Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 12, 1915, Page 8, Image 8
8 1 BIG CUT IN RUBBER GOODS! 1 * AT * | J P| KENNEDY'S 321 MARKET ST. P* I vlfeJ CPFfTAI I sl-50 Combination Fountain Syringe QO. I I J1 LiVl/IL 1 GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR OOC 1 m i 3 H > H / \ / * v |3 jgj $1.25 Hot Water Bottle, 2 qts {S3 $1.50 Hot Water Bottles, 2 qts., Good rubber bags, made without seams by Made ° f liv «- heav y rubber with reinforced . W t §g $1.75 Hot Water Bottle, 2 qts. a special process. seams-hand made. 76c Bulb Syringe gjj as $2.00 Hot Water Bottle, 2 qts., 51.28 t, . i , Ji •* *, A u- i lYe guarantee each for a year, although if I I SI.OO Bulb Syringe I tWI 83 SI.OO Fountain Syringe * rapid flow tubing, large llge d right they will give service for three or __ « . . I mew aU d two hard rubber P i P cs. <-?<•«.. eocAt«m»w 28 * i E0 $1.50 Fountain Syringe, 78< Sold under the same broad guarantee iHm 2-quart size; worth every cent ro 75c Atomizers, || g sl-75 Fountain Syringe .$1.28 as though you paid $1.25. Sale price, Ly. . ut . f?'."".® . P T. .' 5 ... $1.75 Combination Fountain Syringe, $1.28 *|| | $2.50 CsmbiaationHet Water Bag $3.00 Ladies' Syringes, $1.48 Red Cress Utility Kit, 17c Eir and Ulcer Syringe Bulb Syringa I and Feuntaia Syringe $1.48 „3"£r-I;^'^rrvX."ji"" v^STiS? 1 Ki"l £3 with it for convenience, safety, comfort, effective- roll adhesiveplasterJohnson digestive tab- Sale price I/ C Syringe, are worth 75c, but we offer thim, •, o P ® An outfit that can be used both as a hot water nese. i etfl > 10 ® S,Z ?J e ? vel ?P« eaeh °f en ? co ™ P sale price, 3oC rgj bag and as a fountain syringe. Made of maroon rubber with curved hard rubber t ? rs Bnd tootbache plaster, mustard leaf, trial tube P„» ~~ "' * pF t The bag is lajge—full two-quart capacity—and pipe and adjustable safety shield; q shaving cream soap; small cake Synol soap and £»0 IfUD ' P_ I" 18. 1 n t&J [S| is made of white rubber with all the necessarv fit- $3.00 value. Sale price »b 1 ,4o ? m * L 'Jj 01 ' et P°. wde l„ *- 6 total value would . - . . CH£.!SII vTSfISI p UIDD P3 k§! tings. Packed in box. " ' be 75c if sold separately. The kit complete f _ An ingenious device for applying eye water com- O miip grj EEi Every outfit is guaranteed; $2.60 <£ \ jo in neat box i/C fortably and without danger of spilling—of rj Extra heavy rubber bulb and strong j"7 _ B|| Jj|| Talue. Sale price *P 1 .40 ■ . ? . course there are no rough edges. Sale price, J L glass; 35c value- Sale price. I/ C 1 Infants Syringe d OJ6 anj j j|, roa t Atomizer Mgriiein« Dronnart The Hveaia Nursar H S #L nll • Necessary for giving a rectal injection to a baby This atom j 7er win Bpr ay light oils or anv miMClnf UieppllS jgola KUrSSr r^r, £3 Shower Villi loriv t0 Produce prompt bowel movement; 35c 1 y aqueous preparations—sl.oo value. Sale " Straight or bent tube, worth sc. Sale [- . * improvement over the ordinary nursing ©3 RCI ™ * value. Sale price 1/ C nrice I*7 C price 8 for bottle and nipple. Consists of a glass jar easily {srf S Kickel perforated head, large tubing and P * r^. h « "SM'le that resembles the ® 11.25 v.lu.. S.l. priee, 68C „ .. . M IMS g 1 Baby Pacifiers « aia! «ioni.iir A...,„ie..„bb„b. g . f „. P p lyi , B , r « k . d „. U2 "EVERY Rubber Article Sold Is Guaranteed. We „ . . , , . 4 „ . Wlth , special fittings for spraying albolene to the head, spine, abdomen or any other part of rtTrD , , . . .621 r.niona ~,B abv omforters—made of a bone teething ring, and other oils in the treatment of catarrh, cold the body, to allav inflammation and fever. An O" 11 Rubber Goods are always fresh because they rnn will replace anyuung aue to aerectlve material silk cord, rubber nipple and bone shield; >— in the head, hay fever and asthma. Sale aluminum screw cap permits of easy fill- -» A never remain on the shelves long enouah to or manufacture. 10c grade. Sale price / C price. 4/C ing. Sale price 34C become old. 188 si r p3 We carry the largest line of Rubber Goods in the city—at cut prices. Buying direct from the manufacturers, of all our goods being fresh and first class. We do not buy any job lots or seconds 1] g If any of the goods are not as what they are represented, bring th em back to us and we will gladly replace them, as everything is sold with a GUARANTEE. I WHEN YOU XHINK OF MEDICINE THINK OF J i KENNEDY'S CUT-RATE MEDICINE STORE, MARKET STREET! 1 " 1 Opposite Bowman's Department Store SgjMj ■! I 11l «ll in II in ~ . Hg Rockefeller Foundation to Spend Millions For Medical Missions Vast Plans Adopted For Hospitals and Medical Col leges in China; Peking, Canton and Cheng-Tit First (By The Religious Rambler.) AFTER a careful investigation of the field by its own scientists, the Rockefeller Foundation has de rided to put into operation a plan for the adequate education of the Chinese nation in the western science of medi cine by completely equipping and maintaining three great medical mis sion colleges in China, Peking in the north. Canton in the south, and prob ably Oheng-tu in the west, having al ready been chosen as the points at which a beginning will be made. This news indicates that the Foun dation has discovered one objective for the use of the Rockefeller millions that will scarcely be resented by any body. Only persons who have per sonal knowledge of the medical needs of China can apprehend how immense is this humanitarian project. It has been common knowledge among mission leaders for years past that some such project has been un der contemplation and investigation; and that it will not end with China. The intimation is current that a scientific survey of the habitable globe's medical needs is to be made by the Foundation, in co-operation AN EASY WAY TO END CATARRH FOREVER felmple Home Treatment Dratroya (irrma of Thla Unnitfruua Diaraar The reason why so many people who siifler from Catarrh never seem able to Ket cured is that they are continually seefting the momentary relief of sprays. douching, greasy creams, oint ments, etc. Such things do open up the swollen nostrils and clear the head temporarily, besides stopping for a while the disgusting, blowing, hawk ing, spitting and choking, but they never cure. To drive out Catarrh for good you have got to get down to Its real cause. Catarrh is a germ disease. The air Is always full of catarrh germs thrown oft by one person and absorbed by another and when the system does fall to throw off such germs they ilnd permanent lodgement In the nose, throat and head and multiply rapidlv. The germs of catarrh can be best destroyed by Inhaling the pure medi cated air of Hyomel i pronounced High o-mel. This splendid anil powerful < omblnation of oil of Eucalyptus with other healing agents lias a wonderful germicidal action. You breathe its air into your nose, throat and luugs by means of a small hard rubber Inhaler wblch H. C. Kennedy and other leading druggists here in Harrisburg and vi cinity supply with every treatment. This medicated air Is certain death to the germs of Catarrh and drives tliein completely out of your system and when the germs are destroyed the c«. tarrn with all Its disagreeable svmp toms will stop. Even two or three minutes' use will give refreshing re lief. "while. If you will use it two or three times a day for a few weeks it will completely banish catarrh and every symptom of catarrh. As llvomei is pleasant to breathe and is always ■old by druggists everywhere with a positive guarantee of successful results or money back, surely no Catarrhal suf ferer should go long before trying this simple home remedy.—Advertisement. FRIDAY EVENING. HARRISBURGTELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 12, 1915 with existing missionary agencies. Un doubtedly, the greatest single work of social service possible to man would be to stamp out the preventable dis eases which are at present taking ter rible toll of human life, especially in lands where western civilisation has not yet become dominant. An Acceptable Outlet l-'or Millions Only the future can tell what di rection the major activities of the Rockefeller Foundation will take, but it is reported among those who have been in consultation with representa tives of the fund that there is reason to believe that this stupendous enter prise of healing the world's diseases will absorb most of the money. Certainly the task is alluring. China, with her four million population, is frequently visited by decimating scourges. Sixty per cent, of the chil dren die before they reach two years of age. Smallpox is commoner there than measles in the West. Blindness is prevalent. And what is true of China is also true of Korea, India, Turkey and Africa. No estimate can be made of the havoc wrought in all these lands by preventable diseases. The propaganda of medical missions has given the world some glimpses of the conditions that await remedy. Putting Millions Behind Mission* The three centers chosen for the Foundation's beginnings in China are already in sucessful operation as union medical colleges and hospitals. The missions of various denominations have got together in common medical en terprises. Doctors for the united work are supplied by the various boards. Thus, without denomination allsm. the Rockefeller Foundation can put the resources of Its millions be hind colleges and hospitals now estab lished and successful. Everybody remembers the famous controversy raised by Dr. Washington Gladden, over the acceptance of "tainted money" from the Rockefel lers by the American Board of Mis sions. This possible difficulty is ever present In the case of a denomina tional board, subject as It is, to the supervision of local churches and their members. In the case of union enterprises, of a more definitely humanitarian character, such as these medical cen ters, the usual objection would scarcely be heard. While the Foun dation would doubtless want a voice in determining the standards, if not the administration, of the medical colleges and hospitals, the actual re sponsibility would remain with the missions. The one lack of medical missions to-day Is money and men. It Is eas ier to get men than money. of adequate support has prevented the mission boards .from setting forth to the overthronged profession in Amer ica the claims and possibilities of a medical career In those sections of the earth which are one huge clinic. This new access of practically unlim ited resources will enable the mis sions to provide fullest facilities, in the way of buildings, equipment, sup plies and personnel. Making Chinese Doctors For a long time there was in con templation the possibility of endowing colleges and universities in China. Now attention has been focused on the medical needs. The aim of the Foundation is to train up a generation or two of fully-equipped Chinese phy sicians. Even the Rockefeller mil lions are inadequate to providing for eign doctors for all of China. There needs to be produced a sufficient num ber of the roughly trained Chinese physicians to maintain a self-support ing and self-directing medical profes sion for the whole nation. That is why the interest centers upon medical colleges, rather than upon hospitals. In return, there will inevitably be contributions to western medical sciertee. Nowhere on earth are there such opportunities for scientific re search by the physician as in China. Known and unknown diseases are there in "bundance. The beginning that is to be made in Peking will have consequences at present unimagined. Incidentally, it will be one more tie between America and China. Already the American Medical As sociation has had its attention di rected to the twentieth century task of making a survey of the world's pre ventive diseases, with a view to their eradication. Such a prospect fairly staggers the Imagination. The funds and the organization and the direction of this project will doubtless come from the proposed world-wide medical missions of the Rockefeller Founda tion. Missions have moved since the mod est days of William Carey. THE RELIGIOUS RAMBLEit. EPAJARf™ MUSTEROLE HANDY It Quickly Loosens up Coughs and Colds in Throat or Chest Just a little MUSTEROLE rubbed on your sore, tight chest before you go to bed will loosen up congestion and break up most severe colds and coughs. MUSTEROLE is a clean white oint ment made with oil of mustard. Sim jly rub it on. No plaster necessary. Better than mustard plaster and does not blister. Thousands who use MUSTEROLE will tell what relief It gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsilltls, Croup, ptiff Neck, Asthma. Neuralgia. Head ache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheuma tism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Soro muscles. Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Feet and Colds (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, In 25c and 50c jars, and a special large hospital aiae for $2.50. Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse Imitations get what you ask for. The Musterole Com pany, Cleveland, Ohio.—Advertise ment. BMj rnsjjl Another List of Big Shoe Bargains ■EV BOOK'S CLEAN-UP SALE i All Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' Winter ™— ?\ Tool wear Must Go Regardless of Former Prices | I ftk TA WOMEN'S GAITER BOOTS 1 I 51.95 &J2.45 J I CLEAN-IP SALE SPECIALS for MEN & WOMEN M J%*M FOR MEN FOR WOMEN MM jM Wjg Meu's DRESS SHOES—English. WOMEN'S TAN SHOES—rcsru- mgjff button or lace models, (u nil lar $2 lo values of host winter /MB' ......\ Hv leathers. SI grades tfo A C styles, button or lace, (1 CO - - "I'liiiHiiliiMilT A9E at ai | tPi.OU / ffls MEN'S Leather WOMEN'S LINED l»rcss Shoes and tan anil black SHOES—Come In many dlfrci-eut ~ HSXIw Waterproof Work djf QCJ styles, Regular 92.00 tfj 1 r»fl Shoes, S:s grades u>1»270 values nil sizes *PI»vJ\J m MEN'S YEALSKIN WOKK WOMEN'S SHOES including SHOES—■strong soles and uppers, short lots, discontinued lines and bluelier styles, $2 d> i fin samples of Si! and & 1 flft values at wl.Dv $2.50 values Some Money Saving Specials in Our Bargain Department BOYS' SHOES \Y O M EN'S GIRL S* HI GIRLS' Shoes, C H ILDREN'S CHIIiD'S MEN'S ONE- WOME N' S —sturdy calf- J™ * 1 ;' 1 *; TOPS— pat- patent and dull LEGGINGS- A H(T SLIPPERS - skin and pat- en's low Ant c,,t dull leathers, extra many different room makes, about 300 pairs fancy ribbon, en t leather, felt slippers leathers, sixes colors. Regu- tail and black of men's rejru- trimmed felt sizes up to with felt solos. up to 2, form- e< " Kl wearing lar SI.OO \al- with colored lar $2.00 Arc- Juliets, manv KJ'.j: .$1.50 All sizes. Hep- er S »-,o vilnes makes, $1.50 ties. All sizes. tops, sizes up tic.s. Sizes oto Sl ' values. ular 50c values, »..30 \«Hic» Sale price, to «. 11. Cleanup ™»°** »• to price, $1.25 values, 98c 29c sl-25 98c 39c 49c $1.24 79c RUBBER SPECIALS! ffr f RUBBER SPECIALS! WOMEN'S RUBBERS HI jUP " VF Mm chii/Drkn's rubbers REAL SHOE MAKERS men s rubbers Fri:-:-:.:~2& 217-Market Street-217 ."""sSc