanized brackets ._ :?."><• to $1.75 Dives, Pomeroy A Stowart, Second Floor. - . «=S- T ~ - Brackets or s«. t o an ,° 2l^^nfl IRc Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—St. PI., Front. Memorial Day Attractions Hold First Place in Tomorrow's List of Values A Sale of 2,500 Cotton Waists To-morrow, SI.OO Values That Are Uncommonly Attractive in O , • SlZ T eS Ra " ge f r ° m 36 to 50: Women's, Misses' and Children's Dresses &, Coats Many btyiCS in LX)VOIV Wea.VOS to From L em^ al Da * preparations will not be complete if an outing skirt or dress is forgotten. . , . ** '" e Dives, 1 omeroy & Stewart outergarment section has gathered for to-morrow many of the most inter- Spring s most important sale of waists occurs at the very moment when every woman is most anxious to provide esting values that have been presented thus far this year, including her seasons wants. }• or women who contemplate spending the Memorial holiday out of town the opportunity is stripe Voilo Dresses, with shirred White voile dresses with skirt of deep 1 Natural linen motor coats, convertible full of Special advantages. skirt and lace trimmed collar $4.95 tucks and cream insertion; hand embroi- | collar and patch pockets $4.05 Material* include vnile hatiete Persian lan.n r.lain r,r etnlirnirlererl nrcramlie • nlaim „i i , White voile dresses, with corded waist dered waist with Insertion trlmmlne: Palm Beach motor coats, large con- MaiTenais mciuae \one, batiste, \ ersian lawn, plain or emDroiuerea organdie, plain, stripe or check voile, line and bodice trimmed in neat colored $18.50 vertibie collar, patch pockets and belted soisette, madras or linene, and the trimmings are of lace or embroidery insertion, embroiderv panels, all-over em- embroidery and buttons; net yoke and Striped voile dresses in all shades; or- $5.50. $6.50 and $7.50 hroirlcrv fr nnto arid Valenriennec; nr filet lace incertinn wide flounce $8.50 gandie collars and cuffs with white tucked Palm Beach suits in natural and Krey Droiaery ironts arm v aienciennes, or met lace insertion. white voile dresses with tucked skirt vests su.so and s».so $8.50 to $12.50 Orgrandie waists with organdie embroi- Orirandlo waist*, allover orgrandte em- Orpandie waists, trimmed with em- * an<i embroidered waist, trimmed with White, pink, irreen, lavender and nat- CHII-DKF.X'K COATS RKDUCKD dery vestee and collar; front trimmed broidery front and organdie collar; trim- hrni.irrv in.ovHnn on.i t,,m I ft,ct Insertion and crochet buttons, $9.50 ural linen dresses $7.30 and $9.50 $5.50 to $7.50 children's Spring coats. with pin tucka; three-quarter sleeves. mefl with imitation Venise laca edpe. roiaety nuenion ana ouncn IUCKS, Turn- White embroidered voilo dresses with | WASH SKIRTS. MOTOR COATS AND in plain navy. Belgium and shepherd trimmed with turn back cuffs. Pair. SI.OO Pair SI.OO ovcr collar and button piece. Pajr. SI.OO embroidered voile bolero $9.50 SUITS checks: sizes 5 to 14. Reduced to $4.50 Check voile waists with turnover collar. Voile waists, trimmed with embroidery Colored waists in fancy stripes and fig- White voile dresses with six narrow White wash skirts of cotton corduroy $4.95 and $5.50 children's coats, sizes trimmed lace edge; three-quarter sleeves and lace insertion and embroidery col- ares. Pair SI.OO ruffles and fancy waist, finished with j with button trimming SI.OO 2 to 6, in checks and plain colors. Re trimmed with organdie cuffa. Pair, SI.OO lars. Pair SI.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. shirred net and white satin girdle, $14.50 I Golf corduroy skirts, In white, at $0.50 I duced to $3.50 - Pl] and Summer Sports tive Values for Memorial Day jjl ;in White will be the leading "color" in summer footwear—if 3r „ , . 1 H 1, -M • SW" % **4%Z* 1 •*. T_ 11 1 1 TI . 1 r 1 / 1 r . A == 57 m \ white may be called a color. Ihis style of pump, shoe, oxford ' styles; hiade of finest quality real 16-button length; white, natural <ll , ~•= h/'-v, *"• • or outing shoe grows more popular each year, and with so kid, in black with white embroidery and pongee. Pair .. .75c and SI.OO M-,i, f.. '»(. J# , ® c . r 4.1 • 1 . . , , . 1 , antl White sewing. Pair .... $2.2.> Kayser and Fownes 12-hutton silk TTu w< _VA_ much outfitting ot this character to be done to-morrow for | / Sans Pareii (Trefousse) kid gloves with double finger ands; In _ . Memorial Dav, we are pleased to announce an unusually com- | _ gloves, in real kid 2-clasp style; black and white. Pair, 75c and $1.25 - ——— PIC NI C prehensive exposition of white footwear for the whole family. M OTTO RI N G seu-in'g" PaV'^!"?! . e ?! " nt . *2.00 K i o^w." e in "6-bmton ne "encih° with T* RA\/ F" I WOJIKN'S WHITE OXFOUDS MISSES' AN D CHILDREN'S tln 8 and'CTel° VC pai? black - n fl "^ er |"ff i L tan ' * TPy ' E D • , Meal picnic sets, consisting of White canvas lace oxfords, made WHITE SHOES AND P.'MPS Automobile tires and tubes and $1.75 fownes' ji.oo' silk B \^ n FUSS f 24 - lnch R paper cups, 8 plates, 8 spoons and in narrow toe last with stitched White canvas button shoes* made Two-clasp washable chamoisette gloves, in 16-button length, with COWhlde leather dress SUlt 8 napkins. Priced at 10c tips, light weight Goodyear welted on wide toe lasts with Goodyear • 11 s : 7r <. anf i f n ll v truaran- gloves, in white with black embroi- double finger ends; tan, grrey, navy cases with Stran all around anrl "5c sanitnrv picnic plates 10c soles with high leather Cuban heels welted and stitched soles— 111 all Sl/.eS and ltlllv giurail or white with self embroidery, and pongee. Special ....... SI.OO , , P arouna and -oc san.tary pic nic plates ioc $3.50 Sizes sto 8 SI.OO and $1.25 . Pair 50c Kavser and Fownes i 6-button solc leather corners; ring Gem lec cream freezers, in 2, 3, White Nubuck English oxfords Sizes BHtoll .. .. SI.OO to J1.50 teed, are offered in tile- Dives, Kayser and Fownes two-clasp silk gloves with double finger ends; handle. Specially oriced 4 and 6-qt. sizes, at with rubber or leather soles. Good- Sizes 11*4 to 2 ... SI.OO to $2.00 silk gloves with double finger ends; white and black with embroidered !» « $1.45 $1.65. $2.00 and $2,45 year welted and low English or White canvas Mary Jane pumps. Pomcrov & Stewart Auto Sup- in black, white and colors. Pair arms. Pair $1.75 to $3.00 Jp4.00 4-nassonccr lawn *wing« oak SP w n h g „ hecls $3.50 wide toe lasts with stitched soles 50c to $1.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—St. Fl. Extra depth leather cases •»-paj»senKcr lawn swings, oak White canvas Colonial pumps, and low flat heels— „i• seats and foot rest, with adjustable j medium size, white buckle, made in Sices sto 8 SI.OO plies Section at \ er} attractive long $.>.4)0 back $5.00 1 a narrow toe pump last with Good- Sizes to 11 $1.25 . $5.00 leather bao-s with V, ,~, , , .... . , , year welted soles and high heels Sizes 11% to 2 $1.50 prices. nr?lX7-1* r * iV, .• j h , , Forty lemonade tiaws. packed in $2.50 Sizes 2M to « $2.00 c W^nit'# 2 ' ori \/o c fjYfotrlc leather lining and pockets; 3 sanitary carton 5c White canvas pumps with ribbon White Nubuck button shoes, Fiske Firestone and Pull- 1 1 " VAIUIU3 sizes. Special . s.'s 98 Hammocks, with pillow and side bows, made in a short vamp pump made on wide toe lasts with Good- ' " • cl' • i ci. ' p.-rt-i-c , Sl , last with light weight stitched soles year welted oak leather soles — • , • . , White canvas lace oxfords, made BOYS' WHITE OXIXJRDS Special hbre trunks, made of aiWir::'::::::::a " ,a " S«i2f "SS. 'WR.r.SS Whl « bu " h « 3 JJ y i with , 2 B , bre ,r id , c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— rubber soles and spring heels, $1,50 Sizes 11V4 to 2 $3.00 Dives, Pomeroy & fetewart, white ivory sole with rubber with white rubber soles and.heels an(l OUtSICIC , ds to 4(J-inch Basement. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. Basement. SI.OO $1.50 sizes, at ... so*oo to SIO.OO Sport Hats in Demand WTTI JTjjlSet Vour Alarm Clock IT in Fancy s P anish Pineapples, for Memorial Day -,Wrl p Farlv Rise on S^p a "- ord^rlTriX^Tndll c Our assemblage of sport and outing hats embraces JL V-/A (XII -I—/CIA A V A\AOv/ v-'AA TJW - liveries made on pineapple purchases. a variety of the most popular styles for Summer's H 1-1 — With each SI.OO purchase of groceries to various outdoor occasions. This class of milli- * JT 1 I j morrow we will sell 25 pounds of granulated nery is destined to have a very popular season. IVI | jf\ sugar for Fancy straw sailors, good range of colors 49c J 1 Large jllicv orailffCS. verv luscious Dn/ Sport hats of soft flannei-like fabric 50c _ • rrtDTHtl IrtK/r pj® 1 t- ' ' .t- AU biue k hatsSSc FOR MEN That is, if you must catch a train or keep an early en- FOR HOME shoe peg or fine cut cornfa cans 25$ Corduroy tams in white, green, blue and brown..»Bc ! . • i j Awnings All Ready to Hang Dried green peas 4 lbs ' "" •>- R .rk r! b| l \ auCk br tinK hats ' whlte Witb revMse Sl( "' Sports Shirts made of soft gagement on tniS noiiaay. Equipped with fixtures —an Lancaster Co. dried corn, Ib!,^"i«c; V ibi.'!!!!!!'.! soc" Corduroy sport hats with high crown, sand and vvlflte mercerized fabrics, and adjust- Tomorrow at the jewelry Section yOU will have the awning especially made for the Seeded raisins, 0 2*pkgs.".'.* •»-'! .... ... , , J $1.23 able high or low shawl collar; ... ... , , . , , , man who likes to be called Santa Clara prunes, V ibs. ' «5o in a n iar^e a vLHe S t> 0^ SSr in all white or stripe designs, privilege of buying a regular 75c guaranteed nickel alarm lazv about thc house . \ h b & FANCY SILK AND WASH BAXDS The sleeves are short ideal clock for • & reen or tan stripes, and Sweet sugar-cured bacon, .■!-lb. strips lb >sc J.- r pal,ama and other outtaß for tennis, golfing or canoeing; these sizes, the drop being 3 gST c ,V I 2 d ,. dpled I l ,ee i' Ib - • •••••••"••• hats. Large variety of styles. . , » f> _ _ . T 1 C.' "1 t z • t. h Finest boiled ham, sliced, Ib 30c Fancy silk embroidered wash bands 89c Sizes are 13J4 to 17. Specially lnt©reStinO lOWOIrV ODeCl£llS feet 6 inches. Fancy Cohoe salmon, in tall tins, 12c: 6 cans....6Bc ElasUo silk bands In fancy colored stripes 30c priced at . fey 2ft 6 ills 3 ft 6 ins Norway kippered herring, large oval cans, 3 cans, 25c Silk ribbon banda In fancy colored stripes. 25c and 3»c K v <*, R R Pa rt, allrolnrs 1 silver and trold Hat Pins X ft' A ft' ' Large cylinder bottles, fancy Manzanilla olives, stuffed T r .1 c • n New arrivals in snort shirts tfeaas, an colors. sn\er ana goia nat i ins, j ft. 4 ft. with peppers, celery and olives, bottle 28c Last ot the bpnng Pattern a 25f; P air lOf* An exceptional value- Fancy tumbler green olives; Saturday 8c fc> are wnite witn DiacK stripes on .. . , J,. - Pint Mason jars of pickles t2c TT * r) A i . onr collar and cuffa. " c and 50c Bar Pins and j $1.23 German Silver Coin SI.UO and $1.05. Banquet coffee; l lb. pkg soc iiarS rceaucea TO I # Brooches and Mesh Bags .... 49$ Couch Hammocks B " J coffee ; a very good grade; ib., 20c; 5 ib5.,...»0c About two dozen fine trimmed hats that were Men s silk shirts, 0 f fine Dives, Pomeroy & Ptewart, street noor. center Aisle. Made of heavy khaki duck Cr w y-j . j-T. "7 formerly $4.95 to SIO.OO have entered this final q io AA S, Jw -O aCK AA ) Vlth windshield and metal OUC FOpillar T ICtlOn For clearance for Saturday at $2.95. These are all and JN>.W frame guaranteed; spring filled \/T D j; high grade hats designed by New York's best Fibre silk shirts at .. $3.50 F\pnniCinn'c T linnll to iVleiTlOrial LJQy KeaClin^ millitiers. „„ A_-/dllllo Wll O OCIO Corporal Cameron. The Harvester. , v " n ,te canvas bluther OX- Porch svvino-c nf oak- in mis. ° irl of the Go,den °« te - Riders of the Purple Sage. r ~ fords $2.00 Tn patriotic, rose, Dutch yellow! Paper plates, in designs; 6-inch • £• i . i , • .TJlf ' iv yc a of V 1?. N ° rth Woods. Last of the Spring Straw Shapes, f\ . flower and violet design; for 6 person.®, diameter, doz., 250; 8-inch diameter, ston finish, galvanized chains £l}® Ma( . E OA^ ecl if n umi Saturday at lUC White canvas oxfords, with 2 5c; for 12 persons, 50c. doz . 35c. and ceiling hooks, SS?ert a &id. , Th,® Jo"! rubber soles and heels, sl.;>o Plain white table covers. 63x8 1 I Paper napkins, In many designs; tt£« nu tr , i|;u i|i| Secret of Lonesome Cove. Tarzan of the Apes. v —— J Inches 15c doz., 8c; per 100 300 TO The Devil's Garden. The Morals of Marcus. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor, Front. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ™,.«. a a,n>i Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, He Comes Up Smiling. Dives, Pomeroy Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Fl. Basement. The Devil's Admiral. I Street Floor. Women'sFibreSilkSweaters:lnaSale,s3.9B A New Suit Will Add to the Pleasures The most important sweater item of the season—and a value that cannot be matched by any WV H M 1 pv rr-\ • yx • store. T-J \ \ or Your Memorial Uay I rip or Outing An ideal garment for motormg, for country, seashore and home. In rose. Azure QO v / \ 1 ST O and. leaf brown. Priced for to-morrow at $ Jii/O N\ 1 DO O T y l T 7 1 Cfrr\ \ A \\| -DeOuretoOee JL hese v a/uesat*pi7.7s 1 omorrow Colored Cottons Are Low in Price in This / // A man who is planning atrip or an outing for Memorial Day will get / A(r '// / more out ot the day if he knows that his suit is spic-and-span. Tomorrow is C/na-oi-tne-Month Clearance • .t $».7«-.uiu from «p,iar rt «k, «h« price which d<*s J*. W 25c voiles, 36 inches wide, in white grounds, Remnants of wash goods, including ging- V° ce to ie ' r quality, fit, style or workmanship. Fact of the matter, these with black stripes, dice checks and figures. hams, percales, voiles and crepes, in suiting 1 I U suits were never made to sell at this price. The careful tailoring is evidence 1 in white grounds with 'neat floral lenßths of 2to 6 years-enough for a child's I J \V\ j&mk of their sound value. figures. Special, yard ........ dress or a wo " l . a . nswwai t - Reduccd for to " C_ -—The coats are the latest English sacks with two or three buttons and 30c ratine, 36 inches wide, in mixed shades morrow to one-third less than regular prices. j I . , , of blue, pink, tan and grey. Special, yd., 15f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Mj / L regular or patch pockets. Choice of these popular styles:— * Ribbons for Sashes, Girdles and | g "-£r. _ ,£££'SSST" Hairbows Reduced ' i }.' \ a* If ye For Suits That Were most attractive values. ' | v \ vP A A. I O Formerly $15,516.50&>518 ribbons, in a full color range; 39c moire taffeta ribbons in a complete color lj This lot of suits is also from regular stock and includes a clean-up of broken sizes. ' j r* /2 ' n j^ eS "' c ' c ' rc K u ' ar — c ra "^ e ' inches w »dc. Reduced to, yd., | v If vour size is here —and the chance is that it is in some desirable pattern —you can save educed to, \ard lUf .i9c printed warp ribbons, in a wide range of Regular 25c printed warp ribbons; Dresden j patterns of light and dark grounds; 5y 2 to f/t jßi something worth while, patterns in light grounds. Reduced to, yard, ! inches wide. Reduced to '£sip Select from checks, ovcrpiaids. stripes, mixtures and tweeds in a variety of good colors. 18f S Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Men's Clothing:, Second Floor, Rear. JJ 1 FRIDAY EVENING. HAKRISBITRG TELEGRAPH MAY 28, 1915.