Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 02, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
N,ll y Bowman's To-morrow for Final Easter Make-Ready ? Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 4 tf'' J? For Men k ; That Easter Fresh & Pure Are the Chocolate Glove Question , vho „ kes F^torFaa* Shonld Be Dec!ded Here ' J—iClOlCI I—(LLO 1 IdC To-morrow S Ta y» pearl, l)lue, brown and V -• l [ffly\|\fvftiWl§<M£k...Jr /J t_ '* l I °° . , . . green #1.30 and #2.00 »«ss Small and very small; large and very large— Women who desire the Tapered crown derbies in raven JKK faff ' verv newest and most ac- black—same prices. J»7 3^s^'iXmW-ikh\ m all sizes. And from a single penny upward through ceptable gloves, that fashion j> WJn JSs the dollar regions are eggs at almost everv price depicts, and to have them , Ir 8 , , , Is/ Sb SB harmnniyp with the Faster I'ercalcs and mercerized mad- Ml j aaWßffißagSM 5 5S you might care to pav. In addition, we will place . ... , ~.' , . ras; neat stripes, at #I.OO. At Jffi I imMSrik . costume, will do well to select sa ( ' t . „„ A fi „. • .Mr V/Manj||TL„ liriT 1 I LI . M an y i nscr ipt ,on you may desire on eggs purchased from our assortments. Out quality madras in a splendid va any time tomorrow, without extra charge. of the many, we have chosen riety of patterns. Silk shirts in %nr'\l L three of the popular stvles, striking patterns; excellent Easter Baskets and Novelties new - and disiinct, - v st - v| - «* " *"* and _ , 1 _ -el- u .1 . , Boys' Dress Shirts in a' splen- #1 fm w Will be found in a delightful assemblage. Many shapes in baskets ... Q" een Elizabeth the latest (Hd varjety of ( , ua ii t j es anc i pat . /|/f f to select from at 2# to 39# each. Novelties are 1# to 25<" each. Papers Sl „i V C W ' !i W ! - St ' a 'lf terns with French cuffs and sep- /yM gt 1 , <-„• , - „ Z. u p other Fownes and Kayser silk t ff . V/l » • ,n £ baskets, o# box. Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. gloves, in plain and contrasting ' ' - (4 _ , y.. .... • T B W^" r "li» It's Worth Something to You UUWllla.il and contrasting embroidery; fine . ( - oncLt styles u>r the young | 0 have at your command, a men's store such as this. /-> • »» JigSbhES'/ quality. Prices are ll Apopuat model; upon which vou can relv for last minute service, and feel W__„ sftL S«1 21 to «s*> •?-t lacing through invisible eyelets, ' Oi\ SBBT^TKayser's Chamoisette Gloves, with genuine oak soles, is #4.00 assuredlot satisfaction. ... AC J n L- D long and short, in all the new F a «t« N # Au, M r It is worth something to you to know that the clothes A smart and Dashing Bronze shades, with self and contrasting E-a.ier necKwear you are purchasing come from a reliable source, is authen- Shoe For Women embroidery Prices are Smartest of stripes, figures and tic ill style and of highest merit in durabilitv, as well as to #1.33 colorings in four-m-hands and i-ulm-ino- A militarv boot, genuine u s flSf / bows and #I.OO each French bronze, cloth tops; \ MM ■/ It is everything to you, when you pay Shoes For Boys «« M $Q OH $1? SO *lftnr*?o is #6.00. Also high and 1 ' 1 description. They're here in the S • /v/, IL*•J \J y I-/ 9 IW UI L*\J low shoes in a do/en difier- '* ' 1 I v wanted stvles, and #t..>o - • . , . . . . , ent stvles all new and atlu j . tor a su,t - ai) d can have absolute confidence in the house everyone S a winner"™' Another Lotof Just the right styles in shoes Silk Hosiery— you are dealing with, realizing that you arc receiving value #1.73 to #O.OO , | xr f Q'llm that will give excellent wear. [ Excellent quality, with double for value ill the amount paid, v ) Women S 01/k New shipments have made the soles and high spliced heels. Tomorrow is not too late to select your Easter Suit and Pretty White Hose, 89c ' mack and popu,a^ d aS Si,K> we ' d be Uld ;>/ !<> you models that i IV.Uy vv mic for such stur(iy qualities • | "Monito" silk lisle hose; strong an >' man vvou,d lake l )rlde 1,1 wearing. i\o better styles are F)w»cc<»c fkia I hey are genuine $1.30 qual- Prices #I.OO to #2.30 and durable 23* pair shown anywhere. L/I CooCo 1 UI lllC itics, but owing to the different j r -V P , kinds arc called "varies," and it ( V-lin S caster may happen that a slight mend \\[f> Preiiipf XVIPt Rnwman rt Lingerie Dresses fin e may be found, but that can only j mJKJ W Axliite 1' ren ell voile, organdie be in a few. Strongly reinforced IV 1 ! 1111 T"l f*T*\T WI III Rp i and batiste dresses, trimmed at top, sole and heel. Some are IVIUIIUCXy VV lil DC Avith line embroidery, val. all silk: while others have lisle ft 1 T"\ f" K A tT ocfpr M lace and insertion: long waist soles and garter tops. A timely tlllCtlVC 111 LllC Mmfj l ■ effects with satin ribbon sash. Faster sale.. PsfSiClc JI { f _ W !B|/^ Empire Dresses—fine net, lace _ . Ilf even to the last Easter moment, belt 1 of' ac e*'o at e ac . e °. X #6.oß'and #7.98 io cakes swifts pnde soap... ,a7c J J forth the new ideas, and every ''if M\ lldr^ Lingerie' Dresses dozens "of io cakes ivory soap »«c one has materially enlarged the -W AjJ&mjf ' K these winsome fashions in sheer io cakes f® ap -- '< ,1 showing until now it is more M v .. . , . . , . . 10 cakes F els Naphtha 50ap....»8c 7\ }.<\ , , I 1 Lvw=J.\ TnrT rffll \ \: ■*. 1 batiste and lawn, trimmed with *sc packs Swifts Pride Washing > com Pl ete than ever. \ \f|W ||f illl'Wu #1 .**3 to #3.98 No phone orders sent C. O. D. ' rallia licit ill OpeilUOlk design. jfrM i;i i jj Second FIoor—BOWM.VN'S. BOWMAN'S Basement. 1 "" a COpV of tllC Sttlniling' lllodel UfuMK Ma X# ( " that Mrs. Vernon Castle is now wearing at "Castles in the ffli -3 / Women May Choose Easter ! A %f l - e ; s ; h ;flV rp linlarged ohowing or Untrimmed bhapes Loats 1 o-morrow r rom We're sure the largest in Harrisburg of the better __ . f New MnHels qualities All braids alid all colors in DreSSltlg tke BOy IVIOUCIb Small close fitting hats. Large mushroom hats, _ "p A shipment of the smartest and most stylish coats has Tricornes, New low crown shapes, I*Of CIRJ.PX just been added to our already large assortment. Coats of Qaadricones, Shepherdess quality and style, at the price you wish to pay. Included Small Sailors Laree Pokes Mothers will find it profitable to select the boy's suit here, are: I ' ' We are showing more than twenty-five different patterns and The new Coverts, at *IO.OO t0*86.00 Q Ur J /jc/ Mt'tiufp SprVI CP m °dds, to .11 the Shepherd Checks, at #IO.OO to #20.00 IrlLllLlLts Ot/» Wlists _ ISiorfolks, at Jp1.98, fp2.»jO, Jp-.98, and up to S'. hi f te oat ®' at «r'o« t0 an re hed upon as safely and assuredlv as ever. w.50. All sizes. „ Mixtures, at #3.98 to #23.00 , xr ~, , / ... . -, , , x f Wovelty Serge Suits, 214 to 10 vears .... to fPo.oO Poplins, at #8.50 to #35.00 We 11 do ollr utmost wlth increased help, to meet every re- * ' • ' Silk Poplins, at #20.00 to #50.00 quirement. Secoild F , oor — BOWMAN-S. He Must Have a Smart Hat Also (Jabai dines, at #IO.OO to #30.00 j V. • ) p or boys Btol6 is a new lot of stitched cloth hats, in checks, serges, A /"» .* • r \j q •, T~? J. * overplaids and mixtures. They're special at 50$. Felt hats are #I.OO " or IVCXV Suits and #1.50. Caps of every description, 25# to #I.OO. In smart poplins, shepherd checks and serges, at #ls, and also j f Third FIOOr—BOWMAN a silk poplins, gabardines, and mixtures, at #2O, #25 and #30.00. Jif]? fUS ' All the higher priced suits will be sold at very material reduc- Tj) JmL ! When You Require ! ( .. ) tions to-morrow. Sometimes it takes just a small y piece to give added distinction to I SBhA j Plaiting Done ] II 111 l ill Vv the Easter garb, for instance a * I _ 1 \Y7 * f f d> 1 QQ string of pretty California flower catl ve ou satisfactory R - d and they only cost 50# and 75# i / ,-t W $2.50, $2.98, $3.98 rt^tSW»#Ss£S An assortment that will surprise The most attractive ' DamtV Effects tO J styles in the better grades of materials; moderately priced. Popular Main FIoor.— BOWMAN'S. L-/cUlliy IO French plaiting, Knife, Side, colors, are white, black, f> 1 1 Kilt, Box, Sun Ray and Accordian pink, light blue, mais, ,d3fask » __ . V>Omplete tllC plaiting. flesh, rose, putty, sand. L#(Z VIUCL CoStUHIC plaiting up to 75 in- The Wanted Easter £\' r\ . A *'"b\ sy4- o (I>r«8» Goods Department.) Kinds i Lingerie Waists, / fR |®\ KsUrbel* Collar anden# Oriental 3* Satin Ribbons, in all uV* L. Wll\ Representing always the latest c npr ial Int nf Hnll'ar irr-ints C m 11 R««, e ori/ J the leading shades, 6 inches $1 00 tn Qft flf/fl mode, fitting every form-line and ' j' DOys and wide, at, yard 29# 1 producing perfect symmetry and L jj?c V*stee s white and cream, l n f an u' W+mr Taffeta Ribbons, in a big e M / Lj>? correct shapeliness of figure, at .)0# to #2..>0. Infants Mead Wear line of shades, 5J4 inches More than a score of \f [3// / they are the acme of corset per- A large line of collars—cream wid at d styles at #I.OO. \ dozen \ T\\W / a / L A fection. and white, Oriental lace and or- Boys Hats newest styles in J BOO? modelsm\M \ '\ \W fjA \\ W Fi "est quality imported ba- gandie. at 25# and 50# each. telescope and Rah Rah, in checks, Black and white striped A M a ,; t \// \\W\ \\ \ 3// tiste. coutil and fancy materials, Main Fioor-BOWMAN'S. mixtures and blue serge Prices and checked ribbons, at yd and #1.50, and a host of V / \ \ \ R\JJJ j exquisitely trimmed, at , a^c 50# to #1.50 59# to 7.5# models at #1.98, #2.50, I V iBMWB #3.00 to #IO.OO I • tl d Infants' lawn caps, at 20c Muirc Ribbons, all #2.98 and #3.98. | | Our corseticres will assist you Join Ihe Bowman 25# to #3.00 silk, stiff ribbons; fine for Mx'ond Kioor— HOW M\n h in the selection of the right model Refrigerator Club, j Infants' hats and bonnets, children s hair bows, at, yd., to meet your individual require- M AW p_____. e daintily trimmed with line lace •~'/'2# ments * now in .rrogress and ribbon, at .... 98# to M.OO M.in FIoor— BOWMAN-s ■ ■■ '■ . y bscoud floor—BUWilA.N'B. v J JBeconU FIoor.—BOWMAN''S. v J ' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG i TELEGRAPH APRIL 2, 1915 3