Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 06, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Will Go into the Blue Ridge
League With Good String of
Young Players
Betsy Ross Chapter. Daughters of
Liberty, Celebrates Twenty
second Anniversary
Fy Sft.-Ul i. errrsftnitKce
Gettysburg. Pa.. March 6.—Xow that
e> erything in connection with Gettys
burg's entrv into organized
has been settled and it is definitely de
cided that the borough will be repre
sented in the Blue nidge League.
Manager Ir.t Plank will, within the
next tew weeks, begin the work of get
ting his candidates into line —State
highways in Adams county are to be
improved within the next week or ten
days so as to be made into very pass
able thoroughfares before summer.—
Betsy Ross Council. N'o. 119. Daugh
ters of Liberty, held Its twenty-second
annual banquet Friday night in the
0. F. I. A. hail. Mrs. R. 11. Long was
toastmistress.—Following the revival
service in the Lutheran Church at
Biglerville on Friday evening the fire
company of that town, who were in
\ ited guests, presented the pastor, the
Rev. Mr. Floto. with a purse contain
ing sl4.—Rotaaa King, of Gettys
burg. and Miss Ruth Creager. daugh
ter of T. B. Creager. Rouzerville. were
married at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Newcomer. Ringgold, dn
Thursday bv the Rev. Joan X. Bayer,
pastor of the German Baptist Church.
A sore tiiroat is a good traJlr.g plaes
for Diphtheria germs. Protect yet:r chil
dren by sever neglecting & Throat.
You can wisely depend r.-cn TONSILINE.
1. ire Tooailine upon the era: appearance of ;
Sore Throat a-n'c |iw DiaklMl aj
i nanee in that throat in its weakened con- !
dit ion. V.'hen TON'SILSNE is swallowed i$ ,
comes directly in conuict with tue diseased j
surface and induces a healthy condi
t.on of the merrbrare* —tV.en the ■
svjtfm can better defend the throat 'I
if attacked br P : T&:heria prms. ;* j
Keep TONSILINE in :c« houro ,1
wh»re you can g< ! r q>:u k v-lien c 3 :
Keded. v- ' 00. «'»
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect May 21. 1»1«.
TRAINS leave Harrlaburc —
For Winchester and ilattlaabur® u
t:O2. *7:50 a. m., *8:40 p. m.
For Haserstown. Charnbersburg. Car.
lisle, Mechar.lc»burg and intermediate
stations at S:O3, *7:30, *11:61 a. ta_
6:33. *7:40. *11:00 i>. m.
Additional trains tor Carlisle as 4
Mecbinlcsburg at t:4l a. m.. 3:18, 8:81,
«:80, 8:30 a- m.
For Dillsburg at 6:03, *7:68 and
•11:68 a. m., 8:18. *3:40. 6:38 and 8:88
'Dally. All other trains dally except
Sunday. H. A RIDDLE,
i. H. TONOR. a P. A.
Never Mind ILw Stroag You Are—
What d'ye Know?
That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?"
To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win
Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to.
In the fight tor good jobs and big salaries it's brains
—not brawn—that win. "What d'ye KXOW?" is the
one great question that draws the line between defeat
and victory between "wages" and "salary" between
you and the Eoss.
What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some
line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman,
superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark
and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna
tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you
CAN" "make good" on a big job?
For 23 years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to
do better work end earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400
students write of promotions or salary increases through I. C.
S. training. What the I. C. S. are doing for these men they can
do for YOU.
No matter where you live, how old you are. what hours
you work, or how limited your education—if you can read and
write and are ambitious to learn the I. C. S. can train you in
your own home, during your spare time, for a more important
and better-paving position.
Mark and mail the attached coupon—lt won't obligate
you in the least—and the I. C. S. will show you how you can
acquire this salary-raising ability by their imple and easy
It will cost you nothing to Investigate—lt may cost a life
time of remorse if you don't Mark and Mail the Coupon
NOW. ■
j! Box 1331, Scranton, Pa.
5 Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qual- [
j Ify lor the position before which I mark X. i
:■ :
( Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card Writing
• Elec. righting «upt. It r frige ration Engineer Advertlalug i
\ Klectrlr Wlrrmin Civil engineer Salcamaathlp
< Tel. A Tel. Engineer Surveyor Tracker
J Architect I.oco. Flrcmnn A Eng. English Branehra 1
f Architectural Draftamaa Civil Service Agriculture i
J Structural Engineer Hnllnay Mnll Clerk Poultry Farming '
Huildlng Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A Steam Fit 1
Concrete Conatructio* Steno. St Typewriting Cbetnlatrr i
Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running '
Ji Name J"
J St. and No t
j! . City State |
J« Present Occupation \>
> Mrs. J. Emory Fleisher and Miss
McDonald Visiting Philadel
phia to Make Selection
Newport Singers Rehearsing Music
: of "Crucifixion" and Gounod's
"Gallia" For Holy Week
By Sfr:..il Ctrrtsfcndtnct
[ Newport, Pa., March 6.—Mrs. J.
Emery Fleisher is spending the week
end at Philadelphia. While there she
; , will meet Miss MaeDonald of the
State Library department, and to
' gpther they will visit the shops in an]
endeavor to secure books for the new;
public library which is to be estab
lished here. Miss MaeDonald was|
i here on Wednesday and met a nuni- j
ber of the women who are interested:
in the library project for counsel ami I
'i advice. Mrs. William X. Kahler is
visiting her son. Harry, at Harrisburß. j
IMrs. J. D. Conrad has none to Pitts
burgh to visit her children.—James
Groff Keen, a student at Teates school.
(Lancaster, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mar
tin Keen.—Miss Xelle MacKenae
Kougli is visiting in Berwick. Mr.
and Mrs. Edward E. Marshall. of
Rydal were guests of Mr. and Mrs. <
William S. Bergner this week—Mrs.!
Jacob C. Prank and daughter. Mrs. C. I
A. Sefton. sent Sunday at Harrisburg. j
—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams vis-j
ited their aunt, Mrs. Wesley W. Potter
—Miss Amanda L Brown was in I
Philadelphia this week, and called to]
see her friend. Miss Annie L. Basse;t.;
who is a patient in the Episcopal hos- (
pltal Ben Eby, the New Cumber
land druggist, was in town on Wednes
day. Mrs. Mary K. Johnston visited]
; her niece. Mrs. Harry J. Bent, at Car
lisle on Wednesday. Mrs. Samuel;
I Adams Sharon entertained on Thurs-.
j day her aunt. Mrs. O. U. Stackhouse.
tof Harrisburg. and her brother.;
[Charles A. Jones, of Pittsburgh. All'
! those interested are requested to meet ;
j in the rooms of the Men's Association i
ton Wednesday evening next at S. 3'>
j o'clock for the purpose of rehearsing;
JSrainer's "Crucifixion." and Gounod's;
1 "Gallia." with the intention of singing]
them some time in holy week. On]
Tuesday evening next In the rooms of
, the Men's Association and under their,
auspices. Willis Qstst Xewboid. of Har-I
! risburg. will sive an illustrated lec
jture on "Religious Edifices of the i
! World."
Sore Throat
Chest Pains
Sore che«t snd tore throat can at
once be relieved by Sloan'*
Liniment. It goet right to the
•eat of pain, warming and tooth*
ing the affected parti ; the pain—
presto !—is gone.
Hundreds of people have given their
fratelal testimony for what Sloan's has
At all dealers. Price 2Sc., SCc. O SI.OO
Dr. Earl S.Slain. lnc. Pfcila. & St. Louis
Try Telegraph Want Ads
Sfrcial to Tlit Ttlrgrafh
Anmille. Pa., March 6.—The Men's Bible class of the Annville United Brethren Sunday school, is the oldest organization of its kind in Lebanon
county, having been formed soon after the Civil War. The present teacher, Alfred T. Mills, son of the late Bishop Mills, has been the leader of the
class for the past three years.
Personal News Items
From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
By Special CorresfCHdencf
Halifax. Mrs. Luther Eehr spent
Saturday with her aunt. Mrs. James
Eby, at New Cumberland. J. Herbert
Pike, of Middletown, spent the week
end with his mother. Mrs. Sarah i'lke.
—Stanley I'rieh. after a short visit to
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Urich,
has gone to Philadelphia. Mrs.
Emanuel Musser and daughter, Katli
ryn. spent last week at her parental
home, in Snyder county. The Grand
Army of the Republic, of town, held
their annua! supper at the Hotel Key
stone. on Monday evening. Harvey
S. Bogar on Tuesday took his wife to
the Medico-Glit Hospital. Philadelphia,
where she will undergo an operation.—
Miss Helen Jauss. of Harrisburg. spent
the week-end with her aunt. Mrs. M. K.
Hehm. \V. T. Shammo and B. C. Kop
penheffer were at Harrisburg on busi
ness. Miss Esther Brubnker spent
Saturday at Harrisburg. Mrs. \V. H.
Keller is confined to her home by ill
ness. Miss KUa Jury spent several
days at Harrisburg. Mrs. Bertha
Kohrback is at Philadelphia. .Mrs.
George W. Keiter. who spent some
time in the Eykens Valley, returned
home »n Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Ktiweiler. of Tower City spent several
days here. Sliss Ivy HoiTman enter
tained at dinner on Sunday in honor of
Mi-* Sne Wagner and her friend. Clif
ford Workendyke. George Branyan
spent part of the week at Harrisburg
and Steelton. Homer Dunkel. of Mil
lersburg. spent Sunday with his brother,
C'vdo A. Dunkel, and family. Wil
liam Bowman returned to Portsmouth.
Ohio. Saturday, after spending some
time with.his mother. Mrs. Isaac Bow
man. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyer. of
Altoona. spent Sunday with his brother.
Monroe Boyer. George Koch, who
has been assistant foreman under \V.
11. Arnold on the railroad here for some
time, has been transferred to Herndon •
and given the position of track fore
man. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pike spent /
several days at Philadelphia.
Waynesboro. An enjoyable party
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Ruths. Thursday evening. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Eyler, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles F. Ruths, Mr. and ;
Mrs. J. II Ruths. Mrs. T. Walters. Mrs.,
C. R. M.-Eain, Mrs. Clarence Benchoff.
Mr. Mrs. Thomas Staubs. of Hag
erstown. and Mrs. U J. Wlngerd. i>f
Baltimore. Mrs. Charles Harris en- ,
tertained a number of friends Tuesday :
evening at a dance. The guests were:!
Misses Thelma Harbaugh. Gertrude
Plain. Gail Blair. Gladys Naugle, Elsie'
Frit*. Edith McKinley, Goldie Beard. 1
Aivce Rock. Pauline Clayburn. Helen
Clayburn. Leo Doyle. Clarence Gilbert. '
James Wcagley. Charles Thompson. I
Raymond Grove. Arthur Potteroff, Hob- |
ert lr.geal. Edgar lluff. Harvey (iouteln.
Cslvert Rentiel. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie
Clayburn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sult/.'-r. '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris. Mr. ,
and Mrs. Paul C. MerliUt. of New York
City, are guests of ff. G." Adams and
Stover Adams. Miss Evelyn Towsen
has returned to her home after a visit
of several weeks with her sister. Miss
Marie Towsen. at Baltimore. Miss
Slary Cline is visiting Miss Helen Fog
elsenger nt New Cumberland, Pa.
Miss Lottie Summers is spending some
time at Philadelphia. John M. Jones,
of Pittsburgh, is visiting her brother,
W. B. Westen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Tate and daughter. Miss Lucy Tate, of
Norfolk. Ya.. are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Phillips and Miss Susan Phil
lips. Miss Ella Leedom, of Hollidavs
burg. is the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
George Boggs. Mr*. William P. Ire
land. Reading, is visiting in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Harbaugh.
Miss Anna Eckert. Carlisle, is the gue«t
of Mrs. Leo Roberts. Mrs. Charles
Morne entertained the E. P. N. Club on
Thursday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Ennis. who spent the past two
weeks In Florida have returned home.
Moniandni. Mrs. J. P. Hurlbert en
tertained a party of women at the
Methodist parsonage. Friday afternoon.
Those present were: Mrs. W. C. Burrey,
Mrs. A. G. Keyser, Mrs. D. A. Smith,
Mrs. John Ma'kert. Mrs. Edward Rietz.
Mrs. J. S. Rietz. Mrs. Harry Snyder.
Mrs. James Best. Mrs. Mabel Fetter.
Mrs. I<ee Belber. Mrs. Angus Fairchild.
Mrs. Myron Fairchild. Mrs. Frank Hock
enberry. Mrs. Charles Hauck, Mrs.
Adam Stahl. Mrs. Elmer Shaffer Mrs.
J. F. Hill. Mrs. HofTman, Mrs. Sophia
Perk. Mrs. Daniel Yeager. Mame Cuni
mings, Agnes Smith. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Johnson entertained the follow
ing persons at a six o'clock dinner on
Saturday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Stahl. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fries, Mr.
and Sirs. Oscar Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs.
Ma'hlas Wiersderfer. Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Frederick. Mrs. Frank Cox. Mar
garet Gilbert. William Frederick and
Robert Cox. Mrs. Elmer Shaffer Is
soendinc this week at Philadelphia. —■
Mrs. Alice Garber is visiting in Miftlin
burg. John Harner, of Streator. 111.,
nrrived here on Wednesday to attend
the funeral of his grandmother. Jo
Aunt Este's Stories For Children
Slli\EK\ll.\U9 STRIKES THE FOREST But soon Uncle Sun said: "You get right ofT here!"
Over the hills and far away. And *»hout much as a warning, my dear.
On the bream of the Sun sailed Silverwings gay. He tunibled P"®* 1 Sllverwlng. straight down.
Silverwings right from the palace of Fairies; <lts a »°nder .he didn't break her crown.)
Silverwings straight from the sky-blue prairies; Sl,e fell ,n Bonle ,reeß a " taU anJ Breen -
Sailed right out from her home so bright. Such a I ' u " lb,e she "ever had seen.
Where never was sorrow and never was night; Tl,ere wcre bears a-roarlng.
And all because she had fretted and cried, Ther<> were t;,nakes and eagles a-soaring. .
. . , Silverwings was scared half out of her wits.
And would not be happy and satisfied.
...... ... i , . . ... , (In fact she first thought she was having fits.)
Such things the king of the Fairies won t stand,
„ . .. . i .. . . . . But though she'd been banished for being bad,
Grouches can t stay In that great land:
„ „ ... ~ . , Still her wonderful Fairy powers she had;
l or 1-airles are usually gay and contented,
, . ... So she mumbled some words In a foreign tone,
(I really think poor Silverwings was demented.)
_ , , _ And the great ugly wild beats just let her alone;
So off she rode on the breast of the Sun;
..... ... . . . . . , But there she sat on the top of the tree,
(Dont you think she must have been warm, little one?)
... , ~ , How she'd ever get farther, she just couldn't see.
On the breast of the Sun she rode mile after mile, *
And the farther she rode, why the broader she smiled. Watch For Silverwing s Next Adventu
, seph Pfleeger is In Mifflinburg this
J week.
1 nlon Deposit. Mr. aiul Mrs. Wil
liam Parthemore, of Chicago. 111., spent
Sunday with his sister. Miss Lizzie
Parthemore. Neal Miller made a visit
to Hummelstown on .Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. John Parkier. of Homers
town, were entertained on Sunday by
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Kaufman. Miss
Uziie Parthemore spent Tuesday at <
Philadelphia. t)n Sunday evening, at
7:3U o'clock, there will be preaching!
services in the United Brethren Church
by the pastor, the Rev. George \V. Hall
mar,. Miss Weisser. of Reading,
spent Saturday and Sunday with her
cousin. Miss Adaline Reager. Mr.
and Mrs. John Gipe. accompanied by
Air. and Mrs. Samuel Gipe. left for the
State of Illinois oi> Tuesday. Mrs.
William Elsenhauer was taken to the
Hirfilburg Hospital, where she under
went an operation. Miss Christie
Parthemore and nephew, Lincoln, of
Harrisburg, spent Sunday with the
former's sister. Miss lizzie Parthe
more. Miss Annie Martin, of Hum
' melstewn. spent Wednesday with Miss
Annie Miller.
Hernhey. M. S. 1 tershey has re- !
turned from Atlantic City. The Rev. ;
0. G. Romig, of Tower City, is spending
several days with his family here. —]
Mrs. Violet Freed, of Lebanon Valley j
i College, spent a few days with his pa- 1
rents. Mr and Mrs. Jacob Nissle>. -■
Mrs. .1 K. Snyder is spending a week
at Philadelphia, Mr. and W. EC.
I.eithiser. of Reading, spent several
days with their two sons, J. B. and W.
B. Lcithiser. here. - J. M. Brand.m
and Simon S. Kettering attended the
State Young Men's Christian Associa- :
tion convention at Johnstown.—Misses
Alice Elder. Mary Btireh. Edna Adams
and Mabel Hurley attended the "Billy" ;
Sunday meetings at Philadelphia. :
Mrs. Ezra F. Hershey is spending sev- •
eral days with her sister, at Pitts- i
burgli. Mrs. E. M. Cassadv and son.
Lewis, are spending a few weeks with
relatives in Philadelphia. C. L Ren
der spent a few days with friends at
Mt. Holly Springs and Carlisle. The
' Rev. I. H. Albright, of Middietown, was
I the guest of H. M. Keeney.
j Mltlerotown. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
! Kipp and daughter, Mrs. John Hrintou.
. who spent several days at Harrisburg,
returned home Monday. They were ac
companied home by their grandson.
Kenneth Kip'i. Mr. and Mrs. William
; Bollinger spent t « week-end at Har
i rishurg with Mr. and Mrs. William
•Snyder. Miss Lillian Nankivel. of
Steelton, was the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nankivel. Sun
i day. D. Gilbert Rickabaugh, who
: snent several weeks in the Eastern
J cities, returned home on Sunday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Croker spent several
' months with the family of William
' Rounsley and returned to her home, at
Houtzdale. on Thursday. Mrs. George
1 Krug and son. Harold, of Tliomoson-
I town, was the guest of John Harris,
j Snndav. Mrs. Anna Eckels was a
Harrisburg visitor. Tuesday. Wil
liam Rounsley and daughter. Kathryn.
lof Penbrook. visited Mr. Rounsley's
, Barents. Mr. and Mrs. William Rouns
-1 lev. D. Gilbert Rickabaugh attended
the funeral of James Leiby. at New
port. on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.
William Fry, who have been visiting
! their parents in Pfouts Valley, for sev- :
nral months, returned to their home, in ■
I North Dakota, this week. — Mrs. George !
Rents, who has been visiting her pa- •
| rents. Mr. end Mrs. I. Crane, returned >
;to her home, at P.irkersburg, W Va.
; She was accompanied home by her ;
'mother. Mrs. Irvln Crane.
I'tketown. Mr. and Mrs. John '
Neidiir. of near Manada (!a». spent Sun
dav with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pot
teiger. M'' and Mrs. Edward Warfel.
| of Manada Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. John
: l.ln'le visite.l Mr. and Mrs. John !
Rhoads, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1
iGeorec Potteiger and children•wer».,the
quests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shoe- i
maker, at Reaver Creek, on Sundav.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Fetrow. of High- I
I spire, spent several days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Noss. W.
H. Brown was a visitor in Harrisburg
• I on Monday. Miss Goldle Wade, of
• Fishing (."reek Valley, visited the Misses
iEmma and Bessie Meeronnel. on Sun
day. Miss Minnie Mumma. ot Her
shev. spent the week-end with her pa
. j rents. Mr. and Mrs. David Mumma.
. i Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schmidt, of Har
, j risburg. were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
. : John — Miss Mary Fernsler.
■| of near Linglestown, spent Sunday
.'with Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Seiger.
. ) Miss Priscilla Ramsev visited Mrs.
i i Mnynrte Cassel in Harrisburg. on Tucs
i day. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Strohm
. i visited Mr. and Mrs. John Aungst, of
• ! near Einglestown. on Sunday.
i 1 Dalmntla. Mrs. Emma Rettleyou
: and Miss Carrie Bingaman visited at
. I Lvkens a few dav». Benjamin Spotts.
■j of Brookville. Hi., returned home on
■ ' Monday. Miss Maud Host, of Sun-
I ; bury, spent a few davs at the home of
■ j her uncle, .T, E. Blnuaman. Paul
-iPeeie of Williamsport. is visiting at
• I the home of his brother. Frank. .T.
. jo. Knotts of Hickory Corners, spent
I I vVodnegdiv in town. Mrs. J. M. Wiest.
Mrs. C. Weaver and Mrs. Annie Mess-
ner visited at Shamokin, recently.
Mrs. Newton Wetzel spent Wednesday
at Sunbury. E. W. Dockev, of Pillow,
called on friends here on Wednesday.
lilnin. Professor William I. Book,
instructor in the Pennsylvania Uni
versity, at Philadelphia, was here on i
business pertaining to the settling up
l of his father's estate and to visit his
, mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Book. Mrs.
I. L Smith is visiting at Harrisburg.—
I The Aid Society, of the Methodist Epis
copal Church, realized $lO out of their i
! bake on Saturday. Mrs. A. G. Gray |
visited Harrisburg, Dauphin. Lmcaster
and Cumberland county friends.
Charles Kline, of Chicago. Hi., is visit
ing his mother. Mrs. E. Kline. J. E.
Rlckard. of Pittsburgh, visited his pa
rents. • Mrs. Marietta Campbell went
to visit her daughter. Mrs. H. W. Light
ner. at Philadelphia. Miss Anna Har
kins visited her brother. J. F. Harkins,
at Susquehanna University. Selins
grove. Mrs. E. Henry is the guest of
her son. the Rev. 1,. E Henry, of Pen- |
brook, who is ill with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Emmett Trostlc and daughter. |
j Carrie, went to visit the former's
daughdnughter. Mrs. Garth Snyder, at'
I Shiioh. Ohio. Miss Daisy Holtz, who |
: was very ill. is better. Maurice. Wll- i
liam and Elder Gibbons have gone to j
i lowa.
I.inslrxtonn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard j
Craber. of Harrisburg. and Mr. and
Mrs. John Ruber anil daughter. Mil- 1
dr«il. of Penbrook. spent Sunday the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Crum.
Mrs. William Hester, of Penbrook, on ,
Sunday was the guest Of her parents, i
.Mr. and Mrs. Hailet Hetrlck. Miss'
; Vera Cere, of Irvtns College, was the
' gu*st of her mother. Mrs. Fannie Care. !
—-Mrs. Emma Horst. of Harrisburg. on j
, Sunday was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
, .1. M. Bergp.er. who are convalescing ;
: after a severe spell of sickness. Miss
1,1 11 ic Meyers and Miss Ellen Meyers, j
' of Oberlin. snent Sunday as the guests !
of Mr. and Mrs. Hailet Hetrick. Dr.
E. R. Rheitn and family, of Harrisburg.
were week-end guests of Dr. C. 11.
Smith and daughter, Grace. - Samuel
Rnlthaser, of Jersey City, spent Sunday
with Ills mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Bal
thaser. Mrs. Elizabeth Balthaser Is
spending a few davs with the family
of E. O. Hassler. —• The Misses Dorothy
Feeser and Mabel Feeser snent Sunday
with their mother. Mrs. Carrie Feeser. j
—Miss Ellen Levari returned home after ■
•spending several months with friends ;
at Philadelphia. Miss Mery Feeser |
on Wednesday visited friends at Har
New Cumberland Young Women Or
ganizt* at Renekcr Home
Hv Special Correspondence
\'MV Cumberland. Pa.. March o. j
Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchison, of j
Baltimore, are visiting the Rev. and |
Mrs. J. R. Hutchison.—Mrs. llykes. of
York county, visited her sisters, Mrs. j
Snyder and Mrs. Ira Schell. this week. !
—Miss Janet ReilT. a student at Dick- i
inson College, is spending a few days ]
at her home here.—Mrs. W. G. Faust, i
of Auburn, Pa., was the guest of the i
, Rev. S. N. Good at the Church of God !
{parsonage. —Selby Watson, a sailor
from the United States battleship New i
' Hampshire, who is on a ten days' fur- j
' lough, called on P. S. Gardner oh [
j Monday.—Mrs. Wagoner, of Cham- ;
, bersburg. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cur- j
■ tin Myers at Elkwood.—Miss Marie I
| Sponsler visited her aunt, Mrs. Park j
' Buttorff, this week.—Mrs. Alice Trim- >
del. who has been the guest of Mrs. I
Myers returned to her home at Wash- |
ington on Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. :
W. 11. Speck. >lr. and Mrs. Parker;
• Minter visited Mrs. Stecker at Carlisle j
this week.—A number of young worn- i
ien met at the home of Miss Mary j
j Reneker on Monday Ttiight and organ-j
I ized a sewing circle.
I-'oot aiul Moutli Disease lias Bail 1
Effect on Market
By Special Correspondence
Dlllsluirg, Pa.. March 6.—The re- ■
cent epidemic of foot and mouth dis
ease among cattle is causing livestock ;
to sell at very low prices at the public i
| sales in this section. Mrs. M. W. |
Rritcher has returned to her home in j
South Baltimore street after spending !
I several weeks at Philadelphia.—Miss j
Johns, of Gettysburg, visited the Rev. !
and Mrs. J. 11. Wolf on Sunday.—Ray I
, Spfthr, who has been ill with typhoid
fever, is now able to walk out. —Mrs.
| O. K. Bushey and Mrs. Charles I,eh
i tner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Giffen at B'iley's on Sunday.—
' George S. Brandt is confined to his
1 home by illness. —S. B. Harris & Co..
of New Holland, Pa., has leased the'
[ storeroom in the Clark building re- !
. cently vacated by Victor Taylor, in |
• which a clothing store will be opened.
Meniltors of llummelstown Aid Society
to Give "Bachelor's Revenge"
By Special Correspondence
Himinu'lMottn, Pa., March 6. —Mr.
and Mrs. William A. 1 .and is and
! daughter, Mary Ksther. spent Sunday
J with Mrs. 1 Hindis' parents, the Rev.
and Mrs. John Landls. near Union
j Deposit.-—Edwin Bechtel was a recent
I guest of his parents at Elizabethville.
I —Professor C. S. Davis, of Steelton,
spent Saturday morning with Prinei
! pal W. A. Geesey.—Mr6. Frank Schaft-
I ner has returned home from Easton.
| where she visited the Rev. J. P. Dlf
[ fonderfer.—George T. Kicker, a Civil
| War veteran, is ill at his home in
West Main street from pneumonia,
i Kicker gave a talk on his personal
1 memories of Lincoln before the high
, school students on Lincoln's Birth
■ day.—E. E. Bolton has returned from
I Philadelphia, where he underwent an
| operation, and is much improved in!
I health. —Herbert Schaftner, of Frank
lin and Marshall College, visited his
1 parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Schaftner.
The women of the Aid Society of
I the Lutheran t'hurch will present the
' playlet. "The Bachelor's Revenge/' in
, the parish house on Monday evening.
|—A good audience attended the pa
trons' meeting in the high school on
, Tuesday evening. The speakers of the
evening were Elmer Erb and Professor :
j H. H. Shenk, of the chair of history. I
I Lebanon Valley College. Phil. A. I
Hartwell has returned to New York
after a vacation with his parents. Mr. ]
and Mrs. I'. W. Hartwell. --William
i Harvey Is recovering from a severe
' attack of grippe. Principal Geesey
j attended the ninth annual conference
1 of the Schoolmasters' Association in
the Technical high school at Harris
burg. Mr. and Mrs. John
enecker. who have been touring the
western states since last April, will
leave California very soon for home.
They will reach Hummelstown in
: April.—Mrs. Clayton Stecher and Miss
| Maude Baker will hold a musicale on
i Tuesday evening for the benefit of the
! Lutheran Church at the residence, of
i Dr. W. C. Baker. —Harry Gresh spent
j Wednesday in Philadelphia.
Miller-burg Organization Aims to Sc
;irt' Good Roads in State
By Special Correspondence
Millersbtirg, Pa., March ti.—A sneak
thief, using key, entered the tobacco
i store of John H. Heckert in Center
j street on Monday night and stole
I about s.">o worth of cigars.—Mrs. Lloyd
J. Xovinger who had been dangerously
j ill for several weeks, is said to be im
! proving.—Marion Snyder, 19 years old,
iof Harrlsburg. grandson of Jacob
; S. Snyder, died in the Harrisburg lios
j pital Saturday following an operation,
i The body was brought to Miltersburg
land from thence to the Reformed
! Church Cemetery at Killinger where
i burial was made Tuesday.—Miss
! Grace Hoft who spent the winter,near
! Atlanta. Ga., returned to her home in
\ Millersburg Sunday.—Messrs. S. S.
i Pick. K. E. Heckert and C. I. Culp
| were in Philadelphia this week, liear
j ing "Billy" Sunday preach.—The Mil
! lersburg Automobile Association, al
! though but a few weeks old. Is grow
| ing in numbers and very much inter-
I est is taken by the people In the alms
! of the association for better roads. At
j a meeting held Monday night at the
, F. S. Kirk electric supply offices, the
I membership was swelled to 110 inem
; bers, with more to hear from.
First Sign of Approaching Spring in
Perry County
By Special Correspondence
New Genuantown. Pa., March 6.
j Bluebirds have commenced to sing in
the orchards.—Charles L. Gray and
family, of Blain, were guests of Mr.
I and Mrs. Charles E. Reed. Post
| master D. P. Stokes, of Blain, called
| to see his son, Professor F. S. Stokes.
;—A free demonstration was given on
j Thursday afternoon by T. S. Fostor on
,C. W. Otto's farm. Demonstration on
! the manner of pruning, spraying, etc.,
j were given.—Sadie Weisenhaupt and
i son George, who have been living at
Henry E*>y's for several months, have
gone to Hershey. Miss Lucy Baltozer
is keeping house for Mr. Eby.—James
O'Donel ami Miss Rhoda Morrow
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
: Foose. of Madison township.—Mr. and
• Mrs. C. X. Foose and son Merrill, of
j Anderson burg, were the guests of Mrs.
I Foose's father. T. A. Morrow, and of
S. B. Trostle on Monday.
Borough Council Decide* on Levy
of Four Mills For Next
Bids Will Be Asked For by the
Board of Directors on
March 22
By Special Correspondence
Mount Joy, J'jl, March 6.—Mount
Joy borough school board has decided
to ask for bids for the erection of an
addition to the school building on
Monday evening:, March 22.—At the
meeting of Mount Joy borough council
on Monday evening the tax rate yea*
fixed at 4 mills, the same as last year,
and S.OOO paving bricks were pur
chased. Miss Anna G. Seifert, of
Mountvllle, and William Q. Staley, of
Rohrerstown, were married by the
Rev. A. S. Hottenstien, of East Peters
burg.—That Mount Joy is one of the
greatest tobacco shlppiiiK centers In
the state is attested by the fact that
last Thursday eight carloads was
shipped; on Tuesday, six carloads, anil
on Wednesday, four carloads.—J. U
Missemer was in Philadelphia Sunday
where he attended three of "Billy"
Sunday's meetings.—Henry Koch, of
New York city, is visiting his father,
Lewis Koch. —Mrs. Walter L. Eshle
nian gave a surprise party in honor of
her sisters, Misses Elva and Mary
Strickler, at her residence in South
Barbara street.—A musicale was given
by the pupils of Miss S. Welsh at the
home of Miss Carrie Nissly, in which
the following pupils took part: Mark
Mumma, Mary StaufCer, Seymour
Smith, Dorothy Longenecker, Mary
i.indenuith, John Bear, Oscar Laskenty,
Mabel Moore. Emily Newcomer. Mil
dred Fellenbaum, Arthur Moyer and
Carrie Nissly.— Edgar R. Missemer, a
typo of tlie Star and News printing
office, after being confined to bed fot
I ten days on account of sickness started
work again last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Getter Entertain Friend,
in Honor <>l' Event
By Special Correspondence
Xcv\ville. Pa., March o.—Mrs. J. '!
j Morrow, of Landlsburg, spent tin
| week-end with her mother. Mrs. Dan
dis. —Miss Gertrude Borst, who spen
! (lie past week with her mother an.
sister, has returned to Washington
1 l>. ('.—Misses Heffelbower and Brew
I ster, milliners, are in Philadelphia.-
Miss Rachel Hayes has returned forn
Huntingdon. W. Ya.. where sho spen
the past six weeks visiting her broth
er.—Mrs. Annie Shires, of Manslield
Glilo. spent a day with Mrs. 15. \Y
Landls.—Mr. and Mrs. John Millo
and son. of Mercersburg and Mrs. J. l:
Ditch, of Steelton. spent the weoi<
end with the former's sister, Mrs. J. T
Miller.—Miss Alice HefTelfinser am
neice, Margaret Dlven. of Vineland
IT. J., are visiting the former's sistei
Mrs. David Martin.—Mrs. Oliver Sny
der entertained the Sunday sclioo
class of Big Spring Presbyterlm
Church of which she is a member,
her home, on Friday evening. At tli
same time the class gave Mrs. Snyde
a kitchen shower. —The regular meet
i ing of the Civic Club will lie heh
(at the home of Mrs. E. W. James, oi
I Monday evening.. W. H. McCrca wil
j address tho club on "Bird*."—Mr. aiv
Mrs. St. Elmo Getter will entertain
number of t Heir friends on Wedncsda
evening. March 10, in honor of tl
twenty-fifth anniversary of (heir mar
riage. Friends of Mrs. Edgar Man
nitig gave her a kitchen shower at tli
home of Mrs T. Frank Bower, o:
[Thursday evening. Mrs. Manning wri
formerly Miss Elizabeth Woodburn.
I Congregation 'Held Good One Burin;
Preacher's Absence
By Special Correspondence
I Tower City, Pa.. March 6.—Mas to
j Travitz, son of Oliver Travitz, spen
I several days at Shamokin. Ed
I Schreiner and son Mark visited friend
lin Grantvlllo. llarry Jennings, o
i Schuylkill Haven, spent Sunday wit
j his parents.—Mrs. Charles Klinger i
! enjoying a pleasant vacation wit:
| friends at Philadelphia. Miss Ver
' Bressler visited friends at Pottsville.—
! John Martz while at work In the mine
j was overcome by dynamite smoke
After much work he was resuscitated
—On Sunday the pastor of the I'nite
Evangelical Church being at confer
ence. the members decided to hold
praise and song service. During th
service an invitation was extended t
sinners and ten responded.
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