THE GLOBE We're Going to Start the Spring Season With a Rush XSS&a Smart Easter Suits, d>l V Many of Which Were y ade to Sell Far $lB, At 1 / \jO ' numbers" in this bunch—all "live wires". The different kind of v clothes that you young fellows are always z 7 A; \ on the lookout for—and shown only here. A Smart English models in tlic brightest of plaids i gradually toning down to the more conservative j styles and ending with blue serges. Long, soft, roll- A St\ / in& la P els—onc or two-button coats—patch pockets— \\ .Ji sorne with double-breast vests. »j i We can fit the tall—the short—the lean—the fat | jj —everybody. "THE BENTOX" Choose while the picking is good—there are hun- Illustrating: one of the new styles i i * , r featured in our sls line. UTCCIS tO SCIOCt 110111. THE GLOBE " rhc Fn " ,dh s,on " WEST END AROUSED AT PLAN FOR BRIDGE [Continued front First Page.] accommodate pedestrians have not been definitely worked out. The local officials of the Pennsv have recommended the full width bridge, but the management has given no assurance that it will provide the money, and the bridge will be entirely useless to the public if it crosses only the twenty-one tracks mentioned. Attorney Benjamin I'. Umberger, secretary of the City Planning Com mission and a member of the West End Improvement Association, said to day that he did not suppose that action by the Planniug Commission would be necessary, although he had not looked into that phase of the question. He said: "The West End Improvement Asso catlon, I believe, had hoped for a driveway at that point, but 1 suppose the members will be very glad to get even a footway. There really is no Imperative need for a driveway just now, but there certainly will lie soon. Personally, I should favor the con struction of a footway, to be merely temporary, and that it would be put there now with the understanding that it is to be replaced with a permanent driveway." West End Is Aroused It is probable that a meeting of the West End Improvement Association will be called to ascertain the wishes of the people on the bridge question. A year ago mass meetings were held and the people, through the West End Improvement Association, expressed their wish for a subway beneath the tracks or an overhead bridge to take care of all traffic. While railroad officials said to-day To Cure Catarrhal Deafness aid Head Noises Perrons suffering from catarrhal de« fness anil head noises will be glad to know that this distressing; affliction can usually be successfully treated at home by an internal medicine thai in many instances has affected a complete cure sifter other treatments have failed, tfuf fereri who cou:d scarcely hear a watch tick will tell how they have had their hearing restored to ouch an extent that the tick of a watch was plainly audible seven or eight inches away from either car. Therefore, if you know of someono who is troubled with head noises or ca tarrhal lieafness. cut cut this formula and hand it to tliem and you will have been the means of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness. The presc riptior. inn be prepared ut home and is made as follows: Secure from your druggist 1 oz Par mint Strength), about 75c worth. Take this nome and add to it pint of hoc water and •! oz. of granu lated sugar: stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonfu! four times a day. Parmlnt is used in this way rot only to reduce by tonic action the inflamma tion and swelling in the Eustachian Tubes, anr) thus to equalize the air pressure on the drum, but to correct any excess of secretions In the middle ear. and the results it gives are nearly always quick and effective. Kvery person who has catarrh in any form should give this recipe a trial and free themselves from this destructive disease.—Advertisement. mil Thia Coupon entitles jr»u to on* copy of THE LONDON TIMES 'iMj/l HISTORY OF THE WAR flf if presented at the office of thii newspaper with 98 cents to jflKXfiSsl cover our cost of handling. If the book it ordered by mail, mgSgg •end the coupon and $1.15, with your name and address. yrsEtfflf/ A $3.00 Book for Only 98c |lj|| Through our special advertising arrangement with The s&H§§a\ London Timet we are able to make (hit (real book offer yfljg§§c|i to our readert, for a limited time only. jKgggiSl The London Timet Hittory of the War ia the one I really great book on the European War. It coat $70,000 Jgflgg®/ to produce and it acknowledged