14 Fairy Dreams of Appetite One Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet Will Enable One to Digest Any Meal, Any Time. Make up your mind to BO to your next meal with the desire to eat what > ou Wilt nnd rlo it. 11 lvvery float "Miiltr* » 1 Ale Vow Mnce I've Hrrn T.tklne Stuart * Dyn|icp*ln Tnhlets." After that meal take a Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablet and fear no evil effects from the food you have eaten for it ■nil! be digested easily, quickly. Then gradually fairy dreams of ap petite will come back to you and in it short time the old romping appe tite will return to you. All druggists carry and recommend Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. SOc a box. Trial free by sending coupon below. Free Trial Coupon !•". A, Stunrt Co., ISO .Stuart Utile., Mnr«linll. Mich., send me at once by return mall, a free trial pack age of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Name Street City State How to Make Your Hair Beautiful 'J en Minnies" Home Treatment \\ orkn \\'on*lern, stop* Falling llnlr, I telling: Sentp nml IlumlrulY ami Makes the llnlr Soft, llrilliant, t.iixtrniiK nml Fluffy Better than all the so-called "hair tonics" in the world is a simple old fashioned home recipe consisting of plain Bay Rum, Lavona (de Composee), and a little Menthol Crystals. These three mixed at home In a few minutes, work wonders with any scalp. Try It Hist one night and see. Get from vour druggist 07.. Lavona. S ox. Bay Rum and l ,i drachtn Menthol Crystals Dis solve the Crystals in the Bay Rum and pour in an 8 oz. bottle. Then add the i.avona. shake well and let it stand for un hour before using. Applv It by putting a little of the mixture on soft • loth. Draw this cloth slowly through the hair, taking just one small strand at a time. This cleanses the hair and .scalp of dirt ,dust and excessive oil and makes the hair delightfully soft lustrous and fluffy. To stop the hair from falling and to make it grow again rub the lotion briskly Into the t>'-alp with the finger tips or a medium stiff brush. Apply night and morning. .V few days' use and you will not lln<i a single loose or straggling hair. They will be locked on your scalp as tight as a vise. Dandruff will disappear and itching cease. You will And fine downv now hairs sprouting up all over your scalp and this new hair will grow with wonderful rapidity. Any druggist can sell you the above The prescription is very inexpensive and we know of nothing so effective and certain in its result. COM3 Sf.SE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Darkens Beautifully and Restores Its Thickness and Lustre at Once Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea. with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux uriant: remove every bit of dandruff stop scalp itching and falling hair! Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur re cipe at home, though, is troublesome An easier way is to get the ready-to uso tonic, costing about 50 cents a large bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound." thus avoiding a lot of muss While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractive ness. By darkening jour hair with "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it does it so naturally, jo evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After an other application or two your hair be comes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger.—Advertisement. SCHOOL CHILDREN IN DANGER Timely Warning to Mothers—How to AvoitV Every Day Dangers Mothers should know that they en danger the health and even the lives of their littles ones when they give them any of the patent medicines containing dangerous drugs and alcohol. Without these drugs. Father John's Medicine treats colds and gives strength to ward off disease. Heals throat and lungs Advertisement. FA® BEST FOR COLDS Contains No Injurious Drugs or Alcohol EDCCATIONAIi Harrisburg business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first. Day and night. 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. Market Sq„ Harrisburg, Pa. | WEDNESDAY EVENING, ROOT NAMED AS Ml TO LEAD REPUBLICANS Highly Honored by Union League; Makes Stirring Address in Response Philadelphia. March 24.—Ex-l'nlted States Senator Elihn Root was pro claimed the foremost leader of the revitalized Republican party and the man who. it he would say the word, would lead it to victory and the White i House next year, at a meeting last ! night in the Union League, epoch | marking and history-making, in its ! proportions, called to do him honor i and to confer upon him the highest tribute of League recognition, the Din coin medal. i The founder of Ihe party received 'the first medal; Mr. Root has received I the last, for after the medal which ! President John Grlbbel pinned on his breast had been minted, it was found the die had been irreparably broken. Mr. Root's Address In the presence of a thousand of its members, attracted from all over the State and from beyond the State's borders. Mr. Hoot made a tense, stir ' ring, eloquent and dramatic appeal for ] the membership again to respond to I the call of duty and to come to the i rescue of the Union. Dangers were i threatening now, he argued, as grave !if not as dramatic as those which ] brought the l.eague into being. Na- I tional business depression, he said, was I due to distrust and estrangement I which had been brought about be tween the vast agricultural and the I commercial Interests of the country, | and he sounded a clarion call to the I businessmen of the nation to appear j on the battlefield of public discussion land education that their opponents, (sincere, earnest, patrotic as they might i be, should be convinced of the error of their viewpoint, that unity of effort and purpose should be restored and that the liberty of the individual should not be strangled by Govern ment destruction and distrust. "Misunderstandings must be clear ed away if this Union is to be preserv j ed and if they arc not we cannot live, ! lie said. I "The great need of the time is for I missionaries of good understanding. [ "Businessmen should not endure the aspersions which have been heaped i upon them, lying down. Don't be i afraid to assert yourselves. If you cringe to beaurocracy things will go | from bad to worse and the most vital I possession of a free people will bo lost—the independence of individual character. i "We are honest, free, true Amerl cans and we will not live in an at- I mosphere oi suspicion and distrust. "Until the Union League has i brought about this change its mission j to save the Union is not ended." STILL HAVE HOPES OF GETTING HART BACK [Continued from First Page.] —— ;; s nfl m mm THE REV. EDWIN A. PYLES then lie has served In Methodist churches in Camp Hill, York, Port I Royal, Mechanicsburg, Bellwood and Williamsport. It is not known what action may follow the strong protest of Fifth Street Church people against the re moval of their pastor. After a meet ing of the quarterly conference, con sisting of all the officials of the church, yesterday a telegram was sent to ! Bishop Burt, at Washington, which has not yet been answered. The argu- I ment for retaining the Rev. Mr. Hart was based on the unanimous wishes of the congregation as well as the ex ceptional success of the church in membership and finances during re cent years. A similar protest made to the bishop by the Methodist church at York several years ago, backed up by the closing of the church doors in what was practically a church strike, resulted in the reversal of the confer- I ence decision and the return of the | desired minister. Xo Change Before Easter If the change is made it will not be until after Easter, as both pastors have agreed to make their moving gradual and easy for household con venience. The Rev. B. 11. Hart re -1 turned from Shamokin yesterday and | is the recipient of hundreds of con ! dolences from his congregation. Uur ! ing conference session fifty-five tele- I grains were sent to Bishop Burt ask ing for the retention of the Rev. Mr. Hart in Harrisburg from prominent public officials and members of the congregation. Pine Street Church. Williamsport. to which the Rev. Mr. Hart has been ap pointed, is said to be the. largest in the conference, with a large salary and strong congregation. The congregation of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church is said to be just as indignant as Eifth Street over the re moval of the Rev. J. H. Dougherty, who was appointed to St. John's Church, Sunbury. it is not known what action may be taken in protest. A large committee from the church attended the conference with a strong plea for his return. V The Rev. Mr. Dauglierty was con sidered for several leading charges, but the Sunbury church to which he goes offered an increase of S3OO salary : providing he was appointed. They ! also propose the erection of a new I church in the near future, which will be the first undertaking of his new pastorate. He has been at Ridge Ave nue six years, during which time the : building has been entirely remodeled ; i and the church brought to a most I flourishing condition. I The Rev. William W. Hartman, who j comes from the First Methodist | Church. Tyrone, to fill the Ridge Ave i nue pulpit, nas held charges in Holli daysburg and other places in the con ference for about twenty years. It is expected that he will arrive In Har risburg about Thursday of next week ami preach his first sermon on Enster. Ministers of the five other Methodist churches of the city have been re • appointed to their charges for another I year. n These Furniture Reductions Repre sent Exceptional Savings Fresh Summery Washable /JJk .2 \A T A "* r 1 • r\ c, if IIPi A fortable; exactly like cut i''' m Weaves Are Much in De- j 1// atri * ht - specially P ric«i. mand: Interestingly Priced 111 ! Hi ' 1 A ° ak '" ire ;"' s - I lie designs are lovelier than we remember them Myl .Jj ill with Princess dressers and to have been for many seasons, and the price ranges 11 Jy Itt chiffoniers to match. Spe are satisfying in their moderateness. 1 jk JH lia Jb.PT' CC(I #12.95 \"-jlJjUi Black and white voiles and white ground lissues thrc^Sc'cL I™R?' 1 ™R?'- I are highly favored for early season frocks. J| ftp = , 11 duccd to $35.00 '■s 32-inch plisse crepe in colored designs and white Yam. HI. " rT ~i_n l =— aMt $50.00 mahogany bed- Jjl / f grounds .. J oom suite of two pieces. Gd&Bk weave which makes up beautifully . } 29c || : "■ ' i Odd Chairs and Rockers Specially Priced for 36-inch silk poplin in every desirable shade, includ-"! v«m. HI ■" "'-—|| To-morrow ing putty and sand | 69c Hi ~~ 1 f « •« . ill H scat cn&ir 52.25 rocker S*s 95 Imported voiles in black grounds and white stripes;) Y " rd » HI I ?8 - 95 mahogany leather $9.50 mahogany'' bedroom also white with black stripes; 40 inches wide J 50c ' HI j » 1 2.10" mahogany' u r °»241*50 leather Vh»i*r'. 36-inch colored voiles and black and white patterns) v " rd - Wl j! " that will be in demand through the Spring: months . I 25c Il» 1/ ,ea , t ,, cl r l ? ir •: *- nr > 54.50 brass umbrella stands C 1 . . .... r & »••<»... j nH y 911.50 mahogany bedroom 9*93 Nnrting madras 111 white grounds and fancy colored v " r,,> O ch "' r „ •• ■ • »».#5 $19.50 golden oak hail table stripes \ 15c rocker .MM *9.75 _ J *" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. Dive*, Pomery & Stewart, Street Floor. Remnants of Colored Dress Baby says: Fabrics Specially Reduced "No More Pirn for Me" for Thursday Only Baby has declared his independence —he will have no more pins to prick him and distress and worry mother in her efforts to locate 3 yards silk poplin; $3.7:> value. Thursday W3.09 . . t, 1 yards silk poplin: $5.94 value. Thursday $4.39 ® IS troubles. Baby says: 6 yards silk poplin; 57.50, 3 yards serge; $3.75 value. 41M , . , , value. Thursday $5.69 Thursday $2.75 Please dress me in the soft, comfy, safe, simple, sensible s__ yards shepherd checks: 4 yards shepherd checks: $3.75 value. Thursday, $2.39 $3.00 "value. Thursday, $1.89 . - - 4/4 yards serge; $2.13 value. 4 yards navy serge; $6.00 wX, 1. I ' 1 Thursday $1.59 value. Thursday .... $3.95 V&lVta f\& DY | iarmei\tS Black Dress Weave Remnants n«n i- ?, -ml j crepe poplin,; *y* yards corduroy, $5.30 value: $5.80 Thursday $4.69 Thursday $4 19 * yards crepe, $5.00 value: 4 yards serge, $3.40 value - ~ . . Mothers are invited to come and see how easily-how delightfully " y oiv« "" they c,n dress Bab y in Vants Garments. No need of turning Baby over, not even once, while dressing him. Trefousse Kid Gloves Have r-|r\| *. . . Come to our store during "Baby Days" visit our Infant Department and see 1 Ilfir v/dfll£illty-AlI W9.VS UOOKOn W the trained nurse advises mother to scientifically dress Baby, without a f . 1 O , pin or a button. Lectures will be given every HOUR on the Dressing and or in the superlative Degree Feeding of Babies, including special information about the Children's Bureau T , A , ~ , , at Washington. Mothers will be told just how they can jret absolutely 1 reiousse two-clasp kid gloves in black with widp , ... . . white embroidery and white sewing $2.25 FREE . reliable literature this bureau 1S issuing to help mothers to take care Trefousse "Sans Pareil" two-clasp kid gloves "in of themselves and their babieß - with wide white Paris Point embroidery and white sewing jfeo qq Two-clasp kid gloves in black' whi'te'and'colors Come and Bring Your Babies Diven. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street alK ' *° the Ba k v Da - V " Festival. Every mother will be interested in the niaqj TwoPopularSpringSilksAre . * Crepe de Chines X' In Crepe dc Chines \vc show thirty of the most favored / \ street shades in 40-inch width, at $1.19. This is an excellent | Mpfgßfr H S J There is a representative showing of Chiffon Taffeta in the \ FrK leading street shades and glace and changeable effects- 36 in- / \ 'k/Hw 7 \ / ches wide, at $1.35 ,\,S Divea. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street floor. » -*■ King Electric Hair Curlers Largest Variety of Hat Styles Last week of the demonstration sale of King Electric Hair L * 1 WT T T T" 1 01 Curlers. These are cloth covered rubber curlers which give a lOf OIHS W6 MaVO EjVGT ohOWII natural wave in l- or 20 minutes. Five curlers in package WAXW VV XX for Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street pioor. Front. Hundreds of dainty straw bats in scores of shapes and in all the shades SO popll — ar with the little folks. Mushroom straws and poke bonnet straws, little Tipperary turban straws, Alpine effects, sailors and other shapes that are new and pic turesque. In the showing are all kinds of straws, including line leghorns, Milans and panamas. Trimmings run the gamut of the artist's fancy in the use of flowers, rib bons and quills. Prices range all the way from 98<* up to $7.50. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Millinery—Second Floor, Front. A Mid-Week Grocery Sale Which Includes a Big Combination Offer S lbs. granulated sugar 28c- Combination 1 lb. Banquet coffee 30v rol . One can fancy tomatoes 10c 1 *" One can early June peas 10«- 1 lb. fancy head rice 10c MMp 3 cakes Ivory soap I to P.right California peaches. "Royal Blue" large cans Golden wax string beans. 3 Orange Pekoe tea lb flSr 3 lbs Sftr hand packed Maryland ~H n« . . . ' " New California prunes, S tomatoes. can, I2es t> fcnglish dairy cheese, lb., lbs. 2Be cans |V,. 0 ,. whit* n.i, in |u 27e Waldorf pork and beans. 3 Fancy Maryland spinach. , , iu-id. t x>n _j lorn c i, res ,, i h 10c cans 2.V- thoroughly washed and pails, containing twenty- |->| men to rhcese ib " "t<- Concord apples, dellclouu cleaned, large cans, lOes two nsh 7Te Imported Roquefort", lb.. Mr irin£*£2.VnV»*''«V.V White flat Norway mack- Coiintry cured dried beef, *tn« cut wnoe Pey corn, 3 rlnß brand corn, the corn , „ , u Jb. nl. cans 250 without a rival: small frc '- 3 ' or Sugar cured baron sliced "Stork" fancy table peas; sweet kernels of fancy „ , . _ . , . lb ' the telephone variety. Maine slock, can, I Sri Basket nred Japan tea, lb., Luncheon loaf lb ' 2»r Can. ISei 6 cans ,-... 6#e dozen »«.T« «ae Minced ham. lb. 2Or ————- 45 PERSONS PUSS I DRUGGIST EXAMS. State Pharmaceutical Examining Board Announces Result of Recent Tests Held Here At the examinations conducted by the j Pharmaceutical Examining Board in Technical High school. March 6, thirty two persons applied for registration as' pharmacists, of which fourteen were successful; and seventy as qualified as sistants, of which thirty-one were granted certilicates. The next examin ations will he held In Pittsburgh and Philadelphia on June S and St. The fol lowing applicants passed the exami nations: Surceaarul Applicant* Pharmacists Arthur L. Haor, Pitts burgh: Gennaro 1,. Salerno, Harry B. Simon. Charles J. Heinle, Robert K. Worrell aqd Frederick,G. Hoffman, all of Philadelphia: George L. Meiwig, Ashland: Samuel B. Faust, Juniata: G. Thomas Flack, Muney: Harry C. Strir.e, Sliamokin: Horace Willmers, Dubuque, Iowa; John .1. Green. Jr.. and Samuel H. Fritz, New York, X. Y.; Charles A. White. WHliamsto-wn. N. J. Qualified Assistant Pharmacists —. Ada M. Rernstein, Herman L. Cossoy Robert IJMnklocker, Jos. M. Fablani, Jacob H. King. Clifford Lenninger, George I,ulle, Herman E. Mutter, Charles Ring, Lawrence M. Rosenfeld, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPT m«n : JLA V Stephenson, Samuel Weiss-1 Hli". ?• Ja mes Wilson, all of Philadel-I rvl i' f rl W c " A - Coughlin. Archbald: / K " lll , ( r ' Rloomsburg; Cyrus A. • \\ .iters, Cnatham Run; Leslie S. Web ster, Enola; Raymond r. Wagner. Han i° P, F. Maile, Jenkintown; Harrj J Hagenbucli, Mauch Chunk; Hudson O. Mann, Milton; John R. Ash con}. New Morenre; Robert C. L>lx I Nicholson; Marry R. Neal. Norrlstown;! Hairy E rfrenner, Shlppensburg; Wal « i w' c '£, ,rinilU ' Scottdale: Anna U TrevnV#™ Tremont; William M. Smith. I Trevorton. Russell L. Brown, West I Pittston; Harry W. Gruver, York and Gerald b. Plttman, Burlington, N J. i iis secretary of * tli°"ei n1lUt!b' h™ar d. r *' | WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN Made Strong and Well By Vlnol Waynesboro, Pa.—"J was all run! down alter a hard spell of bronchitis! so it was hard for me to keep about. | 1 had pains In my chest and took cold I easily. A friend asked me to try Vinol. I did and it built be up so I am strong and well and I am able to do my housework which I had not done fori three ironths before taking vlnol." — Mrs. Y. R. Horbough, Wavnesboro, Pa. Vinol creates an appetite, aids diges tion, makes pure blood and creates strength. Your money back if it fails. George A. Gorgas. druggist: Ken nedys Medicine Store, 321 Market street.; C. F. Kramer, Third and Broad streets; Kitzmlller's Pharmacy. 1325 Derry street, Harrlsburg, Pa., and at leading drug stores everywhere.—Ad- i vertisernenu MARCH 24, 1915.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers