Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 12, 1915, Image 1

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    Russian Invasion of East Prussia Has Been Checked; Invade # > kre Moving Back
LXXXTV— No. 34
German Military Command
ers Are Accused by Amer
ican Minister at The Hague
With Interfering With Di
plomatic Communications
With Luxemburg
Publication of Text of Two
Documents Sent to Great
Britain and Germany on
Commerce Produces Wide
spread Comment in Wash
ington's Official Circles
By .Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Feb. 12.—Ad
ministration officials looked forward
to the receipt late to-day of prelimi
nary advices from Ambassadors Page
and Gerard, at London and Berlin,
respectively, describing the attitude of
British and German officials toward
the two notes of warning against pos
sible menace to American lives and
vessels in the sea nones of war.
Publication of the text of the two
documents produced widespread com
ment among officials, members of Con
gress and diplomatists, most of whom
regarded them as the most emphatic
expression from the Washington gov
ernment on the conduct of belligerents
during the present war and presaging,
perhaps, further representations on!
what seem to the American govern
ment violations of the rules of war
Germany was advised that the
I'nited States "would be constrained
to hold the imperial government to a
strict accountability" for such acts of
its naval authorities as might result
in the destruction of American vessels
or the loss of American lives and that
such a deplorable situation should
V<i'ise" the American government would
"take any steps it might be necessary l
to take to safeguard American lives
and property."
To Great Britain the United States
pointed out "the measure of respon
sibility" which would seem to be im- !
posed on the British government "for
the loss of American vessels and lives
in case of an attack by a German na
val force" If England sanctioned the
general misuse of the American flag
by British vessels and thereby cast
doubt upon the valid character of neu
tral ensigns.
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Feb. 12.—The J
Vnltetl States lias sent an Inquiry to ;
Germany on the complaint of Amcrl- [
can Minister Vandyke, at The Hajftie. ,
that German military commandersj
were Interfering with hLs diplomatic I
communications with Luxemburg, Sec
retary Bryan so announced to-day.
A report that some of Ids mail had i
lieen held up by (icrninn military au- !
thorities reached the State Department i
I'mm Dr. Vandyke last night, Secre
tary Bryan said. Ambassador Gerard, |
at Berlin, was Instructed to make rep- '
resen'atlons to the German foreign !
By Associated Press
Washington. D. C„ Feb. 12.—Great
Britain's supplementary reply to Presi
dent Wilson's note of December 2 6 re
specting interference with American
commerce was being received to-day
at the State Department and being
translated from the diplomatic cipher.
It may be a day or two before the
reply, which is a document of some
six or seven thousand words, will be
before the President and the Cabinet
for consideration. It is understood
to be an elaboration of the preliminary
[Continued on Page ll]
Mob of Tramps, Cozily
Snuggled in Straw,
Routed by the Police
Lead by Sergeant Amos Draben
stadt, a squad of patrolmen routed a
gang of forty tramps at Tenth' and
Market streets last night.
The hoboes had taken possession of
a building, now in progress of con
struction. They made beds of straw
and took advantage of the fires used
to dry the concrete.
By Associated Press
Sorlngrfield. 111 Feb 12. Spring
field to-day did honor to the memory
of Abraham Lincoln and all State of
fices. banks and stores in the former
President's home city were closed.
For ItnrrUhurc iinil vicinity: Rain
thin afternoon and to-nlghti Sat
urday rain.
Fo:- Eastern I'enunyl vanln: Local
rain* thin afternoon and to-nlgbti
colder weather In northern part
of the States Saturday unsettled.
The Susuehanna river and all Ita
tributaries will continue to fall
■lowly to-night and probably Fri
day, except the tributaries may
begin to rlar Saturday, due to
meltln,; snowa and rain as a re
sult of the decided rime In tem
perature Indlcnted for the Sus
quehanna watershed In the next
thlrty-alx hours.
Temperature i 8 a. m. t 38.
Sun: Rises, f1i.%8 a. m.t seta, 5:31
p. m.
Moon I New moon, to-morrow, at
lliSl p. m. '
Rlv r Stage: 5.4 feet above low
water mark.
Yesterday's Weather
Hlgheat temperature, 82.
I.oweat temperature. 24.
Mean temperature, 23.
.Normal temperature, 30.
Hopper and Hoist of Monolith
Type; Suggest Formal Ending
For Pine Street Vista
Preliminary etchings suggesting a
method of construction for the coal
wharf, hopper and hoist on the east
ern shore of Hargest's Island which
would convey the Idea of a monolithic
ending to Pine street when viewed
from the city shore were prepared
l>y Warren H. Manning, Harris
burg's architectural landscape expert,
for the conference to-day of the City
Planning Commission, Park Superin
tendnet M. Harvey Taylor and repre
sentatives of the Harrisburg t.ight
and Power Company, which wishes to
move its landing dock Iro Front and
Market streets on the river waJl to the
island shore. By way of compensation
the electric company offers to supply
the city filter plant with at least 1,200
tons of coal a year—all that will be re
! quired.
The concession is authorized in an
ordinance offered by City Commis
sioner H. F. Bowman in Council last
Tuesday and will go before the same
body for second reading Tuesday.
Take \o Official Action
For several hours the commission
[Continued on Page 11]
By Associated Press
The Hague, Feb. 12, via London,
1.16 P. M.—The protocol of the anti
opium convention of 1912, which aims
at the suppression of the opium traffic
and International traffic in cocaine
and other noxious and habit-forming
drugs, was signed at The Hague to
day by Henry Vandyke, the American
minister to the Netherlands: Tang
! Tsing Fou, the Chinese minister, and
M. Loudon, the Netherlands minister
of foreign affairs.
The affixing of their signatures to
the protocol by these three diplomats
puts the convention, into immediate
force for the signatory countries,
which comprise approximately 475,-
000.000 inhabitants; China, with an
estimated population of 330,000,000;
the United States, 100,000,000, and
the Netherlands and her dependencies
By Associated Press
Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 12.—A
State-wide prohibition bill passed the
Senate last night by a vote of 14 to
3, with one member absent. Notice
of a motion to reconsider Monday was
given. Antl-llquor forces claim that
llie measure will pass the House with a
1 1.-.rfe 'majority.
} Firm and sure, a nation's bulwark,
Fearless of the foes that KUI
With the poisoned barb of slander.
Bending to Ills iron will
Forces that are living still.
Human every fiber of him.
Great of heart and keen of brain,
SIJW of speech to hurt another
Or through other's loss to gain.
Sharer of a brother's oain.
Muffled drums! The funeral cortege
Of a martyred king goes by
While a nation bows in homage.
Friend and foe with streaming
Ask the endless hopeless, "Why?"
Written for the Telegraph.
State, County and City Sealers Say
Blue Law of '97 Gives
That Right
Should any bread buyer discover
that his loaf weighs less than
an avoirdupois pound——sixteen ounces
he can institute proceedings against
the baker.
This was the opinion expressed to
day by chief of the State Bureau of
Standards, James Sweeney; by County
Inspector of Weights and Measures
Harry A. Boyer, and City Sealer of
Weights and rt-ensures Harry D. Reel.
A similar opinion was handed down
In Philadelphia yesterday by Alexan
der Simpson, Jr., attorney for the
Philadelphia County Commissioners.
The opinion was based on the law of
1797 which is still in force. This law
specifies that bread shall be sold
"by the pound avoirdupois." The law
also prwviden tnat hair of the fines
[Continued ou Page ll]
Refutes to Agree to Amendment
Terminating Government Ac
tivities in Two Years
By Associated Press
Washington. D. C, Feb. 12.—Presi
dent Wilson to-day rejected the com
promise ship bill evolved yesterday bv
Democratic leaders of the House. He
refused to agree to fin amendment
terminating the activities of the gov
ernment in the shipping business two
years after the close of European war.
Plans to bring up the cloture rules
which the long filibuster suggested
wer© knocked awry in the Senate to
Meanwhile it appeared that the
sentiment in favor of getting through
with the waiting appropriation bills
was growing. The administration
Democrats, however, reiterated their
hopes and President Wilson's deter
mination to pass the bill even if it
takes an extra session was recalled
on all sides.
This morning plans were going for
ward for the passage through the
House of the Gore bill with an amend
ment that would terminate the gov
ernment activities in the shipping
business two years after the closo of
the European war.
White House conferences have de
veloped. House administration leaders
[Continued 011 Pag® 11]
Shoe Dealers Organize to
Better Trade Conditions
In an effort to better trade condi
tions, shoemen have organized the
Harrisburg Retail Shoe Dealers' Asso
ciation. The meeting was held at the
home of John E. Kelly, who was elect
ed president. Other officers are:
Joseph F. Shorb, vice-president;
Walter S. Stern, secretary and Sam
uel E. Ellenberger, treasurer.
D. P. Jerauld will represent the or
ganization 'at a meeting of the State
body In Lancaster next Tuesday and
By Associated Press
Chicago, Ills., yeb. 12.—Many civic,
educational and fraternal organiza
tions celebrated the one hundred and
fifth anniversary of the birth of Abra
ham, Lincoln to-day. Municipal and
State courts were closed and the work
of city offices curtailed. Tributes of
praise for the character and achieve
ments of the emancipator were given
hefore many audiences, the celebration
of the Grand Army Memorial Associa
tion being prominent among the duy't)
Holds That Liquor Should Not Be
Sold on Property Owned
by State
Says He Will Lay It Before
Attorney General Brown
"I am certainly opposed to the
granting of any liquor license for a
property owned by the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania either here or any
where else and If the attorney general
were here to-day I would take the mat
ter up with him,' said Governor
Brumbaugh this afternoon when he
heard that an application for a license
had been made for an Eighth ward
saloon license for a building in Capi
tol Park extension bought by the
The application was made for the
Leroy Hotel, which was bought by the
State and which is stated in the ap
plication to be owned by the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania. The place has
had a license for years and is said to
have been conveyed to the State some
months ago, the occupant being given
privilege of remaining as lias been
done in other cases.
When property is transferred to the
State for park extension purposes It
is handed over by the Capitol Park
Commission to the Hoard of Public
Grounds and Buildings, of which the
Governor is chairman by virtue of his
j It is the intention of the Governor
;to take up the matter with tlie ut
torney general to see what authority
'the State has in the matter and it may I
Ihe possible that the State may ilgurc :
jas a remonstrant.
' Former Bank President
and His Wife Beaten to
Death by Two Burglars
By Associated Press
! Oakland. Cal.. Feb. 12.—Jacob \o
! gel. former president of the Citizens
Bank of Frultvale. and his wife, were
found murdered to-day in tlieir home
in l'rultvalc. a suburb. They had been
beaten to death by burglars, who first
trussed them up with ropes and Sirs.
Voxel's apron strings.
The bodies were found this morning
by Miss Hose Kist. a domestic, who
returned to the Yogel home after a
night spent with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Vogel are believed to
have been called to the door by two
men who seized them. bound their
bands behind their backs and, when
they made an outcry, beat them to
death. Tlic house was ransacked In
lan elTort to obtain a sum of money
i rumored to have been kept by the
Fanny Crosby, Well-known
Hymn Writer, Dies at Age
of 95 in Bridgeport Home
By Associated Press
Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 12.—Fanny
Crosby,, a well-known hvnin writer,
died to-day at her home in her 96th
Her death was not unexpected as
her health had been failing for some
time. Shortly before the end she be
came unconscious and remained In
that state until death. At her bedside
were her niece, Mrs. Henry D. Booth,
and other memners of the family with
j whom she long had made her home.
In spite o£ feeble health, especially
within the past few months Miss
Crosby continued writing hymns up to
a short time before her death.
By Associated Press
Berlin. Feb. 12. Via London, 10:45
A. M. The National Zeitung has pub
lished a dispatch from a correspondent
on the Russian border who says the
Russians are employing- thousands of
laborers to strengthen their second line
of defense. At the fortresses of Ivan
gorort, Rrest-Litovsk and Kovno men
are working day and night. At Brest-
I,ttovsk arrangements have been made
to flood the entire district, and for a
distance of seventv-flve miles the ter
ritory around the fortres has be . n
barred to ordinary travel. Great stores
of ammunition and provisions are be
ing laid in. These preparations, the
correspondent o' the National Zeitung
goes* on to say. make the inhabitants
fear that the Russians soon will be
seen falling back.
By Associated Press
Texas City, Texas, Feb. 12.—A score
which army men here declare is a rec
ord for the United States army In ma
chine gun tiring at floating targets was
made here last night by Private Claude
Blofrtnfleld, twenty-sixth infantry,
who at 500 yards, shooting at Illumi
nated targets, made 101 hits out of
102 shots. The entire company made
520 hits out of 1.200.
By Associated Press
Petrograd, via London, Feb. 12,
10.35 a. m.—No cases of cholera, have
been reported In Petrograd, is the re
ply of the Central News Agency of the
report that cholera Is prevalent in the
Russian capital.
By Associated Press
Lisbon, via Paris, Feb. 12, G. 36 a. m.
—That the government of Portugal
has resolved to carry out the policy
decided upon by Congress on August
8 and November 23 was the assertion
made yesterday by Foreign Minister
Monteiro In a statement to the press
regarding the international situation.
Wellington, N. Feb. 12. Via
London, Feb. 12, 5 A. M. All meat
Racking establishments on South Island
as *been closed down owing- to the
■ bortase of shipping facilities
Germany Freed From Hostile Forces Except in Portion of
Alsace; Corresponding Quiet Prevails Along West
ern Front; Portugal Ready With 100,000 Men to
Cast Her Lot With Allies If Occasion Arises
An official statement frbm Petrograd (
to-day makes it clear that the Rus
sian invasion of East Prussia Is
checked and that the invaders are re
treating to their own territory. Ger
many's version of the events which
brought this about has not been given,
and it Is not known whether there has
been heavy fighting or whether the
Russians are merely falling back be
fore the largely reinforced German
army. With the withdrawal of the
Russians, German soil will be freed
from hostile forces except in a por
tion of Alsace.
No further details have been received
of the great battle In the Carpathians,
and on the Warsaw front the Russian
attack which followed the latest Ger
man effort seems to have subsided.
Corresponding quiet prevails along the
western front.
The Portuguese foreign minister has
announced that his country will carry
out the policy decided upon early In
the war, involving adhesion to the
treaty with Great Britain requiring
Portugal to assist her with troops.
Portugal now has about 100,000 men
under arms. The foreign "minister
did not state whether immediate ac
tion would be taken to throw the
army into the Held with the allies.
By Associated Press
Paris, Feb. 12.—Trade of France
with foreign countries decreased 3,-
250,500,000 francs ($650,100,000) dur
ing the first four months of the war
as compared with the similar period of
By Associated Press
Berlin, via London. Feb. 12, 10.50
a. in.—An appeal to its readers not to
allow hatred for Great Britain to lead
them to insult English speaking per
sons in the streets is printed by the
Lokal Anzelger. The paper says it
may be assumed in the great majority
of such cases that the speaker* are
Americans. Tt reminds readers that
Harrtsburg Fire slightly damaged two frame houses
at 1217 and 1219 North Cameron street this afternoon
short 'y after 2 o'clock. The fire, according to the police,
started in 1217 from an overheated stove, burning through
the i artition to the adjoining house. It was said the occu
pants in one of the houses had been drinking. The houses
were occupied by several colored families. The damage
was estimated at sls. The fire started in the home cf
Charles Davis and spread to that of Joe Holstein.
Paris, Feb. 12, 2.51 P. ll.—An official statement given
out at tha War Office to-day announced the complete fail
ure of tha German offensive in Poland. Tha statement says
40,000 Germans were killed.
Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 12. Legal proceedings have
been started by Attorney General W. L. B*rtin against the
Montgomery Advertiser, to enjoin that newspaper from
publishing liquor advertisements. The proceeds will be
the first step to test the constitutionality of anti-liquor ad
vertising law passed Wednesday.
Tutuila, American Samoa, Feb. 12.—8y wireless.—Not
only at hurricane, but with it an earthquake and a tidal wave
swept No Man's Island of the Samoan group, as reported
here , two days ago. Fuller details received to-day show
that three persons were killed, one of whom was beheaded
by flying wreckage.
Gibeonburg, 0., Feb. 12.—Mrs. Joseph Kimbel, 70, was
murdared, and her husband, Joseph Kimbel, 72, was prob
ably fatally beaten by unknown men at their home, near
Bradner, Wood county, early to-day. Kimbel was reported
to hara kept a large sum of money about his house.
Washington, Feb. 12.—Inrestigation of charges of cor
ruftion in tka tart sanatori*) catrapttgcai In Pennsylvania,
Illinois aal «tfcar wea blocked ta-day, a© faru the
63rd Congress is concerned, when the Senate committee
which provides for the expense of sack inquiries decided not
to act.
London, Feb. 12, 12.15 P .M.—Edward Monroe, aged
106 years, one of the oldest veterans of the American Civil
War, was buried in London to-day.
'diplomatic representatives of tha
United States have assumed the pro
tection of Germans In lands with
which this country Is at war.
Duma Passes Resolutions
and Quits Until December
By Associated Press
Petrograd, Feb. 12.—The session oC
the Duma has been suspended by Im
perial ukase until the middle of De
cember or later. Before suspending
its sittings the Duma adopted the fol
lowing resolutions:
"First—That the government take
as rapidly as possible measures for the
relief of the provinces which has suf
fered from the operations of the war.
"Second—That the government work
out plans for a complementary law on
pensions, support of children of wi
dows living with their mothers as well
as Increased pensions for orphans left
by soldiers who have fallen on the
Held of battle.
"Third —That the military reserves
doing service as police be summoned
to the colors and be replaced by sol
diers who have left the army service
but still are capable of performing
police duty.
"Fourth—That a commission be ap
pointed by the ministry of foreign af
fairs to investigate violations of the
law of nations, rules and customs of
war by the German-Austro-Hungarian
and Turks as well as damages sus
tained by the State, public institutions,
societies and private persons."
By Associated Press
Berlin, via London, Feb. 12, 10.30 a.
ml —Miss Caroline Wilson of Beverly,
Mass., arrested here several days ago
on suspicion of espionage, was releas
ed yesterday through the efforts of
Ambassador James W. Gerard. Shei
came to Berlin as the correspondent
of a Chicago paper and was taken into
custody it was alleged because she dis
played Indiscreet curiosity concerning
naval, affairs, gun calibers and other