Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 08, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Established ilji
PrtsUmtt and Edittr-in-Chief
Managing Editor
Published every evening (except Sun
day) at tho Telegraph Building, 211
Federal Square. Both phones.
Ifember American Newspaper Publish
ers' Association. Audit Bureau ol
Circulation and Pennsylvania Associ
ated Dallies.
Eastern Office, Fifth Avenue Building,
New Tork City, Hasbrook, Story &
Western Office, Advertising Building
Chicago, 111., Allen & Ward.
Delivered by carriers at
<BKffilU»73nl> cents a week.
Mailed to subscribers
It |S.OO a year in advance.
Entered at the Post Office in Harrls
burg. Pa., as second class matter.
Sworn dally average for the three
★ months ending Jan.31,11)15.
21,757 ★
Avenge for the year 1914—23.213
Average for the year 1t13—21,577
Average for the year 1912—21,175
Average for the year 1811—15.851
Average for tlie year 1910>-17,495
IX an uptown school the other day
a little Italian girl approached her
teacher with head held high and
proudly proclaimed: "Wo are not
Italians any more; we are Americans.
My father .has got papers saying we
arc really, truly Americans; all of us,
we are all Americans, forever."
There is more in that than mere
childish pride in a new distinction.
The little girl unconsciously expressed
the great fundamental principle under
lying the growth and stability of this
nation. It is because so many of the
immigrants of other years cast off for
all time their allegiance to the coun
tries from which they came and de
voted themselves earnestly to adapt
ing themselves to their new surround
ings and becoming good citizens cf
the land of their adoption that Amer
ica is America, as we know it. No
body can be a good American until
he puts the United States first and
foremost in his thoughts among the
nations of the world. The newcomer
may look fondly back to Germany and
wish the Fatherland well. He may
cherish tender memories of old Ire
land or carry with hini to his dying
day sweet recollections of sunny Italy.
It is to be expected that he will. W T hat
concerns the land of his birth natur
ally concerns him, but only in a senti
mental way. It made life so difficult
that he fled to a new home, and,
naturally, he is devoted, with a devo
tion akin to passion, to that new
home —to the land of opportunity that
has opened its gates to him. Its in
terests are his interests, and the in
terests of his children and their chil
dren —and 10, he is an American,
ready to light and die for the flag, if
need be.
It is so that Americans are made,
and the little girl in the up-town
school merely voiced the sentiment
that on this continent has welded the
widely differing peoples of all the na
tions of the world Into one great,
harmonious, homogeneous whole, when
she. said: "We are not Italians any
more; we are Americans, forever."
Eliott-Fisher Typewriter com
pany has positions at its dis
posal for fifty young men of
Harrisburg and vicinity trained in the
salesmanship methods of that corpor
ation ought to be encouraging news to
many boys who have been inclined
to believe that there are no openings
left in the business world for the am
bitious youth of to-day without colle
giato education or family "pull."
The idea of the Elliott-Fisher com
pany in drilling Its own sales force
and building from the very bottom is
right up-to-date, if not a little ahead
of the period. The company is will
ing to take any bright, industrious
young man of *ood habits and pleasing
address, give him a course In sales
manship that would cost him some
hundreds of dollars if he got in a
commercial school, provide him with
a job and turn him loose to make good
on his own resources.
Nobody could ask for a more gen
erous offer, and the opportunity is
open for dozens of young men to enter
a line of work that in years to com©
will lead to advancement and promi
nence in a broad commercial field.
BACK of all child labor legislation
is an effort to give the youngsters
a cliance. In every community
there are boys and girls who
must work to help out the family In
come and In times like those through
which we are passing the wages
brought home at the end of the week
by the lad or lassie who works In a
mill, a factory or a store form a big
factor in keeping roofs overhead and
bread on boards. They also help to
keep the little workers clothed and to
furnish that share of amusement to
which youth is entitled. In times gone
by the labor of children was exploited
and if we believe some of the state
ments made there are people who
would overwork children now. But
we prefer to believe that the employ
ers of this present day are willing and
even anxious to give the youngsters a
chance that belongs to every one in
this broad land and especially in for
ever free Pennsylvania. Some es
tablishments which were decried as
horrible examples have been found to j
be modula and certain manufacturers
mlpr • 1 '
huvo been so progressive that the
beneficial laws will have to hustle to
overtake them.
The mere question of hours that
may bo worked is not of as much im
portance as giving the boy or girl who
must work the opportunity the times
decree. It has l>een found to be good
business to make a portion of the
hours of labor hours of Instruction.
The boy who Is given a chance to
learn is worth a lot more to his em
ployer than the boy who is placed in a
seat and given a machine that re
quires little more than the occasional
labor of hands and of whose construc
tion lie is not told, it has been found
that investment in schooling of Juve
nile employes has been profitable in
the end and the time has about come
when Pennsylvania can provide that
Bome portion of the period of work
shall be devoted to instruction and
that pay shall go on while learning.
Prominent manufacturers recognize
this and the details can and should be
worked out.
Every "kid" is entitled to his "white
alley," to use a slang term.
THE Health Board has asked for
two additional sanitary officers.
It does not appear that it is
going to get them. There is
neither the money nor the inclina
tion, it would seem. But there is a
secondary recommendation that Coun
cil might do well to consider. It is
this—that by turns the city police
force act as sanitary officers. It might
be possible to enlarge the duties of
the whole force in this respect. The
police could easily perform a larger
duty than the mere preservation of
order. It would be right in line with
present-day governmental ideas to
make each one of them a health of
lier with certain specific duties to
returned to Washington yester
day. It is to be presumed that
he will remain for a day or two,
looking over his mail and arranging
for more Chautauqua dates and politi
cal speeches. Perhaps, also, if he
finds time, he may give a little
thought to linal disposition of the
puzzling Werner Horn arrest, involv
ing, as it does, delicate points of di
plomacy; or the Dacia incident, or
the fate of the Wiihelmina, or the
equally obnoxious maritime decrees of
Germany and England, or the Mexi
can muddle. Perhaps he will, but it
is doubtful. These are matters for the
consideration of deputies, clerks and
underlings. They relate to nothing
more vital than the honor and the
peace of the nation. If such govern
mental trifles can be attended to so
as not to interfere with cliautauqua
and political speeches, all well and
good; if not, why, let them wait
Ticket-buying audiences demand that
the lecturer be on time, and far be it
from the purpose of the dulcet-voiced,
ducat-hunting Mr. Bryan to disap
point them.
HEARKEN to this from the lips
and heart of that veteran of the
English and American stage,
Ellen Terry, in the language ol'
a Philadelphia interviewer:
Oh, young people! Get married.
The woman who avoids romance
foregoes, as Meredith says, a celes
tial crown. Have grandchildren.
Well, my grandson, Teddy—Gordon
Craig's son. you know— Miss Terry
took a little copy book from her
desk and spread it open on lier
knees. It was tilled with Teddy's
stories about "the rat and the
crownle"—his pet name for a rab
bit—with extraordinary illustrative
pictures, done in colors. Miss
Terry hung over them, radiating
anecdotes of the youngster's clever
ness. Suddenly she stopped. "Is
lie really clever?" she demanded,
"or am I merely a grandmother?"
An actress whose highest ambition
is to be a worthy and happy grand
mother! Ye blond-liaired ladies of
calcimined countenances, who go flit
ling from one matrimonial bower of
infelicity to another, read and take
notice. Here is one who has rung all
the changes of theatrical fame and
who has found no greater joys than
those of family tics. Evidently stage
and home-life are not incompatible
after all, much as recent divorce court
records might have led one to sus
FOR some time people observing
economic conditions in Pennsyl
vania have been noting that the
trend of the times has been to
give the farmer what song and story
and orator have generally called "his
own." It does not require a man of
any extraordinary foresight to realize
that the Keystone State must raise
more food, and as agriculture is the
basis of living, officials, bankers, manu
facturers, legislators, scientists, in
short, men in many lines, have been
giving of their thought and various
means to make life on the farm more
comfortable and at the same time to
separate the farmer from the profits
on his products.
Now the State Is about to extend its
already noteworthy educational and
other works for the farmer. Life on
the farm Is to be detached from its
dullness and monotony. The social
center that was In existence at the
cross roads school house before they
lighted up the school buildings In the
city and unlocked the doors to the
neighborhood after dark is to be en
And all the time we have been
thinking about this policy to make
the boys and girls stay on the farm
and become husbandmen and house
wives and safeguarding the produce of
the farm the rural dwellers have been
working along their own lines. They
now have telephone systems and they
are no longer restricted to the creek
for a bath. Incidentally, a late State
report says that 7 per cent, of the
farmers of Pennsylvania own auto
The farmer appears to be approach
ing "his own."
Genius is onlj- great patience.—
< Button. |
Commenting upon the statement by
the author of a State publication on
the trees of Pennsylvania to the ef
fect that the original 120 varieties of
trees of tills State are still, represent
ed in the woods and forests of the
Commonwealth, a Harrisburger inter
|csted in outdoor life says that at least
[a third can be found within fifty miles
of Ilarrisburg. "Few people realize
what Interesting studies of ihc trees
of the State can bo found in the woods
and on the mountains not far from
Ilarrisburg," said he. "This portion
of the Susquehanna Valley never was
in any particular belt. No trees have
predominated as they have in other
parts of Pennsylvania. The trees about
here are mostly oak and Chestnut, but
neither one has been more abundant
than the other. Trees of many kinds
are abundant and the studies that
| could be made on the mountains in
tlie upper part of the county or over
on the York hills or in Perry county
would give plenty of material for a
book. The First mountain contains a
score of well defined varieties of trees
and a stroll along it some Saturday in
summer would repay anyone Interested
in forestry. The mountain shows what
could be done hereabouts tf people
planted trees as they should."
Talking about the reported grow
ing use of lime for fertilizing fields
in the State, prominent farmers say
that it has become necessary because
of the fact that many people have not
regarded the importance of manuring
fields. "If people would spread ma
nure in winter time as zealously as
they do in the Spring or Fall they
would bo surprised at the results.
What they should do Is to spread it
weekly," said he. "Spread it whether
there is snow on the ground or not.
Do not allow it to stand out in the
barnyard, but put it out on the fields
and scatter it generally. I know of
farms in Cumberland county that have
shown big returns from this custom
and it would help some in Dauphin
and Perry."
Presbyterians of this city and vicin
ity are taking an unusual interest in
the approaching ninety-ninth anniver
sary of the Sunday school of Market
Square Presbyterian Church which
will be celebrated within a fortnight.
This Sunday school, which is one of
the largest in this part of the State,
is the oldest in Ilarrisburg, although
the Presbyterian church is antedated
by the Reformed congregation. Mar
ket Square Sunday school has been
fortunate in having in its officers self
sacrificing men and women who have
given freely to their thought and time
that it might progress. The anniver
sary will be ol' much interest in the
general history of Harrisburg this
The Harrisburg Railways Company
countered on complaints about cold
cars in a clever manner the other day.
For some time people have been
"kicking" about cars not being as
warm as they should be. It was de
clared that the service was not good
to which company officials replied that
there was no cause for complaint.
Then they installed thermometers.
Some of the complainants insist that
the thermometers did not appear until
after some tests about heating cars
had proven unsuccessful.
As a matter of fact, say policemen,
the city has been bothered less by
tramps this winter than for a long
time in spite of the fact that last Fall
they were numerous and man?." good
strong men were out of jobs and "on
the road." One of the reasons ascrib
ed is that the winter set in early and
drove the tramps to the South, while
the men who would work managed to
get places in the cities and towns
which enabled them to keep off the
streets to a certain extent. There has
"been less begging than would be ex
pected and a good bit of that Is by
Speaking of "panliandllivg" there
are a couple of men who make syste
matic visits to various parts of the
city and Steelton. They are garbed
in a manner that is a good advertise
ment and they make the rounds about
once every two weeks. Each time
they have a different story and when
the stories get frayed they drop out
of sight for a time.
D. Clarence Gibbonev, the Phila
delphia reformer who has been here a
number of times in regard to his pro
position to reimburse liquor dealers
If prohibition comes, had an inter
change of views with "Billy" Sunday
the other day and did not get any
where. Sunday declined to accept his
views at all. Governor Brumbaugh
has not been impressed with them
Tt did not take long after the snow
began to fall yesterday for men con
nected with the track gangs of the
Pennsylvania railroad to get on the
job. Up through the yards they were
inspecting switches an hour after the
first flakes began to foil.
—Alexander Foster, who conducts
the Danville stove works, has resumed
operations to keep the force together.
—H. F. Denig, the Pittsburgh cham
ber of commerce traffic expert, is to
speak for that city before the Inter-
State Commerce Commission.
—T. S. Grubbs, long with the West
inghouse people, lias become connect
ed with the Union Switch and Signal
works in Pittsburgh.
—Alexander P. Gest, secretary of
the transportation officials of the
Pennsylvania system, was for a long
time head of the Belvidere division.
—D. A. Harmon, superintendent of
the schools of Hazleton, and a former
president of the State Educational As
sociation, is taking an active Interest
In legislative matters.
—Dr. Charles Harrison Frazier, of
Philadelphia, will make an address in
Philadelphia on public charity legisla
—Bishop Ethelbert Talbot addressed
the graduates of the Bethlehem pre
paratory school.
That Harrisburr Is in the center
of a belt of excellent building
■tone and can supply immense
quantities of limestone?
War Did Not
Shake Their Market
A manufacturer of a well
known household product, wideb
and splendidly advertised, re
ports that his business has ac
tually increased during the so
called "war depression."
He attributes the fact to more
discriminating buying.
He believes the public, edu
cated to a belief In the quality
of his product, turned to it in
dull times.
In this case advertising forged
n particular brand ahead at a
time when others were going
The advertising had estab
lished the idea of character in the
mind of tlie public, and In times
of stress that character was a
verituble gold niine of assets.
One Reason Why Warren Van-
Dyke Has Not Landed, Is Re
ported Disgust at Capitol
Penrose Says That the Republicans
Will Sweep the Country
Next Big Election
According to stories brought here
from Washington President Wilson
and the officials of the national ad
ministration are commencing to take
notice of tho manner in which men
opposed to the Palmer-MeCormlck
leadership arc shaping up things in
Pennsylvania Democratic affairs ami
tho election of Congressman John J.
Casey as a member of the ways an-J
means connnltteo over Palmer's man
Lcsher was not without effect.
—The fact that Palmer has not yet
landed in a berth is a subject of gen
eral comment although it is predicted
that he will be as well treated as
Guthrie, Klakslce and others who "re
formed" Pennsylvania Democracy and
promptly took big places.
—One of the stories brought here
is that the reason Warren Van Dyke.
secretary of the State Democratic
committee, has not been named as
revenue collector for this district is
that men not in sympathy with tho
Palmer-McCormick leadership have
gotten in behind T. K. VanDyke and
are demanding recognition for his
Democracy, which was as strong when
P.ryan ran as when Wilson was a can
didate. It is contended by these peo
ple that the machine Democrats have
had more than enough considering
the awful defeat into which they led
the party last Fall when they had
patronage and everything else in their
favor. Tt is said that the protests
against Warren and the support given
T. IC. have attracted much attention
among the top-notehers at Washing
ton who are said to be "on to" the real
situation in the Pennsylvania Demo
cracy at last.
—An interesting test of how the
Wilson people feel toward the dis
credited Democratic leaders of the
State will be furnished by the appoint
ment of the subtreasurer at Philadel
phia. Palmer and his coterie have
recommended John B. Evans, of
Pottstown, and Congressman Casey,
who trimmed Palmer in the Demo
cratic caucus, and others are asking
the appointment of Congressman Rob
ert E. Lee, of Pottsville. who fell out
side the breastworks. Congressmen
elect Dewalt. Liebel and Steele, the
latter Palmer's successor, are saifl to
be strong for Lee.
"Next year there will be a political
landslide, which will restore business
prosperity to the country and will
again entrench the Republican party
in power. It will mark the disappear
ance of the Progressive party, and the
complete merger of the Republicans
who strayed from the party fold in ;
1912 with the parent organization."
This statement was made by Senator
Boies Penrose at' Washington Satur
day night. "The situation in which
the Democratic party finds itself In
the Senate," continued Mr. Penrose,
"with its party lines broken and its
pet administration measure on the
verge of defeat, but accentuates the
situation that exists in the country.
Demoralization has overtaken them.
They are divided and they are passing
through a repetition of many previous
experiences, when their organization
could not hold intact and their lead
ers failed to keep their ranks un
broken. Although I have been back
in Washington but a few days since
the election, yet I have had an oppor
tunity to talk with a number of my
Republican colleagues in the Senate,
and I have found every one of them
hopeful of a Republican victory next
year and lull of confidence. They be
lieve that the party have good reason
to feel that way.
"Do you expect to see Colonel Roose
velt i>aeK in the party next year,"
Senator Penrose was asked. "I cannot
speak for the Colonel," said he, "but
we welcome all the Progressives, no
matter how for they have strayed
from the fold. There exists no reason
for a division in the Republican party.
We have a, common enemy to fight
in the Democratic party. We want
all the recruits we can get."
—The Philadelphia ledger yester
day reviewed the seventeen districts in
which judges are to be elected this
Kali and predicted that in all except
Philadelphia, Allegheny, Lancaster,
Northampton and Montgomery liquor
would be the issue. In the Mifflin-
Bedford-Huntingdon district, made
"dry" by Judge Woods, the judge will
run again. Other districts in this see
lion which elect will be Cumberland,
Franklin, Adams-Fulton and York.
Center and Tioga have lively cam
paigns on already. Others are Mer
cer, Beaver, Westmoreland and Wash
—Dr. M. M. Daugherty is now safely
on the public payroll as postmaster of
Mechanlcsburg. lie assumed office
last week, but will not start to clean
house for some time.
—Friends of Congressman Palmer
are expressing their pain at the tardi
ness of the national administration in
recognizing his sterling qualities aa a
patriot by appointing him to a place.
It, is intimated that Pnlmer will be
counsel to tho Trade • "ommisslon, but
tlio failure of tho administration to
come to the front is causing some
worry among the true patriots.
—The Philadelphia Uecord says:
"Announcement, was made in local
Republican clrcioa yesterday that tho
several election bills planned to
strengthen the organization grip bv
blowing out fusion, eliminating the
nonpartisan ballot and like shifts,
would not be presented by Senator
Crow, in tho Senate, to-night as origi
nally scheduled. On second thought
the leaders decided to discuss this
drastic legislation with Governor
Brumbaugh and obtain his views be
fore proceeding on their own account.
A lialt was called in the preparation
of the several bills, and It Is now
thought that some of them, if not all,
may be dropped In case the Governor
declares his opposition to any sweep
ing changes in the present election
[From tho Telegraph, Feb. 8, 18C5]
Fire Sweeps Two Blocks
Philadelphia, Feb. B.—Fire in this
city to-day destroyed two blocks of
dwelling houses on both sides of the'
street. Forty-seven dwellings were
burned and about twelve lives lost.
<irnnt. Advancing
Washington, Fob. B.—Grant is now
advanc ing against' l-.ee. A big Ijattle
is expected Monday.
Arrest Congressman
Tialtimoro. Feb. 8.- --Senator IT. S.
Footo. Ttcbel Congressman, has been
DONT - ( 1111 111T]
She: Will you I 3 f|
love me as well
when I'm old and fMHVor fy
He : Women c t^)
don't get gray I jfcjV
any more dear, I
with all the prep- I I
a rations there are ia
on the market *
Cholly: So you
yjrj —-. think your sister
Jst:l has a tender spot
In her heart for
Johnnie: I
Bk dunno but I
1 know she says
y° u « iv ° ier *
rnr iJfcu. 4 pain.
Now, young t ; "vs"tr
man, If you want . ■
to be a shining v s Tflfflh\
mark, keep away .v.'|ml -K ■ V
from the bright j |
It takes a long,
strong climb to
reach success.
Yes, and th«
only way to
reach It is by
keeping on the
• ,
•TVhat is that '
poet gabbling || J| 1
"His lost Le- '.
"He'd bet te r
put an ad In the Jg
lost column. By
the way, what la
a lenora?"
A After you re
(VUhVI fused Jack, did
9tfikJ&l/S t tain?* ain?
"UL"*^ — \ |M| Yes, but It was
tC * nother 8:lr1 '
By Wing Dinger
It's not uncommon nowadays
To get this time of year
Fres'i fruits and vegetables, too,
At prices mostly dear.
Which just a few years back were
In summer time alone —
I guess the time's not distant when
All year tliey will be shown.
But one thing that I've noticed 'bout
These out-of-season things.
They don't taste just exactly like
Those that the summer brings.
For instance, take the strawberries
That we ca-n t>uy to-day.
There's something lacking—they don't
The old-York-County way.
It's really wonderful. I think,
Tin things that they can do
By making Nature work o'ertime,
But they're just half-way through
With what they're trying to perform—
.Much time will go to waste—
I'ntil they find some way to grow
In things, the proper taste.
■J L »■! ■
Study does not hurt a child unless
the study time is taken from time that
should be spent In out-of-door exer
Overstudy and lack of exercise make
thin, bloodless children. It is a com
bination that provokes St. Vitus' dance.
If your child is thin and pale, list
less, inattentive, has a tickle appetite
and Is unable to stand still or sit still,
you must remember that health is
even more important than education.
See to it at once that the patient
' does not ovorstudy, gets at least two
hours out-of-door exercise every day,
sleeps ten hours out of every twenty
four and takes a nonalcoholic tonic
like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until the
color returns to check und Hps and the
appetite becomes normal.
For growing children who become
pale and thin Dr. Williams Pink Pills
are not only safe but in the great ma
jority of cases they are the very best
tonic that can be taken. They build
' up the blood and strengthen the nerves
: and assist nature In keeping pace with
rapid growth.
The IJr. Williams Medicine Com
■ pany, Schenectady, N. Y., will send you
two books on the blood and nerves if
you mention this paper. If your child
is very young ask for the booklet "The
Care of the Baby." Your own druggist
sells Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. —Adver-
Look Young ! Bring Back Its
Natural Color, Gloss and
Common garden sage brewed Into a
heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol
added will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxu
riant, remove every bit of dandruff,
stop scalp Itching and falling hair.
Just a few applications will prove a
revelation If your hair is fading, gray
or dry, acraggly and thin. Mixing the
Sago Tea and Sulphur recipo at home,
though, is troublesome. An easier way
is to get tlie ready-to-use tonic, costing
about 50 cents a large bottle at drug
store, known as "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a
lot of muss.
While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive
ness. By darkening your hair with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can
tell, because It does so naturally, so
evenly. You just dampen a sponge!
or soft brush with it and draw this
through your lialr, taking one small
strand at a time; by inornin all gray
hairs have disappeared, and, after an
other application or two, your hair be
comes beautifully dark, glossy, soft,
and luxuriant—Advertisement. i
111 A
By (ho TMff |i|||lll Hoy
I*ast nlte I went to church, the first
tlmo for seven months, exeeptln
through the Stow campaign which I
attended every mectln, but dldnt hit
the trail. Church business seems to be
pick In up since tho doctor srot em
roused, and lots of lokel trall-hittin is
Koin on, and the pasters is doin their
own shoutin, with good effects.
One of the nice things about church
la the pretty girls that do the singin
in the choir, and sit there sweet and
quiet trough the sermon, and do good
as attracksliuns for the fellos which
wouldnt otherwise be. These girls is
the true inlssinerles and do more good
than sendln pocket handkerchiefs with
verses on em to the nakid kannibels
in Africa, Asia, and the ilens of the
Artick sea.
When 1 was younger and foolishcr, I
ust to set and look at one of the nice
girls all the sermon, and I never heard
the preUchers tex, because there WHS
wore Inspirashun in lookin at her, eyes
and countin of the feathers on her hat,
and I always went out uplifted and
considerlble nobler in imaginashun.
Another nice thing at church Is the
singin of the choir and the music of
the organ in the anthum. It sounds
rich and sweet and sometimes far-away
and mornful, and it swells your
thoughts anil makes you feel generus,
Unnecessary Brain Fatigue
Imagination may help the man who
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chance of brain fever when all you have
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a Real Book BMy
the World's M
Cavalry Scout in Observation
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tract with The London Times gives us the right to
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Hii you put a nickel in the eolleekuhun
pluto instead of the penny you intended
Chinches an a rule is very Rood and
should bo better patronized by people,
it Is where you can KO onee a week
and see folks In their best u.ppearanco
and with all their cares and worries
throwed aside and covered by their
Sunday soots and dresses. You can also
see when your naliors lias a new hat
01 an addishun to the family.
f think I'll go regular to church and
try to let the preacher, and the slntTin,
and the pretty tflrls, and the KOOII skies
of my naliors exert their benetiuhal iti
lloonce upon me; because there Is lots
of evils In the Roins and the comlns ot
a messenger boy that needs counl
actln. 1 ~
[From the Telegraph, Feb. 8, 1860]
Kdltors to Sleet
The country editors of the State will
meet here to-morrow.
Much llo<;us Money
Many different kinds of counterfeit
money are in circulation.
To Take Cure of Soldiers
Petitions are beinK passed about
asking Congress to nive government
employment to disabled soldiers.
Dispatch is the soul of busi
ness.—Lord Chesterfield.