Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 12, 1915, Page 15, Image 15

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MCCLURK—On February 10, 1915,
Sarah A. widow of the late Thomas
15. McClure, aged 73 years.
Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at
, o'clock, from her late residence. -20
Harris street. The relatives and friends
i'ro 'nvited to attend without further
•.otice. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery.
lOL'NT Charles K. Yount died at the
Kevstone Hospital, Friday morning,
February 12, 1915. aged 57 years
Funeral services will be held from
dis late residence. No. 1502 Green street,
-">n Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o clock.
Burial in Paxtansr Cemetery. Rela
tives and friends are invited to attend
vlthout further notice. Burial private.
Services will be conducted by Pilgrim
Commandery. No. 11, K. T.
MIIjL.FR Emanuel H. Miller died at
his home, 223 Boas street. Thursday,
February 11, 1915, aged 03 years.
Funeral services will bo held from
Ms late home on Saturday afternoon,
nt 2 o'clock. Burial in the East Har
risburg Cemetery. Friends and rela
tives are invited to attend without
further notice.
FOUND The way to end your
cleaning and dyeing worries, by calling
either phone for Kggert's Steam Dye
ing and French Cleaning \% orks, 1245
Market street. We call and deliver.
WANTED. AMeliodied, unmarried men
Vetween ages of 18 and 35; citizens of
United States, of good chararter and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write the English language. For
Information apply to Recruiting Officer,
Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts.,
Harrisburg; 48 N. Queen St.. Lancaster;
353 Pine St.. Willlamsport; 37 W. Mar
ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St.,
Shnjnokin. Pa.
BECOME Railway Mall Clerks: Har
risburg Mail Carriers. 165.00 to $150.00
month. Pull unnecessary. Schedule of
Winter and Spring examinations —free,
l'rankiin Institute. Dept. 361-B. Roches
ter. N. T.
WANTED Laster on soft sole
shoes. Write The Horseheads Shoe Co.,
Horsehead. N. Y.
OUT OF WORK Let us show you
how to m<tl:e 135 weekly in your own
town. Write to-day. Wllkon Supply
Co.. Dept. T. Pottsville, Pa.
WANTED Solicitors to canvass
Harrisburg and vicinity; salary and
commission to hustlers; state experi- ;
etice, if any. Address 2924, care of
GOOD OPPORTUNITY for thoroughly
comnetent man with several years' ex
perlem'O in sheet metal work. Must be
well versed in reading drawings, ex
perienced in handling men and a :
hustler. To be considered applicants |
must (five age. state full • experience,
wages expected, and how goon could
report for work. Pangborn Corpora
tion, Hagerstown, Md.
WANTED Middle-aged man to
look after our Spring business. Per
manent position; fair wages. For par
ticulars write, with references, Burr
Nurseries, Manchester, Conn.
WANTED Railway mall and postal
clerks: examinations soon: over 2,000
appointments yearly: prepare at home;
for Plan No. 15 of payment after
anointment. Philadelphia Business
College. Civil Service Dept., Philadel
phia. Pa.
held soon. Railway Mall Clerks: P. O.
Clerks and Carriers; Stenographers.
Private ami individual tutoring at rea
sonable rates. Address Tutor, P. Q.
Box 431. Hsrr'-'mrff.
HAo registered 2S new pupils, and has
room for a few more, day or evening.
All jiattern cutting is taught by meas
ure. You make your own dresses while
learning. Works Dressmaking Sohool,
£2 North Fourth street.
WANTED Saleslady. Apply 315
Broad street.
WANTED Girl, between ages 18
and 25. with knowledge and adapta
bility for high-«"-ade needle work and
salesmanship. Good opportunity in a
good store. Address Box A. 1547, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED A middle-aged, settled,
white woman for cook In a small res
taurant located in a small town. Would
like one who can help do waiting on
customers. Good home to right party.
Address Box 312, care of Telegraph.
WANTED—Experienced help.
Apply "Silk Mills," ITor. Second
and North Sts.
HELP WANTED—MaIe or Female
Catholic canvassers, male or female,
for a high-class proposition. Call at 4
North Fifth street. T P. M. to-day or
Saturday morning
WANTED Young, well experienced
v :ndow cleaner desires work; three
> tars' experience In New York City.
Cull, or address, 1114 Christiana street
<For Steff i.
FIRST-CLASS chef (white) Is open
fur position, hotel or restaurants best
reference. D., 1552, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young white man de
sires position as cook, or counter man,
in hotel or restaurant. Call, or address,
1114 Christiana street. City.
WANTED Bright, honest boy, 14
years of age, wishes position of any
kind; can give best of reference#. A<l- !
dress W.. 1540, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Work by man who can
handle boilers, or janitor work; handy
man with tools. Call 1616 Fulton street,
WANTED Young, married man.
with fair education and good recom
mendations. wants position as shipoing
or receiving clerk. Address K.. 1549, j
eai-o of Telegraph.
WANTED Man wants env kind of I
work. Apply 405 Bailey street, Steel
ton. Pa. j
WANTED Neat, young ladv de
sires position to take charge of office or
clerical work; exi>ferienced; can fur
nish best of referenc-?. Address E.,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Place for general house
•worl !>'• a young German woman. Ap
ply 743 South Front street. Steelton,
WANTED Chambermaid, waitress
cr second girl wants position; can fur- 1
•jl.sh reference. Address Box J.. 15.19. 1
care of Telegraph, or Bell phone 754 W.
' >
1317 Williams Street
Two-story frame house (corner
•• Williams St., and Sayford Ave.)
containing seven ro'Hiit: and b;ith—
electricity. Large store room on
first floor.
This property rnn be liuuubl for
Casks balance •>■> easy terms.
Fire sur«.*fy Honda
and Court Street*
WANTED By woman, several of
flees to clean, or day's work for Thurs
day and Friday of each week. Cal
or address. 657 Forster street.
WANTED Colored woman desire
general liolsework; no washing. Cal
or addr ■. 618 State street.
WANTED A young girl wishes
place for light housework, or child'
nurse. Call at 419 State street, Harris
WANTED Colored woman desire
general housework; no washing. Cal
1248 South Cameron street.
WANTED Middle-aged white wo
| man desires plain sewing or day'
I work: can be recommended. Call, "o
j address, M. N. R., 923 North Sixt
WA'NTED By colored woman an
; kind of work. Call 669 Briggs street.
I WANTED • Colored woman desire
I general housework or work of an
kind. Call, or address, 219 Walnu
WANTED To do washing am
ironing at the house; can talk Englisl
and German. Bell phone 932W, 112
Cowden street.
WANTED Washing and ironing ti
j do at home, restaurant or familv wash
ing. Call, or write, 2 North Nintl
| street, below State street bridge.
' Situation Wanted—Male and Femal<
WANTED Middle-aged white mai
; and wife desires work of any kind to
| sether. Address W., 1550. care of Tele
| graph.
| FOR SALE —35 Acres located ii
Fishing Creek Valley 6 miles eas
! of River 6-room frame dwelling
new bank barn. Price. $1,000.00. Brin
ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnu
; streets.
I FOR SALE —54 N. Seventeenth St.—
corner property three-story brick
nearly new 9 rooms, bath and stean
! heat—front and rear porch—garagi
on rear. Brinton-Packer Co., Seconi
and Walnut streets.
IX>OK at that vacant corner property
j No. 620 Cumberland street for sail
at reduced price all improvements
|!< large rooms. Key at our office. Bel
Realty Co.. Bergner Building.
Corner property plot, 40x100
located on Front street drive alle:
or. rear. Very low price to quick buyer
Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building.
—3-story frame house 8 rooms
hath gas electric light furnace
—lot, 20x162 to drive alley. Bell Realtj
] Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALES Lots at Penbrook 30j
• | 150, Paxtanjr and Riverside. Also for
I sale one frame house, centrally located.
" In the city; 6 rooms, tath and attic;
hot r.ir heat. Price, *2,100. For terms
• apply to S. Haldeman & Co.. Carpen
' ters and Builders, 3222 North Sixth
■ street. Job work promptly attended
" to by calling Bell phone 3622J5.
r M
i Chicken, Fruit or Truck Farm
9 i for Sale. About seven acres, lin
j est for this purpose. Near city
! and trolley. Act quick. Cash cr
. terms. Address, "Chicken Farm,"
s care of Telegraph Office.
FOR SALE Spring is coming. See
the beautiful suburban homes at River
' side, before you buy elsewhere. Large
lots. Fine porches. lx>w prices and
' easy terms. Lewis M. Neiffer, 222
Market street. E. Moeslein. 424 State
- street. .
lj FOR SALE New 2',4-story house.
.[ 2407 Main street. Penbrook: 6 rooms
-'and bath; all modern improvements;
II lot 40x106. McClellan J. Koomes, 2407
, Main street. Penbrook.
| FOB SALE Apartment house, 404
i j North Second street; five apartments
• and store; steam heat and all modern
- I improvements. Apply, or address, M.
i j Mall. 366 Herr street.
'■ j FOR RENT No. 465 Crescent
I street, new eight-room house;, all con
• | venlencet; gas and electricity; large
• , front porch; central location; rent, S2O.
j : Apply inO Crescent street.
1 ' FOR RENT No. 2215 Atlas street;
•lull impiovements; in good condition;
rent. $16.00. Call Frank B. Wicker
' j sham, 410 Bergner Buildlnsr.
FOR RENT 2225 and 2227 North
I I Fourth street brick houses 8
roonio uiid bath all improvements
I front porch. Apply W. il. Moody, Room
1 207 Trustee Building. 8 North Market |
I Square. j
! 138 Dock Street $9.00 ;
[*l43 Ann Avenue y.oo '
. |1314 Marion Street 12.00 1
North Street 13.00 :
; .",12 North Street 13.50 I
lis Cowden Street 14.00 j
1315 Currant Avenue 14.00 ]
' \ Capital Street 15.00 j
UISSI Wallace Street 17.00 1
'll sl3 Penn Street 19.00 :
1208 N. Sixth Street, Apartment.. 22.00 i
916 N. Sixth Street 35.00;
1002 North Third Street. j
! FOR RENT Whoie or part of house •
; between Locust and Pine <>n Second •
'street; central location, all conveni-i
dices; suitable for residence or hoarii
■ | inghouse; rent reasonable. Addrcs* G„
1545, care of Telegraph.
'! FOR RENT llO9 Grt?r. street.
Brick house, 8 rooms ana oatl:. all im
pro-. ements, $85.00 per month, from
• April 1. J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street.
! FOR RENT No. 1208 Walnut j
street: three-story brick; r.ir.e rooms'
land all improvements; ten minutes to i
j Market Square: $20.00. Inquire J. Mor. |
| row. 17 North Fifth street. ;
| FOR RENT New two-story brick I
'house, all improvements, near Fifteenth I
. ar.d Boas, located In line residential'
! section; rent cheap; immediate posses-j
| M.-.n. Inquire 107 Boas street. Bell!
! phone 3618J1.
FOR RENT Two-story brick 1
house, all improvements. $12.50 peri
month, 1007-1009 Manada street. W. E. I
Moeslein, 612 Boas street. Bell phone i
FOR RENT Bl3 North Second |
street; 3-story brick; 9 rooms and
bath; all improvements; electric bells ;
all rooms to kitchen; excellent location, i
Possession April 1. Apply 1100 North
Front street. I
FOR RENT Houses with all Improve.
me,.ts at moderate rentals. J. K. Glppl*
.; 12RI Market street. j
i APARTMENT of five rooms, includ- ,
| irg kitchen and bath, for rertt from '
! ' Aoril 1. Light, airy and convenient..
Not connected with other fiats. Inquire <
1 3V No 'th Second street.
FOR RENT Furnished apartments,
two or four rooms; rent reasonable; all
conveniences. Apply befor* • o'clock,
621 North Second street, after 6 o'clock.
518 North Sacoad street Bell phone.
—Third floor apartment, at Walz
jdorf. six rooms, bath and pantry,
jail very light, city steam, facing
j Capitol. Inquire -400 North
I street.
rooms and bath, with all modern ccn
\eniences. Apply 1118 North Sixth
' I street.
FOR RENT Apartments at south
- east corner Fourth and Peffcr streets.
I, All conveniences at reasonable rent.
Outside porch. Apply B. F. Umberger,
- 108 North Second street, or 427 Peffer
s stree'. ,
» FOR RENT From 10tli inst., fur
s ii'shed, second floor front suite; large
- livingroom, bedroom, private bath; city
steam; electric lighting; hardwood
- , lioors; references required. 218 Pine
s street.
FOR RENT Three unfurnished
rooms, with all conveniences, 1821 Park '
- street.
s —.—.
r FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
It rooms, second floor, with use of hath
and phone: a few steps to the trolley;
- fine location. 203 Kelker street. Phone
>' No. 1763 W.
FOR RENT • Two furnished rooms
» for light housekeeping. Apply 1417
f Vernon street.
FOR RENT Rooms, single or en
- suite; all conveniences. Apply 236
1 North Second street.
t ——
3 FOR RENT Four-room flat: all
conveniences. Apply at 516 State street.
, ensuite all outside rooms running
j water elevator service city steam
I heat in the Franklins Building, 212
i Locust street. Miller Brothers & Co.,
, Locust and Court streets.
i FOR RENT No. 48 North Eigli-
Iteenth street; six rooms and bath; all
Improvements; excellent location; pos
session March 1. Lady living alone oe-
I copies third floor. .Rental sl6. Apply
! 48 North Eighteenth street.
seiond floor. 522 North Third street.
FOR RENT—Large, front room; cen
' t-al location; all conveniences; use of
phone Apply 209 State street.
FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac 5-passen
ger touring car, in iirst-class condition;
' shock absorbers in front, large bumper;
Kellogg twin pump; Klaxon horn; ull
" new tires; two extra tires, one has only
• gone 1,500 miles; four good inner.
5 I tube.; good top; clock; extra light in
• rear of car; hi:ndy lamp: all side cur
-1 tains lirst-class. Guarantee in good
condition. Address E., 1537, care of
; Telegraph.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Ottie.
; FOR SALE At Gable's, 111-117 S.
• Second street. Red Tip, Ring Point,
■ Blizzard, Ro-.ve Junior. Can't Slip, Giant
' Grip and Always Sharp Calks.
FOR SALE Almost new counter -
»so da fountain. Good condition. Will i
■ i sell cheap. Edgar T. Doyle, Tower City, !
' j Pa.
I ■ FOR SALE Long established, pay
i ing Ice Cream and Snowball Factory.
Owner wishes to retire. Will sell rea
i sonable. Closest investigation invited.
I Particulars at Spangenberg's, 507 Reily
street, City. Bell phone 345 W.
L THREE-CHAIR Barber Case for sale
cheap. Apply to Leßoy O'Donnell, 181 J
■ North Front street, Steelton.
BARGAINS in L. C. Smith and Bros. j
■ and Underwood Typewriters; also one ;
, Corona, one Monarch, one Oliver. Prices j
reasonable. L. C. Smith and Bros., 36 i
South Fourth.
* i
FOR SALE Oak dlningroom table j
and buffet at a very reasonable price.
Address 0., 1541, care of Telegraph. j
FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up- ;
to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large
Goldfish and Globes of all sizes, Bird!
Seeds, natural fish food and supplies, at '
Gebhardtts, the "Bird Man," 1004 North j
Third, between Boas and Herr.
FOR SALE Grocery store doing a
profitable cash business. Owner leaving
city. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street.
FOR SALE—I 2-horse Milburn wagon,
1 dump wagon, good as new: 1 gooi>
three-spring wagon, without top; two
good top buggies, one with long body,
suitable for farmer to haul milk; one
new Jenny Llnd, 1 piano van, 1 pair)
tive-ton scales, a lot of all sizes of rope, j
«>ne large new sign. 25 feet long, 3 feet
wide; one furniture car. good as new; !
one safe, one electric piano, cheap; all I
kinds of tools. Call at Fifth and Wood- I
bine streets.
..FOR SALE Snow-Flake Bleacher!
Soft Soap Business, fixtures, good will, |
recipe and trade-mark; also 5-passen-l
ger Studebaker Touring Car, can be !
bought separate at a sacrifice. Leaving i
city. John A. Forney, No. 10 Argyle
FOR SALE I double paper trim
mer, 1 perforator also, all in good ;
order; lot wallpaper, folding paste:,
j table, ladders. All very cheap. R. W. |
, I Green, 1856 Park. Bell phone 1713 J.
! FOR SALE 7-year-old bav pacing i
li.-.are: sound and extra well broke; I
, works in all harness and is right. Ap- i
' Ply corner Fourth and Lewis streets, I
, Riverside, i'a.
j CIGARS For a limited time we are I
; giving 50 "Madame X" and 2." "Miss j
I l.ou" Cigars for sl, postpaid. Snell I
! Co., Red Lion, Pa. •
' FOR SALE A Bargain —2O shares
I Commercial Bank stock, of Harrisburg. ■
! Call Bel! phone 765R or 1201.1.
! FOR 3Ai,E Brussels fcarpet. In I
, Sood condition; canned fruit, window !
: blinds, lace curtains, lawn mower, i
! wood. Blue Flamo coal oil stove. Dealers {
nee. not apply. Call 103 Evergreen |
FOR SALE at Gables. 111-117 South!
Second street. All sizes. Cvpress, i
i White Pine an.l Fir Doors, Porch work, i
I Sash. Shutters and Mouldings.
lectured at the Telegraph Business!
j Office.
! FOR SALE Fine collection of Vic.
| trola Records, in good condition; sol'"
singly or any number one-third off list-
I ed price: 200 Red Seal and others.* 230
: West State street. Bell phone CBSR.
j GLASS window signs. Furnished I i
| Booms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and ,
I Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
! o: these sB-ns will be given with each I
six.time order for a classified ad. If !
paid in advance. Inquire at Office of i
j Telegraph.
I STORE ROOM (from March 15) 1
j 1007-1009 North Third Street room
|2lx4'i ft.—good business location. Mil
ler Brothers & Co., Locust and Court
j streets. 1
j FOR RENT Garage, large enough
| for one automobile; rent reasonable
j Apply 417 Herr street.
1 WANTED Second-hand gas plate
' with two or three burners: must be In I
• good condition. Address Box W.. 1551
care of Telegraph. •
open an office In Harrisburg, wants to
rent room in desirable building. Will
consider renting whole or part of room
from present tenant. State terms and
particulars. Address P. O. Box 685.
WANTED TO RENT Small 10-20~ '
acre fruit and poultry farm; dwelling!
in good repair; must have running ' ,
water; near railroad and trolley. Ad- 1
dress particulars, rental, etc., to Box I
1544. care of Harrisburg Telegraph, Ii
i ___ i
I MADE $50,000 In five years in the I
mail order business, began with $5. 1
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea- 1
cyck, 355 Lockport, N. Y. <
Ft>R SAUK Tho Shippensburg
(Pa.) News and Job Printing Office.
Established 184 4. Owned by the pres
ent proprietor 15 years. Owned by I>.
K. and J. c. Wagner from 1866 to 1900,
when death caused change. Advertis
ing and Job work more than doubled
under present ownership. Arrangement
lias already been made for enlarging
ctfice room. All books open to bonaflde
t ros'iecttve buyers. Investigation is in.
vited. J. C. Fleming. Shippensburg, Fa.
Pool Room, doing a good business in
a thriving Pennsylvania town of 4,000.
must be sold at onee at a sacrifice, as
owner is leaving town. Address 8.,
155.1. care of Telegraph.
including fixtures, etc. Will take $.150
to quick buyer—reason for selling,
going West. Address Box 1538, eare
of Telegraph. '
WILL, sell a number of shares of
llarrisburg Traction Companv stock
Guaranteed six per cent. Price, S7O 00
per share. Address 1546, care of
Restaurant for Sale. Cheap to
quick buyer. On main street
doing fair business. Apply Hap
ple & Schwartz, Real Estate
Agents, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
ANT Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers
experience unnecessary. Send for oar
j ticulara. Press Snydicate. 798. Lock.
! port. N. Y. '
PIANO "JOV'ING by experts. Winter
Piano Co., -3 North Fourth street Call
146. Bell phono.
FOR falling hair try Gross Qulnln«
Hair Tonic, prepared by Grosa th«
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 2 ark "
street. llarrisburg Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
Diamonds and Jewelry bought for
highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner
Jeweler. NO 1 North Third street Bell
phone 1274 L
H. W. LATHE. Hour,ling stable On.l
National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos. »"f eß v boilers and general haul
ing. If W. Lathe, Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phono No
2503 R.
ture bought and sold. Highest cash
prices paid. Drop postal, or phone
S7ISJ. Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Mar
ket street
with best material and by expert heln
Send us your worn furniture. Our beat
1 efforts insure your satisfaction, s w
; Cluck. 3-0 Woodbine street
HONEST, industrious people without
Real Estate.. Stocks or Bonds, can se
cure small LOANS here consistent with
sound business at Legal Ratea. Small
Payments. Prompt, courteous, confl
! dential service.
Profit-Sharing Loan Society-
Chartered —Licensed—Bonded,
j Second Floor, BN. Market Square, j
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate'
1 security in any amounts and upon any
| terms to suit borrower. Address P. O
' Box 174. llarrisburg. Pa.
ANY person _ needing money l* j
. amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal- '
lor led position, would be benefited by I
1 calling on us. Employes' Discount Co.. I
|-3« North Third street.
LOAN'S—Jo to S2OO for honest work- !
| ing people without bank credit af less
I than legal rates, payable in Instalments
i to suit borrowers convenience.
Loan and Investment Co
204 Chostnut Street.
, new eight-story brick warehouses, one
1 absolutely fireproof divided Into fire
proof pri .ate rooms or various sizes for
i the storage 01 household goods; the!
j other warehouse of the most approved '
type of tire retardent construction fori
general merchandise. They are equlo
| ped with two large electric freight ele
vators and spiral chute for the quick
and safe handling of household goods
1 and all kinds of merchandise. Low
; storage rates. South Second street near
' Paxton. on the tracks of Penna. R. R.
IX 3-atory brick building, rear 4OS 1
Market street.
Household goods In clean, private'
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to 1
I\ G. Diener. Jeweler. 40X Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street. for i
household goods and merchandise. Pri
j vate rooms. $1 to *3. Wagons. 75 cents 1
1 per month. Apply D. CooDer & Co.. 411 !
, Broad street. Both phones.
IN sad, but loving remembrance of !
our dear mother. Mary A. Bover, who
! departed this life February 11, 1910.
Manv years ago we parted,
But God above lie knows the best;
We are all, "yes," broken-hearted,
W.'hile, you are at, "yes," peaceful
Then sleep 011, dear mother,
Tho' our eyes are dimmed with tears,
We shall meet to part, no never.
After waiting weary years.
You were a good, kind mother.
Always had a willing hand,
And why "God" took you from us,
Some day we shall all understand.
— _ 1
No. :iS'J 111 Equity, C. C. P., Northumber- 1
land County Security Trust Co. of
llarrisburg, Trustee, etc., vs. North
umberland Gas Company.
BY virtue of a decree of foreclosure j
made in the above entitled case, the
in-'ersigned Trustee will expose to pub
lic sale on Tuesuay, the 'Jth day of
March, A. D. I'Jls, at 10 o'clock A. M .
of said day. at the front door of the
I County Court House In the City of llar
risburg, Dauphin County, Pa,, the fol
| lowing described property, viz.:
The corporation frai.chises of North
umberland Gas Jcmpany granted ly
charter recorded in Charter Book of
i Commonwealth of Pennsylvania No.
114, pag« 75.
The franchises, rights and privileges
granted to the Northumberland Gas
(Company by ordlnancts of the Borough
:of Northumberland approved June 11.
line, and June IS, XDI.2.
Also nil that lot, piece or parcel of
land lying and being in the Borough
of Northumberland, County of Northum
berland and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows: Be
ginning at a point ou the southern
side of Nortliway Street at Intersection
of properly of Frederick Mathlas and
another; thence north 37 degrees 30
minutes east 200 feet to a point; thence
south 52 degrees 30 minutes east 256
1 feet to a point; thence south 47 de
grees 30 minutes west 203 feet along
I west side of Canal to a point; thence 1
I north fifty-two degrees SO minutes j
west 221 l'eet to starting point, upon |
which are erected the necessary build- }
ings, machinery, equipment and ap
pliances used to manufacture gas.
Also all other real estate, franchises,
extensions, rights, privileges and im-J
jmunitles, buildings, gas plant, gas'
mains, conduits, pipes, tools, fixtures, !
appliances, engine;;, boilers, tanks,;
gates, valves, connections, machinery 1
and equipment of every kind and char
acter and all real, personal and mixed 1
property of every kind owned by North- j
umberland Gas Company at tne date of I
the transfer from the Northumberland !
Gas Company to Northumberland Gas,
\ ,
C Heat and Fuel Companv, to wit, on
. September 20. 1912.
And also all extensions, rights, prlv
. ileges and immunities, buildings, gas
. plant, pipes, conduits, mains, tools,
fixtures, appliances, engines, boilers,
I tanks, gates, valves, connections, ma
t chinery and equipment oi every kind,
t acquired, constructed and installed by
; Northumberland Gas, Heat & fuel Com
. pany In the Borough of Northumber
land, Pennsylvania. Together with all
- and singular the tenements, lieredlta
l nients and appurtenances unto the
1 premises afores"id, or any of them, or
, any part thereof belonging or in any
< I wise appertaining, not to include, how
, ever:
(a) The corporate rights and fran
- ciilses 01 the Point Township Gas Com
-5 pany acquired by Northumberland Gas,
) Heat & Fuel Co.. and the lines of pipe
, laid in Point Township. Northumber
-3 land County. Pa.
(b) The corporate rights and fran
- chisel of Northumberland Gas. Heat &
t Fuel Company acquired by its Letters
Patent dated the ISth day of March,
) 1912, the application for which letters
[ patent is recorded in the Recorder's
Office of Northumberland County, Penn
. sylvania, in Charter Book 3, page 428,
' (c) The pipes, conduits, and mains
. leading from the borough of Sunbury
to tho borough lin-i of the Borough ot
■ Northumberland at the northwest end
of the county bridge leading from the
• Borough of Northumberland to Puck
er's Island.
Said premises and property shall be
I sold as an entirety, free, clear nnd dl
• vested of all claims, Hens and demands,
• nnd all equity of redemption.
The Trustee shall receive no bid from
any one offer ng to bid for the premises
■ above described, who shall not first de
posit with the Trustee as a pledge that
he will mains good his b'd in case of
its acceptance, the sum of SI,OOO in
cash or by certified check acceptable to
the Trustee, or $.1,000 par value of the
-I bonds secured by the mortgage of the
»| Northumberland Gas Co. to the Security
• (Trust Co.. of llarrisburg. Trustee. The
II deposit so received from- the success
ful bidder shall be applied on account
11 of the purchase price.
Upon the acceptance of any bid for
• said property the purchaser shall forth
with deposit with the Trustee in cash
' or by certified check satisfactory to
the Trustee the sum of $2,500, less any 1
amount In cash which may have been 1
previously deposited by the successful
bidder as a pledge that lie would make
good his bid. The balance of the pur-
I chase price may be paid either in cash
! 1 or by presenting and surrendering the
First Mortgage Bonds secured by the
i Mortgage given by the Northumberland
1 Gas Co. to the Security Trust Co. ot
1 larrlsburiT, and the overdue and un
paid coupons pertaining thereto, as
particularly directed under the decree
ot' sale.
For further conditions and for more
particularity both as to the property
to be sold and the terms of the sale,
reference Is made to tho decree of
> foreclosure entered in the above en
titled case.
llarrisburg, Pa.
Sunbury, Pa.; 1
llarrisburg. Pa-
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Governor
of the State of Pennsylvania on Mon
day, February 22, 1915. by Bessie
Baturin. Myer Baturin, H.vman Kushel
land Robert Rosenberg, under the Act
lof Assembly of the Commonwealth of
1 Pennsylvania entitled "An Act to pro
vide for the Incorporation and regula
: tion of certain corporations," approved
I April 29. 1874. and the supplements
i thereto, for the charter of an intended
corporation to be called "ROYAL BED
DING COMPANY." the character and
object of which is the manufacture of,
I buying and selling «iattresses, pillows,
I bed springs, bedsteads, couches and
| bedding supplies, and all qthef matters
> incidental to or forming a part of tile
I general business aforesaid, and for
1 these purposes to have, possess and I
(enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi- I
' leges of the said Act of Assembly and !
i its supplements.
NOTICE Letters Testamenta , on
the Estate of Mary A. Koons, late of
llarrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., de
ceased. having been granted to the un-
I dersigned residing in llarrisburg, Pa.. I
| all persons indebted to said Estate are
1 requested to make immediate payment,
| and those having claims will present
1 them for settlement.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the fol
lowing accounts have been tiled in the
Court of Common Pleas, of Dauphin
County. Pennsylvania, and will be con
firmed by said Court on the 18th day
i|<>f March, 1915, unless cause be shown 1
| to the contrary:
,• First and final account of Elmer W.
Doekey, committee of Jay E. Reed,
First and final account of Mechanics
I Trust Company, committee of Samuel
B. Gipe. a lunatic.
] First and final account of Union
'Trust Company of Pennsylvania, of
llarrisburg, Pa., committee of John C.
j Smith, a lunatic, now deceased, late of
1 the City of Harrisburg.
1 First and tinal account of J. Spayd
[Romberger, assignee of Morris M. Kiein
-1 felter. of Derrv Township, Dauphin
County. Pa.
Prothonotary. 1
Pennsylvania railroad employes in
Harrisburg will receive their pay for
the lirst half of February. Thursday,
February 18.
The Pennsylvania railroad passenger
itratfle olficlals are experimenting with
'movable chairs in parlor cars. They
are being tried out in cars on the At
lantic City division.
| A series of lectures illustrated with
| moving pictures showing safety first
methods, will he given in Philadelphia
February 15. I.oral employes whose
'runs take them to Philadelphia on
!that date have been invited to attend.
I They will be given at the P. R. R. Y.
M. A.. Forty-first street and West
minster avenue.
Members of the Crescent club, em
jploycs of the Philadelphia division of
| the Pennsylvania railroad held a
I smoker at Elizabethtown last night.
There was music, speeches, eats and
Des Moines, lowa, Feb. 12. The
lowa senate to-day adopted a consti
tutional amendment providing for
state-wide prohibition by a vote of 39
to 2. The measure now goes to the
Bank's Handle v,7 A *
Less Than Last Month
A decrease of $257,877.04 in the
amount handled by Harrisburg banks
in January as compared with Decem
ber is shown in the report of Al. K.
Thomas, secretary of the Harrisburg
Clearing House Association. The to
tal was $6,901,231.48.
This is also a decrease of $650,347.48
| from the clearance for January. 1914.
jThe European war and general busi
-1 ncss depression are said to. be the
j causes of the shrinkage.
! Chicago, 111., Feb, 12. Hogs R
e-1 ceipts. 22.000: strong. Bulk of sales,
$ti.8006.75: light, $6.50®6.80; mixed,
itb. 50ft 6.80; heavy. $6.40« i. 6.72',4 ; rough.
$6.40*&6.50- pigs, $5.25 6.70.
Cattle Receipts, 10.000: firm. Na
tive Steers, $5,55®5.70: western. $4.85®
. 7,35; cows and heifers, $3.25®7.75;
(Calves. $7.00«f 10.25.
1 Sheep Receipts, 9.000; steady.
Sheep. S«.S6«'7.OU: yearlings, $7.20®
J7.75; lambs, $6.75®5.25.
Passenger Rush Later in the Year
j May Prevent Time Off; Engi
neer E. C. Kulp on Trip
In order to be sure of a vacation
i inany passenger employes of the Penn
! sylvania railroad are arranging for
time off. now. They argue that in
| the event of a big rush of passenger*
: to and from the west and other points
j later in the year, they would not be
! able to get a vacation.
! One of the first to be granted a va
j cation is Passenger Engineer E. C.
iKtilp, of the Philadelphia division,
i who resides at 2042 Green street. En.
j gineer Kulp will leave to-night on a
; six-weeks' trip to the South and West.
Mr. and Mrs. Kulp will go to New Or
leans for the Mardl Gras, and will
then journey along the Pacific coast,
taking in principal points in t'alil'or
inia. including San Diego, Los Angeles
and Han Francisco. Returning they
, will take in Salt Lake City, Denver
I and Chicago.
At a meeting of the directors of
the Philadelphia and Reading Valer
iana' Association held in Philadelphia
[yesterday, W. U. Barr, chief clerk
Ito General Superintendent C. H. low
ing. was elected a member of the
board, to succeed Edwin P. Wynn,
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division ll3 crew to
go first after 3.30 p. >n.: 106. 119. 120,
112. 104, 109, 124, 101. 128, 108, 114.
Engineers for 113, 122, 128.
Firemen for 108. 114. 128.
Conductors for 122, 124, 12S.
Flagman for 133.
Brakemen for 104, 109.
Engineers up: Long. Supplee, Mc-
Guire, Wanbaugli. Grass, Streeper,
Relslnger, Brunner, Foster, Wolfe,
Earhart, Smeltser, Hennecke. Hubler,
Smith, Bissinger, Newcomer, Sober,
Buck, First, Layman. McCauley.
Firemen up: Miller, Sees. Myers,
Penwell. Lantsi, Blelch, Everhart,
Cover, Dura 11, Grove, Bushey, Manning,
Yentzer, Gelsinger, Copeland. Herman,
Beliman, Llbhart, Kigleman, Collier. .
Conductors up: Looker, Houdeshcl,
Flagman up: Harvey.
Brakemen up: Brown. Moore, Mum
ma. Shultzberger, Busser, Jackson,
Coleman, Knupp.
Middle Division — 22 crew to go first
after 2 p. m.
5 Altoon crews to come In: 16, 15,
17. 21, 19.
Preference: 2, 3.
5 crews laid oft r.t Altoona.
Engineer for
Fireman fo,' 16
Conductor* for 17, A
Flagman l'or 3,
Brakeman for IS.
Engineers up: Garmaii. Knisley,
Hertzler, Moore. Kugler, Webster, Wis
sler, Havens.
Firemen up: Seagrist, Fletcher,
Pottiger. Liebau, Simmons, Fritz, Dre
wett. Cox, Arnold, Stouffer, Karstetter,
Sheesley, Bornman, Sclireffler, Davis,
Wright, Ross, Reeder.
Conductors up: Eberle, Huber, Keys,
Gantt, Patrick. Raskins.
Flagmen up: Miller, Mumma.
Brakemen up: Bell, Wenerlck, Fritz,
ICohll, Roller, Jlyes, Kane, Kieffer, Piff,
Kerwln, Kilgore, Schoffstall, Stalil,
Spahr, Heck, Peters, Bakers. Reese,
Boian, Plack, McHenry, Put, Fleck.
Engineers up: Hoyler. Beck, Biever,
Blosser, Urenneman, Thomas, Rudy.
Houser, Meals, Stahl. Swab, Harvey,
Saltsman, Kuhn, Pelton, Shaver, Lan
Firemen up: Schiefer, Rauch,
Weigle. Lackey, Cookerley, Maeyer,
Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Barkey, Sheets,
Bair, Eyde. Ney. Myers, Boyle, Shipley,
Crow, Reyle, Ulsh.
Engineers for 1569. 1454, 2260, 14.
Firemen for" 1888, 1451, 2260, 1255,
14. 90. 1820.
f'lilladelplila Division 2lO c.rew to
go first after 3.45 p. 111. : 210, 236, 241,
223. 218, 206. 235.
Engineer for 223.
Firemen for 218.
Conductors for 17. 28.
Flagmen for 07. 17. 23.
Brakemen for 02, J2.
Conddctors up: Pennell, Forney.
Flagman up: Camp.
Brakemen up: Campbell, Vandliiig,
Knight, Arment, T\ v erts. Waltman,
Deeta, Keller, Twlgg, Felker, Shuler,
Goudy. Wlest, Mumma, Kone, Klmes,
Lutz, Musser. Taylor. >
Middle Division— 239 crew to go after
12.30 p. m.: 222. 233, 236. 228.
Front end: 101, 103, 111, 102, 104.
Btak'einen for 103, 104.
The 12 crew first to go after 1 p. m.:
12. 9, 3, 18. 8. 24. 14. 1. 20.
East-bound: 61, 64, 63, 53, 52. 62, 51.
Engineer for 14.
Firemen for 8. 12.
FlaKinen for 52, 53, 58.
Brakemen for 53, *4, 3, 12. 24.
Engineers up: Barnhart. Wyre,
Lape, Martin, Monroe. Massltuore, Tip
ton. Fortney. Bona wit*. Pletz, Rich
Firemen up: Kuntz,, Boyer, Fulton,
Lex. Rumbaugh, King. Carl. Anspacli,
Kelly, Sellers, Xukarskl, BovTers,
Longenecker. Nye, Beecher, Sullivan.
Condu6tors up: Orris, German.
Brakemen up: Brltter, Calvin, Harts.
Maxtor, Epley. Machmer, Painter. Ely,
Stephens. Kohl, Grimes. Miles, Ilinkle,
Kapp, Mumma.
Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath
Reynard, 208 N. Third St.
Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms.
Steam heat and constant hot and cold water supplied.
Hardwood.floors; electric light; wired for telephone
Commonwealth Trust Company,
222 Market Street HarrUborg, P*
No More Jumping Off Into Cinder
Piles on the Middle Division
of the P. R. R.
Passenger trainmen on the Middle
division of the Pennsylvania railroad
were yesterday notified of R new rul
ing, relating to unloading and loading
i passengers. In the future all passen
gers will get on and ofT the cars at
station patforins. No more walking
along the tracks to rear cars or jump
ing off into cinder piles. The order
posted yesterday at all station was
issued by \V. Brooke Moore, passenger
trainmaster o fthe Middle and
is as follows:
"Where a station nlatform does not
accommodate all the exits of a pas
senger train, trainmen will direct and
require passengers to pass through the
train, either from the front or rear, to
a location where they can descend
from the train to the station plat
The new rule is in accordance with
the safety first movement. At many
stations passenger trains are often si>
long that, when they stop, several cars
are still beyond the wooden platforms,
and. heretofore, it has been necessary
for passengers In the cars beyond the
platforms to get off on the ties and
walk to the platforms.
Following the new order, wherever
a car stops beyond the platform proper
the trainmen will have to make the
passengers walk through the other
cars until they reach a point where
they can descend directly onto the
The doors of cars stopped beyond
the platforms will not be opened and
it is expected that the new order will
prevent many accidents in the future.
Freight Train Killt
Mother and Daughter
Reading, Pa., Feb. 12.—Mrs. Daniel
Yelk, 40, was cut to pieces and her
3-year-old daughter was fatally hurt
when they were run down by a Penn
sylvania freight train at Gibraltar yes
terday afternoon. The woman was
crossing the track from the new bun
galow which is being built by her hus
band. The plot had been given the
family by a suburban land company
and this was to be their first real
(Conodoguinet Creek above West
Fairview, Cumberland Co.). rebuilt
1907, modern flour and grinding ma
chinery, capacity 30 barrels. Never
failing water power, electric lights,
dwelling house, stable, WHgon shod,
hog pen. etc. New 48-incli circular
saw mill.
D. W. Lambert (deceased) was
former tenant.
Apply to James McCormick, Cam
eron Building, Second and Walnut
streets, Harrlsburg, Pa.
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building.
Uni«n Trust Company
Twelfth t Herr St.
Splendid Room, 80x78 feet. BO
windows; up-to-date steam beat
ing included. Rent very reason
able. WiU be wired to suit tenant.
A . To Housekeepers, Work*
Ij| iugmca and Salaried Em.
® plojea.
Room 21. 4th Eioor
Spooner Building