Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 07, 1915, Extra, Page 20, Image 20

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White \\W^ For ' Rich Dr^s
Sewing - Week, yai-d .. 51 goods sectinn the progress
12>£c plisse underwear crepe, 30 in- /"Vf / A / —SI /" • t of Rontex Sewing - Week.
&.,^. Bo r.. s mk Swk A Clearance or buits In vol v- foSr' valuesareoffered
19c mercerized batiste. 40 inches JL isiS& if"- 1 nwn\ ~ , , '., ~ . ,
wide: in full pieces. Bontex Sewing r '«'?■ 'i uu. Jn *' «l wffi . -® c co ' < ? voiles, . inches wide,
Werk Price, yard 100 ' s!■ MSBm 4 WBff " O 1T T 1 1
jnx&jr&r&igs; Hfl'i Iffm Ml ingbeveral Hundred Choice
50c imported voile and marquisette. rr /> t 1 Htt\\u\W\V w '°\ en figures. Bontex Sewing
Bontex Sewing Week Price ... 251 > T ll 11 UMImW * ■ 1 __ Week I rice ........... ....290
25c white flaxons. Bontex Sewing ij W i- T T 1 s-*. *>, L—( -a-v* L_) 1 O i 1 '\V . P°l?] in ; ' inches wide. Bon
s| Styles rrom Regular Stock
Bontex Sewing Week Price .... 190 Bontex Sewing \Veek Price 390
50c white gabardine. 36 inches wide. %L/| xr « »-* . « crepe de chine, 36 inches wide.
Bontex Sewing Week Price 350 U VOTII Snontfll Por/f/r»//nnc Bontex Sewing Week Price . 490
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. w fj LJ l\£ I ll C? GcltC t lOilS lfC printed flaxons. Bontex Sewing
. Week Price 12^e
Ribbons in Printed To the hundreds of women who have not yet purchased a Spring suit this announce- bu^dS&';. in^« r s!^'nr d
Warp and Taffeta ment of a complete May clearance of women's and misses' suits will come as a special mes- ''' r n«i
Reduced sage of economy. Our entire stock will be offered, beginning to-morrow, at savings that "eSX? ss*
25c printed warp ribbons in Dres- Will be Well WOrth lookill£ intO. ?"f e •' * V V" i' i#*
den designs; 5*4 inches wide. Reduc- ® * 1- 4c bates ginghams. In the Bon-
fancy'edge taffeta and moire.. „ ° nly ?™h.garments as are produced by America's foremost makers will be found in this clearance. The < l^"^d^i S, e%S rd fa"whiS
bons, in navy colors; sto 6 inches list Ot SpeCl&lS include. _ grounds, with silk woven figures. Bon-
Wl S9c pnnteTtarp' ribbons 'in ' 'mint . black Be ' S ' a " ™ its of P°P" . $30.00 suits of gabardine, poplin and fancy $39.50 tan covert and blue golflcx belted wUe, 38 inches wide,'in* floral
' ' - , . , .. „ , hn, in button trimmed, belted and <fc 1C AA imported weaves, with flaring satin collar and atu i awning strine riptticma
pa erns, -i o inc es wi e. ft plain tailored styles. Reduced to •15.UU belled effects. $25.00 suits, with patch pockets and circular skirt Sewing Week Price, yard'" 9 . 23c
39c heavy moire taffeta ribbons: 5 1 / 2 $25.00 Prince Chap Tuxedo, Norfolk and to , '.*"" ... , w jth nockets tf»o r\ aa 36-inch voiles, in an entirely new
inches wide: colors, white and black, plain tailored suits, of fine qnality gabardine f 7.50 and $39..-0 fine quality bra,d tnmmed w.th pockets. $30.00 showing of printings: Bontex Sewing
Reduced to P iailorea u " 5 ' nne quaui -' Raoaraine, gabardine and serge suits, in navy, black and Reduced to Week Price, vard
Dlviw, Pomeroy A Stewart.'Street Vloor. poplin, serge and pure worsted (tl O7E club checks. I (ton AA Dives Pomeroy A Stewart Street Floor
checks. Reduced to Reduced to 3>«SU.UU Dives. P-.neroy & Stewart, Second Floor. 131% eg, Fomefoy ft Stewart. Street Floor.
An Important Showing of |s7.sotosl2ooTrimmedHats SO Q Activity Among the Cotton
Gloves for Spring: ncludtng i n the May Sale of Mtllineryat Waists I« Pronnsed for Tomorrow
IXIO C M HTTI K cOj L/ISIO T] • • f ., c ~ , -, . , , , Scventv-five new stvles of waists in Persian lawn, madras, voile,
' liaAAAWl^cl vJAIJV ° 1 h, s»one of the finest lots of trimmed hats we have ever » rice cloth; figure, check and strip voile, promise to create active
A style assortment seldom, if ever before, equalled in extent, has sold at \\ hen a manufacturer discontinues making jfe-w buying on the second floor to-morrow. The trimmings are of em
been gathered for the benefit of May shoppers. The grades are the certain kinds of hats he is willing to clean up his stock at any —~y broidery insertion embracing panels; imitation filet and cluny and
liest procurable and the prices are interestingly low. price. This is what happened in this instance and explains hemstitching. Altogether the loveliest assemblage of summer stvles
Two-Clasp white and colored 16-button length washable why such unusual values are offered. we have seen this season. . sloft
kid gloves, representing special chamoisette gloves, in white, nat- * it £ , e , , , C-J Lhoice at ,uu
values in carefully selected skins ural and pongee. Pair, Here are a few examples of the good styles and the re- KJ . . ~
are now beang featured in a May 500 to SI.OO ductions in torce: / rVvTn \JOWfIS And fit Jpl.UO (
glove event at. .$1.50 to #2.25 Two-clasp silk gloves, with $7.50 black eatln and white straw $7.50 white basket weave straw tur- \ []•*.'.'(j SO styles of cambric nainsook and crepe *own ß in high or V shape neck
Two-clasp washable cliamoi- double finger ends, in colors, Extra 52.95 an ". p xtra Q*? \ I \.• *•*•// r M , th loner sleeve s, or in low throat style with round, square or V yoke, the
. r ... . ... jui 1 d • Special Special ""ti.fiJ \ v ~ u trimmings are of lace or embroidery edge fil on
sette gloves, in white, natural white and black.
and pongee. Pair 50C 500 to $1.50 Ejctra £0 QC crown turban. d»2 OR > \ brands go on sale tomorrow for SI.OO
Silk gloves made by America's Two-clasp lisle gloves, pair ' 'rnV small'biacl^straw poke' hat himp 'turban "with Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart-Second Floor.
premier makers, with double fing- 250 P'nk facing. ne grey silk crown. tfo qc \ s _ ,
er ends. Pair. . .#I.OO to #3.00 DlvM ' & Stewart. Street Floor Extra Special .. Extra Special Meil S ShoeS and Oxfords for Slimmer
10 Pounds Granulated Su<rar A C\ The Transparent Hat: As Light as a Feather SIS
x j. wuuuo v/iauwiuivu g \ J Matchless values in these ideal summer hats at 690 Men's dark tan calf oxfords with stitched tips, broad Engilsh iieeis, SB.OO
To-morrow Rose, white, black.grey. tan. sand, blue, green ; the brims are of lace, straw lace, crepe . Wh | te . .'J™. oX, °r d, \ °. n " eW . . Eng '. tah . !****'. ' eU Soles s i"oo
xvr 1 n 1 7-» i r T 1 1- TT -tr net - e f? u lar $1.69 to $1.95 values in the May Sale of Millincrv at 090 Dark tan calf and Run metal caif English oxforda,' 'neat tips 'stitched:
vvitri Eactl Purchase of groceries Indudmg Half \xr , f , V 1 . 1n IOC
Pound of Senate Sleni Tea for 32c _Wonderful Values in FloWefS at 10c and 25c '«>»« " OI "DIVW pim.ro'y
Santa Clara Heinz pnr« tomato Swift's shoulders. Forget-me-nots in all colors, roses, rosebuds, lilacs, cherries, grapes, bluets, pop-
sc«am/°riiS 5 c« a m/° r iiS %SZi . reKUlarly .. 'Si B R T r R CU 7 d , : pies, morning glories, sweet peas, hydrangea, china astors, foliage, grapes and dozens of Vacuum PUanoro CO QC
com, can. Isc, 6
Flag wjioie red ripe $1.38 country cur»d dried 1 £ 1 1 j. rci ..in ion The 1915 Duntlcy is quite the best cleaner that we have seen
Can a live, e dn^ e . /hsc " V.": ,0 ° IWO W OnClerrUl Lots OI onapes at and oyc thus far at a low price—equipped with brush attachment, and guar
t ~~~ White laundry Boiled ham, sliced. Uv. Rough straw turbans and small, medium and Hemp poke bonnets in navy, sand and QQ . antced to give absolute satisfaction in home or office,
mon fall tins rv, ' ull slze: Frankfurters, lb.. IBc large shapes In white, black, green, brown, sand tan. $1.95 values. Special OI7C Porch Swings, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors
• cr,:r°: ~ ™r r *>r'V ; 19c ..39c t o* »i«h
tall tins. 2 cans, 25c 4o , b Sußar cured bar^' ; l^f" 8 n all IQ r Many styles of turbans in milan hemp and Special $ 1.98 to #B.OO
r" r* 19c 39c Lawn mowers, warranted to run smoothly and wijotit friction.^
lSo: I can's a.V elioonlatf roSTiorT, "n" 1 V « 27r to $3.96 values. Special iUC navy and sand hemp QQ- 5|?2.2.> to SM. '•>
' Special .! l«c ! L 'mburger cheese. U)., Medium size flat Milan sailors in sand 39c shapes, $1.95 values. Special •JI7C NatUial finish varnished screen doors, in 3-panel frames
Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart, Basement. *"«*»»•.«•" value. Special Dives. Pomoroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Front. ' 980 tO 5^1.39
The Suits For Men and Young Men*WSm -
in-hand ties in novelty patterns and ' " /fC
distinc t iv e figure designs, will be pre- -f ✓"V /~\ /~\ Ct*/~\/~\ 111 I Mil (f I
\ Rumchunda polka dot four-in-hands y II X" —
V/ in broad end shapes .>OO If / / * v - > 3
Belt' fL' L " majority of men pay less than $20.00 for a suit. To find the best made suits in America to sell II I V
-pi ' within the range of SIO.OO to $20.00 was not a question that could be quickly decided. It took much inves- |j J
||\ movements of H the Tody— practicable tl S at,on » tlme and work to sclect the makes that we thought worthy to carry our label in the coals. j
a "d comfortable. For street and sports e are confident that we have done our work weell, and that our knowledge of clothes quality and jfj -i y
Bo g °° d St> le wUI j ustify Rn ? price >' ou b >' & ivin S y ou fullest value for your money be it a SIO.OO, $12.00, j/J \
The Sport style is one of the new ideas in out-door shirts for sls '°°' slß '°° ° r s2a °° Suit " kUV /A I V
Div«s, Pom«roy & stewart. Mens stor«. stripes, checks, mixtures and solid shades such as grey worsteds and blue serges. j jl J |
Fancy Silk Hose, Colored Tops, 50c BoVS W&sh SllltS fit Hftlf PrtCP tf f
K^ ho£ is A . * \TT7mMM 1
biMSSE ance of Russian suits with bloomers in sizes 2/2 to 7 year sizes - \ \i / 9V
siik hose with fashioned feet, iisio tops "so!! includes white, tan and blue linen; blue and white striped galatca; plain white sralatca with \ //
8 .^ 1114,3001 hose - high spliced heels, in white and hiacksoc , , // ISh HH
women n s S white°iuift ie°ngth'. Palr ue sai^or co " ar - fancy madras; linen crash in tan with blue sailor collar; white pique, etc. Our entire ,(
Women's white cotton ribbed union suits -nf. .. i <• • • , , . ~, \
Women's white lisle ribbed vesta, extra sizes ) ; Sfic StOCK Ot Wash SUItS reduced as follows: HB
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. * nr\ 1 HH
$1.25 to s3.oolmported Bead Bags ° oc ' J 1 ' 75 II
Special at $1 19 $1.95 wash suits, . . „ 98c $3.95 wash suits, . . . $1.98
$2.50 wash suits, . . $1.25 $4.50 wash suits, .. . $2.25 \ I
Regular 11.25, $1.60, S2.SO and J3.00 bags. Special 51.19 $2.95 wash suits, . . . $l4B $5 00 wash suits $2 50 ej
Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart—Street Floor, Front V vv QOll 3U113, . . .
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart —Men's Store. Second Floor, Rear.'
| v ' W 7 ? ? " w ■' - "