Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 20, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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    | Telephone four Classified Ad NOW—Bell 2(0)41;
. ''-IRTS Alexander Roberta, died
afternoon, April 19. 1916. at
his residence. No. 10 South Market
Square. tu his it Ist year.
funeral Wednesday. April SI. 191...
•"out the Market Square Presbyterian
hurch, at 2 P. M Relatives and friends
>re invited to attend without further
lotice. Burial private.
>KLA\EV Entered into rest Wed
nesday, April 14. 1915, at 11:46 P. M .
*t his late residence. 7 East Irving
street. Chew Chase, Captain John C.
Helanev. in 'lils 67 th year.
Funeral Saturu«>. 10 A. M.. from his
esidence. Requiem Mass at Blessed
iacrament Chapel. Burial at Arlington
>ational Cemetery.
TIGKLMAN On Monday. April 19.
1915. Benjamin K. Stlgelman. aged
58 years, 7 months and 23 days.
Funeral on Thursday afternoon, a;
.o'clock, from his late residence. 12"
»'orth Thirteenth street. The relatives
nd friends are invited to attend with
out further notice.
IKTZGER On April 19. 1915. Mrs
Anna Balslev Metzger. at the home of
her brother. J. T. Balsley. 1611 North I
Second street.
Funeral service? on Wednesday /f
--ernoon, at 2 o'clock, from the above
ddress. The relatives and friends are
nvited to attend without further no
ice. Burial private.
IROWN Jacob Frederick Brown,
died early Saturday morning: at hi*
home. So" Butler avenue. Penbrook.
aired 74 years. 7 months and 1 day.
Funeral will be held Wednesday af
ernoon. at J o'clock, from hit* late
°me. Relatives and friends are in- }
ited to attend without further notice
LOST White Poodle dog. Answers'
r> name of Nippy. Liberal reward if
eturned to 113 Vine street.
FOUND The well-dressed man. He
lways sends his clothes to Eggert s
team Dveing and French Cleaning
k'oi ks. 1243 Market street. Do you.
■oth phones. Call and ueliver.
WANTED Young man to work in
rocery store: experienced, gi\e age
nd experience. Address L. -106. care;
f Telegraph.
WANTED Paperhangers. at once,
.pply Art Frame and Paper Co., 1911
»erry street.
WANTED - An experienced butcher;
lust come well recommended and wii
ng to give bond. Apply 226 Chestnut
WANTED Good kitchen man,
•hlte. Apply Harrisburg Hospital.
WANTETv — Experienced baker. Ad
ress W„ 2117. care of Telegraph.
WANTED A few good carpenters,
pply on job. with tools. In the inorn
ig at Sixth and Emerald streets. \\ .
I. Sohne.
Burner hands, with experience in gro
sry business: good chance of ad\ance
icnt for bright, young men. Apply by
■tter. Acme Tea Co.. York avenue and .
oble streets, Philadelphia. Pa.
ORS lf you are a good house-to
ousc canvasser and ate looking for i
romotlon, we have a place for you. We '
Iso have openings for several flrst
!a«s salesmen who are in a position to
ike up work outside of the city. Our i
nil are making from $-0 to s♦'* per'
••ek. If you are a live-wire and can
uallfy. call at The Jewell Tea Co.. 269 |
road" street. Harrisburg.
WANTED Ten men to take orders,
pplv 90S North Tiiird street, between !
and 11 A M. and 1 and 5 P. M.
WANTED Agents, to sell our
[akenu Furniture Polish. $2.50 a day
rui commission. Premiums given. Ad- !
ress K.. 2108. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Good man to work on
»sh and Door sticker, and Tenon Ma
nine. Applv at once to Receivers En- >
ninger Lumber Co.. Twenty-sixth and
errv streets.
WANTED Good barber, at once. •
ood wages, with board. Call 502 Bell
hone. Palmy fa. Ask for F. M. Maul- j
AUTO transportation s< hool wants :
len to become practical chauffeurs
nd earn $73 to JIOO per month. Wo
lve a thorough course In crude and
raetical work for $35.00. No. 5 North
ameron. Bel! phone 1710. j
\Y A X T ED Girls over 16 ;
:ars of age to learn cigarmaking.
aid while learning. Apply Har- !
sburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street.
WANTED Girl for general house- I
ork; small family; good wages Apply 1
rs. Kcrler. first house on the left |
>uth Bowman avenue. Camp Hill. Pa.
The Wm. B. Schleisner store
:quires the service of a fitter i
ust be experienced in dresses.
WANTED Experienced buttonhole j
>erators and vampers. Apply Harris- i
irg Shoe Mfg. Co.
WANTED l-ady solicitors: steady .
nployment: reliable people onlv. Ap-i
v evenings or Sunday, to .Miss M. i
arts. 1226 Derry street.
WANTED Girl to work in confec
onerv store and ice cream parlor. Ap
y 1025 North Seventh street. Bell
-.one ICI7R.
GIRL WANTED -*■ German preferred; J
•neral housework. 2109 North Third,
pply after 7 P. M.
WANTED Young white girl to as
st with light housework. Call Bell
tone 2197 R.
WANTED A settled, white girl for .
loklng and downstairs work: no
ashing; references required. Address '
. 2112. care of Telegraph.
23 \. Eighteenth St.
S-story brick with nine rooms
bath and steam heat. Lot lsxVi ft..
-OJ- l.rrrn At.
3-story brick hous» with 10 rooms
—ljantry bath and steam heat j
Lot 21X85 ft *4..MM)
1107 -\. Second fit.
3-story brick and frame house
with 8 room* bath and furnace.
Lot 15x63*2 ft. Price upon Inquiry.
1331 A. Second St.
3-sU>ry brick house with six
rooms j
133* \. Second St.
3-story brick house with 10 rooms
pantry bath furnace In
teresting price.
lf>!7 X. Second St.
3-story brick dwelling with eleven
rooms bath and steam heat. I»f
fl-xSS ft. Itranonablr price.
2447 Reel St.
;M--story brick house with 8 rooms
i.ath and furnace. Lot 15x100.
A7< Schuylkill St.
2-story frame house six rooms
_ iialh hot water heat. j 0 "t
7,5.t75 ft mtjoo
Fire Inmiraaee Surety Bond*
l,oeu»t and Conrt Streets
I 11 £l-1* WANTED—FemaIe
I WANTED White woman to do
: washing Monday and Tuesday morn
: lugs: must have best of reference. Ad
dress 220S Chestnut street.
IV. »NVHP ladles to solicit orders
for Teas. Spices, Extracts. Coffee and
' ! other groceries. Premiums given to
customers. Excellent commission paid.
1 The lireat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co..
• : 1308 North Third street.
J! WANTED Students to enter our
shorthand class for the summer. Just
placed another student after nineteen
i ; weeks' preparation. Call, or phone,
i Bell 704 R. Harrisburg Shorthand
i | School. SI North Second street.
lIEI.P WANTED—MaIt-and lemalc
WANTED Men-women to solicit
I Accident. Health and Life Insurance,
i If capable of earning from sl3 up per
week, answer at once. Experience un
necessary. Address Box 2118, care
j of Telegraph
i JANITOR Middle-aged white man
and wife, without children, for apart
i ment building. Free rent of three
1 steam-heated rooms and bath. Good
! wages, with extra pay for woman if
she will help with housework .and do
light washing. Good position for hon
est. sober, trustworthy couple. Apply
I to John Smith. Engineer, Elliott-Fisher
| Company.
I Examinations soon; over
! 2.000 appointments yearly. Prepare at
! home. Write for our Plan No. 15. of
I payment after appointment. Phlladel
-1 phla Business College. Civil Service De
t nartment. Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED Chauffeur wishes posi
tion In prftate family, or delivery car;
two years' experience. Apply 336
. Muench street.
\ WANTED Chauffeur wants posl
, lion for Sundays or a steady position;
I can make own repairs Call at 11)03
Wood street, after 6 P. M.
WANTED Colored man wants gen
eral housework. Apply 405 Bailey
I street. Steelton. Pa
WANTED Fanner wants work on
a farm. Address Charles R. Vogt. Gen
! eral Delivery. Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Colored man wishes po
! sition as butler or chauffeur or work
of any kind bv the day. Call, or ad
dress. Frank Cuff, 917 Capital street.
| WANTED Young white man de
i sires position as chauffeur: two years'
i experience; can give reference: strictly
! sober. Address Box 2122. care of Tele
WANTED A reliable colored man.
married, desires position on farm; un
derstands all kinds of farm work. Call,
or write. 1106 South Ninth street.
WANTED Boy 17 years old. de
sires work of any kind after school
hours 12:301; has office experience;
can give reference. Address M., 2119,
■ are of Telegraph.
WANTED To do whitewashing.
! Call, or send postal to 1411 Marlon
I street. City.
WANTED By young man.position
as stenographer, refeitnce. Address
i City Hospital. Harrisburg. Pa.
WANTED By white man. work as
lanitor or to take charge of lawn; best
of reference. Call 2004 Wood avenue.
WANTED To do general house
work in Catholic family. Address 1. M.
j Starkev. care of James Hooker. R. F.
D.. No. 1, Dauphin. Pa.
WANTED An elderly, German wo
man is looking for general housework;
is good cook. Call at 6&3 Mohn street.
I Steelton, Pa.
WANTED—By white woman, position
as practical nurse or companion to
elderly woman or invalid, in or out of
! city. Call within next three dayfe, 1615
Derry street.
WANTED By middle-aged woman.
1 with child 9 years old, place with re
! fined family, in or out or city. Address
R.. 2115. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Woman wants sewing
lof any kind to do at home. Call Mrs. A.
W. Riley, near Benton Road. Enhaut.
!' or address Box 135, Enhaut. Pa.
WANTED By colored woman,
dressmaking by the day. 1624 Walnut
j street.
WANTED Experienced chamber
maid desires position in hotel. Call, or
j address. 60S Calder street.
WANTED Colored woman wants
day's work. Call, or address, 514 South
1 street.
WANTED Reliable white woman
wants washing to do at home. 1327
(North Sixth street..
WANTED Small washing to do at
home. housecleaning. or recaneing
I chairs. Address 28 Linden street.
WANTED German girl wishes
genera! housework and cooking. Ap
| ply 1017 Cumberland street.
j WANTED Middle-aged white-wo-
I man wishes work by the day. Call
i 1920 Wallace street. City.
WANTED Middle-aged white wo
man desires position as housekeeper
] for widower or small family. Address
F.. 2110, care of Telegraph.
j WANTED Neat, young girl de
; sires position as stenographer; experi
; "need in genera! office work. Address
; W„ 2109. care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Only four out of eigh
teen beautiful Riverside suburban
houses are left. Large yards. I.arge
porches. Low price and easy terms. K.
Moeslein, 424 State street; Lewis M.
Neiffer. 212 Market street.
FOR SALE Two two-story, seven
i room bungalows. Very attractive and
with all conveniences. Lot. 17 Vs ft. by
75 ft., on Schuylkill street, near Sev
enth. Price. *2.000.00. Easy terms. In
quire of Samuel Wittenmjer, Seventh
J and Schuylkill streets.
j 35 Acres - Very productive, an ail
( around, good, profitable farm. The
owrer of this farm will sell and give
, possession now. on account of other
I; business. Terms to suit purchaser.
Situated one mile north of Linrles
town trolley.
?. Acres A lot of good buildings.
Ideal for Summer Home fur chicken,
truck or flowers. A lot of fruit.
Goo.l location for coach maker and
blacksmith. Price, $1,250 Liberai
7 Acres Fair buildings. Ideal
i for fruit, vegetables. Chickens. Ducks.
Flowers or Summer Home. 3 inil»s
east of Paxtonia. Choice Fruit. Terms
; $1 oo cash, balance monthly payments.
These and other farms. «'an give
immediate possession. "Come in. the
County's fine."
Linglestown. Pa.
i A description of these and other
suburban properties at 409 Market
! street. Harrisburg.
1416 Zarker St. 2 H-story frame
6 rooms and bath furnace porch
front rental income. $15.00. Price
1221 & 1223 Wallace St. Each 6
rooms two 6-room frame dwellings
lon rear. Nos. 1216 & 1218 Currant St.
I Will sell at right price to close out es
i tate.
Northeast corner Hummel Ave. &
Bucher St.. — single 2U.
na> e large porches slate roof
nace large porches slate room
; lot. 40x150 magnificent view of river.
I Price has been reduced to a very at
tractive figure. 1
<lne-half Acre on State Road one-half
! mile west of Enola Trolley line 5-
I cent fare to city 2'4-story frame
1 dwelling 7 rooms and stable; ele
i sant spring Prii e. $1,500.00.
I Second and Walnut Sis.
FOR SALE Only $ more left out
of 14. of those modern brick homes on
Third street. Riverside. Nos. 3002 A and
s''o4. at $2.f!90.00 each, and 3021 at
$3,100.00. Complete in every respect;
I 7 rooms and bath: front and rear
porches: cement cellar: walks and
step; steam heat; bay window; pressed
| brick fronts; Iron fence. To see these
means to buy. Terms that will suit
purchasers. John J. Hare. 1136 Jones
town road. Bell phone 11S6W.
STREET Dwelling and store loom;
lot, 25x100: price reasonable. This is a
f;ood property to buy, as It will greatly
ncrease in value. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
bath gas furnace porch
lot. 35x110 fruit garden 2O foot
alley on rear. Price. $2.500. Little
| cash needed. Bel! Realty Co.. Bergner
j Building.
I FOR SALE Desirable building lots
I In the Tenth W»rd, located on Fourth,
Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets.
An opportunity for a builder or real
j estate dealer to secure well located
| property for development purposes. Ad
!' dress L, No. 15*7, care of Telegraph.
A 40-acre farm, located between Har
risburg and ltummelstown An Ideal
I fruit or chicken farm. Street cars pass
j faim. Water pipe to the house. Inquire
I 2203 North Fourth street.
FOR SALE Two bargains: 5$ acres,
four miles from Halifax; 30'» peach. 200
in bearing: apples pears, cherries and
berries: good seven-room house, barn,
outbuildings: grain in ground; also pair
of horses: to quick buyer SSOO less than
actual value. Also eight-room subur
ban home; all improvements; steam
I heat; hardwood floors: cement cellar
■ and walks: fine location; 5-cent fare:
! price, $2,600: S7OO cash required. Apply
C. E. Beam, Shell street. Progress. Pa.
FOR SALE Small amount of cash
needed three-story house all im
provements steam heat now va
cant Inspect It. No. IS North Six
teenth street. Bell Realty Co., Berg
ner Building.
90 ACRES lO miles east of Har
risburg 3 miles from IJnglestown
frame barn variety of fruit. Price,
$4,500.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second
i and Walnut streets.
I Brick house S rooms bath gas
j —electric light steam heat porch
—lot. ISXl2o —large yard. Price. $.1,200.
J Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building.
FOR RENT Storeroom No. 5 Grace
street. Large show window, suitable
• for any business A few aoorg from
' .Markeft street and P. R. R. Depot. Brick
•dwelling, No. 1100 Brookwood street;
all Improvements; very pleasant home.
Apply Claster's Jewelry Store. 302 Mar
ket street.
, No 1413 Market St $26.50
No. 1807 Rudy St 18 00
No. 117'j Linden St 15 00
No. 1019 S. 214 St 10 00
Apartment 27 00
1251 Market St.
' FOR RENT 1192 Christian street;
two-storv brick: 7 rooms; all improve
|ments; cemented cellar: furnace, range
and laundry. Rent. $17.50. In advance
Inquire M. L. Bowman. 259 Herr street.
| FOR RENT 1827-IS4I Penn Street,
j 2-story brick factory building. 75 ft. bv
I 39 ft. in first-class condition, equipped
with elevator, steam heat, electric
light, gas. and toilets on bot> floors.
This building is particularly suited for
| light manufacturing purposes. Apply
to M. H. Plank, 312 Forster street, I
j Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR RENT 1954 Swatara street:]
eight rooms and bath: house in good
condition. Possession given 17th of
April. Rent, $ll.OO. Apply 29 North
j Sixteenth street. City.
FOR RENT Part of large summer
; house, three miles from eitv; fine sur
roundings Phone 1156. Address ISO 7
North Third street.
FOR RENT Two-story brick
house. No. 221 Peffer street: porch
front :all conveniences. Rent, $21.00
monthly. Apply S. W. Shoemaker, 1045
North Sixth street.
FOR RENT A three-storv dwell- i
Ing house. No. 1507 North Sixth street;
all conveniences: cemented cellar; steam '
heat. etc. J. T. Ensminger, Second and I
Chestnut streets.
FOR RENT 534 Curtln street; 8
I rooms and bath: all improvements; lm
j mediate possession given. John F
Dapp. 271 Broad street.
603 Maclav St $20.00
1200 N. 3rd St.. apartment S2O 00 i
256 Herr St.
FOR RENT Three-story brick
house, 1713 North Third street; all im
provements: immediate possession. Ap
; ply 1100 North Front street.
FOR RENT Two-room furnished !
apartment for light housekeeping; sec- i
ond floor front: ail conveniences. Ap- '
ply before 6 P. M. to 621 North Second, '
I after 6 P. M„ 51S North Second. Bell ■
j phone 1624 J.
FOR RENT Housekeeping apart
ment. 225 North Second street, sec
ond floor. 5 rooms, pantrv and tiled
| bath. All rooms open on private hall.
: Stationary hall rack, laundry tub.
i Rental, including cltj vapor heat and
: hot water, $42.50. Apply 21S Pine
FOR RENT New modern apart*
ments. 6 rooms, bath, pantry, storage, \
continuous hot water, front and rear
1 porches. Apply H. W. Miller. State 1
1 Highway Dept., or 2210 North Third.
Bell phone bIR.
NEW. modern apartments, 220S North ;
Third street; reception ball, 5 rooms. |
bath, steam heat, hardwood floors.
: laundry, front and rear porches. Ap
ply C. C. Whiteman. 220S North Third
FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North
Third street; all conveniences; steam
heat. Apply 264 Herr street.
FOR RENT Third floor 239 North
j street; five rocmi; pantry; tiled bath; I
I all hardwood floors; large side and rear!
I porches: all modern conveniences. Ap
i ply first floor. 239 North street.
FOR RENT Apartment, with all I
i modern improvements, including city
steam heat. No. 204 Walnut street. E.
Mather Co.
FOR RENT 2O North Fourth Street,
third floor apartment; five rooms and
bath; electric lights, gas and steam
heat. Cali at 430 Walnut street.
FOR RENT Two bright, airy rooms
furnished for light housekeeping; all
Improvements: gas range; kitchen cabi
net; refrigerator; gas on separate
meter: Immediate possession: references
exchanged. Apply 342 South Sixteenth
FOR RENT Furnished suite of
I large front livingroom. bedroom and
private bath; cTty steam; electric
lighting; hardwood floors; references
; required. 218 Pine street.
FOR RENT Two-roomed suite,
well furnlsliod. Large private porch;
every convenience. Including bath and'
tihone. Facing Capitol Park. 406
North street.
FOR RENT rue. well-furnished
room, with private family; one or two
gentlemen: all conveniences, including
private bath. Call evenings 3:3u to
N:3O. third floor, 211 North Second
j street.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. on Second
street, near State: steam heat, gas and
use of bath and phone. Address W ,
2107. care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Two communicating
rooms to bath, second floor front, fur
nished for light housekeeping: all con
veniences: use of gas for cook
ing. 925 North Sixth street. Bell phone
610 W.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, two
second story communicating; use of
bath and phone: good location; short
distance from trolley. Applv 203 Kel
FOR RENT Two communicating
and one single room, with board. Mrs.
Shaar. Oyster's Point avenue and Mar
ket street. Camp Hill. Tu.
FOR RENT Two rooms on third
floor, in good residential section on
corner; furnished or unfurnished. Ad-'
dress M.. 2105, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
s(n:?la or ensuite: all conveniences. In
cluding phone; referenco required. Ap
plv 3.115 North Front street.
WANTED ljirge pool room and
cigar store. Must be in good location
and in best of condition. Not less than
three tables. Address 30 North Market
street. Mechanlcsburg. Pa.
SCREENS made to order. Work guar
anteed. Write, or phone. M. A. Sigler.
1416 Market street. City. Bell plione
WANTED Lady wants unfurnished
second story front room with refined
famllv on the Hill. State terms bv the
month. References. Address lt„ 2121,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Wall case, with shelves,
not over feet wide: also fioor case.
Call either phone. 3690.
WANTED Bicycles, or parts of
bicvcles. for highest cash prices, at
once. Try Keystone quick repair ser
vice and save money. Keystone Cvcle
Co.. Sl4 North Third street Both
WANTED Man and wife to board,
without children, wife to help with
general housework. Apply 1226 Derry
can secure board and rooms in private
family: Hill location; five-minute walk
to P. R. R. Station: worklngmen pre
ferred: large second-story front room.
Cnll Bell phone 1082 M. or address 8.,
2116. care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE —• Cadillac Touring Car;
motor in good condition; newly painted;
will sell cheap. Address M.. 2113, care
of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Home Edison phono
graph. 170 records, large horn; good
reason for selling Call, or address, 90
Disbrow street. City.
FOR SALE Delivery wagon. Grand
Union Tea Co., 20S North Second street.
FOR SALE—WiII sell several
new 4 and 6-cylinder cars cheap.
Apply at once. Box L, Jill care
of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, side
board. gas stove. 6-ft. extension table,
refrigerator. kitchen table. couch,
carpet. Apply Frank Packer. 2902 Main
street, Penbrook. Pa.
$75.00 first-class running order. Ap
ply Excelsior Cycle Co., 10 South Mar
ket Square.
FOR SALE One antique daven
port. Will sell at sacrifice. Inquire
2212 North Sixth street.
A. SANSONE *r Co. lmported Pure
Olive Oil from Italy. Price for 1-gal
lon can. $2..'5: -gallon can. $1.25; 1
quart, 75c. Special price for case lots.
Call 301 South Second street. Bell
1589 R. Delivered to any part of city.
I FOR SALE One 4-H.-P. motor,
single phase alternating; current. 110
volt: used two months; like new; cheap
to quick buyer. Can be seen at 1408
North street.
FOR SALE A very pretty 42-inch
high, lark bay pony; will drive single
or double, fan be seen at Dr. Oyler's
•Stable. Blackberry alley, near Third
FOR SALE Horse, wagon, buggy
and fixtures of a grocery store at a rea
sonable price groceries at 20 per
cent, reduction. Apply 424 State street.
per cent, dividend investments Key
stone State Industrial Fair and -Mer
chants Ice Co. stock, shares selling
rapidly. For particulars call 4 North
Fifth street. Bell phone 3632.
FOR SALE National Roadster, in
good, first-class shape; bargain for
some one. Bell ohone 100.
WILL SELL entire stock of general
merchandise also an excellent Tea
and Coffee Route splendid opportu
nity will be sold quick. Call, or ad
dress. Harry M. Witman, Swatara Sta
tion. Pa.
I'OR SALE Small four-passenger
Buick touring car. in good condition,
at a reasonable price. Mottenstein and
Zech, Buick and Chevrolet Agents. City
Auto Garage.
FOR SALE Twin Harley 8-H.-P..
191™. factory overhauled, new tires, and
equipped. $l5O. Apply 1400 South Thir
teenth street.
Economy Gas Maker
EVERY owner of a rang*,
heater or furnace to come to Geo.
W. Himes' Store and see the
Economy Oas Maker in actual
operation. No more coal or wood;
no ashes or duat. Installed in
your own stove at home. (Guar
anteed;. Ask for Mr. Stover.
secured ut the Telegraph Business
C. W. Leghorn, Sleeger. Wychoff and
Cyphers strain, from trap-nested stock,
April 28. May 20. at ten cents each.
Hatching Eggs, SI.OO per 15. $5.00 per
100. George L Engle, 450 East Main
street. Middletown. Pa.
FOR SALE Large peanut wagon,
first-class condition; also stock and
equipment, candies, cigars, tobacco,
cigarets. Best location this side .Mar
ket Square. Cheap for cash. Apply
Sixth and Maclay streets.
GLASS V Indow signs. Furnished
Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
of these signs will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. If
paid In advance. Inquire at Utt'.c* of
GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of aJI
kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117
South Second.
FOR PALE Merry-go-round In
good condition; engine good as new,
also good organ, ball game and tent.
Inquire Charles Keigel, Second and
Landis streets. Hummelstown. Pa.
THE Harrlsburg Harness and Sup
ply Company's Trunks. Suitcases and
Bags of genuine leather at prices lower
than elsewhere. Repairing a specialty.
Second and Chestnut streets.
and 117 South Second street. 8.000 gal
lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business office.
Al'TO STORAGE 53.00 per month;
also loft. 40x20, suitable for painter,
tinner or general storage. $3.00 per
month. Inquire 1716 North Third street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR RENT Second floor room,
3.700 quare feet, for light manufactur
ing purposes. New building. Call at
pr-mises. Twelfth and Herr streets.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
Income cotrespoudlng for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send foi par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock
port. N. Y.
get exclusive control of ten counties
on one of the best patented articles
ever put on the market. Fills long
felt want. 300 per cent, profit. Call
after 7 P. M„ F. L Baldwin, Metropoli
tan Hotel.
1 PROPOSITION of merit to party with
$1,000.00 to invest and give part or
whole of time—light manufacturing.
Address Darlington. 4 North Fifth
street. City.
FOR RENT First-class barber
shop in a good location. Apply to No.
15 Chestnut street. Palmyra, Pa.
WANTED A business represen
tative for Dauphin county for a first
class business proposition. Small In
vestment required. Worth investigat
ing. Call after 7 P. M„ F. L Baldwin.
Metropolitan Hotel.
I MADE $50,000 In five years In the
mail order business, began with $5.
I Send for free booklet. Tells how Hea
cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y.
OLD GOLD and Sliver, Watches, Dia
monds and Jewelry bought for highest
[ cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler,
' No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone
1 631 J.
i ——
with best material and by expert help.
Send us yor worn furniture. Our best
efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Cluck. 320 Woodbine street.
H. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and
Natlonnl Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
lng. H. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
LET us sell your automobile. We
have buyers if price Is rig"-! Automo
bile Storage. Repair*. Supplies at rea
sonable prices. Keystone Cycle Co.. SI4
North Third street. .Bell phone 266R
FOR falling hair try Gross Qulnlre
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street, Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
bought and sold. Highest cash prices
raid. Drop postal, or phone 3718 Bell.
Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Market street.
ANY person needing money in
amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal
aried position, would be benefited by
calling on us. Employes' Discount Co
26 North Third street.
HAVE $3,000 to $6,000 to invest In a
legitimate business, with position. Ad
dress K., 2120, care of Harrisburg Tele
household goods and merchandise of all
kinds stored: also hauling of all kinds
—at very low prices. Call, or address
S. Frank. 427 Herr street.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co. 411
Broad street. Both phones.
HOUSE, divided into private rooms for
storage of household goods new
1 jildln's low Insurance lnspe
ction Invited. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrisburg Storage Company.
THE Annual Meeting of the Paxtang
Cemetery Association will be held in
tne office at the cemetery, between ths
hours of 2 and 3 P. M„ Monday 26th
Office of the Board of Commissioners of
Public Urourds and Buildings of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Har
risburg. Pa.
A. W. POWELL. Auditor General:
R, K. YOUNG. Treasurer.
IN compliance with the Constitution
and the IJWS of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, the Board of Commis
sioners of Public Grounds and Buildings
Invites sealed proposals in duplicate for
contracts for furnishing such supplies
for the Executive Mansion, the Legis
lature, liie several Departments, Boards
and Commissions of the State Govern
ment as described. and below such
maximum prices as are fixed in the fol
lowing schedules for the iear ending
the 31st day of May, A. D. 1916: Sched
ule A. for furnishing paper and enve
lopes: B, for furnishing Typewriters.
Adding. Addressing and Duplicating
Machines and Supplies: C, for furnishing
General Stationery, Mahoganv, Oak and
Metallic Furniture: D. for furnishing
Engineering Instruments, Blue Print
Paper. Laboratory and Engineering
Supplies: E. for furnishing all Books-
F. for furnishing Brushes, Glassware.
Mops. Brooms, Buckets, Toilet and
Cleaning Soaps, Towels. Rugs. Fuel,
Uniforms. Rubber Goods, Chemicals
and Miscellaneous Supplies; G. for fur
nishing Hose and Fittings. Carpenter,'
Upholstering. Painting and all Hard
ware Supplies; H. for furnishing Sup
plies for the care of the Conservatories
and Grounds: 1. for furnishing Lumber.
General Repair and Removal of Dirt
and Refuse; J. for furnishing Light,
Heat and Power Supplies.
As the various classifications of the
schedule will be bound in pamphlet
form for the convenience of the bid
ders. it is therefore desired that in re
questing pamphlets, the bidders indi
cate those desired by using the letters
set forth above.
No proposal for any contract shall be
considered unless such proposal be ac
companied by a certified check to the
order of the State Treasurer, or by a
bond In such form and amount as may
be prescribed by the Board of Commis
sioners of Public Grounds and Build
ings. For form of Bond see schedule
Instructions to bidders.
Proposals must be delivered to the
Superintendent of Public Grounds and
Buildinits on or before twelve (12)
o'clock, meridian. Tuesday, the 11th day
of May, A. D. 1915. at which time pro
posals will be opened and published in
the Reception Room of the Executive
Department at llarrlsburg-, and con
tracts awarded as soon thereafter as
Blank Bonds and Schedules contain
ing; all necessaiy Information may be
obtained by communicating with Sam
uel B. Ram bo, Superintendent, Public
Urounds and Ruildinsrs, Harrlsburif. Pa.
By order of the Board.
APRIL 20, 1915.
. Cmmbcrlaßd 203 [[
Entire List Moved Forward Later
in Morning; Further Advance
in Metal
New York, April 20. lrregular ten
dencies were again operative at the
opening of to-day's stock market, a
natural result of yesterday's confusing
close, Rock islainl was th>' feature, with
an initial sale of 4.000 sliures nt 32 to
31. against yesterday's close of 34. i.e
lilgh Valley was strongest of t!.e rail
way issues, rising three points, with
advances of one to three points in Cop
pers and some of the specialties, no
tably Mexican Petroleum. Later the
entire list moved forward, contributing
factor being the announcement of a
further advance in metal prices.
New York. April 20.
Open. High. IJOW. Clos.
Alaska t; M :{«i a 37 36 ij 37
A mat Cop . 74'» 77% 74% 77".
Am Ht Sug 4 7>< 47 % 46% 47%
Am Can .. 35% 37 4 35 37 >»
Am Cic F. 53 % 54% 52 % 54 %
Am Cot Oil 50 50 50 50
Am Ice Sec 32 32 % 31% 32%
Am Loco . 50 54 4 B'<i 53%
Am Smelt. 7.3% 73 4 71 73%
Am Sugar . 10!t 11114 10 9 110%
Am T & T. 122% 122% 122 122 %
Anaconda . 36% 37% 36% 37%
Atchison .. 103% 104% 103 4 104%
B&O. .. . 79 79 77 U 79 *
Beth Steal. 132 144 % 132 " 144
Bklyn KT. 92 92% 90% 92%
Cat Petro.. 18% 18% 17% 17%
Can Pacific 170% 171% 169% 170%
r * 0 48% 48% 47% 48%
< M&St P 96% 97% 95% 97%
Chin C Cop 44 45% 44 45%
C Con Cop. 3 4'» 34% 32% 33%
Con Gas .. 126% 128% 126 126 %
Corn Prod. 15 15% 14% 14%
Hist Sec .. 9% 9% 8% 8%
Erie 29% 29% 28% 29%
Erie Ist pfd 45% 45% 44% 45%
Gen E Co.. 154% 154% 153 153
Gen Motors 137% 147 137 % 147
Goodrh KF 46% 49 45 % 48%
Gt Nor pfd 120% 121% 120% 121%
Gt N Ore s 37% 38% 37 38%
In-Met ... 20 21 19% 21
In-Met pfd 71% 73% 71 % 73%
KC So ... 26% 26% 26% 26%
Lehigh Val 145 145 142 % 144%
Louis & N 122% 125% 122% 125%
Mex Petro. 90 93% 88% 91%
Mo Pac .. 17% 17% 16% 17%
Nat Lead.. 65% 66 64 65%
N Y Cent.. 90% 92 89 % 91%
NY.NH& H 63% 70% 63% 70
Nor Pac .. 110% 111% 109% 111%
Pac Mail .. 19% 19% 19 19
P R R ... 110 % 111 110 % 111
Pgh Coal . 23% 24 22% 23
Pgll C pfd. 93% 93% 93% 93%
Press S Car 43 43% 42% 42%
H C Cop... 22% 23% 22% 23%
Heading .. 154% 155% 152% 155%
H 1 & S .. 29% 30% 28% 29%
H1 & S pfd 86% 86% 86% 86%
So Pacific,. 93 94% 92% 93%
So Railway 19% 19% 18% 19
Tenn Cop.. 33% 35 33% 34%
Texas Co .. 139 139 136% 139
Third Ave. 55 55% 55 55%
Union Pac. 132% 133% 131% 133%
II S Rubber 69% 70% 68 U 7014
U S Steel. 57% 58% 57% 58%
U S S pfd. 108% 109% 108% 109,%
Utah Cop... 65% 67% 65% 67
West U Tel 68% 68% 68 68%
West Mfg.. 84% 84% 81% 83%
Chicago. 111., April 20. Board of
Trade closing:
Wheat—May. 1.60%; .Tulv. 1.35,
f'orn—May. 77 5 A; Julv, 79%.
Oats—May, 57 U: July. 56%.
Pork—July, 18.05.
Lard—July, 10.47; September, 10.72.
Ribs—July, 10.50; September, 10.77.
Dalmatia. Pa., April 20.—A barn and
its contents, excepting the live stock,
the property of John Zerbe. a farmer
near here, was entirely destroyed by
fire Sunday afternoon. AVhen the fire
was discovered it was too late to save
anything but the live stock and that
with difficulty.
ALL KINDS of razor blades resharp
ened: made better than new; safetv, 25c
per dozen; Star. 15c; old style. 25c; leave
orders llenry Gilbert Sons' Hardware,
219 Market street.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County No. 230 June Term
1915 ln the matter of the petition
of tiie llarrisburg Hoard of Trade for
a decree of Dissolution of said cor
NOTICE is hereby given that the
llarrisburg Board of Trade has tiled in
the above Court its petition praying
for a Decree of Dissolution and "that
the Court has fixed the 12th dav of
May 1915. at 10 o'clock A. if., in Court
Room No. 1. of the Court House, at llar
risburg. Dauphin County. Pennsylvania,
as the time and place for hearing said
petition and application for dissolution,
whi • and where all persons interested
may attend and show cause, if anv they
have, win- the prayer of the said peti
tion should not be granted.
Attorneys for Petitioner. 1
llarrisburg, Pa.. April 12. 1915.
NOTICE is hereby Riven that an ap
plication will be made to the Governor
of the State of Pennsylvania on Wed
nesday. May 12. 1915, by Lewis Baturin.
Samuel Flsliman. Samuel Katzman and
Robert Rosenberg, under the Act of
Assembly of the Utommonwealth of
Pennsylvania entitled "An act to pro
vide for the incorporation and regula
tion of certain corporations." approved
April 29. 1874, and tne supplements
thereto for the charter of an intended
corporation to be called State Realty
Company, tile character and object of
which is to bold, lease, buy and sell real
estate and for these purposes, to have
and possess and enjoy all the rights
and b«ntflts and privileges of the said
Act of Assembly and its supnlements.
NOTICE letters Testamentarv on
the Estate of Solomon Nlsley, late of
Penbrook. Dauphin County. Pa., de
ceased. having been granted to the un
dersigned residing In Penbrook, Pa., all
persons indebted to said Estate are re
quested to make Immediate payment,
and those having claims will present
them for settlement.
Or Executor.
HARVEY E. KNT-PP, Attorney,
No. 3 Russ Building,
Harrlßburg, Pa.
Buy a Home of Your Own by Making Payments
Practically on a Rental Basis
l,ook over tlioor new modern detached hou«e« ennt Hide of .llitb, |
f . l' Otford, naad tlien let tin tell yon how ■mull n enwh payment we will '
■ crept to secure a liome of your own. Ilnlaare monthly Instalment* !
to ault. i
Counsel For William Barnes Offers
His Side in Big Suit
For Libel
By .1 s.tociatfd Press
Syracuse. April 20.—Counsel for
William liarnes in his suit for alleged
libel against Theodore Roosevelt rest
ed their case to-day after they had
offered evidence calculated to provn
publication of the alleged libelous
statements uttered against the former
chairman of the Republican Stain
committee by the former President of
the United States.
Mr. Barnes' counsel placed only on«
witness on the stand. He was John
McGrath. Col. Roosevelt's private sec
retary. He testified that he gave out
the statement complained of to news
paper reporters at Oyster Bay.
The case of the plaintiff was rested
after counsel for I>otli sides had de
livered their opening addresses to the
jury and one will was heard. William
M. Ivins. for Barnes, pictured the
ex-President as having been the na
tion's greatest arbiter of morals and
said that he was now in court with an
opportunity to prove the alleged lib
elous things he had said about Mr.
Barnes 011 various occasions.
William H. Von Benschoten, for the
defense, described the colonel as th«
champion of good and honest govern
ment and said that he had been
prompted to make the statement by
the belief that there was corruption
and rottenness in the administration
of the government of the State of
New York. He reiterated the state
ment made yesterday that Col. Roose
velt meant nothing personal to Mr.
Barnes or to Charles V. Murphy, of
Tammany Hall, who was also men
tioned in the statement, and that thosa
names were simply "algebraic terms."
Philadelphia. April 20. Wheat —-
Lower: No. 2. red. car lots. $1.59®
1.62; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export,
$1.69® 1.72.
Corn Market steady: No. 2. spot,
export. 78®79c; No. 2, yellow, local, 83
Oats —Steady; No. 2. white, 64®64%c.
Bran Firm: winter, per ton,
$29.50; spring, per ton. $27.00® 27.50.
Refined Sugars Firm; pow
dered. 6.00 c: fine gianulaieu. !v.900; con
fectioners' A. K.SOc.
Butter The market la lower,
I western, creamery, extras, 30c; nearby,
prints, fancy. 33c.
Kggs The market is higher;
Pennsylvania .md 'Htif nes • rvv m - -
free cases, $6.45 per case; do.,
current receipts, free cases. $6.30 per
i'nse; western, ox'ra*. 'lrMs.
$6.45 per case: do., firsts, free cases,
$6.30 per case.
Live Poultry Steady: fowls, 17®
17% c; old roosters. !2®12%c; chickens.
14 4118 c: turksys. 13®15c; ducks, 13®
15c; geese. 10 (ft 11c.
Dressed Poultry Firm; fresh kill
ed fowls, fancy, 18® 19c; do., aver
age, 16® 17c; do., unattractive. 14© 15c;
old roosters. 13% c; frozen fowls. 16®
18c; roasting; chickens, 17tf?>20e: broP
' ing chickens. 22® 27c: turkeys. 18®
'22 c; ducks, 126 18c: geese. 12®16c.
I Potatoes Market weaker; Penn
sylvania, per bushel, Ko®6sc: Maine,
per bushel. 50®55e; New York, per
bushel. 40® 45c; Florida, per barrel,
$4.00®«.50. . • - f, -and
Flour—Market nominal; winter,
clear, $3 50T04.10- straights, Penn->i.
vania. $6.85® 7.10; spring straights,
$7.10®".40: do., patent, $7.00®8.00;
western, $4.2b®4.40, patent*.
4.71; Kansas straight Jute sac*,*, S4.IS
04.10; sprinr. firsts, clear. 54.0004.56;
itra'tnts. $4.2004.30; patents. s4.3itf
I Hay The market is firm; tim
othy. No. 1. large bales. slß.oo® 18.50;
No. 1, medium bales, slß.oo® 19.50; No.
2, do., $16.00® 17.00: No. 3, do., $14.00®
15.00; sample, $13.00® 14.00.
'Clover mixed hay. Light mixed,
$17.50® 18.00; No. 1. do., $ 16.50® 17.00;
j No. 2. $14.50® 15.60.
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, April 20. Stocks clos-
I ed steady.
Cambria Steel 49%
General Asphalt 28
1 General Asphalt. Pfd 68
T,ake Superior Corporation 8%
Lehigh Navigation 75%
Valley 72
Pennsylvania Railroad 55' 1
Philadelphia Electric 24 , < 1
Philadelphia Company 37',
Philadelphia Company. Pfd 31
Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 10%
Reading 77%
Reading General Mortgages .... 94%
Storage Battery 52%
Union Traction 35%
Cnited Gas Improvement St
I'. S. Steel 58* i
Warwick Iron and Steel 9%
Chicago. 111., April 20. Hogs Re
ceipts. 14,000; slow. Bulk of sales. $7.4."
®7.65: light, $7.10® 7.80; mixed, $7.35<f»
7.75: heavy, $7.00®7.65; rough, $7.00®)
7.20; pigs, $5.7507.00.
Cattle Receipts. 3.000; steady. Na
tive beef steers. $6.25fu 8.65: western,
*s.7o'Si 7.60; cows and heifers, $3.10®
8.30: calves. $5.7568.25.
Sheep Receipts, 12,000; steady.
Sheep. $7.5068.65; lambs. $8.25©10.80.
Dillsburg, Pa.. April 20.—Mrs. Oli
ver Weaver, of Gettysburg street, sus
tained a stroke of paralysis and is now
in an unconscious condition and littlo
hopes for her recovery are enter
tained. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver recently
built a handsome home and have only
been occupying it since March.
THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen
sary will be open daily, except Sunday,
at 3 P. M.. at its new location, 1701
North Second street, for the free treat
ment of the worthy poor.
For Sale
No. 1850 Market street, having 9
rooms, bath, steam heat, gas and
electric lights, front, side and rear
porches. Lot 25 ft. by 100 ft. to a
20-foot street in rear. Offered at
less than cost to a quick buyer.
J. E. Gipple