Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 15, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    | Arc Yea Looking Fir Help? Use Telegraph Classified Ais |
/ \
LOST yesterday; FOUND today.
That's the storv of TELEGRAPH CLAS
Almost every Telegraph LOST ad reaches
a finder.
It's best to give your order for a three-day
Phone the ad if you choose—llo extra
charge. Call Bell 2040, Cumberland 203.
L_ )\
WRITKR - on Sunday night. Febru
ary 14. 1915. Henry S. Writer, at his
home. 2550 l«cxington street, aged 27
Arrangements for burial will be
made later.
V'UNT Charles E. Yount died at tiie
Keystone Hospital, Friday morning,
February 12, 1915, aced 57 years.
Funeral services will be held from
his late residence. No. 1502 Green street,
on Tuesday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock.
Hurial in Paxtana* Cemetery. Rela
tive.! and friends are invited to attend
vlthout further notice. Burial private.
Services will be conducted by Pilgrim
Commandery. No. 11. K. T. Body can
be viewed after 6 o'clock this evening.
LOST Sunday evening, between
Seventh and Cowden. near Hriggs.
poekethoou, containing small sum of
money and name cards. Finder can
keep money if pocketbook is returned
to Telegraph Office.
— Female Scotch Collie —brown
an# white spotted collar and brass
lock—disappeared four weeks ago. Lib
eral reward if returned. Notify John
Partman, care of Central Cigar Co., 425
South Cameron street.
FOUND Scotch Collie dog. dark
brown, female: owner can have same by
proving property and paying for this
idvertisement. Dog can be found at
919 Capital street.
FOUND The way to end your
cleaning and dyeing worries, by calling
either phone for Eggert's Steam Dye
ing and French Cleaning Works, 1245
Market street. We call and deliver.
BECOME Railway Mall Clerks; Har
risburg Mail Carriers. $63.00 to $160.00
month. Pull unnecessary. Schedule of
Winter and Spring examinations —free.
I'ranklln Institute, Dept. 361-B, Roches
ter. N. Y.
R ANTED. Ablebodied, unmarried men
between ages ot 18 and 35; citizens of
United States, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
»nd write the English language. For
nformatlon apply to Recruiting Officer,
Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts.,
Harrisburg; 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster;
(53 Pine St.. Willlamsport: 37 W. Mar
ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St.,
jh&mokin. Pa.
WANTED bond or stock salesman
to sell 8 per cent, preferred Hosiery
itock. R„ 54, care of Telegraph.
GOOD OPPORTUNITY for thoroughly
;omn»tent man with several years' ex
jerlenca in sheet metal work. Must be
.veil versed in reading drawings, ex
orienec' in handling men and a
lustier. To be considered applicants
nust give age. state ful* * experience,
ages expected, and how soon could
tport for work. Pangborn Corpora
ion, Hagerstown. Md.
OUT OF WORK?—I-et us show you
low to make $35 weekly in your own
own Write to-day. Wilkon Supply
'o.. Dept. T, Pottsville, Pa.
WANTED Railway mail and postal
ierks; examinations soon; over 2,000
ippointments yearly; prepare at home;
ivrlte for Plan No. IS of payment after
ippointment. Philadelphia Business
'ollege. Civil Service Dept., Philadel
phia. Pa.
man to collect accounts for large
city firm. Must have haA previ
ous experience and not afraid of
hard work. State age. salary ex
pected and 'dace where formerly
employed. Give reference as to
i-haracter, honesty, sobriety, etc.
us know something about
yourself. Address No. 1558, care of
the Telegraph.
rradj article. Sure repeater. Demon
tratj and the sale is made. If you are
hustler here is your i han«'e to make
li'.oo daily. Address S., 1 554, care of
'elegraph. Harrisburg, Pa.
AGENTS lf I had your nam* 1
oulil sliow you how to earn $25 to SSO
reekly. Greatest seller in years. Over
00,000 sold in last six months. Every
u.usewife WILL BUY ON SIGHT. Pos
al brings liberal proposition and Free
fcmple. Address Manufacturer, 1 Union
:.iu! ** \ New York.
lAo registered 28 new pupils, and has
oom for a few more, day or evening,
ill pattern cutting Is taught by meas
ire. You make your own dresses while
earning. Works Dressmaking School,
2 North Fourth street.
L«t 14x100
Improved with a three-story
frame house - eight rooms, bath
and furnace.
(•miliar Bargain Price.
Fire Insurance Surety lionet*
l.ornat and Court Streets
I WANTED Plain cook and laun-
I dress for place in country, white or
! colored. Call on H. A. Surface, Capitol
I Ruiiding. or write or plione Mrs. Sur
face. McchanicsburS. Pa.
WANTED Lady Agent to handle
| our line of Merltable Toilet Prepara
: tions. On Hie market 15 years. At
i tractive goods—attractive proposition.
Write Ponce de Leon, 118 West Lexing
i ton street. Baltimore, Md.
WANTED Young lady for
| office work. Call Tuesday, to
10 a. in.. 610 Kunkel Kldg.
i WANTED - Name and address of an
industrious girl for office work; special
I training not required: must have
t Grammar School education. Give age.
Address 8., 1555, care of Telegraph.
WANTED—Experienced help.
| Apply "Silk Mills," Cor. Second
I ind North Sts.
WANTED Young, well experienced
: window cleaner desires work; three
I years' experience in New York City.
; Call, or address, 1114 Christiana street
r (For Ste(T).
PAINTS and Windows cleaned, Au
! tomobiles washed and polished. Bell
phone 1766 J.
• FIRST-CLASS chef (white) is open
[for position, hotel or restaurant: best
reference. D.. 1552, care of Telegraph.
I WANTED Young white man de
sires position as. cook, or counter man,
in hotel or restaurant. Call, or address,
1 1114 Christiana street, City.
' WANTED Colored man would like
home with family in the country or
suburban: honest and rood worker.
Write to J. Warn. 903 Sarah avenue, or
j call.
WANTED Job compositor, aged
i experience. Address Box 114, Lemoyne.
WANTED Work by man who can
| handle boilers, or janitor work; handy
man with tools. Call 1616 Fulton street,
! City.
WANTED Young, married man,
with fair education and good recom
mendations. wants position as shipping
or receiving clerk. Address K., 1549,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Neat, reliable, colored
girl wants general housework: no
vashing. Address 548 Cameron street,
Midlletown. Pa.
WANTED Middle-aged white wo
man desires plain sewing or day's
work: can be r< ommended. Call, or
address, M. N. R.. 923 North Sixth
WANTED Plain sewing, crochet
work or knitting. Address, or call, 429
Broad street. Room 35, City.
WANTED Work by colored girl,
general housework or dishwashing,
i Call, or address. 1324»' James street.
WANTED Young colored woman
would like work of any kind, child's
nurse preferred. Call 28 Linden street.
WANTED Washing and Ironing
to do at home. Call, or address, 1529
Ixigan avenue.
WANTED White woman desires
general housework, or day's work. Call,
or address, Mrs. Myers, 428 Broad
street. Room 26.
WANTED Position as housekeeper
In respectable family. Call, or address,
2210 Atlas avenue.
WANTED By white woman, day's
work of any kind. Address, or call,
2005 North Seventh.
WANTED Girl. 18 (white), would
like light housekeeping in small fam
ily. Address M. H.. 318 Harris street.
City. j
WANTED Washing and ironing to
do at home. restaurant and family
washing. Call, or write. 2 North Ninth
street, below State street bridge.
WANTED Young woman, with
child two years old, d.sires position as
housekeeper. Call. or address, 135
North Summit street.
WANTED By colored woman any
kind rt work. Call 669 Briggs street.
Situation Wanted—Male and Female
WANTED Middle-aged white man
and wife desires work of any kind to
gether. Address W., 1550, care of Tele
LOOK at that vacant corner property,
No. 6:0 Cumberland street for sale
at reduced price all Improvements
9 large rooms. Key at our office. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
Corner property plot, 40x100
located on Front street drive alley
or. rear. Very low price to quick buyer.
Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
BUYER Can offer cheap, ex
ceeding fine lot containing about
three acres land, suitable for
chicken farm. Near fine resi
dential section, Jonestown Road,
trolley and city market. Address,
"Opportunity," care of Telegraph
I —3-story frame house 8 rooms
iliKth kb" electric light furnace
lot. 20x162 to drive alle>. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE f>prlng Is coining. See
the beautiful suburban homes at Rlver
j side, before you buy elsewhere. Large
I lots. Fine porches. Low prices and
1 easy terms. Lewis M. NelfTer. 222
j Market street. E. Moesleln. 424 State
| FOR PALE Homes at Riverside at
! prices 12.250, $2,500 and 12,800; electric
| ligh-, steam heat and all improve-
I ments. Also Building Lots at Pen
| brook, Paxtang and Riverside for sale.
1 For terms apply to S. Haldeman & Co.,
I Carpenters and Builders. 3222 North
Sixth street. Carpenter repair work
I promtly attended to by calling Bell
j phone 3622J3. Estimates cheerfully fur.
| riished.
FOR SALE 2'i-story frame double
dwelling house, good barn in rear, on
easy terms. Address Box 62, Lemoyne,
FOR SALE Three lots, located at
Tenth street. New Cumberland. I'a. Will
sell cheap for cash. Apply to C. W.
) Rapp, 609 Schuylkill street, Harrlsburg,
{ Pa *
FOR SALE Apartment house, 404
North Second street; five apartments
I and store; steam heat and all modern
, Improvements. Apply, or address, M.
; Mall. 2G6 Herr street.
FOR RENT No. 465 Crescent
! street, new eight-room house; all con-
I venlencer; gas and electricity; large
'front porch; central location; rent, »-u.
I Apply 4iS Crescent street.
! FOR RENT —33 South Eighteenth,
noun fiiZ.oU 63 Boyd, $ 16.M0 225
Boas. $28.00 706 Race. $14.00 llO
lierr. $22.00 550 Race. $15.00. Ap
ply Harrisburg Trust Co., 16 South
Mar!, t Square.
FOR RENT 2225 and 2227 North
Fourth street brick houses 8
room; and bath all improvements
front porch. Apply \V. H. Moody, Room
207 Trustee Building, 8 North Market
FOR RENT No. 4S North Eigh
teenth street; six rooms and bath; all
improvements; excellent location; pos
session March 1. Lady living alone oc
cupies third floor. Rental sl6. Apply
48 North Eighteenth street.
No. 336 S. Seventeenth St $20.00
No. 1631 ParU St. 17.00
No. 1114 Catherine St 15.00
No. 1019 S. 21H St 10.00
No. 2107 Greenwood St 8.00
FOR RENT Apartments at south- 1
east corner Fourth and Peffer streets. I
All conveniences at reasonable rent. I
Outside porch. Apply B. F. Uinberger, I
108 Nor'.h Second street, or 427 FeUer
FOR RENT Whole or part of house
between Locust and Pine on Second
street; central location; all conveni-
I elites; suitable for residence or board
inghouse; rent reasonable. Address U„
I 1545, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT llO9 Green street,
| grlck house, 8 rooms and bath, all im
provements, $35.00 per month, from
i April 1. J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street.
| FOR RENT No. 1208 Walnut
! street; three-story brick; nine rooms
and all improvements; ten minutes to
i Market Square: $20.00. Inquire J. Mor
row. 17 North Fifth street.
: FOR RENT Two-story brick ]
house, all improvements. $12.50 per
j month, 1007-1009 Manada street. W. E.
Moeslein, 612 Boas street. Bell phone
2593. '
FOR RENT Bl3 North Second
street; 3-story brick; » rooms and |
bath; all Improvements; electric bells!
all rocms to kitchen; excellent location.
1 Possession April 1. Apply 1100 North
i Front street.
' FOR RENT Houses with all Improve
ments at moderate rentals. J. E. Glpple.
I ISItl Market street.
APARTMENT of five rooms, includ
ing kitchen and bath, for rent from
April 1. Light, alrv and convenient.
Not connected with other flats. Inquire
37 No th Second street.
FOR RENT—Second floor apartment;
4 rooms and bath: all conveniences;
city vapor heat; also two rooms, suit
able for dental parlor or offices; all
conveniences. Apply Dwelling, 222 Lo
cust street.
—Third floor apartment, at Walz
dorf, six rooms, bath and pantry,
all very light, city steam, facing i
Capitol. Inquire 400 North)
FOR RENT Five-room apartment,
100-102 Hamilton street; river view,
with light and heat. Apply 1700 North
Second street.
rooms and bath, with all modern con
veniences. Apply 1118 North Sixth
FOR RENT Furnished room, suit
able for man and wife, or single per
son. Inquire at No. 1528 Thompson ave
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
single or ensulte; all conveniences, in
cluding phone: reference required. Ap
ply 1015 North Front street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms, second floor, with use of bath
and phone: a few steps to the trolley;
flne location. 203 Kelfcer street. Phone
No. 1763 W.
FOR RENT Rooms, single or en
sulte: all conveniences. Apply 236
North Seconi' street.
FOR RENT Two or three unfur
nished rooms for light housekeeping;
all conveniences: good location: cars
stop in front of door. Call Bell phone
926 R.
FINELY furnished room for rent: ex
cellent location, facing Capitol Park,
second floor; all modern conveniences;
use of phone: city steam heat. Inquire
406 North street.
FOR RENT Three rooms on sec
ond floor; suitable for light housekeep
ing- u-- of bath: running water in
kitchen. Dr. Storey, 1408 Market street.
FOR RENT Four-room flat; all !
conveniences. Apply at 516 State street, j
DESIRABLE ROOMS single and |
ensulte all outside rooms running i
water elevator service city steam
heat -In the Frankling Building 212 !
street. Miller Brothers it Co.,
Locust and Court streets.
second floor. 822 North Third street.
FOR RENT—I-APge. front room; cen
t-al location; >ll conveniences; use of
phone Apply 209 State street.
FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac i-passen
ger touring car. In first-class condition *
shock absorbers in front, large bumper*
Kellogg twin pump; Klaxon horn; a 1 i
new tire«: two extra tires, one has only
gone 1,500 miles; four good lnner
tube~; good top; clock; extra light In
rear of car; hundy lamp; all side cur
tains first-class. Guarantee In good
condition. Address E., 1537, care of >
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Offie.
BARGAINS In L. C. Smith and Bros,
and Underwood Typewriters; also one
Corona, one Monarch, one Oliver. Prices
teasonable. L. C. Smith and Bros., 36
South Fourth.
WILL sacrifice new violin. Just
bought at |25, for $18; also new Player
Piano, worth $650. at 1495. Monthly
payments if desired. Address A., 1557.
•'are of Telegraph.
FOR SALE One pen of White
Wyandottes, one pen of While Rocks,
rll layers; one portable coop. Address
2626 Curtin street, Penbrook, Pa.
FOR SALE Grocery store doing a
profitable cash business. Owner leaving
city. J. E. Glpple. 1251 Market street.
FOR SALE Edison Home Phono
graph and 100 records; large and small
horns and stand. Apply 618 Wiconlsco
street, or Bell phone 828 M.
FOR SALE Jenntng strain Indian
Runner Duck Eggs for battling. SI.OO
per setting. $7.00 per hundred. Stock
also for sale. Elkwood Poultry Farm.
Speecevllle. Pa.
FOR SALE At Gable s. 111-117 S.
Second street. Red Tip. Ring Point.
Blizzard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, *>iant
Grip and Always Sharp Calka.
FOR SALE Almost new counter
soda fountain. Good condition. Will
sell cheap. Edgar T. Doyle, Tower, City,
FOR SALE Maxwell, Ford. Buick,
Pullman and Chalmers used cars, rang
ing in price from SIOO to $800; all in
good condition. Keystone Motor Car
Company. 1025 Market street.
FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up.
to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large
Goldfish and Globes of all sizes; Bird
Seeds, natural fish food and supplies, at
Gebhardt's, the "Bird Man," 1004 North
Third, between Boas and Herr.
for sale. Young-WyckofT strain, SI.OO
per setting—s6.oo per hundred. Also
stoc!. for sale. Address Elkview Poultry
Farm, Speecevllle, Pa.
FOR SALE One mirror and stand
combined (old-fashion'd). Mirror, in
< hiding frame, is 28 in. wide by 7 ft.
I high. Call, or address. 10 South Nine-
I tec-nth street. Harrisburg.
I FOR SALE I double paper trim
mer. 1 perforator also, all in good
order; lot wallpaper, folding paste
I table, ladders. All very cheap. R. W.
I Green. 1856 Park. Bell phone 1713 J.
I FOR SALE 7-year-old bay pacing
I niare; sound and extra well broke;
| works In all harness and Is right. Ap
ply corner Fourth and Lewis streets,
| Riverside. Pa.
I CIGARS For a limited time we are
I Riving 50 "Madame X" and 25 "Miss
il«ou" Cigars for sl, postpaid. Snell &
I Co.. Red Lion, Pa.
FOR SALE A Bargain 2O shares
i Commercial Bank stock, of Harrisburg.
; Call Hell phone 765R or lIO4J.
A LARGE number will be sold at the
sale of Tiie Carlisle Shetland Pony
Farm. Thursday, February 18. 1915, on
the Sulphur Spring road, two miles
north of Carlisle. Pa. Your children
should have a pony. Come to the sale,
buy one. Costs less to keep than a
FOR SALE at Gables. 111-117 South
Second street. All sizes. Cypress,
White Pine and Fir Doors, Porch work,
Sash, Shutters and Mouldings.
secured at the Telegraph Business
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
o" these sirna will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad If
paid In advance. Inquire at Office of
STORE ROOM (from March 15)
1007-1009 North Third Street room
24x41 ft.—good business location. Mil
ler Rrothers & Co., Locust and Court
WANTED TO RENT Small 10-20-
acre fruit and poultry farm; dwelling
in good repair; must have running
water; near railroad and trolley. Ad
dress particulars, rental, etc.. to Box
1544. care of Harrisburg Telegraph.
I MADE $50,000 in five years in the
mail order business, began with $5.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y.
1 WILL SEND you twenty-four good
moneymaklntr plans for 25c. If not
satisfied I will return money. Address
Box 514, Millersburg, Pa.
WHAT have you to Exchange on
equities in well-rented houses In town
of 3,500, seventeen miles from Harris
burg.' Address Y., 1556. care of Tele
Restaurant for Sale. Cheap to
quick buyer. On main street
doing fair business. Apply Hap
ple & Schwartz, Real Estate
Agents, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
ANY Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers:
experience unnecessary. Send for par*
ticulars. Press Snydicate. 798, Lock
port. N. Y.
PIANO MOVING by experts. Winter
Piano Co., 23 North fourth street. Call
146, Bell phone.
FOU falling hair try Grosa Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street. Harrisburg Pa. Telephone
o.ders given prompt attention. aell
Diamonds and Jewelry bought for
highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner
Jeweler. No 1 North Third street. SSli
phone 12i4L.
H. W. LATHE. Moardla* Stable aa«
National Transfer C». Movers ef
pianos, » a /, e, w l * nd * en «ral haul
ing. H. W. lathe. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone Nc_
2603 R. ________
ture bought and sold. Highest cash
prices paid. Drop postal, or phone
8718 J. Atlas Furniture Co., I*l4 Mar
ket street.
with best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction, s. N
Cluck. 320 Woodbine street
HONEST. Industrious people without
Real Estate, Stocks or Bonds, can se
cure small IX)ANB here consistent with
sound business at Legal Rates. Small I
Payments. Prompt, courteous, confi
dential service.
Profit-Sharing Loan Society
Chartered —Licensed—Bonded,
Second Floor. • N. Market Square. ,
I.OANB— *S to S2OO for honest work
ing people without bank credit at less
than legal rates, payable In Instalments
to suit borrowers convenience.
Loan and Investment Co
204 Chestnut Street, * i
New York. Feb. 15.—Less tension in
the international situation was denoted
by the early movement of to-day's
stock market,. Americans were higher
in London iind this imparted some
strength to the local situation, Cana
dian Pacific, Reading and American
Smelting rising a point each, with
fractional gains in other active issues.
Including U. 8. Steel. There were fur
ther substantial advances in the sev
eral Issues of the Minneapolis and St.
Loul* and lowa Central roads. Trad
ing was of the usual professional
character and of moderate volume.
Chicago. 111., Feb. 15. Hogs Re
ceipts, 50,000; slow. Bulk of sales. $6.75
6 6.85: light, $6.605t6.»5i mixed. $6.55<&
6.90; heavy. $6.45(& 6.85; rough. $6.45@
6.55; pigs. $5.50fr'6.80.
Cattle Receipts, 23,000; weak. Na
tive steers, $5.40«j8.60; western, $4.75
tfiT7.2s; cows and heifers, $3.20#7.65;
calves. $7.00® 10.00.
I Sheep Receipts, 11,000; steady.
Sheep, sfi 55©7.00; yearlings, $7,260
7.75: lambs, f7.ootfs.go.
Philadelphia, Feb. 15.—A slight tire
occurred in the Roman Catholic
Church of St. John the Evangelist here
to-day and according to Assistant Fire
Marshal Caldwell it was started by an
incendiary. Oil-stained rags were
found on the steps loading to the
belfry. Caldwell said the.v had been
touched off with a match. There were
sixty persons at prayer in the base
ment when the fire was discovered.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security In any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O
Box 174, Harrisburg. Pa.
ANY person needing money in
amounts from $5 to. SSO holding a sal
aried position, would be benellted by
calling on us. Employes' Discount Co..
3ii North Third street.
new eight-story brick warehouses, one
absolutely fireproof divided Into fire
proof prWate rooms ot various sizes for
the storage of household goods; the
other warehouse of the most approved
type of fire retardent construction for
general merchandise. They are equip
ped with two large electric freight ele
vators and spiral chute for the quick
and safe handling of household goods
and all kinds of merchandise. Low
storage rates. South Second street near
Pax ton, on the tracks of Penna. R. R.
IN 3-story brick building, rear 40S
Market street.
Household goods In elenn. private
roviui. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. t>. Dleaer. Jeweler. 408 Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to |3. Wagons. 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
Broad street. Both phones.
THE undersigned Trustee appointed
by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin
County, to sell the real estate of Henry
F. Young, deceased, in proceedings in
partition, will offer it public sale at
the Court House, at 10 o'clock A. M..
on Saturday, the 27th day of Febru
ary, 1915, the following described real
No. 1. Beginning on Walnut Street,
at a point the corner of city numbers
504 and 506; thence along said street
eastwardly thirty-four <341 feet and
six (6) inches, to a point, the corner
of city lot 50S and 510: thence by city
number 510 thirty-one (31) feet six (6)
inches, to a point; thence eastwardly
two (2> feet two and one-half (2*4)
Inches to a post: thence by line of city
number 510 northwardly one hundred
and twelve (112) feet and six (6)
inches, more or less, to a private alley;
thence along said alley and alonp Angle
Alley westwardly thirty-eight (38) feet
and six (61 inches, more or less, to a
point the corner of city numbers 504
and 506: thence by lino of city number
504 southwardly one hundred and fifty
live (155) feet, more or less, to place
of beginning.
Being lot numbers 506 and 508 Wal
nut Street in the City of Harrisburg.
Having thereon erected a two-and-a
half-story brick dwelling, a shop, and
other outbuildings.
Including the right in common with
Nos. 510 and 512 W air 'J t Street to said
private alley being ten (10) feet wide
and extending from 512 Walnut Street
to Angle Alley In rear of NOB. 50S and
510 Walnut Street.
No. 2. A pertain lot of giound. situ
ate In the Township of Susquehanna,
County of Dauphin and State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit:
Commencing; at the corner of Elm
Street and Sixteen feet Alley and ex
tending alone said Alley towards Penn
Street one hundred nnd eighty (180)
feet to a Sixteen feet Alley running
parallel with Penn Street: thence along
said Alley thirty ("0) feet to a line of
lot No. 2; thence along said line at
right angles with Penn Street one hun
dred and eighty (1801 feet to Kim
Street; thence along Elm Street thirtv
feet to the corner of Elm Street and
a Sixteen feet .'-llry. the place rt be
ginning and being lot number One (11
in Block number seven (7) in plan of
lots laid out by David Mumma.
TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cent, on
the Jsy of sale. 15 per cent, on the con
firmation of the sale by the Court, am!
the balance on the Ist day of April,
1915, when a deed therefore will be
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to tlie above
Court on Tuesday. February 23. 19H, at
10 o'clock A. M., under the "Corporation
Act of 1874" of the Comnonwealth of
Pennsylvania, and the supplements
thereto for the charter of an intended
corporation to be called THE HARRIS
STITUTE. The said corporation Is
formed for the purpose of the accumu
lation of a fund by means of Initiation
fees, dues and assessments of its mem
bers and applications of such funds for
the establishing, maintaining and car
rvlnr on a school for the training and
educating the Jewish youth In the
Jewish history and religion and the
Hebrew language and literature, and
for these purposes to have and to pos
sess and to enjoy all AV "> rights, bene
fits and privileges of the said Oct of
Assembly and its supplements.
In Matter cf the petition of George
Rissinger, an Insolvent. To all credi
tors of said Petitioner.
NOTICE is hereby given that a peti
tion of George Rissinger has been filed
In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, prayi.ig the said Court
for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws
of this Commonwealth and for the dis
charge thereunder. The said Court has
fixed tlma for hearing of said petition
on the 15th day of March. A. D. 1915. at
the Court House In the City of Harris
burg, Dauphin County. Pa.
Attorney for j-etitloner.
Harrisburg. Pa„ February 15, 1915.
NOTICE !■ hereby given that the
Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of
the Harrisburg Railways Company, for
the election of Directors, and the
transaction of such other business as
may come before the meeting, will be
held Tuesday, the 2d day of March, 1915,
at the office of the Company, In the
City of Harrisburg, at 10 o'clock A. M.
By order Board of Directors.
J. O'CONNELL, Secretary.
FEBRUARY 15, 1915. 1
j Pittsburgh, Feb. 15. Among; eon
; tinned evidences of a business revival
( In Western Pennsylvania and Eastern
Ohio is news received yesterday that
i the H. C. Krick Coke Company has is
-1 sued orders for ilie tiring of ili more
j ovens in the Cunnellsviile and South
Connelisville reuioti. Tile increase is
i divided anions eignteen lants In two
region*, seventeen Krick operations
and one of the iiostetter-Conneilsviile
H oke Company. Wince the Ist of Feb
ruary the Krick Company has tired
3,355 ovens In the Kayette county tleld.
; The Increase is necessitated by the re
sumption of furnaces by l.'nited States
Steel Corporation plants.
' Orders have been Issued for complete
i resumption of the plant of the itepublic
Ire n and Steel Company, at Martin. Kri
| day 170 ovens were tired and as soon
las the efficiency of the operation
reaches the refill dte mark the
I other ovens will lie put into blast, in
> connection with the Improved Indus
| trial tone throughout the Kayette
county coal and coke fields. Mayor It.
! Marietta, of Connelisville, has given
orders for the discontinuance this week
• ol the bread line which has been con
tiuc' ■ I at the City Hall since the first
I of the year.
! From the Pittsburgh office of the
■ American Sheet and Tin Plate Com-
I Pilliy it 's given out that JSO.UOU is to
| i>e expended at once in enlarging the
Canton Holi and Machine Works of the
I company. The construction of the im
provement will provide employment for
several hundred men, and with comple
tion of the enlargements about uOO ad
ditional men will receive permanent
B. A. Gramm, president of tho
Gramm-Bernstein Automobile Truck
j Company, whose manufacturing plant
|'s In Lima, Ohio, received a cablegram
Saturday announcing the award to his
' company of one of tho biggest truck
I orders that lias been issued to an
I American firm. Along with the order
J4O,(I'M) was cabled as a deposit for the
lirst shipment. Mr. Gramm stated that
!the order was so big that It would
; keep the" plant running for the rest of
i the year with a full force. He inti
i mated that the order calls for 2,0»0
trucks for the lOngllsh Government for
use i i military operations. All will be
of three anil four ton type. The first
shipment will be made within the next
two weeks. A shipment of sample
trucks shipped to received a
test in that city last week and the
I order followed. Many of the trucks
will be turned over to the Russian Gov
ernment. it is understood.
The third furnace of the Youngs
tewn Sheet and Tube Company will be
lighted this week, leaving onlv one idle
stack i« tlieis plant. The sixth and
onlv idle stack of the Carnegie Steel
Company in Youngstown will be lighted
March 1.
Furnished by 11. M. Snaveiy,
208 Arcade Building.
New York. Feb. 15.
Open. High. Ijow. Clos.
Alaska G M 28% 29 28% 28%
Ama 1 Cop . 34% 34% 53% 54%
Am Bt Sug 40% 41 38% 40%
Am Can .. 28% 28% 27% 28%
Am Can pd 9 1 94 94 94
Am Cot Oil 46% 4«% 46% 46%
Am Ice Sec 24 24 24 24
Am Smelt . 66% 66% 65% 65%
Am Sugar . 104 104 102 103%
AmTST. 120% 120% 120% 120%
Anaconda . 27% 27% 27% 27%
Atchison .. 94% 94% 9:1% 94 Vi
B& O ... . . 69 69 68% 68%
Beth Steel. 55% 56 54% 55%
Cal Petro. . 1914 19% is 19%
Can Pacific 158% 158% 157 158
Hd & Loath 36% 36% 35 35%
C & 0 42 42 42 42
C, M&St P 86% 86 % 85% 86
C Con Cop. 35% 35% 35% 35%
Col F & I. 26 26 25% 25%
Corn Prod. 10 10 9% 9%
Eric 22 22% 21% 21%
Erie Ist pfd 35% 35%
Gen Motors 93 93
Goodrh BF 31% 31% 31' 31%
Gt Nor pfd 115% 115% 115% 115%
Gt X Ore s 31% 31% 30% 31%
In-Met ... 12% 12% 12% 12%
In-Met pfd 56% 58% 56% 57%
K C So .. 23 23 22% 22%
Lehigh Val 133 133 132% 133
Mex Petro. 76% 76% 71% 72%
Mo Pac .. II 1 , 11% 10% 10%
Nev C C. . 12% 12%
X Y Cent.. 85 85 83% 84%
XY.XIU H 49 ..., 49
Xor .fe W .. 101 101 100 100
Xor Pat .. 103% 103% 102% 102%
P R R ... 105% 105% 105 105%
Peo G & C. 117 117
Pgh Coal . 20% 20% 19% 20%
Press S Car 31% 31%
R C Copper 17% 17 % 17 17%
Reading .. 143% 144% 143% 143%
So Pacific.. 84% 84% 83 % 84%
So Ry pfd. 50 50
Tenn Cop.. 29% 30 29% 30
Third Ave. 46% 46%
I'nion Pac. 120 120% 119% 119%
I' S Rubber 56% 56% 56 56
ITS Steel.. 43% 43% 42% 43%
I* S S pfd. 104% 104% 104% 104%
Utah Cop.. 53% 53% 52% 53%
West Md. . 19 .... .... 19
West U Tel 63.% 63% 63% 63%
West Mfg.. 71% 11V6
Philadelphia. Feb. 15. Wheat
Higher; No. 2, red, spot, export, $1.57<9
1.62: No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export,
1.65® 1.70.
Corn —Higher; No. 2. spot, export,
SH&B2c; No. 2, yellow, local, Kt<Sß4 ! /4c.
Oats —Firm; No. 2. white, 65®)65%c.
1 Bran Firm: winter, per ton.
$r>0.50#31.00; spring, per ton. $28.00
(& 28.50.
Refined Sugars—Market firm; pow
dered, 5.85 c; line granulated, 5.75 c; con
fectioners' A. 5.65 c.
Butter The market Is weak;
western, creamery, extras, 32c; nearby,
prints, fancy, 35c.
Eggs The market is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearoy firsts,
free cases. $7.80 per case; (| O .,
current receipts, free cases, $7.65 per
case; western, extras, firsts, free cases.
$7.80 per case; do., firsts, free cases.
$7.65 per case.
LJve Poultry Steady; fowls. 14#
15c; old roosters, llftll%c; chickens,
12%#16c; turkeys, 14$pl7c; ducks. IS#
17c; geese, 15® 17c.
Dressed Poultry Steady; turkeys,
fancy, 22c; do., fair to good. lS®2Uc;
fowls, heavy, 19@20c; do., average,
16'i®)18%c; do., small, 14®ltc; old
roosters, 14c; broiling chickens, near
bv. 18®) 23c: western. 14®>22c; -onst
ing chickens, 17 019 c: ducks, 12® 18c;
geese, 10®: 14c.
Potatoes Market weaker; Penn
sylvania, per bushel. 60®63c; Maine, 45
ijjOc; New York, 40®:45c; jersey, per
basket, 30$i>35c.
Philadelphia, Feb. 15.—Stocks closed
American Hallways 35
Cambria Steel 43
General Asphalt Asked 30
Gen. Asphalt Pfd Asked 65
Ijike Superior Corp Asked 9
I.ehlgh Navigation 76
Lehigh Valley 66%
Pennsylvania Railroad 52 '/£
Philadelphia Electric ...; 24%
Philadelphia Company ....Asked 33
Philadelphia Co.. Pfd Asked 33
Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 9%
Heading 51» 4
Reading General Mortgages .... 93
Storage Battery 48
I'nion Traction Asked 36
United Gas Improvement 82%
United States Steel 43»*
Chicago, 111., Feb. 15.—Board of Trad*
Wheat—May. 1.591*: July, 1.34%.
Corn—May. 80%; July. 81%.
Oats—May. 61: July, 57%.
Pork—May. 18.87; July, 19.27.
I^ard —May. 10.80; July, 10.95.
Ribs—May, 10.20; July, 10,42.
Masked Robbers Secure
$2,000 in Raid on Office
of Washington Car Co.
Washington, Feb. 15.— Two masked
robbers raided one of the principal
trolley terminals not far from the
Capitol to-day, held cashiers at bay
with revolvers and got away with
$2,000 in cash but overlooked $5,000
more in their haste. While one of the
robbers held the clerks back, the
other, who wore gloves, presumably to
leave no linger marks, the police
think, went through the cash drawers
and into a large sack which he
1 brought for the ocasion, scooped out
the coins, turned in by the conductors
'and rolls of bills ready for the bank.
Part of the Sunday accumulation of
revenue of some of the principal lines
of the capital were in the vault;
Influences at Work on
Ship Purchase Measure
to Be Investigated
Washington, I). C., Feb. 14.—Inves
tigation of ail charges of influences at
work for and against the adminis
tration ship bill was ordered to-day
by the Senate.
Administration Democrats and fili
bustering Republicans unanimously
voted for a resolution to look into
charges of lobbying by the so-called
shipping trust and to Inquire into any
negotiations by administration officials
to buy belligerent ships.
Talk of an extra session of Con
gress was uppermost at the Capitol
[ to-day, even overshadowing the ad
ministration ship bill. It seemed to
be agreed on all sides that the devel
: opntents of this week will decide.
Question of Smith Premier Firm's Lia
bility Raised ii» Argument Court
The diiestion of the liability of th*
Smith Premier Typewriter Company
I for city taxation for doing business
1011 the instaJment sales method was
; raised in February argument court
: to-day. The taxes cover tho years
1905 and 1908. inclusive. The city
once won the case, but reargument
had been asked for.
Prior to argument court a brief ses
sion of motion court was held. W. H.
Earnest was appointed as auditor for
the estate of Andrew J. Spannuth and
Howard O. Holstcin was permitted to
adopt his 5-year-old granddaughter,
Jane Elizabeth Thomas.
Copenhagen. Feb. 13, via London,
12:58 p. m.—A large shipment of cop
per. packed in casks which were la
beled "Sugar" and put aboard the
steamship Carmen, was seized here
to-day. The copper was consigned to
a German firm. The shipper and the
captain of the vessel were arrested.
' Twelfth & Herr St. '
Splendid Room, 50x75 feet. 50
windows; up-to-date etcam heat
ing included. Rent very reason
able. Will be wired to suit tenant-
—— l —■——~————i— J
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building.
Union Trust Company
iy. To Housekeepers, Work
|j| Ingmca and Salaried Em.
■ ylojes.
1 INVLMMtiii COittfAfiY
S Room 21. 4th Floor
Spooner Building
Real Estate and Insur
ance Office No. 18
North Third Street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
209 State St., 3-story
brick dwelling, 11 rooms
and bath, imp.
1006 N. Second St., 3-
story brick dwelling, 11
rooms and bath, imp., side
entrance, 2-story stable on
rear of lot.
1439-41-43 Vernon St.,
3-story brick dwellings, 8