Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 19, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    Kaufman's Pre-Easter UNDERSELLING Sale
lo=m®rrow—The Second Day of Kaufman s Pre-Easter All Departments Throughout the Entire Siore Have
Underselling Sale. |_Saturday Store Opeas BA. M., Cioses 9. P. M.| \\ 0 R Prepared Wonderful Bargain Surprises For You
f Girls' Beautiful White Confirmation Dresses Untrimmed & Ready-to-Wear Spring Hats
Also Pretty Colored Wash Dresses at Pre-Easter Underselling Sale Prices. Charming and Unusual Assortment of Styles to Select From W L^ r I
r- 1 • m-, r « f r* i'm ♦q • u ™ Pre-Easter Underselling Sale Prices on All MILLINERY J
Girls White Confirmation DRESSES. Girls Newest Spring Wash Dresses;
Sizes 6to 14, newest models, (J|l OQ all the newest colors and styles; Q UNTRIMMED I TRIMMED HATS
worth up to $2.00, for *P 1 sizes 6 to 14; worth to $1.50, for vOC
Girls' White Confirmation DRESSES. TS Stunning Model Hats From Our Cm Work Room 'r j if
Handsome models, sizes 6 O /I C Girls' Colored Wash Dresses; up to M V *L
' Tk / /\ r Maicnlllcent atylea, In all newer thadra, Including Ocean Hlue, \ V- /A
to 14, worth up to $3.50, at the minute in ptyle; sizes 6to 14; worth A variety of pretty shapes, in Black and white check, salmon i»mk, Tete-de->>*.*, iteaeda.
Girls' Handsome White DRESSES. up to $3.00, . (I QC an assemblage of the season's etc> Swr '" t trimming, xewe.t atrawa, mciudm K the new /)©
Nicely made, lace or embroidery trim- for X Satin Straw Sallom In all new shapes and colors, J Gf)
med. Sizes 6to 14; worth d*Q Qtf prettiest and desired straws q/\ /14 y J
up to $5.00, for Girls' Handsome Colored Wash and colors. Offered in our SpT.W up IU fO.VU mM
Girls' Lovely WHITE DRESSES. Dresses; sizes 6to 14; An Pre-Easter Underselling Sale Al "° " " I,,endl ' l «»«« r »«n*nt <>' Ready-to-wear Hat«, from fltf
Sizes 6 to 14, newest models, Q C worth up to $4.00, for f our own workroom, at D
worth up to $6.50, for .... . " * ' . $2.90 and $3.90 ft
Girls' WHITE DRESSES, sizes 2to A full and complete assortment pf CQ r QC r fljl AQ "
6 years, for
a " d ,or » r '< to * 4 - 93 up to $5.90 ■ $3.90 to $6.90 First Floor '
o ? eW n S J P rl ?S Coats ii A Women's, Misses' and Juniors' j WOMEN'S pi rvTLi nprcc CIfIDTC
at Pre-Easter Underselling: Sale Prices ;\ Suits Coats & DrCSSCS i: & MISSES' tLUIII UKLoo oKltvlo
GIRLS'COATS, Worth up to $3 GIRLS'COATS, Worth up to $5 i| 14 #1 J' i! i-L. M a.'c • r> At Pre-Easter Underselling Sale Prices
UNOKItSKUIMG SALE PRICE, UNDERSELLING SALE I'KICE, !> nunareds ot the INewest spring Garments f SKIRTS, Worth op to $3.00 . SKIRTS, Worth o P to $5.00
$1.90 $3.90 ii Specially Lowered in Price For Our i; -«-•
All-wool Serßrc. Mixture* nndj Pretty Klrll.h atylea. In every new I \}Z Hrp. K.ft sfAV* I innPreAlll'nrr Qqla oJB_L«27IJ
Itlnck ami White Check.. Pretty material and color. Mm 2to 14 ji \ 4 ' LiUoICI V/ llUClSvlllllg kJaIC (| TT
MtyleM. Neatly trimmed. Slaea 2to yenra. ' | \ 1 \V / !i A variety of new Spring: atylea, Pretfy clrculnr, yoke and flare
7 yearn. ! \ LAY
(| \ OUIIO * X/I\.iLooJLO ! walit bandit up to 30 Inche*. neweat color*. All regular and extra
k . /i* |» p . 11/ .1 . Cft ' V A — . . , Nlze wnlxt IIIIIHIm up to 38 lucheN.
GIRLS'COATS, Worth up to $4 G,rls Coats » Worth U P t0 56.50 j, Suits worth $15.00, CII7C Dresses worth up to $8.50 >A 7C SKIRTS, Worth up to $4 00 ♦ t era
undersel"no sale PRICE. undibrselxing SALE PRicß. / i\\ Underselling Sale Price till-It) Underselling Sale Price .«t4./5 j; UNDERSELLING sale PRICE, hLI° i^hice
$2 90 54.90 !i
I • XI , f —W Lr\w\ " e . w * ha,le - All "«*«■ for women, for women and mlaaea. JBJ.V J
Newest Sprlnis atrlea, material* Choice of handmotne all-wool ma- ]| ll IH\ | " " e » and junior*. ... |i " n
nn.l color.. Well tailored and neatly terlal., newe.t «t>le» and colon.. ; If IV\ \ Suits Worth J2O 00 UreSSeS WOrth Up to $lO *7T J| nil-wool material. | ScrKc. Imported materlaU, IncludlnK
trimmed Slsea 2to 14 ycara. ,Sl».e« (I to 11 year*. i j 1 "\ \ ' ,uus Wurl " Vli H C ... ... e 1 n • / 1 ' Coverto, and Ulack and White Covert.. SericeN. and Black and
I H <inl« Prica 14» I!) Underselling Sale Price tf»V« • || < he<'k«. Every new color and itylr, White t>hcckx. Splendid new atylea
Glrla' font Department, In the Ba.ement. , J I \ \ Unaerseliing o3le iriCe *• ■ " p . _ • n ' 7 .i| In reKUlar walat hnndn up to 30 In- auil color.. In regular and extra Mine
■| { \ ?\ \ tharmlnK new SprlnK atylea. In all- It ""n i"„. "™" t 1 walat bnnda up to 38 Inchea.
== \ \\\ „ the
I | 1 ' 1 \ Neweat ahade. In every alio for women, i—•——
A Special Pre-Easter Sale of | llWaST^*'«s*. c,« , q || I WOMHN-s NEWEST «ilk '
Hff « *T 1»r O"Q J /I 1, i\ \underselling Sale Price vl/«l«) Beautiful Silk Poplin and Men'a Wear ||
Men S, Young men SC& Jsoys \\ 1 \\ ■?:; XSSSrXhfJSrg? At Underselling SaU Price. fSH, """"
' v i> / ■ IL/ women and inl»aen. mlaaea. ( i iir > D 1 r .. i\ -v. 3p
_ { 0 C•• .1 »or O rv ■ 1 Womens Blouses of the
Newest Spring Suits 1
Underselling Sale Price $24.75 Underselling Sale Price $1 1»75 I I wor th to $1.50, for .! )3C /
~ Al' l *-> Coplea of Imported model.. | n atylea ClillTon TalTeta, Silk roplln, etc. Mn- S „ „ , A ' Ri**/ /
... _ , _ . . _. . . 1 | J. I . of one or two «»f it kind. Beautiful ma- tcrlala In every .hade. Klnhornte new # ! Orgjandlea and H I I'M I I
That Will Surely Pack Our Clothing I i I tcrlala and colora, In all alxca for wo- atylea, IncludlnK the new auapender, .hlr- 5 .no and hlnn Mlk., | V *>) \
t-v . 4.
Department To-morrow H,very wew I» Suit Department, Klrat Floor. women and ml.aea. « S INCWChI opnng . it] J IV*7J t
and Fashionable Model in Most Want- |/ A ;! Blouses; worth d»-| QJ- WUi \Hi r J
ed Materials C* « o' o •, r~> . COATS $3.00, f0r.... $ 1 sl/d :
Tp i t-xtra Size Suits, Coats, worth tr t« g w>. / Jr7 a« .he .h.dm K , „,ade « f
4 T . i 1 a i/ 17 -7 r\ I n . indcrsellillg QC At "fi «' Crepe de Chine, China Silk and Or- /
if lncf Ahotir A Toil %VrA Dresses and Separate 81116Prlee yt.yo « m jtr v ;'\ ! ««««««.
jllol /VUUUI /2 lUU XjfrA QW . c , . n J aewspri", \ j| Women s Handsome Silk Blouses; worth to QC
11T*1J I) f?l -L S tShCLVpIy IXCdIICCCi "hade*. All Hl*e« for
Wlli ray t-SCW f or This Sale COATS FW/J 1 new wan,"" \.Tid''Stadi"'' <h ""' """ t>Pe "" ,hlUe M ' k ' " """
Two-Pants Stats for Boys 6to 17 j, W A || Extra Size Suits Extra Size Dresses " s6' Blou^Sh^. SUk .. $4.95 "
years, made in the new f|o KPSiM If worth „.VOO. WORTH «iimn>. ioe H ' - T Bi J l Il RB -
Norfolk Model, at <PO.UU ;! i vdersell.ng ™'S?g H
•». -W,_gTpirSS i i 111 (( li| 'I ■'> ( hcckN I'.vorv wIV.. flip tviimrii
.j'i.' ■■'*.■■■ ..I »».»'. isBUF $10.75 57.95 " "cOATS I Women's Silk Women's Muslin GIRLS'MIDDY
7to 18 years, $4.90 iEHI |i / \\ ii $3.00 Value For SI.OO Value For .. nn v . _
at I,V V II 'HVmI I '! " ,u,< - r,,,1 » « ,f roverta, Checka ,<f \\ j| SI.OO Value TOr
Handannir newXorfolk Sulta. Pantamade njjinirilj j; Extra Size Coats Extra Size ea" H "?ow." An' aUeT'c" r' wo.ae'n / ' lj f%£\. . I
The." "ulJltwouuVhe coaildered a *ood »7.50 Hj|J U'OttTH «14. W. DRESS SKIRTS - 1 ""—-• (P| ij L C_(\ r» »
l'B !' SALE PRICE, IXDERSELLIIVG WORTH IIP TO «15.00. Mfflmßm Ul M at# >1 if a/I . ■
su B i o T y s s 'ar yßlueSerge s3.9o I I SIO.OO s «2 7t SIO.OO SPji Y ,vw ou\,
' 9 1® '! < S „ , ir'" K ,"'>l°: , * . Material* of hlKh-nrrnde Cov- qjgjpw®]| Made of Mcssaline Made of stood quality ... . .. . |
Made of all-wool Sun-Proof Series new 1W 1»\ <' ' lllack and navy nil- erta, I'oplln., and nil Wor.ted / \ Y i' stik* cut nlcntv full- nf Muslin 18 Inch Sirias Spring Mod
jsr" *•'■ «»■«•••» IX j; ssi m»:- sxz xru. xz jas ss. w as *w» ass ii « ,
, V ™ I 1 "" - '""" *•"'"■ .'"'"1- » n,m,. run, an leneth. Boort quality of OeiO,
l\ /I I ? rVI J ], Sale on in Basement. Sale on First Floor. Sale on I'irst Floor '
t ,i
These $12.50 to $16.50 All- V 1
Saie° To-morrow S o £ en ' s PANTS Jr A JT* I A New Owing to the Limited Space of Our Tem- 1
«PO# / O $1.50 ■ y JKBBm A H B wL A I otl J porary Store We Are Only Able to
the.e .lilt. lie con- r * ,w B W k 3Du DlfiffifCl /i f. 11 r\ I
" c "" d Another lot of those p "Kaufman the Following Departments j
" fn 1 Temporary igfif* Q M Q« Bell Phone °eJ J Muslin Underwear &J e > Petticoats and Child-1
Location *' * 0(J« 1107 Our Fall Business Infants' Wear. ren's Dresses & Coats. |
To-night find to-morrow, afternoon and
night—Carlisle Elks' Minstrels.
Friday evening, March 2f, Maude
Adams In "Quality Street."
Every afternoon and evening' High-
Class Vaudeville.
Every afternoon and evening Vaude
ville and Pictures.
Palace. 10 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Photoplay. 10 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Regent. i 2 noon to 11 p. m.
Royal. 6 p. m. to 11 p. m.
Victoria, 10 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Barrle's comedy of sentiment and ro
manae, "Quality Street," Is proving to
be Immensely pleasing to the admirers
Jf Maude Adams. When first pre
sented by the actress the play scored a '
most decided success and this success j
CASTORIA For Infants and Chilton. Bears the j
Tha KM You Hna Always Bought I
its rival is more than duplicating.
Those who have witnessed the revival
of the comedy have been wondering
why Miss Adams over laid it aside. It
is an Intimate view of the lives of
quaint people, lovable people that Is
given In this comedy. The two Tliros
sell girls, who find themselves obliged
to eke out a living by maintaining a
"select" school, are such very human
people and their lives are so grav that
It Is a Joy to every one when Valen
tino Brown returns from the war ready
to take up again that pleasant social
relation that was broken when he left
to serve his country. The comedy is
laid In the early nineteenth century at
a time when Napoleon was threatening
the British shores and the scene is in a
village which has its poverty
and its modest afflux nee as welfll. Miss
Adams Is to present the comedv at the
Majestic next Friday evening, and that
there is a desire to see her in it is verv
much In evidence. Miss Adams enacts
the role of Phoebe Throssell. The role
demands much of the player and Miss
Adams gives bounteously. Indeed, her
characterization Is one of her charm
ing ach'evements. The actress is sur
rounded by a very strong company.—
Two of the cleverest girlies that have
been seen at the Orpheum for a long
time are Irene and Bobble Smith, ap
pearing on the current show af the Or
pheum. One of the Smith sisters Is
I of the dainty type and aside from look- |
i Ing very winsome is a clever pianist I
and the possessor of an unusual voice.
One of her best hits Is her rendition >
I of "Virginia I>ee," which she sings in i
| exquisite volceand fetchlngColonlalcos- I
. tume. But the other sister Is a dynamo I
iof personality. She just radiates vim I
land good cheer, and with It all she Is, i
I Indeed, comical. The Interesting fea
ture about her comedy ability is that
she Is at no time becomes coarse or j
vulgar, but her fun seems to be only
an outburst of youth and mischief. !
The Smith sisters offer one of the very |
Interesting Keith hits supporting Lou !
Anger and Sophye Barnard and com
pany in their gigantic musical comedy
w?, 1 .' 6 ? " s * fet y First." The Orpheum's
bill Is brimfull of genuine talent and
is pleasing the most fastidious.—Ad
If you would cure the "blues, 1 you
must consult "The Sang Hectors," the
rollcking and very clever musical com
edy of that title that Is enjoying pros
perity at the Busy Corner Another
very clever feature of the Colonial bill
is served up by Sliver and Duval, who
present a clever comedv and singing
turn Moseonl Brothers. excellent
dancers, and Jack Polk, the popular
monologlst. complete a verv entertain
ing hill Interesting motion pictures
are also lncuuded in the performance.
Alice Joyce, the clever Kalem star,
appears In her first three-reel dramatic I
production at the Photoplay to-mor
row. "The White Goddess," a three-act
I drama of the Orient, is one in which
I the most beautiful actress in fllmdom
i plays the strongest role of her career,
| as Elsie Farnln, the girl whose life is
' shrouded in mystery, Miss Joyce does ■
I wonderful, work. To-day we present i
j Naomi Childers, of the A'ltagraph Com- j
| pany, in a two-act drama, "Roselyn," |
j and Fearless Helen Holmes in our i
regular Friday railroad story, "The
! Death Train.' Helen, as usual, again ;
! faces death, and railroaders all over
j the country state she Is the most fear
less railroad girl they have ever seen.—
Never before this week have the
people of Harrlsburg and vicinity had
■ an opportunity to enjoy such high class j
music rendered during the presentation |
of moving pictures by Professors Mai- |
lott and Johnson, of the Victoria Thea- !
ter. on their new *25,000 Hope-Jones
unit pipeorgan orchestra. To see mo- )
tlon pictures in a theater wherein
every action of the picture is given Its
proper tone expression is one of the
I modern wonders. For example If an au- I i
I tomoblle Is seen approaching one hears I :
j the honk, honk of the horn, when one
i sees birds Just that same instant one i
I hears their twittering correctly dupll- 11
cated by this wonderful musical Instru- I I
| men. or if horses are shown one In- 1
I stantly hears their tap, tap as though ! <
| they were directly in front of the thea- <
j ter, thus does this f 25.000 pipeorgan I
which is appropriately termed the
I pipeorgan with the human voice, add to
I the life and realism of the silent plays 1
as presented at the Victoria only.—Ad- i
vertlsement. ,
Fresh from new victories in their j
home town, where for three successive
nights they packed the Carlisle Opera i
| House, the Carlisle Elks' Theatrical As
! sociatlon will come to Harrlsburg und |
I .1 an engagement this evening at
I the Majestic Theater in their new musi- I
ical comedy. "They're At It Again." The I
j sale at the Majestic Theater Is very en- |
I couraglng, although there are still I
j plenty of seats to be had. Many Mar- ;
. rlsburgers, who saw the show in Car- '
lisle, are enthusiastic over It. and de- !
clare that it is the best thing the !
Carlisle boys have ever done. In point i
of mualc, dances and costumes, it fnr j
outclasses last year's production.—Ad
i To-day the Regent Theater will have '
| one of the fllm plays which Is the talk !
•of the ITnlted States. Wilton
I will appear in Israel Zanglvtll's mas- i
i terplece, "Children of the Ghetto."
The story Is woven about the life '
I of Tiabbl Samuel Jacobs, a sternly re- |
[ llglous old patriarch, who insists that |
his son and daughter follow hla re- '
i llglous customs. The first blow falls !
when his son becomes an actor. His !
daughter then marries a man forbidden
1 to her according to rabbinical law. Then
his wife dies and he Is left alone Hut
life cannot be all bitterness. His 1
daughter, now n widow, with her two j
children, returns to his home and he
finds peace and happiness. |
To-morrow. Saturday. Lew Fields In
"Old Dutch," an Interesting and de
lightful comedy. Mr. Fields Is support
ed by one of the finest casts ever pick- «
ed for a. feature fllm. —Advertisement. <
| Dr. Wilmer R. Butt, of the State
I Department of Health, will deliver a
i lecture next Friday evening to mem
| bers of the Harrlsburg Academy of
I Medicine, in the Academy Building,
j 319 North Second street. The sub
| Ject of the lecture is, "Blometric Flnd-
I ings."
! Thousands of wives, mothers and
sisters are enthusiastic In their praise
of ORRINE, because It has cured
their loved ones of the "Drink Habit"
and thereby brought happiness to
;thMr homes. Can be given secretly.
| ORRINE costs only SI.OO per box.
Ask for Free Booklet.
George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third
street, Harrlsburg; John A. McCurdy,
ISteelton, Pa.: H. F. Brunhouse, Me
chanicjsburg, Pa.—Advertisement.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect May 21, 1914.
TRAINS leave Harrlsburg—
For Winchester and Martlnsburg at
5:03, *7:50 a. rn„ *3:40 p. m.
For Hagerstown, Chainbcr.ibiirg:. Car
lisle, Mechanlcsburg and Intermedial
stations at 5:03, *7:50, "11:53 a ni
•3:40, 5:32, *7.40, *11:00 p. m. ' '
Additional truins for Carlisle and
Mechanlcsburg at 9:48 a. m., 2:18: 3-27
6:30, 9:30 a. m.
For Dillsburg at 5:03, *7:50 and
•11:53 a. m„ 2:18, *3:40. 5:32 and 6:30
p. m.
•Dally. All other trains dally except
Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE,
.1. H. TONGB. Q. p. A.
harrisburg business College
329 Market St
Fall term, September first. Day;
and night. 29th year.
Harrishurgf, Pa.
Begin Preparation Now
Day and Night Sessions
IK % Market Sq';, Harrlsbnrjr, Pa.
Try Telegraph Want Ads