Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 06, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Rev. J. 0. Dandall Will Address
Conference of Workers at
Ridge Avenue Church
■mmbmbbmh The Rev. J. O. Dan
dall, chairman of the
General Conference
commission on evan
gelism, will speak to
.. morrow afternoon at
y JLj 3.30 o'clock in the
i KM Ridge Avenue Met h
"BIB., odist Church, Sixth
' ''L/Wl an< * H err streets, to
- JTAILTI ,he official boards,
Sunday school officers
BCll and teachers, Ep-
HUMjIIH worth League presl
dents and cabinets
. and other church
■ ' workers of the Meth
odist churches of Harrisburg and
vicinity. Several hundred are expected
to be present.
The new plans the Methodist
churches all over the world have
adopted will be explained fully in the
visiting pastor's address. The modern
methods adopted by this denomina
tion do not repudiate the old-fashioned
Methodist revival meetings, but con
sist of more thorough and systematic
vork among the nonchurchgoing peo
ple of the world. The new methods
emphasize particularly that personal
contact hepls in bringing new mem
bers to the churches and state that
every unchurched man, woman or
<hild within ajiy Methodist parish
should be personally solicited to at
tend services. Plans will also be dis
cussed concerning the continuing of
special work at all times.
St. Matthew's—The Rev. E. E. Sny
der. 11, "The Harvest;" 7.30, joint
meeting with the C. E. society; Sun
day school, 7.
Holy Communion—The Rev. John
Henry Miller. 10.45, "The Wonders
of the Word;" 7.30, "God's Chosen;"
Sunday school, 9.30; Luther league, !
Redeemer—The Rev. E. Victor Ro
land. 10.30, "The Chief Purpose of
Christian Endeavor;" 7, a union meet
ing of the church and C. E.; Sunday
school, 9.30; Jr. C. E., 2.
Zion—The Rev. S. Wintield Herman.
10.30, "The Ministries of Jesus;" 7.30,
"Gounod's Gallia," by choir; Sunday
school, 1.45; men's class, 1.50; men's
devotional hour, 10; senior catechetical
class, 6.30.
Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A.
Hanson. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday
school. 2.
Calvary—The Rev. Edward H. Paar. j
11. "Our Lord's Transfiguration;" 7.30.
"How to Hear God's Word;" Sunday
si hool. 10.
Christ —The Rev. Thomas Reisch,
Ph. D. 10.30. "The Soul's Awaken
ing;" 7.30, "Christian Endeavor that
• ounts," a union meeting of the Chris
tian Endeavor Society and congrega
tion; Sunday school and men's Bible
class. 2.
Bethlehem The Rev. J. Bradlev
Mark ward, D. D. 10.30, "Open Toward
the Sky;" 7.30, "The Sufficient Grace;"
SumJ*y school. 1.45; Christian En
deavor prayer meeting, 6.30.
Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr.
K. D. W r eigle. 10.30, sermon by the
Rev. D. H. Reader, Camp Hill; 7.30,
sermon by the pastor; 9.15, Sunday
school; junior catecheUcs, 2.
Memorial—The Rev. 1,. C. Manges.
D. D. 10.30. "The Lord of Life in the j
Valley of Death;" 7.30. "The World's I
Great Question;" men's prayer meet
ing, 10; Sunday school, 2; junior Lu
llier League, 5.30; senior Luther
League, 6.30.
St. Mark's, West Fairview The
Rev. A. W. Wolf. Sunday school,
1.30: Christian Endeavor, 6.15; preach
ing. 7.15.
St. Paul's. New Cumberland—The i
Rev. A. G. Wolf. Sunday school, 9.30; !
preaching, 10.30; Christian En
deavor. 6.
Augsburg—he Rev. Amos Maxwell I
Stamets. Men's League, 9.30; preach
ing, 10.30, "Laborers in the Vine
yard;" Sunday school, 2; Christian En
deavor, 6.30; 7.30, "A Tame Christian
Market Street The Rev. W. H.
JJallman. 10.30, "Church Crises;"
7.30, "Life's Crises;" Sunday school,
31.30; Y. P. S., 6.30.
Second Tho Rev. Albert Josiah
Greene, A. B. 10, prayer and praise
service: 7.30. "Burning the Brush;"
Sunday school, 12; B. Y. P. IT., 6 30
First—At 10.30 and 7, Evangelist
Hlllis and his party; 11.30, Sunday
school; 3, special men's meeting,
"Facts for Men to Face." Mr. Hlllis;
women's meeting, "Model Woman."
Mrs. Hlllis.
St. Paul—The Rev. E. Luther Cun
ningham. 10.30, covenant meeting;
3.0, the ordinance of believers' bap
tism will be observed and sermon by
the Rev. C. J. Henderson; Sunday
school, 12.30; 7.30, communion and
reception of new members; B Y P TJ
6.30. ' "
Tabernacle—At 10.30. worship, wel
coming new members and communion;
7.30, the people's service, song, short
sermon by pastor, the Rev. Calem S.
Hare. Christian baptism and evan
gelistic service; Bible school, 11.30-
young people's meeting, 6.3 0.
A( /^ii L. si^i\\
/ /iHelhodlsl GhvirclX \\
# The Church on four Streets! / / \
' \ fifth SixlH Wood-Grarwle.
T Ht , THE
MOBN.N6 A Hearty Welcome evening
sio "' ct to All Having
im »,a No Church Home 7 *J
IB nn
ilk ABSm
Manager of Orchestra
The initial appearance of the newly
organized orchestra and chorus of the
Men's Bible Class of Derry Street
United Brethren Sunday school. Fif
teenth and Derrj- streets, will be made
to-morrow afternoon at the session of
the class.
Each Sunday hereafter the orchest
tra and chorus will furnish special
music at 1.45 just fifteen minutes be
fore the opening exercises of the Sun
day school hour.
At meetings throughout the present
week the big chorus and orchestra
were organized. J. R. Henry, of
Washington Heights, is director of the
chorus, and E-arle E. Renn, attorney
With offices in the RUSH building, is
manager of the orchestra. Harry A.
Marks, 68 North Seventeenth street,
will play a new Chickering grand
Pine Street Presbyterian
Will Receive Members
At Pine Street Presbyterian Church
the communion of the Lord's supper
will be administered to-morrow morn
ing and new members will be publicly
received. The theme of the sermon
will be "My Cup Runneth Over." At
the evening service the topic of the
sermon will be "In the House of the
Special music at this service will be
as follows: Quartet, "O Lamb of
God," Waghorne; solo by Mrs. Cox,
"O Divine Redeemer," Gounod: an
them, "Saviour. Breathe an Evening
Blessing," Houseley.
The third meeting of the Men's Mis
sionary Discussion group will be held
Monday evening in the Locial room.
An illustrated lecture on "Changing
China" will be given at the midweek
service Wednesday evening.
New deacons will be installed at the
morning services of the Market Street
Baptist Church, Fifteenth and Market
streets, together with the observance
c the Lord's Supper. New members
\>.ti be received also. In the evening
the Junior League members will be
the guests at the church services. One
of the features will be the singing of
the Allison Hill Boys' Booster Quartet.
Nagle Street—The Rev. J. A. Staub.
10.30. "C. E. Work"; 7.30, C. E. Union
meeting; Sunday school, 1.30; Jr. C.
E„ 9.30.
New Cumberland—The Rev. S. N.
Good. Preaching, 10.30 and 7; Sun
day school. 9.15; C. E. rally at 6.
Pleasant View—The Rev. George W.
Harper. Sunday school, 9.45; 10.45,
"Small Beginnings and the Great End
ing"; Jr. C. E„ 3; Sr. C. E.. 7, "Chris
tian Endeavor and Service."
Maelay—The Rev. F. T. M. Thomas.
11, "One Baptism": 7.30, the ordi
nance of baptism will be observed;
Sunday school, 9.45; Jr. C. E., 6.30;
Y. P. S. C. E., 6.30.
Enola The Rev. O. J. Farling.
Preaching at 7.30; Sunday school, 2.
Penbrook—The Rev. J. C, Forn
crook. 10.30, "Full Consecration;"
7.30. quarterly ordinance meeting:
Sunday school. 9.30. At 3 the Rev. E.
E. Curtis, of the Westminster Presby
terian. Church, will speak to men
only. The Cadenza Quartet will sing.
Progress—The Rev. D. S. Shoop, of
Harrisburg, will preach at 10.30; the
Rev. c. L. Early, of Harrisburg. will
preach at 7, revival service: Sunday
school, 9.30; Christian Endeavor, 6.
Fourth Street—The Rev. William N.
Yates. 10.30, "Do We Want Christ to
Come?" 7.30, "Real Christian En
deavor;" Sunday school, 1.40; junior
Christian Endeavor. 3; senior and in
termediate Christian Endeavor. 6.30.
Dr. Yates will speak to men only at
1.40 on "How to Treat Your Wife."
Green Street —The Rev. C. H. Grove.
10.30. "Feet-Washing as an Ordi
nance:" 7.30, communion services;
Sunday school, 2; junior Endeavor, 3;
senior Endeavor. 6.30.
Director of the Chorus
piano which has been placed in the
rooms of the Bible class.
The orchestra will include: Harry
A. Marks, William M. Runkle, cornet;
George M. Young, cornet; Arthur
Bushman, violin; l-yman H. Zimmer
man. violin; H. A. Sherk, clarionet; H.
Ross, trombone; Earte E. Renn, bari
tone. The personnel of the chorus
will be as follows:
First tenors Charles Lynch,
Frank Mac Donald, A. T. Sides, A. E.
Fink, C. L. Shepley.
Second tenors W. R. Manley,
John Clark, T. Walter Thomas. C. P.
Benson, Boyd Crouse, David Mohn.
First bass Ralph B. Manley,
George Stota, Ross L. Harmon, George
Tyson, Harry C. Manley.
Second bass James P. Zellers, D.
Frank Bauder, William Fenical, R. Y.
Hiekes, Harry Shoemaker, Roy Ma
Methodists Plan Huge
Evangelistic Campaign
A union meeting of all qarterly con
ference members, Sunday School offi
cers and teachers, and all persons of
Harrisburg and vicinity who are in
terested in Methodism, will be held in
the Midge Avenue church, to-morrow
atternoon, at 3.30 o'clock, to organize
an evangelistic campaign. This cam
paign will include the enlistment of
the otflcial board and the Sunday
school board in personal work. Dr. j.
O. Randcll, the secretary of the com
mission on evangelism, will be pres
Fifth Street—The Rev. H. 11. Hart.
Morning praise meeting, 9.30; junior
League, 10.30, subject of sermon,
"Deaf and Dumb Dogs;" Sunday
school, solos by Mrs. Witherow and
Clarence H. Sigler, 2; junior Epworth
League, 3; Epworth devotional exer
cises, 6.30; evangelistic services at
7.30, subject. "What the Bible Has to
Say to Fathers."
Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W. Dea
yor. 11 and 7.30; reception of mem
bors; Sunday acliool. 10; converts'
meeting, 9; devotional services, 6.30.
Ridge Avenue—The Rev. John H.
Daughert.v. 10.30. "A Helpful Mes
sage to Christian;" 7.30, "The Gospel
—lts Message to Unbelievers; Sunday
school, 2; class meeting, 9; Epworth
fragile, 6.30.
Bethel—The Rev. 'u. G. Leepcr.
10.30, "The Lord's Supper;" 7.30,
"Lot's Mistake;" Sunday school 1.
Wesley The Rev.. W. A. Ray.
10.45, "The Lord's Supper;" commun
ion administered at both services; 8,
"An Interrupted Meeting."
Stevens—The Rev. Dr. Clayton Al
bert Sniueker. Class meeting, 9.30;
morning prayer and sermon. 10.30,
"Trivial Moods in Vast Enterprises;"
Sunday school, 2; Epworth League,
6.30; Mens Club, 7.30. address by
Dr. J. O. Randall, of Philadelphia.
Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D.
9.30, class meeting; 10.30, the Rev.
J. O. Randall, D. D.; 1.45, Sunday
school and men's Bible class; 6.45, Ep
worth League; 7.30, "The Fate of the
Exile from God."
Curtin Heights—The Rev. A. S. Wil
liams. 9.30, class meeting; 9.45, junior
league; 10.30, morning service, "A
Child's Trust;" baptism of infants; 2
Sunday school; 6.30, Epworth League;
7.30, "A Boy's Religion."
Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett
Hallman. 10 and 7.30; Sunday school.
Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King
will conduct the communion service
at 11 and will be assisted by some of
the young people at Young People's
service at 7.30. Sunday school 10
Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Cur
tis. 10.30, "The New Man;" 7.30,
"Does It Pay?" Sunday school, 1.45;
C. E.. 6.30.
Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis Sey
mour Mudge; the Rev. ,1. s. Armen
trout, assistant. 10.30, The sacra
ment of the Lord's Supper will be ad
ministered; 7.30, "In the House of the
Potter;" 1.30, elementary departments,
International Graded Lessons; 1.40,
advanced departments, adult Bible
Olivet—The Rev. William O. Yates.
10.30, "A Great Debt of Memorv;"
7.30. "The Heavenly Vision;" Sunday
school. 2; Christian Endeavor, 6.30.
Market Square—The Rev. W. B.
Cooke. 11 and 7.30.
Covenant —The Rev. Harvey Klaer.
10.30, "What We Believe About the
Holy Spirit;" 7.30, young people's
night, "The Iron Pen with a Diamond
Point;" Sunday school, 2; Christian
Endeavor, 6.30.
Bethany—The Rev. John M. War
den. 7.30, "Voices from the Cross;"
Sunday school. 9; Christian Endeavor,
St Andrew's—The Rev. James F.
Bullitt. Morning prayer, 10; Holy
communion and sermon, 10.30; Sun
day school and Bible classes, 12;
evening prayer and sermon, 7.30.
Mount Calvary, Camp Hill The
Rev. O. 11. Bridgman. Morning service
and holy communion, 10.30; Sunday
school, 2.30.
St. Augustine's— Archdeacon E. L.
Henderson. 11, morning prayer and
sermon; 7.30, evening prayer and ser
mon; Sunday school, 12.30.
St. Paul's—At 8, holy communion;
1 1. holy communion, sermon and Can
dlemas Blessing: 2.30, Sunday school;
3. children'B service and holy baptism;
7.30, evensong and sermon.
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A.
Sawyer. 8. holy coniumnion; 10, Sun
day school; 11, holy communion and
sermon by the Rev. J. F. Bullitt; 4.30,
evening prayer and address.
Church of Christ —The Rev. J. G.
Smith of Kokomo, Ind. 11. "Christ
the Way;" 7.30, "The Silent Partner;"
-induy school, 10; Y. P. S. C. E., 6.30.
Series of KUlies Will Culminate in
Meeting to Be Addressed by
Dr. Clark, Founder
Christian JSndeavorers of Central:
Pennsylvania will observe the thirty
fourth anniversary of the world-wide!
movement during Christian Endeavor!
week, February 7-14. It will be a week 1
of rallies in which the entire member-!
ship in this city and surrounding coun-1
ties will participate.
The Harrisburg Christian Endeavor'
Union has arranged a series of district
rallies in different sections Monday.
Tuesday and Thursday, which will lead
up to a big rally on Friday evening,
February 12, when the Kev. Francis
E. Clark, the founder of Christian En
deavor, will deliver an address.
District I tallica
District rallies will be held prelimi
nary to the big rally as follows:
Central District —Monday evening,
Nagle Street Church of God. John 1
Harder, vice-presidents, presiding!
Singing, "As a Volunteer" and "The
Touch of His Hand on Mine," by the
congregation; prayer, by the Rev. J.
A. Stanb, pastor Nagle Street Church
of God; scripture lesson, A. C. Dean,
president Harrisburg C. E. Union; se
lection, "The Wayside Cross," choir
of the Nagle Church of God; address,
the Rev. C. B. Segelken, pastor First
Presbyterian Church, Steelton; selec
tion, "Crown Him King of Kings,"
choir; music. "Oh That Will Be Glory
For Me," congregation; Mizpah bene
Hill District
The Hill district rally will be held on
Tuesday evening, in the Derr.v Street
United Brethren Church, Fifteenth and
Derry streets. Ralph B. Manley and
C. S. Urlch, vice-presidents, in charge.
The song service will begin at 7.45
o'clock, followed with devotional exer
cises. Prayer by the Rev. J. A. Ly
ter, pastor Derry Street United Breth
ren Church; solo by William Web
ster; address, "Christian Endeavor
Work." by Bishop U. F. Swengel,
United Evangelical Church; hymn,
congregation; address, "The Possibili
ties of Christian Endeavor," the Rev.
E. E. Curtis, pastor Westminster Pres
byterian Church; solo. Miss Edith
Fisehler; Mlzhap benediction.
West Shore Meeting
The West Shore district rally will
also be held Tuesday evening, in the
Zion Eutheran Church, Enola. Ralph
Crowl, vice-president, will preside.
Music will be rendered by the Har
risburg Christian Endeavor Choral
Union. The devotional exercises will
be conducted by the Rev. W. S. Sharp;
duet. Misses Sutton, of the United
Evangelical Church, Eemoyne; ad
dress, "Discussion of C. E. Committee
Work," E. S. Beam, Eemoyne; re
sponds from societies; music, C. E.
Union choir: address, "The Call of
Christ to the Endeavorers of the
Twentieth Century," Charles W. Black
of Steelton, president Dauphin County
C. E. Union; selection. C. E. quartet,
of Wormleysburg; music, "The Glory
Song," audience; benediction.
West End District Rally
The West End district rally will bo
held in Augsburg Lutheran Church,
Fifth and Muench streets, Thursday
evening. John ("rider and B. B.
Drum, vice-presidents, will be in
charge. The song service will begin at
7.45 o'clock under the direction of
C. E. choir. The Rev. A. M. Stamets,
pastor Augsburg Lutheran Church, will
conduct the devotional exercises; mu
sic by C E. Choir, of Sixth Street
United Brethren Church; address, by
the Rev. F. I. H. Thomas, pastor Ma
clay Street Church of God; music,
choir; benediction.
Big Itally at Bethlehem Lutheran
The main rally will be held in Beth
lehem Lutheran Church, ureen and
Cumberland streets, Friday evening.
A. C. Dean, president Harrisburg C. E.
Union, presiding. The song service will
be under the direction of the Harris
burg C. E. Choral Union. J. Frank
Palmer, president, in charge. The ad
dress of the evening will be delivered
by the Rev. Dr. Francis E. Clark, of
The Harrisburg C. E. Union has in
vited to its banquet members of the
Dauphin County C. E. Union, the
Young People's societies of the Meth
odist, Baptist, Lutheran or kindred so
cieties. The banquet will be held Fri
day evening, at 6 o'clock, in the Har
ris Street United Evangelical Church,
Harris and Susquehanna streets.
Dauphin Stands Third
The Dauphin County C. E. Union
has the third place in the State union
for the high number of young people's
and senior societies.
Jlill to Send Big Chorus
The Calvary United Brethren So
ciety, Lemoyne, and St. Mark's Luth
eran, West Fairview, have joined the
Harrisburg C. E. Union.
The Hill district endeavorers prom
ise that a chorus of 150 voices and six
teen societies will he In attendance at
the rally on Tuesday evening.
A "Hard Lyni Soshul" under the
auspices of the C. E. Society of Christ
Lutheran Church, will be held in the
social room Monday evening.
First—The Rev. J. T. Spanglcr.
10.30, "Isaiah and Christian Endea
vor;" 7.30, "Christian Endeavor
Ideals; Sunday school, 1.45; C. E.,
St. Paul's. Wormleysburg—The Rev.
G. B. Rcnshaw. Preaching, 10.30;
Sunday school. 9.30; senior Christian
Endeavor, ti.3o: junior Christian En
deavor, 5.45. "Woman's day" will be
observed at 7.30 with returned mis
sionaries as speakers.
Sixth Street—The Rev. P. Hummel
Balsbuugh. Praise service, 9.45; wor
ship. 10.30 and 7.30; Sabbath school,
1.45; junior Christian Endeavor, 5.45;
senior Christian Endeavor, 6.30; senior
Christian Endeavor early morning
watch, 6.30.
Otterbein—The Rev. S, Edwin Rupp.
10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 2;
Christian Endeavor, 6.30.
Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lyter,
D. D. 10.30, "Backsliding;" 7.30,
special to Christian Endeavor Society;
Sunday school, 2.
State Street The Rev. E. A. G.
Bossier. 10.45, "Labor Not in Vain;"
7.30, "What It Costs Not to Be a Chris
tian;" Sunday school, 6.30; junior
Christian Endeavor, 6; Christian En
deavor. 6.30.
St. John's —The Rev. G. W. Hart
man. 11, "The Rule of Life;"' 7.30,
"Christ Fundamental;" Sunday school,
9.45; Christian Endeavor, 6.30.
St. Andrew's, Penbrook—The Rev.
W. R. Hartzell. 10.30 and 7.30, holy
communion; Su iday school, 9.30;
men's Bible class, 6.45; catechetical
class, 2.
Saiem—The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer.
10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 1.30.
Second The Rev. Harry Nelson
Bassler. 10.30, "How to Understand
Christ;" 7.30, "The Real Things of
Life;" Sunday school, 1.45; Christian
Endeavor, 6.30.
Fourth—The Rev. Homer Sltyles
May. 10.45. "A Cry for Mercy and a
Song of Praise;" 7.30, "The Fruits of
the Spirit: Sundfty school, 9.30; Hei
delberg Christian Endeavor, 6.30.
The Christian and Missionarv Al
liance—The Rev. W. H. Worrall.
Sunday school, 8.30; preaching, 10.30
and 7.30. I
A Special Representative of
ir the Pictorial Review Co. k
Will Be at Our Pattern
Wij~\ Jj&y J Dept. on Monday
§§K*"~« \7I ;1 I i&l Mrs. Bellamy has already won many friends in Harrisburg
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' /li 1 l ' mc on the proper selection of paper patterns.
Wffl | wll I I The patent cutting and construction guides furnished only
' I w ' t ' l pictorial Review patterns save time, labor and material in
j Mrs. Bellamy will be here only on Monday. Will you meet
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Next Week's Events in the Mill and Factory Sale
Beginning Monday many notable values that have not been announced heretofore will
go into the Mill and Factory Sale at prices indicating the most unusual savings of the
Winter. Every fresh item, no matter how low the price, represents a standard of quality that
we are proud to stand back of.
Don't miss next week's specials in the Mill and Factory Sale.
The most remarkable Sale ot" Books in Bookdom's History occurs on Tues
day of next week when we shall sell thousands of books from the late
11. B. Claflin Co. stock at almost incredibly low prices.
Imagine a sale which embraces sixteen thousand brand new books—at
just about 25 per cent, of publishers' prices. i
'Details in Evening s and Tuesday JVlorning s Papers
V ——■——— —mm/
Fifth Street M. E. Sunday
School Plans Big Session
Considerable interest is being mani
fested in the session of Sunday school
at Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal
Church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
This school is perhaps the largest con
tributor to foreign missions in the city
and a friendly rivalry exists among
the various classes as to the size of
their total offerings. Mrs. Witherow
and Clarence H. Sigler, two well
known singers of this city, will assist
at these services.
Morning hour of worship has been
given to the Junior Epworth League
and a special musical program, under
the direction of Miss Anna Wilkson,
superintendent, has been prepared.
The Rev. B. H. 'Hart, pastor, will
preach a brief sermon to the boys and
girls on "Deaf and Dumb Dogs."
Evangelistic services will be held in
the evening. The Rev. B. H. Hart
will speak to parents on "What the
Bible Has to Say to Fathers."
A special address with peculiar sig
nificance in its relation to men will be
delivered by the Rev. William B.
Cooke, of the Market Square Presby
terian Church, before the men's mass
meeting to-morrow afternoon at 3.30
o'clock that is to be held under the
auspices of the Young Men's Christian
Association, Second and Locust streets.
Its character will be evangelistic. The
song service which precedes the ad
dress will be led by the association
chorister, W. H. Kautz. Familiar
hymns will be sung. The management
extends a cordial invitation to all men
to he present. Strangers in the city,
commercial travelers in particular, arc
especially welcomed. Doors will open
at 3 o'clock.
More than 300 members and friends
of the Ridge Avenue Methodist Church
attended the reception given to the
new members in the main auditorium
last evening. After a program had
been given refreshments were served
in the social hall.
An important social meeting of the
members of the Church of Christ,
Fourth and Delaware streets, will be
held Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock.
Special music and other features com
pose an interesting program. Re
freshments will be served.
Harris Street—9.3o, men's prayer
meeting; 10.30, "Patient Perseverance
and Fruitbearing;" 2. Sunday schdol;
6.40, Iv. L. C. E.; 7.30, "Christian En-
Take the Christian Church out
of this city, and few people would
be living here. How much are you
doing to forward her work?
One of the ways you can best
help is that you
Thla atlvertlnemrat haa been authorised by and la being paid for by the Aaaoelated Churehea of Harrlahnrff.
1■ 11 ' ■ 1 i
FEBRUARY 6, 1015.
Dr. Randell to Deliver
His Far Famed Lecture
The widely known Randell lecture
which lias been delivered before many
audiences for years past, will be given
in Stevens Memorial Methodist Epis
copal Church, Thirteenth and Vernon
street, to-morrow evening at 7.30
o'clock, under auspices of the Men's
This lecture deals with life questions
from a scientific and religious point
of view. Dr. J. O. Randell, of Phila
delphia, is the secretary of the coin
, mission on evangelism of the Metho
• dist Church. James W. Barker, the
Men's Club president, will preside.
The Church choir, the male chorus
and one hundred members of the
Stjugh chorus will sing. All members
of tho Stough chorus will be given
reserved scats. The front of the au
ditorium will be reserved for men. A
half hour of social fellowship will fol
low the service.
The Rev. C. E. Hillis, evangelist,
who is conducting a campaign in the
First Baptist Church, will give a
i special talk to men only to-morrow
afternoon at 3 o'clock on "Facts for
Men to Face." At the same time his
wife will speak to women only on
"The Model Woman." •
The Rev. G. Siglcr, pastor of the
Progress Church of God, is reported
slowly improving from his recent ill
ness. The Rev. D. S. Shoop and the
: Rev. C. L. Early, of this city, will
speak at the services in the church to
; Sixty-nine persons converted during
the revival conducted by the Rev. J.
! D. W. Deavor in Epworth Methodist
Church will be received in the church
at 11 o'clock in the morning. Tho
evangelistic campaign will be con
An illustrated lecture will be given
by J. Rowe Pike, an able Bible stu
i dent at Hlghspire at 3 o'clock at
Dougherty's Motion Picture hall,
commerce street. Subject, "What Is
God's Purpose, Past, Present and Fu
Church of the Brethren—The Rev.
! William K. Conner, evangelist. 11 and
7.30; Snudny school 10; Christian
Workers, 6.45.
College President Will
Talk at Redeemer Lutheran
William Anthony Granville, presi
dent of the Pennsylvania College, Get
tysburg, will speak at the evening
services at the Redeemer Lutheran
Church. The sermon will be given
especially for those interested in Chris
tian Xindeavor work. C. E. badges
will be given every person present.
Special music has been prepared and
the men's Bible class, numbering more
than a hundred will be present in n.
body. The pastor, the Rev. E. Victor
Roland, will preach at the morning
Cathedral —Monsignor M. M. Ilas
sett. Low mass, 7; children's mass,
9; high mass, 10.30; sunday school,
2.30; vespers and benediction, 7.30.
St. Lawrence—Tho Rev. P. D. Hut-,1
gel. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10;
Sunday school. 2.30; vespers and
benediction, 3.30.
St. Francis —The Rev. D. J. Carey.
Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunder'
school, 2.30; vespers and benediction.
Sacred Heart The Rev. William
Dalley. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10;
Sunday school. 2; vespers and benedic
tion, 7.30.
St. Mary's—The Rev. John O'Don
nell. Low mass. 8; high mass, 10.30;
Sunday school, 2; vestpers anil
benediction, 7.30.
Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan
Girls Low mass and benediction, t
a. in.
Sunday. Sexagasima.
Monday, St. John, Maths.
Tuesday, St. Cyril.
Wednesday, St. Seholastlea,
Thursday, BVM, Lourdes.
Friday, St. Agatha.
Saturday, St. Raymond.
The usual celebration of holy com
munion at St. Andrew's Protestant
Episcopal Church to-morrow morning
will be conducted by the Rev. Rollin
A. Sawyer, rector of St. Stephen's
Church. The Rev. James F. Bullitt,
rector of St. Andrew's, will conduct
service at St. Stephen's Church at the
same time.
First Church of Christ, Scientist—•
Board of Trade Hall, Sunday, 11 a. m.
and 7.30 p. m. Testimonial meeting.
Wednesday, 8 p. m. Free reading
rooms, Kunkel Building, 1.30 to 5
p. m. daily, also Monday and Satur
day evenings.