Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 02, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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f> If Your Footwear Is Carefully Selected You " ~r
jit Will Not Want for Confidence in Your Step
& jfl )l This Easter showing of footwear for men and women reflects skill in the
choosing. As much thought has been given to the pricing as to the matter of style
i—' •..• r [j is with special pride that we ask you to view these Spring lines:
°< © 1 Men's dark tan Russia cal£ oxfords, made on Men's black kidskin blucher oxfords, made lA^\tmtfX
| - xifiivV\ > l/T'l \
H&sXi!SSxl B In I heels $4.00 year welted soles, with broad heels ... $4.00 f, Il' vV
I Jill Men's gun metal calf and tan Russia calf ox- Men's gnn metal calf English lace shoes, //mill I / I \\\
|| | | fords, on the English last, with Goodyear with sand color cloth tops, narrow leather lace /fl/fll m/r \Vv
i welted soles and low English heels ... $4.00 stay and blind eyelets, low pegged heels, $4.00 /J ill 1 I 11%/ \\ i A \\^
\ Men's gun metal calf English lace shoes; Men's patent colt English lace shoes; dull ////jf||J llw [ j:| n
<z dull calf tops with blind e)-elets, neat stitched box calf tops and blind eyelets, new English /^A _f Bu 1 |
tip and Goodyear welted soles with low broad last with Goodyear welted soles with low heels, f|* JS^k
HPI . j_ r\" 1 C ,lee,s S 4OO $4.00 imsk.
e reaes ISP ay O New Spring Shoes and Colonial Pumps for Women
L' n r> \ -i 11 •» *. X r |h x i„,?~ at ?o t CO,t I ?J l< ii BU , l } me . tal ca,f shoes in button and Patent colt lace shoes with sand color cloth tops, A / V** (: P*
JZ/aSter IVjL 11 1111 Gr y iZ/VGr toe last with French heel's fe ' re . s 0 tops: new patent leather lace stay long fore part plain toe last
Patent colt button shoes, with gray or black cloth tt,ld hi » h French heels $4.00
CT 1 1 T T 1 tops - on the sth Ave. plain toe last, Goodyear welted Patent colt and dull kid Colonial pumps, with gun C " C? 1 " 1 f
> inwn tn M«rri<;niircy so !S s with French heels *3.00 metal finished buckles; new narrow plain toe last. 7M"irinCf
v-/ I 1 v_/ VV x x 111 J. ICII 1 lOA—/ L 4.1 Gun metal calf Colonial pumps, inlaid with black With Goodyear welted soles and French heels. .SI.OO fe llO C4.IIVX CXlw
and white cloth back and dull linished buckles, 94.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor.
Hundreds of New Trimmed The New Pinehurst and Imperial Waists the Most Compete
Hats From $1.95 to $12.00 Are Lovely Conceits of Handkerchief Linen tyle therin 2 That as
Here's practically a brand new stock of trimmed .... . Deeil jeefl
and untrimmed hats for this great outfitting occasion ie new me lurst waist of handkerchief linen is one of the best looking models that we have - _ _ _ 7 - A
,i c . . i r- , T1 , ri n > seen in a long time; the colors are rich shades of green, orchid, light blue, nink, navy and srey, and T T T 'Z. J. ~ / I^,^,
—the Saturday before Easter, Thousands of dollars the stvle is embellished with white collar and cuffs i.... - sM».OO ltl LlamSOUrq a Uay
woi th ol new nulhneiy has come in this week to enable I he Imperial waist is of voile or batiste, embroider)' frills and embroidery collar, ~ . . •
us to be amply prepared for the demands of the little s:>..">(> to |5.00 ' ' le modes are characteristically American, and in
girls as well as their older sisters and aunts and moth- . Dotted Swiss waists, hemstitched organdie collar and black ribbon tics; long sleeves their simplicity of design they represent the most sens
ers. And these new stocks are an important factor, for trimmed with hemstitching and turn-back cuffs $3,95 ible style lines that have been shown in many seasons.
manv new ideas have developed since the formal Spring 1 ' be new suits for both women and misses are full
embraces a " Every Woman WIU Want to Wear New Hosiery on
The Larger Shapes The Vogue of Wings Easter Morning: New Arrivals Of Quality navy imp d ortam 0 rtam f„°Th" S sVtg n sl,owing tomorrow:
rile New Wllite Hats The New t lowers "Something old—something new"—goes the old saying. And it is said that if you put your Gabardine, poplin and serge suits in jaunty Prince
The Popularity of Leghorns ket own on ncvv ' lO:, ' er y on Easter morning you 11 have good luck the whole year through. Chap and Tuxedo styles, and in straight line modes
Tlw> Vour Hctru.h r„ ni ,i ac Silk boot hose, seamless, high spliced heels, in black Fine quality silk hose, fashioned feet, high spliced with patch pockets and belt; ill all the best shades
iliei\e\* WSTI ICII r alleles and white 2.v heols, double soles, black only . 70«- ,r,t Hilti tn 4M)
Tlip W\v ^ le ho ?T' wl , th fushlo,led fePt and hi « h Fine quality silk hose, fashioned feet and double ol the season !|)10..«F to
1 lie A>ew Diues ana Drowns spliced heels, double soles 2SC Boles, In black and colors si uo Belgian blue, navv, black and sand suits 111 manv
Trimmprl at <K4 Q ' on, ; d .! eet . ,* nd . and'doubie Jofeii'.f^'! , .°. Il . e . f . e . e !'. . 1 ! l f? 1 fi,oo #s.()o individual styles with button trimming and fancy
1 nmtTled 1 13tS ST »P l.yo Silk boot hose, fashioned feet, in black and colors Kxtra size silk hose, fashioned feet, in black and collar effects $122.50, $3«).00 and JH»JO.(M)
Several hundred models Of distinctive Style and SU- Kay«er-s Italian silk hose in black and white, «l! 50 Pomeroy & Stewart—'Street'Floor sl '°° • Shepherd check and black and white check suits
perb workmanship. \\j • 1 .
Trimmed Hats at $5.95 and $6.50 Most Charming Waists of Crepe de Chine and Lace in blue and tan g° l^e^es^ o^^
A wealth of smart, chic modes to select—every
Will Be Presented To-morrow at Very Attractive Prices Silk poplin suits in navy, Belgian, grey and black,
one a dressy model of refined style and designing. \ Ve have never before seen a more attractive assemblage of with ,inings of rich floral silks ' s:{o * <K) to 59 ,5 °
Trimmed Hats Up to $12.00 % A Coats in Many Styles
Magnificent qualities of hemp, leghorn and black nients of the very highest type and the range of colors is more in- i o • i p i _
lisere straw gorgeously trimmed with ostrich fancies, <D teresting than any we have ever seen under one group. anO. IvlCn 1 OneS
plumes, velvet ribbon and imported flowers or smart \ ported 6^ace y over UesS 6 chiffon' and" of ea niVrow h tuckrand K lir K °e' pearl r b°ut ß Black , and white Check coats in ripple and belted
tailored effects in the fashioned sailor and shepherdess £&/ \ v^'?? sh r J bbo r ß , - . T/ 16 rlbb ° ns extend tons $298 back styles, with little touches of contrasting colors
effects with novelty stickups and simple but effective /'■ '*l \ oVe?the e shou"der l and n end e below the sewon il a"ric P h e srade "of I, Crepe l de Oil cults all<l ' al ' _ . #2 aaa
frnotmontc tlio oHllor? <X/ jv bust llne in a I'utton trimmed effect. Chine with welted shoulder straus and JpIO.UU, !MO.«>U, and
treatments that only the sklllea artists hands can '' he sleeve "/J re of f' li<Ton with narrow arms eyes. The fastening is of loops Navy and black poplin coats in plain styles and in
produce. fG®!- s'uS, ° n a * c 's"»g ?ove^ e i,uuon8 ne * nd . Cr .T. ae w'SS belted modes $16.50 to $25.00
Come and see a display of new Easter Millinery -• qualities of Crepe de Chine One style in mustard.' White, "flesh Covert cloth coats, in plain and box plaited styles,
that surpasses any showing of the kind seen in this city mrlklnßly flnish.'d with ong
hpfnrr' white pearl buttons which fasten on tened with clusters of pearl buttons Belgian blue $20.00 to $22.50
DeiOrC. £ loops $2.08 This garment has been specially re
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Another very rich Crepe de Chine dueed from $4. <13 to .... $3 115 Dives, Pomeroy &■. btewart, becond Floor.
*■ style is in flesh, wlilto salmon and Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Second" Fl.
A Dainty Neck Piece Girls' Coats, 6t014 | | A Special Easter j -|§|-|
Will Improve Your Suit Years, and Coats Showing of Sweaters \$
Among the newest of the new neck- -i 1 Women's, Misses' and Children's #"IT m
wear creations, just unpacked are the JOf C,nilQron ,f~ A sweaters from regular stock have been | 1|
flaring, rolling Oriental lace affairs that M I \ gathered into several interesting price \
look so well 011 every woman. Some are ' ie styles are very charming and the groups for the benefit of pre-Easter I
made with plaited backs. The best col- trimming on each garment is so distinc- buyers | W /
, ... , ~ tive that every little girls heart will - Even the little tots whose sizes range
ors <ne ecui «mc wll c yearn for a new Easter Coat the minute j from 2to 4 yearsjare promised attractive '
range is irom -of? to »>I.UU she sees this broad showing. There are \y values. There are many SI.OO garments x
Embroidered organdie collars in_flaring and many color combinations and solid f° r 39f in this list. * * , tj -t rtt
rolling backs, in white to SI.OO shades to choose from, and the materials -p Girls'sl.so sweaters, in white with red or ! JVlori S F13.1l lIOSO
Maline ruffs with neck bands, in black and are all of the finest quality. I 1 TetOllSSe vJIOVeS I blue touches .'l9^
wllite to SI.OO j n sjjrgg 2to 6 the prices range from r rr>- . s~\ 1-, le " s . and H' sses $2.98 sweaters, $1.98 sr\T P
Vestees of net trimmed with buttons; some oi*> qu 05% All Ol lamest VrJlialltV 5.i.00 Shaker knit sweaters $.{.98 lUI JL_/CXOld Y Y Cdl
have flarintr collars; in white and ecru i t • s 1 a w *, . * $6.00 Shaker knit sweaters $-1.98 v ... . , , ...
350 to s:i 00 In si7.es 6to 14 years the prices are Master glove makers of France $7.50 Shaker knit sweaters $0.50 New fibre silk hosiery of an extra quality
.. . , / , interestino'lv low have sent these lovely grades to will be found 111 the Men s Hosiery Section to-
Importedlace collars in embroidered light Dives pomeroy A Stewart—Second Floor. us--nowhere can you find gloves Footer morrow at 25f. And in addition you will find
grounds, with contrasting color trimming. Spe- of finer quality. 1 1e W lHaSter rNeCKWear many fine grades of silk lisle and silk at in
cial. to-morrow ,250 Trefousse two-clasp kid gloves of fz-vf nrl J D __teresting prices.
Shadow lace guimps in white and ecru, 25c Another Shipment Of FanCV wh»te ß^win!?a%eS rt?h" f Men 311(1 DOyS Men's fibre silk half hose; seamless; in black,
value. Special, to-morrow 18p Yr J looking glove for the Easter promo- \ wealth of new neckwear fashions tan, navy, slate and white 25^
VYlllLw 1 UtaivCOjl- kid gloves. In black with wide white _r \i • „„j wr*.**. crilicprl lieek and tiTlr*
r ' and Paris Point embroidery and white ot Men s and HoyS Wear. spliced lieels and toes
L 1 Patrons of our grocery department who re- fonaCu; in^Unationß" l3^ r° f Ultra Particularly large is the selection of Black silk lisle half hose; fashioned feet and
sponded to our sale of potatoes a week ago Two-clasp real kid gloves in black, new ties for men at spliced heels. I air, *l4 1 /2s, 3 pair for
will be glad to take this second opportunity. white and colore; pair .. ... $1.75 Bright cross stripe De Jolnvllie Ues' . 2»o sl.(K>
Another shipment of 100 bushels goes on sale and co~lonf; P p«ir B . V ' CB . . ? $1.50 Boys 50c Mo « a(1 °re silk French four-in-hand ties Silk half hose; seamless; high spliced heels
to-morrow at 69£ Washableichamoisette gloves' in 16- Boys' plaid, stripe and plain color French and "re- and dullble soles; ill black, tan; navy, slate,
Large juicy Florida or- I cheese, mild S?al? pifr versible four-in-hand ties 25c taupe and champagne 50<'
anges. dozen 23c I and very creamy. lb„ 25e Washable chamolsotte gloves in two- BOYS' SHIRTS AND WAISTS Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
f . .. ■% t • r /—l l . Fancy Messina lemons, ! ih Ser clleesei clnsp style; white, natural anil pongee; Plain white pleated and negligee shirts in stripes
V-* /a \/ r» fH r r\T" each le Fat white Norway pair 59e and colors 50c to $2.00
X T CXL lvl/ l y *wJx Wlllll Ijirgo think - skinned | breakfast mackerel- Children's washable chamolsetto and Waists with attached collar, plain white and col- \ ' f T"J -|
*J grapo fruit Be packed In 10-lb. palls. silk two-clasp gloves. In white and ored stripes 30c to SI.OO / \ ( Q ffl Orf tnr rS Q n\r
w Solid packed tomatoes, ?115 tan; pa!r 25c and 50c Boys' Windsor ties 25c * »• Cll 1 lvl JLJCXKj y
O j 1 T T Tll 14. J extra large tins, special. Banquet coffee; in one- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—St. Floor. '
otyles IS Unlimited Fancy shoePeK corn. bagS d ... parchn ! ent ... U \A/:i1 R The new Pullman carriages are so good
...... f . r °Kariyune° F . Children S HoSierV er KabDlt W 111 De looking and so sturdy that you will want to
A more comprehensive collection of worthy and sweet, special .. He our Favorite tea, ib„ * •" own one for your little youngster,
shirt styles is not to be found anywhere else beanK ld °speciai Por . k ... a 'sc Fi n g Maine com, the Children's fine ribbed silk lisle '| Vl -fTIOffHW Round or flat reed—and twenty-six styles to
in Pennsylvania and the price groups range tie picn?cs" u ib ar cu,red Vni very fino9t » )ack f d - ' :an - hose; seamless; spliced heels and 111W11U W choose from.
from as little as you want to pay to the best Swift's supar cured Flag whole tomat'oes'tn toes; in black, tan, white, pink, blue Chocolate coated animals, doz., 10#: also French grey is a good color for these delight
at $5.00 Special, ?b. Or . aoe 'imo Ia '" e t,nß is^? n <iox«n. st.ro and cardinal 25f 2 for 50; each 5# and 106 ful new arrivals; many are shown in brown.
There are silks and mercerized weaves, stAp^weighing 1 1 b tu°"i beets*tendT^'and''sweet? Fi" e ribbed lisle hose; fashioned Chocolate coated marshmallow eggs, dozen, $15.00 to siio.oo, in the Basement.
satines and madras, in such well-known makes lb fo'^Vri'il• •• • _-•'»« packed in large cans, feet; in black only; light and medi- 100 and 300 „ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart.
as Eagle, Emerv, Whitney, Paris Dress and snoked, iii. . r f.* 'm, Fiag'' s^cotash.* 1, irmde um we 'BTht 5250 Whipped cream eggs, coated with choco- —— *
Wachusett. 5T™ Fine nbbed cotton hose; seani- late; dozen, 100; also 2 for 50; 50 and 100 Taffeta PettlCOatS* S3 Q5
White niff bosom and mushroom stvle fancy quality, ib beans, can. ISO, dozen less; in black, tan and white, 12J40 each. 1 ailCld ClllOUdlb.
shirts, in fine grades of materials and a com- Divos, Pomeroy & stowart, Basemont. Infants tine ribbed seamless silk Sweet chocolate eggs; dozen, 100; 2 for 50, Made with circular flounce and trimmed
plete range of sizes SI.OO to $2.98 hose; black and white 4,><p and up to $1.50 each. with narrow ruffles, plaiting or scalloped
White plaited and nezlieee shirts with See Men**; ClolllinrT Npti/c Infants hne ribbed cotton hose; Sweet chocolate animals; each, 50, 100, flounce. The colors include Rocky Mountain
FrenchVattached cuff?, »t.S> and upward 366 S INeWS J tan ' 15 *?° „ in blue, Oregon green, putty and black.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Oil Patfe 6 * Stewar't'
WIA 1 a E> Dives, Pomeroj ft Stewart, Street Floor. Fancy Easter baskets . . 50, 100 and 250 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.