Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 09, 1915, Page 18, Image 18
18 rrft r!Ot- Furniture Attractions Trefousse Gloves Are Thousands of Yards r l _ That Show Unusual Value Not Surpassed in Quality of Colored Dress Cottons B I $6.00 iclt mattresses in full size; onlv 15 to I lie best glove makers of France aie Ready tomorrow for the Spring sew- lira am M/ be sold. Special ifW.4» the men engaged in the making of | ing campaign. f f JJJ jj(& Box springs with thick mattress pad. I refousse gloves. Ihe linest qualities (. oloi ed voiles have been in so gieat a J? / Special i(U8.00 of real kid that we haye ever shown are demand since the opening of the Spring - - ® $15.00 silk floss mattresses.' Special, $10.95 represented in the Spring glove as- season that we have gathered an en \ $59.00 leather library suite of 3 pieces, sembly. tirely new showing for April and May — c Special $39 OO Trefousse two-clasp gloves of best quality sewing. There are now over a hundred 1 .< ,_ , " _ ' Reed chairs and "rockers* in brown and ivory' St *! eS '« white a " d c ? lorc ? £ ro . l,nd f Children S Educator SllOeSifinish. upholstered in cretonnes and tapestry. Trefousse two-clasp San Pareil real kid VO,I< : S at —>£ a yard, and each of them y. \ y"J yfck r ,, al ... , , , , Specially priced 5T.95 gloves, in black, with white embroidery and carries a toudl of S P nn S that 18 irresist " \\ f{/ l\ N > childre'n ' The workmanship is "the best that enters into anv *215 °0 oak diningroom suite of Two-clasp gloves ot real kid, in black white Among the Other notable new weaves \X < V) shoes made * s P ec,al 4 $160.00 and colors. Pair Shl.<.> at are: • ~ . ... ... Two-claso kid trloves in black, white and silk muslin. 86 inches wide: one half silk: solid s Button style in patent colt skin, tan calt p a ; r *1 10 shades; vard 25c Mh -k-i„ ,nd g..n Ml calf with Goodyear welt- If f ce l an H RefrlfferatOrS Washable chamois Klmis.' in"' isWton JgtfSS JST p'Sia.Tf.V" . . ed oak leather soles— Xl iwmgwu.viu length; white, biscuit and pongee. Pair. j Linen pongee; one half linen m mercerized finish; Sizes 5 to 8 $1.75 Wprp Not So Hoorl Well-'- 59? to#l.ooj y ' Anderson madras shirting; for shirts, shirt waists !TL \ <-»♦-»•* t "\ ■*-*-"» I —| „„ 1 I Sizes 8 1 4 to 11 $2.00 UU ' Washable chamoisette gloves, in white and! anddresses: yard a.v| lVlany VV 0111611 FCel o 2 LIJ 1 I ... . ... . i . o » 29c suiting; 42 inches wide; French linen finish, I «/ Sizes llV* to 2 $2.50. Wed have stopped selling them years ago. pongee. Pair >9f in „n new shades: yard 25c It's been twenty-five vears since we first. Washable chamoisette and lisle two-clasp 39c embroidered crepe, in white grounds, woven I "*1 j T 0 I—i 4 ,-fU BOYS' SCOUT SHOES tried out Iceland construction and if there are gloves in white, grey, pongee and black Pair, an 2sc°im^orted U crepe > g!ngham;" "special, 2yards for IS JL/IJ-OXi^ll Tan and black elkskin Scout shoes, made on better refrigerators to-day for the same money 533« Kr o U nd? /• AT the regulation Scout last, with Goodyear we have failed to find them. Two-clasp silk gloves in black, with white Bpe ciai. 2 yards for 2.» c fpv Poy for P\ Npm -titched elkskin soles We need not say a word more about re- embroidery or all black and all white; double Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —street Floor. I* * 1 «/ 1 CX lIU W c . c . in OO frigeration of food stuffs under the Iceland pro- [finger ends. Pair 59f . . t t izes ° «o\n cess - Everv one is guaranteed to give satis ! " . Llllon 1 flbl© UamaSK at O « » £lll\ oi3?4::::::::::::: fe:oo ta r^^'* s,i " s ."": ice :SSS??:B!J s lso Crepe de chme 69c and sl . o o aYard oprtng MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS ulve3> pom ' roy * stewart ' Bngetncnt - : In an April Sale j 98c Bleached all linen table damask, 70 inches wide: Men's Educator shoes and oxfords in tan _ . _ . j The colors are Rocky Mountain blue, old Bleached table damask, 2 yards wide; special, yard Oil! Sllil pui chases have been made vvillow calf, gun metal calf and black kidskin; otVIOS Ol CjOWIIS rose - Russian K ree ». navy, olive, wistaria and Napklns to matoU t he 72-inch damask; this season with a thought of the hltll- Goodvear welted oak leather soles ... 5?»4..>0 ?7 t7 amethyst, and the qttalitv is quite the best we w * wo ! Hi-pHc <.f mon ivlir. nre nov Men's tan Russia calf English oxfords, blind The most interestingly complete gathering ! have seen to sell for $1.50. border d^ns^iar 6 ":. .'? ° B . ?nl lo $7.0« I . " " ' . II ' evelets. rubber soles, Goodvcar welted, of night gown styles that we have presented i Jn this April sale this lovely 40-inch crepe is 24x24-inch damask napkins, in double damask than ipwO.UO foi tlieil Spring and $4.00 this Spring is now being shown in the .under-!offered for, yard 9H? pitt,er^;.; a al^ 1 t e ° ro 6 J 2 'i' stewan-stroet ■inoor 10 5 ° C clothes. There are scores of garments Dives pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. Hear muslin section. 1 here are sixty styles in high] ' : . . .. . . — or low neck modes, with full length or three-i Qf) Stvlf**; of SI 00 ° quality lliatei lals, 111 Styles that T T , , I ( quarter sleeves, at ffl.OO OU r y les or VV aiSTS. LJiriing KOOIII IJomeS express individuality that come within Underwear Items ror And there are fifteen styles of envelope The weaves are voile batiste, dimity and For GaS Or Electricity the range of $17.50 to $25.00. and there O i chemise at #I.OO noisette, in semi-tailored -or lingerie styles, . ' . s 1 1 ' Doys and You'll like the new corset covers of nain-! with trimming of filet lace insertion em- chance that seldom occurs is this sale of j are sizes to lit small and large women. Bovs' white open mesh union suits; short sook, at SI.OO broidery panels or all-over embroidery. domes 1 liree price groups— Among the suits at moderate prices cio», »c o„ri Lnpp Uncrtli 50e 20 styles of nainsook and cambric drawers, trim- Altogether there are tliirtv new styles readv V'° reaticea to f, , , " ' '•' nied with lace and insertion, at SJ.OO f - : n - nert ion tomorrow at 0£ 1 <M>'?lo.9B reduced to $7.50 al*e these : Children s white cotton ribbed waist union 20 styles of marceila skirt drawers SI.OO * or } OUI inspection tomorrow, at ... _ a-moo 1 1«- aitt iw I . .. , . .. , . . suits* a union suit and waist combined: all Dlves - Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Dive ». Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor. >lo.oo to $19.98 reduced to $9.9 M | Plain tailored styles with patch pockets and zcs ? 50£ n belted coats; in sand, navy and Belgian n , , o • u / gabardine #17.50 Men S opnng llosiery yrj Prince Chap suits in serges shepherd checks 1 II _1 . rlT . nnr s.. / and solid color gabardine. #18.50 to #253.50 and Underwear pf _jL Prince Chap, Tuxedo and straight line Mens silk lisle half hose, seamless, in black a. styles, in poplins, gabardine and serge and in a,l Fil^e V Jilk half hose; in'biack, tan, navy and 4 . ■ . jß»' ' h\ fine quality Sliepherd checks ........ s j ate 2."tC L ; Plain tailored gabardine suits with flaring Cotton half hose; seamless; in black, tan. collar of silk and yoke, circular skirt, $535.00 " a rine la S Hk tit Hundreds of New Trimmed Hats Have Come in Since Easter "if Jtt! New Pattern Hats, $lO and sl2 New Models at $4.95 to $8.50 back of coat ia,d ... short sleeves SI.OO _ 5 x ■ EKjptian cotton rthbed union suits: short sleev^ (> Another wonderful showing of latest millinery creations will greet tomorrow's visitors. Noteworthy because Silk Poplin suits in Belgain navy and black; Egyptian bait>ri«gan shirts lone or G f le variety of new styles is the assemblage of trimmed models at $4.95, $5.95 and $6.50. Many new exclu- some of the styles are plain tailored and some short siee\es, each -5c,... and .>oi models in pattern hats are shown at $lO and sl2. The woman who wants to keep informed as to the latest are in fancy modes #:JO.OO to #55.00 Women's Spring Hosiery millinery styles will keep in close touch with our millinery, for all the new effects are shown here first. T Silk" j r _ Large purchases of the latest shapes in untrimmed hats bring to the store entirely new styles in large black * l_/OVfc?lieM OlllS. V diblb and Underw ear lisere, black and white milan, hemp and beautiful qualities of Italian leghorn. in HarrisburP Women's black silk lisle hose; seamless; high f r , _ . I ~ ZT~I Z . _ __ _ ___ 7_. _ __ _ . 7~ZZ _ _ spliced heels and toes. Pair, 37^4^; 3 pair j SPECIALS IN LARGE STRAW SHAPES AT 69c The styles are practically without end for ................................ #l-00 v e r 4t h street Aisie y ant l t j ie nia teriajs include lace, crepe de Black Silk lisle hose: fashioned feet and high NEW QUILLS I The new ostrich bands in blue, white, snnd and Wheat in black, natural and colors at i • r? i „ j -x,.* _ 4.--U «:iU O spliced heels. Pair, 3V/*; 3 pairs for #I.OO quHls in bl3c . k at ... 25c . 49t , 75c and ».ack. at «"* The new berrv wreaths at 4B( . chine ' French crepe and stupe tub silks. Sdlk boot hose; with fashioned feet; in black Natural at i»c and 750 NEW FLOWERS cherries at ' ' io<* and ->sc You'll not find as worthy a collection Sulphur, blues, red and other colors. .49c to 980 1_ I I_ . ... . 1 . , • lT . •, and col .r. ................. • vvw ostrich pi tufs An entirely new showing of flowers of many f of Silk waist Styles in any Other Hai'fis- Black silk hose; fashioned feet; made with omkich h-imm kinds at 23<1 hlack and whitp winp-s 7S hnro- stnrr button holes in top to fasten supporters, #I.OO The popular short broad head styles of plumes New daisies in many shades at lc OIdCK ana wniie Wings., ?t./3 DUt „ Store. ia 'i\ in white, black, pink, blue and sand $2.50 25c, 'l9c, 09c and 75c V- / Prices »pU."o to Jpti.OU Women's white cotton ribbed union suits; sleeve- _ /■ fI \ - ITT /" T - * ' i f~\ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Nta anagi^Special Lot or 1 rimmed Hats for Little Oirls at 9oc inexpensive cwna White lisle union suits, sleeveless and lace trim- This lot Consists of fanCV StraWS ill milshroOUl shapes, neatly trimmed with dainty flowers and ribbons. A SOc decorated salad bowls and cake plates; spei ial manufacturer's clean-up, values to 52.75. Special Saturday at ! 980 SOc chl „ « % Dive* Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Basement, 1 J The Selection of That New Spring The New Palm Beach Four-in Hand for Men Are j 0 •. r~*> T • TD 7~\ I a Bound to Make a Hit in Their First Bow Tomorrow vllT- i /OnP JLJC_/ C/vl / And they promise of being the biggest hit of the Spring and early Summer season. Exclusive is the word that truly expresses them. In many new color combinations, at >OO 1 The change of seasons makes a change of clothes imperative. The person who wears a heavy De j o j nv jn e four-in-hand Soft Collars Men's $1.50 Shirts, L winter suit, when the sun in the Spring sky proves its warmth by coaxing out the buds on tree and cravats in Roman stripe dc . New for Spring are the nlad . Negligee shirts with bosoms (. bush is sadly out of tune with nature and the folks about him. • a ras> cor d e d and soisette soft j and cuffs of an excellent grade r It's time to buy a Spring suit —our large showing of high grade clothes should convince you Bai iies in reversible and collars; sizes 12 to 17. of tu b silk and the backs of a s that this is the place to buy it to advantage, but as to style and quality and price. French point ends, Two for a quarter and each, ; so f t) durable merterized fabric; iT 1 c SPRING SUITS AT $lO 00 SPRING SUITS; AT sl2 AND $.5 Roman ™l Men's B.ltt, t. fljo" A I ft * Grey overplaid cassimeres. Hairline striped blue worsteds. Koman ui inkie tuouiai re p Blue and grey Tartan checks. Overplaid worsteds. Dark Tartan checks. versible four-in-hands ... 290 And there are as many for Mens $1.30 white mushroom \ .. / Striped grey cassimeres and worsteds. Light grey overplaid cassimeres. Boys and mens four-in- boys as for men. Mack is the bosom neg lgec s nrj;. 111 a ■ \-r/ Tartan check cassimeres. Grey overplaid worsteds. hands, in solid colors and fancy predominating color; sizes 26 sizes except 14*4. Reduced to Blue serges. Black and white check cassimeres. stripe and figure patterns, 2.>« to 50. Each .. to *1.50 Fancy grey mixed worsteds. Grey herringbone striped worsteds. ———— Swift's Premium Sugar Cured Hams, Averaging 10 lbs. CiZz and ,hreeco,or over l SJIH Regularly 22c: In a Special Sale To-morrow, lb., 17c / '° A Sc ° tch 7 llxtures and twe eds -. °" SerS ' C On account of the low price quotation, no mail orders or C. O. D. sales will be taken on the Swift Ham Special' \ l Overplaid blue worsteds. Scotch mixtures and tweeds. to-morrow. if 1 V V Ife Tartan check in soft finish Green and brown Carlton With each 50c purchase of groceries, excepting sugar and ham, we will sell 10 bars of any kind of laundry Ihv\\ « fabrics. plaid worsteds. soap for 350. kL\\ \ / Q Fancy shadow stripes. lue serges. Sa'nta Clara prunes, large and meaty. Frankfurters, lb •»<' SPANISH AND STUFFED OLIVES X X T-. O _J Grey overplaids. , 2 lbs 25c Boiled hatn, sliced, lb 39«' Large quart jars selected Spanish ©lives ■ Fanc y mlxed cassimeres and Bla^k and K whit hck wor . Fancy peachea, 2 lbs 25c Luncheon loaf, lb 28c 30c X#\>. |H wnrotrHc i j • Purity apricots. In sanitary packages I-imburget- cheese, lb -Ho wursicus. steds and cassimeres. 18c Wisconsin cheese, lb 25c with peppers, olives and celery, bottle (' "rM Lightweight Top Coat. Plain grey worsted., w-.wWM.I-_ F»n or..m r^'c «^ |bV • • ;;;; V gj fish and salmon / 111 $15.00 to $25.00 n homespuns. Tender Shoe Peg com, 3 cans 25c Hershey's pure cocoa, lb., 18c; o lbs. Tuna figh a delicious white meat for // /NA l[S ~ , . Grey homespuns. Early June peas, 3 cons 25c 83c salads, can 24c // v\\ Ukl Two-tone Tartan check cas- eu_j rtu , p ° rk aJld be4ns . ln towato sauce, 3 com® A>D TEA Chinook salmon cutlets, the finest // y NeKW IIH ■ onaouw ana iancy stripea regular 10c cans .., 25e Record coffee, a delicious breakfast packed, extra large oval cane 35<: J// I \VV 5 simeres. cassimeres and worsteds. Golden wax beans, tender and sweet, blend, lb 25e "My Wife" maple syrup, large quart .<// I Pain or<~i/c an.l nvfnr/1 jrr.vt tj >t> i~> 3 .• ase Banquet coffee, cannot be equaled at bottles 28c /fi Ai ■ rain g eys ana oxtora greys. Boys Top Coats Fancy head rice. 3 lbs 25c the price: 1 lb. parchment bags 30c Huckleberries, delicious Pennsylvania' ® Plain black unfinished wor- Light weicht fancv blue and New Pearl tapioca, 3 lbs. 25c Purity coffee, our finest grade of se- blue berries; packed in large glass Jars v i ■ • , ■ * . ... • a • Broken macaroni, lb Sc lected coffees, In sealed t ll}. cans ...10c 18c )[ 1 steds. black and White checked wor- „ noir>rV4 i\n niiVFSP "Our Favorite" tea, a delicious blend Olive butter, a tasty treat for sand // \ Silk lined to edge or plain sted topcoats, sizes 3 to 8 dried bikf, bolooma a«u at a popular price, lb 45c j wiches io<: /-• J r i u... -r. a,,- ,i/i Country cured dried beef, lb.. .. 10c 'Senate Blend" tea, it has no equal, lb. Ocean white fish, 10-lb. pall containing faced lapels. vears s,{..><) to 3po.<M) Lebanon bologna, lb 25c «Sc | 22 fish 77c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 9, 1915.