Owiiffct Hart SchiOan JbMus IF you buy clothes simply by the price, you can always find plenty at lower prices than Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes But if you care more for what they are, than for what they cost, Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are the lowest priced clothes made. Clever Shirts "EARL & WILSON" SHIRTS Exceptional Quality at $1.50 "Sport" Shirts at 95c Smart Straw Hats "Truly Warner's," "Round the Corner." The most becoming hat ever originated. Four dollar style. Three dollar quality, for .$2.00 Get yourself ready for Decoration Day. - H. Marks & Son 4th and Market Sts. Be Vigorous Strong and Healthy Rrg.T'a Nerve Aid Tablet* W ill Restore Your Old-time Confidence anil Ambi tion In a Short Time Nervous people who have lived too rapidly or have worked too hard or whose nerves and stamina have been shattered by stimulants or other ex cesses should get a 50-uent package of Begy's Nerve Aid Tablets to-day. So wonderful- is this great tonic pre scription and so rapidly does it work that it is no exageration to say that in six days weak, rundown, ambitionless people will feel 60 per cent, better. Begy's Nerve Aid Tablets contain no harmful drugs, they are the prescrip tion of Chemist Begy, the man who made Mustarine an indispensable remedy In millions of homes and hun dreds of hospitals. Begy's Mustarine, as you probably know, is splendid for sore throat, chest coldg, rheumatism, neuralgia, neuritis and all aches and pains. Any druggist can supply you. Three days' trial treatment 10 cents, from Begy Medicine Co., Begy Bidg., Rochester, N. Y.—Advertisement. I • Special to Men To-morrow t Two-Piece Suit $1Q.75 $25.00 IJ/= Value Real Custom Tailored of genuine imported guaranteed blue 6erge. Quarter lined with silk, in cluding sleeve lining. Measured and tailored to fit you in our own shop. Any style desired, #19.75 one day only. WE FIT THEM ALL. Hoffman & Kerns 337 Chestnut Street 1 m FRIDAY EVENING, CRAtK! SLAM! FOR OLR MR. BARLEYCORN ! [Continued, from First Page.] lyn E. Geisel, of the staff of the Battle Creek Sanatorium, will be the speaker to-night. Former Governor Hanley of Indiana, is scheduled to speak to-mor | row. Saloon Human Parasite } Bishop Stanford presided over the I meeting last evening and introduced I the speakers after preparing the crowd ! to hear Daniel A. Poling. "The saloon is a human parasite," said Mr. Poling, "and it dims the bril ! liancv of the Stars and Strips. The money spent by the people of the United States in cooking their tnsides with alcohol would increase the wages of laborers 1 from two to three times. The liquor traffic never brings a cent of money to the treasury that does not have to be paid out again in caring I for the results of its destructive work. In your own county the amount re ceived from the saloons for revenue amounts to about SB,OOO. The cost of the upkeep, the .la.ll. poorhouse and insane asylum is $150,000. Is there any profit from figures like that?" HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH fFlgiJWEws crmfl \ TESTS TO FOLLOW ALL BRAKE TROUBLES Passenger Trainmaster of Middle Division Issues Orders For Inspection Beginning to-day, all brake troubles on Middle division passenger trains ■will be followed with tests when trains reach terminals. In an order issued by Passenger Trainmaster W. Brooke Moore yesterday attention is called to the fact that tests and experiments are compulsory. The order in part follows: "The motive power people are com plaining that the car inspectors at the terminals are not receiving proper in formation when any trouble is experi enced with the brak»s on a train pass ing over the Middle division or any portion of the division. "It is the desire of the motive power people to have a test made before the Middle division power is detached from the train at the terminal when any trouble is experienced, especially when the brakes apply in the emergency on the train." RAILROAD NOTES Further changes to semaphore sig nals are being made on the Pittsburgh division. The Philadelphia and Reading Rail way Company is planting flowers and shrubbery along its main line and Harrlsburg division. Yesterday 10,000 plants were distributed. Employes of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway were paid to-day. About $35,000 was distributed in Har risburg and vicinity. The Russian government is nego tiating with the Pullman Company for the building of 40,000 freight cars. The price is between $25,000,000 and $30,000,000. President Runnells, of the Pullman Company, admits that nego tians are pending. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway offi cials announced yesterday a contract with the American Locomotive Com pany for twenty-four Mallet type loco motives. They will be made in the ffc-henectady plant, the Richmond plant having been turned into a shrap nel factory. The Reading and Pennsylvania roads will make their 100-trlp tickets valid for one year. Instead of six months, this applying to all 100-trip tickets issued since Oecember 15, 1914, irrespective of limit of six months in dicated on tickets heretofore issued. Local unlimited one-way tickets, now good only in the direction in which they read, will be made valid in either direction. SUNDAY MEETING The fifth Sunday meeting of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen will be held in Harrisburg Sunday. Ses sions will be held in Fackler's Hall, Thirteenth and Derry streets, begin ning at 10 o'clock In the morning. Visiting trainmen will be entertained by members of White Block Lodge. No. 127. Standing of the Crews HARRISRIRG SIDE Philadelphia nivlxlon llB crew to go tir.st after 3.45 p. M.i 126, 108, 121, 114. 120, 127, 110. Engineers for 126. Firemen for 126, 108. 114, 120, 127. Brakemen for 126. 108-2, 127, 110. Engineers up: McCauley, Dennison, Statler, Hhaub, Buck. First, Downs, Young, Sober. Supplee. McGuire, Brue haker, Hindman, Crisswell, Davis, Smeltzer, Long. Powell. Streeper. Biss inger, Leayman. Albright, Hubler, Kant*, Karhart, Seitz. Firemen up: Copeland, Horstick, Wagner, Gelsinger. Madenfort, Huston, Gilberg. McNeal, Shive, Brenner, Wag ner, Behman. Rhoads, Miller, Lantz, Myers, Manning, Chronister, Collier, Bleich, Weaver, Durall. Flagmen up: First. Clark. Brakemen up: Gricie, Dengler, Brown, Busser, Shultzenberger, Mum maw. McGinnis, Arment, Kope, Riley, Baltozer, Coleman, Fergueson, Jackson, Bogner, Gouse, Moorse, Collins, Wolfe. Middle Division— 22 crew to go first after 1.30 p. m.: 18, 25, 17, 238. Preference: 3. Fireman for 3. Fi.ugman for 22. Brakcnmn for 19. Engineers up: Kugler. Pmith, Havens, Wissler, Moore, Hertzler. Simonton. Firemen up: Fletcher. Wright, Look, Pottiger, Ross, Zeiders. Mohler. Flagmen up: Jlartzel, Smith. Brakemen up: Troy, Frank, Riss- Inger, Winter, Bolan, Roller, Spahr. KaufTman. YARI) CHEWS Engineers up: T.andis. Hoyler, Beck, Ilarter, Bievcr, Blosser. Meals, Stall! Crist, Harvey, Saltsman, Kuhn, Snyder. Pelton, Shaver. Firemen up: Bair. Eyde. Ulsh, Bost dorf, Schiefer. Rauelj, Lackey, Cooker ley, Mueyor, Sholter. Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Barjkey, Sheet*. Engineers for 2nd 22. Firemen for 18. 2nd 22, 5«. E!SOI,A SIDE} Philadelphia Division 224 crew to go first after 4.15 p. m,: 228. 240, 21S 235, 222, 239, 234, 201, 204, 211. 229. 231, Engineers for 226, 33#, 211. Fireman for 239. Brakemen for 02. 11. 12, 38. Conductors up: Eaton. Shirk. Brakemen up: Shuler, Taylor, Vand ling, ShafTner, Waltman, Jacobs, Baker, Myers, Stimelihg. Middle Dlvlalon lO2 crew to go after 4.45 p. m.: 109,'228. Flagman for 109. Brakeman for 102. YARD BULLETIN —ENOLA The following In the standing of the yard crews after 4 p. m.: Engineers up: Fomous. Rider, MrCor mick, Shellahamer, Sweger, Snyder Firemen up: Truaw, Feass, G L Fortenbaugh, Ewing, McNally, Kings bury, R. H. Fortenbaugh. Harren Gingrich. Firemen for 1665, 1829, Ist 106, 2nd 102. READING CREWS The 14 crew first to go after 12.30 p. m.: 3, 7, 17, 4, 23. 21. The 61 crew first to go after 6.30 a m.: 61. 59. 70, 63, 62, 69, 65, 50, 61, 71' Engineers for 69, B. R. D. Firemen for 62. 58, 63, 70. Bfakemen for 69, 69. Engineers up: Wyre, Pletz. Wire man, Tipton, Mass! mo re, Middaugh Fetrow, Rlchwine, Morj-lson. Woland' Morne, Merkle, Sweeley, Kettner. Firemen up: Lex. Rum ha ugh Nve Bingaman, Snader, Keefer, Annspach' Care, Bowers. Conductor up: Wolfe. Brakemen up: Paxton, Epley, Shear er. Laucks, Yoder. Ware, Bingaman, Ensminger, Miller, Zawaski, Hoover Hinkle. REVERSAL FOlt GERMANS By Associated Press Berlin, May 28, via London, 3.30 P. M. —A reverse at the hands of the Russians in the fighting along the River San. in Central Gallcia. is an nounced in to-day's statement from tnc war office. It is said (he Germans in the region of Sieniawa., on the left bank of the river were forced back and lost six cannon. The German po sitions, according to this announce ment, were not defended by strong forces. | "JJJJI ~ YOUR CHANCE g | Shout the News to J S Your Neighbors 1 | The Greatest Suit Sale of Season Takes Place Tomorrow | p Positively the Most Wonderful Value-Giving Event Ever Attempted H I SIB.OO Women's and Misses' FINE SUITS, QQ I H THINK OF IT! /O « | $25.00 Women's and Misses' SUITS .... QQ S j| Biggest Bargains Ever Offered j| H xx a To-morrow morning 100 beautiful all- ~ a ♦* <s% wool suits, made of serge, fine worsted, H mixtures and fancy materials go on sale || A \\ at a fraction of their real value. You . H H h ** ave never had the opportunity to buy H A an a^-wo °l su *t so cheap, the skirts alone BJ\ 'A ♦* - are more than we are asking for H /in l\r these elegant suits, but we need the /n \\ || U \ money worse than we need the merchan- /f /1. \\ 3 xx / \ dise and 100 suits will be sold to-morrow. jf.\\ \\ ff g h \- V We haven't the slightest doubt but what U\ \\ V" H || |P>- every one will be sold, so we advise you H |J g to see the wonderful bargains early to- i ♦J " J morrow. Tell your friends we are selling [ ♦♦ § SIB.OO Suits 98 $25.00 Suits ♦* None Charged. No C. 0. D. Don't Miss This Wonderful Sale. S j Iseclfstj COLLINS CO. [seclLl J xxtxxxxxxttxtxxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxuxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmxxxxl ITALIAN ADVANCE CONTINUES By Associated Press Geneva, May 28, via Paris, May 1.45 P. M. —The Italians are continuing their advance into Carinthia. They have taken three of the lower moun tain passes and fourteen villages. POSTPONE AUTO RACES B.v Associated Press Indianapolis, Ind.. May 28.—0n ac count of weather conditions, the 500- mile automobile race, which was to have been held on the speedway to morrow, was postponed to-day until Monday. MAY BUILDING BOOM ESTABLISHES RECORD [Continued from First Page.] Building Inspector Grove —the per mits totaled $316,025. This together with the monthly totals of January. February, March and April, amounted to $610,350. The whole twelve months of 1914 reached to but $603,476. Oddly enough while the estimated cost of building operations this month reached an unprecedented sum, the number of permits issue.d were less than the month of May, 1914. All told only fifty-one permits were given out during the present month. In May last year the permits numbered 71. However. May. 1914. building estimates totaled only $129,175. Next to May the record building month this Every Man Read This I i This treatment is said to have acquired a wonderful reputation throughout the Fast, owing to its i peculiar propensity to fortify the nerve force and generate health and a consequent personal mag netism. «o essential to the happi ness of every normal human be ing. It is claimed to be a bless ing to those who are physically i Impaired, gloomy, despondent, i nervous are who have trembling I ' of the limbs, dizziness, heart pal- I pitation. cold hands and feel In- J somnla. fear without cause, tim idity in venturing and general in ability to act rationally | do. Also of vast bentßlt to | writers, professional men. office workers and the victims of soci- I ety's late hours and over-indul gonce in wines, liquors, etc. B.v obtaining the treatment at some well stocked pharmacy, no one need know of aDoiher'a trouble while the treatment has been widely prescribed and dls- ! pensed heretofore by physicians and pharmacists, the grain tab lets are so prepared with full di rections for self administration that It is wholly unnecessary to pay a physician for prescribing them. Just nsk for three-grain Cadomene tablets, begin their use and soon all the joy of a houlthy body, sound nerves and strength will be felt..—Advertise ment. year was March when J152.750 worth of permitu were issued. The nearest monthly record in the city building in spector department's history perhaps, was April, of last year, when $292,175 was reached. Against, this show, the record of each month of 1915 to date presents an interesting contrast. By months the totals are: January $ 7,575 Febraury 38,425 March 152,750 April 95,575 May, 316,025 Some Big Permits Some exceptionally big permits were issued during May, both for single structures as well as for rows of dwell ings. Among the larger single per mits given out were those to the fol lowing: Boyd Memorial, South and Myrtle,, i ' t Come and Hear the New Hear these new records and you'll want to add them to your collection. Just a few of the new ones— -17758 I'm Proud to Be the Mother of a Boy I.lke You, (Sterling-H. j von Tilzer), Pcerlean Quarter 10 in., 75e 17758 We'll Take Care of You All, ("The Little Refugees") (From "Fads and Fancies") (Smith-Kern), Edna Brown-Jumea F. Harrison 10 In., 75c 17702 The Flame of I.ove, (From "The Peasant Girl") (Atterldge- Frlml), Kdna Bronn-Jamei F. Harrlnon 10 In,, 75e 17702 My Own Venetian Hone, (Piantadosi-Qlogau-McCarthy). Canip bell-Burr 10 In., 75e 17767 Hllo—Hawaiian March, (Hawaiian String Instrument), Irene Wfit Hoyal Hawaiian* 10 la., 75e 17707 Wallana Waltz. (Drowsy Water#) (Hawaiian Guitar Duet), Pale K. I.na-Dnvld Kalll, of the Irene Weat Hoyal Hawaiian*, 10 In., 75c 35440 My Clarahelle Walts, (McKee), MeKee'a Oreheatra. .12 in., $1,25 skitil Minor and Major Waltz, (McKee), MeKee'a Orrhcatra, 12 In., f1.25 ! 55047 Lucia— Mad Scene, (Act III) (Flute ohllgato by Clement j Barone) (Doulcrttl), Olive Kline 12 In., 91.50 55047 Illnorah —Shadow Song. (Act 11) (Meyerlieert, Olive Kline, 12 In.. 91.50 i i 35441 Geina from "In a Peralan Garden" —Part I (I.lza l.ehmann) Victor Opera Company 12 In., 91.25 35441 GeniN from "In a Peralan Garden"—Part II (I.lan l.ehtnnnn), | Victor Opera Company 12 In., 91.25 I 87212 One Sweetly Solemn Thousht. Alma Gliiek, Soprano— l.ouUe Homer 10 In., 92.00. In Enffliftli. Complete Stock of Columbia June Records. J. H. Troup Music House Troup Building 15 S. Market Sq. MAY 28, 1915 $35,000; Zion Lutheran Church house, South Fourth street adjoining church, $12,000; Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending company, Cameron near State, $15,000; Bowman and- Com pany, 314-16 Market street, $25,000:1 Htckok Manufacturing company, i North and Pennsy siding, $45,000; and the Merchants' Ice Company, Berry-1 hill and Cameron, $20,000. Among the larger realty developments for which permits for erecting houses were taken out were: Luther Minter who got permission to erect two houses at Summit and Market street at a total of $13,500, while J. L. L. Kunn, has planned to build a row of eighteen dwellings on Fifth near Seneca for $54,000, and George A. Shreinor will .build more houses on the Hill at a cost of $20,- ,000. 11 / ' * Parisian i , Ivory For Com mencement and Wedding Gifts Pretty dainty tasting —Parisian Ivory is always appreciated as a gift. This store is showing an unusual assortment, including many articles that will delight the girl graduate and the June bride. The stock includtes the newest and most artistic | productions from the best I factories. Comb and Brush Sets Manicure Sets Clothes Brushes Mirrors Combs and Hair Brushes Velvet and Bonnet Brushes Hair Receivers Powder Boxes Cuticle Knives Salve Jars Corn Knives, Shoe Hooks, Files, Etc. Hundreds of other articles are here that will make ac ceptable and enduring gifts. We will appreciate your visit very much if you will call and allow us to show you the many new and pretty things that we have pro vided for those who hare occasion to select gifts. Claater's guarantee la back of every s&U. H. C. CLASTER GEMS. JEWHI.S, SILVERWARE 302 MARKET ST. v ♦
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