Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 21, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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    | Telephemc Yanr Classified Ad WW—Bell 2040; CnnrtcrlaM 203 jj
'A HAVER Emma Elizabeth Weaver,
aged 60 years. T months and "6 clays,
late wife of W. O. Weaver, died this
morning. it 1:30, at her late resi
dence, In Dillsbu rg.
l* uneral services will be held at 10
\ M„ Friday. April 23, at Dlllsburg,
vhere burial will be made.
HOORE On April 20. 1913, Mr*. Ella
S. Moore, wife of Will lam 11. Moore,
at her home. 416 Muench street.
Funeral serices on Friday after
loon, at 2.o'clock, at Ihe above address,
telatives and friends are invited to at
end without further notice.
'TIGBLMAN On Monday. April 19.
1915, Benjamin F. Stigrelman, aged
68 years, 7 months and 21! days.
Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at
o'clock, from his lute residence. 12:1
>orth Thirteenth street. The relatives
nd friends are invited to attend with
"Jt furtlter notice.
LOST White Poodle dog:- Answers
0 name of Nippy. Liberal reward If
eturned to 113 Vine street.
FOUND The well-dressed man. He
lways sends his clothes to Egbert's
iteam Dyeing and French Cleaning
Vorks, 1245 Market street. l->o you?
loth phones. Call and deliver.
WANTED Paperhangers, at onoe.
Lpply Art Frame and Paper Co., 1911
'erry street.
WANTED An experienced butcher;
lust come well recommended and wil
ing to give bond. Apply 226 chestnut
t reel. v
WANTED Good kitchen man,
hite. Apply Harrisburg; Hospital.
WANTED Experienced baker. Ad
ress \V„ 2117, care of Telegraph.
) get. My iree booklet. V- 312, tells
ow.\ Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop-
Ins. Washington. D. C.
Dunter hands, with experience in gro
sry business: good chance of advance
lent for bright, younc men. Apply by
■ tter. Acme Tea <*o., tork avenue and
oble streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
PAPERHANGEH—Experienced paper
anger wanted, at once. Address I'. O.
tation 18.
BOY WANTED White boy (foreign
referred), for bootblack stand_ in a
hoc department. Address P. O. Station
pen to Men and Women. $65.00 to
150.00 month. Write for list. Frank
n Institute, Dr :'<M-D. Rochester.
. T.
WANTED Old Established New
ork City CofTee Tea and Spice House
[•s»res salesman having established
ado In New Jersey and Kastern Penn
,-lvanla. Address. with particulars,
ilary. Box 718. New York City.
EN WANTED Ablebodled, unmar
ed men between ages of IS and 35;
tizens of United States, of good char
ter and temperate habits, who can
}esk. read and write the English
tiignagc. For information apply to
ecruitlng Officer, Bergner Building,
1 & Market Sts, Harrisburg, Pa.
UliS lf you are a good house-to
>use canvasser and are looking for
■omotion, we have a place for you. "We
so have openings for several tlrst
ass salesmen who are in a position to
ke up work outside of the city. Our
en are making from S2O to S4O per
eek If vou are a live-wire and can
lalify. tail at The Jewell Tea Co., 26D
road stieet, Harrisburg.
WANTED Ten men to take orders,
pplv 90S North Third street, between
ami 11 A. M. and 1 and 5 P. M.
AUTO transportation school wants
en to become practical chauffeurs
ul earn $75 to SIOO per month. We
ve a thorough course in crude and
actical work for $35.00. No. 5 North
imeron. Bell phone 1710.
\Y A X T li D Girls over 10
;ars of aye to learn cigarmaking'.
aid while learning. Apply llar
sburg Cigar Co., . ; U0 Race street.
WANTED Girl for general house
ork; small family; good wages. Apply
rs. Eerier, first house on the left
>uth Bowman avenue, Camp llill, Pa.
WANTED Bookkeeper woman
ith experience all applications will
i treated in confidence. Address N„
.4, care of Harrisburg Telegraph.
ble girl or middle-aged woman for
•neral housework In small family,
jply P. O. Box 51, Harrisburg, Pa.
Are the best eiiuipped schools of tlie
nd in America. They are located
r>st everywhere. They are popular,
in this school now. make all \ out
ring and Summer dresses while 1« mrn -
g. Day and Evening . lasses W. A.
ork. Prop.. 22 North Fourili streei.
WANTED Experienced buttonhole
erators and vampers. Apply Harris
irg Shoe Mfg. Co.
WANTED Girl to work in . onfec
jner.v store, and ice cream parlor. Aj>-
y lO2K North Seventh street. Bell
lone 1617 R.
GIRL WANTED Gni mn n pr< ten ed;
neral housework. 210!) North Third.
>ply after 7 P. M.
WANTED Young white girl to a li
ft with light housework. Call Hell
nine 2197 R.
WANTED lndies to solicit orders
r Tens, Spices. Ext acts. Coffee and
her groceries. Premiums given to
stomers. Excellent commission paid,
le Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea < - o
08 North Third street.
23 V. Eighteenth St.
3-story brick with nine rooms
>ath and steam heat Lot ISIM ft..
2022 (irffn ,«t.
3-story brick house with 10 rooms
—pantry bath and steam heat.
-.ot 21x85 ft *1.r.00
HOT Second St.
3-Story brick and frame house
vlth s rooms bath ami furnace!
1.131 \. Second St.
3-story brick house with six
ooms *2,.VMt
13U2 \. Second St.
3-storv brick house with lo rooms
pantry butli furnace in
ere fifing price.
11*17 Second St.
3-story brick dwelling with eleven
ooms bath and steam heat. Lot
Ixßs ft. Reasonable price.
2447 Heel St.
2-story brick house with S rooms
_ bath and furnace. Lot 15x100.
674 Schuylkill St.
2-storv frame house six rooms
_ hath hot water heat i, ot
7.8X75 ft *2,200
■lre Insurance Surety Hondo
I.oenst and Court Streets
I HELP WANTED—MaIe anil Female j
WANTED Men-women to solicit !
Accident, Health and Life Insurance,
j If capable of earning from sls up perl
| week, answer at once. Experience tin- |
1 necessary. Address Box Z, 2118, care
i of Telegraph.
| JANITOR • Middle-aged white man |
and wife, without children, for apart-I
| ment building. Free rent of three
steam-heated rooms and bath. Good'
wages, witli extra pay for woman If
| she will help with housework and do
light washing. Good position for hon
i est. sober, trustworthy couple. Apply
| to John Smith, Engineer. Elliott-Fishei
j Coin pa n v.
CLERKS Examinations soon; over
| 2.000 appointments yearly. Prepare at
; home. Write for our Plan No. 15, of
t payment after appointment. Phlladel-
I phia Business College, Civil Service De- !
.' psrtment, Philadelphia. Pa. j
i WE WILL PAY you $l2O to distribute ]
] religious literature in your community.
| Sixty days' work. Experience not re- j
j quired. Man or woman. Spare time
I may be used. Zeigler Co., Philadelphia, j
> AGhXT Exclusive privilege: new |
j article; fast sell*?*; no opposition: rail ,
quick; large profits. SH2 North Thlro
WANTED l'hAiifleur wants posi- f
j lion for Sundays or a steady position;!
Iran make own renalrs. Call at lyua
) Wood street, after tl I'. M.
j WANTED Colored man wants gon
ial housework. Apply 405 Bailey I
| street, Steelton. Fa.
i WANTED Fanner wants work on !
a farm. Address Charles It. Vogt, Gen- •
j eral Delivery, Harrisburg, Pa.
. WANTED Voung man wants posi- I
I tion of any kind; experlenred in livery
| stable. Address V. o. Hoffdan, General
Delivery, Harrlpburg, I'a.
WANTED Colored man wishes po-
I sit ion as butler or chauffeur or work
of any kind by the day. Call, or ad
j dress. Frank Cuff. Til 7 Capital street. |
I WANTED Traveling? man, with I
j four years' experience as assistant 1
credit man for large manufacturing!
I concern, desires position at home: un-I
usual ability; Al referenre*. Address!
1 l*\ S. 8., l! 4 North Seventeenth street. i
! WANTED Voting man desires a !
) position as clothipg. shoe or grocery
j salesman; eight years' experienrr; can
furnish best of reference. Address
\'j„ 2128, carp of Telegraph.
WANTED Young white man de
sires position as chauffeur; two years' »
experience; can give reference; strictly
sober. Address Box 2122, care of Tele- I
i I
i WANTED A reliable colored man,
j married, desires position on farm: un
! derstands all kinds of farm work. Call, I
ior write, 1106 South Ninth street.
I WANTED —»Boy 17 years old, de- '
| sires work of any kind after srhool
i hours (2:30); has office experience;
can give reference. Address Al., 211S*. 1
care of Telegraph.
| WANTED To do whitewashing.
I Call, or send postal to 1111 Marion'
j street. City.
WANTED By young man,position I
as stenographer; reference. Address :
City Hospital, Harrlsburff, i*a.
WANTED By white man. work as
janitor or to take charge of lawn; best
of_reference.___ Call 2004 Wood avenue.
SITUATION S \\ A N TKD—tenia le
WANTED—By white woman, position 1
as practical nurse or companion to !
elderly woman or invalid, in or out of
city. Call within next three days, 1015 i
Derrj streei.
! WANTED —By middle-aged woman,
I with child 9 years old, place with re- 1
| fined family, in or out of city. Address !
I R., 2115, care of Telegraph.
j WANTED "Woman wants sewing
lof any kind to do at home. Call Mrs. A.
jW. Riley, near Benton Koad, ICnhaut, !
or address Box 135. Enhaut, Fa.
WANTED By colored woman,
J dressmaking by the day. 1024 Walnut
! street.
WANTED - White woman desires
! day's work, or washing and ironing; i
| f-an give reference. Call, or address,
j K23 Forster street.
WANTED White woman desires
work by the day or week. Call, or ad
dress, 322 Sayford avenue.
WANTED — : Woman desires house- j
I cleaning or washing for Monday and :
j Tuesday. Call, or address, 333 Calder j
j streei.
| WANTED White widow desires
, housekeeping in small family. Apply .
j 1140 Derry street.
WANTED - By colored woman.
• housccUaning by the day, or any kino ;
lof day's work. Address 1228 Spruce.
a venue. City.
• WANTED Experienced chamber- j
1 maid desires position in hotel. Call, or !
j address, 008 Calder street.
WANTED - Colored woman wants
day's work. Call, or address, 514 South
j street.
j WANTED Reliable white woman i
; wants washing to do at home. 1327 '
1 North Sixth street. •
WANTED Small washing to do at |
home. houseclea ning. or recaueiug
chairs. Address 28 Linden street.
WANTED Herman girl wishes
' general housework and cooking*. Ap- j
ply 1017 Cumberland street.
j WANTED Middle-aped white
ntin wishes work by tlie day. Call
»u:\i, i;sr\Ti: 101; s\u; !
' FOR SALE Only 3 more left out
jof 11, of those modern brick homes on
Third street. Riverside. Xos. 3002 A and
; 3imM, at $2.500.00 each, and 3022 at
I 53,100.00. Complete in every respect; i
; 7 rooms and bath; front and rear i
! porches; cement cellar; walks and ,
) step; steam heat; bay window; pressed
brick fronts; iron fence. To sc.- these !
I means to buy. Terms that will suit (
•purchasers. John .1. llair. 1130 Jones
.l town road. Bell phone 118CW.
i OPPORTUNITY for you to buy a •
| j steam-heated house, with small amount .
| j of cash and monthly payments as rent.
Vacant—inspect it—No. 18 North Six- I
tenth. Bell Realty Co., Bergnet Build-'
I! ing.
(4*l Kites I*I.SIMM
] iState Property i with <Bou> acres!
; valued many (millions) joins fine loca
j tion farm at edge of large market.
J Home, barn, wagon, hog. poultry ano
.outbuildings. Pick <Boo> to ( 1,200»
j bushes choice fruit yearly. Deep ( black
soil) large part level <♦;> acres (wood--
land) valuable meadows, spring water.,
creek and (small lake). Reason for.
giveaway prire wish to avoid (sherirt
; sale). Kor quick work will add (2>j
J horses (1) fresh cow ' t hogs (5o»
chickens, hay. straw, corn and oats onlv
I ($2,200 >.
I Danville Telephones Stinburv
Mornings (7 to S) Evenings.
Briek house N ronniH hath gas
—eleetrle light steam heat porch
—lot. 18x120—large yard. Prlee.
I Bell Realty Co., Bersner BuildlnK
EOß SAI.E • S. B. Boude offers his
resldenee and ."II Acrea of at
• InulenooU. 16 miles north of llar
' rishurir. Inclndlng tenement house, hank
| ham, smokehotme, icehouse, ete. Over
i :!Urt fruit tree'i on the premises. I'lneat
view in the State. The residence lins
1:■ rooms. Im-ludlnß lorne liatliroom
Iwith-hot and cold water. Spring; water
i from Mountain by Gravity. Also sewer
i ate system over 1.000 feet. [ncjllii-u at
jNo Mix North Second street, Harris
lb urg, i'a. (
[ FOR SALE Onlv four out of eigh
teen beautiful Riverside suburban
I houses are left, Ke yards. Large
I porches. Low price and easy terms. E.
; Moealein, 424 State street; Eewis Al.
| Nelffer, 222 Market street.
| FOR SAI.E Two two-story, seven
! room bungalows. Very attractive and I
| with all conveniences. I>ot. 17H ft. by
75 ft., on Schuylkill street, near Sev
enth. Price, $2,000.00. Easy terms. In
oulre of Samuel Wittenmjer, Seventh;
and Schuylkill streets.
A 40-aer« farm, located between llar
rlshurg and Hummelstown. An Ideal
fruit or chicken farm. Street cars pass '
farm. Water pipe to the house. Inquire !
2203 North Fourth street.
j FOR FaLE Desirable building lots :
| in tbo Tenth Ward, located on Fourth. !
Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets,
jAn opportunity for a builder or real |
I estate dealer to secure well located i
j property for development purposes. Ad- j
I dress L, No. 1557. care of Telegraph. j
| ERTV FOR SA 1.10 - |
I ing corner stesm heat —.modern
storeroom. Price most reasonable. In- |
Ispect it. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner 1
I Building.
FOR SAI.E A Cumberland county !
I fruit and poultry farm of 7 acres 1*
I miles from Harrisburg; 050 bearing
i pencil trees. :! and 4 years old; 4,000 I
! bearing strawberry plants; other truit I
iof all kinds; good buildings. Possession !
May 1. Price. >1.500. C. Fry. 1114 ilar
j kot street. Bell phone 3754.
| FOR SALE N0!» North Sixteenth j
Street, at a reduced price. Inspect this
I property one of the most desirable '
| locations in the city. Rell Realty Co., !
j Bergner Building.
j FOR SALE Two bargains; 58 acres. !
I four miles from Halifax; 300 peach, 200 |
In bearing; apples, pears, cherries and i
berries: gjod sev en-room house, barn. !
outbuildings; giain in ground; also pair i
! of horses; to quick buyer toOO less than i
actual value. Also eight-room subur- J
ban home: ali improvements: steam :
heat; hardwood lloors; cement cellar!
and walks: One location; 5-cent fare;
price, 12,600: S7OO cash required. Apply '
C. E. Beam. Shell street. Progress. Pa.
! FOR RENT 1192 Christian street;
i two-story brick: 7 rooms: all improve-j
| ments; .cemented cellar; furnace, ran&e '
l and laundry. Rent. $17.50. in advance.;
J Inquire M. L. Bowman. 259 Herr stieet. i
FOR RENT 1954 Swatara street;
eight rooms and bath; house in good '
condition. Possession given 17th of i
April. Kent. slt.oo. Apply 29 North
Sixteenth street. City.
FOR RENT Cottage, Mt. Gretna, !
j furnished, conveniences. June, July, Au- !
I gust. Hershey Cafe, llershey. Pa. |
! ;
FOR RENT Part of large summer ■
house, three miles from city; line stir- |
l rounding?. Phone 1456. Address ISO 7
North Third streei.
FOR RENT A three-story dwell
ing house. No. 11>07 North Sixth street; I
all conveniences; cemented cellar; steam I
heat. ete. J. T. Ensminger, Second and i
i Chestnut streets.
FOR RENT Three-story brick j
I house, 1713 North Third street: all im- i
provements; immediate possession. Ap- I
I plv 1100 North Front street.
I |
FOR RENT New modern apart-
I ments, 6 rooms, bath, pantry, storage, j
continuous hot water, front and rear I
porches. Apply 11. \V. Miller, State I
' Highway Dept., or 2210 North Third. |
j Bell phone SIR. !
j NEW. modern apartments, 2208 North 1
Third street; reception hall, 5 rooms, j
I bath, steam heat, hardwood floors, |
laundry, front and rear porches. Ap- .
' ply C. C. Whiteman. 2208 North Third |
street. j
FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North j
! Third stieet; all conveniences; steam I
i neat. Apply 254 Herr street. j
FOR RENT Two apartments, with !
j five rooms and front and back porches. I
|at reduced rent, at -01!» Greet/ street.
FOR RENT Third tloor 239 North
! street; live rooms; pantry; tiled bath;
all hardwood floors; large side and rear
1 porches; all modern conveniences. Ap
ply tirst floor, 239 North street. I
FOR RENT Apartment, with all I
modern improvements, including city I
' steam heat. No, 204 Walnut street, li. ]
Mather Co. i
FOR RENT 2O North Fourth street, |
third tloor apartment; live rooms and
bath; electric lights, gas and steam )
j beat. Call at 130 Walnut street.
___—-—— ——————i—
FOR RENT Two bright, airy rooms '
' furnished for light housekeeping; ail |
Improvements: gas range: kitchen cabi
net; refrigerator: gas on separate \
meter: i: ••mediate possession; references!
) exchanged. Apply 342 South Sixteenth |
street. j
; FOR RENT Two-roomed suite.
| well furnished. Large private porch; I
everv convenience. Including bath and |
] phone. Fa< Ing Capitol Park. 400 |
North street. j
FOR RENT Large, well-furnished i
[loom, with private family: otic or two'
gentlemen; all conveniences, including I
! private bath. Call evenings 5:3 1 to;
•|8:30, third tloor. 211 North Second ,
i street.
FOR RENT Two communicating
I rooms to bath, second tloor front, fur
i nisiieil for light housekeeping: all con- I
veniences: use of phone: gt.s for cook
jing. 925 North Sixth street. Bell phone
! 6HiW.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, two!
second storv communicating: use of j
hath and phone; good location; short,
distance from trolley. Apply 203 lvel- I
; ker.
FOR RENT Two communicating !
and one single room, with board. Airs, j
Sliaar, Oyster's Point avenue and Mar
ket street. Camp Hill, Pa.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms. I
, sln.Tli or ensuite: all conveniences, In- '
ludiTig phone; referenco required. Ap- I
| plv 1 .11 r. North Front street.
! Built especially for light housekeeping.
: sinjrle or with kitchenettes, arrange- •
I ments strictly private, stoves furnish- i
! ed free, laundry, phone, anil bathroom I
privileges. Private lockers for surplus I
i furniture. Inquire office, 429 Broad '
street, or Janitress. same building. '
I Daily Inspection Invited. i
WANTED l«ii'ge pool room and j
cigar store. Must be in good location I
.'and In best of condition. Not less than I
three tuldes. Address 311 North Market
j stieet. Mechanicsburg, Pa.
SCREENS made to order. Work guar-'
auteed. Write, or phone. M. ,\. sTgier
lilt; Market street, City. Bell phone
{ 1111. _ |
second story front room with r. lined
'family on the Hill. State terms bv the'
; month. References. Address R., 2121 i
i care of Telegraph.
WANTED A second-hand go-cart
(Pullman); must be in Ilrst-class con
dition: brown preferred; give lowest'
i cash price. Address A.. 2127 care of I
| Telegraph.
POSITIVELY Highest Cash Prices
paid for Furniture, t'ai pets, good sec
ond-hand Clothing. Dry Goods and
Shoes. Don't, sell 'till you see me. Send
I postal to 636 Herr street. City.
. WANTED - Wall case, with shelves,
. not over |i« feet wide; also Moor case. <
'fall either phone, 3t<9o. J
WANTED Bicycles, or parts of 1
bicycles, for higliest cash prices, at
once. Try Keystone quick repair ser- |
vice and save money. Keystone Cycle 1
Co.. 814 North Third street Both
———————— —— '
1 WANTED Man and wife to board, I
' without children, wife to help with '
. Reneral housework. Apply 1226 Derry j
j street.
Ican secure board and rooms in private
family: 1111 l location; five-minute walk
to P. R. R. Station; workingmen pre
ferred; large second-story front room,
i Call Bell phone 1082 M. or address 8.,
2116, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Cadillac Touring Car;
motor in good condition; newly painted;
! will sell cheap. Address M., 2113, care j
| of Telegraph. j
I FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, slde
-1 board, gas stove, 6 - It. extension table,
refrigerator. kitchen table, couch, 1
I carpet. Apply Frank Packer, 2902 Main 1
; street, Penbrook. Pa. j
I lisli Bros., r.ew building. Tenth and I
J Market streets. 1
$75.00 first-class running order. Ap- ]
j ply Excelsior Cycle Co., 10 South Mar- ]
. ket Square.
j FOR SALE White reed baby ear
| tiage, in good condition. Price reason
able. Call Bell phone 2786R, or ad
| dress 11.. 2123, care of Telegraph.
| FOR SALE Go-cart: used only six '
! months; cost $25: will sell for less than i
half. Inquire 127 West Seventh street,
j New Cumberland, or address P. O. Box |
| 148, New Cumberland.
' FOR SALE One antique daven- 1
i port. Will sell nt sacrifice. Inquire 1
j2212 North Sixth street.
per cent, dividend investmenhts. For !
particulars call I North Fifth street.
Bell phone 3652.
A. SANSONE A- Co. lmported Pure j
Olive oil from Italy. Price for 1-gal
inn can. $2.25; %-yfallOn can. $1.25; 1
! quart, 75c. Special price for case lots.
Call 304 South Second street. Bell .
|1589R. Delivered to any part of city.;
I FOR SALE One %-H.-P. motor. ]
! single phase alternating current, 110 |
j volt: used two months; like new; cheap
Ito quick buyer. Can be seen at 1408
| North street.
I FOR SALE A very pretty 42-inch
! high, lark bay pony; will drive single
lor double. Can be seen at Dr. Oyler's
(Stable, Blackberry alley, near Third
I DON'T PAY $2 or $3 for Hats when j
I you can buy H. C. Dodge Hats for 50c.
| Com 1 and lor.!: t>--m over. Open even- !
ings. S. Meltzer, 61i Walnut street.
' FOR SALE Horse, wagon, buggy !
! and fixtures of a grocery store at a rea- ]
j sonable price groceries at 20 per I
I cent, reduction. Apply 424 State street.
per cent, dividend investments Key
\ stone State Industrial Fair and Mer
-1 chants Ice Co. stock, shares selling
'rapidly. For particulars call 4 North
1 Fifth street. Bell phone 3652.
FOR SALE National Roadster, in
good, first-class shape: bargain for
some one. Bell phone 100.
WILL SELL entire stock of general
merchandise also an excellent Tea
■I and Coffee Route splendid opportu
nity will be sold quick. Call, or ad-
I dress. Harry M. Witman, Swatara Sta
j tion. Pa.
I FOR SALE Small four-passenger
I Buick touring car. In good condition.
|at a reasonable price. Hottenstein and 1
I Jiech. Buick and Chevrolet Agents. City j
I Auto Garage. j
i FOR SALE Twin Harley 8-H.-P.,
11913, factory overhauled, new tires, and
| equipped, $l5O. Apply 1400 South Thir
teenth street.
secured at the Telegraph Business
first-class condition; also stock and
J equipment, candies, cigars, tobacco,
I cigarets. Best location this side Mar
ket Square. Cheap for cash. Apply
j Sixth and Macla.v streets.
' GLASS window signs. Furnished !
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and i
I Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
j of these signs will be given with each!
i six-time order for a classified ad. If i
1 paid in advance. Inquire at Office of 1
j Telegraph.
I GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all !
! kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117
South Second.
1 FOR SALE Merry-go-round in I
j good condition; engine good as new;!
. als.i good organ, ball game and tent. |
! Inquire Charles Reigel, Second and 1
j Landis streets. Hummelstown. Pa.
j THE Harrisburg Harness and Sup- '
I ply Company's Trunks. Suitcases and I
: Bags of genuine leather prices lower i
i than elsewhere. Repairing a specialty. :
I Second and Chestnut streets.
and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gsl
! I"ns New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme |
I quality. All the full line of tile Acme 1
| make.
' FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
j Telegraph Business office.
1 Al'TO STORAGE 53.00 per month; .
.also loft. 10x20, suitable for painter-,
'tinner or general storage, $3.00 per
I month. Inquire 1716 North Third street,
t Harrisburg, Pa
' FOF. RENT Second floor room,
j 7"io : quare feet, for light manufactur
ing purposes. Mew building. Call at
j premises. Twelfth and Herr streets.
i». ANY Intelligent person can earn good
' rhcome cot responding for newspape a;
| experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock
port, N. Y.
i get exclusive control of ten counties
on one of the best patented articles
ever put on the market. Fills long-
I felt want. 300 per cent, profit. Call
'after 7 P. M.. F. L Baldwin, Metropoll
j tan Hotel.
' PROPOSITION of merit 10 party with
Isl 000.00 to Invest and give part or
! whole of time —light manufacturing,
j Address Darlington. I North Fifth
streat. City.
' FOR R ENT First-class barber
I shop in a good location. Apply lo No.
j 15 Clustnul street. Palmyra. Pa.
WANTED A business represent
tativo for Daupliin county for a first
class business proposition. Small in
i vestment required. Worth investigat-
I Ing. Call after 7 P. M., F. L Baldwin.
, Metropolitan Hotel. ,
1 MADE $50,000 m five years In the
i mall order business, with $5.
Send for free booklet. Tells how Ilea
j cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y.
OLD GOLD and Silver, Watches, Dla
' nionds s'W Jewelry bought for highest
!c«»h prices. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler.
No 1 North Third street. Bell phono
1 with best material and by expert help.
Send us yor worn furniture. Our best
i efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.
i Cluck, 320 Woodbine street.
n W. LATHE, llonrdlnß Stable and
National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul.
Ing. 11. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
tions. requiring absolute secrecy, con
fidenilallv made by an expert. Address
D.. 2125. care of Telegraph.
LET us sell your automobile. We
have buyers If price Is right Automo
bile storage, Repairs, Suppllee at rea
sonable prices. Keystone Cycle Co., 814
North Third street. Bell phone 266R
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
bought and sold. Highest cash prices
paid. Drop postal, or phone 3718 Bell.
Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Market street.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
secur'ty In any amounts and upon an;'
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O.
Box 174, Harrlsburar, Pa.
ANT person needing money In
amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal
aried position, would be benefited by
calling on us. Employes' Discount Co.,
36 North Third street.
HAVE $3,000 to $6,000 to invest In a
legitimate business, with position. Ad
dress K„ 2120, care of Harrisburg Tele
household goods and merchandise of all
kinds stored; also hauling of all kinds
—at very low prices. Call, or address,
S. Frank. 427 Herr street.
IN 8-story brick building, rear 4US
I Market street.
Household good* In clean, private
; rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to
j I'. <l. lllener, Jetveler. 408 Market St.
i STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
j household goods and merchandise. Prl-
I vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents
i per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
| Broad street. Both phones.
HOUSE, divided Into private rooms for
storage of household goods new
1 •jlldln-s low Insurance inspec
tion Invited. 437-445 South Second
street, Harrisburg Storage Company.
1 ALL KINDS of razor blades resharp
jened; made better than new; safetv, 25c
per dozen; Star. 15c; old style, 25c; leave
orders Henry Gilbert Sons' Hardware,
219 Market street.
THE Annual Meeting of the Paxtang
Cemetery Association will lie held In
me office at the cemetery, between tho
hours of 2 and 3 P. M., Monday, 26tli
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication has been filed in the Depart
ment of Internal Affairs, under date of
December 8. 1914, by B. J. H. Douglass,
for warrant to survey an island in the
Susquehanna river containing 89.6
perches of land, said island being with
in the limits of the city of Harrisburg
and County of Dadphin, and lying
about 2,000 feet southeast Of the mouth
of Conodoguinet creek, opposite the
Richard Ilaldeman Estate on the west
ern shore and about opposite Kelker
■ street, of the city of Harrisburg. Penn
Deputy Secretary of Internal Affairs.
Harrisburg, Pn., April 20, 1915.
THE annual meeting of the Stock
holders of The Blubakcr Coal Company
will be held at the office of The W. t).
I Hickok Mfg. Co., Harrisburg, Pa., at
12 o'clock noon. May 3, 1915, for the
election of officers and such other busi
ness as may be properly presented.
Office of tiie Board of Commissioners of
Public Grounds and Buildings of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Har
risburg, Pa.
A. W. POWELL, Auditor General;
R. K. YOUNG, Treasurer.
■ IN compliance with the Constitution
and the Laws of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, the Board of Conimls
| sinners of Public Grounds and liuildings
invites sealed proposals in duplicate for
[contracts for furnishing such supplies
for the Executive Mansion, the Legis
lature, the several Departments, Hoards
j and Commissions of the State Govern
-1 ment as described, anil below such
maximum prices as are fixed in the fol
lowing scltedules for the year ending
the 31st day of May. A. l>. 1916: Sched
ule A, for furnishing paper anil enve
lopes; B, for furnishing Typewriters,
i Adding. Addressing and Duplicating
Machines and Supplies; C.for furnishing
ileneral Stationery, Mahogany, Oak anil
Metallic Furniture: D, for furnishing
| Engineering Instruments, Blue Print
I'aper, Laboratory and Engineering
| Supplies; E, for furnishing all Books;
F, for furnishing Brushes, Glassware,
| Mops. Brooms, Buckets, Toilet and
I Cleaning Soaps. Towels. Rugs, Fuel,
I'nlforms, Rubber Goods, Chemicals
and Miscellaneous Supplies; G, for fur
nishing Hose and Fittings. Carpenter,
I'pliolstering, Painting and ali Hard
ware Supplies; 11, for furnishing Sup
plies for the care of the Conservatories
and Grounds: I, for furnishing Lumber,
General Repair and Removal of Dirt
1 a nd Refuse; J, for furnishing; Light,
I Heat and Power Supplies.
As the various classifications of the
I schedule will be bound in pamphlet
I form for the convenience of the bid
ders, il Is therefore desired that in re
questing pamphlets, the bidders indi
; cate those desired by using the letters
set forth above.
No proposal for any contract shall be
considered unless such proposal be ac
companied by a certified check to the
of the State Treasurer, or bv a
bond in such form and amount as may
be prescribed by the Board of Commis
sioners of Public Grounds and Build
ings. For form of Bond see schedule
instructions to bidders.
Proposals must be delivered to the
Superintendent of Public Grounds and
liuildings on or before twelve (12)
o'clock, meridian. Tuesday, tile lltli day
of May, A. D. 1915, at which time pro
posals will be opened and published ill
the Reception Room of the Executive
Department at Harrisburg. and con
tracts awarded as soon thereafter as
Blank Bonds and Schedules contain
ing all necessary information may lie
obtained by communicating wIJ h Sam
uel B. Rambo, Superintendent. Public
Grounds aild Buildings. Harrisburg, I'a.
Bv older of t lie Hoard.
NOTICE Letters of Administration
011 the Estate of John Klinger, late of
Harrisburg. Dauphin County, l J a., de
ceased. having been granted to the un
dersigned residing in Harrisburg, Pa.,
all persons indebted to said Estate ate
requested to make immediate payment,
:imi those having claims will present
them for settlement.
Administrator of the Estate of John
Klinger, deceased,
1410 North Second Street,
Or to Harrisburg, Pa.
Attorney-at- I.a w.
213 Walnut Street,
Harrisburg. Pa.
Try Telegraph Want Ads
APRIL 21, 1915.
Bethlehem Steel Rose Three
Points, Which It Soon
Increased to 7 x /2
By Associated I'ret t
New Vork, April 21.—Bullish activ
ity was resumed at the outset of to
day's trading, initial Quotations show
ing gains of 1 to 2 points In many
important issues. Retblehem Steel
rose 3 points, which it soon increased
to 7'4. There were heavy offerings of
Reading and I'nion Pacific at ad
vances over yesterday's close, but the
only leader to record a new high price
for the movement was Amalgamated
Copper. Rock Island a frac
tion on opening sales of 5,000 shares
and soon fell back 3 points to yes
terday's low level. Prices eased gen
erally, by the enii of the half hour,
coppers, however,, adding to first
New York. April 21.
Open. High. Ivow. Clos.
Alaska (1 M 37 39 7 s 37 39 "j
Amal Cop . 7,Xij 79» H 77& i 78%
Am Bt Sug 4 BVa 4 B'ii 4 7 47%
Am Can .. 37 % 38 >/j 30»» 36%
Am Can pd 99 >2 flSi/j 99 >A 99' i
Am C F. 54 54 " 53 53
Am Cot Oil Si 51 Vi 50 50
Am Ice Sec 32'/J 32V4 3Hi 31%
Ant Loco . 54 55 '/i
Am Smelt . 73% 75 73% 73%
Am Sugar . 111% 111% 110»i 110%
Am T <<• T. 122 'i 123 122 122', fc
Anaconda . 38 38% 37Vs 37%
Atchison .. 104% 104% 103% 104
B& O 79 % 79% 78 78%
Beth Steel. 14ti 150% 140% 142
Bklyn RT. 92% 93 92 92
Cat Petro.. 17% 18% 17 18%
Can Pacific 171% 172 169 % 169%
Cent Leath 42% 43 41 % 41%
C&O 49 49% 48 48%
In t'ie District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No.
2909 ln the matter of James N.
Reese, Bankrupt.
The undersigned Trustee will expose
at public sale. In front of the Court
House, Harrisburg. Pa., on MONDAY
I April 26, 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M., the
I following described real estate:
All that certain lot or piece of land
situate in the City of Harrisburg',
County of Dauphin, and State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
| lows, to wit: Beginning at the north
| west corner of Derry Street and Seven
teenth Street: thence westwarctly along
said Derry Street 14 feet to a point;
| thence northwardly along a line at
iriKlit angles with said Derry Street and
t running through the center of a 9-inch
brick partition wall between the house
I erected in the premises herein descrlbea
I and the house adjoining it on the west
land beyond. 98 feet, more or less, to a
I 3-feet wide private alley: thence east
wardly along the line of said 3-feet
wide private alley 19 feet, more or less,
to a point the line of Seventeenth
.Street; thence northwardly along the
I line of said Seventeenth Street, 111 feet,
I more or less, to a point, the place of
.beginning. Having thereon erected a
1 new three.story brick dwelling house,
i number 1631 Derry Street. Harrisburg.
| Pa.
| The above described real estate will
|be sold free and clear of all encum
TERMS—IO per cent, on day of sale,
and balance thereof on confirmation by
the Court.
i NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Court of
Quarter Sessions of TDauphln County,
on Wednesday. April 28. 1915, at 10
o'clock A. M„ or at the first sitting of
the Court thereafter, for a transfer of
the Retail Liquor License for premises
known as "Hotel Wallace," situate at
No, 1200 Wallace Street, corner Cum
berland and Wallace Streets, Harris
burg. Pennsylvania, now held by J.
(irant Hoffman, to Harry F. Ecklnger.
Attorney for Petitioner.
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy
No. 2928 ln the Matter of Samuel
Wolf. Bankrupt.
To the creditors of Samuel Wolf, of
Hummelstown, iu the County of Dau
phin, and District aforesaid, a bank
NOTICE is hereby given that the
I said bankrupt was duly ad .indicated as
1 such on April 20, 1915, and that the
j tirst meeting of the creditors will be
held at the office of the Referee, No. 7
North Third Street. Harrisburg. Pa., at
10 A. M. o'clock, on May 1, 1915, at
I which time the said creditors may at
| tend, prove their claims, appoint a
I Trustee, examine the bankrupt and
i transact such other business as may
[ properly come before said meeting.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
| April 21. 1915.
I NOTICE - Letters of Administration
011 the Estate of B. F. Crane, late 01
! Harrisburg. Dauphin County. Pa., de
| ceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned residing at 1617V4 North
Third Street, Harrisburg. Pa., all per
! sons indebted to said Estate are re-
I quested to make immediate payment,
land those having claims will present
them for settlement.
j NOTICE Letters of Administration
lon the Estate of Isaac D. Lantz. late
jof Borough oT Penbrook, Dauphin
County, Pa.. deceased, having been
I uranted to the undersigned residing in
1 Harrisburg Pa., all persons indebted 10
I said Estate are requested to make im
! mediate payment, and those having
I claims will present them for settle
' ment.
I Administrator of the Estate of Isaac D.
' l,nntz. deceased.
210 Walnut Street.
Harrisburg, Pa.
I SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed at the office of the State Hlghwav
I Department, Capitol Building. Harrls
ic.irg. Pennsylvania, until 10 o'clock A.
M.. April 27. 1915, for furnishing saio
Department with indeterminate quan
tities of bituminous material according
to specifications. Specifications and
i bidding blanks can be obtained on ap
plication to Joseph W. Hunter. First
I Deputy Slate 111 gh\v a > Commissioner.
Fiduciary Bonds—indeterminate and Uncertain Risks
The alow mnturity of mirety eompnnlea' (ibliftallon* <*u(Mlllut eilra
wrilluary IONNCN deuiaud tlial fiir«orUliinr> coutl iigriirlca BE- taken Into
aeeouni by the aureti - undcrui'iter. Many hmvy liiaifi beeu paid
by ail ret > eoniitftnlea year* after a IMIIIII baa been given, mid amoettniea
yeara nft«r It Una hern eanrelled. One of the older and larger eompauiea
ban tabulated from lt« rrrortln It* experience on Ita oldfil llduolary bonda.
'l'lio tabulation NIIOUK that In ten eaaea of bond* dated during or before
1N97 the period of time elap«li>fr between the date of the bond and the ad-
Juatrnent and payment of loaa HII* aa follow ■*
IT yearn 15 yeara, 10 yeara, 12 years, Ift yeara,
11 yeara, 17 year*, 14 yeara, 14 yeara, 10 yefcra.
That Company iloea not yet know tbat Ita experlenee on fiduciary boada
lamied up to I HOT la now mature; lint ON THOSE l/OSSKS WHICH HAVIQ
>1 \TI HKI> the average period of maturity la TIIIHTIi]E\ AND O.\E-HA!<l l '
410-11 Knnkrl Ilullillnit. In»ur»nce— Surety Honda. Brll I'bonr WW
V—, ■ .in i ii
|C M&St P 98% 9814 96% 06%
('Con Cop. 46 47% 46 4S',i
col F & i. 34 34 33',4 ::n %
Con Ga> .. 129 129% 128 128'.;
Corn Prod. 29% 29% 29' i 29V.
Erie 29% 29 % 28% 28",
Erie Ist pfd 46 46% 44% 43U
Gen E Co.. 164 % 154% 154 154
Gen Motors 146", 146% 145 145
Qoodrh BK 49% 49% 47 47
Gt Nor pfd 122 122 V* 121 121
Ot N Ore h 38Vi 38% 37 37',i
In-Alet ... 21% 21 % 20'4 21 Vi
I In-Met pfd 74% 75 73% 73%
iKC So ... 2 7 27% 26 26
Lehigh Val 145 145 1 43% 144
Mex Petro. 92% 93 89% 92
Mo Pac . . 17% 17% 14% 14%
Nat Lead.. 66% 66% 64% 64%
N Y Cent.. 92% 92% 90% 91
NY.NH& H 71 71% 68% 69%
Nor & W .. 105% 105% 105% 105 %
Nor Pac .. 111% 111% 110% 110%
Pac Mail .. 19% 19%
P R*R ... 110% 111% 110% 111%
Pgh Coal . 23% 23 7* 23% 23%
Press S Car 43% 44 43% 43%
R C Cop.. 24 24 23 % 23%
Reading .. 156 If. 6 153% 154
Rf & S pfd 29% 30% 29% 29%
RI & S pfd 87% 87%
So Pacific,. 94% 9 5 93% 94%
So Railway 19% 19% 18% 18%
So Ry pfd 60 6ft 59 59
YennCopp. 34 Vi 34 Vi 33% 33%
Texas Co . 139 139
Third Ave. 56 56% 55% 55%
Union Pac.. 134 134 % 132% 133
ill S Rubber 71% 71% 68% 6»
111 S Steel . 58% 58% 57% 58%
U S S pfd. 109% 109%
Utah Cop.. 67% 70 67% 68%
Va C C ; . 29 % 29 Vi
West Md . 25% 25%
W IT Tel. 68% 68% 68 68%
West Mfg.. 85 85% 83% 83%
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, April 21. Wheat
Firm; No. 2, red, car lots, $1.59®
1.62; No. 1, Northern, Dulutli, export,
$1.69® 1.72.
Corn Market higher: No. 2, spot,
export, 78®79'4c; No. 2, yellow, local,
Oats—Higher; No. 2. white, 64%®65c.
Bran Firm; winter, ner ton.
$29.50; spring, per ton, $27.50®28.00.
Refined Sugars Steady; pow
dered, fi.oOc; line granulaieo. u.SOe;
fectloners' A 5.80 c.
Butter The market is weak;
1 western, creamery, extras, 30c; nearby,
j prints, fancy, 33c.
Eggs The market is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby first*
! free 'Jascs, $6.45 per case; do.,
[current receipts, free cases, s#.3o per
lease; western, extras. '!>•.• cao^a.
1 $6.43 per case; do., firsts, free cases,
1 $6.30 per case.
Live Poultry —• Steady; fowls. 17®
17' ? c; old roosters, 12®12%c; chickens.
Jl4 fa 18c; turksys. 13®15c; ducks, 13(g)
I 15r; geese. 10®illc.
Dressed Poultry Firm; fresh kill
ed fowls, fancy, 18®19c; do., aver
age, 16® 17c; do., unattractive. 14® 15c;
old roosters, 13 %c; frozen fowls, 16®
18e; roasting chickens, 17®20c: broil
ing chickens. 22®27c: turkey* 18®
22c; ducks, 12® 18c; geese, 12®16e.
Potatoes Market weak; Penn
sylvania, per bushel, 50®65c; Maine,
per bushel. 50@55c: New York, per
bushel. 40®45c; Florida, per barrel,
$4.00® 5.50.
Flour —Market nominal; winter,
clear, $3.50ffi)4.10: straights. Pennsyl
vania. $6.85®7.10; spring straights,
$7.10®7.40: do., patent, $7.00®8.00;
western, 94.26(tf4.40; patent*. »vw«
1 4.79; Kansas straight. Jut*
04.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.21;
rtr.Vk.nU. $4.2004.20; patent*.
Hay The market is firm; tim
othy, No. 1, large bales. slß.oo® 18.50;
No. 1, medium bales, slß.oo® 19.50; No.
2. do., $ 1 6.001W 17.00; No. 3. do., $14.00®
16.00; sample. $13.00® 14.00.
Clover mixed hay. Light mixed.
$17.50® 18.00; No. 1, do.. $16.50@ 17.00;
No. 2. $14.50® 15.50.
Philadelphia, April 21. Stocks
closed steady.
American Railways 32%
Cambria Steel 50%
General Asphalt 28
fJeneral Asphalt. Pfd 68
Superior Corporation 8%
Lake Superior Corporation, Pfd.. 31
Lehigh Navigation 75%
Lehigh Valley 7l?x
Pennsylvania Railroad 59 9-16
Pennsylvania Steel, Pfd 60
Philadelphia KlectrH- 24 %
I Philadelphia Company 37
[Philadelphia Company, Pfd 34
I Philadelphia Hapid Transit lo'i
I Philadelphia Traction 78
! Reading 77%
I Storage Battery 53
jT'nion Traction 35%
I I'nited Gas Improvement 83%
I United States Steel 58
I Warwick Iron and Steel 9%
Chicago, 111., April 21. Hogs
i Receipts. 25,000; steady. Bulk of sales,
$7.60®7.70; light, $7.45®7.85; mixed,
$7.35® 7.75; heavy, $7.00@7.65; rough,
$7.00® 7.20.
Cattle —■ Receipts, 1C,000; lower.
Beeves. $6.15® ® ® 8.55; Texas steers,
I $5.60®6.80; western steers, $5.65®7.50;
I cows and heifers, $3.00®8.20; calves.
$5.75® 8.50.
I Sheep Receipts, 17,000; lower. Na
] live sheep, $7.505j8.40; western. $7.60®
18.55; yearlings, $8.30®9.75; lambs, na
tive, $8.40® 10.60.
I Chicago. 111., April 21. - Board of
! Trade closing:
i Wheat—May. 1.61; July. 1.33%.
' Corn—May, 77-\: July, 80',.
! dats —May, 57'4 : July, 56.
j Pork—July, 18.02; September, 18. 17.
! Irfiiu—July, 10.40; September. 10.63.
I Itibs —July, 10.52; September, 10.77.
For poultry, white washing, dls
| Infecting houses, drains and every
! where good lime is needed; 5c and
| 10c per pack at all grocery stores.
Packed by
11. T. HMtltlS
}»rn» W. College Ave., YORK, PA,
To Housekeepers, Work-
I Ingmcii and Salaried Em-
I ployea.
Room 21 4tU llooi I
Spooncr Building