uch lots that will not materially < ► affect the assortments. < ► Take a trip to this store to-morrow; for many bargain surprises will greet you. < flf Ever a Sale Was Welcomed, It: Was This Sale of Turkish Towels : ■ and Face Cloths j And there's little need to wonder, for what other household article is in greater < \ and more constant demand than towels, and when have you remembered purchas- \ in«- fine qualities and sizes about HA j V '"| | Just because a thread may be broken is no sign of "bad condition;" why, in A y v ! many cases it has proven so slight that none could be found. < y 1 We advise early selection. i * ' 75c Turkish Towels, 39<* $1.25 Turkish Towels, G9<* 60c Turkish Face Cloths, 390 dz. A - 25x49 inches; white with 6V>-inch novelty Pink and blue; exceptional quality; sold ► b ° rderS enJ b,ue «-■" ► SI.OO Turkish Towels, 55<* 70c Turkish Towels, 350 10c Turkish Face Cloths, s<> ► 25x52 inches; all white, with three uni- 25x46 inches; pink, blue, green and laven- Pink, yellow, blue, green and white with r form stripes at each end, in yellow, pink , narrow hem colored hem and stripe to match towels. ► and blue; rich colorings. L ' «« T / m ,• . n «i i oj -o m i•u t> i i«>. Turkish Face Cloths, 80 y 75c Turkish Towels 39c