14 -w , » A List of Specials for FridayThatWill Bring Out Early Buyers f f \ ' y No Friday Spe- Women's and Misses Boys' Wash Suits Men's Suits Colored Dress Goods Groceries Tennis Oxfords • t C pn *- Summer Dresses Oliver Twist wash suits. Brown mixture suits, 75c shepherd checks; 42 Swift's sugar cured shoul- Men's and women's 75c CiafS oenr V_x. W. striped waist and blue trous- three pieces, sizes 34, 35 and inches wide. Special Friday ders.average 6 pounds. Spe- white canvas tennis oxfords Dy-jt- IVTail or n ar 1 ! ,esseer £ e ers. sizes 2 1 / 2 , 6 and 7 vcars; 36; SIO.OO value. Special only, vard 45* cial Friday only, lb., 12?4* with white rubber soles, all or mail or PcterThompson dress size $i. 7 S value. Special Fridav Friday only $0.75 . * r». , sizes. Special Friday only, r» n *=» r»r_ 18 - Special Friday only, , .91* S 2OO rose coating:; .->4 Dinner peas, large cans. 3 -q I CrtTfJll 011 s2.f>B Blue suits in chalk stripe inches wide. Special Friday Special Friday onlv ....6* ders filled $12.50 gabardine dress in J I SH? "* Fancy pack tomatoes in I Floor, Rear. I I v navy; size 18. SpeciaJ Fri- cts; sizcs 36 and yi2.00 75c voile; 40 inches wide. glass jars. 10c value. Special day only $5.00 - - - \ va)ue Special Friday only. Special Friday only, yard, Friday only 6* - \ Colored Wash Goods $18.50 navy and black Mens Athletic Drawers $7.75 18c cans asparagus. Spe- Women s Juliets 7s, r p„nrh rrcnp 4TI satin combination dress; size 50c white nainsook draw- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, $1.50 silk and wool faille; cial Fridav only 14* black kidskin Juliets C :! P '„,.T_ 18. Special Fridav onlv, crs - ank,e le »e th - fecial . Second Floor. Rear. 40 inches wide. Soecial Fri- _ ". with kid tips and rubber inches wide, in plain $4 .10 Friday onlv .i.ttf j„ v on i.. v __j 10c cans Eureka soups, ox- heels, all sizes. Special hn shades. Special Friday v w ' tail, mock turtle and con- davonlv 95* only 39* $25.00 sand gabardine v **' street°Fioor. ewar ' ri'u > n $1.50 floral silk crepes. somme. Special Fridav only, o„ p ,• dress; size 38. Special Fri- Children S Drawers Special Friday only, yard. ' 4* "'^sireet'Fioo.^R^r""'' r Opiin day only $12.50 . Children's muslin draw- 69* Fresh huckleberries in t 37}hc silk poplin in three Cntinn Dtp**** [ W&men's Ribbed Vests] ers - plain hem and bunch s] 00 J large ;lass jars. 20<; \alue. I / \ .fad£; one Lit silk Spe- C ®"*« 19c white eot ton ribbed ££ W wool 48 inches wfdT Sp" S P- ia! Children's Pumps cial Friday onlv, \ard, lo* $6.50 voile, crepe and dim- vests, sleeveless, silk taped. o j a l on j v Cl 3' Friday only, yard. 89* Tcll-O dessert powder, 10c $1.25 white canvas pumps r>- /"*i_iL ity dresses, all sizes. Spe- Special Friday only, 1 2 T <i«* ' • „ value. Special Friday onlv. with one or two straps; nice Cloth c j a j Fridav onlv .... $1.75 Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart, / •"' c navy mohair: .->0 sizes 814 to 11 Snecial Fri- Dlves. Pomerov & Stewart. Street Floor. ' inches wide Snpcial Frirliv , * - P c< -'ai rri 20c rice cloth; 36 inches $15.00 voile and crepe v onlv. yard .." 49* Kellogg's toa*te i corn da - v onl >' wide; in plain shades. Spe- dresses: all sizes. Special ' ' flakes. Special Fridav onlv. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. cial Friday only 7y 2 f Fridav onlv $3.50 —, „ ii/j ■, fT 7 v sl-25 cream sertre: 50 S> t. st ' ePt 1 100r ' Rpar , „ . . Men S Silk Hose White Organdie mches wide. Special Friday Gold Medal oancake flour. Colored rercales Spring Coats Black silk hose with lisle 25c plain white organdie; only, yard 98<* 10c bag . Special Friday 7~, , percales; 36 inches <15.00 and $16.50 cloth feet and tops, seamless. Spe- 40 inches wide; fine sheer $1.50 silk poplin; 40 onl - v MantS Jlippers wide; in white grounds and and corduroy coats. Special oal Friday only 1I <f Sneci d inclies wide; shad cs tan. 8c Santa Clara prunes me- sl-25 patent leather, dull neat styles. Special Friday Fridav onlv $5.00 Dives, pomeroy * Stewart onlv vard 100 preen and navy. Special Fri- dium size. Special Fridav leather and tan calf strap onlv, yard ... street floor. only, yard lO<- day only, yard 98(* onlv 7 lbs for slippers; sizes 6, 6V 3 and 7. HottSe Dresses Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, ' Special Friday only ...95^ „I J I/„"I _ Street Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, n r Colored Voiles \ v ' _ I Street Floor. 12c fancy muir pcache?, y: r l lrr ,,. rn l-iHck-in natotit $1.25 to $2.00 House Women'i Lisle Hose large size. Special Fridav , S, ? • pa^ent 12^ 2 c voiles; 38 inches Dresses, in Baldwin double Women S LlSle ItOSC onlv, 5 lbs. for 500 leather strap slippers; sizes wide; colored stripes on service styles. Special Fri- u , ? / ' T C I nnarlnth Butchers' ApTOUS ' . 3/ f a " d 4 ' S P ecial tn _ da >' white grounds. Special Fri- davonlv SI.OO black and white, values to LOngClOin 20c can Hershey's break- only >9£ day only, yard 7%$ 5 - Special Friday onlv, $1.50 English longcloth; Men's 35c butchers' extra fast cocoa. Special Fridav Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dlv *" n Md°Fioor tewart ' 10 yards to a piece: 36 heavy white aprons with only k street Fiobr, Rear. Gingham and Crepe > ' Dlve Pomerov A Stewart. inches wide. Special Friday bibs. Special Friday only. in B T c , street Floor. only, piece 98<* 2 for 59? . lUc can Banner L>e. Spe- 15c ginghams, 32 inches v > cial I'ridaj' only Rnv*' W/ri*t* wide ; in stripes. Special Toilet Goods Dives, Pomeroy. & Stewart. Flannel Shirts T " . ° ys 5 5 Fridav onlv, vard n * u —————- a . rs ve P eta hle on 25c waists with military ounc e bottle Perox- DOys tlOSe Men's $1 00 light weight wh,tc l aundr . v soa P- Special collars; open cuffs. Special 15c crepes in solid shades ide. Special Friday only, - . grey flannei shirts. Special Friday only, 10 bars tor Friday only, 3 for 50o; efa^Friday 1 Smecn onnce bottle Per- »» W IVMay White Voile Friday only ....39? Laundry starch. cach *** oxide. Special Friday only, oni - v ~,r 25c and 29c plain white Men's SI.OO plain white Friday only, .i lbs. for Dive., Pomeroy^Stewart, 7c apron ginghams; in 120 Dives. Pomeroy a stew.rt, voile; crepe and flaxons; 36 shirts; sizes 13to 17. Spe- Hunter's \orwav sardines ' l "' oSr^d 9 P 15c "E Z" Kill. Special ° to 38 inches wide. Special cial" Friday only 59, in SL lSdv v ' Friday only lOe v Fr,day only, yard t of only. 4 cans for' 85e Indian Salts ves ' str n elt r °Fioor. ,#warU 25cglove cleaner. Spe- Curtain Materials DlTeß ' str^et°Fi'or Stewart " _ Divea, Pomeroy & Stewart, Boys' play suits, including cial Friday only ....>...190 19c scrim and marquisette I I Ic, J ? "° c extra size per- I augment. j ■ jj ldian and cowboy outfits; I r \ et\ t» e t j in ecru and white, hemstitch - cale shirts; ^ J/ 2 sizes 2 to 6 years. Special BfcocM Sheets "IS White Sp—l Fnday orfy. Friday only 4* • •heeta"; ular 65c quality. Special - c b ° x Bak ' n »tanta- Thlrd Kloor - rial Fridav onlv vard O* negligee shirts. Special Fri- Special Friday only, 3 for Fridav onlv, each 59* neous silver polish. Special cial Today only, yard . .9* day only 59, „ . M„„>. r U—J. Triday only 19* \ Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, 35c white enamel foot- men S r our-in-nanus I IM^B - street°Piw>r? t * w * rt ' Collins' cleaning com- Curtain Scrim street F.oor, Children's Sweaters tubs. Special Triday only, 19c and 25c silk four-in pound. Special Tridav onlv, 25c heavy scrim in white SIOO sweaters in red oc i i hands, open end st) le. Spc- 9* and cream; 40 inches wide. . n . navy and white sizef ito , ai " n ?l num f . r - v cial Friday only 14<- m&n 50c Voltite knife electro Special Friday only, yard, White Pique ? years Special Friday Friday only, A. sm al , lot of 25c knit 10c 36-inch bleached mus- plating powder. Special Fri- M 25c white pique; 27 inches only 59f $2.50 lawn trimmers. Spe- ties - Special Friday only, line; regular 10c quality. dav onlv 25* Dives, Pomerov * Stewart, wide. . pecial Friday only. Dives, Pomeroy a Stewart. cial Friday only $1.98 ** r. • i • i , , - - ■ Tnira r loor. varn oaimnv Special Friday onlv. vard. \ y , Dives, Pomeroy Ac Stewart, Dives. Pomerov A Stewart. ' olt,te S,lver plating Dlvea. Pomeroy ft Stewart. ' l Baaemcni. Mon s Store. pefwder. Special Fridav ■» street Floor. ..... _ ' 1 D,ve * s?r™:[°^'r St * wart - only 25* Black Dress Goods x White Lawn * * SI.OO Voltite electroplat- SI.OO black French serge ; T~77 j white lawn checks; Embroidery Pieces Tlpperary Vetls r ing powder. Special Fridav 42 inches wide. Special Fri- BedSpreads -/ inches wide; fine quality. Values to 50c, in velvet, Corsets 1 only day only, yard 69« $1.95 crochet bed spreads; Spec,a. Fr,day only, yard. ribbon and dot designs. Grecian Treco, brocade, Div... pom.roy * flt.w.rt- 51.00 black Pananja, 54 f V" S'ae and Marseilles de- ' mussed. Special Friday ■ Pccta 11 a\ on \ imported batiste, allover 5,r... nS, ) inch „ wide . Specia i Kridav sign. Spec,al Fr,day only D,,,.. only D,..., elastic and contil; discon- only, yard 7HP 25c and 50c pillow tops. V tinued St vies and broken mmmmm Dlven, Pomeroy * Stewart, . Jo • i t- *J Wa.hm. l White Crepe '^,7 $1.95 50c foulards; washable in day only, yard 796 waists" and "'dresses;' 28 10c aprons, stamped. Spe- t ; c cotton torchon laces; Dive,. Stewart. Special' Friday""only, $ ! -25 black Canton serge; Muslm inches wide. Special Friday cial Friday only FridayoSy, yard'.. ? V ' var( j •>-'£ 4/ inches wide. Special Fn- 38-inch unbleached mus- only, yard liy Div e «, Pomeroy* Stewart. day only, yard 98* lin; 5c grade. Special Fri- Dlves Pomerov Stewart. . Th,rd Floor - Shadow lace edges. 3to 5 _ \ Silk Messaline -O ui I -,I J I dav onlv, vard 4* . street Floor. inches wide; values to 20c. Bungalow Apron, 1 . J'f , » Sp-cial Friday only ...10« eJSfafliZ T/ r ings • iV'l P 2%ard SS dress pat- '»«•«'» ' Curtain Goods »» Soecial Fridav nnll C terns; 18 inches wide. Spe- Divea. Pomeroj- & Stewart, 75c nickel alarm clocks; Remnants of 12'/j i to l l >c Special Friday only .. .29* da , p ridav onlv 9 I '"" r Limnir Satin* guaranteed. Special Sw, , ss EtMmmt and Scrim, 1 - Er,VM - SSStzri,*.?™"- ™, , Lining oatine _ onlv to 3 yards. Special Fnoay Handkerchiefs • Black Messaline \ 40c black satme; 36 inches only, yard 6<r „ . 79c black mess V tl Diningroom Domes wide. Special Friday only, Sl - 2? white celluloid Divea. Pomeroy * Stewart, linen" 0 Ta'ndkercl'iiefs • lin / 79c black messaline with Mno , t vard 29* clocks. Special Friday onlv. Third Pioor. men lianaKercnieis, f Kimono* gold hairline stripe. Special $ q . f >B.domes for gas or > ara \ laundered; hem; electricity; in two patterns. Divea, Pomeroy * Stewart. \2 l Ac value. Special Friday SI.OO long crepe kimonos; ' Special Friday onlv .$5.00 street • ..nr. Di%-ea. Pomeroy * Stewart. r only, 3 for 25* shirred yoke and _ Persian , tnb silk; in white ;32 D)T# .. Pomer ' oy * Btwart . > ' °° r ' Cotton Toweling 1; _„ border. Special Fnday only, inches wide. Special Friday Raaement. ; ; - i!"l 69* only, yard 49* ] Jewelry Specials . Basement Specials ing; 16 inches wide; red Special Friday oily .? for D,VM - K5 oy Fitor Stewart - DIT "- l?r m e: r tT.?or S, * wart - [ Embroideries $1.25 rose beads in a va- . 15c iced tea tumblers. Spe- herder. Special Triday only. ' 25* > -J riety of colors. Special Tri- cial Triday only 10* yard .** Pftm . rnv * 9t ewart. Ruffled 5 WISS embroidery J av on j v „ _ \ / * flouncing; 27 inches wide; complete. Soecial Tridav , stre,et "' loor - v / Muslin Drawers Ribbons values to 39c. Special Fri- 2.1C and nOc bar and hat only 25c musHn drawers with Taffeta and moire rib- da> °" ly Fridav'^nh-^° OCheS> ' SP JO* 50c decorated china bu- . V Huck Towels cambric ruffle; hemstitched bona; 4% to 5 inches wide; Batiste embroidery inser- ' J reau sets. Special Friday I able Linen Ilc red border huck tow- j trimming. Limit two in white and black; values tions; 2to i/ 2 inches wide; $1.25 German silver coin only 3.5* gs c bleached table dam- els; 18x36 inches; subject to 1 a customer. Spe- to 25c. Special Friday only. values to 50c. Special Fri- purses. Special Friday onlv. 75c to $1.25 jardinieres. ask; 70 inches wide. Spe- mill imperfections. Special j ciai Fnday only 15* yard day only 19* 49* Special Friday only ...50* cial Friday only, yard. 59* Friday only 5* K Dives. Po'noror A Stewart. Divea, Pomeroy St Stewart Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Divea, Pomeroy & Stewart. Divea, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Divea, Pomerov & Stewart. ) L aioor. Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. Basement. Street Floor. Street Floor. *— mmmm mmmmm—J ——— J ■—— ———— lmm J J , "DIPLHCr IS THE SEASON'S BEST Tri-star Combination Presents Play in a Way That Is Unsurpassed The presentation of Victorlen Sar dou's "Diplomacy" last night at the THURSDAY EVENING, Majsatlo mar be said without hesi tation to h&vs marked the height of the dramatic season In this city., Charles Frohman in assembling the i stars and the cast for this revival con tented himself with none less than William Gillette. Blanche Bntes and Marie Doro. The cast, too. was most excellently balanced and lent support in such a manner as to less markedly draw the line between principals and subordinates. The story is woven about diplomatic circles, the entire action laid in Monte Carlo and Paris, dealing with the ob taining of diplomatic documents with a delicately woven story of hate and love. The plot moves consistently throughout the four acts in a manner which leaves the audience at quite a loss as to know just what the denoue •. ment will bring forth. The revival brings back to the stage the familiar figure of William Gillette as well as presenting Marie Doro again in American theatrical circles. "Diplo macy" was written for three leading parts, and In Ailing these parts with the trl-star combination Charles Froh man has presented to the public a version of the play which It is safe to say will not be surpassed. Not i alone was the work of these stars enthusiastically received by the audi ence, for In ever?' Instance at the end of the act were the characters of that act forced to respond to several curtain • calls, and In quite a few Instances was H.A. RRISBURG TELEGRAPH the action of the play halted while the audience applauded the work of one or another of the supporting cast. In fact, the work of every one was of such character as to almost eliminate the predominance of one character over another. One felt throughout the entire performance that they were witnessing an assemblage of actors nnd actresses feathered to produce a drama of rare merit along the lines of the highest possible artistic Ideal. MAX ROBERTSON. BOMB A R DMF.XT CONTINUED Fv Associated Press Petrogrnd. May 20.—The Russians! continue to hold both banks of the MAY 20, 1915. river San south of Jaroslau, according to theetaord lotyqo oa aoutao ataon to an official statement Issued from the headquarters of the general staff last night. The bombardment at Przemysl continues and In the section between Przemysl and the great Marsh of the Dniester the Russians claim to have repulsed desperate at tacks o fthe Austro-Gerinans. New Messiah Lutheran Church on Present Site By a unanimous action, the. church | council of Messiah Lutheran Church, following out the recommendation of the congregation last night, decided to erect the proponed new building on the present site at Sixth and Forater streets. This action followed a congrega tional meeting at which the utmost harmony prevailed. No reference was made to the proposition offered to the city by real estate agent Samuel Friedman. Tuesday, when he wrote to Council that the site could probably be purchased for $50,000 for firehouse purposes. Final measures for the erection of the new church will be taken up at the June congregational meeting. The structure will In all probability ex tend from the present building to the pavement In Sixth street. The pres ent church will be used for Sunday school purposes. A new parsonag* In some other part of the city will b» built. SHill VERS TO GO TO YORK Nearly 500 Harrlsburg Mystic Shrin ers of Zembo Temple, accompanied by the Shriner band, will board a special train at Union Station this evening at G o'clock for York, where they will assist In the first ceremonial of the Tork Shrlners In Coliseum Hall. Ut* this afternoon they will hold a brief session in Chestnut Street Hall. Po tentate George W. Mcllhenny will lead the noble* in a parade to th» station.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers