MAY ANNIVERSARY SALE] FRIDAY AND SATURDAY | KENNEDY'S CUT-RATE MEDICINE STORE 321 Market Street 3 15c Cake of Palmolive Soap Two years ago we moved into our present location. ® ne ar I One 5c Wash Cloth Friday and Saturday we celebrate our May Anniversary Sale. -T ICC Palmolive Cream Both O This sa ' e means combinations of all kinds at prices which With All Purchases of $1 or Over S3 For PC will appeal to every member of the family $1.50 Worth For SI.OO 1 p RE g We want our old and new customers to take advantage of the occas- _ Qj One 25c can ion, and we are going to make it interesting for all the folks, in or out of Fire No Colic Pure Gum Nipples r| Powder with every 50c Shav- town, who drop in to look us over. To make the occasion more to be ~ I 7~~ ~ ~~ ' Jmg rus , or remembered we have arranged to give to each lady visitor to our store a IVC Round Sterilized Bottles small box of Johnson's Celebrated Chocolates before 12 o'clock on Friday Special Price For III®!® Nail Brush .... 10c and Saturday. These Days Only 3 3 cakes Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap, 15c _________' Ali For 25c Toilet Creams Shaving Creams Patent Medicines .< - SI.OO Hoods Sarsaparilla 19 C) we w iH g i ve away free, one insect I Y» ;,0c Stillmails Freckle Cream .*«<* 2 5c Colgate's 20* SI.OO Scott's Emulsion «T $ mm r i . lft 125 c Y| 50c Hind's Honey and Almond .... 34J 25c Wiffiams 19* 50c Sal-Hepatica 34* P<>wder gun, value 10c. \ I J IcZe 18 «.<*-•*!«*. ** 35c Worth For 19c \ V Rrttll A*7 y/ SOe Crem« Demeridor 88* - c • unlmr » f 35c Fletcher's Castoria 24f " "II" lUr \ J DUIU i / SI.OO Othene double T*l L D I." 25c Alexander's Lung Healer 17* For *IC 75c Combination For 25c - 14 ' U iZ 1 j-. j-* 50c Kosmeo Cream .... *H* 75c M. &L. Florida Water 48* I 25c Laxative Quinine Tablets 150 I " v3K6S llZiyS lictTXlllcl 2 ■ 50c Viola Cream 37* SIOO Azurea \ egetal Hs* jq c i m p or t c d Harlem Oil (if Sfian fist 25c Satin.Skin ITP| 00 Ki" ' lo,leit Water 00* 50c Glover ' s M an s e Remedy 31. fjSfi|. 0 .u . u u , L «r One bottle Sutol Tooth « % fit »!» one™cl : w'.w SIOO s. S. S m, S lßot.Hays HairHealth2sc |a|| „ , - , , pfeg* 25c Aubrey Sisters Uf 50c's Beautiviva :«><• 50c Bisurated Magnesia 39* ill 17 Of JBgM ■ Powder tree With each gfgjj 25c Woodbury's i... 17? Derma Viva 340 25c Ex-Lax 190 /\U JL Ul LJC . ■ _ - SI.OO Resinol 750 _____ 25c Tooth Brush. BSd Farp PnwH(>r<s Talcum Powder » 75 Honick-.»'■««' cnor>iAi 1 aLC 1 UWUCIS 50c Robinson's Barley .300 OHuwIAL 50c Box Garwood's Face Powder :0c La Blache :|Bp am 25c Gold Vanity Box ji* latest style mm 51.00 Fiver-, A Zl ,re, ,c jo nsons Bab, ,o* gc nt UniUina To«c w Both For 39c Kubl)er Bathing UpS | —■———______——2?c Woodbury s 170 9 - r orv i oos ; s CDCn AI R°? cr & , Gaiiet 25c vamhie'sl4- sloos W am P -Root 070 1 \ .ifKl IAL i' e,ch ' iers f2l 25c Squibbs 150 sl-00 Pierce's Medicines I V/ -0c 100 3 - c D j er Kiss SI.OO Listerine «70 M Latest Style Bathing Caps r oc Dorin's Brunette Rouge 390 ?0l Md '- N (,dulcn 41 25c SassafoU 190 These Caps can also be used as house- Are Here. 2% aPS 50c Djer Kiss 4.»0 . . N 21c Toilet Soans fi££ S- Household Drugs 25cJUB£COj.GATE'S '4 | — „_ . Oftps Graves' Tooth Powder 170 10c lb. Epsom Salts ."50 TOOTH PASTF 111 H I I—? 25c Cuticura Soap 180 25c Sanitol Paste or Powder l.» 0 15c 20-Mule Borax 90 * 1 I'V.l—<l—< 25c Resinol 180 25c Calox 170 10c lb. Sulphur .'SO fj np OOpC p Tn-jfk Rrncli OP - ' AK With every SI.OO Safety Razor 2 '. c Woodbury's Soap 170 25c Euthymol 170 10c Sulphur and Cream.Tartar Loz., J; , luwl " UIUWI ij ' 25c Packer's Tar' Soap 150 25c Sozodont Powder 170 three for JJSO Roth For || <y3rflwr at 69c we shall give away free, one 25c 4711 Soap, three cakes for 400 25c Kalphene Paste 190 10c 11). Powdered Alum <»0 H Jjjr 25c shaving brush. $1.25 t*t\ 10c Physician and Surgeons' 80 25c Lyon's Tooth Paste 170 4-oz. pkg. Cream Tartar 100 # # ■ worth for ; WVW\WWW»WMWWW<WW%WVWW»tW>IW»W>WW»WWMWm»WMMWMWWH|W|WW>WIWWIIIWIW>W>WWIWW«>WWMf. Combination hot Water Bottleand I FREE I EXTRAORDINARY CANDY NEWS & Fountain Syringe t. ... _, , ;! One 10c box Donn s Rouge: one 10c ;j «-4s\ To keep their big plant busy during the summer months the Larg- |j neat design with complete H face Chamois, with every 25c can Gar- il est Manufacture of Chocolate Specialties in the World have made a;! 1 fittings. Were made to re- I wood's talcum powder at 19c. m M \ s P ecial package of Assorted Chocolates, which they will sell until Sept. ; i ta ii at' $2.00. They are H .. . , IJ7C i mw Ist at less than cost of manufacture. They have given this package <! wnrth it 4rC ' V " r " lf ° r befitting name of "Good-Will" Chocolates i i Friday and Saturday only I r-^p">| 1 —* !; \ an d we have agreed to co-operate with them, in preventing deserving || hat i r<LJtl—4 MjfZi\ workers from being thrown out of employment, by offering it to our il _ oc „ . _ , . . TT . . j; 1 customers at practical cost. . , fl One 25c Hair Comb with every 75c Hair Brush !' fl -ri -n • i , r,i r- r r :i i |! // The President of the Company has furnished us with a sworn af- j! ——————————— n ]| pound quaH,y II Special Soap Offer I Fnr Fvoi-u I Good-Will Chocolates are made of the purest chocolate with rich j j For this sale only, Genuine Munyon's Something ror Lvery benool | " " fillings of nuts, crushed fruits or cream flavored with pure fruit juices. ; witch Hazel Soap, Limit, one dozen I 15oy and Uirl j| • I n* l nmT fl„i Full Not More Than 2 Boxes Will ji cakes to each customer. Powder; one cake Cashmere Bouquet 1 | I riCC Saturday Ofl y OC Pound Be Sold to Any One Customer. || Regular 10c Cake English Glycerin I Soap. All for C .mmwwwj' Soap, REMEMBER THE NAME AND PLACE KENNEDY'S, 321 Market Street I THURSDAY EVENING. HARRISBXJRG TELEGRAPH MAY 20, 1915. 7
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