Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 01, 1915, Page 12, Image 12
12 $10,000,000 A Year Wasted on Trusses H«w 60 Days' Trial Protects Yon Against Throwing Money Away Away With i Worthless ' Makeshifts ujfflvxc' Xinety-nlne out of every hundred dol lars spent for elastic and spring: trusses might about as well be thrown away. Close to ten million dollars a year—• in this country alone—is practically wasted on such contraptions. And all simply because nine sufferers out of ten trust to a mere try-on or hasty examination instead of first mak ing: 1 thorough teat. A Mere Try-on la «i Snare You can't possibly tell anything: about a truss or anything else for rup ture merely by trying it on. A truss or so-called "appliance" mav seem alright at first and afterward prove utterly worthless. The onlj' way in the world yoti can make sure of exactly what you're get ting Is by making a thorough sixty day teat without having to risk any money. The Only Thing Good Knough To Stand a 60-Hay Teat There is only one thing of any kind for rupture that you can get on sixty davs' trial— Only one thing good enough to atand such a long and thorough tost That is our guaranteed rupture hold er. We'll make one especially for your case—make it to your measure and let you try it sixty days— We'll practically lend it to you that long—without asking vou to risk a penny. If it doesn't keep your rupture from coming out or bothering you in any way, no matter how hard you work or strain—lf It doesn't prove every claim we make then you can send It back and It won't cost you a single cent. Mnde on »w PrlnHple This guaranteed rupture holder the famous Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss is so utterly different from everything elsp for rupture that It has received eighteen separate patents. Tt far more than just a truss. Made on an absolutely new principle. Unlike everything else, it is welf regulatlng. aelf-ndjuitlng instantly and automatically protecta you agalnnt Catholics Will Hold Two Special Masses Catholic churches to-morrow will observe the Feast of Purification. Special masses will be held at 7.30 o'clock In the morning. At these serv ices candles for use during the year will be blessed and distributed. The Feast of St. Blase will be held r ■ ' i Hundreds Hare Taken Advantage of Our Special Optical Offer If You Want to Do the Same Be Sure to Come at Once Offer Good This Week Only Your ejfg examined, flat or deep curved torto d* AA lenses properly flttod to jour eyes, and a guar- J W 1111 anteed 10 year gold filled eye glass or spectacle • W * frame, you can choose style desired, complete 205 Locust St. Opp. Orpheum Kyos Exam,ned G ro»»a * VC4W/ *J C/ Exclusive Optical Store V Oj>en Dally 8 a. m. to « p. m.; PRESCRIPTION' OPTICIAN evenings by appointment V J Mysterious | COME A\D LET BRINDAMOUR Red Cross Mary The Telephtne Tangle 3 " t ""« «">""«> r 8 j AND A NEW ™ 5 ° T r B,c ACTS 2 REEL KEYSTONE ANNIVERSARY WEEK COMEDY TO-DAY The First Installment of the Great New Love Story Serial "RUNAWAY JUNE" -BY— GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER Victoria Theater To-day and Every Other Monday For 15 Weeks ADMISSION 10c - . CHILDREN 5c _ Delightful Hours of TraveI—CHESTNUT STREET AUDiTORIUwP MATTT PICTURE i>rA.U L/ 1 I O JOURNEYS HEPI.ETE WITH BEAITV, FACT AND HUMOR IN COLOR AND MOTION FIVE THURSDAYS, BEGINNING FEBRUARY 4 W *^ ES - SCOTLAND FEBRUARY 4 MPAI.i KKBRC4RY II IX THE FOOTSTEPS OP NAPOLEON PEBRI ARV 1H !SS|i* D FEBRUARY 2R VKAICE MARCH 4 AT 8.15. ADMISSION, 2Sf and 50? r CHESTNUT STREET AUDITORIUM, HARRISBURG, PA. " JOHIN McCORMACK Famous Irish Tenor, assisted by Doaald Mrßeath. Violinist WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1915, AT 8.15. Rmrrvrd Seats—flJiO and *2.00. I.rnrml Admission gi.oo Mall orders accompanied by cash or check aral <« V. M. .Staler, HO North Second street, Harrlshurg, will he filled la the order received before the board opens for regular aale, January 28. MONDAY EVENING, ever >" strain so your rupture can't pos sibly be forced out. And in addition to this constant holding, it provides the only way ever discovered for overeomlnii tfce wenk ■em which is the renl ratine of rupture. Just how it does that—entirely outn matlrall.v ls all explained In the free hook which the coupon below will bring you. , >o Belt -\o I.»K-Slram —Mo Sprla«« Does away entirely with the curse of belts, leg-straps, and springs. People who have tried it say It Is as comfort able us their clothing. Is water-proof—■ will hold in the bath. Also perspi ration-proof and easily kept clean. Will Wave You From Operation This guaranteed rupture holder has so thoroughly proved Its merits In nearly SOti.OOO cases that surgeons In the I". S. Army and navy and physicians In all parts of the world now recom mend 't instead of advlxlng operation. It has completely cured hundreds and hundreds of people whose cases seeinod almost hopel»ss The Things We Tell in Onr Book There are so many mistaken Ideas about rupture that we have taken the time to sum up In a boo# al! we have learned during forty years of ex perience. Tills remarkable book—cloth-bound, 9S pages, ;o chapters, and 23 photogra phic Illustrations—is full of facts never before put In print. It deals with rupture in all its forms and stages. It shows the dangers of operation, rt exposes the humbug "appliances," "methods," ptasters." etc. It shows why wearing elastic or spring trusses is almost sure to shorten your life. And It tells about the famous Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss how simple it is—how It ends constant ex pense—how you can try it sixty days without having to risk a penny, and how little It costs If you keep It. Also gives over 8.000 voluntary en dorsements from benefited and cured people. Send for this book to-day—don't put It off —the minute It takes to write for it may free you from trouble for the rest of your life. Simply use the cou pon or just say in R letter "Send me your book." ' THIS BRINGS IT "> Bo* ««a—CI.VTHR COMPANY 12S Kant 23rd St.. NEW YORK CITY Send me your Free Book and Trial Offer. Name Address v Wednesday. Services will be held at 7.30 o'clock in the morning and 7.30 o'clock in the evening. St. Blase. WHO TS honored on Feb ruary 3 of each year, was the bishop of Sebaste. In Armenia. He was ar rested by order of Ldcinius in the year 316 and cruelly put to death. His only crime was his refusal to honor the pagan gods. jf B| ljinNEws or th9[~ \ ' mtll EMPLOYES | RETIRE WITH HONOR 1 i Harrisburg Pensioners include Shop Foreman and Freight Conductor On the honor roll of the Pennsylva nia railroad for January appears the names of two Marrisburgers. John O. Germer. a local shop foreman, and Stephen B. t.ege, a freight conductor on the Middle division. Seventy-seven I veterans were placed on the pension or I honor roll. John A. C. Germer resides at 432 j Harris street. On his retirement em ployes presented Mr. Germer with a; number of gil ts. Addresses were made i by General Secretary Frank H. (ire- 1 gory of the P. R. R. y. M. C. A. and ' others. Mr. Germer was in the per-1 vice of the Pennsylvania Railroad | Company forty-seven years and fouri months. i Stephen B. Lego.the Middle division; conductor, was an employe of the < Pennsylvania railroad for forty-three [ years and ten months. Conductor Lego resides at 1526 Penn street He started in lh<; local yards of the com pany. Another veteran who is now on the pension role and well known to Mar risburgers :s John G. Hainmel, on the Baltimore division of the Northern Central branch. His record shows forty-five years and two months of ser vice. He entered the service as freight brakeman on the Middle division. He was a few years afterward employed in the same capacity on the Northern Central. He was promoted to con ductor and later was made yardmaster at Brldeport, now Since 1887 he has been passenger conductor with a run between Baltimore and Harrisburg. The total number of employes on the pension list. January 1, 1915, wus 4,336. The amount paid out for pen sions since January 1, 1900, is SlO,-- 788,054.59. Railroad Earnings Show Further Decrease Gross earnings of tKrty-flve rai'- roads, operating within the United States, during the tnird week of Janu ary decreased 11.56 per cent In com parison with the same week of last year, according to the weekly bulletin of Edward B. Smith and Company, New York and Philadelphia bankers. Request Steel Bids For New C. V. Bridge Rids have been asked by tlie Penn sylvania railroad for four hundred tons of steel for the new Cumberland Val ley Railroad bridge to he erected across the Susquehanna river at this point. This steel it is understood, is to be delivered at Harrisburg and Le moyne early in April. The total rail orders for last week called for 125,000 tons. During the month of January 326.000 tons of rails were contracted for by railroad companies tin the United States. Standing of the Crews HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia division—ll3 crew to go first after 3.30 p. m., 120, 119, 112, 122. 109, 116. Engineers for 113. 120. Firemen for 112, 109. Flagmen for 119, 116. Rrakemen for 113, 116. Engineers up Downs, Young, Positive Relief from the suffering caused by dis ordered conditions of the organs of digestion and elimination— from indigestion and biliousness— always secured by the safe, certain and gentle action of Beecham's Pills Sold everywhere. In bezea, 10c., 28c. AMUSEMENTS MAJES TIC A 1.1, THIS W EEK NATHAN APPKLL Presents Arthur Chattmrdon and Ilia Premier Stock Co. IN PLAYS WORTH WHII.E MONDAY Evening A Grata of Duat TUESDAY Matinee . . The Girl From Tnntm Evening .... The Girl In The Taxi Mr. Chntterdon and Miss Bushnell Introduce Timito Dances la above. WEDNESDAY , Matinee A brain of Duat I Evening Kindllne THURSDAY Mat., Girl In Tnvl nnd Tango Dancers Eve. ... Teas of the Storm Country FHIDA V Matinee. .. W hat a Woman W ill Do Co. Gives Tnnaro Ten After Mat Evening. . .I'lir Traveling Salesman SAT. ANNOUNCED I.ATF.R PRICESi Eventnas, 10c, 20c, 30c 50c: Matinees. JOc, 20c. Tonight, Undies, 15c| limit 200. Seats Now. _ - _i Photoplay Tm-day "THE EVIL MEN DO" 3-act Broadway Star Vltagraph Fea- I ture. with Mnurloc < ostello and his I daughters Helen and Dolores la the lending roles. *» '•HIS I.ADY OF DREAMS," 'J-act Blograph. • • O M V E * S MAM FACTURED MOTHER," Edison. SPECIAL TOMORROW' Anita Stewart and Earl Williams In "THE RIGHT GIRU." Great Yltanrraph Comedy. j ! REGENT . Dnnlrl Frnhinan prenenta To-d«y "Lost Paradise" To-morrow. 5 ReeIs—"PARAMOUNT FEATURE —ft Heels. With H. R. Warner In Title llnuy OPEN—I 2 NOON TO II P. nf ADMISSION i 4 Children, ftc. Adults, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH The First Day of the February Furniture Sale I hrce-piecc turned Oak Library! Suite, representing an actual $19.50 value, and exactly like the group pictured above ,is marked with the idea of creating a new standard of value in Library furniture. 1 A Q C The February Furniture Sale price is -....! tP A »•*/ O ** i | r> i $3.50 large size Tia- I L s3s-00 Rockers, now .... t^p ec j a |j v p t -i cec | j n the H ' I^BBBbIBbiM I I |J!||IJ)(I lill lln (1 I II " ' —" —■ 9 $6.00 polished mahogany jf i U Hill i P 1 j I llf [I | i.i I II * iiw rockers with Itleli hack, ■" |Lj | a [111 i i 11,.. |H | | p||] III! lAB sprlnK seat and imitation VXXXXXXX/l^V ®'l II/ 1 ; | i l l Willi ilili II i ||U 1U 18 Spanish leather up- XAxYXXXXX/^JHMr ■ » Jji; .11 | l| I . 1/j Mill I ||S | I I f ' <<W~ 1 holstpriiiK; special at $3.95 iii 1 ,n sa '° ton, ° r " bus fQ i b ' ill ' jS~ ill J i.-®- . $16.50 bureaus In oak. wfug| JI 1.11 wa J-l ■ <XJ inn hogany, hlrds'-eyc and « * J li|| I II I liL^^lUe - walnut: chiffoniers anil B ii|| 111 ***' ~ eolden oak TT __ fonters $5.95 Unmatchable Brass Bed Values rJ^.^ on tracted for between our stores in the Syndicate Trading Com- , *«».oo buroius ami ciiir- V WM , . » . . . fonlers, in styles that have HM pany and a big brass bed maker. Little wonder then that we arc been dropped by the malt- W^m able to sell crs: reduced $10.05 FVB $7.50 brass beds for $3.05 $12.50 bras* beds for , $0.75 oak, nialiogwiv or birds'-eye $9.50 brass beds for SH.SO $14.95 brass beds for $10.95 with chiffoniers to mutch; „ $11.95 brass beds for $0.50 $19.50 brass beds for $14.95 reduced to $17.95 I Grass. Reisinger. Kennedy, Hennecke, Madenford. Smith, Hindman, Geesey, Eenncurl. Wolfe, Buck, Hubler, Kautz, Gilluns, Mirtnich, Newcomer, Bissin ger. Gibbons, Earhart, Albright. Firemen up Eebhart, Sees, Bren ner, Behman, Madenfort, Reno, Kcs troves, Wluchello, Houser, Kreider, Eantz, Wagner 1., Wagner E., Manner, Mulholm, Gclberg. Keghman, Rhoads, Chronister, Balsbaugh, Swank, Packer, Shaffer. Horstick, McNeal,' Arnsberger. Conductors up Mehatfle. Flagmen up First, Witwyer. Braketnen up Brown McNaugh ton, Bromwell, Bryson. Coleman, Gar rett, Griltin, Hubbard. Buthozer, Moore, File, Stehman. Bogner. Riley, Gouse, Ferguson, Dengler, Cox, lie- Ginnls. Middle Division —23 crew to go first after 1.30 p. in. 19, 238. Preferencce 2, 3. 9. 4. 7, 10. 0, 6. 8, 1. Engineer for 3. Fireman for 3. Conductor for 2, 5. Flagman for 3, 1. Hrakeman for 23, 10, 1. Engineers up Bennett, Havens, Simonton, Webster, Kugler, Knisley, Wlssler. Firemen up Karstetter, Fletcher. Shceslev, Reeder, Bornman, Ross. Davis, SchretHer. Conductors up Dissinger, Gantt. Flagmen up Mumma, Cain, Jacobs. Brakemen up Malhias. Frank, Reese, Putt, Wencrlck, Kauffman, Ressinger, Kiff, Fritz, Bell, Kobler. Roller. ScholTstall, Kieffer, Myers, Henderson, Strouser, Karle, Spahr, Stahl, Plff, Week, Lauver. YARD CREWS Engineers up Swab, Crist. Har vey. Saltsman, Kuhn. Snyder, Pelton, Slinver, Eandls, Hoyler, Harter, Ho benshelt, rsrennoman, Thomas, Rudy, Houser. Meals, Stahl. Firemen up Rauch, Weigie, Cook ;erley. Sholter. Snell, Bartolet, Getter., Barkey. Sheets, l-fair, Eyde, Ney I Myers, Schlefer, Shipley, Crow, Revie, Ulsh, Bostdorf, | Engineers for 1 454. 2260, 322, 1 820, I 954. Firmen for 306, 1869, 1404, 2260, { 1856, 1820. MOLA SIDP: Philadelphia Division —The 209 crew to go first after 3.45 p. m.: 2tl, 213, 239, 204. 226. 227: Engineers for 237, 226, 227. Fireman for 2Q4. Conductors for 23, 05. Flagman for 01. | Brakemen for 16. 23. 23, 27. j Flagman up: Corrigan. Brakemen up: Vandling, Fair, llc- Phearson, Sunimy, Taylor, Mumma, I Lutz, Kline, Wolfe. Kane, Decker, I Musser. Albright. Shaffnye, Rice, Eong, Malseed. Hoopes. Campbell, Stitneling. Middle Division—The 119 crew to I go first after 3.30 p. m.: 116, 108, 110. Engineer for 3 08. | Conductor for 11C. Brakeman for 110. THE READING HHiTishurß Division.— The 15 crew first to go after 10.30 a. m.: 9, 5, 3, 24, 8. 14. Eastbound. 64 first to go: ! 61. 71. 53, 52. 58, 69. 70, 56, 65, 67. Engineers for 61. 5. I Firemen for 53, 65. 14. Conductors for 3. 8. Flagmen for 46. Bakemen (or 58. 3, 4, 18. Engineers up: Masslmore, Moore, Pletz, , Vy re, Wood. Crawford, Fort ney, Wireman, Eope, Richwine, Barn harti I'flremen up: Bowers, Boyer, Carl, King, Sullivan, Miller. jUHiikonski. Dowhower, Eongenecker, Lex, Rumbaugh, Fulton, Chronister. Conductor up: Oeigher. Brakemen up: Keefer, Shearer, Fleagle, Painler, Troy, Zanaski, Creager. Eby. Carlln, Mumma, Hoo ver, Eple.v,' Grimes. U.S. COURT WILL SIT FOR 2-DAY SESSION Argument List to Be Considered by Judge Witmer Tomorrow; Naturalizations Wednesday since the remodel- Mk ing of the Post Jrl Office was begun federal court will mer' will hold a two-day session. To-morrow will be given over to argument sessions, while on Wednes day there will l»e naturalization court. Sixty-eight former subjects of the un easily crowned heads of Europe will formally auk for the rght to claim Old Glory, the United States and Uncle Sam as Hag. country and protector. January Building Rocoril. Only seven building permits were issued in jg Three to one in favor of FATIMA means this—WW one smoker n §§ |p asks for some other brand of cigarettes, three sing out" FATIMAS." |Sj FEBRUARY t, 1915. January. 1915, and the total esti mated cost was $7,575. In December six permits, valued a.t $17,100, were issued, while January of 1914 netted eleven permits at a value of $28,570. Isaac Friedman got a permit to-day to build an addition to 14 Aberdeen street at a cost of SSOO. while on Saturday G. and E. Eett got permission to' re model 225 North Second street at a cost of $2,000. Ninety-nine Marriage I/iconises in January. —Only ninety-nine marriage licenses were issued in January, ac cording to the records of the marriage bureau. In December there were 116. Realty Transfers. —Saturday's realty transfers included the following': J. A. Risliel to Elizabeth A. Stutman, Sus quehanna township, $1: W. H. Bailey, treasurer, to Ira A. Keiter, two Wlco nisco properties for $1 each; Weaver & Stewart to John E. Glpple, E. E. Booda and C. H. Koons, houses in Chestnut between Nineteenth and Twentieth for $1 each. P. R. R. Business Poor During Past Year Gross earnings of the Pennsylvania railroad system in December, 1914, fell to the lowest volume for any month last year, as shown by the monthly statement made public this morning. Total revenues for the month were $25,991,729. This aggre gate is $1,334,409 below November and $4,408,993 less than for December, 1913. STOPS HEADACHE, PAIN, NEURALGIA Dont suffer! Get a dime pack age of Dr. James' Headache Powders. You can clear your head and re lievo a dull, splitting or violent throb bing headache In a moment with a Dr. James' Headache Powder. This old-time headache relief acts almost magically. Send someone to the drug store now for a dime package and a few moments after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the headache, neuralgia and pain. Stop suffering—lt's needless. Be sure you get what you ask for. Advertise ment. SAYS EMPEROR HAS CHI Mi By Associated Press l.ondon. Feb. 1. S.io A. M.— A dis patch to the Daily News from Copen hagen says: "Emperor William suf fered from a chill owing to the severe weather. He will remain in Berlin until the weather is more favorable."