Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 01, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Big Reductions Made in Applica
tions For State Appropriations
For Two Years
State Laws to Investigate "Harm
ful Products" and Changes in
Building System
The State Board of Public Charities
has recommended $95,500 for hospitals
*nd homes in Harrisburg, including
the State hospital. Adhering to its
recommendation policy of two years
»go the Board docs not favor any
buildings except for insUtutions under
State control. For hospitals and
homes allowances are made only for
maintenance purposes and the State
hospital shares in the big general ap
propriation for the indigent insane.
The recommendations, which go be
fore the Legislature to-night and will
be taken up by the appropriations
committees give the following for
llarrlsburg and vicinity:
State l.una tic Hospital
Amount approved by the governor,
Session of 1913.
Buildings $15,500.00
Application for 1915-16.
l-and at entrance to hos
pital $15,000 00
Klevator 2.500 00
Furniture for sun parlor.. 1,000 00
Building for women for
manufacturing purposes, 5,000 00
Gateway and fencing at en
trance to grour-ls 1,500 00
Renewal of 6-inch water
pipe 300 feet 1,000 00
Concrete floors for cellars. . 5,000 00
Cow barns (2), with equip
ment 12,000 00
One storage building with
equipment 6,000 00
One milkhouse with'equip
ment 2,500 00
One pig pen with equip
ment 2,800 00
Two silos 1.600 00
One connecting walk 100 00
Filling and grading of
grounds 5,000 00
Total $61,000 00
Application Recommended as follows:
Land at entrance to hospi
ta' $15,000 00
Klevator 2,500 00
Furniture for sun parlor. . 1,000 00
Building for women for
manufacturing purposes, 5.000' 00
Gateway and fencing at en
cntrance to grounds .. . 1,500 00
Renewal of 6-inch water
pipe 300 feel .1,000 00
Pig pens ... .. 1,500 00
Total $27,500 00
Haxrisburg Hospital
Amount approved by Governor, Ses
sion of 1913.
Maintenance for two years.s4o,ooo 00
Application for 1915-16.
Maintenance for two years. $50,000 00
For tiling lavatories, and
dispensaries 2,500 00
For equipping additional
oppcrating room 2.500 00
For laundry machinery .. 2,500 00
For fire doors and equip
ment .. 2,000 00
Total 59,500 00
Amount recommended as follows:
Maintenance for two years, $35,000 00
Polyclinic Hospital
Amount approved by Governor, Ses
sion of 1913.
Maintenance for two years, $4,000 00
Application for 1915-16
Maintenance for two years, $25,000 00
Klivator 2,000 00
Building 10,000 00
Pay mortgage, on building, 26,500 00
Total .. » . . $63,560 00
Amount recommended as follows .
-Maintenance for two years. $5,000 00
Twenty-five hundred dollars a year
is recommended for maintenance. It
is slightly more than the returns show
was expended for free services and a
little less than the apparent need.
This is not unreasonable, when it was
considered that the capacity is to be
somewhat enlarged.
Home For the Friendless
Amount approved by the Governor.
Session of 1913.
Maintenance .. 4,500 00
Application for 1915-16.
Maintenance 7,000 00
Amount recommended as follows
Maintenance $4,500 00
Children's Industrial Home
Amount approved by the Governor,
Session of 1913.
Maintenance $5,500 00
Application for 1915-16
Maintenance 8,000 00
Application recommended as follows
Maintenance 6,000 00
Florence Ciittenlon llescue Home
Amount approved •by the Governor.
Session of 1913.
Maintenance $1,500 00
Application for 1915-16
Maintenance 1,500 00
Amount recommended as follows
Maintenance 1,500 00
Messiah Home Orphanage
Amount approved by the Governor.
Session of 1913.
Maintenance $3,000 00
Application for 1915-16
Maintenance $5,000 00
.Buildings, for a boy's build
mg. at Grantham, Cum
oerland county 5.000 00
Tot* l SIO,OOO 00
Amount recommended as follows
Maintenance 3,000 00
Nursery Home
Amount approved .by the Governor,
Session of 1913,
Maintenance $3,000 00
Application for 1915-16
Maintenance $7,000 00
Buildings 10,000 00
Total $17,000 00
Amount recommended as follows
Maintenance $5,000 00
Sylvan Heights Home
Amount approved by the Governor,
Session of 1 91,3.
Maintenance $7,500 00
Application for 1915-1«'
Maintenance 10.000 00
Amount recommended as follows
Maintenance 8,000 00
Carlisle Hospital
Application for 1915-16
Maintenance for two years, $15,000 00
Inasmuch as this hospital is not in
operation, the board has no basis upon
Deaths From
Whooping Cough
Dr. Edward Smith's st»ti»tlr» shflT
Whooping Cough to be the most fata,
dlltas* of children under one year. I*
is often possible to prevent a seve
itttaek. If a good remedy, like Goff
Cough Syrup, la given nt the algf
of a cough or cold. If the "whoop" ha!
already begun, give Golt'a to raise th>
choking phlegm, and al»o prevent:
croup. Guaranteed hy Grocers ant
Druggiata. 25c aad 50c. No opiates.
! JSjoamarii Watch for announcement of a timely Sale of Rags I ij
i and other floor coverings, I 4
; Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 I '
: To -morrow Is the First Day of Our Great J
_ <
► ( L * 4 1 V
► - r Nj' , <
fWTI ment that folks wait for our Furniture Sale L ppc <
to furnish, refurnish, or add just a piece or I ——"V... "
y k two, to the home, because they realize that I -—U mmmmaam |
► H they are saving considerably in doing so. S TT -1 I <
I This event is made possible by the ever- I ' ■ <
► rJR increasing, and rapidly-growing volume of '
► jg| business transacted on our Furniture Floor, j.ililWl ', - "")) T 1 <
► resulting in the old story of our school days iP^' - jp" s * L < !
K about each depending upon the other—we tD I|] T"| f - | p 4
can sell more; we can purchase more; the Vi 10 I I L <
manufacturer can make more—Reversing: J 1 | i ll II . j. 1
► the manufacturer can make more, and because of this, he caa - 0 . nflL ■ ? t ==^ss== T ? i
► sell cheaper; we can purchase cheaper; we can sell for less; c 0 ' J L I <
► you can buy for less. "\j ■ j J* 4
* But let it be known that furniture offered in this sale— j I * ;
► and that means every piece, must measure up to the desired 1 I I
► standard of workmanship before it is placed on our floor. 1 1—J ■ A <
You may also be interested in knowing that no portion Jt *
► of this furniture came through "hurry-make-them-any-old
► way" orders, as ample time, in fact, weeks and months were fTM • T T 1
: 1 his Handsome Dining Room Suite:
y We invite every homekeeper to visit this store and in
► spect the wonderful showing, from a small chair to the larg- /~\ 1 1 T~*| /"\ i*i* 1 S~\ 1 • y~\
: ™ Could Be Offered Only in Our :
y This initial advertisement tells of only a few, and mostly i
► of the better grades. Popularly priced lines are here for your ThTi 1 YY1 11"1 I VO "1" 11 O
► judgment—make comparisons if you choose. JJ OCllv CvL %|)X XU 4
► r..,4
► 1* IV /I The above illustration truly describes this handsome, four-piece-dining room set,, which is a 4
Uur Uwn Uuality Mattress, at feature of this sale. The sale price ssl 10.00 instead of $134.00. i
Q C\(~\ T 1 A 11 TV /I 1 Constructed of genuine mahogany, Sheraton design, and includes buffet, china closet, extension
y 4)0. 7\J Leads All vJther IVIaKeS table and serving table.
K " 'I '1 * O 1 All interiors are finished in 3-plv veneered mahogany. Buffet has 50-inch top; fitted with i
A ll'o OdlC French beveled plate mirror.
K Tt is made under our own supervision. Filled with pure white : ~j :
► cotton which is felted and these layers form a substantial filling. ** IP% 111* fl I / 4
► Covered with best grade satin art ticking; weighs full fifty pounds |— |p¥V» |c rillt TIK inO Ol A \L„, D„u . r 4
, and comes in one or two parts. $12.00 is a fair estimate of its value. I JCIC Jb UUI dll Ol 111 C A INeW Pattern Ot <
I. Our Regular "Number Three" Felt Mattress, that *a JC , J O 1 l - " • TI I Colonial Rnflvl .
► always sells for $6.98, is offered in this Februarv Sale at. V P YfpnQiriTi I
■ , All Cotton Mattress covered with S ood art 4JO An I aDieS
► ticking, is \er\ special in this sale, at Colonial Extension Table, with plank top and platform base;
y ~ __ _T t ' I made of quartered oak; finished in golden oak. Three filling or "xp«iTx-roiuman»hrp! and' The i
* sl3 95 Is OL Verv UTMSIICLI PTICP boards give an extension of six feet. CIQ
, IO UVOI y / / LOG Regular price. $20.00. February Sale Price cupboarda are wen desired and \
\ For a Handsome Living . Colonial Extension Table substantially made; plat- h Made or selected gartered oak.
y torm base, full rubbed and polished. \l9 7k highly polished, interior is nn-
I Room Set Regular price, $15.00. February Sale Price I D wouwTdinLriiy
► Which would be marked $22.00 any other time. Or staunch con- Colonial Pedestal Style —extension of six feet'; finished in Onart<»r#*rJ C Irl
► struction and finished in fumed oak to harmonize with any sur- golden oak. Regular price, $10.50. 7CA VaO.aen
► roundings. • i February Sale Price Oak Buffet, $19.75 1
► Consists ot table, arm chair and armed rocker. Table is 24x36
► inches (top) fitted with magazine racks and under shelf. Chairs in>. D D I having'Xnk a top. r sideband tot-' 4
► have leatherette seats and backs, and seats are constructed in auto- lLXCeDtlOnal rTICeS KJTI &raSS EeCIS £i£.i£ pricrM* of oak ' The 4
► seat styles, with heavy steel spring work. * ' ,
; A Beautiful Dining Room Suit, in True During i[p^^ j l^4 '
D-J*." -fj-LT L 'D*l ' Brass Beds, with three-inch posts and fifteen 1 54-inch filling d l o Anr
y Keproduction Ol the Jacobean I eriod posts cut out of head and foot. The combination finish gives it Dcdfoom Set At $93.00 "
► This suit is probably the most quaint and dignified as well added beauty. Regular price, CA Construction is perfect and fin- <
►as the latest pattern of any bearing ear marks of this Period. It $45.00. February Sale Price V** • bureau and Chiffon ' r ' ' ie
► consists of 10 pieces—buffet, china closet, serving table, extension New Colonial Post Bed, with large rod ends and heavy fillers, pC(I w ithdust proof'
► table, live side chairs and one arm chair. comes in bright and dull finishes. Regular 7C tween drawers, and these as well "
► The cabinet work is especially well executed; made of se- price, $29.00. February Sale Price as the triplicate dressing table 1
► lected quartered white oak, and finished in true Jacobean shade. Three-inch Post Style— substantial fillers; handsome design. • have large French plate mirrors.
►ln a regular way this suit would sell tICO AA Regular price, $20.00. J »7r Drawers are of all mahogany; <
. for $202.25. February Sale Price $159.00 Kebruar/Sale Price $14.75 b £ ks ßt ? e l <
which to make a recommendation. |
ChambcrsburK Hospital
Amount approved by Governor, Ses
sion of 1913.
Maintenance for two years, $13,500 00
Application for 1915-16
Maintenance for two years, $15,000 00 t
Improvements . . 6,000 00 I
Total $21,000 00 ]
Amount recommended as follows I
Maintenance for two years, $13,500 00
Total of Allowances
The Board has recommended ap- J
propriations for charitable institu
tions for buiidingsand maintenance ag
gregating $1 3,374,531.35 exclusive of
the $4,210,000 which is required for
the maintenance of the indigent in
sane who will be public charges of the
Commonwealth during the appropria
tion period of 1915-1917. The recom
mendations which were made public
here to-night, are the result of the
consideration of requests made of the
Board at hearings held in Philadel
phia, Marrisburg and Pittsburgh and
Inspections of s. number of Institutions
by members anfl officers of the Board
in the last three months. Two years
ago the Board recommended within
$26,000 of the $12,728,7G6.31 approved
for buildings and maintenance exclu
sive of the $4,720,000 allowed for the
. Class. Maintenance Buildings.
State institutions—
Recommended. 1915-1917 $.".,387,714 35 $2,059,539 92
Asked 3,618,692 46 3,751,567 89
Received last session 3,111,120 43 2,210,218 88
Semi-State institutions—
Recommended ' 1.303,594 75 297,282 33
Asked .. .1,307,834 75 561,282 33
Received last session 1,254,.707 00 171,200 00
Recommended 5,209,500 01 . .
Asked 7,353,094 67 3,458,000 00
Received last session 4,698,320 00 341,500 00
Sanltoria— •
Recommended 11 4,000 no
Asked 224,472 96 ....i
Received last session 90,000 00
Homes, Asylums and Societies —
Recommended 1.022,900 00
Asked 1,742,500 00 433,850 00
Received last session 543.200 00 8,500 00
Torrenoe Comment*
The report of Francis J. Torrence,
the president, says: "When consider
ing the large sums contributed by the
State for charitable -work, it is
sary to oonsider likewise the great
indiKent insane.
The detail of the recommendations
i 3 as follows:
number of our population. who in
some form or other, receive the State's
bounty. About one par cent, of the
total population of the State is cared
for during the entire year by publln
and private charity. The population'
| of the various institutions at the end
of the last statistical year was 75,410,
classified and distributed as follows:
Insane asylums, hospitals, State and
county institutions 15,062; home for
children and aged 19,103: State hos
pitals for miners 704; in various pri
vate hospital 9,835; in private sanitoria
for consumptives 477; Institutions for
weak minded 3,292: various reform
schools 1,637; institutions for deaf
and dumb 913; institions for blind 337;
penal Institutions 2,919; ..jails and
workhouses 2,030; almshouses 6,101.
"In addition to this current popula
tion 217,261 persons were cared for In
State and private hospitals for a
longer perior during the year. The
above does not include population In
the State tuberculosis hospitals at
Mont Alto, Cresson and Hamburg.
"Briefly as to hospitals and homes
there wore 689.126 dispensary patients
treated free, 2,229,914 free hospital
days and 4,533.430 days in various
homes aided or supported by the
"The crowded condition of many of
the institutions, the large waiting lists,
of applicants for admission and proper
FEBRUARY 1, 1915.
provision for classes not already pro
vided for makes Imperative demands
on the State for increased capacity of
the present institutions and speedy
provision for other institutions."
Kofommends Lawn
The report also says that the de
pression in business affected hospitals
by causing: smaller donations and that
institutions were also adversely affect
ed by the higher cost of items enter
ing Into maintenance and the high
cost of medical and surgical supplies
caused by the war in Europe.
The Board' recommends the bill to
prevent procreation of idiots: the bill
to change management ol all jails not
now under government of wardens; a
State system of workhouses; that the
State carry its own insurance on build
ings: Investigation into the advisability
of legislation to prevent manufacture
and sale ot harmful products; a State
CASTOR IA F«r Infants anri CMMrw. sj? 1
Thi Kind Tm Him Alms Bought a
for incurables; that the cus
!,tom of having Institutional buildings
erected by commissions be abolished
and that when any construction Is au
thorized the legislative enactment be
gin with the selection of trustees and
i that they construct the plant subject
to approval of the Board of Puhlio
charities; a pension system for
annuatcd and disabled employes
State Institutions.
Congregation of St. Patrick's at York
Provide Home For Sisters of Mercy
Special to The Telegraph
York, Pa., Feb. I.—St. Patrick's Ca
tholic congregation has constructed
and furnished a new convent for the
Sisters of Mercy In this city, at an ap
proximate coat of SIO,OOO.