Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 10, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
4 MING PEOPLE JOIN LOCAL OPTION FIGHT Epworth Leagues and C. E. Mem bers to Pray and Sing For Great Cause Epworth. Leagues as well as Christian En deavor Societies and the churches will ob serve local option day to-morrow with f'k . special services in * Inj tended to strengthen t _ .■32 the movement. • >HK*' The Epworth League * t0 P iu lor to-morrow Consecrated Voice." It brings into promi nen c e Miriam, the ijjCf prophetess, the sister of Moses and Aaron. Many of the leagues will confine their services to a discussion of the life and influence of the | prophetess, while others will make the meetings a service of song. Miss Estelle Butler, director of Cur tin Heights choir, will lead the league meeting. She has arranged several musical selections. At Epworth Church the league serv ice will be led by Miss Margaret Fil son. The Queen Esther Circle of Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, a young women's missionary society, will have charge of to-morrow evening's service. Homer Black, secretary of the Y. M. C. A., will have charge of the Ix>cal Option League service at Grace Church. Mrs. Lila Johnson will lead the Ridge Avenue service. Incidents in connection with the local option demonstration will be the principal topic of discussion at Stev ens Memorial Church. Carl Heefner wfll lead. Mrs. Heefner. director of the church choir, will sing a solo and a song service will follow. Mrs. R. W. Runyan will lead St. Paul's service. Trinity, Lemoyne—The Rev. Ed mund L. Manges. Morning service, 10.45; evening. 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30; Sr. and Jr. C. E., 6.30. LUTHERAN Augsburg—The Rev. Amos Maxwell 1 Stamets. 10.30. "Easter's Empty I Toinb"; 7.30. "Which Way?": Sunday school, 2: C. E., 6.30; Reily Hose Com pany, Xo. 10, guests at the evening services. Christ —The Rev. Thomas Reisch, Ph. D. 10.30, "Come and See"; 7.30. "The Governor's Request to Pulpit and Pew"; Sunday school, 2; men's Bible class. 2; C. E., 6.30. Trinity, Camp Hill —The Rev. E. D. Weigle. 10.30, "A Pathetic Inter view"; 7.30, "Doubting Thomas"; Sun day school, 9.15. Bethlehem The Rev. J. Bradlev Markward. D. D. 10.30,' "The Face of the Master"; 7.30, "Do We Know Now That We are Going to Heaven?"; Sun day school, 1.45; C. E.. 6.30. St. Matthew's —The Rev. E. E. Sny der. 11. "The Green Tree and the Dry": 7.30, "The Church For the Needy": Sunday school. 10; C. E., 6.30. Calvary—The Rev. Edward 11. Paar. 11, "The Risen Saviour's Peace Greet-1 ing": 7.30. "The Risen Christ and Doubting Thomas ": Sunday school, 10. St. Mark's, West Fairview—The Rev. A. G. Wolf. Preaching, 10.30; Sunday school. 1.30. St. Paul's, Xew Cumberland—The Rev. A. G. Wolf. Sunday school. 9.30; C. E.. 6; the sacred cantata, "It Is Fin ished," at 7. Zion —The Rev. Winfield Herman. 10.30, "Growth in Grace": 7.30, Easter praise service: Sunday school, 1.45: men's class, 1.50; men's devotional hour. 10. Zion. Enola-«-The Rev. M. S. Sharp. Preaching. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30; C. E., 6.45. Messiah —The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson. Preaching, 10.30 and 7.30. Holy Communion—The Rev. John Henry .Miller. 10.45, "A Winning Faith;" 7.30, sacred cantata. "Death and Life," by the choir: Sunday school, 9.30; Luther League. 6.30. Memorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D. Men's prayer meeting, 10; at -10.30, "Love's Communion;" at 7.30, "The Risen Christ Our Master:" Sun day school, 2; junior Luther League, 5.30; senior Luther league, 6.30. Redeemer —The Rev. E. Victor Ro land. 10.30, 'Victorious Faith;" 7.30, "What Is Thy Xante ?" Sunday school. 9.30; Junior Christian Endeavor, 2: senior Christian Endeavor, 6.30. PRESBYTERIAN Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Curtis. 10.30, "The Fight Is On"; Sunday school. 1.45; C. E., 6.30; 7.30, "A Cure For the Blues." Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis Sev mour Mudge. D. D. ; the Rev. J. s. Armentrout, assistant. 10.30, "A Word Against Wastefulness"; 7.30, "The Pro-i viding God"; 1.30, Sunday school, ele mentary departments; 1.40, advanced departments, adult Bible classes; 6 30 Senior C. E. Calvary The Rev. Frank P. Mackenzie. 10.13, "Christian Fruit fulness"; 7.30, the choir will give the cantata. "The Risen King"; Sunday school. 9; C. E., 6.30. Covenant—The Rev. Harvey Kiaer. 10.30,1 "The Day and the Man"; 7.30 "The Forward Call'; Sunday school. 2; Y. P. 8. C. E., 6.30; Sunshine Mission Band, 6.15. Immanuel —The Rev. 11. Everett Hallman. Preaching, 10 and 7.30; Sunday school, 11.15; C. E„ 6.30. Bethany—The Rev. John Martin Warden. 7.30, "Jesus in the Home"; Sunday school, 9: C. E., 6.30. Olivet —The Rev. William O. Yates. 10.30, "A Triple Gift of Spiritual Power": 7.30, "Our Father's King- 1 dom": Sunday school, 2; C. E„ 6.30 Capital Street—The Rev. p. M I Ward. Morning service. 10.45; evening i service. 7.45; Sabbath school at 12.30; C. E., 7.15. BAPTIST Market Street The Rev. W. H. Dallman. 10.30. "Killing the Vineyard ist's Son;" 7.30, "Wildman's Position On Local Option Analyzed;" Sunday school, 11.30; young people's meet ing. 6.30. Second —The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene, A. 8., pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Local Option —the Sacred Right of the People" and at 3, "The Voice of the Believers' Baptism"; Sun day School, 12; B. Y. P. U., 6-30 First—The Rev. W. S. Booth, pas tor, will preach at 10:30, "Great Con vjctions and Small Enthusiasm" and 7:30, "Conduct and Character"; Sun day School, 11:30; C. E., 6:30. Tabernacle —The Rev, Dr. Caivln A Hare, pastor, will preach on "Locai Option" at 10:30; 7:30, "Wine and Queen Vashti"; Bible School, 11:30; B. Y .P. U., 6:30. St. Paul—The Rev. E. Luther Cun ningham, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Believers' Baptism and Communion" and at 7:30, "Love's Superioritv"; spe cial sermon to Unity Lodge, I. "B. P. O. E. of W.; Sunday School, 12:30; B. Y P. U., 6:30. \ MESSIAH 1.l TH Ell AX MPSIC Morning—Prelude, "Pastorale." Park er: offerory. "Cradle Song," Neldllnger: anthem, "No Night Shall Be There" Gounod: postlurie. "Postlude." Becker. Evening Prelude, "Impromptu,"" Parker; offertory. "Evening Star." Wagner: anthem, "O Come Let Us Sing." Buck; postlude, "March in G," Hosmer. SATURDAY EVENING, LOCAL OPTION SUNDAY TO SHOW LEGISLATORS WHAT THE VOTERS WANT ' • Pulpit and Pew to Combine in Calling on Legislators to Pass Governor's Measure; Brumbaugh Makes State wide Appeal; Urges Prayer For Success of Bill This Coming Week I Ministers in the pulpits of many iHarrisburg churches, to-morrow, will bitterly denounce the liquor traffic dur ing services to be held along lines sug gested at the big antlbooze demonstra tions last Ti\esduy. Sermon themes of unusual interest have been chosen and the day promises to be a red let ter one in the tight l'or local option. The Rev. W. 11. Dallman. of the Market Street Baptist Church, will deliver a sermon on •'Wildman's Posi tion on Local Option," in answer to an article presented by the Represen tative a week ago. The Rev. Mr. Dall man will read letters received from the Governor and ministers of Kansas and from preachers in Portland, Ore accomplished since these places went dry. He will analyze, carefully the local option question as a govern mental principal and a moral proposi tion. In the announcements sent out, persons against the Williams bill are given a cordial invitation to attend the service. In Grace Methodist Episcopal, the Rev. Dr. J. D. Fox. will preach in the I evening on "Local Option and the Legislature." "Local Option" will be thoroughly discussed by the Rev. P. I. M. Thomas, pastor of Maclay Street [Church of God in the morning. Busting or Boosting Booze "Booze Busting Against Booze Boosting" is the theme of a sermon around which the Rev. A. e: Hangen, in Park United Evangelical Church will center arguments in favor of the bill. Sermons on "Local Option" will be preached by the Rev. J. D. W. Deavor, in Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Rev. C. A. Hare, in Tabernacle Baptist to-morfow morn ing. In the Fourth Street Church of God, the Rev. \V. X. Yates will preach both morning and evening on "The Saloon Would Destroy the Church If It Could; the Church Could Destroy the Saloon If It Would." The Men's Bible class in the afterrwpon will be address ed by Dr. Yates on "Dauphin County's Shame." "Righteousnesj and Temperance and Judgment" is the subject of a sermon by the Rev. Homer S. May in the Fourth Reformed Church. The Rev. Thomas Reisch in Christ Lutheran Church will preach on' "The Gover nor's Request to Pulpit and Pew." In Westminister Presbyterian Church, the Rev. E. E. Curtis will preach on "The Fight Is On." "Loeal Option" is the subject of sermons to be preached by the Rev. George 1". Schaum and the Rev. J. M. Waggoner Quarterly Conference in Park St. Church Friday Presiding Elder Heil will have. charge of the quarterly conference of ; the Park Street Vnlted Evangelical | Church, to be hold next Friday even ing at 8.30 o'clock in the church. New members were tendered a reception last Wednesday evening after the ser vices in the church. Members of Park Street Church have started issuing a weekly bulletin called, "The Park Purveyor," contain-1 ing the church news for the coming week. The slogan of the congregation is, "The Praying—Working Church." CHURCH OF GOD I Enola The Rev. O. J. Farling. Preaching at 7.30; Christian Endea\*or, 7; Sunday school, 2.; junior Christian Endeavor, 3. Pleasant View —The Rev. George W. j Harper. Sunday school. 9.45; preach ing. 10.45, "The Deceiver;'' junior Christian Endeavor, 3; senior Christian Endeavor, 6.45, local option effort; ! preaching, 7.30, by the Rev. J. M. Waggoner. Xagie Street—The Rev. J. A. Staub. Preaching at 7,30 to the Order of Red Men; Sunday school, 1.30; senior Christian Endeavor. 6.45. Fourth Street —The Rev. William X. Yates. 10.30. "The Saloon Would De stroy the Church If It Could;" 7.30, "The Church Could Destroy the Sa loon If She Would;" Sunday school, 1.40. "Dauphin County's Shame," by Dr. Yates to the men's Bible class; junior Christian Endeavor, 3; senior and Intermediate Christian Endeavor, 6.30. Green Street —The Rev. C. H. Grove. 10.30, "Honoring God;" 7.30, "Guilt;" i Sunday school. 2; junior Christian En- j deavor, 3; senior Christian Endeavor, ; 6.30. Penbrook —The Rev. Jay C. Forn-1 crook. 10.30. "Doubting Thomas;" c 7.30, "Local Option;" Sunday school, 9.30; Christian Endeavor, 6.4 U. Maclay Street—The Rev. F. I. M. Thomas. 11. "Modern Lunatics;" 7.30 "In Remembrance of Me;" Sunday school, 9.45; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. UNITED BRETHREN St. Paul's—The Rev. G. B. Renshaw,' pastor, will preach at 10:45 and at 7:30; Sunday School, 9:30; Sr. C. E., 6:30; Jr. C. E., 5:45. Sixth Street—The Rev. P. Hummel Balsbaugh, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Faithfulness" and 7:30, "After Housecleaning"; praise service, 9:45; I Sunday School, 1:45; Jr. C. E., 5:45; j Sr. C. E., 6:30. Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lyter, D. D., pastor, will preach at 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday School, 2; Y. P. S. C., 6:30. First—The Rev. C. W. Stinesprlng, field agent of the Quincy Orphans' i Home of the United Brethren Church, j will preach at 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday School. 1:45; C. E., 6:45. State Street —The Rev. E. A. Boss ier, pastor, will preach at 10:45, "The Believer's Sanctification" and at 7:30, "The Career of Samuel"; Sunday School, 9:30; Jr. C. E., 6; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30. Otterbein—The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Small Beginning" and" at 7:30, "The Great Commission"; Sunday School, 2; C. E., 6.: 30. EPISCOPAL St. Andrew's—The Rev. James F. Bullitt. Morning prayer, 10.30; Sun day school and Bible classes, 12; even ing prayer. 7.30. St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer. 8. holy communion; 10, Sun day school; 11, morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. C. G. Twombly; 4, evening prayer and musical service. St. Augustine's—Archdeacon E. L. Henderson. 11, morning prayer: 7.30, evening prayer; Sunday school, 12.30. St. Paul's—At 8, holy communion; 11. service and sermon; 2.30, Sunday school; 7.30, choral evensong and ser mon. At 4 the rector of St. Paul's will conduct service and preach at the Reformed Church at Enola. in Harris Street United Evangelical and Pleasant View Church of God, f respectively. Bishop W. M. Sanford, D. D., Willi speak on the "Local Option Move- j ment—Will the Measure Pass'.'" at a temperance rally in St. Paul's Metho dist Episcopal Church. Church and Sunday school organizations will turn out in a body for this meeting. Spe cial temperance music will be sung. In the regular weekly bulletin is j sued by the Rev. Robert W. Runyan, ' i pastor of St. Paul's Church, a page is devoted to the local option question, j It quotes Governor Brumbaugh as fol lows: { "I came to my office unfettered, and unpledged. I will do all In my power j to have the local option measure pass." , Governor Sialics Appeal A generai appeal was issued to- 1 night by Governor Brumbaugh to the entire State to observe Sunday as local cal option day. His proclamation is in consonance with the action taken at last Tuesday's State mass meetings i ! here, when Sunday was thus desig- I nated. ■ The governor appeals for the pas- | sage of this economic measure. He I 'asks all ministers, churches and' church workers generally to use Sun- j j day as a day of appeal. I He says: The business niul professional men of the Republican party in Pennsylvania indicated by their presence in Harrishurg last Tues day that they want local option. At one ol' the great meetings In Chestnut Street Ball a resolution was adopted, asking the churches of tlie State to observe next Sun day, April 11, as local option Sun day. This is a splendid thought, and I hope that, following the demon stration ol' tlie businessmen, the church will make another great demonstration iu favor of the Williams loeal option hill. It is particularly appropriate that next Sunday should be de voted to work and prayer for local option. The Williams bill is to Ih> reported out of committee next week, and any step which means so much for Pennsylvania should be taken only after prayer. . I trust that every minister in every church in this great Com monwealth. wliich we all love so well, and for whose future we are working so earnestly, will dedi cate a portion of this day to for warding the local option move ment. Miss Eggleston to Renew Acquaintance With Boosters A junior Christian Endeavof rally will be held under the auspices of the Ilarrisburg C. E. Union in the lecture room of Pine Street Presbyterian Church, Monday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. Miss Eggleston, of the Stough evangelistic party will speak and she desires to meet all of the children who were associated with her in the work during the Harrisburg campaign. All members of Junior Christian Endea vor societies are urged to attend and report to Mrs. T. H. I'lark or Mrs. J. F. Hall, superintendents of junior work. REFORMED St. John's —The Rev. G. W. Hart man. 10.30, "The Victorious Life;" 7.30, "The Eclipse of Faith;" Sunday school, 9.15; Christian Endeavor. 6.30. Salem—The Rev. Ellis X'. Kremer. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 1.30. Fourth —The Uev. Homer Skyles May. pastor, will preach at 10:43, "Walking by the Way—an After Eas ter Message" and at 7:30, "Righteous ness and Temperance and Judgment"; Sunday School, 8:30; C. E., 6:30. St. Andrew's, Penbrook—The Rev. W. R. Hartzell, pastor, will preach at 10:30; Sunday School, 9:30; M. B. C., 6:45. St. Matthew's, Enola —The Rev. W. R. Hartzell, pastor, will preach at 7:30; Sunday School, 9:45; C. E., 6:45. Second —The Rev. Harry Xelson Bassler, pastor will preach at 10:30: Prof. J. J. Brehm and Prof. Omwake will speak: 7:30, Easter sermon: Sun day School, 1:45; Bible class, 1:50. METHODIST Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox. D. D. 9.30. class meeting; 10.30, reception of members, sacrament of the* Lord's Supper; 1.45, Sunday school and men's Bible class: 6.45, Epworth League; 7.30, "Local Option and the Legis lature." Epworth—The Rev. J. W. Deavor. Class meeting, 9; Sunday school, 10; 11, "Local Option"; Epworth League service, 6.30; 7.30, sermon by Dr. A. S. Fasiek, district superintendent. Curtin Heights—The Rev. A. S. Williams. 9.30. class meeting; 9.45, junior league; 2, Sunday school, Ar thur Jefferies will sing; 6.30, Epwortli service; 10.30, H. H. Patterson will spealv 7.30, "The Constitution of the Spiritual Kingdom." Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.30. "A Vision For the Xew Year"; 7.30, "A Man of God." UNITED EVANGELICAL Park Street—The Rev. A. E. Han gen. Sunday school, 9.30: at 10.30, holy communion, "Lord's Supper and Self-Denial:" Junior Christian En deavor, 5.45; senior Christian En deavor, 6.30; 7.30, holy communion, "Booze Busting vs. Booze Boosting, or Why Local Option?" Harris Street—At 9.30, men's praver meeting; 10.30, baptism of infants and reception of members, "The Baptism of Jesus:" 2. Sunday school; 6.40, K. L. C. E.; 7.30, local option meeting! MISCELLANEOUS Christian and Missionary Alliance The Rev. William H. Worrall, 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30. Associated Bible Students The regular Sunday services will be held at 3 at Cameron's Hall. 105 North Second street. "David Anointed King. Berean study at 2. Important Address By the Rev. || Shall John Barleycorn Control Our Legislature ? |j At the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, Thirteenth and Vernon Streets, Sunday Night at 7.30 O'clock. Big Male Chorus Will Sing HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WORLD-WIDE BIBLE CONGRESS IN AUGUST Delegates From Ail Portions of Globe Will Attend Meeting at Exposition Special to The Ttlegrafh New York, April 10.—The American Bible Society lias acceded to tho re quest of the Panama-Pacific Imposi- tion to hold in Sun Francisco a world's Bible congress. The date has been tixed for August 1 to 4, and President Wil son has accepted the honorary presi dency. The actual president will be James Wood, president of the society, in extent of influence, and in diversity of testimony concerning the power, place and influence of the Bible from many great religious bodies of the world this congress will be unlike any ever held. Professor Benjamin. B. Warfleld, of Princeton Seminary, a famous theolo gian; Professor Giovanni Uuzzi, of Florence, a reviser of ihc Italian Bible version; agents of the Bible Society in Constantinople. China and Siam: trans lators of the Bible into Spanish. Portu guese and Italian, and missionaries from many fields will be heard In this congress. It is one hundred years since the American Bible Society was formed, and in this city on May S to 11, 1916, the anniversary is to be celebrated. The society hopes to secure, a paper from an eminent Roman Catholic scholar in Europe on the Latin Bible. There is now a Papal Commission re vising its text. A committee under the auspices ot' the American and British societies is now sitting in Madrid, re vising and perfecting the Spanish translation of the Bible, and the ltev. Dr. Drees, a well-known Methodist, who is one of the revisers, will con tribute a paper. There will also be one by the Rev. Francisco Dlez, a native Spaniard, who has been a re vise! 1 of the Spanish version, recently called to be pastor* of a Spanish con gregation in New York city. j Derry Street S. S. Class Forms Baseball Team Class N'o. 15 of Derry Street United Brethren Sunday school held a social [in the church Thursday evening and I elected the following: officers: Presi dent. G. H. Gilbert: vice president, F. jA. Manley; secretary, G. Wilson; treasurer, H. Sides. I A baseball team was organized and Itho following officers elected: AJana- Iger. Gilbert; captain Wilser. Buffet supper was served to the fol j lowing: Howard Huber, Harvey Ens jmlnger, Hoscoe .Vloyer, George Jolin ison, George Wilson, Aaron Beck, Ralph Brotigh, Clarence Newmyer, ! Clarence Slike, Herbert Sides, Charles jPeiffer, Harry Miller. Harold Rckert, Russel Winks, Russel Wineniiller. j George Thomas. .Joe Knouff, Saul Fink, j Bud Beard. Richard Robinson, Paul | McDonald, Stanley Wingert, Homer Sides, Evans Hollingsworth. Stewart Harmon, Edgar Stephens, Howard K. ' Gensler. Mrs. Howard Gensler, Miss ! Webb, G. H. Gilbert. Several interesting readings were given by Harold Eckert. The men's I quartet of the State Street Church | gave several selections. Easter Program Will Be Presented Tomorrow Easter services will be held at Cal vary Presbyterian Church to-morrow 'evening as follows: "The. Risen King." [by choir, assisted by G. Watkins, of | Market Square Church, and Paul Mil ler, of Steelton, with J. Herbert I Springer as accompanist; Chorus, [This Is the Day the Lord Made": | chorus of men, "As It Began to Dawn"; trio women's voices, "With Loving Hearts and Laden Hands": re citation, men, "But When They Came to the Sepulchre"; Chorus, "The Lord Is Risen": recitation, mflm. "Then Went They Out Quickly and Fled"; chorus, "Weeping For Him"; alto solo, "They Have Taken Him' Away, My Lord"; recitation, men and women, "And When She Had Thus Said"; chorus, "O Grave, Where Is Thy Vic tory": chorus, "Unto Him Who Loved Us"; solo. "The Shadows of the i Kvening Hour," Mr. Watkins; duet, "In the Cross of Christ Wc Glory," | Mr. Watkins and Mr. Fuller. Pine Street Music Will Be Appropriate to Sermon At Pine street Presbyterian Church, j the Rev. Dr. Mudge, pastor, will preach at both service*. The theme of the j morning sermon will b" "A Word ( Agu.inst Wastefulness." In the even-! 1 ins the sermon series will be continued. ! I the topic being "The Providing God." i I Service on Sunday evening will be be gun wit an organ recitiil nlayed by Mr. McCarrell at 7:15 o'clock. The pro- j gram will be: I "A Pastoral Suite." a. Sunrise: b. Sun- I jset; e. Thanksgiving (Demaiestl. All the music will center around the topic of the sermon, the choir music being: I Anthem. "The King of Love My Shep- j herd Ts" (Shelly); duet, bv Mrs. Cox nnd Mrs. Hertzler, "The Lord Is Mv Shepherd" (Decevee). The Sunday school will meet at 1:30 o'clock. The usual service will be held on Wednes day evening for prayer and meditation. For the past six weeks nine groups of women have been meeting to study . the "American Indian On the New l Trail." On Friday evening these classes will meet in the social room for a final summary of the work. A box lunch will be served and the Indian question will be discussed and illustrated with lantern slides. A. >l. E. Asbury—The Rev. Irving H. Car penter will preach at 11, "The Power of His Resurrection" and 8, farewell sermon; the Rev. A. Hill speaks at 3; Sunday School, 2; League, 7. I Wesley—Morning, 11:45; evening, 17:45: Jr. C. E., 5:30; Sr. C. E.. 6:30. Betfoel —The Rev. IT. G. Leeper. pas tor. will preach at 10:3 0, "God Lead ing His People" and at "The De scent of the Holv Ghost"; Sunday School. 1; C. E„ 6:30. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Church of the Brethren—Preaching at 11 and 7.30 by the Rev. D. 11. Widder; Sunday school, 10; Christian Workers. 6.45. CHURCH OF CHRIST Fourth Street Preaching at 11, "Heroes and Cowards;" 7.30. the Rev. J. W. Miller. "The Healing of the Pal-1 sied Man;" Sunday school, 10; Chris tian Endeavor. 6.30. r PHERE were thousands of people in the churches of Harrisburg /S last Sunday. Some of those people 1 I ... do not go to church very often dur- ing the year, but they go on Easter Sunday. And it is commendable that they do. Just as Easter Sun ( I day commemorates the triumph of v Life over Death, so every Sunday commemorates Christ's salvation of us. We should gladly embrace the opportunity to show our grati tude of that salvation. One of our best means of showing it is by go ing to church. If you are one of those who go to church on Easter Sunday only, the churches of Har risburg make an especially strong appeal that on every Sunday you Go to Church This advertisement has been authorized by and is being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrisburg. MINISTER WMS BORN AND REARED WITHIN TEN M Rev. Frank I. M. Thomas, of Maclay Street Church of God, Went Through the Middletown Schools The Rev. Frank Irvin Miller Thomas, pastor of Maclay Street Church of God, since the first of No vember, 1914, was born and raised within ten miles of his present charge. After finishing tlie primary grades in the Middletown schools, lie learned the printing trade. Later he went to Findlay ijipilege, Findlay, Ohio, and received his preliminary and part of his college and seminary courses. His first charge, after leaving school was In the Pleasant Valley circuit, Michigan, where he remained for one year. The Celina circuit. Ohio, was the next, after which the Rev. Mr. Thomas went to Woodsburg, Md. In 1912 the eldership of the Church NINE B. S. TEACHERS : WILL BE GRADUATED City Educators Will Participate in Exercises at Second Re formed Church Graduating exercises for the teach er-training class of the Second Re formed Sunday school will be held in | the church, Broad and Green streets,; to-morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock. The address will be given by Pro fessor J. J. Brehm, supervisor of city schools and the diplomas will be pre sented by Professor Howard Otnwake of the Harrisburg Academy. Dr. H. C. Myers, superintendent of teacher training in Lancaster classis will be present. The class consists of the following i persons: Miss E. Mae Crouse, Mrs. 10. S. Johnson, Mrs. H. C. Koons, Mrs. A. G. Myers, Mrs. John T. Selsani, Miss Minnie Stambaugh. Miss Elda Stam baugli, Miss Vanie Wingert and W. 11. Cocklin. The closing address will be made by the pastor, the Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler. CROSS RIVER CHORAL SOCIETY WILL SING SACRED CANTATA The choral society of St. Mark's Lu theran Church, West Fairview, will render Sunday. April 11. at 7 o'clock, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, New Cumberland, the sacred cantata, "It is i Finished" by A. M. Reed. The solos and quartets will be sung by Miss Mary Morgan, soprano: Miss Lillian Boughter, alto; Bernard Glad felter, tenor, and Harold Malsh, bass. CATHOLIC CALENDAR Sunday—Low Sunday. Monday—St. Zeno. Tuesday—St. Hemeneglld. Wednesday—St. Justin. Thursday—St. Peter Gonzales. Friday—St. Joseph Labre. Saturday—St. Anicetus. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist— Board of Trade Hall. Sunday. 11 and 7.30. Testimonial meeting, Wednes day, 8. Free reading, rooms, Kunkel Building. 12.30 to 4.30 daily', also Mon day and Saturday evenings. Let's go to Epworth League tomorrow APRIL 10, 1915. of God. at the convention in Carroll ton, Md., ordained the Rev. Mr. Thomas to the ministry. He then came to Newville, Pa., where he re mained for one year, arriving in this city on the first day of the Stough evangelistic campaign. This is the third campaign that the Rev. Mr. Thomas has co-operated in, the first one being held in Findlay, while he was in school, the second in Newville, and the third in this city. He was converted and united with the church at Middletown, Church God. of which the Rev. H. F. Hoover is the pastor. Since he has had charge of the Ma clay Street Church, the membership has increased 20 per cent. MISS HEINBAOH TO SING Miss Venedi Heinbach, of Allentown, will sing a vocal solo at the morning service in the St. John's Reformed Church. TO SING AT DUNCANNON Mrs. H. F. Heishley, of 238 Harris street, will sing "I Know That My Re deemer Liveth" (Handel) Sunday evening at the Methodist Episcopal I Church at Duncannon. BISHOP CRANSTON TO PREACH | Bishop Earl Cranston is president ;of the fifty-second session of the Wash ! ington annual conference of the Meth odist Episcopal Church which con venes April 14 in John Wesley M. E. Church, Baltimore, Md. - 1 f/ PINE STREET \V -IIF PRESBYTHmAN church M THIRD AND PINE STREETS \M |i Sunday, April 11 IB Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D. Pastor. "A Word Against Wastefulness" | | 1:30 P. M. 1 ;40 P. M. i; | Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Classes p P :■!>: | $ 7:30 P. M. "The Providing God" | \ I I „ " T 6. e Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want." So sane II i if ;•> the Psalmist with absolute assurance centuries ago * ■ & '£ *?. ay know the haPPlness of singing the same Psaln* ' • t. Sr with the same assurance, if you will. Therefore an hour .< 1 Sr I clearly explained will not be wasted. M w | '* j; |P Next Sunday Evening "The Strengthening God" | flp /'They that wait upon the I,ord shall renew their I I a;®'. strength. They shall mount up with wings an eaicles Th | y s [ la f n . ru . l ?- and be weary, and they ahall walk Special Music at Second Baptist Church Tomorrow Two appropriate programs of special music will bo given to-morrow at the services in the morning and the even ing fll the Second Baptist Church, of which the Kev. Albert Josiah Grceno is pastor. Following is the complete program: Morning Prelude, Mrs. John P. Scott: Scripture reading and invoca tion. the Rev. A. J. Greene; solo, "Cal vary," John M. Miles; recitation, "Christ and the Angels," Miss Virgie Acy; paper, Miss Harriet Harrison; oratorio, "Everlasting Life." Evening—Organ prelude; recitative, soprano. "Now in the Place Where lie Was Crucified;" full chorus. "Shades 01" Night Fall Silently;" lament, alto. "They Have Slain Him." Miss Hannah Scott: mixed quartet. "God So Loved the World:" full chorus, "As It Began to Dawn;" chorale, full chorus, "The Stone Is Rolled Away;" soprano, reci tative and solo. "Fear Not Ye." Mrs. Fannie Walker; full chorus. "Now Is Christ Risen:" bass solo and chorus, "O Death. Where Is Thy Sting," llari-v* C. Green; soprano solo, "Blessed Gift.* of Easter Morn," Mrs. Laura Grannl son; full chorus, "God So Loved tha World." CATHOLIC Cathedral Mgr. M. M. Hassett. Low mass. 7; children's mass, 9; high mass, 10.30; Sunday school, 2.30; ves pers and benediction, 7.30. St. Lawrence —Tho Rev. P. D. Hue gel. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2.30; vespers and bene diction. 3. St. Francis —The Rev. D. J. Carey. Low mass. 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2.30; vespers and benediction, 7.30. Sacred Heart The Rev. George Rice. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene diction. 7.30. St. Mary's—The Rev. William V. Dailey. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10.30; Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene diction. 7.30. Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan Girls—Low mass and benediction, 7.