; MAI THESE ADS FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAINS j i DIED PROFD On Monday. March 22 1915. at 11 P. M.. Mrs. Catherine Proud, widow of the late John Proud, aged >2 years, 1 month and 5 days. Funeral on Friday, March -6. at - 1' M.. from her late residence. 114> Market stree.t. The relatives and friends tie invited to attend without furthe) g»tice. Burial Paxtang Cemetery. BOWERS On March 24. 1915, Edwin Bowers. 31$ Cumberland street, ageit 73 years, 5 months and 9 days. Funeral on Saturday, at 2 P. M-. from his late residence, SIS Cumberland street. Services in charge of the Rev. J H. Daujfherty. pastor of Ridgre .Ave nue Methodist Church. The relatives :«nd friends are invited to attend with out further notice. BIRCH Miss Catherine Birch, a life long resident of Harrisburg and a member of /.ion Lutheran church, died at her home. 119 South street, on Tuesday, at 4:30 P. M., after a short illness. . ..... I'uneral services will be held I*ridaj afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Burial will be made in the Harrisburg Cemetery. LOST IX)ST Monday evening, in neigh borhood of Thirteenth and Market streets, a gold breastpin with pearl and blue enamel. Reward if returned to 14'.0 Market street. FOUND FOUND The way to and your cleaning and dyeing worries, by calling either phone for Eggerts Steam Dye ing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street. We call and deliver. HELP WANTED —Male WANTED, AT ONCE t" paperhanger. Apply 706 North Thud street. WANTED Boy over 18. for grocery store; must be experienced; give rerei ciice. G.. 2311. care of Telegraph. WANTED Salesmen, who can show proof of ability. Call Cnion Sales to. Second and North streets. YOUNG MEN to prepare for Govern ment Examinations. Thorough ...aching for all branches of vice. Have a few open dates. Aiiaress P. O. Box 431. Harrisburg. l'a. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet. \-."-. tells how. Write to-day—NO\V Earl Hop kins. Washington, D. C. MEN' -'OMEN' WANTED Gov ernment jobs. $65.00 to fIoO.OO month. Write for list positions now obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. S6l-G, Roches ter. N. Y. WANTED An experience oil man to travel Pennsylvania. State fullj experience. :eference and salary ex pected. Address S.. 2319, care of Tele graphy ______ WANTED An energetic, ambitious, your g, married man as salesman and . ollector in Harrisburg. Oood oPP**'; tunitv lor rapid advancement. Addre.s .1 . 2315, care of Telegraph. WANTED Man to run extractor; sll to start: man with experience pre ferred. Sanitary Family Washing Co.. Sixteenth and Elm. WANTED Salesmen, who van tinan. e themselves for two weeks. Good proposition. Call Thursday or Friday. k n ;. and 12 A. M. an.l 1 to 4 I M. t Johnson. Plaza Hotel. Room ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablebodled. unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of I'nited States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read niid write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building. 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg: 4$ N. Queen St.. Lancaster; ::,3 Pine St.. Wllliamsport; 37 W. Mar ket St., York, or 113 Independence St.. i-'namokin. Pa. THOUSANDS of cliaufTeurs will be ne ded within three or four months In the . itv of Harrisburg for public taxl a!> service. Prepare yourself at or.ee. n.ako application for training to Auto Transportation Machine Shop. 5 and . N 'rth Cameron street, Harrisburg. I a. I'ull aijd unlimited course, $35.00. Both phones. ___ 300 Ken Wanted To join our Pressing Club —Your SuHs * teamed and pressed and kept in shap# for one dollar a inontl: (4 Suits o nontln. This Special Prit e is for 9 months only. fcee us now and none v. Drop us a card and we will all. The -oth Century Cleaning and 3yein*r Works. 2-5 Market street, above \ilnc« Confectionery, s£am Adelstein, 'lgr. MEN' WANTED to become practical liauffetirs and mechanics. As opportu iitv affords students will be given han.o while learning to earn 20c an lour on overhauling work. Make imp lications at or.ee. Special course for sdies. Day and nigM schools. Auto an • •• t *on Sb And MwhlM ■hoc. 5-7 North Cameron street. WANTED Ap. experienced moulder . make and cast bronze and bearing netals. State age experience and hour rite oxpe. te.l. Also give references. Address 11.. 2301. care of Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FemaIe W VNTED „..l.e« t" »oli< it for urge Arm on big commission. Easy :id pleasant work. Address 0., 2311. are of Telegraph. WANTED A sood washwoman, n eit'iei Mondays or Tuesdays. Call at 1 North Seventeenth street. Houses For Rent 128 Ann St.. 2 s. f. 5 r $7 2011 MoUke Ave.. 2 s. b.. 6 r (to ion N. 19th St., 3 s. f.,tr *io 1929 Forster St.. 2% s. b„ 6 r. b.. ft:: 140 Linden St.. 3 s. f., 8 r *l2 121 Dewberry St si: 1130 S. Cameron St.. 2'j s. f (113 .141 Atlas St.. 3 s. b. 7 r si 3 2146 N. Seventh St.. 3 s. b *l3 1512 Allison St.. 2% s. b.. 7 r. & b., *l4 1501 Allison St. 2% s b. 7 r. b.,.*ir> 1317 Williams St.. 2 s. f. 7 r. b... .*ls 123 Dewberry st *ir, 1538 S. 13th St., S s. b. * i *l«l 1500 S. 12th St.. 2% s. b. S r. b.. *i« r,:>4 Schuylkill St.. 2% s. f. 7 r...*i« t;6O Emerald St., 3 s. b. 8 r *l7 400 Broad St.. 3 s. b. 10 r *SS IS4O Green St., 3 s. b., 11 r. A b.. KiJW 1103 N. 2d St.. 2'i 8. f. 6 r. s. h„ 2202 N". sth St., 3 s. b. 7 r. b *3a 1927 Market St-. 3 ». b.. 7 r sto J23» N. Second St., 3 s. b. *4.1 S. Front St., 3 s. b. 10 r . 2 b . *75 j" S. Front St.. furnished. 4 s. b. '!•• Muench St.—apartments ....*l2 SI BI'RBAX HOL'SKS Cools. Adams St., 2 s. f. 6 r *l2 Houston Mills. Meohanicsburg. *IS I'enn Twp., near Duncannon ....*2O I.ucknow, 4th & Forge Lane ....*25 Newport, Marshall propertv ...*«0 Halnlyn (r.ear Colonial Country Club) —3 s. f. 20 r. & 4 b *75 FROM AFRII, IST 133 N. 13th St.. 3 s. b *25 1425 Walnut St., 3 s. b. 8 r. b. *25 23 N. 18th St., 3 s. b jejs Den y St. (Paxtang). 2'i s. f . .*3O Sl2 N. 16th St.. 3 t b. & f. ...'...*30 .'220 N. Third St.. 3 s. b M 2.50 122 Chestnut St., 3 s. h. 9 r. b., *ls i'wenty-flrst and Chestnut Sts.. *55 83* N. f°.'ond St.. 3 s. b. (single), 12 rooms—steam heat—garage, jwio MILLER BROTHERS & CO. nEAI. ESTATE 'ire luauranee Surely Bonds l.oenst and C'«urt Streets .WEDNESDAY EVENING, 11FLP WANTED—Fems.c WANTED—For Easter rush, at once jackat and skirt operators and skirt presser. Witmer. Balr & Witmer. WANTED Middle-aged white wo -1 man to keep house ap.i care for an in valid. Miss E. Moyer, New Cumber- I land. Market street, near Fifth. Get 1 off street car at schoolhouse. WANTED (Corset Company, Harrisburg and I suburbs. Liberal commission. Corsets sell from $2.50 to $12.00. Full or spare time. Apply Wolfe Corset Shop, 404 i North Second street. j WANTED —• Woman for general 1 housework: good place to right party; ; reference required. Call, after 6 P. M.. I 3003 Riverside Drive. 1 WANTED Young lady bookkeeper, with knowledge of stenography; one with experience preferred. Address X.. 2321. care of Telegraph. j LADIES Sew at home; good pay. Send stamp. Work sent prepaid. King 'Mfg. Co.. 1431 Broadway. New York City. XV ANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn fcigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har i risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. i WANTED White woman, 25 to 45 j years of age, for general housework in Ismail familj. $5 per week if thor oughly experienced. Apply before 7 P. M. at 2115 North Third street. LADIES Business opportunity, netting you permanent income Fair I education necessary. Opportunity that I cannot be found every day. Address, for interview. Warren Wallace. General Delivery, Harrisburg. Pa. GOOD POSITION open for first-class j millinery saleslady. Apply Astrich's, | Fourth and Market streets. City. WANTED Toung white woman for senetal housework. Call Bell phone 2215 W. HELP WANTED—MaIe or Female WANTED—Railway Mall ar.d Postal I Clerks: examinations soon; over 2,000 appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for Plan No. 15, of payment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College: Civil Service Dept. Philadel phia, Pa. ANYONE desiring good help apply to the Philanthea Bible Class Employ i men.t Bureau. 813 South Tenth street. Harrisburg, Pa., or by postal card. WANTED Men and women with personal influence to solicit business. If working, can take as a side issue. Good money in it for right parties. Ad dress 11., 231 T. care of Telegraph. BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE and In ternational Bibles. We want several Men and Women to help distrlbut. Spare time rr.ay be used Get our terms. Wholesale Supply Housa, 25 North Third street, top. SITUATION WANTED—MaIe WANTED Young, white man de sires position as first-class tailor. Ap ply 1000 North Seventh street. WANTED Young, white, married man desires position as collector: can furnish best of reference. Address 8., 2312, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as fireman or watchman, or driver, or any kind of labor: twenty-five years' experience at firing: sober and industrious; white man. Inquire 1021 South Twenty-first and One-half street. WANTED Young boy wants good home on farm: can handle horses. Call. . or address. 203 Mvers street. Steelton. Pa WANTED Position wanted by mar ried man. 25 years old: five years" ex perience in bookkeeping and auditing with large corporation: can operate typewriter: best references. Address 8.. 2322. care of Telegraph. WANTED Bookkeeper-stenograph er desires position. Present employed; desire change. Seven years' experience. Best references. $15.00 a week to start. . Address C.. 2323. care of Tclegrapn. WANTED An honest, willing, re liable man. having eighteen years' ex- I perience in store business, would like a steady position as clerk or going out taking orders. Address E.. 2320, care . of Telegraph. WANTED by white man, pruning and (rimming. Address 1012 North Nine teenth street. , j W ANTED Young, white man de sires position as chauffeur; can do all repair work. Apply 1006 North Seventh street. —— fl'f i". f ION S W ANTED—Female WANTED—Neat, honest, colored girl wants ceneral housework: no obje.-tion to sma ; l washing: will not stay nights; s:ood references. Address 54S Cameron street. Middletown, Pa. WANTED Colored girl desires ■ place for general housework: can fur nish best of reference. Call, or address, 1308 North Seventh street. Honest, reliable, experienced young women want work, plain dressmaking or light housework. Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday, from 8 a. m. to 8 p m„ every week. Address D 2307, care Tele- i graph. WANTED Young widow wants • housekeeping for widower: must be good home. Apply X., 2261, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman ants ! position as housekeeper in the country. I Call, or address. 1303 Fulton street. WANTED Colored woman desires general housework: no .washing. Ad ' dress 1306 Currant avenue. WANTED Colored girl desires , place for general housework, nurse, or . dishwash'nK: can furnish reference. Ad dress 0.. 2315. care of Telegraph. WANTED—Position as stenographer and bookkeeper. Can furnish reference. Address H.. 2308. care of Telegraph. First-class cook wants position in i hotel or cafe, in or out of town. Call or write 638 Briggs street. WANTED by white woman, work by I day or week. Apply 1005 North Third ] street. I REAL ESTATE FOH SALE | FOR SALE 2518 Jefferson street: : new brick house: all improvements; u ! bargain on easy terms. Inquire T. A. j Bell. 820 North Third street. FOR SALE Desirable bullClng lots ! In tl.j Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, ' Fifth, Schuylkill r.nd Atlas streets. ] I An opportunity for a builder or real I j estate dealer to secure well located ' • property for development purposes. Ad- 1 drear L. No. IG$7, car* of Telegraph. FOR SALE City and euburban ' | homes ard home sites—first-class busi ness propositions. Hough. Briglitblil £• Eline, Sixth and r.eily. Both phones. ! I ! FOR SALE Evergreen street, near Market: nine rooms and bath; all improvements; hardwood floors throv ■ out; o -ier ! i leaving town: price right. H. G. Ped- I low, lift South Thirteenth street. ! FOR SALE Three three-storv bricks, on Hummel street; all modern improvements: «eep lots, to a drive al ley. Prices. $2,700, *3,000 and $3,850. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth st: eet. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TOR SALE No. 40 North Thirteenth street: 3-story frame; all modern im provements: in good repair. Price. 13.250. J. K. Gipple. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE New two-story brk'k, T-rocm house: modern improvements; porch, side entrance and located at 1822 Kcas street. Price, $2,450. J. K. Glppl*?. 1251 Market street. Ron SALE No. 40 North Thir teenth street: three-story frame: all modern improvements, and in good re pair. Price. $3,230. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. NEW BRICK HOMES with S rooms and bath. Combination fixtures and steam heat. Facing Park. Price, $2,700 I and 13.000. Edgar R. Lerew. 4 Nortn j Fifth street. ' FOR SALE 2418 Prospect street: j five-room frame house; front and back (porches: six grape vines: chickenhouse; j water in kitchen. Apply on premises. KG \ SALE No. 4t North Four teenth street is being painted and re papered. and is offered at a bargain price to a quick buyer. J. E. Gipple, I 1251 Market street. FOR SALE New two-stofy brick; |7-room house; modern improvements: porch; side entrance: located at 1822 Boas street. Price $2,450. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. —KDGKHOOUS (Poultry Business) running (Spring Water) fine meadow, all kinds choice fruit (900) bushel apples (1914). Home. Barn, outbuildings, land mostly level t'S) acres good twoodland). Only (half mile') to Trolley and Railroad Depot at large Market joining Susquehanna River, i2l young norses (11 fresh cow 12) hogs (55) chickens. ducus, guineas and geese. All hay. straw, corn and oats. Farming Machinery. (42) acres only .$1,900); with everything above I ($2,400). —MORMXGSIN— City Market (and) State Hospital, Trolley and Railroad Depot and Beau tiful River within (4) squares to Dandy (50) acre farm, land level facing South, mostly New Buildings, water on porch. Choice Fruit (T) acres good woodland and great chance for Early Vegetables. Remember (match team) horses. (2) fresh cows (6) hogs (60) poultry (30) bushel oats (50) bushel corn (3) ton hay and straw. Farm alone ($2,000): every thing above ($2,700). Phone t7 to 8> Evenings. —OHt It \RDEE— Only (mile) to Court House and City Market. (2) fruit orchards (meadow) running spring water, loam soil mostly level (13) acres good woodland. Handy to (3) Railroads and (2) Trolley Lines. 14) valuable horses (3) fresh cows (7) hogs (116) poultry, all hay. straw, oats and corn. Farming Machinery. (92) acre farm with (2) sets of buildings only ($3,500) with Stock (machinery) crops low price t5».900). Handy to Sha mokin, Sunburv, Danville and Blooms burg markets. GEORGE H. OSTRAXDER. Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to S) Evenings. 68-ACRE FARM. 3 miles from Golds boro, for sale, together with stock and implements; house, barn and other buildings in good condition: variety of fruit: good water. Possession at once. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 919 S. 20% St.; frame house; 9 rooms, bath, gas. porches. fruit: lot. 40x15; stable; chickenhouse. Particulars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE SI.SOO will buy a frame house. S rooms, hot water heat, lot 21 xlo3. good location. Also other proper ties on easy payment. Bell Realtv Co., Bergner Building. $2,200 WILL BUT a 55-acre farm along P. R. R.. 3 miles from Millers town. All details regarding this farm, picture of buildings, etc.. are available, at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 41 North Four teenth street is being painted and re papered and is offered at a bargain price to a quick buyer. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. KE.VL ESTATE FOR RE XT* FOR RENT First floor of building nortnwert corner ©f Court and Cran berry. Apply on premises. « i KOR RE\T 1 .is Stat 1 St $35.00 2227 N. Fourth St 23.00 709 N. Eighteenth St 22.00 15.21 Briggs St 15.00 720 N. Nineteenth St 11.00 ISIO Briggs St.. including up-to date and well equipped Green houses 35.00 A. S MILLER A- SON. Real Estate & General Insurance, 38 N. Court St. FOR RENT Furnished house. May 1 to September or October 1: *vel! fur nished: good repair: all modern con veniences; five minutes' m( Market street. Apply 413 Briggs street, Citv. I'OR RENT Modern, up-to date home. Semi-bungalow, all conveniences, with garage. J. 15. Mac Donald. 1808 Mulberry. FOR RENT No. 931 North Third street: suitable for physician or dentist; 12 rooms and bath: will rent whole or h *>art. Apply 1719 Green street, or 613 !• orster street. FOR RKVr No. 1413 Market St $26.50 Ivo. 1609 Carnation St 17.00 No. 2016 Kensington St 10.50 No 1019 S. 21% St 10.00 J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market St. FOR RENT Private rooms tor Household Goods in new fireproof building. Clean and safe. Inspection invited. 437-445 South Second street ltarrisburg Storage Co. FOR RENT April 1. 927 North Sec ond street: ten-room house, with all improvements. Inquire next door, 929 North Second street. William Urich. FOR REXT TWO-STORV brick dwelling: eight rooms: all modern Improvements; paved street: good neighborhood: rent reason able; possession April 1. Apply at Penn'a Realty & Improvement Co 132 [ Locust street. t FOR RENT Three-story brick warehouse along P. & R. tracks, suit i able for factory. Floor space, 30x45 Inquire J. H. Bheesley, Jlemlock street! j Harrisburg. Pa. FOR RENT No. 205 West State street: tliree-story brick: city steam, i etc. Inquire 1904 North Second street Bell phone 2254R REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED *£ rent, or purchase, a small farm of about ten acres or less located near station within twentv miles of Harrisburg. Address, giving full description of buildings, distance to station, price, etc., to P. O. Box 587. Reading, Pa. APAKTME> rs FOK KENT FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ment, 226 North Second street, second floor, 5 rooms, pantry and tiled bath. All rooms open on private hall. Sta tionary hall rack, laundrv tub. Rental including city vapor heat and hot water. $42.50. Apply 218 Pine street. NEW, modern apartments. 220S North Third street; reception hall. 5 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood lioors, laundry, front and rear porches. Ap ply C. C. W hlteman, 1317 Derry street. APARTMENT FOR RENT Four large rooms and hath, front porch, third floor. Sixth and Harris. Apply L Silbert. 1542 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 264 Herr street APARTMENTS 'FOR RENT FOR RENT April 1. third floor apartment; 3 rooms; bath; pantry; large utile send rear porches; all moil em conveniences. Apply first floor, 23!' North street. 1 KOII RKNT Housekeeping apart ment: bay window. front on l«ooust , street. Tiled entrance; tiled bath; I locker: hall phones; fully equipped I kitchen. Apply Penn'a Realty lm | provement Co.. 132 Locust street. i FOR RENT New. up-to-date ! apartments. 2210 North Third street: 6 rooms, bath, pantry and closets; hard j wood floors; steam heat; continuous i hot water: laundry and storage; front ; and rear porches: hi rife, light, airy j rooms. Apply H. W. Miller. State High way department, or 2210 North Third ■ street. FOR RKNT—Belvldere apartment for ! rent. Second and Walnut streets. 4 I rooms and bath. Apply J. Tausig's j Sons. 420 Market street. j FOR RKNT Apartment on River I Front, choice location, two completely ! furnished large rooms for light house ! keeping. SOS South Front street, I Phone 1659 J. ! FOR RKNT —2O North Fourth street, third floor apartment; Ave rooms and bath; electric lights, gas and steam beat. Call at 430 Walnut street. FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT FOR RENT Six rooms and bath; large closets and pantry: all the modern con veniences. No. 60S North Third street, opposite Capitol Park. Apply to Or. James. APARTMENT FOR RENT Second floor, six large rooms, four bay win dows. all facing street and Capitol; tiled hath' pantry: city steam and elec tric lights. Inquire 400 North street. I . FOR RENT Apartment. live rooms ; and bath. 925 North Third street, ln ! quire H. I«. Mohrlng, 1410 North Sixth street. j FOR RKNT 706 North Third street, second floor ! apartment ........ ,$32.50 | 706 North Third street, third floor, two rooms and bath $22.50 l 228 Chestnut Street, corner Third.s7o.oo WALTER I, MONTGOMERY, Third and Chestnut Streets. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RKNT One large, nicely fur nished room, with use of bath and phone, in private family. Apply 1215 North Second street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite: all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap - ply 1015 North Front street. i FOR RKNT One large room on | second floor, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 1734 'i Nbrtll Fifth street. FOR RKNT Bachelor apartment, completely furnished; strictly modern: suitable for one or two gentlemen: cen trally located: refined neighborhood. Address R„ 2316, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Room, and board, in private family, for two men or man and wife: all improvements: use of phone nnd b&th: two squares from Mar- I ket rtreet. Call Bell phone 3694 W. IT)R RKNT Two nicely furnished roomy, on third floor, in private family: use of bath and phone: three minutes' walk from Market Square. 121 South j street. [ FOR RENT Furnished suite of I large front Uvingroom, bedroom and [private bath: city steam: electric light ing: hardwood floors: references re quired. 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Two rooms; also three rooms completely furnished for light housekeeping: separate bells; » hot water heat: gas ranges; all improve ments: corner house; no children. 123S Kittatinny street. rooms, with bath: steam heat: electric liijht: phone: three minutes' walk from «'apitol: centrally located. Apply 257 Forster street. FOR RENT Four-room flat; all conveniences. Apply 516 State street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Two people would like to rent two or three unfurnished sec ond floor rooms, or small apartment, centrally located. Address W., 2310, tare of Telegraph. FOR SALE FOR SALE One light platform wapon. with top. suitable for grocer or for light delivery, in fair condition. S2O buys the wagon. Act quick. Need the room. Apply to Harrisburg Pretzel Co., Third and Seneca streets. FOR SALE Pigeons. Must dispose of my large Mondaines, all mated and working. Will sell cheap or will trade for other birds. C. D. Bentley, 405 lvelker street. FOR SAI.E Davenport bed, brown leather, good as new. Call 318 Nortn Second street, third floor apartment, between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. FOR SAKE Gtay marc, eighi years old; grocery wagon, Jenny l.ind car riage and two sets of harness. Must sell. Have no use for same. Apply Fourth and streets, Riverside. 801 l phone 3621J1-1. FOR SALE—WiII sacrifice mahogany SS-note player-piano, like new. Includ ing music cabinet, bench, scarf and 40 roils of music, for $325.00. Address M„ 2313, care of Telegraph. FOB SAI.K THE Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at public sale in front of State Capitol Building. : t entrance Fourth and State Streets, Harrisburg. Penna., at 10 o'clock A. id.. April 10. 1915. the follow ing buildings and structures upon the premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension to Capitol Park in Eighth Ward, City of Harrisburg: Cowden Street, 115, 117, 119, 121, 123, 406, 512. 514. : Filbert Street. 108. 110. I North Street, 425, 507, 509, 511, 717. Short Street, 123. 139, 143. i South Street, 503. 510, 518, 601 (rear | of No. 121 Cowden St.), 606, 703. State Street, 413, 413—rear, 415, 417, 419. 421. 423. Walnut Street, 418. 510. 600. 602. The purchaser shall nay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, through the office of the Superintendent of [Public Grounds and Buildings, Harris -1 burg. Pennsylvania, by certified check or United States currency, the amount at which the said building or buildings and structures are awr.rded to them as follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the property to remove the material pur chased. In all cases where the premises are unoccupied, possession will be given the purchaser immediately. Where tne premises are tenanted, possession will be given immediately after the premises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to property after possession is given. Pur chaser shall state at time of their offer the time required to remove the build ings and material after being given possession by the Commonwealth, which In no case shall be longer than 60 days. All building refuse shall be carted away from the premises by the purchaser. Afl fourdation walla must be taken down and removed at least three feet below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be perform ed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. Bv order of the Board. SAMUEL, B. RAMBO. Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS, JR., Secretary. i '„ TOm*x MA RCH 24, 1915. I FOR SALE ! FOR SAKE Good kitchen stove, J large piece linoleum, one set Princess ; silverware, tea and table set, large eight-day clock, one large window shade, one new, hand-made quilt. 122.1 Apple avenue'. j FOR SAI.E—A baby coach, practical- Jly new. Can be had very reasonable, i Mrs. G. N. Baker, 400 North street. FOR SAI.E One horse, one set lof single harness, one light delivery I waron and one heavy delivery wagon. 1 Apply 100S x< "'" l Third street. FOR SALE Large square, heavy, quartered oak diningroom table: suit able for boardinghouse. Apply 258 I North street. FOR SALE Private sale Patlor suit, bookcase, hall and stair carpet, gas stove, library table, etc. Apply ulO ; Curtin street. FOR SALE Having received new Lester Piano on a business deal. I i will sell same to reliable party at u bargain on monthly payments' Ad ! dress M. C. B„ care of Telegraph. i FOR SALE One range: good as inew: reasonable price. Apply 1015 Mar i ket street. • FOR SALE. CHEAP To quick buyer, one lounge, few 'chairs, leather •rocker, roll-top desk, small rash reg ister. Phonograph, with large quantity of records: gas range, water-power [washing machine, etc. Call before Sat i urday, 206 Market, Picture Gallery. ! WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs for sale, Young-Wyckoft strain, SI.OO per setting—s6.Co per hundred. Also ! stoc". for sale. Address Elkvlew Poultry , Farm. Speocevllle, Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the i Telegraph Business oltice. PUBLIC SALE THE former Harrisburg Furniture Co., 341 Reily street, will be sold out at Public Sale, Thursday. March 25. at 1 P. M. The stock consists of up-to-date Inew and second-hand furniture, stoves j and carpets. I FOR SALE lriirge baby coach: in j fine condition: very reasonable. Apply j 1609 Market, or call Bell phone 1978. i FOR SALE New Baby Grand Piano j for balance on loan: highest • rade make: monthly payments accepted. Address J N., care of Telegraph. PUBLIC SALE. SATURDAY. MARCH (.27, 1915, at Dauphin, Pa., property of It. IA. Simmons. Entire household furnlsh j ings, all kinds; lot of antique goods, lot I of relics and curiosities. ROOMS FOR RKNT CARDS cap oe secured at ths Telegraph Business Office. ! FOR SALE —AT GABLE'S, 113, 11S land 117 South Second stieet, 5,000 gal- I lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme ; quality. All the full lino of the Acme i make. | FOR SALE —Cash grocery, incudfng ! stock and fixtures, doing fair business. : Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Inquire at fctore, 610 Mai lay street, or at 1914 j Susquehanna street. j ' FOR SAtiH TRUNKS. SUIT CASES. TRAVELING I BAGS, and all kinds of Leather Goods. Special attention given to repair work. \lt will pay you to buy your Leather | Goods from the Leather Merchants. I Harrisburg Harness Supply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. I FOR SALE Three automobiles. 1 i Vulcan touring car, $625: 1 Packard, I $400; 1 Columbia, $250. Penbrook Gar j age, Penbrook, Pa. DOORS i FOR SALE at Gables, 111-117 South i Second street. All sizes. Cypress, i White Pine and Fir Doors, Porcli work, j Sash. Shutters aud Mouldings. j FOR SALE Hatching eggs from single comb Rhode Island Reds aud single comb White Leghorns, bred for laying. 75c per 15; $4.00 per 100. L. G. 1 Fischer, Bowman avenue. Camp Hill, j Bell phone 3180 W. FOR SALE—Beaver board partition, 7 feet high, made in sections. Can be seen at 209 State street. FOR SALE Jenmng strain Indian Runrer Duck Eggs for hatching, JI.OO per setting. $7.00 per hundred. Stock also for sale. Elkvlew Poultry Farm. Speeceville. Pa. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board ana Table Board at 250 each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid In advance, inquire at OCTlce of Telegraph. FOR HUNT FOR RENT Second floor room, ' 3,700 quare feet, for light manufactur ; ing purposes. New building. Call at i premises, Twelfth and. Herr streets. , FOR RENT Storeroom at 430 Mar- I ket street. Apply J. Tausig's Sons, 420 | Market street. DESK ROOM FOR RENT in furnish -led office on ground floor in business I section. Steam heat, electric lights and 1 telephone. Address Box 2309, care of | Telegraph. FOR RENT Room 3500 square feet floor space, suitable I for storage or light manufactur ing purposes. Inquire J. Rhoads, Cowden and Forster streets. WANTED i WANTED Two second-hand barber chairs. Must be in good condition. Give full description. Address, or ap jply. J. H. Frantz, 1911 State street. j WANTED Second-hand Ford five passenger touting car. in good condi- I tion. reasonable. Will pay cash. Ad dress F.. No. 2321, care of Telegraph. WANTED To communicate with narty having money to place In first mortgage on a farm. Address W. C. if.. 1511 Allison street, City. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY Intelligent person can earn good ; Income corresponding for newspapers; i experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock j oorLf N. Y. ! LIVE REPRESENTATIVES to orgaTu ! i7.e the various stores in tills territory on a co-operative advertising plan o*f ! unquestionable merit, now successfully |in force in larger cities. Territorial » rights absolutely free to men of ability, j Small Investment necessary, which is fully secured. Address Carl Miller, 442 [ Land Title Building. Philadelphia. I GENERAL MANAGER WANTED—A | high grade man with selling and ex j ecutlve ability as manager and general I distributor for Harrisburg and other ! cities and towns In Dauphin and sur | rounding counties, for a manufactur er's guaranteed product of wonderful merit; volume of sales and profits prac tically unlimited. A permanent repeat order business in a class by itself with out risks. Character. Integrity and thorough organization back of a' posi tive guarantee. Territory rights and control secured by contract: $l5O to SI,OOO required to handle and push this proposition. Advertiser's assistance and co-operation. We require a man of the right caliber: for such this is an uirequaled opportunity which should be investigated at once. Telephone 3702 Bell, or write Mr. E. C. Dafvis, Plaza Hotel, Harrisburg. Pa. I MADE $50,000 in five vears In th<i mail order business, began with $5 Send for free hooklet T-lls how. Hea. j cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. THE Harrisnurn Polyclinic Dlspea sary will be open dally, except nuuiiuy. | at t P. M„ at Us new location. 1701 North Second street, for the free treat • ment of the worthy poor. UPWARD SWING IN MARKETS RESUMED Bethlehem Steel Shares Add An other Point to Yesterday's Decline _____ By !swiaftd Puss New York. March 24. The upward . swing of the stock market was resinn ed at the beginning of to-day's business I many leading issues and a number of I less prominent ones making new high I prices for the current movement. I Among these were Cnlted States Steel.] I'nlon Pacific. Southern Pacific, Ameri can Smelting, Baltimore and Ohio. I American Can and some of the equip- I ment group, notably American Locomo- I tlve and American Car and Foundr>. in] which the rise extended between one and two points. Bethlehem Steel add- ! ed another point to yesterday's decline, j Trading was again very active with I further short covering. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. if. Snavely, I 208 Arcade Building. New York, March 24. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 3 4*i 34' 4 34 34U Anml Cop . til 62% 60 61% Am Bt Sug 44'< 44',t 43'* 43% Am Can .. 2» a < 30% 29% 29% Am Can pd 94 % 95 94 7 S 95 1 Am C Jfc F. 46 4ti tg 46 46 Am Cot Oil 46'- 4 7 46% 47 Am Ice Sec 29 " £9 28 % 28% Am Loco . 24% 26% 2 4'i 26% 'Am Smelt . 67 68% 66% 67% Am Sugar . 10:: % 103 % 103 103% Am T & T. 121% 121% 121 % 121% Anaconda . 28% 28% 28% 28% Atchiso n. . 97'* 99% 97% 98% K& ° «S% 70% 68 % 69 % Belli Steel. 69% 69%, 68% 65% Bklyn RT. 87% 88% 87% 88% tal Petro. . 17% 17% 16% 16% Can Pacific 162 162% 161% 161 % ! i , e !. lt J' eau > 36 % 36 % 35 % 36 % I ( * 0 43% 44 43 % 43% I CAt& St J 88% 89% 88% 89% I ton Cop. 37% 37% 37 37 COl F & 1. 27% 28% 27% 28 Con Gas .. 117% 117% 117 117 torn Prod. 11% n% iji, u i_ Eric-. . 23% 24% 23% 23% Erie Ist pfd 38 39% 38 38% Gen Motors 107% 110% 107% 110 Goodrh BF 38% 39 37.3. 37^ Qt Xor pfd 117% 118% 117% H7% Gt N Ore s 34 34 33% 33% BUSINESS I*EIISONAIiB AWNINGS Place your order tor Awnings with us now. We do up i bolstering of all kinds aud carpel work. Jos. Coplinky, successor to Voll iner, 1208% North Third street. Bell I 2804 J. < FREIGHT DRAYAGE. Storage, Shlp pers and Distributors of Merchandise iof all kinds. Prompt and efficient ser vice. Warehouses on P. R. R. and P. & R. tracks. Montgomery and Co. ; iPeipher Line), Tenth below Market 1 street. PIANO MOVING done by experts. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourtb street. AIBO call Bell telephone 144. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERTNO with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best ' effortß Insure your satisfaction. S. N. ! Cluck. 820 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine : Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the i : Druggist and Apothecary. ll» Market' ! street Harrisburg, l'a. Telephone! 1 orders given prompt attention Bell j l»«0- ! HAULING i H W. LATHE, Boarding fctable and 1 National Transfer Co. Movers of j pianos, safes, boilers and general haul- ' lug. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and 1 Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. i 250SR. FINANCIAL ! A NEWLY PATENTED household J necessity. Nets investers 100 per cent. ' annually. Sole control of the I'nited ] States. For full particulars address I American Selling Co.. York, Pa. MONEY TO IX)AN LOANS — SS TO S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No notification of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street Authorized capital. SIOO.OOO. MONEY TO IX)AN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. WE LEND MONEY IN ANY' AMOUNTS Payments to suit! borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city. | Up-to-date methods. Licensed, I bonded and incorporated. 1 PENNA. INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street ANY person needing money In amounts from J5 to 150 holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third street. STORAGE I IIRKPPVOOF STORAGE WARE! HOUSE, divided into private rooms for storage of household goods new l uildin'-s low insurance inspec tion invited. 437-445 South Second I street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE IX a-story brick building, rear 408 , Market Mtreet. Household goods In clean, private ' rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to i l>. G. Dlener. Jeweler, 406 Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for l household goods and merchandise. Prl- ] vate rooms. $1 to S3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper A Co„ 411 | Broad street Both phones. ' 1 Houses Dress Aprons Jt Direct From Manufacturer to You fc Like llluatratios—alcelr made la M ataadard per- 'B ralm «f extra quality—light, cadet and latr Hie— fly ; -Tm with pocket—BA Ini'he* lon*. a—; ' ;Hr . 50c—Two For 95c f' •; : Pati*faction gruaranteed. Otherwise return gooda and !'■. • we will refund money. ■' . ■ Mall yoar order ion, together nltk remlttaace If-' HV atatlas quantity and color dealred. to If. *. ; THE D. & S. COMPANY DAUPHIN. PA. ""SfTilT! < Oug Exp .. 52% 52% 52 52% 111 Cent .. 107 10i In-Met ... 13% '13% 12% 12% In-Met pfd 61% 63% 61% 61% K C So .. 22% 23% 22% 23 Lehigh Yal 138% 139% 138% 138% Mex Petro. 71% 72% 71 71 Mo Pac- .. 11% 11% 11% 11% Nat Lead.. 58% 58% 58% 58% N Y Cent.. 85 86% 85 85% NY.NII& II 55 55% 54% 54% Nor « W.. 102% 102% 102% 102% Nor Pac .. 104% 105% 104% 105% PUR ... 105% 106% 105% 106% Peo G & C. 122 123 122 122% Pgh Coal.. 20% 20% 20% 20% Pgh C pfd. 91% 91 % Press S Car 30 30 H C Cop. . 18 % 19% 18 % 1S % Reading .. 146% 147% 145% 146% It I&S. . . 21 21% 21 21 % R1 & S pfd 78 78% 7S 78' a So Pacific.. 85% 86% 85% 80% So Railway 16% 16% 16% 16% So Rwy pfd 51% 51% 51 51 Tenn Cop.. 30% 30% 29% 30 Texas Co . 134 134% 134 .134% Third Ave. 52% 52% 51% 52 'a Union Pac. 122% 125% 122% 124% U S Rubber 62% 63% 62% 63 U 8 Steel. 48 49 47% 481, C S S pfd. 105% 106 103% 105 N Utah Cop.. wG 56% 55% 50%' Va C C.. 20% 20% West Aid 23 23 % 23 23', West U Tel t>4% 62% 62% 62% West Mfg.. 72% 73 72% 72% PHII.ADKI.PHI 1 STOCKS By Associated I'ress Philadelphia, March 24. Stocks closed steady. Amercian Railways 30% Cambria Steel 43 Oeneral Asphalt 25 General Asphalt. Pfd. 64"., I.ake Superior Corp 6 13-16 Lehich Navigation 75 Lehitrh Valley 69 Pennsylvania Railroad 53 Philadelphia Electric 2 1 Philadelphia Company 32% Philadelphia Company. Pfd 31 Philadelphia Rapid Transit ..... II Reading Storage Battery 48% Fnloti Traction 35 :1 < United Gas Improvement 85 United States Steel IS Warwick Iron and Steel 9% CHH'4OO CATTLE Chicago. 111.. March 24. llogs— l:e --celpts. 32.000: weak nt yesterday's aver age. Bulk of sales. J6.6." <fi 6.75: light, 5fi.n006.76; mixed. |6.50t06.80: heavy. $6.25®6.75; rough, J6.25@6.45; pigs. $5.25@ 6.30. Cattle Receipts. 10,000: flrtn. Na tive steers. *5.55#5.75: western, 15.35 'a>7.4o; cows and heifers, |3.00@i.75; . alves. 87.00ti 10.25. Sheep Receipts, 12.000: steady. Sheep. $7.10 jt'B.ls: .yearlings, s7.Bs®' 9.15: lambs, *7.506 9.80. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia. March 24. Wheat Steadv; No. 2. red. spot, export, $1.55 (911.62%: N'o. 1. Northern, Duluth, ex port, $1.63% #1.68%. Corn Steady ; No. 2, spot,, export, 770 78c; No. 2. yeiiow, local. . 81 %c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 65©. 65% c. Bran Steady; winter, per ton, $26.50#29.00; spring, per ton, $26.00® 26 60. Retlned Sugars Market firm: pow dered. 6.00 c; fine granulated, 6.90 c; con fectioners' A. 5.80 c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery extras, 29c; nearby, prints, fancy, ,32c. Eggs - The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6,00 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, 16.15 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls. 16# 17c; old roosters, ll%®'l2c; chickens, J4@l7c; turkeys. 15<ail7c; ducks, 16# 16c; geese, i::iWl6c. Dressed Poultry Firm; Fresh killed fowls, heavy. 19#20c; do., aver age, 16(518c; do., unattractive. 14#15c: old roosters, 14c; frozen fowls. 16m/ 18c; frozen turkeys, fancy, 21# 22c; do., fair to good, 18#20c; broiling chickens, 22#27c; frozen ducks, 12# 18c; frozen geese, 12#16c. Potatoes Market weak; Penn sylvania. per bushel. 60@55c; Maine, per bushel. 45#50c; New York, per bushel. 35® 40c; Jersey, per basket, 30 #3sc. Flour The market is weak; winter, clear, sß.6<W<.tfl-. straights. "ernsvl. vania. $6.90®7.!10; spring, straights. s7.oo(ft 7.25: do., patents, $7.50#8.0U; western, $4.25tfi4.40; patents. Itlov 4.75; Kansas straight, jute sacks. $4.16 04.30: spring, firsts, clear, $4.0094.20; ctra'gnts. $4.20#4.30; patents, $4.2t0 4.(0. Hay The market Is weak; tim othy. No. 1. large bales. $18.00; No. 1, medium bales, $17.50# 18.00: No. 2, dr., $10.50#16.50; No. 8. do., $14.00#lt.00; samples, $13.00® 14.00; no grade, $ll.OO @12.00. C;over mixed hay. Light mixed, $17.00#17.50; No. 1. do.. $16.00016.80; No. 2. do.. $14.50#16.60. CHICAGO BO VHD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., March 24. Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May. 1.54%; July. 1.22%. Corn—May, 73%; July. 75%. Oats —May, 59%; July, 54 s ». Pork—May, 17.30; July, 17.52. Lard—May. 10.17: July, 10.42. Ribs—May, 9.95: July. 10.30. € For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Company S —d MONEY A. To Honsekeepera, Work- I lnjjmon and Salaried Km. ■ plojea. [LEGAL RATES IQUITAILI INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET SQDAICE Koom 21. 4th Floor Spooner Building 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers