CRE7 .GRASS <GS \ Imitations flatter, also deceive —substitutes for CR E X Rugs do both. Beware of them. When ordering see that CREX is on side bind ing. It means the genuine CREX, the first made wire grass floor covering, and best in every point of excellence. CREX doesn't hold dirt or germs —is easily cleaned and handled— light in weight—tough and strong in wear —varied in design— many sizes for all purposes—always cool, healthy and dependable. Color schemes to suit all tastes. Prices from 33c. to $15.00. The dealer "maker more' on substitutes ■ therfore insist upon getting CREX. The name on the binding protects you. It s our guarantee of genuineness. Crex Carpet Company, New York Originators of Wire-Grass Floor Coverings HIP BROKEN IX FALL Waynesboro. Pa.. May 20. Mrs. Elizabeth Hess, an aged woman of this place, while walking about the room of her home yesterday fell and broke her left leg near the hip. WOMAN 81 YEARS OLD Made Strong by Yinol Greenville, S. C.—"l want others to know of the great benefit I have de rived from Vinol. I am 81 years old and \ Inol has given me strength, a healthy appetite and overcame nerv ousness. It is the hest tonic recon structor I ever used."—Mrs. M A HUTCHINSON. \ inol Is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, guaranteed to overcome run down, weak, devitalized conditions and for chronic coughs and colds. George A. Gorgas, druggist; Ken nedy's Medicine Store. 321 Market street; C. F. Kramer, Third and Broad streets; Kltzniiller's Pharmacy, 1325 Derry street, Harrisburg, Pa., and at leading drug stores everywhere.—Ad vertisement. THIN PEOPLE GAIN FLESH Taking Father John's Medicine, the Pure Food Medicine The elements of which Father John's Medicine is composed are pure Mild nourishing food elements which strengthen and build new tissue and strength for those who are weak and run down. It is free from alcohol and dangerous drugs in any form. Best for colds and coughs. tmmntmmmmmttmnjnmumtmmmmmtmttmmumtm U p CHANGE OF DATE FOR § ♦♦ :: Schmidt s Second Annual « S fx | Butternut Day | tt , H g Owing to the inability of Bernard Schmidt to lease H U Paxtang Park for his second annual Butternut Day on H S the date originally announced, he has made necessary 8 g arrangements to secure the park and its amusements for H I THURSDAY, AUGUS 1 S Harrisburg's big blue ribbon event of the season. An- . H g other great gala day flood of amusements. Innocent S g fun'for all. Bigger—Better—Grander than any picnic S ♦♦ or outing ever held in Harrisburg and vicinity and If ~ everything FREE—FREE-FREE. More exclusive S g and sensational features than ever presented before ff g in a single day. || Buy SCHMIDTS BUTTERNUT BREAD from § tt your grocer to-morrow and ask him for full par- H g ticulars. H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfx THURSDAY EVENING* COUNTIES ASK FOR RON] IMPROVEMENTS Delegations Call on Highway Com missioner Cunningham; Other News of the Hill i^^T™TS™ Two <*elejatioii» ' \\\ * //J from Huntingdon |s\ \\ W coun *>' were re- I C*< c e' v ed by State i f Highway Commis ham. The first one jv*jnQQQQK was from Peters lyagllJljygg burg and McAlevy's jgagßßSJliJElfc the roa ,j )n g| lax . er(t Crcek Valley, j This delegation was introduced by Senator P. \V. Snyder. I and Representative Dell. It consisted : of Ralph D. Gregory, D. Ross Gregory, Dr. Charles Campbell, H. M. Stryker, Henry Shipton, W. E. Anderson. James Porter, David Reillv, C. S. Price and Henry Davis, the latter being a life long friend of Governor Brumbaugh. The Becond delegation was from Huntingdon and Mount Union, and sought to interest the Commissioner in improvements on the State road con necting those two points. Senator Snyder and Representative Dell also accompanied this delegation which consisted of Elmer M. C. Africa. E. M. Greene, William T. Bell. K. E. C. Gibbs, A. S. "Welsh, Richard William son. H. E. Butts, Herbert E. Miller. A delegation from Clinton countv called to urge repairs to the highway from Lock Haven to Reno vs. The delegation was introduced by Senator Hindman, of Clarion, and Represen tative Fl.vnn. of Elk countv. The dele gation was composed of J. W. Gleason. I J. H. Cumbs, F. M. Noecker and James i Murphy, all of Renovo. and Henry Hippie and Judge W. S. Harris, ofj Lock Haven. .Juvenile Visitors. Among the members of the House who have chil dren here to see the close of the ses sion are Representatives Powell and Evans of Luzerne. Mr. Baldwin's grandson and namesake, Richard [Passmore. the only boss the Delaware member knows, also visited him to day. Nurses* Bill Passed. The two houses have reached an agreement on the nurses' registration bill. It pro vides for a $lO fee and reciprocity with other States. Allegheny Report. The report of the legislative commission which in vestigated the charges against Alle gheny county institutions was iiled to day. The charges are not substantiat ed and the man who made them is rapped. Legislative Visitors. Among visi tors to the legislature were Congress man Scott and j-afean and ex-Repre sentatives Gramley, Abbott, and Rich ards.>or Leader Call on Governor. Representatives of Philadelphia labor organizations and of the miners, to-day waited on Governor Brum baugh and asked him to appoint Frank Feeney. Philadelphia labor leader, as a member of the workmen's compen sation staff. The appointments will not be made for some time. Schwab to Build 8,000 Cannon; Gets $16,150,000 Sfecial to The Telegraph Bethlehem, Pa.. May 20. —The Beth lehem Steel Company yesterday re ceived an order for 8,000 cannon frotn Lord Kitchener, of the British War Office. The order was accompanied by a check for $16,150,000, partly for work already done by the Bethlehem Steel Company.for the British govern ment and partly an advance payment for material that will go into the 8,000 new fleld pieces. The cannon ordered are field pieces of the kind that can be turned out in about a month. OVIXCY ORPHANAGE DAY Colestock Old IVople's Building to be Dedicated Several thousand United Brethren members will make their annual pil grimage to Quincy, Franklin county, on Thursday, June 3. when the or phanage and reunion day will A special feature of the program this year will be the dedication of the new Colestock old people's building, which has been erected during the past year. Addresses will be delivered by Bishop W. M. Weekly. D. D., of Parkershurg, W. Va.. and Henry Houck. of Leb anon. Secretary of Internal Affairs. Special excursion trains will be run on the Cumberland Valley and the Western Maryland railroads. Conditions at Market Street Gap Along River Front Which Soon Will Be Remedied BBsb^S?.<' 1 ~ % aliKi Since the completion of the river front wall, with the exception of the unsightly gap at Market street, hun dreds of interested, delighted prome naders have strolled along the three mile' stretch of granolithic walk. Be neath the enthusiasm with which the average spectator views the great con crete lies amazement and even disgust at the conglomeration of coal steamers and send fleets moored in rows and rows around the Market street gap. The stretch is to be closed in the near MANY CHANGES FOR THIRD CLASS CITIES [Continued from First Page.] ► 1 lishes new provisions affecting; the mu nicipal officers and employes. Tax Assessments Hereafter when two or more town ships or boroiHfhs are consolidated into a third class city the bonds and float ing indebtedness in each contracted prior to the consolidation shall he assumed as a joint indebtedness and the taxes for liquidation of the debt shall be uniform throughout the City. Moreover, all additions to third class cities shall be liable for the bonded and floating indebtedness thereon of both the annexed territory and the city, under a uniform tax assessment system. Another amendment provides that funds accruinK from the mercantile license tax shall be "in addition to all other taxes levied and collected by the city, county or commonwealth," the proceeds being devoted to "general revenue purposes." Still another amendment exempts city bond issues from all state and local taxation. Quadrennial Elections The Walton measure stipulates that the mayor shall serve for four and shall be ineligible to succeed himself. Councllnien shall also be elected quadrennially. The ratlin bill mentioned permits the re-election of mayors. At the first municipal election held after the passage of the act electors of third class cities shall elect four mem bers to the city council, to serve four year terms, datingfrom the first Mon day in the following January after the election. Elections shall occur every fourth year thereafter. Coun ciiinen and mayors now in office shall serve out their terms. The Catlin bill, also enacted and approved this session, provides that mayoralty and councilmanic candi dates who receive 51 per cent, of the vote in the primaries shall be consid ered elected. New Powers for Councils Additional authority was vested in HARRISBTXRG TELEGRAPH future .by the construction of the line of steps across the opening—an im provement made possible by Council by permitting the Harrisburg Light and Power Company to erect a coal wharf on the island. Until the, island landing is completed, however, the electric company, the chief handler of coal fleets, has to unload its coal tem porarily at a wharf constructed for the purpose in the gap In the wall. The etching shows precisely the con- the councils so that they now have power to — Provide for the trimming and care of shade trees. Order the police to arrest suspicious persons during any public gathering, such as at a circus, during a big holi day celebration, etc. To construct and maintain public bathhouses and boathouses. To maintain municipal milk depots. To purchase playgrounds and levy special taxes for upkeep. To regulate and control the pro duction and emission of smoke from any chimney, locomotive, smokestack or other source. To make the assessment for street improvements entirely upon property abutting the improved highway, thus saving the city's money. However, one amendment provides that the city council shall not "make lows inconsistent with the Consti tution" of Pennsylvania. It was fur ther provided that the action of the city council, after ten days, shall be final and conclusive, notwithstanding any Initiative or referendum petitions regarding any act or ordinance after that time. Thus such petitions will have to be served quickly if the elec torate is not satisfied with the coun cil's conduct. The law governing the action of councils on bills was amended so as to allow that body to pass any measure upon the day it is reported (from com mittee) if three days have intervened since its presentation. Polh-e That section of the Clark act re lating to the police was amended so that hereafter -extra meti appointed or authorized by the city council shall be under the jurisdiction of the chief of police and not the council. The provision requiring the mayor to re move any policeman from office upon a resolution being adopted to that ef fect by the council, was amended to permit the mayor to suspend any po liceman, against which there might be strong criticism, while the council has time to consider the advisability or or dering his dismissal. The Major Authority was given the mayor to commit vagrants or disorderly per sons to jail for ninety days. Former ly he had power to sentence them for a thirty day term. Hereafter the mayor shall sign all ordinances immediately ' after their passage, in the presence of the city clerk, who shall attest them. The mayor's annual January re port to the council, setting forth the conditions of the city's affair, with suggestions for improvement, is abol ished. The mayor can make his sug gestions any time. Board of Health The council was also given power to appoint the officers and members of the board of health. That section of the law which made the city clerk ex-officio secretary of the board of health was repealed. Superintendent of Finance The time for the submission of the superintendent of finance's annual re port to the council, containing sugges tions for management and improve ment of the city finances, was changed from January to December. At this time he shall also present a detailed statement showing the receipts and expenditures of the various depart ments. City Controller Wherever the term of the city con troller expires on the first Monday in December, 1915, the electors shall choose a controller to serve for four years, beginning the first Monday in January following the election. In cities where the controller was elected in 1913, the electors shall choose a controller in 1917, and every four years thereafter. The duties and pow ers of the controllers were greatly enlarged. He shall henceforth exam ine. audit and generally keep an eye on all departments which collect, re ceive or disburse money or have cus tody thereof. Other Amendments Hereafter, when property owners have taken legal action against street Improvements, which are later drop ped or sidetracked, the city shall pay the fees for the attorney hired by the property owners. Before adding to duplicates in the hands of the city treasurer any sub ject of taxation or before making any corrections of an error, hereafter the assessor must obtain the approval of the board of revision and appeals. The state and length of office ten ure of tho city engineer was changed from the first Monday in January to j the first Monday in May, and from i two years to four years, effective In j 191 ft, the council making the selec- j tioa. J ditions at most any time when the fleets are moored to discharge their cargoes. What is true now would be equally true, only on a more exagge rated scale, if the gap were not perma nently closed to traffic of this charac ter. When the electric company, which maintains the largest fleets, opens its wharf on the island the smaller coal companies will be re quired to dispose of their cargoes at Verbeke and Paxton street wharves. PROMINENT MEN TO SPEAK AGAINST RUM Arrangements Well Under Way For Series of Meetings by Fly ing Squadron of America WW*** Additional details Y\\ for *' le Bcr ' es °' \V\ 2 three prohibition \ meetings to be held lln Grace Methodist Church ,he latter part of next week Squadron of Amer- WBmI "BH:WW ica" have been made by the local committee and R. S. Middleton, advance representative. The Flying Squadron will land in this city early on tho morning of Thursday, May 29. Afternoon and evening meetings will be held during the three days' stay. Some of the speak ers of natiohal prominence who will make addresses against boozo will be: FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Ken Home Care That Aayone Caa Use Without Dlaeomfort or JLosa of Time We have a New Method that cures Asthma, and we want you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your case Is of long standing or recent de velopment. whether It Is present as oc casional or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our metbod. No matter in what climate you live, no •■latter what your aire or occupation. If you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, wnere all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own expense, that this new method is designed to end all dif ficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysm* at once and for all time. This free offer Is too important to neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mall coupou Tjeiow. Do It To-day. FREE] ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room | IS2M, Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buf falo. N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: $90.00 Upright Piano $90.00 First Class Condition Many other bargains to be had at our opening sale. We are taking elegant instruments in exchange daily for our reg ular line. Pay us a visit dur ing this sale and save from $60.00 to $120.00 on your pur chase. We will redeem all credit checks on the purchase of a new piano, regardless by whom issued, up to the amount of our own largest credit check. If you have won a credit check from any dealer bring it to our store. Look over our line of pianos, then decide. STORE OPEN EVENINGS STAUFFER Music House 315 BROAD STREET MAY 20, 1915. Marks & Copelin An Exceptional Clearance Sale To-morrow & Sat urday of Women's Fash ionable Suits, Coats and Dresses To close out a large collection of models taken from regular stock, presenting this season's best ideas in style detail and materials, at remarkable reductions. 31 North Second St., Near Walnut J. Frank Hanly, former governor of Indiana; Daniel A. Poling, president National Temperance Council; Oliver W. Stewart, former member of the Illinois Legislature; Dr. Ira Landrith, former president of Ward Bellemont College; Dr. Carolyn Geisel, of Battle Creek. Mich.; and Dr. Charles M. Shel don, author of "Tn His Steps." In ad dition a number of singers and a pianist will accompany the party. Mr. Middleton said that the Flying Squadron will conclude Its activities at Atlantic City next month after be ing on the road since last September. In this time the squadron will have visited the capitals of every State, principal cities and all university towns. It is estimated that several hundred thousand persons have heard the lecturers. On the local committee are: E. F. Weaver, J. Gilbert Aldinger, the Rev. E. E. Curtis. Robert F. Webster, Charles W. 8011. Arthur D. Bacon, A, C. Dean, R. K. Bergstresser, .Tames W. Barker and Mrs. Marjorie Steese. Bta** of Ohio. City of Toledo. Litem Connty, aa. Frank ,T. Cheney makes oath that be Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do- In* business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every rase of Catarrh that rsnnot be cured by the uae of Hall'a Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to befor# me and subscribed In my pre*once, this 6th day of December. A. D., 188 d. Seal. A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cura Is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous ®ur faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Dmgglsts. 75c. Ta*« Ball's Family Pill* for conatlpatlon. c~~ s Harrisburg High School W. S. Steele, Principal Harrisburg, Pa,, Feb. 25, /9'i. MR. A. C. MEAD, General Manager, Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Co., ' Des Moines, lowa. Dear Sir:—l hold three policies of insur ance in your most excellent company, the Royal Union, which I purchased from you at different times. I also carry several policies in other companies, and it has been m- ex perience to view quite a number of'different life insurance policies. I am free to confess that your contracts of insurance apoeal to mc as being the most attractive of any I have ever seen, and were I in a position to carry more life insurance, I would certainly give Jt to the Royal Union., Yours very truly, f - Up. A. C. Mead, General Manager, Royal union Mutual Life Ina. Co., Harrleburg, Pa. Dear Slri 1 wleh ta thank you for your very prompt and satisfactory settlement of the lneuranoe oarriad la your aeat excellent ooapany upon mj lata huaband *llllaa 3. Steele. Owing to the faot that Mr. Btaala died away froa boae, there was aoaa delay la aeourlng the death proofs, but onoe reoelved you have certainly been Tery proupt In your eettleaent whloh. I aaaure you la nuoh apprelocted by me. Toura Tery truly, £&ias & V , HAND CAUGHT IX SAW Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., May 20.—Elmer Baf-nhart, an employe in the shop of the Frick Company, had the thumb of his right hand sawed off and another finger badly mangled by getting It caught in a rip saw New, Positive Treatment to Remove Hair or Fuzz (Beauty Notes) Women are fast learning the valuo of the use of delatone for removing hair or fuzz from face, neck or arms. A paste is made with some powdered delatone and water and spread on the hairy surface. In 2 or 3 minutes it is rubbed off, the skin washed and every bit of hair has disappeared. No failure will result If you are careful to buy genuine delatone. —Advertisement. EDUCATION AI» Harrisburg Business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first. Day and night. 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE IS S. Market Sq., llarrtaburg, I*a. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers