Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 20, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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'Harrisburg Lads Wifl Ron in U. of
P. Relays; Preparing For
Interscholastic Meet
State College. Pa.. April 20. —Coach
Martin expects to take a squad of the
speediest trackmen that ever repre
sented Penn State to PenMjrtvmnla'B
relay races next Saturday. He has
developed a team of quarter-milers
■whose time trials show an average of
61 2-5 seconds for that distance; a
four-mile team averaging 4.35 ft, and
three star performers for special
events on Friday. Whiting has been
entered in the 440-yard low hurdles,
a new event in the Penn carnival.
Yesterday he circled the cinder path,
clearing the ten hurdles in 59 seconds
flat. Captain Hammitt. an intercol
legiate point winner last year, con
tinues to top the high hurdles for
120 yards in 15 2-5 seconds. Three
times he has equaled that mark this
For the pentathlon. Martin is de
veloping Levi Lamb, the football man
and wrestling captain, and Dambley,
a freshman aspirant. In his trials
yesterday Dambley showed much im
provement in each of the five events.
He broad jumped 19 feet 1 inch, threw
the javelin 111 feet Bft inches, ran
the 200 meters in 24 4-5 seconds,
hurled the discus 102 feet 6 inches,
and ran 1.000 meters in 5 minutes
and 5 seconds. This exhibition was
pleasing to Penn State's followers,
and Dambley is expected to push
lamb hard for the honor of repre
senting State in this event. Lamb
has just started to work on the field
and track, having been in the Thes
pian cast this winter and Spring.
Should he get into condition in the j
week remaining. Lamb will be a hard .
inan for an opponent to beat.
"Dutch" liarland to Run
In his trials yesterday Lamb cleared i
19 feet 2 inches in the broad jump.:
threw the javelin 132 feet, 10 inches,
hurled the discus 106 feet 5 inches. |
ran the 200 meters in 24 3-5 seconds |
and covered the 1.500 meters in close
'to 5 minutes. Coach Martin expects i
Lamb to show much improvement be- I
fore the contest for the all-round col
legiate championship on Friday.
The one-mile relay team selected
yesterday to represent Penn State is
composed of Whtte, Dolbin. Mason
and Post. Dolbin. the fastest man
of the quartet, covered the 440 yards
in 50 4-5 seconds. Post, a freshman
candidate. displayed marked im
provement. running the distance in
close to 51 flat.
State's four-mile team will be
Schroeder, Entwistle, "Dutch" Gar
land and Hunter. These men were
chosen on the basis of their trials
For the annual interscholastic track
and field meet to be staged at Penn I
State on May 15. fourteen represen
tative preparatory and high schools
of the State have been entered.
Strong teams will come from the fol
lowing institutions: Altoona High.
Oearfield High. York High. Johns-1
town High. Tyrone High, Hazleton
High. Shadyside Academy, North
ampton High. Harrisburg Technical
High. Harrisburg Central High, Bea
ver Falls High. Indiana Normal, Penn
Charter and Wilkinsburg High.
The Derry Street United Brethren
Sunday School will be represented on
the baseball diamond this season. A
team has been organized. The ages
of the players vary from 15 to IS
years. Games axe wanted. Manager
Harold Gilbert can be reached at 325
South Sixteenth street or Bell tele
phone 1123 R.
Fashion's favorite for
Spring and Summer.
Ide V/lv&r
Get Our Prices On
Bicycles or Motorcycles
Tire* nml accessor-
Vw tie bantlje «
jt. complete line. Ile
/TfXJP*! I"«lrs for nil makes
L> Vt'JV bicycles and Mo
n \Y lA 'oreyclcs. We have
[_k , JF\ some specials north
VViIN 10 ** rk ' t s «nare
il| I Hsrrlsburc, Pa,
UI J Bell Pkoae, 68S-W.
HI Opti Evenlags.
A*ent» for Excelsior Anto Crete
—-holder of all world's records.
! —J
sizes of coal are now 50c
a ton cheaper. Why not
get in touch with Kelley
and have your bins filled
for next Winter?
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets
A Picture Story With Just One Word By Tad\
Lebanon Bidder For Franchise;
Definite Action at Meeting
Harrisburg will not be represented In
the Central Pennsylvania league. This
was decided at a meeting of the league,
officials at Steelton last night. It is I
probable that Lebanon will be ad-'
A meeting of the Lebanon Athletic
Association will be held to-night to ar-j
range for taking over the Harrisburg
franchise. The Central season starts I
on May 1. A schedule will be an-1
nounced as soon as definite word has
been received from Lebanon.
A resolution was adopted last night
fixing a penalty of $75 fine, for playing
independent games with the Harris
burg team. President Frank Stees;
suggested that it would be good policy
to refrain from any independent
games after the season started.
Boxing Bill May Pass
in the State of Illinois
Special to The Telegraph
Chicago, April 20.—The boxing bill
now before the legislature at Spring
field has a good chance t of going
through. Lieutenant-Governor Bar
ratt O'Hara is responsible for the
statement that Illinois is likely to
have legalized boxing in the near fu
Not With Athletics. But Uplaiul of
Delaware County League
Philadelphia, April 20. J. Franklin
Baker may not join the Athletics very
shortly after all.
It was announced yesterday that he
had signed a contract with the Upland
team, of the Delaware County League.
This does not mean exactly that he is'
lost to the Mackmon for good this sea- |
son. for the terms of the document call |
on him to play for Upland "until he j
iecides to join the Athletics."
The Upland team Is a member of the !
Delaware County League and plays'
sanies on Saturdays. It figures that i
Baker will be an immense drawing,
card. No idea of the salary Ba k• r will
draw was forthcoming.
Connie Mack said last nlsht he
knew nothing of the deai and added
that ho had no Interest in the matter.
Will Meet Frank Lyons, of Florida.
One Year Hence
Jacksonville, Fla., April 20.—Jess
Willard has accepted the first chal- ,
lenge offered him for the world's
championship when he agreed to meet
Frank Lyons, former champion of
Florida, a year hence.
Lyons is a policeman here, having
left the prize ring four years ago. He
matched up with Willard during the
tatter's amateur days at Elk City.
Okla.. July 4, 1911, winning a decision
over the champion.
Lyons is 80 years old, 6 feet 4>3
inches tall and weighs 275 pounds.
He has a reach of half an inch over
Willard. The local man was a mem
ber of Jeffries' training force before
the Reno fight and has appeared with
Sam Langford and Joe Jeanette
The Paxton A. C. last night elected
Frank De Santis manager. He has
opened headquarters at 322 South Sec
ond street. Players' ages range from
12 to 15 years.
Big Squad of Promising Players
Work Hard For Harrisburg
Team at Island Park
"Shorty" Miller, with his Harris
burg baseball squad, started practice
this afternoon at Island Park. The i
team will get into the game early in
May. At practice this afternoon
twenty candidates were out.
Manager J. Harry Messersmith an
nounced to-day that it was his inten
tion- to 'Stint trp a team of Harrisburg
boys exclusively, if possible. He In
vites local players to come out to
It is a certainty that Rote will play j
third base. Captain Miller haa not
decided on his pitchers, but will carry
four, two of whom will be left
handers. Captain Miller expects to
play the outfield. There will be four-1
teen players on the regular team. |
Baseball Summary;
Games Past and Future
American League
New York. 11; Philadelphia, G.
Washington. 4; Boston. 2.
Detroit, 6; Chicago. 1.
St. Louis. 7; Cleveland. 2.
National league
Philadelphia. 3; New York, 0.
Boston. 7: Brooklyn. 2.
Boston, 6: Brooklyn, 4 (2d game)
Chicago, 8: Pittsburgh. 7.
Cincinnati. 4; St. Louis, 1.
Federal League
Newark, 13; Baltimore, 2.
Brooklyn, 10; Buffalo. 5.
fhicago. 9; St. Louis, 1.
Kansas City, 4; Pittsburgh. 2.
America 11 I.<eagne
New York at Philadelphia.
Boston at Washington.
at St. Louis.
Chicago at Detroit.
National League
Philadelphia at New York.
Brooklyn at Boston.
SL Louis at Cincinnati.
Pittsburgh at Chicago.
Federal I/cague
Brooklyn at Buffalo.
Chicago at St. Louts.
Kansas City at Pittsburgh.
American Leasrue
New York at Philadelphia.
Boston at Washington.
Chicago at Detroit.
Cleveland at St. Louis.
National Ijeague
Philadelphia at New York.
'Brooklyn at Boston.
St. Louis at Cincinnati.
Pittsburgh at Chicago.
Federal I/eastie
Chicago at St. Louis.
Kansas City at Pittsburgh.
Baltimore at Buffalo.
Brooklyn at Newark.
American League
W. L. P.C.
Detroit 4 2 .667
Washington 3 2 .600
New York 3 2 .600
St. Louis 3 3 .500
Boston 2 2 .500
Cleveland 3 4 .429
Chicago 2 4 .3331
Philadelphia 1 3 .2501
National League
W. 1.. PC.
Philadelphia 4 0 1.000
Cincinnati 4 2 .667
Chicago 4 2 .667
Boston 'A 2 .600
New York 2 3 .4 00
Pittsburgh 2 •< .333
St. Louis 2 4 .333
Brooklyn 1 5 .167
Federal League
W. 1,. P.C.
Brooklyn 6 1 .857
Chicago 5 2 .741
Kansas City 5 3 .625 j
Newark a 4 .556
Pittsburgh 3 5 .3751
Baltimore 3 6 .333 !
St. Ijouis 2 .* .286 |
Buffalo 2 0 .2861
•' t ,
Four Towns in Upper End of
Dauphin County Anxious For
At a meeting of baseball representa
th es to be held at Williamstown Fri-
I day night another baseball league will
be organized. The towns interested
are Elizabethville, Lykens, Williams
town and Tower City. It is said there
is much good baseball material in
this section.
The new organization will be known
as the Lykens Valley League. There
will be enclosed fields in every town
and each team will be backed by an
athletic association made ui> of promi
j nent businessmen. A salary limit will
be fixed to meet all conditions. Games
will be played Saturdays and holidays
and twilight contests when possible
also will be arranged. The name of
James E. Lentz. of Elizabethville. has
I been mentioned for president of the
I new league.
National League
At New York— R. 11. E.
Philadelphia 3 11 1
New York 0 4 2
Batteries: Demarce and Killifer;
Tesreau and Meyer. Umpires. Byron
and Orth.
At Boston (afternoon)
R. 11. E.
Brooklyn 2 9 0
Boston T H 2
Batteries: Dell, Coombs and Jlc-
Carty; Stroud. Oowdy,
At Cincinnati — R. H. E.
St. I.ouis 1 4 0
Cincinnati 4 8 0
Batteries: Sallee and Meadows;
Lear and Clark.
At Chicago— R. H. E.
Pittsburgh . . .s 7 15 I
Chicago 8 14 2
Batteries: Kantlehtii.r, Harmon and
Scliang; Adams. Pierce and Stan
American League
At Philadelphia/- R. H. E.
Xew York 11 14 1
Athletics C 15 7
| batteries: Caldwell and Nune
maker; Pennock and !.app.
At Washington— R. H. E.
i Roston 2 fi 4
| Washington 4 7 2
Batteries: Ways and Thomas; John-
I son and Ainsmith.
At St. Louis — R. H. E.
Cleveland 2 1- 0
St. Louis 7 13 4
Batteries: Coombs and O'Neill;
Loiulermilch and Severard.
At Detroit— R . H. E.
Chicago 1 3 2
Detroit 6 10 2
Batteries: Faber and Schalk; Bo
land and McKee.
Mr.and Mrs.W.H.Daugherty
! to Observe Golden Wedding
Speiull to The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, Pa.. April 20. —Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Dougherty, of Mechan
iesburg. will celebrate the fiftieth an
niversary of their marriage on Mon
day evening. May 3, at which time
their friends are cordially invited to
call between the hours of 7 and 10
o'clock, at the residence. 105 West Kel
ler street. No other invitations will
be issued. The Dougherty's have been
! residents of this place for the past
, thirty years and a host of friends will
be glad to extend congratulations and
| good wishes on their golden anniver
sary. Mr. Daugherty is one of the best
known contractors and builders in this
j section of the county. Dr. M. M.
Dougherty, the postmaster, is a son.
Special to The Telegraph
Lancaster. Pa., April 20.—The Law
and Order Society yesterday began a
crusade against clubs and other or
; ganizatlons for violating liquor laws.
! when Constables Miley and Lollar, by
direction of the society's agent, return
ed to Quarter Sessions Court members
of the Germanla Turnverein. the Min
nehaha Club and the Penn Avenue
j Club.
I The charges against all are selling
1 without a license and on Sundays, and
'in addition the Turnverein members
| are charged with selling to minors and
I visibly intoxicated persons.
P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Now
Plans Athletic Fields
I At a meeting of the athletic commit
| tee, of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Voung Men's Christian Association, east
of Pittsburgh and Erie, to be held with
in two weeks, plans for permanent ath
letic fields will be discussed.
| A plot has been secured at Sunbury.
i Harrisburg has an option on a field at
Sixth and Divison streets. These fields
will be in charge of an instructor, and
i will be open for all members.
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown. Md., April 20.—Anoth
er attempt is being made here to
arouse interest in baseball with the
view of organizing a team to join the
new Rltie Kidge league, composed of
IChambersburg. Gettysburg, Frederick
and Martinsburg, and to secure a site
for a baseball park. Three sites for a
ball park are being considered. Presi
dent C. W. Boyer of the Hlue Kridge
league is aiding in the organization of
a team.
The Smoke of the Smart Set
ie not the ready-made or even ready-made-to-order cigarette. Smart
men of fashion everywhere club-men, connoisseurs, bon-vivants,
millionaire sportsmen have discovered the keener enjoyment and
greater satisfaction in the fresh cigarettes of unique flavor and deli
cious mildness they roll for themselves, to suit their individual taste,
from mellow "Bull'* Durham tobacco. Today it is the very last
word in correct form to "Roll Your Own."
No other tobacco in the world Has the wonderful sweet fragrance
and ripe natural mildness of "Bull" Durham. No other cigarettes
have tne exquisite smoothness and delightful
freshness of "Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes.
"Bull" Durham is a distinctive form of to- iIUWI % |
bacco enjoyment, thoroughly appreciated by
smokers of experience and discrimination for the SB f fi
supreme, lasting, wholesome pleasure it affords, uyp UQ|||W|ll
I |r* f7 An Illustrated Booklet, showing cor- .... JH
|\ PJP, rect way to "Roll Your Own" Ciga- BSSB
rettes, and a Package of cigarette I
papers, will both be mailed, free, to any address in ( t
U. S. postal request. Address "Bull" Durham. IH
'ArrcrT, 20.
In an effort to pet into first-class
condition for the opening Dauphin-
Perry League, the Dauphin team will
play any and all challengers, exhibi
tion games, prior to May 15. The
team is particularly anxious to play
the Baker A. A. of Steelton, and would
like to line them up for Saturday.
Los Angeles. Cal., April 20.—Fred
Kelly, holder of the world's records
in the high hurdles, and Howard Drew,
who has equaled the world's best time
in the 100 and 220 yard dashes, left
last night for Philadelphia to compete
in the Pennsylvania relay games. They
will represent the University of South
ern California.
Sunbury. Pa., April 2tr.—Pennsylva
nia railroad's new athletic league, with
five teams, has purchased uniforms,
the teams will contest for a silver lov
ing cup during the coming season.
Two games will be played each week.
Plan Club For Women
Shooters; to Select Coach
During the Polyclinic Hospital bene
fit shoot of the Harrisburg Sports
men's Association on Saturday plans
will be discussed for the organization
of a women's shooting club. A project
of this kind has been under consid
eration for a long time. In and about
Harrisburg there are at least a score
of women who have made good scores,
It is understood that the women's
cluh will be an auxiliary to the Har
risburg Sportsmen's Association. Mrs,
J lay Koyer, of West Falrview, one ol
the winners of the Westy Hogan shool
last, year, is mentioned for one of the
official positions.
Following the organization of thf
new club a coach will be elected and
daily practice will be arranged. Tli«
shoot on Saturday will Include an all.
afternoon program.