Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 08, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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Blue Amberol Record—No. 87
'"lt's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary"
We have received another shipment of this Record,
as well as the first complete shipment of Edison Blue
Amberol Records since the factory's recent fire.
Call to hear them NOW
12-14 North Market Square
Harrisburg, Pa.
Extension Boosters Will Cover
300 Miles and Stop at
Fourteen Cities
The trade excursion committee of
the Harrishurg Chamber of Commerce,
Charles W. Burtnett, chairman, In a
letter of announcement sent to each
members to-day gives a detailed de
scription of the trip.on February IT
and 18.
The cost of the trip will be but 510
per person. A special train has been
arranged and fourteen cities will bo
visited enroute. including Sunburv,
Wilkes-Barre and Reading. The trip
will cover three hundred miles. The
itinerary is as follows:
Leave Harrisburg February 17. at
S o'clock, via the Northern Central
railroad, stopping at Millersburg,
Herndon and Sunbury. where luncheon
will be taken. At Northumberland,
special train will be taken by way of
the Delaware. Lackawanna and West
tern to Wilkes-Barre. stopping enroute
at Danville. Bloomsburg and Berwick.
Wilkes-Barre will be reached at 4.4">
p. m. Hotel Sterling will be headquar
On the following morning the spe
cial train will leave Wilkes-Barre at
v o'clock and stop enroute to Read
,at Hazleton. Pottsvllle. Auburn
•'<nd Hamburg. Lunch at Pottsville.
Headquarters and dinner at new Ho
tel Berkshire in Reading. Harrisburg
will be reached by a direct run from
Reading at about 9.30 o'clock.
Goes Into Effect March Ist, 1915
This Act makes It unlawful to produce, im
port. manufacture, compound, ileal in. dispense,
prescribe, sell, distribute, give away. send. ship,
carry, deliver or have in one's possession or con
trol. any drug embraced in the Act, unless such
person has registered his name and place of
business with the Collector of Internal Revenue
nf his district, and paid a special tax of one
dollar, annually.
The purpose of this law is to restrict the sale of
Habil-Forming Drugs
did not wait for laws to regulate the sale of "Habit-
Forming Drugs." They were among the first to take
individual action in restricting their sale. On July 15,
1914. the Gorgas Drug Stores formally announced
through the newspapers that they would not sell
Opium, Morphine. Laudanum, Heroin, Chloral, Co
caine, etc., except on the written prescription of a
reputable physician.
The high standard of the Gorgas Drug Stores is an
assurance to the public that there is care and integrity
back of every sale.
16 N Third St. Penna. Railroad Station
Coal and
" Clinkers"
Don't always blame the coal if you find
"clinkers" in your furnace.
Clinkers are often the result of the way the fur
nace is handled.
The feed door should never be left open, as cold
air rushes in and deadens the fire and causes clink
ers by suddenly chilling the hot coals, which are
in a plastic condition.
The fire will settle down into a solid mass and
you will have trouble to remove the ashes.
The best coal is liable to clinker from this cause.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forwter and Cowdfa Third and Bona
15th and Chestnut Hummel nnd Mulberry
i Gets Sixx Months in
Jail; Tells Court He
Prefers Penitentiary
Sentenced to a six months' term in
the county prison, James Duncan this
morning coolly told the Duuphln
county court that he would have
much preferred a sentence In the
Eastern Penitentiary.
"Penitentiary*?" "Huh," said Dun
can. "I'd a much rather Your Honor'd
sent me down there this time."
Others who pleaded guilty and were
sentenced were Tom Ronavie and
John Skirbin, burglary, nine to fifteen
months in penitentiary; George Rob
inson, larceny, seven months.
George W. Lewis, who pleaded
guilty to several charges of false pre
tense in acting as a solicitor for local
newspapers and pocketing the funds,
got right months in jail.
, John Essig and William Brady,
charged by City Sealer H. D. Reel
with short weighing in selling pota
toes. will be tried at March quarter
By Associated Press
Chicago. Feb. B.—The Chicago
Union Stock Yards, which have been
under ijartlal Federal quarantine since
'January 29. because of a threatened
outbreak of foot and mouth disease,
were reopened to-day for the interstate
shipment of cattle. No cattle, how
ever may be held for more than 48
Horace A. Chayne. Harrisburg's new
second assistant city assessor, was
■worn in to-day by city Clerk Charles
A. Miller and began his new duttes at
With Return of Newlands and
Smith, Fight in Senate Takes
New Aspect
Republican Leaders in Conference
to Consider New Plans
of Action
Bv Asstciattd Ptfss
Washington. Feb. B.—The lull in the
battle in the Senate over the admin
istration ship purchasing bill came to
an end to-day. The Senate had been
in recess since F.iday. Meantime the
Democratic leaders had been waiting
for the arrival of Senator Newlands
to reinforce their side.
The motion of Senator Clarke to re
commit the shipping bill without in
structions still was pending with in
dications that it would be allowed to
come to a vote. Kven with the vote
of Senator Newlands the Democatle
leaders admitted that they could not
defeat the Clarke motion.
The leaders, however, are pinning
their hopes on the motion of Senator
Gore to discharge the commerce com
mittee fro mfurther consideration of I
a substitute ship purchase bill which !
he Introduced last week. They are
confident that with the support of pro
gressive Republicans they can carrv
the Gore motion. In that event the
substitute bill would be brought back
to the Senate and tht Republicans
would be compelled to resume their
defensive light.
With the arrival of Senator New
lands and Senator Smith, of South
Carolina, the parliamentary situation
was changed. Senator Smith had not
been expected to return on account of
serious illness in his family. With hts
vote and that of Senator Newlands.
administration leaders claimed a tie
vote on the motion to recommit with
instructions. Then the Vice-president
would be relied upon to cast the de
ciding vote.
As soon as Republican leaders
learned of the return of Senators
Nelands and Smith, a conference was
called to consider plans of action.
Reading Men at Work
With Their Wages Cut
Reading. Pa.. Feb. B.—The plants
of the Reading Iron Company began
work to-day with a cut in the wages
of the puddlers from $5 to $4.50 per
ton and all other employes, over 2.000
In number, reduced in proportion.
Increased forces of men went on
duty to-day compared with last week
and it is predicted that the plants
will soon go on longer time. Condi
tions are said to be brightening at
the company's tube works.
Several of the largest anthracite
blast furnaces in Eastern Pennsyl
vania are held In readiness for re
sumption just as soon as there is a
decided Improvement in the iron
1,000 New Members Until
Easter, Methodist Slogan
One thousand new members until
Easterti is the number which twenty
Methodist churhces of Harrisburg and
vicinity hope to increase their mem
bership. according to plans made at
a meeting of twenty ministers, and
more than two hundred church offi-
cers yesterday afternoon in Ridge
Avenue Methodist Church.
The Rev. J. O. Randall, of Philadel
phia. secretary of the commission on
evankelism, outlined plans for per
sonal work. He asked that each
church make efforts to increase its
membership at least ten per cent,
within a year.
Paul \V. Willi*. U. S. Commissioner.
Well-known in l.egal Circles
Carlisle, Pa.. Feb. B.—Paul W. Wil
lis. t'nite,] States commissioner and
well-known attorney of Carlisle, died
\ . rtajr at a sanatorium near Bal
timore, where he had been under
treatment for the past two months.
He had been suffering from a complete
nervous breakdown. Mr. Willis serv
ed as borough commissioner about
two years and was borough solicitor
for the same length of time. He was
also solicitor for the borough of
Mount Holly Springs and a member
of tha board of trustees of Dickinson
Law School. He was a graduate of
the law school and a member of the
Cumberland County Bar for eleven
years. Mr. Willis was .14 years old
and is survived by his wife and a son,
Paul Trickett Willis, of Carlisle; also
a sister, Mrs. Lillie Junkin, of Lyn
dale, Ga.. and three brothers. James,
of Washington. D. C.: Willis, of Pen-
Argyl, Pa., and Bruce, of Palmer
Lake, Colo. Funeral services will be
held at Shippensburg to-morrow aft
Washington. Feb. B.—An interna
tional conference of representatives of
neutral nations to discuss means of
ending the European war. to estab
lish neutral trade routes at sea and
propose ultimate creation of an inter
national tribuntal for establishment of
world peace, was proposed in a reso
lution to-day by Senator LeFollette.
New York, Feb. B.—Curtailment of
the European trade with South Amer
ica because of war and a shortage of
steamshlpjs has brought about a de
mand for sailing vessels of American
register} - and every ship, bark and
schooner flying the American Hag is
being eagerly sought to carry cargoes
between New York and Brazil and the
Patrolman Charles E. Scott, ap
pointed several months ago to tem
porarily 1111 the vacancy in the city
(force caused by the arrest and im
prisonment of Robert F. Scott. It is
; understood, will be retained perma
! nently by City Council to-morrow.
How I-ieutenant Xinnis, Royal navy, lost liis life hv n plunge Into the unknown depths of a great crevasse,
Is vividly told by Sir Douglas Mawson, the famous Australian Antarctic explorer and scientist at the Majestic
to-morrow evening in his lecture about the South Polar regions. The accompanying etching Is reproduced from a
pen-and-ink sketch drawn from Ue-scription. In the upper left Is a picture of Sir Douglas.
Is Honored For Third Successive
Term; Selects Class Day
At a recent meeting of the Senior
class of the Technical high school,
Norman Critchtield Stiteler, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stiteler, 602 North Sev
enteenth streetti was elected president
of the class for the third successive
year, being the only member to re
ceive this honor. He will beliver the
address of welcome and preside over
the class exercises next June. Casper
Wolfarth was elected vice-president,
and George B. Miller will till the of
fices of secretary and treasurer.
President Stiteler announced to-day
the following class-day committees:
Cap and down.Everett Kutz. hcair
man: Charles Chayne and Jesse Bern
heisel. Invitation. Stephen Anderson,
chairman; Victor Emanuel, Earl
Shuey and Glennon Melville. Class
motto. Franklin Metzler, chairman;
William Shceffer and Harry Beeser.
Class tlowers. Paul Shope. chairman;
Clarence Beck, George Zerfing and
Merle Beach. Class day pin. John
The chairmen have called meetings
of their committees to be held in the
near future, at which time recom
mendations for the commencement
activities will be made and reported
to the class for adoption.
Mr. Devitt Plans to Ride
to Panama Exposition
a "Side-door Pullman"
Wllkes-B&rre. Pa., Feb. S.—John
"Butch" McDevltt. who spent $2,500 in
playing "millionaire-for-a-day." is to
become the most aristocratic bum in
the country, and is completing ar
rangements with a railroad company,
to take him to the Pacific coast in
April in a "sidedoor Pullman."
"Butch" plants to travel to Califor
nia in two box cars, which he will
have specially fitted up for his freight
journey as a highbrow hobo.
"I have played a millionaire-for-a
day, and liked it." says John Jaj. "but
now I want to try the ither end. I
want to taste the philosophy of the
two extremes. I have been a bum—
a genuine bum —in my time, and I
want to get back to the old life again
to see how it feels."
In becoming an aristocratic gum
"Butch" plans to visit the Panama ex
position. He will have two freight
cars attached to a regular freight
train. In one car "Butch' 'will fit up
a private room. He will have electric
lights, windows, a library, a bath
room. an ice chest, and he will take
along a couple of servants to wait on
him. A part of this car will be cut
up into a dining room and a sleeping
In his second car he will have a
mine mule, a lot of safety lamps, tools
used by miners, a mine car and vari
our other things to depict mining
methods. He will also take along a
big quantity of coal and these "black
diamonds" are to be the souvenirs he
will distribute.
New Clothing Store to
Open in North Third St.
The storeroom at. 14 North Third
street, formerly occupied by the Kssex
Woolen Mills, has been leased by C. J.
AVatson and Slue U Cooper, who will
open a high-grade ready-to-wear cloth
ing parlor for men and young men. at
popular prices. The necessary altera
tions are now being made, and the new
firm hopes to be ready for business by
March 1.
Both young men are popularly
known in the city. Mr. AVatson having
been associated witlj William Strouse
at The Globe for seventeen years, and
Mr. Cooper for nine years. The location
is a desirable one, and a host of friends
will wish them success in their new
! venture.
By Associated Press
San Antonio. Texas, Feb. B.—Gen
eral Alvero Obregon has declined
peace overtures offered by the Mex
ican convention held here Saturday
which asked the warring leaders of
Mexico to consider a plan for the ces
sation of hostilities. Ohregon. who
holds Mexico City for the Carranza
factions, was the first leader to reply.
New York. Feb. 8. —Three hundred
girls were put to work to-day by the
Salvation Army making bandages and
surgical dressings for use in Europe.
-The dressings are to be delivered to
the Bed Cross Society. The girls,
many of them to sole support of fami
lies. will earn 75 cents a day.
London, Feb. 8. 10.42 A. M.—The
Marquis of Londonderry died to-day
of pneumonia. He was one of the
fore.most leaders of the Ulster move
ment and was one of the most suc
cessful of the British bar.
He was one of the great noblemen of
the United Kingdom, being a knight
of the Garter and an aid de camp to
the king.
Manila, Feb. 8. lnsular officials
here characterize as groundless the
fears of an insurrection at Cebu which
led to patrolling of the streets. No
arrests have been made
Telephone Company Official i
to Address Brotherhood
"The Businessman's Vieww of the
Church," considered a vital topic by
churchmen, will be presented before
the Brotherhood of Bethlehem Luth
eran Church, this evening by L. H.
Kinnard, Jr., of Philadelphia, second
vice-president and general manager of
the Bell Telephone Company. The
meeting is open.
lie is a speaker that commands at
tention by the worth of his message
.and the power of his personality."
said the Rev. J. Bradley Markward,
pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran. "It
will be interesting to hear what a man
of his prominence in the business
world thinks of the Church. Then,
too. we shall bo happy to do honor
to one who still holds his membership
in Bethlehem and who is a credit to
this institution."
Senator Beidleman Will
Explain Narcotic Laws
Senator E. K. Beidleman has been
in\ited to speak to the members of the
Dauphin County Pharmaceutical As
sociation at their regular meeting to
morrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at
the Board of Trade. Mr. Beidleman
has been asked to explain the state
laws in regard to the sale of narcotics
and habit-forming drugs by retail
Charles F. Kramer, 1225 North
Tliird street, secretary of the State
Board of Pharmacists, will give an j
address on the Harrison bill, which '
was passed by Congress at Washing- |
ton. prohibiting the sale of habit-!
forming drugs unless the prescription
is renewed by the doctor each time.
Mr. Kramer will also explain other
parts of the bill, giving much val
uable information about the sale of
The annual election of officers will
also take place at this meeting and the
secretary. J. 11. Park. 621 Itace street,
and J. W. Cottcrel. 1800 North Sixth
street, will submit reports.
Bowman's B. B. B. Sale
Will Begin Tomorrow
Bowman & Co. announce for to
morrow the beginning of their B. B. B.
Sale .a semi-annual event that is al
ways .featured by the store with
extraordinary offerings.
The present occasion is no excep
tion to the rule, and buyers have been
at work for months in preparation
for the big event. As a result every
department is brimful of new attrac
tions and will take its part in assist
ing the management of the store in
tnetr efforts to make this February
sale greater in its achievements than
any of Its predecessors.
Thousands of articles of every de
scription which are to be found in a
department store are in the sale to
morrow. A portion of them with full
details and prices are to be found on
Pages 2 and 2 of this paper. Further
attractions will be announced from
day to day as the sale progresses.
By .Associated Press
New York, Feb. B.—The National
Twilight Sleep Association, just or
ganized, with oflices in New York, Is
the latest move to extend the easy
child birth propaganda all over the
nation. Its organizers are women of
j Manhattan and Brooklyn and their
immediate objects arc to send lectur
ers Into all large cities to organize
branch associations and to found a
twilight sleep efinic in Brooklyn.
By Associated Press
Pittsburgh. Feb. B.—All interstate
shipments of livestock were stopped at
the Herr's Island yards here at noon
to-day under the federal foot and
mouth disease quarantine, stock in
the yard after that hour being for lo
cal slaughter. Dealers, fearing a state
of regulation which held them respon
sible for cattle in their possession,
bought sparingly, and no quotations
were announced.
By Associated Press
Washington. D. C.. Feb. S.—Zapatista
forces are gradually closing In on
Mexico City attain, to-day's "official dls
oatclies report, and the apprehension
Is dally growing more acute over con
ditions generally. Practically all the
I foreign diplomatic renresentatives are
ion the verge of abandoning their le-
I cations.
Daughter Was Burned in Gas Ex
plosion; Her Husband Blown
to Bits by Dynamite
The death of John H. Park, aged 00,
' of 632 Race street, at the Harrisburg
! Hospital yesterday afternoon as the
j result of burns received while on duty
j Saturday at the Rutherford yards of
j the Philadelphia and Reading Rail-
I way was the third tragedy of the kind
in the family. The first occurred four
teen years ago. when the eldest daugh
ter of Mr. Park. Mrs. William Biddy,
was burned to death at her home in
Hagerstown in a gasoline stove ex
The third sudden death was that of
Mrs. Liddy's husband, killed nine
months after her in a dynamite ex
plosion during the construction of the
York Haven power plant.
Flumes Beup Hack
John H. Park was an engine in
spector at the freight yards at Ruth
erford and lie was opening the tire
door of an engine when (lames blew
back, presumably caused by a leaking
flue, igniting his clothes and severely
burning his head, face and the lower
part of his body. Fellow-workmen
tore the burning clothes from the vic
tim. wrapped him in other garments
and took him on a shifting engine to
tlio Philadelphia and Reading station,
thence to the hospital by ambulance.
Coroner Eckinger held an investi
gation iate this afternoon.
Lived Here Half Century
John 11. Park was bom February 2,
i 1849. in Philadelphia. He first went
to work for the Philadelphia and
1 Reading Ttallwa.jr'fci llArrtetiurg when
16 years of age and had worked for
that company all his life, with the ex
ception of ten years, when he was an
engineer on the Pennsylvania. lie
was an engineer on the Reading
twenty-eight years and for the last ten
years had been a locomotive inspector
at the Rutherford roundhouse. He
was a member of the Philadelphia and
Reading Veterans' Association and the
Philadelphia and Reading Relief.
Mr. Park is survived by his wife
and nine children, Charles, Mary and
Gertrude, at home; Mrs. William J.
Madden. Mrs. Charles Kaufold, Mrs.
Daniel Brennen. I)r. John H. Park, Jr.,
William J. Park and Frank A. Park,
all of Harrisburg; also sixteen grand
Funeral services will be held Thurs
day morning at 9 o'clock In the Sacred
Heart Catholic Church, South Cam
eron street, the Rev. W. V. Dailey offi
ciating. Burial will be in Mount Cal
vary Cemetery,
Offer Students Prizes For
Fire Prevention Essays
Prizes have been offered to pupils of
the high schools of the State by tlie
National Municipal league, of Philadel
phia, for the best essays on "Fire Pre
vention." The first prize is $"0. and
second prixe, S2O. All essays must be
mailed to Clinton Rogers Woodruff,
secretary of the National Municipal
league, 703 North American Building,
Philadelphia, not later than April 15.
Essays must not exceed 2,500 words,
must lie written on only one side of
the paper, and must have an assumed
name at the top of the first page, and
be accompanied by a sealed envelope
bearing the name, address and class of
the competitor. On the outside of the
envelope should be written the assum
ed name. These will not be opened by
the judges until they have picked the
i best essays.
Geneva, via Paris, Feb. S, 6.55 A. M.
—Desperate fighting is going on in the
Carpathians between Bawoczne. in Ga
licia and Voloctz, In Hungard. Ac
cording to a dispatch received here the
Russians have captured the villages
of Ullcs, Komarnik, Czertesz and
Swednik. Austrian headquarters has
prohibited war correspondents from
going to the front at Poscholta.
Word was received late this after
noon of the death of Sumner E. Fry,
23 years old, son of Elias E. Fry,
stamp clerk at the post office, at Pitts-
I burgh this morning from pneumonia.
■ The body will lie brought here to
t night. Sumner was qualifying for a
' superintendent of construction at Car
> negie Tech. He was a graduate of
Central High school, clas of 'll.
J Washington, Feb. B.—A death rate
i In 1913 of 14.1 per 1,000 of the esti
mated population in the registration
area of the United States, compared
| with 13.9 per 1,000 in 1912. is shown
j in a report to-day by the Census Bu-
I reau. The number of deaths in the
- registration area containing about
1 two-thirds of the population was ap
j proximately 890,958.
1 Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Ann
" Bretz. wife of John J. Bretz, aged 70,
• 1738 Wallace street, will be held to
' morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
home, the Rev. P. H. Balsbaugh of
ficiating. Burial will be made In the
Harrisburg Cemetery.
i The funeral of Mrs. Jacob Good.
• aged 42, 1805 Market street, was held
' at the home this'afternoon, the Rev.
; i J. A. Byter, pastor of the Derry Street
: United Brethren Church, officiating.
. I Burial was made in Harrisburg
| Cemetery.
February Sale
Furniture, Carpets,
Rugs, Linoleums
Astounding Reductions
Goods Held Until Wanted
gpgyp**' Two Months Credit on
AH Approved Accounts
Bedroom and Diningroom
Suites at Prices
This Colonial Suite in oak or
mahogany, value A A
$75; reduced to. . *»"U
10-Piece Fumed Oak Dining
Suites, value $100:^0 *7 PA
reduced to
7-Piece Golden Oak Dining
Suites, value $57; A C A
reduced to
Brass Beds % Off
Like cut, value 1 | CA
sl6; reduced to .. 1
$25.00 Eeds
reduced to tp 1 U» I O
Greatly Reduced
60-lb. Pure Felt Mattresses,
silk stripe tick, $12.50
value; £7 CA
reduced to I •
50-lb. Pure Felt Mattresses,
roll edge, $6.50 (pi CA
value; reduced to..*P
Felt Combination, CO OP
value $4; reduced to v
Rugs and Carpets
Some at less than present
wholesale cost.
27x54 Velvet
! Rugs v3C
|9xl2 Seamless Tapestry
ißugs, value sl7; (19 00
reduced to «pI£.VU
Carpet and Linoleum Rem
nants y 2 regular price.
Goods Held For Future Delivery
Two Months Credit on
All Approved Accounts
"The House That Saves You
HChas. F. f|
Furniture Company
1413-15-17-19 N. 2nd Street