Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 12, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
FRIDAY EVENING, SARRKRiTRr. -rai EfißAPfl FEBRUARY 12. 1915. T T T T " ' * ' * * ' T " T T T JL»v vy mniN o /lUmiiUiNAL t\U V Il<lx l x uin a T T T T v ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼< There Was Never Such An Opportunity to Secure; Warm Flannelette Garments ,£. B. B. B. Sale Offers; ~ Z Variety Is a Strong Factor Hundreds-and Hundreds of Flan- • In This Furniture Sale nelette Garments Have Been Call 1991 Any Phone PtmM 1971 J y<H , Carried AwEV This Week \ SATURDAY Hf)llß<i QA M OPM v assortment jof suites and individual pieces. There . •< • Ml UKUAI " ULJK! > 9 A - m - to yr - M. is everythinff from a plain chair to the most h is . And still the assortments remain intact. In < Qi • -yi q k t \ toric Period designs, and the following list will the first place, there were 13,000 to be sold, (be- ' ohowmg 1 hree omsrt, INIOW jf show Of the unusual values that give this sale cause we couldn't think of carrying that number in < l\/Ir>rl/=>lc Fr»r Pr<=>cp nt Wear -£/ \A distinction. stock), and a moment's thought will convince you 4 Models Tor rresent Wear $lB 00 Prince,, Dre..er,Chiffomer, mnd Bureau, take days to dispose of them. How-- These coats have iust been received and are intended for at IplZ.ltU; Also qtlo.ifb 1 Oilet I ablet, at SIU.2tU . • • 1 t i (( 1 i • j*» . 4 immediate wear, the styles of 'which will dominate Spring Your choice of any of these pieces $34.00 Quartered Oak Buffet, CVer, We might remind yOU QI the early bird Story. fashions. ! in mahogany, tuna mahogany, f39.00 this is one of our spe- _ 4 . Very attractive styles in black and bird\s-eye maple, walnut and quar- rial buffets in the February Sale. Its 771P«5P A Tf> l\nf T(1 fJP i" navy poplin; in half-belted or plain back ter . e , d c^ k ~ ~, T ~ ' features are three top drawers, large ■* # C C „i„k *„: i i a i n $15.00 Colonial Library Tables, linen drawer, silver drawer with . __ _ _ \ - cs ' r " models all #12.75 — dull rubbed mahogany plush lined removable tray and C^ntlfltQ£>rl ttYl I 1 iltltl ol L lined with fine peau d cygne. (Sizes ■; an d quartered oak. ; roomy cupboards. KsUll/ ÜbfsU ff Ml 1 lUllJlVl < J\ V U P 10 46 )- Prices, are $202 25 Jacobean Dining Room $25 00 Quartered o ak Colonial «-pi $ If ri • i LI < A7\ v\ nnn 41900 J cnn Suite ' * lb!) l H) .c° ns >stmg of ten Buffet #19.75. 1 hey re made ot a cotton fabric that resembles / V\f \\ tplw.vUj ana «pi O.UU pieces buffet, china closet, exten- j n 1 1 1 1 l £ lfl A l\il \ s ' on ta ' serv ' n R table, five side SIO.OO Pedestal Extension Table, nannel, but lacky the tuzzy-wool surlace that many ch im. There's Evidence of Din- pal " folk object to. Come in pink and blue stripes;; O TVT o • ing Room Suite, sllo.oo—consist- | $15.00 Platform Base Extension nlaill white and Other shades. < ODrinP in INeW Olllt "} g uf foi,r P ,eces ln,i t ct > ch . ,na Table, $1 quartered oak top; r (7 I J H ® closet, extension table and serving rubbed and polished; extends to six \T . HHI TAT _/ /* I T T 1 L rf 1 W Models : ,al fe.oo Fumed o«k x.ivi„g Room fe p . J jjj\ JU. Like the coats, they can be worn at once. andlibrSv'uWc Table. HH .8.73- plan" top Women's and Misses' Flan- m^rrr f ■ n\ \\\ lv'or vmuV-i'S arrstV'S modch Auto'spring seats' on chair and hvc inches full quartered oak top nelette Gowns, 490; value /3C J '|]J\ A I , f \ a ? P gabardine seem ■ covered in Spanish ■eather- the to 89c. 1 W / ' ] \J ' IK tIK U '' pRICES ARE 'I $45.00 Quartered Oak Buffet, fered - Chiklien sllann ele t t e ► fW' ' \ I ) FKlLfc/b AKK , })534.50 Colonial design; plank $19.75 Quartered Oak China Gowns, Jof; value 50c. I (MxVl Bk V .K L-< sls, S2O, $25, AND S3O I to P- solid construction on the Closet, 5ji17.50-Colonial pattern ; Chi l dren ' s Flannelette Petti- SBL ' \ , / / I\ \ I interior and drawers and cupboards finished interior; very roomy and v. mien in s r laiineietie s; eiu \T\i ] C. / /VP ■ finished. well constructed. coats, 1 value 25c; \| ■< New Skirts ' • "°™ v "™ 49c " /MWJMJL W *Lf } And Now Come, More " Shin, and Pa- \ lion of the right stvles. fine tailoring and bea- ; |1 • 1 1 A . |-x ' jamas, , \alue 50c. 1 ; 1_ prildat.''!"'! $5.98 to $12.50 High brade Axmmster KugS Infant , B L Fla , ,ln to Ue Ki " Women's Flannelette Petti- ■* second FIoor— BOWMAX'S. r\ l i moiios, f.\ aue c. coats, 25<*; value 50c; and 4 ' ; 4. —I\6CIUCCCI Infants' Flannelette Sacqttes, 15<*; value 39c. 4 1 r-p |-v . >-pi \Y7* I. . 100; value 19c. Misses' Flannelette Petti- < list IWO r rices Un lne Winter 1 lie product of the famous Bigelow Hartford Co., in Children's Flannelette Rom- coats, J.s'o; .value 29c., ! J I handsome designs and colorings. All are perfect goods. , )ers 15/. va i ne ?o r , ' J 4 $5.00 and $7.50 »• b. b. U fj|c >oo -*■ • i They'll be good if not worn until m?xt winter. Excellent qualities— I J New Neckwear 480 Wavy Hair j good colors tlic wanted materials anil tl.e right styles. All of the wool Daintv Co|Ur Co ,_ C,. winter coats are melt,(led tn these two prH.es. . YoU Can SaVC To- lar and Cu(f Sets and Vestees. of OWltClieS The Last Word of Winter Suits ij, morrow On $9.98 Is The Highest Price f s For s "" Others a* *5.98, $6.98 and $7.50 M|{L vJST,, y d.- **** switches, Wonted „„; This includes suits that sold up to $25.00. Broadcloths, poplins. ■■ | i , regularly 10c —4O inches wide; lo<t and ; short steins. Saturday only, $.£.00 gabardines and serges. Most of them are black or navy —but some other , I"/ |! [ round even thread. Main FIoor— BOWMAN-S. 1 second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. colors arc among them. second I'ioor— BOWMAN S. i J fL/ I / 1 ' Silver Gray Calico at \ l /i$ yd. ' - 1 4 The Unexpected Has Happened "Melba"*»**; x mtmt patterns to «. RvilllOtlt I r 0 i | A beautiful complexion is pos- Wet from. m*V# M . More i iUSh sible %s " Pillow Tubing at ITf yd.—regu- « % W 4 Just came in this morning, and. all go on sale to-morrow at 1 y"l Mauhew! be lirly 21c -45 inches wide; cut from A fYIPYICfIII I .lit I < pleased to explain and demonstrate the full pieces. * AlflVf IUUII vpV.VO , . all articles .Contained in this won- Dress Ginghams at yd. —32 c » n a \ \n " Like the others, they are the former $20.00 and 525.00 values and <lerful hue ot Melba preparations. . |)es wjde remnant ] engths: new OtartS 1 O-morrOW Moming at V A. M. , arc made of good plushes, and correctly tailored. Twould not .come ] _ 1 his line is entirely complete atul - . ctvlps • 4 amiss to look forward to next winter when they will again no doubt ' ,s th e result of twenty years rc- ' This is one of the many surprises of t;he B. B. B. Sale. < he in vogue. Sizes 16 to 46. . second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. t. search and expei lmenting. | j Main Fi°or_BowM,vN s. Composed of an assortment of choice pieces; beautifully cut J I * < We mention a tew ot their well- , _ , r". , , - . , , . „ , r ... J 1 V ' , known specialties Melba face Wkif- Pok and highly finished. All at the same special price: , | 1 l~) • TV /I * , cream skin food; "Lov* Me" per- I—'3llllV W IlllC 1 dL/~ 4 Lowered l rices V_/n IVlen S fume; Melba Lilac toilet water; * c "IT TL i 4 *—i. | r-T-»i • n n n O 1 Piney Woods face powder. HCS, ODCCiaI 111 Ihe U? t (l Q Fixings In This 8.8.8. bale .. F ' oor ~ BOW ! rA . N s - RRR Q O L J)/ vO Men's Dress Shirts. 4*ip choice 1 Men's Wool Jerseys. OUf-reg- ,[ Soap Special, D.D.D. Dale • S patterns in percales: coat stvle with "1 ar 1 y — oxford only- good .• J cake?. Swifts lide soap .. Mercerized Voile at yd.— y « '* tQ Ctl * , . L w sizes; 18 in the lot. 10 cakes Ivory soap S8? - WyßßlOb' Values SJ.9B to $8.50 < attached cuffs. 2.i dozen in the lot. Neckwear _ le^u lar ' 10 cakes P. ■& G. Naphtha soap, 118$ regularly 19c -3d inches %v.de, WWfKSPI ' SI WOSHIT" out- b-jOc - 4-in-hands .cut silk and j| f lo p^f extra fine quality. New Prices On Men's Suits Si : Overcoats Offer Great Savings Every man will want to secure his share of these substantial savings on any stylish suit or over- Every piece is perfecti an( ] a ii h aV e been arranged on a ' coat. There is plenty of time to wear them until Spring arrives, and a great many are weights suit- special table in the Basement. At this splendid value, it is ' akU f™- likel y the assortment will be disposed of quickly. hor aDle for year round wear. . . vour convenience we list the different articles, as follows: sß.soand SIO.OO Suite $12.50, $13.50 & $15<5)6.50 to $22,50 Suite Choose From Any sls 8 and 9-inch round bowls Electroliers 1 and Overcoats Are Suits and Overcoats For Men & Youths to S2O Overcoat 9-inch punch bowls 4-iight Now $5.00 Now $8.50 Now $12.50 at SIO.OO %«£« ,»"nt I | p or ni p n ... If i vollnrr nifvn A Suits are worsteds, serges and cas-, Fine tailored suits of serges, Among these are fine blue and 8-inch 2-handled nappies Mayonnaise sets , . • simeres, in various shades ;>2 and 3-( , rhevint* anc \< black meltons, kerseys, cheviots, 8-inch comports Ice cream and celery trays 4 number of different stvles and button models; also English cuts.; ' . ' ' ' camel hair and chinchillas; in Ches- _. , *ii.> ci« u 0 „ a, " 1 " iissorted models in Overcoats and i unfinished worsteds, in blues, grays, terfield, double-breasted and shawl- Any or the above will be pi iced at Jpw.Tfo, wlien the store ])atterns. I Balmacaans. <| tans, tartan checks and overplaids. collar models. opens tomorrow. seoomi pioor— BOWMAN'S. 4 V— 3