Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 12, 1915, Page 16, Image 16
FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 12,1915 16 Menders of Centemeri's $1.50 and $2 Two-clasp Kid £IQ^J ■—— o [Gloves For Worpen, Broken Sizes in Black & Colors ' (^.^jvavV Large Turkish Towels With Winter Coats In a Final Clearance si-50 to $2.95 Royal Waists at 95c ■jyj I —1 « • * 1 Linen, madras, voile. Persian lawn and soiscttc Royal iN|o<lt t/mbroiaerea , SiZOS For Women and Tvlisses' i a ' sts tailored, semitailored and lingerie styles trimmed j m • I with tucks, hemstitching and embroidery panels; high necks Initial, 25c Garments That May Be Worn Well Into Spring •«« «<™ «*•«. «.»,»*.<*. s*u * ..i.o*. Bought specially for the Mill and Factory Sale, but de- T~| J 1 n . 50 Styles Lingerie Blouses at SI.OO laved in shipment. 1 hese are pure white I urkish towels, >ize /""JXX/" rx 11 X tV~\ A f|p C» Voile. Persian lawn and hntlate lingerie blouses, trimmed with 2ix44 inches, with red embroidered iriitial 2}s inches extra special value m the M.U and Factory Sale at ...... ->< Tl , e radjca| ■■ rC(|uctions of „ occur tomorro w in tile sea- .« 'I 'i" ' RFl> SPRF\I>B 50c mercerized table damask. 64 , _ r # , » sand colored blouses, trimmed with tucks and sand, col sl.oo hemmed crochet spreads, inches. new patterns; Mill Offp SOUS final Clearance of COatS aild SllitS for WOUldl and misses. Only a few items 0 buttons, at St.oo large size, neat patterns: f*Q p j and Faotory Snle Pnce. yard. crJi-an N|i\V SII "'« ANI> COTTON PETTICOATS Mill and Fatnon Sa^^Pri^e... | J2 ro a border huck towels, * an i P«ttleo«ts In sand, silver grey, ttussinn green, blue, navy 79c bleached linen rabio damask. isx36 inches: Mill and 25c 510.00 dark rose noveltv \vea\V coats, finished with silk collar and cuffs. Reduced to 5J5.00 1 ' ' !l( '' l ' l|< ' 1 ' * ••;•••••••••••••••• ■' u ' > ' s ' s '" -> ~IM' 70 Inches wide, handsome new pat- Factory Sale Price} 4 for m . c , - * . Black petticoats of light weight saline. Hare tloun. e. trimmed with terns: Mill and Factory nn I Dixos, Pomeroy <5 Stewart —Street ?I. w and 510.r0 Old rose. orange and white VC'.VCt COrdliroV COatS, Wltll fancy silk lining. Re- l "° nairow ruffles SI.OO Sale Price, yard D*fC Floor, dliccd to t . , ; $7.."»0 Black satin petticoats with pleated flounce 50c - "ii Blue and white striped gingham petticoats with tailored tlounce. 51k* tit , C 1 nrk A CI 1C brown novelty weave doats trimmed with corded tan silk. Reduced to *...»<> Eslru sUo gingham pettu-oats. tailored flounce W omen S \D.L«v/V-J dfICL brown novelty weave coats trimmed with crush plush collar and cuffs. Reduced to Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart-—Second Floor, nj . rp< * $15.00 navy blue medium weight coats with lining to waist of satin. Reduced to #7.50 J3I3.CK. 1 0X63.(1 wll-K. $14.50 plain tailored full length serge cdats, lined throughout with satin. Reduced to .... ST.."»O WoiTlCn'S 25c Linen Handkerchiefs 18c * -r T/~V i $18.50 and $20.00 brown and black coats. Reduced to $10.(H) ' liOSe at /Z)C $20.00 full length English cloth coats. Reduced to SIO.OO A s P cc,al P«rchase of hue hemstitched linen handker- S'OOO anrl >n c ;IL- i i U!< in» chiefs for women. Full si/.c with Vjj-inch hem. Regular 25c ,i„e ?o n ub,e U tops. in T* Mm *2S*JOO green and navy blue byadere cloth coats. Yeduced to*.'!l" ' *!Woo va,UC * Special in the Mi " ant l Factur >' Sa,c ' 3 for and Faetor>- Sale at Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. ; Women's'l2 u c black fteece-lined ' INTERWOVEN HOSE Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. seamless hose; Mill and Qp Men's Interwoven toe and heel ~ Sale of the Claflin Book Stock Clearance of Furs at Half Price ' women's i2Hc tan coito'n seam- navy and grey.'. .i 50c Thousands of volumes at the lowest prices ever quoted on such books. Muffs, scarfs and sets in skunk, raccoon, brook mink, ? c t«V H iT|c black • Romney—Velasquez—Reynolds ZTT Tm" U * b T> s3s ° Women's fast black i >A/ O o ribbed cc« on seamless hose. 7c 4 Special in the Mill and Factory Sale $1.75 to $8.35 lisle seamless h05e....... —/Z Mill and factory Sale rue• Large books with 1C full page color illustrations. Running and Cross Country ltiiiming. by Alfred Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. MUI £nd V> ' ° Tfin Hbbed coUon hose; Mill Published at $5.00; special in the sale at $1.50 Shrubb. Published at 75c; special in the sale at 10c Factory Sale Price 'OC j an( i Factory 10C Miniature Series of Writers ami Painters, cloth Monographs on Artists; special in the sale at 50c _ Men's 12 Uc cotton hose, as- i Sale ■■ ■ ••• :■•: •v 0" '' black covers and illustrations in each volume. A charm- l.ittle Classics—there is no other collection of T * , 1 kk«5S ' i3c zrz'z:;:r What Is Ooing on in the Factory Sale Price 1 - /2 L F 'o° r - Lowney's Xew Cook Hook, prepared and revised Don Quixote. 4 vols.; special in the sale, set.. 53.50 PRnrtlfl'TV rllffllMirP C| I by Maria Willett Howard, former principal of the „ * HHI V a WlllllUiV/ WtllVy Boston Cooking School. Contains 1.430 receipts Poetry of Burns. 4 vols., cloth, Centenary edition; _. . < /~\ Of • , 1 covering every' branch of cookery and containing 38 special in the sale, set $2.00 d>2g 50 mahnpanv hlireails (Wt W/-rirfVlt C TNI 110 Shirts F\X\C\ illustrations in color. Each book Is packed in paste- Moliere in English. 2 vols., cloth: special in »he y.3U manOgany DUreaUS .OO VV S vJllll lo dUV-l Published at ji.25: special m Mie sale set , 200 $28.50 mahogany chiffoniers $25.00 I rvf 500 books in large variety of titles, values to 50c: volume, popular edition ooc a volume: special in the $29.50 mahogany Princess dressers $25.00 1 /1 CX W v/J. O X v/ 1 special in the sale at - 10c sale at 35e D u . n , , These pieces have dustproof partitions throughout and the cabinet Training for Athletics, guide to 13 different These books help an> one to understand and ap- work n#»H>rt Ck\ sports. Published at 75c; special in the sale at 10c preciate music, art, literature, travel, etc. " THE TITLES INCLUDE: j $25.00 dull mahogany Tolonial bureaus, chiffoniers and Princrss Our line of these well-known wool flet< lined skirt, and dra r Ciulde to l.lvinK Thin**, by Edwin Tenny Brewster, , children'* Storie* In Amerloan l*r<>Kre»« ( by Herietta IIR \SS BF1)S for men is somewhat broken, and in order to clean up all the odd Many illustrations. Christian Wright. * sizes while the demand continues for this good warm underwear, the A <«uide to the Bible, by George Hodges. D. D. Children'* storlea In American Literature, loeo-l.seo. JH*!!- J rass s#.so remainder of the stock will be sold at «9< a garment. Wright's regu- a O-Me to Picture., by Chas. H. Caffln. 16 illustra- 156.-ISM, V 9.'00 beds !! !! !!!!!! !'. !! !! '. !! ! ".! !!!!!! !!! ! !! !!! ] SH.»S larly sells at 11.00. A <;u|d , to i state* History/ by Henry W. Elson. D»> QuUoi'r'dr i« E. Burt and Lucv • MATTRESSES «, ,? IF^" S V XION nn l n I 7 S rn,lW WO>£EX*S I'NDERWEAH A M«.to ry . by Henry W. Elson. 16 Frank B Stockton $5.50 cotton mattresses 53.95 SI.OO Egj ptian cotton rile Women's 25c white cotton ribbed illustrations. . Han. uriiikrr. or the silver skate«, 'by Mary Maoes $15.00 silk floss mattresses 511.95 union suits, fleece lined. S9c fleece-lined vests and nants: 1 (i,, American Jlcn of Aetlon, by Burton E. Stevenson. 12 Dodge. ' ' 519.50 3-piece fumed oak library suite SI 1.95 Mil! and Factory Sale«Prlee. . . J Mill and Factors* Bale Price.. illustrations. Hero Tales, by James Baldwin. $6.00 polished mahogany rocker with upholstered spring seat, $3.95 Heavy cotton fleece-lined shirts , American Men of Mind, by Burton E. Stevenson. 12 The Honalrr School Boy. bv Edward _ I and drawers, jeager and grey; Mill W omen s - o nri illustrations. Kmc nnd Johnny Bear, by' Ernest Thompson Seton MXE DINING ROOM SUITES and Factory AQo j o? S «m . '* " A be ?l n^ ° ther "' By ~ ' ?b o' .H " f nn i Vixen by Ernest Thompson Seton. ' $270.00 10-pieee mahogany dining room suite $235.00 Sale Price each Mill and 1* actorj Daniel Gregory Mason. 1„ illustrations. The l.anler Book, edited and arranged bv Mary F slls 00 9-Diece mahoaanv dinina room suite no BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Sale Price, each... ... A Mythology, by Helen A. Clarke. 12 illus- in co-opevation with Mrs I f nler. ' P " Apiece suite. !]! "i !!!!!."! sThs^ VNDERWKAR omen sSI hite cotton rib- A i;u|<|fi <o HradlnJC by John Macy ' l2 mugtrations. of Thomas Nelson Page Ctlons from the " rltln « :8 $119.00 3-piece solid mahogany dining room suite $95.00 Boys cotton ribbed union suits, bed union suits, fleece lined, Mill A GnM( to <;rrl , t cities. First series. By Ester Poems of American Patriotism. Selected bv Rrandor $198.00 4-piece mahogany dining room suite $175.00 fleece lined. Egyptian and grey, and Factor}" 7"» C Singleton. 12 Illustrations. v Matthews. $120.00 9-piece mahogany dining room suite $75.00 Mill and Factory Sale Price ' A Guide to Great Cltlen, by Ester Singleton. The Itoosevelt Book. Selections from the writings «'*ivi'T i,i)rcu,n Bale Price Women's *1.50 and $2.00 aiik > «m»b* Folks' Mhrary of History nnd l.lteratara. of Theodore Boosevelt with an introduction bv Bob- DRESSER Children's peeler cotton ribbed „ nd woo l union suits; Mill and Published at oOc. Special In the sale at 25c. ert Bridges. $95.00 inlaid walnut vanity dresser $59.00 union suits, fleece lined: p ". orv ,6, Qn Around the Horld In the Sloop "Spray." by Captain Some Merry Adventure* of Bobln Hood, by Ho W rd * nu rvoonn-c Mill and Factory Sale Price. . "*<■»- ! , d i . •rl.Oy Joshua Slocum. I'jle. D.WENPORTS Children's wool union suits, white ,a '' rlc Th Mnr'v^"r"r- 800k ' edited b >' Mary E. Burt and The Van Dyke Book. Selections from the writings of $31.50 fumed oak davenports $19.50 and grey: Mill and . Si. 00 Dives Pomeroy & Stewart-Street A Child's Garden of Verse., by Bobert Louis Stevenson. Edwln with a MoA'phica 6 !* l sketch'Sf leather rockers $,«.95 Factory Sale Price. J ! Hoor. ( children'* stories In Amerlcnn History, by Henrietta I Miss Van Dyke. g pnßa ' sKetch of $19.00 leather rockers $1.>.00 Christian Wright. t Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor $2.90 brown reed rockers $2.50 Vi^Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Third Floor. Lamps Domes Reduced Specials in Wanted Dress Cotton Clearance of gas and electric lamps and domes complete with cloth, na\T and "cadet ground, neat styles; Mill and >—\ j j*. \ r -^ fixtures. 25c poplin, mercerized finish, good line of shades; Mill and Fac- \f 1 /* • ( /." iff j || | $8.50 domes reduced to $6.98 torv Sale Price, yard !5e 1/ A.{P I jit J /yT I /• ,/ Iff 3 H \ •_ 59.50 domes reduced to $7.75 89c linen. 4 5 inches wide, in blue, brown, rose and pink; V \ CP /I uZ* ; /* aff \ 'I £# k 1 - Sale Price, yard - I9e ufl |//' i tV. / JFF J DR B $15.0(1 dtmifs retlucetl '" •( $12.50 25c nub suiting, solid shades, 36 inches wide, self color dash: Mill .• / IB H EM .^49 $7 50 lamns reliuw/'to*" . $5 50 and 15c dress gingham, large line of styles. 25 and 32 inches SR?? lamps rtslueetl to !! S«!so wide: Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard .. B<<ic (Jr ' ~ 'jj $12.00 lamiis reduce<l to *9.50 " oc niadras shirting for gents shirts, ladies' shirtwaists, a choice , sls*oo lamps redueetl to '!!!!!!!'.!! sllsO ' ine of the latest styles: Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard 15c IWMKNMMtWHM ... 25c dress gingham, extra fine styles, America's finest grade; Mill o • 1 /'TIT . / T > 01 KM .......«... «•» i 'stVwaH—-stroet pioov. sweeping Clearance or W omen s1 an bhoes j$ *i..>o lamps mlU(«d to $.>.50 ( ' C 3 $15.00 lamps reduced to I::::::::: TT: T 4. 4. T $4.50 Tan Shoes, $3.50 I $3.50 Tan Shoes, $2.65 I $2.50 Tan Shoes. sl.£s "-> ur • .L. c_i_ White Dress Goods Our whole stock of tan shoes for women enters the Mill and Factory Sale at sharp reduc |~l OU.SeWfireS in wale tions. These are all perfect, high grade shoes taken from regular stock and reduced simply be | wt* KS Stvles that are foremost in popularity at savings that are cause we have too manv pair of tans. wifeT' 1 ' Basement^ announces items of interest Jo even- house- , . Savings All ThfOUgh the Stocks Ot Men's Shoes . 19c white ratine for skirts, 40 ■ 25c white crepe voile, 44 inches, & " $7.00 American porcelain dinner $1.15 XX heaVv tin wash boll- !" t ; he n', 5111 ' an< ? 1 OWnn \ 'or waists and dresses: Mill | Women's $2.00 gun metal calf, | and gun metal calf button and lace 11% to 2, $2.00 value; Mil! and sets. 100 pieces, floral decorations ers; Mill and Factory «»- hale Price, yard and Factory Sale Price, yard. •»"*, tan calf and pa tent colt button styles with welted and stitched Factory a.-. /-v \\ith gold tracings: d« < rjU Sale Price f. . /OC 1,0 white pajama checks. 36 sj.«s Kiiglisli longcloth, 10 yards shoes, made on full toe lasts with soles, not all sizes of every kind: Sale Price tpl.iy and Factory Sale Price. . . .T"*» 50,. ALCOHOIf STOVE'S, 25c inches wide, tine quality for under- wide: Mill and Cuban and low heels; Mill and Mill and Factory J.l , nn K , ~ , BRASS JARDIVTERES I 50c solidilied alcohol stoves, con- tTrt'kU PHce tard ]OC Sale Q g Factory jkl (J5 Sale Pr,c ° " J buUon shoes on wWc toe lasU h Eight-inch ball feet brass Jar- sisting of boiler stand, flame re- 15c whlte *Pltsse' ' cren'ek 30 Saluraay only ' ~lc* * Sale Price Women's $4.00 black suede calf stitched soles and spring heels; dinieres, brushed finish: ?. u 9. er and can ot solidified alcohol: inches- reouires nn irnnint- r» Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Women's $1.75 gun metal calf button shoes, made on full toe lasts sizes 6to 8: Mill and or ' Mill and Factory Sale Price. . OtrC j Mill and Factorv 9 -,■> Mill and Factorv Sale Price vd "C Floor Rear and Patent colt button shoes with with plain vamp, Goodyear welted Factory Sale Price OJC U.I'MIM'M HE' Vll Price * " '• ' ' black cloth tops or kidskin tops, soles with high Cuban heels; Mill $1.20 Wearever" aluminum 6-ot i WHITE MIRRORS -» stitched soles with high Cuban and Factory o:.> or _ liUants 85c black kidskin button covered cr.oking pots; Mill 00 69c white frarile mirrors, 11x14 1 D { Q „. QP heels or low heels; Mill U>i Sale Price tpX. oO shoes, hand turn soles with wedge and Factory Bale Priced..... 83C incl.e.; Mil,. an£J 39 10 barS Ot bOap at v3SC With bVety and Factory Sale Price... CassFHOI Fs Factory Sale Prtce ojjv. « , - Women's $3.50 gun metal calf ' ; , *. $1 4t round cassemlw in nicUM MOPS AND PoijSH Si 1 1)11 f Hi C lTOf*Pri an<3 patent colt button shoes, with SHOES Infants isc black and brown frame' Mill nnd r\n "Xo-Mor" dust absorbing yI.V/v tJI vWUt/CllCo black cloth or dull kid topß, Good- Misses' and children's shoes in kidskin and patent leather button Factors' Sale Price 98c mo . pß - wi,h detailed handle; Mill TI nr :,.:i P£r p tn huv soan at this savintr is pi veil when year we lted oak leather soles and tan, high cut button style, made on *^o e s, hand turn soles, sizes Ito 5; t aiior. .die rn e and Factory 00.. 1 lie pn\ liege to DUy SOap at tnis> Saving IS given Wllcn high Cuban heels; Mill *,) i<! fu " toe lasts with solid leather Mill and Factory j-q , K ,« U 4. , , J Sale Price - OOL suear IS not included in the purchase of groceries, and the and Factory Sale Price. .. stitched soles, sizes 6to 11, ? 1.50 Sa ' e Price liUC ti-<»h r .HnTfC =,f a il anl : uart crfn polish 66c rlinire nf soan includes Women's $2.50 and $3.00 fine value; Mill and Fac- QSTo Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street SS-„S'S.oS~" S| piv" Ch °'"£ Sfhtha Babbit's, P. &G. Naphtha, Star, » b '"« 95C £•««• — T*" 1 ' Red Seal, Swift's Borax and 20 Mule Team. Women's Neckwear I C fl l_ Rn«T#»r<s' SilV#»r j r , . T i \R f | Fresh Groceries at Lowest Prices n 1 vJdIC U1 lv(jy"lO OllVeiW die Continued Interest In the Values CANNED VEGETABLES Boneless herring, lb 20e This is one of the largest collections of high-grade plated ware |-\f Qilb- Cold packed tomatoes, large cans, Holland Milchener herring, each, , Dainty embroidered batiste col- that we have ever had in a silver sale. We introduce the new "Man- Finest qualities Lf ^ er " pa ttern-a very neat Colonial dealgn that Is shown in many other weaves ire f ( aturcrt in mw Lii, . l chine and an d tender ... tOci dozen. »1.00 • -jOc odf , „, vlps in WO men's neckwear sterling pieces. Every piece in the sale is guaranteed pure silver plat- ftalUrCd ln thC M,U and FaCton fca,e " rna tchless "'grown . X ?"}.. fome'rlf priced up tS MIli Ing on best metai base. $1.50 crepe de chine, 40 inches,! 59c stripe messaline on "Golden beans; an excel- Tuna fish for salads, can ... S4c an<l Factory Sale Price 25e Aim l every picee | s special in the sale. ' sS Bh va d rl : '....51.09 2 V n L h TI TT TM' 39 ? DeliClOUB »"'• neck ClamB ' Ca , n ie i„ laTe Chine> Btre6t P*"* A? OK 7T*™. * AfT Consisting of 2G pieces- % dozen knives, % dozen forks. MM Special, yard 95C a ' '" V' '" f" ' 1 pruneB ' lnedlum " COFFEE AXD TEA , % dozen teaspoons, V 4 dozen tablespoons, 1 buttor knife $2.00 floral and stripe crepe de IntVes; special, °° D Fancy new apricots.''2 ibs.', 3.V p c o °pu, a c r O p'tce? lb" 6 , ."kv Clearance of Marabou and j BUKar she „. The chests are In oak or Imitation W§l chine. 40 inches; yard 9oC gf» c 'o,"» Banquet cofTee: a choice blend of Pieces mahogany with drawer and are lined in white or green; l| J ,pe .r'ir„ T^'!,; ®, jyvtt* """t "SS.STXSX' 'X A,, «^„t„ s —«• I Inrhw finish, 36 inches; •« g our pitted cherries for making: h-J cofTee, lb.. 20ci or 5 lbs., 90r white, white and black, natural and (C CH incnes, special, 7Qp ®P«cia!, yard . .tpl.ll/ delicious pies, can ... 12c our Favorite tea, lb natural and black and combinations J)O.OU [tfl $1.50 satin Broche, 36 and 40 inches; spe- d-1 iR\ „ c , an V ; 12c IHcj 2 lbs 35c reduced for a speedy clearance. SPOONS SINGLE PIECKB H inches; spe- -r n cial. yard J tpi.iU Holsum gagre plums, large can Runkel's breakfast cocoa, reg- Choice of any set "that was for- Teaspoons, half dozen, 49C Berry sooons ftOo Itl cial. yard o9C M.OC black crepe charmeuse, 40 ft lfc ular 10c cans. Bc, 4 for .. Mc mcrly | 16 ?50 to $27.50 at Dessert spoons half dozen Bab/spoons .1! 250 ■ $1.25 Crepe de Chine brown, inches; spe- nn Broken macaroni, lb, 8c Brisket salt pork, boneless, lb., mm Gravy ladles .. I®«» H light blue and mahogany. 38 and cial. yard 9o Copied oils *lb Table SP 00 ""' half dolen Medium ladles . .V. ."»1 25' I 40 Inches: „ >3.00 satin de luxe, 54 <fco «0 mhlh J! Frankfurters, lb l»c ■]) / a OtJ , $1.19 Co i ( , meat forks special, yard #IC inches; special, yard *2.69 g p c Peanut butter, lb. 15c Coffee spoons, half dozen Butter knives ••••• ■ H SI.OO Shantung pongee, eo DiCes, Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Country cured dried beef, 'i lb. Picnic hams, lb IBe Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. s»n Sugar shells i." 11" 25c M 33 inches, special, yard 03C Floor, Front. Lebanon bologna, lb 23e I I ' haW°do««n . 3-P'ece child's set .... I9c fjTT 7 T " TT Minded ham, lb. .. =«e - 50c Butter Milk Choco-l Orange spoons, half 'LlfdjP^ News of Interest to Men s )«««.»««» nn P flfTp 4 , • ! F< lb. . . m . aC . k ? r ?'> LIB I Fl J t e u^' , a ?,e K !i o o ° ran . ,re ''. X tcrs, lb., 30f Butter spreaders, half fn.it knives I^l. Ull 1 cXyt? Bussian spiced sardines, large Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— „ , sl.l# " $1.25 WgL- -flm D kits 73c , Basement. Basement. Salad forks, half dozen Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— 11V * —^wmmmmmJ V———— ——————sl.49 Street FlOOr. ■