Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 08, 1915, Page 15, Image 15

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    Is Here Aiy Easier, Quicker, Surer Way Thai a Telegraph Classified Ad?
Ha rr is burg Telegraph
\\ itli over 23.000 copies circulated every day.
Readers of the Telegraph buy it and pay for it
because they want real news while it is news.
Most Telegraph readers read it through from the
P l , first to the last page and find the store news of its
/ news columns.
.In hundreds of Harrisburg homes the systematic
reading of Classified Ads has become a habit of
thrift which makes for a cheaper cost of living. If
you arc not already a confirmed Telegraph Classi
fied Ad reader, turn now to Classified page.
SUENHOUR on Friday. February :
S. ISIS. Mrs. Annie Eshenhour, aged
#3 years and :• months.
Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at •
o'clock, from her late residence. 132:;
Dward street. Burial Baldwin' Ceme
ry. Steclton. the Rev. Thomas Relsch
delating. The relatives and friends
e invited to attend without further
IETZ Mrs. Mary Bretz. on Satur
day evening. February S. 1?15, aged
i'J years. - months and 6 days. !
FJUneral on Tuesday afternoon, at -
cliit-k P. ft!., from her late residence,
if Wallace street. Relatives and
iTndti are invited to attend without
qkher notice.
ELTY Died. February 8, 1915. Mary I
A. Felty. of Penbrook. Pa., aged •«
year. 6 months and 2 days.
Services will br held Thursday after
•on. at 2 o'clock, from her late resi
nco. Relatives and friends are In
ed to attend without further notice.
Mt.ER Hied. Fridav morning. Feb-
Barv j, 1915. at 10 O'CIOCR, Lewis H.
ailler. of 14 North Fourteenth street. .
r employe of the Harrisburg Pipe and
Pipe Bending Works, aged 65 years.
Funeral services Monday evening, at,
:30. from his '.ate residence, the Rev.
r. Smucker officiating. Body will be j
uken to Tremont Tuesday noon, at
1:35. where burial will take place. He
as a member of the Odd Fellows, of
iiis city, and also of Tremont. Rela
ues and friends are Invited to attend
Ithout further notice.
I.OST 55.00 reward for return of
rown and wliite long-haired dog. lost
Li Steelton. Check No. SlO2 on collar.
• aitje Bundas. Joseph Kuril, --1 Main
treet, Steelton. Pa.
1/jgT 55.00 bill and two SI.OO bills
n 26 Cent Store, Saturday. Two women '
re known who picked it up. and if not
( turned to this office they will be dealt
■.-ith according to law.
UOST On Thursday afternoon, a
nail, gray, lady's purse, containing a
m of money. pfOoa'oly on Third street
ar the Post Office. Finder will be
twarded by returning the same to 226
:s.t» street. Harrisburg.
FOUND The wa.v to end your
Jting and dyeing worries, by calling
(her phone for Kggert's Steam Dye
- and French ''leaning Works, 124 a
, jfket street. We call and deliveu.
MEN Mechanical Draftsmen earu ■
g wages. Complete course at home. J
t months. Low rates. Modern Cor
i tspondtnee School. Newark. N. J.
WANTED Experienced Black
smith, and all-around man. to do horse
shoeing and wagon repairing. Address
Uox 1510. care of Telegraph. ;
WANTED Railway mail and postal j
clerks: examinations soon; over 2,000
appointments yearly: prepare at home;
write for Plan No. 15 of payment after
■cpointment. Philadelphia Business
College. Civil Service Dept., Philadel
phia. Pa.
WANTED. Ablebodied. unmarried men
between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of
United States, of good character and
temperate habits, wiio can speak, read
and write the English language, l-'or
Information apply to Recruiting Officer, '
Bergner Building, 3d & Maiket Sts..
Karrisburg; 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster;
251 Pine St, Willlamsport; 37 W. Mar
ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St-
Shaanokin. Pa.
BECOME Railway Mall Clerks: Har
r fburg Mail Carriers s6s.uu to $150.00
n ontli Pull unnecessary. Schedule of
Winter and Spring examinations —free.
I'ranklin Institute. Dept. 361-B. Roches
ter. N. T.
WANTED Four hustling solicitors, '
vho possess honesty and energy, to
work' salary or commission basis Ap
i>lv at 316 South Twenty-ninth
street, Penbrook. Pa., after 4 o'clock
1 M. j
MEN WANTED to become practical
rl-auffeurs and mechanics. As opportu
nity- afford* students will be glvco
,'ance while learning . to. earn 30c an
i hour 9n overhauling work. Make ap-
I ai'.Wnn at once. Special course for
TOJie* Day and night schools. Auto
■> raiisportatlon School an«l Machine
Shop, a-7 North Citmrron btreet.
/ i
Single and en-suite
Running water
All outside rooms
Elevator senior
City steam h<at
in the
212 Locust St.
Fire lasoranee Surety IJoad,
Lveust mmd C ourt Street*
V —^
Merle E, Keller gives private
lessons In Shorthand, Type
writing, Penmanship, Dictation, etc., at
class instruction rates to students who
want Direct Results. Several open
periods. Call to-day. Room 307,
Patriot Building.
held soon. Railway Mail Clerks: P. O.
Clerks and Carriers: Stenographers.
Private and Individual tutoring at rea
sonable rates. Address Tutor, P. O.
; Box 431. Harrisburg.
, and coffee and merchandise in Hum
melstown. Carlisle. Mechanlcsburg and
I'hambersburg. Apply Tamsui Tea
j Co.. 331 Market street. Second Floor.
WANTED Tinner; permanent po
sition to right man. Apply at once,
Twenty-ninth and Main streets, Pen
! brook.
MEN AND WOMEN Good proposi
tion for right parties. Apply between
» 5 and 7 P. M. and 8 to 10 A. M„ A. P.
1 Dorant, 1318 Susquehanna avenue.
HA.S registered 2$ new pupils, and has
room for a tew more, day or evening.
All pattern cutting is taught by meas
ure. You make your own dresses while
learning. Works Dressmaking School,
22 North Fourth street.
DO easy, pleasant coloring work at
home: good pay; no canvassing: no ex
; perience required. Write Gleason-
Wl-eeler Co.. 337 Madison, Chicago.
, WANTED Young lady for office
work. One having previous experience
preferred. State age, salary expected,
and place where formerly employed.
Address No. 1517. care of Harrisburg
WANTED—Experienced help.
Apply "Silk Mills," Cor. Second
and North "Sts.
' LADIES lmmediately. Filling and
labeling boxes.- Homework. Evenings.
Steady. No experience. sl2 weekly.
No canvassing. Excellent opportunity.
Enclose stamp. Erina Specialty Co..
Toronto, ont.
Stands for lndividual Instruction.
Best known methods In teaching. Real
touch typewriting. A personal Interest
•in each student My guarantee—To
prepare students for good positions.
To aid them In securing employment
Tuition will be charged for 7 months
only. Free after that time. Free trial.
11 North Second street
1 WANTED Young colored man. 19
years old. wants position: can furnish
tirst-class references. Call, or address,
;i: li Marion street.
WANTED Young colored man. fair
education, desires position as ' butler,
houseman or work of any kind. Call,
or address. 105 Filbert street.
WANTED A young man, 26 years
old. would like position as an interpre
ter or any other position: speaks nine
mfferent languages. Bell phone 282.
i United 150 F. or apply 318 Catherine
WANTED By reliable man, posi
tion as moving picture operator: six
> ears' experience; dependable. G. W.
I*. 1005 North Third street. Bell phone
735 W.
WANTED Young man wants posi
tion: six years' clerical experience, one
yea* shipping and stock clerk; furnish
r> ferences if required. R. S. L,, 235'
L'errv street. 1459 J.
»l rr VTIONs \\ ANTKD —Female
WANTED Young widow, with child
eight years old. desires position as
housekeeper for widower. Address \\\,
1."29, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Colored girl desires po
sition a* waitress, chambermaid or gen
e;al housework. Call, or address,
i ICOO 5» Liberty street.
WANTED Colored woman desires
position as first-class laundress, or
day's work of any kind. Call, or ad
t ilress. 521 Brown avenue.
1 WANTED Colored woman desires
work of any kind, in or out of town.
Please call, or address. 549 Showers
avenue. Room 7, second floor.
I WANTED White girl desires work
of any kind. Call, or address, 502
Strawberry avenue, or call United phone
441 Y.
WANTED By middle-aged woman,
position as companion to elderly lady,
or as.housekeeper for widower- no ob
jection to one or two children. Ad
dress M., 1519, care of Telegraph.
j WANTED Colored girl desires gen
;eral housework: can furnish reference.
I Call, or address. 1308 North Seventh
WANTED A young, colored wo
man desires a position as child's nurse
j or lady's maid; can furnish best of ref
' erence. Address 1525, care of Tele
woman cari»-~ for children by the hour
or day. day's work or cooking. Address
1525, care of Telegraph.
WANTED White woman desires
washing and fanoy ironing: to do at
home. Call, or address. 652 Boas street.
J WANTED l«adv wants position trs
I dishwasher, or chambermaid. Address
t 602 Cumberland street.
! WANTED A second-hand cash
{ register. Must be in tirst-class condi
i tion. Box D. Herhey. Fa.
I FOR SALE Property No. 1913 Penn
I street; brick house; front and back
(porches: cemented cellar: fully improv-
Ird: model home for small family price
right to quick buyer. Apply rn
| INVESTMENTS 1223 Bailey,
j $1,600. rent $14.00; 173 North Fifteenth,
$2,550. rent $26.00; 1350 North. $2,100;
115 North Eighteenth, $1,200. Irwin M.
Cassell, Real Estate and Insurance, 1414
FOR SALE 213 Orescent street, one
'storeroom and eight living rooms: all
: improvements: has buildings on rear
! facing another street. Apply 213 Cres
! cent street.
I FOR SALE 430 Hamilton St.
corner property 3-story frame 7
i rooms and bath good condition.
| Price, $2,200.00. Brinton-Packer Co.,
: Second and Walnut streets.
' WE offer you lots at Cloveriy
i Heights at attractive prices and easy
; terms. Why not buy a desirable lot
and build according to your require
i ments. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and
I Walnut streets.
I FOR SALE Lots at Penbrook 30x
130. Paxtang and Riverside. Also for
sale one frame house, centrally located.
In the cKy; fi rooms, bath and attic;
hot r.ir heat. Price. »2,100. For terms
apply to S. Haideman & Co.. Carpen
ters and Builders. 3222 Nortn Sixth
street. Job work promptly attended
to by calling Bell phone MSMS.
FOR SALE An up-town brick
honse S rooms bath gas fur
nace porch drive alley on rear
will be sold at sacrifice. Owner has
gone to Florida. Bell Realty Co.. Berg
ner Juilding.
FOR SALE Several plots, contain
ing from one to five acres, located near
trolley line. Suitable for chicken or
truck farm. Near city. Cheap to quick
buyer. Address Box 1497, care of Tele
Can offer cheap, exceeding fine lot
containing about three acres land, suit
able for chicken farm. Near fine resi
dential section. Jonestown Road, trolley
and city market. Will sacrifice to quick
buyer. Address "Opportunity," care of
Telegraph Oftlce.
AN up-town brick house. S rooms,
bath. gas. furnace, porch; drive allev
on rear: will be sold at sacrifice. Owner
has gone to Florida. Bell Realty Co.,
FOR SALE Small fruit and chicken
farm. 3 acres. 2 -story frame house,
hog sty, smokehouse, chickenhouse 48x
16, all in A No. 1 condition; also S5
fruit trees and all kinds of berries, two
wells. $950.00. Inquire Amos Peters,
3240 Main. Progress. Pa.
FOR SALE Apartment house, 404
North Second street; five apartments
and store: steam heat and all modern
Improvements. Apply, or address, M.
Mall, 266 Herr street.
FOR RENT 1427 North street; S
rooms: hall; bath; all improvements;
front and rear porches: side entrance; ;
near trolley. Rent, S2O. Inquire A. M.
Noll, Fifteenth and North streets.
FOR RENT March 1. No. 411 North
Se nd street, 3-story brick. Will alter
for business. Apply 309 North Second
FOR RENT No. 465 Crescent ]
street, new eight-room house; all con
veniences; gas and electricity; large
front porch; central location; rent, S2O.
Apply 4>9 Crescent street.
FOR RENT llO Sylvan Terrace.
3-story brick house; S rooms and bath;
all conveniences. Apply to above ad
dress. or 133 South Fourth street. Steel
ton. Pa.
Walnut street, one storeroom and three
living rooms. Apply 213 Crescent
FOR RENT Bl3 North Second
street; 3-story brick; 9 rooms and
bath: all Improvements: electric bells
all rooms to kitchen; excellent location.
Possession April 1. Apply 1100 North i
Front street.
FOR RENT Houses with all Improve
ments at moderate rentals. J. E. Gipple,
1251 Market street.
FOR RENT Apartments at south
east corner Fourth and Pefler streets. ;
Ail conveniences at reasonable rent !
Outside porch. Apply B. F. Limberger.
103 North Second street, or 427 Peffer
FOR RENT Furnished apartments. |
two or tour rooms: rent reasonable; all
conveniences. Apply before 6 o'clock.
€2l North Second street, after 6 o'clock, :
iU North Second street. Bell phone
rooms and bath, with all modern con
veniences. Apply 111S North Sixth
—Floor of two or four rooms, furnished
or unfurnished, for housekeeping. Large
back porch, private meters, bells anil
letter boxes. 1417 Market, or call Bell
phone 897 J.
FOR RENT Apartment, second
lioor: 4 rooms with bath; citv steam
heat: gas and electric lights; call bells;
hot and cold water: central location.
1524. <-are of Telegraph.
WANTED Bachelor apartment, un
furnished. two rooms and bath; down
town section; rent not to exceed *2O per
month. Address A., 1530, care of Teie
graph Office.
WANTED Two ' oinmunicatlng
housekeeping 'rooms, separate entrance i
to «-acii room, private family: walking
distance: moderate. Address H., 1531
care of Telegraph.
WANTED By refined, young mar
ried <-ouple. furnished apartment or
rooms, for light housekeeping; refer
ences furnished. Address R„ 1527 care
of Telegraph.
WANTED Two men boarders
room: nil conveniences, including use
of Beil phone. Apply 1260 State street.
FOR RENT- Large, second-story
furnished roorti. with privilege of use"
of kitchen, near Thirteenth and Market
streets. Call Bell phone 499 M.
FOR RENT Three rooms 11'10
North Front street, for colored people
only. Apply 226 Chestnut street.
FOR RENT Two up-to-date light
housekeeping rooms: private family
rent reasonable. Apply at 1315 Swatara
FOR RENT —— Furnished roc ma.
single or ensuite: all conveniences in
cluding phone: reference required. ' An
ply 1015 North Front street
FOR RENT—Large, front room- cen
t al location: all conveniences; use of
phone. Apply 209 State street
FOB RUNT Two nicely furnished
| rooms, second lloor, wltli use of bath
and phono; a few steps to the trolley;
tine location. 203 Kelker street. Phone
' No. 17«3\V.
i FOR RENT Widow wishes to rent
room to middle-aged lady. Apply to
! 427 Kelker avenue.
; FOR RENT Two furnished front
rooms for man and wife, or two gentle
i men. 3t> South Harrisburg street,
Steetton. Pa.
' i l"OH RENT I-arge, cosily furnished
front room, for two gentlemen. in small,
•lefined private family on Allison Hill;
1 , good location, conveniences and home
• I comforts. Price, SIO.OO per month
each, including breakfast and wasli
i ing. or $15.00 for one man. Address
S.. 1521, care of Telegraph.
i FOR RENT—With or without board,
I nicely furnished second tloor rooms;
small private family. 45 North Six
teenth street. City.
FOR RENT Furnishe . rtoms,
. with bath and use of phone: river
■, view; excellent location; reference re
i I quired. Apply 2015 North Second
j street.
WANTED— Boarders, man and wife;
terms reasonable; only two in family;
I near Reservoir Park entrance; refer
lences exchanged, For further particu
lars apply 1833 Regina street.
| FOR SALE Motorcycle. In good
I condition, cheap. David Bretz. Eberly's
i Mills.
S7OO 'WILL BUY a Reo Touring Car
with electric starter and lights—over
j hau'ed—late model. Apply to Hotten
j stein & Zech, care City Auto Garage.
♦ 750 WIUi Bl'Y a 5-passenger .TefTery
—like new—original cost over $2,000
brand-new tires. Apply to llottenstein
Zech, care of City Auto Garage.
$l5O WILL Bl'Y a 1911 Reo Touring
Car good tires; mechanical condition
llrst-class. Apply to llottenstein &
Zech, care of City Auto Garage.
FIRST $250 takes 1910, 5-passenger
touring car —in good running order.
Af.ply to Hottensteln & Zecli, care of
City Auto Garage.
FOR SALE At Gables. 111-117 S.
Second street. Red Tip, Ring Point,
Blizzard, Rowe Junior. Can't Slip, eiiant
Grip and Always Sharp Calks.
i SPECIAL for two weeks at Baturln
' & Co., 1006 North Third Btreet—s lbs.
I Buttcrine (the best), with 5 lbs. Sugar,
for $1.21. One lb. Butterine, 19c.
FOR SALE Grocery store doing a
profitable cash business. Owner leaving
city. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street.
MOTORCYCLE Twin cylinder Har
l»y-Davidson; fully equipped. Cheap
to quick buyer. Call 1042 South Sev
enteenth street.
FOR SALE L«ong established, pay
ing Ice Cream and Snowball Factory.
: Owner wishes to retire. Will sell rea
' sonable. Closest investigation Invitees.
I Particulars at Spangenberg's, 507 Relly
street, City. Bell phone 345 W.
PUBLIC SALE Thursday, Febru
ary 11. at 1 o'clock, at 1114 Market
street, a large lot of new and second
hand furniture. Anyone having furni
ture or store stock for sale, drop me
ja card. C. Fry, 1114 Market street.
I Bell phone.
' FOR SALE SIOO.OO will buy newly
I painted Pope-Waverly electric run
about. with charging equipment. Good
operative condition. Inquire Bell phone
! 3:;75J.
j BOUGHT aft the Velour Hats from
H. C. Dodge, The Hatter, at a sacrifice
; price. Will sell them for 75c apiece;
' former prices. $3. $4 and $5. Come and
look them over. S. Meltzer 51" Wal
nut street. Open ei-enings.
FOR SALE Bought all the Mara-
J liou and Ostrich (mixed) Mufts and
Scarfs from H. C. Dodge. The Hatter,
at a sacrltice price. Will sell them
from $3.9" up: former prices. $15.00 to
I J55.00. Also odd Scarfs, 98c. Come and
! look them over and be convinced. Open
| evenings. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut
I street.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
j Telegraph Business Oftie.
i CIGARS For a limited time we are
giving 50 "Madame X" and 26 "Miss
Lou" Cigars for 51. postpaid. Snell &
i Co., Red Lion, Pa.
I IN order to make room for a large
shipment of new cars in transit, will
i st 11 new and used trucks on haifti at a
j sacrifice. Here is an unusual opportu-
I nity to buy a good truck. Harrisburg
lAuto Co.
FOR SALE 1 small Vletrola and
! 29 double-disk records for $20.00 cash;
jalj - 1 Old Trusty Incubator. 110 eg'gs.
i for s4.ou Apply at once. W. E. Slur
ray, New Cumberland. End of car line,
! eree'i biidt^e.
FOR SALE Owner will sacrifice
ids new one-ion truck, with express
I body, cost $1,700, for $650 cash. This is
a real bargain. Address R., 1528, care
j »>f Telegraph.
1 FOR SALE yuartered oak dining
, suit, parlor suit, davenport, brass bed,
I dresser chiffonier, used one and one
half years: also canned fruit. Must sell
( or. account or ueath. No dealers. In-
I quire 103 Evergreen street.
FOR SALE Small truck, with ex
press body, in fairly good shape. Will
sell for SIOO. Harrisburg Auto Co.
i FOR SALE A real business oppor
tunity. A retail oyster, fruit and lunch
goods store and market stalls. Excel-
E nt reason for selling, and good offer
• to quick buyer. 1522. care of Tele
FOR SALE Ford Touring Car for
! sale cheap. Bargain for someone.
| Bell phone 100.
FOR SALE One automobile Road
ste- Buick. 1914: self-starter: electric
;>eht;" run a short time; party leaving
the city. Address H., 1518. care of Tele
FOR SALE One beautiful dining
room set. Call B' 11 phone 11G9L
FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up
to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large
Goldfish and Globes of all sizes. Bird
Seeds, natural fish food and supplier at
Gebiiardt's. the "Bird Man," 1004 North
Third, between Boas and Herr.
' secured at tho Telegraph Business
1 office.
; FOR SALE Fine collection of Vlr
trola Records, In good condition: soir"
j singly or any nural'jt one-third »fT list
ed price; 200 Red Seal and others. 230
!\Vest State street. B«ll phone 6S6R,
GLASS window ' r,lgn*. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
, Board and Table Hoard at 20c each. One
o: these slrns will bo given with each
six-time order for a classified !jd. If
paid in advance. Inquire at Off ten of
j Telegraph.
j BUSINESS Ol'POßlL.Vrj'lfcs
ON account of ill health, I offer for
sale my entire stock of General Mer
chandise. also an excellent Tea and
Coffee Route. Must be sold quick.
1 Special bargain for quick buyer. Call,
: i or address. Lock Box 13. Swatara Sta
tion. Pa.
at inventory and fixtures at reduced
price. Corner property, good location,
not previously offered. Get particulars
at once. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
1 Building.
Six-chair shop and equipment there
with: this shop Is centrally located on
la prominent street in Harrisburg. All
I details at Bell Realty Co., Bergner
| Building.
In town of SoO; good location and good
business. Best of reasons for selling.
Low price. Address R. S. Klucker. New
Btoomtield. Pa.
FOR RENT Uasollne sidewalk
privilege Must have $350. Address
P. O. Box 402. City.
Restaurant for Sale. Cheap to
quick buyer. On main street
doing fair business. Apply Hap
ple & Schwartz, Real Estate
Agents, Mcchanicsburg, Pa.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding Xor newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Snydlcate. 798, Lock
port. N. Y.
PIANO MOVING by experts. Winter
Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. Call
146, Bell phono.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market
street. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
Diamonds and Jewelry bought for
highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner
Jeweler. No. 1 North Third street. Beli
[phone 1274 L.
11. \V. LATHE. Hoarding Stable sail
.National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and genera! haul
ing. 1L W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2505 R.
I ture bought and sold. Highest cash
prices paid. Drop postal, or phone
3718 J. Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Mar
ket street.
with best material and by expert help
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction, a N.
Ciuck. S2O Woodbine street
HONEST, Industrious people without
Real Estate, Stocks or Bonds, can se
cure sjnall LOANS here consistent with
sound business at Legal Rates. Small
Payments. Prompt, courteous, confi
dential service.
Profit-Sharing Loan Society,
Second Floor. 8 N. Market Square.
ANY person _ needing money in
amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal
aried position, would be benefited, by
calling on us. Employes' Discount Co.,
30 North Third street.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security in any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P. o
Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa.
LOANS —$5 to S2OO for honest work
ing people without bank credit at less
than legal rates, payable In Instalments
to suit borrowers' convenience.
Loan and Investment Co
204 Chestnut Street
new eight-story brick warehouses, one
absolutely fireproof divided into fire
proof pri ate rooms ot various sizes for
the storage of household goods; the
other warehouse of the most approved
type of fire retardent construction for
general merchandise. They are equip
ped with two large electric freight ele
vators and spiral cnute for the quick
and safe handling of household goods
and all kinds of merchandise. Low
storage rates. South Second street near
Paxton. on the tracks of Penna. R. R.
IN 3-story brick building, rear 40$
Market street.
Household goods In cleau, private
rooms. Kensonable rates. Apply to
P. G. Hlener, Jeweler. -IOS .llnrket St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Broad street. Both phones.
THE undersigned Trustee appointed
by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin
County, to sell the real estate of Henry
!'. Young, deceased, in proceedings in
partition, will ofTer .it public sale at
the Court House, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
on Saturday, the 27th day of Febru
ary, 1915. the following described real
No. 1. Beginning on Walnut Street,
nt a point the corner of city numbers
604 and 50S: thence along said street
eastwardly thirty-four <34> feet ami
six <6) inches, to a point, the corner
of city lot 508 and 510: thence by city
number 510 thirty-one '3l) feet six (H)
incites, to a point: thence eastwardly
two (2) feet two and one-lialf (2'/a>
inches to a post: thence by line of city
number 510 northwardly one hundred
and twelve (112) feet and six <6>
inches, more or less, to a private alley;
thence along said alley and along Angle
Alley westward!}" thirty-eight (38) feet
and six *6) inches, more or less, to a
point the corner of city numbers 504
and 50ii: thence by line of city number
604 southwardly one hundred and fifty
five (155) feet, ntor.e or less, to place
of beginning.
Reing lot numbers 606 and 508 Wal
nut Street In the City of Harrisburg.
Having thereon erected a two-and-a
half-story brick dwelling, a shop, and
other outbuildings.
including the right In common with
Nog. 510 and 512 Walr.ut Street to said
private alley being fen <10) feet wide
and extending from 512 Walnut Street
to Angl* Alley in rear of Nos. 508 and
510 Walnut Street.
No. 2. A certain lot of ground, situ
ate the Township of Susquehanna,
County of Dauphin and Stat- of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows. to wit:
Commencing at the corner of' Elm
Street and Sixteen feet Alley and ex
tending along said Alley townrds Penn
Street one hundred and eighty (180)
f.-et to a Si::teen feet All*;- running
poraltri with Penn Street: thence along
said Allev thlrt"" feet to a line of
lot No. 2: thenc.- along sahl line at
right angles with P nn Street 0:1 c bun
dled and eighty (ISO) f.>et to Elm
Street: thence along Elm Street thirtv
feet to the corner of Elm Street and
s Sixteen feet .'.llcy. the place 1' be
ginning and being lot number One (1)
In Block number seven (7) in plan of
lots laid o-.it bv David Munima.
TERM 1 ' OF —Ten j>e»* cnt. on
tl. ,),•-• of sr:V. IS per cent- 011 the con
firmation «-f the sale by t'ip Court. a\d
the balsto-e on the Ist Haj of April,
1915. when a de»d tin •> fore will be
Ol' I> \! PHI.V • ot \TV
NOTICK i« hereby klven that an ap
plication will b«-t made to the above
Court on Tui"tl*y. February 2:;, ISI4, at
10 o'clock A. M.. under the "Corporation
Act of IST4" of the Co:n >miwcaltli of
Pennsylvania, and tlio supplements
thereto for tlie charter of »v intended
corporation to be called TITF* lIAHIIIS
STITI'TK. The said corporation . Is
formed for the purpose of the accumu
lation of a fun.l means of Initiation
fees. dues and assessments of !t»: m.m
bers and application" of such funds for
the establishing, mt'lntnlni'.p' and car
r-*lnr on a ! hool for th* training and
eldccntinc the Jewish yooth in the
."*-wish history and reliction and 'no
1 !«•!.'«\r lansruasre ami literature. and
for thopp pur-'oses to have and to pns
• ">nd to f-njoy all riffhts, bene
fits an ! privileges of the said Oct of
Assembly and Its supplements.
Railroad Issues Inclined to Lower
Level at Opening, But
Soon Recover
Uy Associated Press
New York. Feb. s.—The iorelg'l
situation was again the cause of soino
Irregularity in to-day's early stock
market, leading shares showing varia
ble changes. The feature was Bethle
hem Steel which rose 2 points to a
new high record. Railroad issues in
clined to a lower level, but soon re
covered, Southern Pacific moving up I
a point, interest attached to the move-!
| nient of Canadian Pacific which rose i
over a point in London. By the end of'
the half hour the end of the list wasl
firm under lead of Reading and l\ S.
Furnished by H. M. Snavelv,
208 Arcade Building.
New York, Feb. 8.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
Alaska G M 28 1 ; 30 28'» 30
Amal Cop . 53 > 8 53 % 52*4 53 %
Am Bt Sug 38 39 37*4, 38%
lAm Can .. 28 1, 28% 28 28%
!Am Cot Oil 47 484 7'a 48%
|Am Loco . 21'4 21'j 21'4 21« i.
jAm Smelt . «2 64' i 62 «4U
Am Sugar . 103 103 V 102% 102%
Am T & T. 120 120% 120 120%
Atchison .. 93% 93% 93% 93%
B&O. ~ . 69% 69% 69 69
Beth Steel. 54% 57% .">4% 56%
Bklyn RT. 87% 87% 87% 87 %
ICalPetro.. 19% 21% 19% 20%
i l 'an Pacific 154% 157% 154' i 157%
Hd&Leath 34% 36% 34% 36*
C & 0 43 43 43 43
C, M&St P 87 87% 87 87
C Con Cop. 35% 36% 35 % 36
brie 22 % 22'- 22% 22%
Erie Ist pf 35% 36% 35% 36%
Gen Motors 94 94
Goodrh HK 33 33 % 32% 32% ;
Gt Nor pfd 111% 114% JI4U 114%|
Gt X Ore s 30% 32 30% 31% I
Gugr Exp . 51% 51% 51% 51%
In-Met ... 12% 18%
In-Met pfd 57 67% 56% 56%
Lehigh Val 135 135 134% 134%
Louis & X. 117 117
Mex Petro. 76% 76% 76% 76%
Mo Pac .. 10% 11% 10% 11%
Nat Lead.. 47 4 9 4 7 49
NevCC.. 11% 11%
N 1 Cent.. 88 88% 88 88%
NY.NH& II 50% 50% 50% 50%
Nor &W .. 101 101 100% 100%
Nor Pac .. 102% 103 102% 102%
PR R ... 104% 105% 104% 105%
111 Central ex-div. 2%.
Pgh. Coal.. IS% 19 18% 18%
Pgh. C pfd 89% 90% 89% 90%
RyStlSp.. 23 23
R C Copper 17% 17 % 17% 17%
Reading .. 145 145% 144% 145',..
RI & S .. 19% 19% 19% 19%
RI & S pfd 73% 74% 73% 74%
So Pacific. 83 V, 84% 83% 83%
So Railway 15% 15% 15% 15%
I So Rwy pfd 55 55
!Tenn Cop.. 29% 29% 29% 29%
J Texas Co . . 133 133 '
iThird Ave. 46% 46% 46% 46%
l Union Pac. 118% 119% 118% 119%
[U S Rubber 57 57 56 % 66%
| XT. S. Steel 40% 41 40% 40%
U S S pfd. 103% 104 103% 104
iXJtah Cop.. 52% 52% 52 52%
[West U Tel 63%. 64 63% 63%
West Mfg.. 70% 70%
JWoolworth Exdiv. 1%.
Philadelphia, Feb. B—Stocks closed 1
Cambria Steel 4314
General Asphalt ....Aske 30
Gen. Asphalt. Pfd 65
Like Superior Asked 9
Lehigh Navigation 7514,
Lehigh Valley 67%
Pennsylvania Railroad 52 9-10
Philadelphia Electric 23'^
Philadelphia Company ....Asked 33
Philadelphia To.. Pfd Asked :'.4
Phila. Rapid Transit Asked 10
Reading 72 9-16
Reading General Mortgages .... 94%
Storage Battery 47 i„
I Union Traction Asked 36 "
United Gas Improvement 82
1 United Slates Steel 40%
Chicago, 111., Feb. s. Hogs Re
cciots. 42.000 dull. Bulk of sales, 56.75({«
6.90: light, (6.70® 6.95; mixed, $6.65®
|7.fto; heavy. $6.55®6.95; rough. $6.55
I 6.6© ; pigs, $."i.40a6.40.
1 Cattle Receipts. 13,000; steadv. Na-
Itive steers. J5.60®9.10: western, $5.20®
17.40; cows and heifers, $3.10® S. 00;
calves. sß.oo® 12.00.
j Sheep Keceipts, 12,000; strong j
| Slieep. st>.lof(i>6.9u; yearlings, s7.4oft
I 8.00; iambs. $5.80®8.80.
New York. Feb. 8. Reading de- I
> dined again In the late trading, the en
tire list reacting with some recovery In I
; the final dealings. Tile closing was I
: firm.
Stocks were dull and irregular dur- !
; ing the greater part of to-day's ses- i
sion. Specialties gained one to three!
| points.
Miss Mary Graff, aged 13. of Ingle
nook. was operated for appendicitis at
1 the llarrisburg hopital late Saturday
afternoon. Her condition is reported
j improved to-day.
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral services for H. Miller,
aged 65. an employe of the Harrishurg
Pipe and Pipe Rending Works, will he
held this evening at his home, at 7:30
j o'clock, the Rev. C. A. Smucker, pastor
of the Stevens .Memorial Methodist
Church, officiating. The body will be
taken to Tremont to-morrow morning
for burial.
The funeral of H. Stanley Barnhart. i
ased 22, 2147 Vortli Fourth street, aj
clerk in the oflice of the Pennsylvania !'
Railroad, was held this afternoon at ;
the home. Hurial was made In the 1
llarrisburg Cemetery.
Robbers entered the store of J. A. I
Plank a lire dealer at Cameron und 1
Chestnut streets, Saturday night. En-1
trance was gained by breaking a read 1
|window. Tires and other supplies)
were stolen.
Mrs. Harry Myers, aged 36. died at;
the llarrisburg Hospital Saturday'
nigh!, from peritonitis
In Matter of the petition of George |
Risslniser, an Insolvent. To all credi
tors oc said Petitioner.
NOTICE is hereby given that a peti
tion of George Rlssinger has been tiled
In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, prayt.ig the said Court
for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws
of this Commonwealth and for the dis
charge thereunder. The said Court has
fixed time for hearing of said petition
on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1915, at
the Court House In the City of Harris
burg, Dauphin County. Pa.
Attorney for Petitioner.
_ I ladolpliia. Feb. ?. WhMt
Firm; No. S, teil. *pot. export, 11.50W
1.60: No. 1, Northern. Duluth. export,
Corn—Steady; No 2. export. So4fßlc;
No. yellow, local, S-".Sf.^
Oats—Steady; No. L'. white, 65®65'jr.
Bran Firm. winter. per ton,
$"0.00 <» 30.60; spring, per ton, S2B. oO
® 29.00.
Refined SuKarn Advanced twenty
live points; powdered. 5.85 c: fine franu
lnted" 8.70 c; confectioners' A. 5.68e.
Butter The market Is firm;
western, creamery, extras, 34c; nearby
prints, fancy. Sic.
Kr«s The market is higher;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases. $8,40 per case; do.,
current receipts, free case*. SB.IO per
case: western, extras, firsts, free cases.
$8.40 per case; do., firsts, free cases,
118.10 per case.
Live Eoultry Steady: fowls, 15®>
lie; old roosters. 11S<12c; chickens.
|l"® 17c; turkeys. li@l7c; ducks. 16©
17c; geese, 15 it 17c.
Dressed Poultry Firmer; turkeys,
fancy,. 22c: do., fair to Koo«t, 18#20c;
fowls, heavy, 1S iff 20c; do., average.
|ICH®IBHc; do., small. 1 I(ri 16c; old
roosters. 14c; brolltns chickens, neaj -
l>y, lS(ff23c: western. 14®22e; rosst
; Ir.K chickens. 17® 18c; ducks, 12® 18c;
! seese, 10® 14c.
1 Potatoes Market weaker; Penn
sylvania. per bushel, 6;!®65c; New York,
per bushel, 4:l® soc: Jersey, per basket,
[ 30ff?;S5c.
Flour Market nominal; winter.
| clear. $3 5r,©4.10 stri'iuhts, Pennsyl
vania, $6.50®6.75; spring straight?,
1 J6.75©6.90; do., patents, sß.6od|)7.li>;
wsstsrn, »4.2&tM.4u, patents. i*.htv
1,76; Kansas straight, Juts sicks, J4.1l
04.10; spring, firsts, clssr, I*.0004.:#;
straights. S4.2Ot»4XS; patents. $4,110
I 4.(9.
I Hay The market is firm; tim
othy, No. 1, large bales, slß.6o®uu;
I No. 1, medium bales, $18.60® 19.00, No.
do., sl7.oo®is.oo; No. S. do., $14.60J>
16.50; samples, $13.00® 14.00; no gr&da.
til. o->® ta. 00.
Clover mlxsd hay. i.lcht mixed.
117.f.0® 18.00; No. 1, do., $16.60® 17.0»;
No. 2, do., $15.00© 16.00.
Chicago, 111., Feb. B.—Board of Trade
Wheat—May, 1.88 V. July, 1.38%.
Corn —r.'ay, 79%: July, 81.
Oats —May, 60 >» : July. 67' 4 .
Pork—May, 19.13: July, 19.32,
Lard—May, 10.97; July, 11.12.
Ribs—-May. 10.22; July, 10.17.
; • • }
Xo liousc it safe
against a burglar.
Will you be the
next victim?
Why not buy a burglary
policy for $7.50
per $1,000.00?
Sec or phone
H. F. Oves, -
40 N. Court St.
jv. >
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
I Union Trust Building.
! Apply
Union Trust Company |
i *•
Twelfth & Hcrr St.
Splendid Room, 60i7& (pet 60
windows; up-to-date steam heat
ing Included. Kent very reason
able. Will be mired to suit tenant-
Real Estate and Insur
ance Office No. 18
North Third Street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
209 State St., 3-story
brick dwelling, 11 rooms
and bath, imp.
1006 N. Second St., 3-
story brick dwelling, 11
rooms and bath, imp., side
entrance, 2-story stable on
rear of lot.
1439-41-43 YernOn St.,
3-story brick dwellings, 8
$1 ' " " lll \
iW To Housekeepers, Work.
I lnginea and Salaried Em.
* ployes.
Room 21. 4th Fiodt
Spooner Building