16 THE NEW REO SIX rHIS -x-. | .ICa&jiiK, «-, SKMSSffI HarrLshtirj; Automobile Co.. (icorp 1 G. McEartand, Managt r. Big Traction and Power Co. Buys Nine Paige Cars The Rochester Hallway and Light Company, a large railway and power corporation in Rochester, X. Y., has Just closed contracts with the Seneca Motor Car Company, Paige distribu tors in that city, for the purchase of nine Paige cans, eight Glenwood Fours and one Paige "Six-46," which will be used by this company for various pur poses in the transaction of its busi ness. The sale was consummated only after a prolonged and exhaustive in vestigation and series of tests in which cars of nearly every standard make were represented. To determine its selection for its new fleet the company put all com petitors to the severest tests it could devise to bring out economy of op eration and maintenance, using its own machines for this purpose, and finally turning over each competing car to an engineer, a well-known member of the Society of Automobile Kngi neers. Questions of fuel consumption, tire wear, weight in relation to dura bility and economy, power, reliability —in fact ail the big and little points that are involved in such a matter were brought out in a thoroughly prac tical manner. And the result was that the Paige won —'' won out over all others on economy and durability—and got the order for the nine cars, a victory which Paige executives feel is a pecu liarly telling endorsement of their as sertions that Paige cars have value represented in economy, power and durability that is exceptional. Lack of Knowledge on Batteries Causes Trouble F. E. Watts, chief engineer of the Hupp Motor Car Company, is author ity for the statement that 90 per cent, of battery and ignition trouble experi enced by motorists during winter is due to carelessness and negligence on the part of owners. Mr. Watts be lieves that owners have not been prop erly educated on battery maintenance. Much of this, he says, is due to the fault of the owner himself, because he has given little or no attention to battery instructions. "The trouble is," said Mr. Watts, "that owners do not pay enough atten tion to care and operation of. batter ies. This is due to the fact that battery education has been sadly neglected by motorists. Most people look upon the storage battery as a 'mystery box," and believe the less attention It is given the better. "This is absolutely the wrong atti tude. If there Is one thing that re quires a man's attention in the winter it is the stoiage battery. The bat tery is the life of a car. It is the It'* *ll in r-ttiny them started rieat. CON KEY'S regulate* and strengthens the sensitive organ* and makes \ the chicks thrifty and itrcuf. < »et a Pail or A 7 Package and feeti it a.i tEe tune. f* - - I / CONKEY'S STARTING FOOD . / P it a wonderful aid in getting v • - VjL lQ « chick* started. Fee