Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 21, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    i How To Make the I
© Quickest, Simplest Cough ®
© Mark Better thaa the Ready- @
© Made Kind and Von Nave 92. ®
© Fully Guaranteed
Thin home-made conprh ayrup is now
used in more homes than anv other cough
remedy. its promptness. ease and cer
tainty in conquering distressing coughs,
finest and throat colds, is really remark
able. \ou can actually /eel it take hold.
-A day b use will usually overcome the
ordinary couch —relieves even whooping
tough quickly. .Splendid, too, lor bron
, clutts, spasmodic croup, bronchial asthma
and winter coughs.
Get from any drufrgist 2Vz ounces of
I inex (50 cents worth), pour it in a pint
bottle and till the bottle with plain granu
lated augur syrup. This gives you—at a
cost of only 54 cents—a full pint of better
cough syrup than you could buv for -1U.50.
i akes but a few in inn. i. 2 to prepare. Full
directions with I'inex. Tastes good and
never spoils.
?V ' )e pleasantly Surprised how
quickly it loosens drv, hoarse or tight
coughs, and heals the inflamed mem
branes in a painful cough. It also stops
the formation of phlegm in the throat
end bronchial tubes, thus ending the per
sistent loose cough.
i'inex is a most valuable concentrated
compound of genuine .Norway pine ex
tract, rich in guaiacol, which is so heal
ing to the membranes.
lo avoid disappointment, he sure and
a>k your druggist for ''2\' 2 ounces Pinex,"
and don't accept anything elbe.
A guarantee of abFolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation. ' The J'inex Co., it.
Wayne, Ind
Thin lollcs Who
Would Be Fat
lncrrn»e In right Ten Pounds »r HUM
K I'h.TuieiHU's Advice
"I'd certainly give most anything to
be uLie to fat up a few pounds and stay
that way." declares every excessively
1 liln man or woman. Sucli a result is
lint impossible, despite past failures.
'l"!ijn people are victims of mal-nutrl
lion. a condition which prevents the
fatty elements of food from belnir taken
up by the blood as tlioy are when the
powers of nutrition are normal. In
stead of Kfttiltg'fnto the blood, all flit!
l'at and flesh producing elements stay
in the intestines until they pass from
Hit- bouy as waste.
To correct this condition and pro
duce a healthy, normal amount of fat
the nutritive processes must be artl-
IH-ially supplied with the power which
nature lias denied them. This can hest
In- accomplished by eatinfr a Hargol tab-
Id with every meal. Sargol is a scien
-1111- combination of six of the best
strength-giving, rat-producing: elements
known to the medical profession. Taken
vith meals, it mixes with the food and
turns the sugars and starches into rich,
ripe nourishment for the tissues anil
Mood ami its rapid effect is remark
able. Reported gains from ten to
twentv-flve pounds in s single month
are by no means infrequent. Yet its
action is perfectly natural and abso
lutely harmless. Sargol is sold by
c.eorgre A. Gorgas and other good drug
gists everywhere and every package
contains a guarantee bf weight increase
or money bark.
t autlon: —Wiille Sargol has produced
remarkable results in the treatment of
nervous indigestion and general stom
ach disorders, it should not, owing to
its remarkable liesh producing effect,
he used by those who are not willing
to increase their wei"lit ten pounds or
more.—-\d vertisemunt.
,&ow French Ladies Re
move Superfluous Hair
An International authority whose ad
vice on health and beauty is frequently
printed in the leading publications of
nearly every country, says that while
the majority of I'rench ladies are sub
ject to superfluous hair, their affliction
is rarely evident, because just as soon
us tile objectionable growth appears
liiey destroy it at on ; by applying a
simple paste made by mixing a few
orops of water with a littlo sulthine
depilatory. Apply with a knife blade.
Leave it on for about two minutes then
remove the paste -with the back ot the
knife, when you will find trio hair has
entirely disappeared. If your druggist
hasn't sulthine depilatory, which is es
sentially a French product, in stock, lie
tmi quickly prepare it for you by mix
ing 4Vi drams sulthine concentrate
■with -Vt drams zinc oxide and I dram
powdered orris root. The almost total
absence of superfluous hair from ladies'
fates throughout France. England,
Italy and Germany is attributed to the
occasional use of this Inexpensive and
harmless sulthine depilatory as pre
pared from tiie above formula.
owing to the numerous requeata to
Ml this formula arrangements nave
been made with G. A. • iorgas to keep
in stock a liberal supply of sulthine
depilatory prepared according to the
original French formula, put up com
plete and ready for use.—Advertise
'Rot's go out to-night." suggested
the country cousin, "and see some
good acting."
"All right." assented the New
Yorker. "'What kind of acting do you
prefer, society divorce, murder heroine
or bridge jumper?"
(?(»•• of Ohio. City of Toledo, Liism County. ns.
Frank .1. t'hene.r miikf* imth that hi- i c snnlor
tim'tnpr of tlii* firm of F. .1. Cheney Co.. do
i I? business In tlio City of Toledo. County 2:>cl
fr-'ate aforesaid, and that anid tirni will pay
lie sum of lINK Ht'NDltEll IHIbLAHS '.<«
e-eh antl (-wry case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of llall'a Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
pre>.enre, this uth day of December. A. D., IS3&
•Seal. A. W. (iI.nASON.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure |« taken internally and
• era directly upon the Mood and mucous aur
fices ot the aystem. fiend for testimonials,
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O.
. Sold by all Uriißgi'ta. 75c.
, Tatf» nall'a Family rills *oe eonatlpatlon.
i For Rough Chapped Hands r
• What t'nrlMlnii Women I *e to tlake 1
• Their Hands Iti-un tlf ul, Soft •
t and While. j
The best preparation for softening
whitening and beautifying the hands is
e famous French formula composed of
iapora Concentrate, 2 ozs.. Alcohol
i'% oxs.. lloso water j oz„ Witch Hazel
or. This product will also quicklv
remove freckles, yellow or dark spot's
oil the skin, overcome enlarged skin
pores, black heads and unnatural red
ness of the skin. It is most refreshing
for gentlemen to use after shaving as
Wfl is exceptionally healing to a sore
'or tender skin.
In reply to an inquiry ('roll Keller
druggist. 405 Market street of this
city, says that they keep all the in
gredients required for compounding the
above prescription and that thev are
piepared to fill it Just as well ai a' Paris
Commissioners Dapp and Taylor
Select Panel For Duty Week of
February 22
Sixty traverse jurors who will serve
at the special session of February
Common Pleas court beginning Feb
ruary 22, were drawn this morning by
Jury Commissioners Ed. Dapp and
Samuel Taylor and Sheriff 11. ('. Wells.
The list follows:
Henry W. Myers. Second ward, Mid
dletown; John V'. I 1 en Dinger. Mifflin
township; Harper D. Fegle.v, l.ykens;
Richard H. Kautz. Fourth ward .Steel
ton: Samuel Aungst, Swatara town
ship; Jacob 1.. Hoover, Middle Pax
ton township; George C. Klinefelter,
Tenth ward, city; George F. Greena
walt, Hummelstown; Frank 8. Avars,
Ninth ward, city; James O. Elliott,
Third ward, Steelton; Joseph X. Oli
ver, Hummelstown: Charles G. Fickes.
Thirteenth ward, city; Cornelius Bow
man, Halifax' township; William E.
Duncan, High spire; Edward 1,. Gault,
Fifth wprd, Steelton: Harry Aungst,*
Third ward, .Vliddletown: John A.
Schreibner, Elizabethville; Andrew
Wolf. Swatara township: Charles I. B.
Berry, Jackson township; David ft.
l.andis, Hummelstown; christian K.
Wissler, .Seventh . ward, .city: James G.
Miles, Twelfth ward, city: Alfred II
I How. 'Washington township: Fred C.
| Hoover, East Hanover township;
Charles E. DiKendorfer, llighspire:
John Koons, West' Hanover township;
Aaron Kauffman. Lower Paxton town
ship: Miles Bomgardner, Fast Han
over: Charles H. Spahr, Fifth ward,
city; Samuel H. Xissiey, First ward,
Steelton: i.ewis Sweigle, llighspire;
Howard M. Merry man. Third ward,
Steelton; Samuel 11. Albright, Second
ward, city: Henry Shank. Second
ward, Middletown: Edward Punch,
WillianiHtown: Benjamin F. Ein eric k,
Ninth ward, city; Wilson E. George,
Lower Paxton: Charles E. King,
Eighth ward, .city; John A. Hetrick,
Jr., East Hanover; John 'VV. Hepford.
Tenth ward, city: William H. Adam*,
First ward, city; Harry A. Schriver,
Elizabethville: George A. Knighton.
First ward, city: 'George W. Bricker,
Derrv township: Simon Baccastoe.
Kerry township: Wiillarn R. Clay,
South Hanover; Adam JjUtz, Second
ward, Middletown; Robert Alleman.
Lower Swatara: irvin Fager. Royal
ton: Jacob Schubauer, West Hanover;
John .). Kolvic, Wiconlsco township:
Milton 11. Weaver. Milleraburg: Isaac
A. Machamer, Wiconisco township:
Frederick W. Beck, Middletown; Si
mon I'. Lebo, Klizubethville; f{. Ray
Eilas c. Martin, Londonderry town
ship; James A. Kellyfl Third ward,
Heacjiler, Second ward, Middletown;
James R. Ebersole. Seventh ward,
city; Samuel C. Spangler, Lykens;
Aged Veteran Dies Day
After Fulfillment of Wish
| "Just one more chance to vote for
the Republic* a ticket and to see an
other Republican Governor inaugur
ated before I die."
This wish expressed by John Welt
mer, aged SS years, of. 21«» Muench
street, last Fall, a veteran of two wars,
was gratified. Mr. Welt mer tlied
| this atternoon at the llartrnan
i hospital, where li» was taken follow
ing a stroke at his home this morn
ing. The funeral arrangements will
probably be inaoe by Post No. 116,
Grand Army of the Republic,
John Weltmer served during the
Mexican war and in Hie War of the
Rebellion. He also served In the
regular army, lie was lieutenant of
police under the late .Mayors John D.
Patterson, John I '. Herman and Si
mon Cameron Wilson. For the last
eight years M». Weltmer lias lived re
tired. ilc was an active Republican
all his life, and for. many years re
sided on Verbeke street near Capital.
Editor and Church Worker
Married at Mount Union
■ Mount Union, Pa.. Jan. 21. —Charles
'Howard Welch and Miss Clementine
Compton were married In the First
Presbyterian Church here Tuesday
evening at 6.30 o'clock, by the pastor,
the Rev. Chester W. Todd. The -bride
and groom were unattended, and the
wedding was very simple and impres
sive. In spite of the fact that no In
vitations were sent out. the church au
ditorium was well filled with wit
nesses. Mrs. Mary Kyper Gifford,
aunt of the bridegroom and church
organist, played during the ceremony.
The bride is a western girl, her home
being in Portland, Ore. She Is a wo
man of broad culture and refinement,
and a graduate of Moody Bible Insti
tute at Chicago. She was Hie soloist
for the Johnson-Weaver Evangelistic
Party until recently. The bridegroom
is editor of the Mount Union Times,
and is well known throughout Central
Pennsylvania in both a business as
I well as a religious way.
Miss Una Clayton to Present
Dramatization of Situation
Which Occurs Here Yearly
The fight that city and State have
been naaking against the sale of im
pure milk, and the ultimate reduction
of the infant mortality rate through
cleaning up the unsanitary dairies, will
receive a substantial boosl next week
when L'na Clayton presents at the Or
plieum theater, a dramatic playlet
founded on the subject of impure
The report of Dr. J. M. J. Raunick.
city health officer, that the birth rate
is getting lower while the death rate
among infunts remains high. was
quickly followed by the announce
ment that Miss Clayton wotild come
here to lend her assistance in fight
ing this ever-increasing mortality rate
among infants, by awakening the pub
lice conscience tothe need of better
milk inspection. This was quick-witted
booking on trie part of Wilmer K Vin
l'na Clayton is a well-known writer
and player, wUn nas divided her time
between the stage and social uplift
work among New York's poor. Dur
ing the past few years the appalling
waste of life among infants due to the
feeding of impure milk caused Miss
Clayton to dramatize the situation.
In this way she hopes to quicken the
public mind in its realization of the
fact that thousands of children die
I annually from no other reason than
Ithat milk supplied to them is bad.
The New York Milk committee.
• committee, composed of Mrs. August
Belmont. Mrs. J. liorden llarrinian,
j«'.rs. Nathan Strauss and several other
fashionable society folks, have become
so enthusiastic over Miss Clayton's ef
forts to save babies by improving the
conditions in the milk supply that
they sent Weldon'D. Griffin to Harris
burg to confer with the Pure Milk So
ciety as well as with State and city
authorities. Mr. Griffin met and chaf
fed to-day with Dr. Raunick.
"If Miss Clayton can sound the
alarm in her dramatic work that will
cause the public to awake to the dan
gers that lie in impure milk, she will
accomplish wonders," said Dr. Raun
ick. "At least 50 babies die in Har
risburg every summer from no other
cause than the impurities in the milk
that \is fed them."
Brothers Demand Inquiry
of Mrs. Hunter's Death
Speci.il io The Telegraph
Pittsburgh. Pa.. Jan. Despite
the statement of the Coroner's oftle
yesterday that investigation had
shown the death of Mrs. .Minnie
Hunter, wife of Frank A. I-lutiter, was
caused by suffocation as a result of the
woman trying to hide in a cedar chest
so that her husband would not dis
ocver that she had been drinking, John
and Harry Riott, brothers of the dead
woman, demanded that an examina
tion lie made of her stomach to as
certain whether she had been poi
Xeither of the brothers makes any
'charge. They stated that the circum-
Istances surrounding her death were
I very peculiar and that they w ant the
I matter cleared up.
I Students Will Go in Body
to Meet Provost Smith
Students of the Wharton Extension
School of Commerce and Finance will
meet Provost Kdgar Falis Smith ai the
station in a body, to-morrow evening,
when he comis for the smoker to he
given at tlie Pennsylvania Kngineers'
Society rooms.
The rooms will be decorated in red
and blue, the colors of the university.
A buffet luncheon will be served after
the social hour of the evening. Sev
eral other professors from the Phila
delphia school will be present. The
students will escort Mr. Smith back to
the station shortly after 9 o'clock,
when he leaves for Philadelphia,
when lie leaves for Philadelphia.
fly Associated Pres. t
St. Clairsville, Ohio.. Jan. 21.—Jo
seph J. Btter, Induslrial Workers or
the World leader who has been in jail
here awaiting a hearing on the charges
of treason, was arraigned before
Mayor Davis this morning. He enter
ed a plea of not guilty and was bound
over to the grand jury. Etter gave
bail for $5,000 and immediately left
town with his attorney after agreeing
not to enter Belmont county.again or
to send any of his representatives
$0,000,000 MAY BE GIIVEV TO
Ry Associated Press
Paris. Jan. 21. 4.15 A. M.—The Ital
ian cabinet is about to submit several'
been sentenced to five years' Imprison
conditlons in the district for the sig
nature of the king, says the Rome cor
respondent of the Tlavas Agency. The
decrees are as follows:
"First authorizing the expenditure
of $0,000,000 to aid the victims of the
earthquake; second, suspending the
collection of taxes in the affected area:
third, establishing a moratorium for
five months for bills of exchange and
commercial paper in the province of
Aquila and the district of Sora; fourth,
guaranteeing the payment of salaries
of school teachers.
decrees for the purpose of alevlatin„-
Altoona, Pa.. Jan. 21.—A1l three of
the silk mills operated here by
Sehwarzenbach, iluher & Co. were
yesterday ordered to work full time,
which means flfty-fofir hours a week.
More than .1,000 operatives will be
benefited. Manager Robert Brub
pacher stated that it. would likely be
necessary to work some of the de
partments at nigiit to keep up with
the increasing business of the local
Naco, Ariz.. Jan. 21.—Burial of the
dead still lying on the battlefield
around N'acg, Sonora. will be under
taken by the citizens here as a health
measure. More than a hundred bod
ies have been found scattered between
the trenches, formerly held o.v the
Villa forces attacking (he Mexican
town, and the Carranza troops defend
ing it.
Mrs. I.eah/Ji.edp, ?i0 Verbeke street,
died this morninp: at her home.
Funeral senlees wIM be held Saturday
afternoon at.S. o>Jo<:k. Burial will be
made in the Harrlsburg Cemetery.
I il Jl <1 ll 1 J[ JL PRICES-SOc. 75c. $J .00. $1.50 and $2.00.
t tn«r. • m mm w M Direction Gaylc Burlinganie.
Entire Crew of Steamer Greenbrier
Detained by German
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Jan. 21.—Amer
ican sailors of the crew of the steam-1
er Greenbrier, whose seizure by the j
British fleet is now the subject, of dip- \
loinatic negotiation, have been released
from detention by German authorities;
at Bremen.
The American consul at Bremen to-1
day reported the release of the Green-j
brier's men as well as those of the ;
steamer <'arolyn. another ship which;
had carried cotton to Germany. Ilia
notification of their release was the;
first intimation officials here had that!
the men had been,held.
It. was not stated whether they had;
been arrested or detained as the re-I
suit of misconduct ashore or whether'
it was the purpose of. the German otß- j
cials to prevent, them from acquiring
any knowledge of defenses which,
might be useful to the enemy.
Wants Fortunes Taxed
For Benefit of Poor
Hy Associated Press
New York, Jan. 21.—Taxation of,
large fortunes upon the death of their
owners to aid the poor, the establish
ment of government agencies td find
work for the unemployed, and pro
visions for the comfort of aged work
ers. were advocated by Daniel Guggen
heim, president of the American
Smelting and Refining Company, hi
testimony to-day at the inquiry by the
Federal Commission on Industrial Re
lations into the great philanthropic
foundations and the causes of indus
trial unrest.
Mr. Guggenheim said that, as a
capitalist, he favored these measures,
despite the fact that they constitute
some of the cardinal Ideas of Social
ism. He also advocated "industrial
democracy" wherein the worker re
ceived a portion of the profit derived
from the products of his labor.
Russ Claim Successes in
North, Center and South
By Associated Press
London, Jan. 21, Noon.— Russia's
three-fold assault on the Germanic
allies has, in the opinion of British
observers of the war, resumed its
steam roller characteristics alike In
the north, the center and the north.
In the north the advance Into Prus
sia is reported as threatening live Ger
man lines of communication and in
Poland the trench warfare continues
with small lirsults for either side but
i the Russians confidently dwell on
|what. they call large German losses in
I efforts to hold present positions. In
I the south the Russians declare that
! the Austrian advance seems to have
j been broken down entirely and that
Transylvania lies open to them.
Williamsport Woman Is
Murdered by Burglars
Hy Associated Press
\ WiUlamsport, Pa., Jan. 21.—Mrs.
Mary J. Fullmer, 84 years old. and
wealthy, was strangled to death last
night by burglars who ransacked her
home in William street, where she
lived alone. The crime was not dis
covered until shortly before noon to
| <lny when a dairyman entered the
' house to deliver milk. Money and
I valuable jewelry were stolen.
Mrs. Fullmer was «. sister of the
| late Br. George Welsel and the fain
lily has for many years been prominent
jin business circles.
By Associated Press
Berlin.'Jan. 21, t>., wireless to Lon
don. U-DTi p. m.—Although spirited
lighting is in progress along the west
ern battlefront, the otttclay state
ment fro mthe German war office to
day shows that these engagements are
of merely a local character. The
French made repeated attacks near
Arras and south of St. Mihiel, but
were repulsed. The Germans cap
tured trenches near Ferry-au-Bac and
Hy Associated Press
Washington, D, C., Jan. 21.—Final
arrangements were made to-day for
the public hearing President Wilson
will give on the immigration bill to
morrow in the East Room of the
White House. Three hours will be di
vided equally between its opponents!
and advocates.
Where ™j
Is Your
If You'll Hark Its Location OE the
Below Diagram and Send It in
We Will Mail Treatment
The Rice Method has brought fcucli re
linarkable results to siiclin multitude M
ft of former rupture sufferers, that it ■
B s.-arcel.y needs any other proof of M
Its value. However, we are always S
m willing to prove It to any one who
may Tie Interested, and the best
proof 1* nn actual trial. That's
■ why we now offer you absolutely ■
fraa mi chare* and prepaid a trial I
U> show what this
wunderfill method can do In ■
yaur Pftie, Just mark (HI neur
■L a* jmi can) the location of your
■\ rapture on thli diagram of a /IB
■ \hody, marking right over J
W the type. Snnd to Jr ■
I Main 81., Atiams,
■ (Ml \ . New York, / Ltfl
■ li| at oace. X Ik I
I There la f Toa'llue .er I
I nore.aoa In the \ /be cured—aud B
■ world why yon S yon'.l go ■
I alio lid contltma to tbroagh IKewUU ■
a I'jfTVr tbe diaoom- I that ruptiire —lf I
8 fort and torture of 1 yon don't do mme- B
I B tbat binding, chafing® thing about it. Wli>- B
■ truai without mak-B not, at leant, ml
lug an effort tol vbat tbla fr.a B
tree traattnant caa do
B from ita alarery for yoa> htuit
Sead for for
free treatment »w»y— tbli
tmlay. vary minute.
David Kaufman Will Open Depart
ment Store at 9 North
Market Square
Announcement was made by David
Kaufman this afternoon that he had
secured a temporary lease on the
storeroom at M North Market Square,
lie expected to oe back in business
within the next few days. This store
room is now occupied hy the. I'nlted
Manufacturing Company and was for
merly known as the Klein Company
Store. .Mr. Kaufman said:
"I am more than pleased in having
secured a place in Market Square. I
cannot express my thanks strong
enough to my many friends for the
Interest they have manifested in my
behalf. 1 will get immediate posses
sion of the store, which, of course, will
be only the temporary headquarters of
the Kaufman Underselling Store. IJue
notice of the opening of the store at
» North Market Square will be given
to the public within the iiext twenty
four hours."
The new storeroom runs from Mar
ket Square to Court street, 11 also has
a basement running the entire length
of the building, which will lie reno
vated and placed in shape for use.
Work on cleaning tip the ruins of
the .Monday night lire, is going on with
a rush. .Measurements were taken to
day and the rebuilding will start at an
early date.
Hy Associated Press
Buenos Aires, Jan. 21. —A dispatch
from Bahla Blanca says the minister
of marine, having inspected the new
Argentine dreadnauglit Hivadavia. bus
advised President Oe I.a I'laz by wire
less of the excellent impression he has
formed of (lie vessel and congratulates
the executive upon the construction
of both the Rivadavia and Moreno,
which were built in the United Stales.
Washington, I). C., Jan. 21.—Consu
lar Agent Ca rot hers reporting to the
State Department to-day a conversa
tion with Villa, said the general had
informed him that many of the troops
which left Mexico City with General
Uuttierrez will return to Mexico City.
Villa gave renewed assurances for pro
lection of Americans and all other
llarry 10. Karp. a member of llar
rlsburg Typographical Union No. 14
was reappointed proofreader on Hit
legislative Journal for two years. Mr.
Karp had the endorsement of an army
of fellow workers.
From Piles
Ino matter how long or how bad—g«
;to your druggist today and get a Hi
'cent box of Pyramid Pile Remedy. II
will give quick relief, and a single bo>
often cures. A trial package mallei
; free in plain wrapper if you send us
| coupon below.
518 Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall. Mich.
Kindly send me a Free sample of
Pyramid Pile Remedy, in plain
Street I
City State |
Clema, Thoroughly Vfollliited.
Open 12 o'clock Voon (o II I*. 11.
Atlml**lon—( hildren, 7»«*t Adultft, MM-
P. MAG AKO, Owner and Mnvmfirr.
To-day'ft Venture,
Juliu-s Ceasar
Sliakeftpcarriin Urnma—Six lleclft.
Klaltorafc production requiring the
Mcrvlce of thoimand* of people find
fteveral fair nixed fortune* to pro
duce It.
* _
To-morrow. Matinee & Nif lit
French Models
Headed l>> That Errnlrlr ( o median
Kn ANK Rllt'l'
IT—PHF/rrv GIIII.X —as
PItH KKi Mat. 2Be, 3Se, Mvi Nlghl,
Ilk, *Sf, 35e, 50c. 75i*.
I'nrt of the Plctureii We .Made of the
Inaugural Parade
f 1 S
Photoplay 7 •-Way
"Surgeon Warren'M Ward," 2-act
S. A A. "The Magnate of Pnradlfte,*'
'•'.act Kdlaon. "The Smoking Out of
Bella fluttft." Yltagraph eometly.
Special To-morrow, ".lane Kyre,** 4
act*. From fniiiouN novel by Char
lotte Itronle.
D. D. D. Opens New Era
In Cure of Skin Disease
Ws want all skin sufferer* who have
endured for many years the torture of
disease and who have sought medical
a'd in vain to read about this wonder
ful akin remedy. It has opened a
new era In the euro of skin disease.
We. aa old established druggists of
this community, wish to recommend
to you a product that has glVen many
tellaf and may mean tha end of your
•.gony. The product ta a mild, simple
wsish—not a patent medicine eoneoet
ed of various worthless drugs, but a
scientific compound made of well
known, antiseptic ingredients. It Is
made In the D. D. D. laboratories of
Chicago and is called tha b. D. t>. Fre
•rrlßtloa for Irsrsis.
This Is a doctor's special prescrip
tion—one that has effected inaay won-
D.D.D. Soap Keeps 1
"What are you looking for. Cap
"The Colonel told me to find cover
that would harmonize with Ihe uni
forms of the men and (hu» afford us
"So I'm looking for a khaki-colored
|No more Headache, Bad Colds,
sour stomach and
Cet a 10-eent box now.
So odds how bad your liver, stom
' ach or bowels: how much your head
| aches; bow miserable and uncom
fortable you are from constipation,
; Indigestion, biliousness and sluggish
[ bowels —you always get the desired
1 results with Oascarets.
Don't let >;or stomach, liver and
i bowels make you miserable. Take
| Cascarets to-night; put an end to the
headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv
ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,
backache and all other distress;
cleanse your inside organs of all the
bile, gases and constipated matter
which is producing the misery.
A 10-cent box means Health, happi
ness and a clear head for months. No
more days of gloom and distress If
you will lake a Cascaret now and
i then. All druggists sell Cascaret*.
i Don't forget the children—their little
| insides need a gentle cleansing, too. —
! Advertisement.
M Harrisburg
O Distinguish
will find MOJA all Havana
rich, fragrant and fully satisfying
catering to the requirements of the
most critical tobacco tastes.
AA Made by John C. Herman & Co.
i i N
Special Announcement
(Of the Stuff of the Saturday Evening Post)
l»n aome rtcrHt experience* In the War '/.one. Moving Pictures of
■authentic war acenea.
I At C. M. SIGLER, Inc.
PRICES, 83<: TO #1.50
Reserved Seat* SI.OO, $1.50 anil $2.00. Tlcketa on aale at C. M. .Hlsler'a
Music Store, 30 North Second atreet. Sale open* Thuraday, January 28.
Mall and Telephone Ordera received. Make cheeka payable to C. M. Slglsr.
«■ _ '
1^— ■"——-mm
i Flo lrwla—< oortary Slatcra-Non- jClfllflflrY jC9]l(l3l
j ette—3 Keatona. aad 3 other acta. kJVUIIIIUI J w/VUHUIU
IVMrnlln* 1
H<»Koiiblii m >II(1r<*I llldfr.
v..,, _ _— _ _*
I • Special Attractlona
j "THE SPEED KING" in 2 Reels. A K> ,. t „ue i:o„ f , 7
lerful cures.
The effect of D. D. D. In to sooth*
instantly. a* soon a* applied, than It
penetrates the porn, destroys and
throws off all disease germs and
leaves the skin clean aud heaithjr All
iriiggists sell r>, P. D., ZSc. Sic and sl.
Wa are so confidant of the marvel -
BUS power of D. D. D. that wa have
laken advantage of the manufactur
er's guarantee to offer you a full-sir.#
Sottle on trial. Ton are »o Judge the
iierlts of tha remedy in your am par
ticular ease. Tf it doesn't help rmu,
I'our money will be rsfunded.
If our Skin Healthy
Sick or nervous headaches always
result from a torpid liver or a dis
ordered stomach— cure the liter,
or sweeten the stomach, and the
head is cured. The surest way is to take
They invariably relieve all ail
ments resulting from liver or
stomach trouble—quickly and per
nianently remove fiddiueM, palpitation,
biliousness,indigent ion,ronatipation.etc.
Parriy Plain or Sugar Coated.
Dr. J. H. Schenck & Son, Philadelphia
• •• •'''
| ; _i
A simple, safe and effective treatment avoiding
drugs. Vsporiied Cresolene stops the paroxysms
of \V hooping Cough and relieves Spasmodic
Croup at once. It is a boon to sufferers from
Asthma.Tl»iaircarryingthe antiseptic vapor.in
haled with every breath,
makes breathing easy; -ft. if?*
soothes the sore throat IF
a«d stops the cough, I
assuring resiftil rights. ft, v
11l l« ln»llu»bl« t» | jSr . 'mP.\
with young children.